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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sometimes the best plans... come in the spur of a moment. 

Why did it feel like all Lyza did these days was exercise caution? Never mind the fact that at any moment her life could be brought to an abrupt end, she was growing tired of always needing to walk on eggshells; having to remain patient just to ensure her own self-preservation. 

Stalking and tailing, narrowing down potential 'prey-to-be’, that was always more Maya's area of expertise than hers. 

A keen eye of observation, scouting out someone's potential, learning their secrets, what made them tick; their weaknesses. 

Those were Lyza's skills. Her strengths; and when applied properly they could be used for far more than just designing clothing and getting a leg up over competitors, as she liked to think she's shown before. 

But hunting down people in the hopes of learning crucial pieces of information? Shrinking them down, possibly even maiming them to gain something of value? That was Maya's field, not Lyza's.

Not to say she was a good person. By no means was Lyza that. S wished to make that one thing clear, in this skewed life of hers. There would be no room for illusions, or anything of that sort. Lyza got to where she was in life by understanding that, when times demanded it, you needed to step over others. 

Or in the case of this 'big eats small’ world, step on them. 

But in the here and now, trailing behind one who could very well be an asset in getting her life back, Lyza wondered if she could even pull this off. She had bodies to her name, plenty from her escapades with her girlfriend, but next to none who were… normal.

That seemed like the proper term to use here. Normal.

Those Lyza has killed, the many she's stepped on, crushed, and devoured, were already small. Betas to begin with; not including the mall incident, which in itself was a do or die situation. This woman, this employee of her sister, was regular. Basic. No white hair, no red-tinted eyes, or signs of shrinking. They were simply… simple.

A normal person, with their own goals, dreams, friends, and family.

In other words… traceable

Never mind their life story, whatever it may be. Lyza's trampled on plenty well before the world went to shit. No, Her worries didn't come from ruining a life, but rather if said life was the right one to take. 

If this no name, no future, nobody was someone who could benefit the Designer, or if they were someone who might unintentionally sign their death warrant.

It was a difficult process to go through, ensuring the person you kidnapped was the right one. So many mistakes could be made… and all it'd take for everything to end is just one. 

Doubts crept in, but then again they always seemed to do so when such large events were occurring. When key moments came into play. This was Lyza s, Her moment, and one way or another she had to see this through. 

Her hand close to her heart, and by extension Aiden, the Beta unaware of the inner conflict within Lyza's mind, the Designer followed the Rosen Employee into what looked to be a coffee shop. 

One that was… actually strikingly familiar, if Lyza was to say so herself. 

Actually, if memory serves, this shop in particular was one she's been to before. Back when everything seemed to make sense.  

The exact same coffee shop where Lyza had continuously drowned, and subsequently swallowed whole, a beta barista alongside her morning coffee. A good way to start the day; having a kick in her drink that trailed the whole way down her throat. 

An admittedly cruel, if not pleasurable, act to reminisce on, as such times were well missed. 

What a joy it was to indulge in such terrible vices. The sort that would no doubt have her ostracized from society, were it ever to come out into the open over what her tastes were. Her choice of… fetish.

A tantalizing fixation in its own right, one born of undeniable risk, Lyza wondered when she'd be allowed to indulge in such privileges again. 

She couldn't quite recall when she had acquired Her taste for the vertically challenged. Those who had no say in how they may have shrunk. The men and women who were reduced to a rodent's height, a roach's, or even less than that. The lesser people now. Though she could certainly remember her first Snack, the allure of it all, where it may have begun, was a greater mystery. 

There was a period in time when she was put off by it. After her First.

Even in the early stages of her relationship with Maya, it was still an uneasy feeling to consume another's life back then. The way they struggled as they slid down her throat, the way they'd kick when in her stomach. She wanted to throw up the first few times. 

But that rush of power was always so invigorating. Enough that, even when she felt like vomiting, Lyza always managed to swallow her treats. More than that, in fact. She learned to enjoy it. 

It was, for lack of a better term, crueler than she thought she could be. And to make it in this world, with her type of family, she needed to be ruthless. 

In a great many ways, it was enlightening. 

Struggles and kicks that made her wish to vomit before were now found to be… euphoric. Erotic. To have lasted so long, perhaps she really did develop such a fascination after her First. Perhaps the desire was always there. Lyza supposed it didn't matter in the end. 

That first snack of hers was… memorable.

Personal in so many ways. 

Now, after what felt like so long a life lived, Lyza amounted it all to something akin to an acquired taste. A cruel wanting of just more that helped to keep at bay the Designer's thoughts of her own looming flaws. At the time, her own battle with  fears of shrinking. 

Now that such fears have come to pass, there were few things holding her back now. 

Though restricted through means beyond her control, Lyza wouldn't remain shackled any more. The world was here before her, and she was set on taking it. 

And yet… reluctance remained. Underlying fear behind a face of bravado. Even when stepping into the coffee shop, its decor doing nothing to take away from Lyza's building stress, she could not completely be rid of her worry. Her stress. In the place of old fears, new ones were born. 

Chief among them being the sole, singular fear of messing up; making herself known, and thus spelling ruin for everyone. 

Her body shook. An unconscious act that she had no control over. She shook so much that it wasn't long before Aiden, as close as he was to Lyza's body, quickly became aware of the Designer's appropriate pause. 

How couldn't he, seeing as such simple shaking literally shook his entire world?

He peered out from the Designer's jacket pocket, and was immediately met with her worrisome expression. The fear in her eyes, clear as crystal to see.

These women he's surrounded himself with, once tormentors, now turned aids, were strong in their own rights. Incredibly so, they all possessed skills which made them stand out. Be that as it may, however… They were also still human. 

Able to wear a fearless mask up until they were in a situation that forced them to face the music of their endeavor. 

It gave them pause. Made them afraid. Which was nothing to be ashamed of, as fear made for a good motivator; take it from Him. The 3-inch man who's had more than a few brushes with death. 

But sometimes in life, when our own prerogatives were hampered, when our legs refused to move on their own, there was no shame in admitting to needing a little extra push.

Placing his fingers in between his lips, Aiden whistled. Not so loud as to alert the whole café, but enough to where Lyza's attention was immediately drawn to him. 

Her expression, though shaken, said it all. She didn't even need to sweat to show just how uneasy she was. Behind her previous confidence, Her bravado and assurance that all this would work out well, it was crystal clear that Lyza was making up her plan as she went. 

This walk of theirs, the outing, the sudden decision to kidnap someone; it was all on a whim.

Or rather, a whim born of a planned desire. A need to put herself out there. Make use of what she knew, and what she could gain. 

There was nothing pre-made. Lyza was more hoping for the best and praying things worked out. 

Not an ideal situation, a gamble really. But something like this could be worked with. Making use of the right motivation, of course. 

And looking down at the small beta who had gotten her attention, who in turn was trying to calm her with a smile and two thumbs up, Lyza was certain she had just found hers. 

To keep Aiden safe. To keep Maya safe. Maybe even Roxanne. 

If there was one thing to be certain of, it was that Lyza had people in her life whose well-being she wished to maintain. Even if it meant having to step over, or on top of a hundred thousand people, innocent or otherwise, she would very much do so. 

Even if it meant popping her own Sister under heel, she would commit to even that. 

So it was that with her resolve reaffirmed, fear of failure still present but duly ignored, Lyza made her way to an empty seat in the center of this little establishment. An attempt to place herself at the very center of attention, should she choose to cause a scene. And as things stood, if she wished to gain her target's attention and pull them into a trap, Lyza may need to do just that.

It helped that her spot in the establishment was directly opposite of the Rosen Employee, who themselves were too engrossed in whatever they were reading on their phone to pay Lyza any mind. Unaware of the danger they might potentially be in. 

They didn't even seem to register the Designer, as was evident in them looking over her during the occasional scan of the eerily quiet establishment.

Perfect naivety; uncaring of the environment they were in. Content to just let things pass as they were.

Lyza knew an exploitable situation when she saw one. She loved them.

She knew how to use them. They were favorable. 

Already, the gears within her head were turning, making sense of this 'on a whim’ plan, and once the employee had ordered a drink she knew what needed to be done. 

Reaching into her jacket’s pocket, Lyza brought out Aiden to be placed upon the tabletop. 

Confused at first, he wasn't given a chance to question anything as Lyza was already moving of her own accord. “I'm going to go get us a drink, okay?” 

Besides the Beta, she placed her phone. Closer to the edge than he was; poised and more than ready to fall. A sloppy thing to do, and Aiden was just about to point that out when he noticed Lyza already walking away. She didn't even think to clue him in as to what she was doing. All he did know was that he was here, on this table, in a shop full of people. 


And as one could have guessed, the phone fell. Luckily, as it was built by Roxanne, such a device was made to last. But it wasn't the phone's state that concerned Aiden. Rather, it was any wandering and curious eyes that may have turned to his table the second impact with the floor was made and heard.   

In a quiet space such as this, any and nearly all sounds were liable to gain attention, much to Aiden’s worry. 

Luckily, nothing malicious at a glance. A few maybe who were intrigued over the reasons why someone like Aiden was left to fend for themselves on the comparatively vast table. On the shorter end of the beta spectrum, left to the mercy of any bold enough to snatch him away. None moved thankfully, and plenty more were content with just going back to what they were doing. It wasn't as though Aiden had anything special for them, nor was he worth their concern. 

But then there was the Rosen Accessories employee. The only one whose eyes remained on the effectively trapped beta. Even from this distance, and his height, she could tell who he was. With her phone's camera, she no doubt saw him more clearly as well, confirming possible suspicions. 

He was what so many people were after. Chief among them, her employer; Lynette Vermont. 

The woman was in a state of shock and awe, as though she were looking at treasure. 

Perhaps, in a sense, she was. This one lady, a random worker though she may be, still worked for someone who was after his skin. His body and blood. No doubt Lynette would reward any who could find Aiden rather handsomely. The one beta who so many coveted, just so they could tighten their fingers around the world's throat. 

In that regard, He was akin to the holy grail. A treasure without comparison in value and importance. 

And Lyza just left him on the table, in full view of so many people.

Just what on Earth was she thinking…

The woman watched on, silent, seemingly unsure of what to do. There was no doubt in Aiden's mind that she's already taken more than a few more pictures. Maybe even sent them Lynette's way already. 

Practically confirming such beliefs, the woman's phone rang. Her face went pale, and immediately she rose to head towards the restroom. 

There was no safety here. They were found out, it was as simple as that. Cover blown, identities revealed. 

Aiden wanted to yell for Lyza, demanding that she get the hell out of here. Somehow find a way to signal to her that they were in danger. 

But as he looked over to the counter where she ordered her drinks, he was surprised to see that she had been watching the whole thing unfold. 

Lyza was smiling… observing… 


For the right opportunity to move. To confirm her gut's intuition. Determining that this individual was the right one to take.  

Their reaction, the way they acted upon seeing Aiden; it said everything she needed to know. 

And when the coast was clear, and any who might see her were busy minding their own business or preparing her order, Lyza made her way towards the employee's table. 

She worked quickly, reaching for something in her back pocket, pulling it out and mixing it into her prey's cup before she could be seen. It was silent, yet efficient, and before anyone could question what was going on the Designer had already made her way back to the counter where her drink was waiting. 

Paying in cash, she returned to hers and Aiden's table, where the beta waited in a mixture of confusion and disbelief. 

“What the hell was that, Lyza?!” He asked, his tone bordering outrage for having witnessed something so risky and dumb. “Do you have any idea what you just did?!”

Surely she must. Clearly, she was watching the whole time.

Surprisingly, Lyza wasn't bothered by what had just transpired. She was even smiling. “Just wait~.” She said with a worry free chuckle. 

As if on cue, the employee came out of the restroom, practically drenched in her own sweat; the details of her apparent call pushed her to act. It was clear that Aiden was now her goal, yet when she saw Lyza back at the table, she hastily made her way out of the shop; aware of the fact that she couldn't do much of anything with them here. 

Before leaving though, the woman chugged down what remained of her drink, totally unaware as to what was added to its contents.  

Good. That was exactly what Lyza was hoping for. 

Everything was coming together better than she had hoped. Lyza was beginning to feel that she was jumping the gun in her previous worries. That said, she wasn't out of the woodwork yet. She still had things to do, and one of them was no doubt waiting for her to get a move on. 

The Designer said little, instead chuckling as she raised Aiden back into the air, pinching the collar of his shirt between her fingers, before gently placing him back into her jacket pocket. She retried her phone, and with her drink in hand, as well as a quick taste to make sure the order was right, Lyza made her way out as well.

“Hold on tight, okay…” She instructed. “We're going to have to move a little faster here.”

Faster though may have been something of an overstatement. 

There was certainly more energy in Lyza's steps, enough to show that she was moving with purpose, but it was never at a point where she could be considered running or jogging. If anything, she was more speed-walking. Keeping a moderate pace while remaining focused on what was in front of her. 

As well as what, or rather who, was behind. 

Now knowing that the Rosen Employee was aware of her possession of Aiden, it was just a matter of luring them into a spot of vulnerability. Lyza suspected they were out here in the open, maybe waiting behind a corner, looking for their chance to follow their believed prey home. Them leaving before was more a show if anything. A spur of the moment idea, no different than Lyza's own on a whim plan. 

But the difference between the two came in what was expected. The woman knew nothing of Lyza's machinations, whereas the latter had already expected to be followed. It was what she was hoping for. 

And like a good doggy, the Rosen Employee did as expected. 

Taking her phone back out, Lyza narrowed it just enough to the point where she could see the employee behind her, a few dozen feet away. 

Lyza would most certainly have to tell Roxanne that the frame quality on these homemade phones was just unreal. True expert craftsmanship.  

She played the unsuspecting victim well, continuing to lead on her sister's ‘henchwoman’, doing what she can to guide them away from both the shop and Rosen Accessories. 

The further away they were from everything, the better. And having lived in Los Demonios her whole life, Lyza knew when and where she could take her soon to be little prize.  

Because, unaware to the Rosen Employee, they had unknowingly ingested a small capsule which had been placed into their drink. The very same which had been designed by Roxanne. A container for a strand of the beta virus, made as a form of self defense. Normally, it was meant to be broken open, allowing the gas inside to flow free and infect any would-be assailant. Eaten though, Lyza suspected it would work just fine. Maybe a tad bit more… intense. 

She wouldn't really know unless she tried, and there was no time quite like the present to do so. 

Fortunately, such a gamble paid off. From her phone, she could already see the effects clearly taking hold. 

Disorientation, loss of breath, the usual symptoms one might feel before shrinking, and even if she wasn't close enough to see it all for herself, Lyza was more than certain that the woman was going through something akin to a hot flash. 

Her body heated up as her muscles began to contract. The equivalent of it just… compacting into itself. She felt it before, after all, when she allowed herself to go full beta. Luckily for Lyza, she retained much of her original size. 

Her prey wasn't as fortunate.

It was all happening faster than anticipated. Odds were that this new strain and the relatively larger dosage meant this sudden change would be drastic. 

The streets were empty enough, thus allowing Lyza to jump in to keep the woman from falling over. She ran to them, placing their arm over her shoulder, before dragging them away with haste. 

Thankfully the woman was relatively light, so it was no real issue to just guide her into a nearby alley before anyone saw. And just in time too, as the full shrinking process was coming into effect. It was a rapid but seamless transition. Very orderly. 

It wasn't even a full minute and already the employer was buried beneath her clothing, no doubt only a few inches in height. With how quickly they shrank from so powerful a strand, they might even be as small as Aiden. A lovely thought, as were that to be the case then Lyza might have a few things planned. 

Reaching into the bundle of clothing, Lyza claimed the now, barely conscious, beta sized woman in between her fingers. 

Their miniscule form confirmed that they were definitely on the short end of the shrinky spectrum. A tad bit larger than Aiden, but only by a few inches, relative to their size. 

Three and a half inches. That made for a rather fun toy.

The perfect size to survive a trip in Lyza's VIP spot. 

Wasting no time to savor her catch, Lyza removed the heel of her left foot. There was no teasing or taunting, no ceremony to make light of her prey's plight. When the woman finally managed to come to completely, all she saw was the well kept sole of footwear larger than any vehicle. 

The fact that their condition was near pristine was a mercy, as this day was warm enough to have Lyza produce a small amount of sweat. Nothing overbearing, but for the newly diminished it might seem like trying to breathe in contaminated air. 

They were unaware of the fact that things could be worse. 

Still, the day was young, and Lyza planned to make good on her promise of an outing with Aiden. She was sure she could work up a sweat that way. 

The last thing the now beta-woman likely saw was the Designer's descending foot. Her red tipped toenails, the flawless skin of her soles; and then… nothing. Darkness and suffocation. Unyielding pressure as she was worked up to the toes of Lyza's heels. The Designer didn't wish to crush this minx right away, and so determined that this spot would be the safest. 

She only hoped that a limb or two didn't get caught between her toes. That would be… messy. 

A concern for later though. Reaching into the woman's clothing, Lyza fished out and pocketed their cell phone. Though it was likely password protected, Something like that shouldn't be of any trouble to a genius like Roxanne. They could probably crack this without even needing to pay complete attention. 

That in mind, Lyza would consider this operation of hers a success. With nary a hiccup in execution, she couldn't help but be elated. She almost felt the urge to just stamp her feet in excitement, though for obvious reasons that wouldn't end well for unwilling parties involved. 

Lyza would save this feeling though. Let it carry her through the rest of the day, as she still had a promise to keep. 

Her outing with Aiden, this… date, felt as though it got a whole lot more interesting..

And with some extra bounce in her step, and the occasional biting, kicking, and pummeling against her toes, Lyza believed the rest of this day would be extraordinary. 



“Booored!” Maya exclaimed like some child. It's only been a few hours since Lyza and Aiden left, and yet Maya was already bored out of her wits; much to Roxanne's amusement. 

The Scientist couldn't help but snicker as the doll-sized red head kicked her legs up and down on her desk in some bid to do away with this ever bothersome boredom. 

“I know it's a pain,” Roxanne assured them. “But trust me, this is for the best. I mean, I've already got some great data from you, so what we're doing is certainly worthwhile!” 

Maya groaned as she sat up. If she had to hear one more word regarding how beneficial the data she provided was, she was going to do… something. 

She wasn't exactly sure what, but she promised it might be bad. 

The little psychopath’s expression said everything. Roxanne's smile softened as she wrapped her fingers around Maya's waist, raising them into the air so that they may get a better look at the computer screen. 

“Now I know this might not be the most exciting thing in the world to some people…” Said the Scientist. 

From across the room, Matthias thought to pitch-in his two cents. 

“You mean the simple minded.” 

Roxanne just waved off their comment, paying it no mind. 

“But I promise, with what we've learned from you and Aiden, there's no telling what we might be able to accomplish in the future.” Raising the beta to eye level, Roxanne wondered if they might be able to make sense of what they were seeing. When it looked like Maya was lost amongst the countless numbers and graphs, she chuckled. “Because of the two of you, I'll be able to create a form of immunity to the beta strain that's not liable to be overcome. Something that's sure to get Minvera turning in her grave; allowing you the chance to return to something close to your normal size, and granting all of us the privilege of never having to be afraid of shrinking down.”

That right there… that did catch Maya's attention. 

“Wait, I get to be normal again?” the pint sized serial killer questioned. “In such a short time frame? It's been like… what? Four months since I shrank right? I'll basically be back to my old self that quickly?”

Roxanne really was one hell of a genius. A once in a lifetime thinker who could make such incomprehensible strides in her field despite operating under such an extraordinary short timeframe. 

Their smile grew wide once more, her excitement over this new possibility apparent. “It's incredible what you can come up with in a controlled environment.”

Maya's feelings however were… oddly conflicted. 

There was joy, of course, over the prospect that she might return to some semblance of normalcy. It wasn't that she loathed being so small, there were certainly some wonderful sights to behold, but she was deprived of one of her more unsightly pastimes. Her indulgence of slaughter. 

Maya wasn't so spoiled as to look this gift in the mouth and be ungrateful. She truly was. It was delightful to hear that she'd be able to return to old habits. 

But beyond the joy there was worry. Curiosity over the fate and future of someone she held so incredibly dear.

“And what about Aiden?” Maya finally asked, wondering how all this might affect him. “Will… he be able to grow back too?”

Roxanne's smile faltered and faded, the notion of what might become of Aiden, or rather what might not, weighing on her. 

She lowered herself onto the desk, resting her head atop crossed arms. It was easier this way for when she let go of Maya, allowing the two of them to more evenly talk face to face. 

“Aiden's condition is… unique,” Roxanne explained. “Those bandages that cover his body, they still carry traces of the original beta strain. The bedrock behind so many variants of the same formula. But because of that, they're… deeply rooted in his body. His very being. At this point, I'd say they're no different from skin…”

“Minerva made those specifically to ensure Aiden's success in his ‘betazation’; and I'll admit, even I don't know the full science behind them. But I know this much. They're what makes Aiden special. They're… what keeps him alive. And they're what prevents him from growing. I removed what I could, but that’s about all that could be managed. This… is his life, and I think by now he's come to accept that.”

Maya fell silent, previous joy quickly being overshadowed by an oppressive feeling of guilt. Deep seeded self-hate born of the knowledge that she was the one who placed her dear One and Only in such a life. That she, no one else, has kept him from the possibility of returning to something even remotely similar to a normal, happy life. 

It was grating. Vilifying. To know, despite the strides made in improving their relationship, that she was the one who still ruined everything for him. 

She wasn't worthy of the gift Roxanne was offering her. 

Maya opened her mouth in protest, yet the scientist raised a hand to silence them. 

“Before you say anything, I want you to know… I understand how you feel,” Roxanne saw it in Maya's expression. The self-blame over Aiden's predicament. It was something she could relate to. “Don't forget, I was one of the people who created that original strain. I'm as much at fault for Aiden's current life as you are. I was hoping I could find some way to fix him. To make up for what I did; both in the past and recent present. That, as you probably know, was a fool's errand.”

There was truth in that. Roxanne was guilty, this much was known. But she helped to create something that ruined the world, whereas Maya committed a deed which took away someone whom she considered her entire world. Whichever vile act was worse, neither really knew, but at the very least they held this shared perception. 

That they were both shit people. Devils who've caused far more harm than good. 

Better than most though, they were trying to make amends. That's certainly more than others might commit to. 

“A fool's errand is right,” Matthias noted from his corner of the room. “Or more accurately, a foolish desire to want to waste resources and time on something so pointless.”

Were Maya her old size, she'd have gutted that egghead for even thinking of her One and Only's plight as a waste of time. 

Seeing as she couldn't though… a scolding from Roxanne was the second best thing. 

“Careful Matty. That's a touchy subject for the both of us. We owe it to Aiden to make up for what we've done.”

“You owe nothing to an experiment.” Matthias stated rather boldly. “And you certainly owe nothing to some Barbie-sized psychopath who's too lovesick for her own good.”

Roxanne just scoffed off the comment, unwilling to even humor such remarks. “Yes, well, it's because of me this 'psychopath’ is even stuck in this position. So excuse me for wanting to right a few wrongs in my life, you ass. Maybe if you tried something similar you'd be more pleasant to be around.” 

Lyza must've been rubbing off on Roxanne. There was some bite behind her words. A dagger sharp tongue. The perfect tool to push Matthias back into a corner.

But corner or no, it was unlikely Matthias would change his tune. 

His type never did. 

“I'm just saying, if you feel like you owe everyone something, you'll have nothing left for yourself. And for our line of work, that's debilitating.”

Roxanne rose up, much to Maya's surprise. It was sudden, the air carried upward, catching the beta woman off-guard as this towering figure of a goddess stood up in anger. 

Roxanne stood tall and firm, and even Matthias needed to readjust himself in his seat as the taller scientist made her way over to him. 

She slammed a hand onto his desk before getting right up in her colleague's face, practically looming over him in his seated position. “Oh, is that what you think?” Roxanne asked. “That I don't owe it to the people I've screwed over, the people I actually like, to fix what I broke? Is that what I'm hearing?” 

Roxanne's tone was low. Threatening even. To a point where, despite not showing any signs of it, Matthias felt as though he were shrinking underneath his colleague's domineering gaze. 

“Is that why you've never paid me back for when I used to cover for you back in the day? Those moments where you could have been thrown off the project, or wound up dead? Or when I reached out to you after so many years, giving us both a chance at getting what's owed to us? Because you never felt as if you owed it to me? Is that what I'm hearing?!”

Matthias fell deathly quiet, as if his life were hanging by a thread; weighed on answering this question the right way. 

“N-no…” he muttered through shaken breaths. “Without… without you, I wouldn't have this c-chance… I'm sorry for speaking the way I did.”

Roxanne's demeanor did not change. If anything, her scowl only grew worse as her supposed intellectual equal caved in like some child. And after running their mouth no less. It was insulting. To both of them. Roxanne’s faith in Matthias, and his lack of a spine. “That's what I thought.”

What a horrible way to sour someone's already poor mood.

Watching as Matthias silently returned to their own tasks, not turning away until she was certain he'd keep any comments to himself, Roxanne made her own way back to her table; and by extension Maya, who had the privilege of watching the whole thing unfold like it were some movie. 

Entertaining, and maybe even a little eye opening to Roxanne and Matthias’ dynamic. 

“Sorry about that,” Roxanne said, pushing her seat back into its desk space as she crouched down in front of Maya. “That was something I wasn't going to let slide. Matthias shouldn't have said all that; especially knowing just how important Aiden is to you.”

To both of them really. 

She still missed much of the Beta's company. It was enjoyable when they lived together. Aiden made for a good conversationalist, and he really did give some of the best foot massages.

As such, much of Roxanne's amends came in the form of her working to make… something. Anything really that he might approve of. Anything that might make his life easier. Yet she had nothing. A key reason as to why she was distraught over the inability to give the beta his original size back. 

Hell, even anything close to that would work. But again, she had nothing. 

Aiden's friendship wasn't something Roxanne wished to lose, yet she had nothing of worth to earn it back. She did not wish to burn the bridge that was their relationship down completely. 

And to top it all off, that whole confrontation with Matthias proved rather… exhausting. Opening a lid to things she'd much rather ignore. There was quite a bit to unload from it all, and truthfully Roxanne only wished to take her mind off of everything. Even if the time they had available would not amount to a complete rest. 

Maybe an hour, at most, to collect her faculties. 

“Look Maya… do you mind staying here for a bit?” Roxanne asked. “On the table, while I go catch a breather? I sort of need to do… something to…”

Maya clapped her hands together, stopping Roxanne from saying anything further. She knew what they wanted. “You don't need to say another word. I understand. Go take your mind off of things, I'll be fine here. I promise.” 

Roxanne appreciated that. She really did. For all her flaws, as well as their… rocky beginnings, Maya was at least understanding of the Scientist's need for rest and recuperation. Progress wouldn't be made with a clouded mind after all, so it was better for everyone if they had a brief break. 

But in Roxanne's departure, a minor detail was unfortunately overlooked.

Maya and Matthias were left in the same room together. Unwilling, unpleasant company; and the latter was very keen on ignoring the shrunken woman who's obsession he had just insulted. 

Normally, with his back turned towards her, Maya would have taken this chance to stab a pen or pencil deeply into Martha's neck. His punishment for having insulted Aiden. 

But that was an impossibility. A dream which she couldn't act upon. So, for the time being and until she was in a position to make macabre dreams come true, Maya settled for staring at the man's head in the hopes that, by some miracle, she'd burn a hole through it. 

Childish, yes, but it was all she could do while she waited for Roxanne to calm down. 

Yet childish eyes often led to unexpected discoveries, and before long Maya found her eyes wandering towards the screen of Matthias’ laptop. 

Though the desks were close enough to see some of what was on screen, the doll-sized killer's vision was not so keen that it could view everything from this distance. 

Still, what she believed herself to have seen was… concerning. 

For one, Matthias clearly didn't care about Maya’s presence. To such a degree that, rather foolishly, he had quickly forgotten about her existence. He viewed her as a tool, an experiment just like Aiden, and like one she was easily ignored when it suited the normal sized man's fancy. 

A costly mistake on his part, for if Matthias was conscious of his actions he would have never been so sloppy as to unwittingly show Maya what she saw. 

An email in the process of being made, composed of a list of subjects that could not be clearly seen. Nothing too suspicious at a glance, until one took a look towards the recipient of what might be confidential information. A name which Maya would have preferred not having seen. 

Rosen Accessories. 

Chapter End Notes:

Well this took some time to write. Originally planned to upload this during thanksgiving, but family life got busy. Add onto that these last few weeks of the semester, working on a few commissions, and writing consistently for Alpha-Beta gets a bit difficult. Still won't stop me, and to make up for my absence I made this chapter a tad bit longer than the rest

We're on 50 now folks. Getting closer and closer to the end. We're in the final stretch. 

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