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Tori Vega finally arrived home after a long day at Hollywood Arts, only to find that her and her sister Trina's room was a total mess on her sister's side Whereas her own side of the room was clean and pristine, Trina's was littered with discarded clothes and other things.

Tori sighed at seeing her sister's mess. She had agreed with Jade and Cat for them to come over tomorrow so they could work on a school project together and she didn't want her room looking all slobbish in front of her friends. Well, Jade wasn't exactly a friend, and Cat probably wouldn't mind, but she still didn't want to look bad in front of them. She would have to give Trina a stern talking to whenever she finally got back home.

In the meantime, Tori went over to her bed and let herself fall on it, slumping onto the bouncy mattress before settling down on it, letting her bed's softness soothe and relax her. She let her mind dissolve and her consciousness fade away as she settled in for a nap.

She awoke some time later, sitting up and stretching her arms overhead as she yawned. She was about to head downstairs for a snack when she opened her eyes and noted in alarm that she couldn't make out the end of her bed around her. Its quilt now stretched out about her as a huge, colorful plain, with its folds looking like hills and her pillows like mountains. Her room as a whole was like a vast cavern big enough to hold a small city. She must have shrunk down to something like a millimeter tall, if not smaller.

That realization shocked Tori to her core, and she would become even more shocked when she saw the bedroom door open to admit her sister Trina inside. The older girl was so huge she looked like she might have been as tall as a mountain.

Seeing something of that size moving around so quickly almost made Tori's brain melt. Something like that shouldn't be possible. As Trina went about their room, all Tori could do was stare at her sister, in utter shock at her immensity. She didn't react at all until she saw that Trina was getting closer and closer, at which time panic took over her and she turned and ran as fast as she possibly could on the soft surface of her bed.

Having arrived at Tori's bed, Trina turned around and sat down on it, having no clue that her flea-sized sister was on the bed running away from her, or that her colossal ass had pinned her underneath when she took a seat, bringing countless tons of buttock crashing down on the tiny Tori. Had this been on an uncushioned chair, Tori would have almost certainly been crushed, but between the cushioning effect of the bed and the softness of Trina's ass, Tori was able to survive, though she was tightly smothered between the two surfaces, unable to move a muscle.

Sitting on her sister's bed, Trina took off her tennis shoes and turned them over, shaking out the dirt that had gotten into them onto the floor next to Tori's bed, not caring one bit that she was dirtying up Tori's side of the room. Once she was finished, she stood back up and put her shoes next to her own bed, blissfully unaware that she had brought Tori along for the ride as the tiny girl had gotten a leg hooked through one of the threads of Trina's shorts and now found herself riding the jiggling mass of Trina's butt, her meager body being flung around with every step her sister took.

Trina then went over to the mirror, standing in front of it to look at herself. She struck all sorts of poses there, being very pleased with herself over how sexy she looked—or rather, over how sexy she thought she looked, thinking herself the most beautiful girl in the world.

As Trina was striking poses, Tori fought hard to get her leg unhooked from the threads of her sister's shorts. She had failed miserably and was just about to give up on it when She looked up and saw Trina's enormous fingers approaching as they slid over the curve of her ass. Those colossal fingers happened to slide right over her, pushing her so that her leg slipped out from the threads it was stuck in. Trina's hand kept her pinned against her ass for a while longer, but once it pulled away Tori found herself falling through the air, past the tremendous length of Trina's bare legs, until she came to land on top of her foot.

She rolled down the slope of her sister's foot before finally coming to a stop in the space between a pair of her toes, nothing supporting her save for the fabric of Trina's white sock. Before she could even move, Trina's foot suddenly shifted, sending her rolling around the white surface until she fell into a tiny hole, almost too small for the human eye to see, falling onto Trina's big toe and getting wedged in the little crevice where the side of her toenail met her skin. Even that wouldn't be her final stop, as then Trina took a step, flinging Tori off her toe and down into the space between her toes, where she landed on the inside of the sock's sole.

Finding herself there, Tori clung fiercely to the surrounding fabric, not wanting to be thrown around again as the next time it happened she might well find herself under Trina's foot, where she would surely be crushed. Then Trina came to a stop, climbing onto her own bed and pulling out her phone to browse the web for a while, her feet resting on top of the bed.

After Tori saw that Trina's feet weren't moving anymore and deducing from the little glimpses she could make out of the outside world through the socks threads that Trina must have been lying down, She let go of the sock and carefully stood up, looking around at the space she now found herself in.

Trina's toes were big enough to put most buildings to shame, so big that they made her feel like nothing in comparison. And these were only her toes! Trying to make out how big her sister as a whole must be, Tori's brain still struggled with the thought of there being any living creature so big. Her size was beyond Tori's comprehension.

Simply looking at her toes left Tori in awe. Even without moving at all, they still completely dominated her attention, being effortlessly oppressive. Their body warmth pervaded the atmosphere in Trina's sock, making Tori feel uncomfortably warm. Their smell was everywhere too, though thankfully it wasn't too bad as Trina took very good care of her feet, same as every other part of her body. Even having some distance between them and her, still Tori thought she could almost feel their weight pressing down on her.

Then there was a slight twitch of Trina's toes, enough for the shockwaves alone to knock Tori off her feet. They kept moving back and forth, curling and uncurling themselves around her, effortlessly throwing Tori around without any opportunity for her to right herself or hold on to anything. Then they curled even further, catching Tori between them and the sock. She was under so much force that it felt as if her bones might break at any moment.

Just when it seemed that she would be reduced to a tiny red stain between her sister's toes with even the slightest bit more pressure, Trina finally relented, uncurling her toes. Gasping for air, Tori slowly got her bearings back, finally noticing that she was now stuck on the side of one of Trina's toes, held in place by some sticky substance she could only suppose would be toe jam.

Just then, Trina turned her foot around, pulling it closer to her face and pulling off the sock, allowing some of the musty atmosphere to dissipate and revealing her godly face to her puny sister stuck between her toes.

Looking up at Trina's enormous face, Tori felt she could not speak, so insignificant did she feel in comparison to her. Nonetheless, as Trina started looking her foot over, Tori gathered her courage and began shouting at her sister, trying to get herself noticed.

“Trina! Down here! It's me, Tori!” she yelled, but Trina didn't pay her any mind. Holding her own foot, she rubbed her sole with her thumbs, rubbing off pieces of lint and dirt that had been stuck to it. Then she splayed her toes, looked between them, and frowned when she saw there was some dirt between them too. Though she stared directly at Tori, she didn't even notice her, or rather, she thought that Tori was just another piece of lint caught between her toes. She then wiggled her toes together to deal with all the dirt between them.

Despite the huge toes rolling her around between them, Tori didn't fall off, instead remaining stuck between them even as Trina rolled over in her bed and reached out to pull something off the floor. When Trina sat back up, Tori, who only had her head poking out from between her sister's toes, looked up and saw that it was Trina's “PedEgg”, a sort of foot file for removing callused skin.

Trina then turned her foot over, and Tori saw the file coming closer and closer. As it touched down on the foot, Trina rubbed her toes together, causing Tori to fall off of them and slip into the PedEgg through one of its holes just before Trina started using it, into the holding chamber for all the dead skin cells that would be filed off. The chamber was currently empty, but it wouldn't stay that way for long. Once Trina started filing away at her sole, flakes of dead skin as big as Tori herself started raining down on her, floating through the air before landing all around her. To make matters worse, all the constant movement as Trina ran the file back and forth over her sole had her being thrown around along with the fallen dead skin, unable to keep any sort of footing. Soon enough she was completely surrounded by the stuff, so that when Trina set the file aside while she examined her feet, Tori had to dig herself out from under all her dead skin.

At first Tori feared that Trina would throw her out along with all the flakes of dead skin that filled up the chamber, but fortunately for her Trina's slobbery when it came to her room meant that the PedEgg would remain unemptied until someone else tried to use it and saw how full it was. Usually that was a cause of disgust for Tori whenever she felt the need to file her own feet, but today she was glad for it.

Having climbed out from under Trina's dead skin, Tori sat looking up at the holes which were her only chance of exiting this place. They were a hundred feet in the air for her, and there was no way she could climb up the smooth plastic walls to reach even the nearest of them. Maybe if she piled up enough dead skin she could build up a hill that could reach up to them, but who knew how long that might take? Besides, it was such a disgusting idea that she didn't want to consider it unless there really were no other options.

Thankfully for her, after a bit of waiting, a single hair happened to fall off of Trina's head and land on top of the file, one of its ends slipping right through one of the holes and down into a pile of dead skin.

This was the chance Tori hadn't known she was waiting for. She quickly ran over to the fallen hair and grabbed onto it, slowly climbing her way up the hair which was as thick as a tree trunk to her.

It would take several minutes of exhaustive physical effort, but eventually she managed to climb out of the chamber, finding herself on top of the file. She was so tired, but she didn't want to risk taking a break yet. First she climbed off the PedEgg, and only once she was resting safely next to it on Trina's nightstand did she lie down to recover for a while.

After a few minutes, she walked to the edge of the nightstand that was closest to Trina's bed and started yelling at her sister, trying to get her attention. Maybe not the most sure-fire plan, but it was the first thing that came to mind.

Of course, Trina didn't hear her at all, she just lay on her belly, swinging her legs in the air behind her., and so Tori had to start thinking about what else she might do. Trina had already looked at her but hadn't recognized her, so making herself seen probably wasn't the best plan. Maybe if she managed to get closer to Trina's ears, she thought, she could make herself heard. Only problem was how she was going to make it there? Trina was so far away. Tori would have to climb down from the nightstand, then climb up the bed, and then walk all the way across it until she reached Trina's head. Still, she couldn't think of any better plan, and she absolutely had to get help before she would up crushed under Trina's foot.

Speaking of which, just then Trina stopped swinging her legs, stretching them out below her, so that her feet came to rest right on the edge of the nightstand, smashing down not far from where Tori stood, the impact knocking her off her feet.

Tori's heart was pounding in her chest as she picked herself up. It had been a really close call; with Trina's toe resting no more than a millimeter from her. Any closer and she would have been crushed. Once she was on her feet she started to back away from the immense toe, only to stop and reconsider. This was an opportunity for her to make it to Trina's head without having to climb all the way up her bed first. She could climb onto her foot and then walk all the way across her body until she reached Trina's ear. It was risky, since Trina might move at any moment, but that risk would be present no matter what she tried.

In the end, Tori decided to go through with it. The mustered up her courage and walked up to the toe, climbing up first onto its toenail, then climbing the toe itself, managing to use the tiny imperfections of Trina's skin as footholds. It only took her a couple minutes to make it up onto an even surface, where she could stand and take note of her surroundings.

Before her, Trina's sole stretched higher into the air, a landscape in which the wrinkles of her sole were as hills and her heel a mountain peak. Beyond her heel she couldn't make anything out, as it blocked her view of the rest of Trina's body. The sight was overwhelming, almost enough to make her weak in the knees, but Tori held down her fear and set out across Trina's sole, trying to think of it as just a little nature hike. She couldn't keep that image in mind for long, however; not with the constant reminders that this wasn't a mountain but rather a real human being that she was walking on.

It wasn't just the all-pervading smell of Trina's foot, nor her body warmth, but also the subtle movement of the “ground” as blood rushed through veins and arteries beneath the surface of Trina's skin and the countless sweat pores that dotted this landscape, each big enough for Tori to bathe in them.

She couldn't help but stare at the various droplets of Trina's foot sweat she passed on her walk. It had been a long time since she had a drink of water and seeing it so much of it around her was so tempting with the thirst she was feeling. Though the thought of drinking Trina's foot sweat made her sick to her stomach, she knew she would have to drink from it sooner or later if she couldn't find a better source of water, or else die from dehydration.

All of that, coupled with how long it took her to climb even a single wrinkle of Trina's sole, made it impossible to ignore how puny, helpless, and insignificant she was next to her sister.

As she was nearing Trina's hell however, her sister suddenly moved her legs back around, throwing Tori off and having her fall down to the floor, where she landed on something soft and fuzzy. Quickly recovering from her fall, Tori looked around and realized that she had fallen onto the insole of Trina's slippers. She was about to try running off of them lest she be stepped on when the very thing she wanted to avoid came to pass. She saw Trina's feet settle on the floor in front of the slippers, then slide forward, the bare feet slipping into the soft footwear. Trina's huge toes came sliding right for her, easily barreling over her tiny body and pushing her along with them as they cay to rest at the front of the slipper, Trina's little toe pinning the lower half of her body to the soft slipper insole.

Tori struggled to break free but couldn't manage it, squirming pathetically under Trina's toe. Then Trina's leg swung forward, carrying her puny sister along as she went to grab some dinner.

As Trina walked around the house, Tori was repeatedly mashed into the soft surface of the slipper, with enough force as to be painful. Thankfully the softness, and the fact that she was only under Trina's little toe, meant that the force exerted on her wasn't quite enough to crush her, though it still hurt a lot.

As time went by and Trina took more and more steps, Tori's position in her slipper slowly started changing, with her sliding further and further under Trina's toe, finally winding up wedged in the crook of her toe, Trina's all-encompassing skin pinning her in place. There she remained as her sister ate dinner, the smell of their mom's cooking wafting down to poor Tori and making her stomach rumble. She was still there when Trina went to the bathroom after dinner, having to listen to her sister do her business on the toilet far above, and she was still there even when Trina went to the living room and kicker her bare feet up onto the footrest.

From her position on Trina's foot there, Tori could see their mom walking around the kitchen, washing the dishes and cleaning the table. If only she could get her mom to notice her... She fought and struggled to break free, but it was no use; she stood no chance against the power of even Trina's little toe. To make matters worse, Trina would occasionally scrunch her feet while sitting on the couch, giving Tori a painful squeeze against her sole.

After a while, their mom came over, her enormous figure passing before Tori's view. She sat down next to her daughter, kicking up her feet next to hers. Now Tori saw both Trina's and her mom's feet utterly dwarfing her. The two of them started talking as if she didn't even exist, totally unaware that she was on Trina's toe and listening to every word they said.

“Have you heard anything about your sister?” their mom asked.

“No, nothing,” Trina replied.

“That's weird. She told me she was coming home early today.”

“Really? I thought I heard her talking about how she was going to stay with her friends because she had a big problem or something.”

“Well, maybe I heard her wrong then. She's probably out with them. I just wish she would call to let me know if she's going to stay the night with them or come back,” their mom said, scrunching her enormous soles that dominated Tori's view.

After a while of being stuck at their feet without either of them knowing about it, Trina bid her mom goodnight, went back up to her room, turned off the lights, and lay down to sleep. She pulled the covers over herself, though she left her feet sticking out from under them.

It was only as she finally fell asleep, her body relaxing completely, that Tori was able to get out from the crook of her toe, crawling up onto her sister's sole, feeling sore all over from the experience. She knew that she should try going up to Trina's ear—staying on her foot was dangerous since she might be crushed if Trina rolled over in her sleep—but she was way too exhausted from everything that had happened this afternoon. She really needed to sleep, but before that, she needed a drink of water, otherwise her thirst would keep her up all night.

Much as she didn't want to do it, she had no choice now. Tori crawled over to one of Trina's sweat pores and stuck her head inside, sucking up some of the salty moisture that it held. The taste wasn't too bad, she supposed, and it went down easy enough, but what really hurt was the knowledge that she had been reduced to drinking the sweat off her sister's foot in order to survive.

With a sigh, she crawled away from the sweat pore and lay down on what seemed like a comfortable spot, nestled between two of the ridges of Trina's footprint. Trina's sole made for a soft enough bed, and for a very warm one, and so it wasn't long before Tori found herself drifting off to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she found herself on a strange place. It took her a few seconds to remember the events of the previous day and how she had shrunk and fallen asleep on Trina's sole. That didn't take the strangeness out of her situation, though, as Trina wasn't anywhere in sight. Has she gotten up, leaving Tori stranded on her bed? But there was no way she could have done that without waking Tori up.

Then Tori noticed that she could hear Trina's voice coming from somewhere nearby. “Hello? Hello?! Is there anybody out there? Where am I? What's going on here?” she was saying. Oddly, her voice seemed to be coming from right behind a fold in the blanket. Had Trina been shrunk down just like Tori?

The shrunken girl hurried towards the sound of the voice, climbing up the fold in the cover and making it to the other side. There she saw her sister, sitting on the bed's vast surface, looking totally distraught. “Trina?” Tori called as she ran over.

“Tori, is that you? Where are we? What's going on here?”

Tori spent some time calming her sister down, after which she explained to her how the two of them had shrunk down to nearly microscopic sizes and were now stranded alone on her bed, although she skipped over all the parts about what Trina had done to her without any knowledge of it. “Trina, my friends should be coming over soon, and we need to work together to try to get their attention. We need to come up with some sort of plan. Look, I've been thinking...”Just then, they two of them heard the sound of approaching footsteps. The footsteps came closer and closer until the door creaked open and they saw their mom poke her head in. “Trina? You in there, sweetie?” she called out. “Don't tell me you left without telling me. I really need to have a word with these daughters of mine."

Trina and Tori saw her going into the room, approaching them at Trina's bed. “Mom!” Trina yelled up at her, “We're down here! Here, mom! Please notice us!” She started hopping around and waving her arms in the air, hoping to be noticed, but Tori knew better. There was no way their mom would notice them at this size, or if she did, she would probably mistake them for some sort of bug.

“Come on!” she said, grabbing her sister by the arm and pulling her along as she ran towards their mom. “She won't see us like this, but I think we might have a shot at her hearing us if we go up to her ear.” The two of them ran and ran, making barely any progress at all towards their mother who stood towering over them, looking over Trina's messy bed.

“She could have at least made her bed before leaving,” she muttered to herself. Leaning over, she grabbed ahold of one of the bed sheets and pulled it up, throwing Trina and Tori alike into the air, where the two of them, fearfully holding on to each other, floated through the air, surrounded by countless specks of dust like themselves. The subtle air currents in their room carried them back and forth, left and right, up and down, before finally allowing them to settle down on the floor below, in the shadow of one of their mom's toes.

So close were they to it that, looking up, all they could see was that immense toe which blocked off their view of the rest of her body. All it would take was a single errant twitch of that toe for their mother to exterminate the pair of them underfoot. Despite the danger, Tori tried to pull Trina towards that toe so they could start climbing their mother and eventually make it up to her ear, but Trina held her back, being much too afraid to approach it. Eventually, Tori simply let go of Trina and started heaving for her mom's toe by herself, but by then it was too late as their mom stepped away from them before Tori was even halfway to her toe.

Tori groaned and yelled in anger at having missed that opportunity, then sat curled up on the floor, trying to think of something else they could do. Meanwhile, their mom walked around them as she was making Trina's bed. Once the bed was ready, she stood in the middle of the room, took a look around, her gaze passing right over her daughters without her having the slightest idea, and then she left, leaving them alone in the room again.

“Tori?” Trina said. “I'm getting hungry. Do you have any food on you?”

Tori sighed. “No, Trina, I don't have any food. If I did I would have eaten it last night.”

“What about water?”

“No, I don't have any water either.”

“Then... how are we going to survive?”

Tori looked to the spot where their mom had been standing next to them. “See over there?” she said, pointing at a droplet of water. “That's gotta be some of mom's sweat. We can drink that for now. As for food, maybe we con find some food crumbs now that we're on the floor, or at least some dead skin cells.”“Are you serious!? Is that really all there is for us to eat!?”

“You can just not eat or drink if that's what you prefer. As for me, I'm going to have myself a drink and see what I can find to eat,” Tori said, walking off on her own. After a few seconds, Trina came running after her. When they reached the droplet of foot sweat, Tori was the first to drink from it, with Trina hesitantly following her example afterwards. Then they set out across the floor to try to find something to eat, eventually coming upon a flake of dried skin.

Since Tori hadn't even had dinner yesterday, she was feeling hungry enough not to care that this was all she had to eat, so she bit off a few pieces of it while Trina watched in disgust. The older sister still held on to some hope that they would eventually be able to find at least a bread crumb or something—anything at all but a piece of dead skin.

While the two of them were walking on the floor, Tori could tell from the sounds coming from outside their room that their mom was getting ready to go to work. Before long, there was the sound of her car starting up and they were all alone in the house. Now all they could do was wait until her friends came over. She had lent Cat a copy of her house key just in case, so she would be able to get inside. She only hoped that she would come into her room instead of wandering around the house, but Cat could be a bit empty-headed at times so who knew what she would get up to once she was here.

While they waited for her to come, Tori spent a long time trying to convince Trina to follow her in trying to climb Cat's body to reach her ear, with Trina eventually agreeing to it. Not long after that, they both heard the sound of the front door opening and closing, then a series of footsteps as someone walked through their house.

“Hello?” they heard Cat's muffled voice as she called out into the empty house. “Are you in here, Tori?” Before long, they saw the door to their room open and a girl about their age, with her hair painted red, poke her head in, looking around and finding nothing. After looking around, she stepped inside and closed the door behind her. “Might as well wait here for her,” she said.”She came inside and walked over to Tori's bed, where she took a seat while looking around curiously. “Come on,” Tori said to her sister, urging her along as she set out to cross the room towards Cat's sandal-clad feet.

“What, you want us to walk all the way over there? Shouldn't we wait for her to come closer to us first?” Trina asked.

“And what if she never comes closer? Or what if when she comes closer she winds up stepping on us? If she starts walking around the room, would you rather be on top of her feet, or under them?”“... I see your point,” Trina said, then ran after her sister.

Still, after just a few minutes, Tori was already regretting her decision. They couldn't have made it more than a tenth of the way to Cat's feet and she was already getting tired from all this running. Neither she nor her sister were the most athletic of people at the best of times, and this absolutely wasn't the best of times.

They hadn't even made it halfway to Cat when they started slowing down to catch their breath, and it wasn't long after that when Cat stood up and walked over to one of the shelves on Tori's side of the room, getting even further away from them while she inspected some of the various knick-knacks and other decorations that Tori had.

Tori came to a halt, considering is she should keep chasing after Cat where she stood now or wait for her to sit down again. As it turned out, she wouldn't get the chance to do either as Cat would come walking right towards them, her enormous sandals threatening to crush both her and her sister.

Seeing Cat's huge feet coming closer and closer, Trina yelled and ran away in fear, with Tori soon following after her. The ground shook with each of Cat's steps, until she got so close that her footstep made them both fall to the ground. The two shrunken sisters looked up and saw the sole of her sandal rise up over them. It looked like they would be crushed any moment now. Rather than falling on top of them, however, Cat's sandal came down just past them, the force of the impact blowing them away.

When they recovered from that, they looked up to see Cat looking at Trina's PedEgg, closing it and putting it away in disgust once she saw that it was full of dead skin. After that she walked over to Trina's shelf and grabbed a book from it, which turned out to be one of those trashy romance novels that Trina sometimes read. “Hey, put that down!” Trina yelled up at the giantess, her indignation at having her stuff messed with temporarily making her forget that she was in no position to be making demands of anyone right now.

Cat started pacing around the room with the book as she read it, starting by heading back the way she'd come, right in Tori and Trina's direction again. The shrunken sisters again turned to run, only to yet again be nearly crushed under Cat's sandals and being blown away as it came down right next to them. Not long after that, Cat's pacing brought her towards them yet again, only this time her sandal didn't fall down next to them, instead falling right on top of them.

When they saw that they wouldn't be able to make it out from under Cat's sandal, Tori and Trina threw themselves to the ground. Miraculously, they were able to survive being stepped on, as they were so small that they were able to fit under a small groove on the sole of the sandal. Still, it had been a very close call and they would no doubt have been crushed if Cat's foot had fallen even a little bit to the side.

Then Cat sat down on the edge of Trina's bed, kicking off her sandals and setting her feet down very close to where Tori and Trina were. “Come on, now's our chance!” Tori said, and the pair of them ran off for Cat's bare feet. When they were getting close to the, however, Cat adjusted her feet, moving one of them forward so that her sole fell right on the shrunken girls. The two of them weren't crushed under it, however, but only smothered under her sole, which was soft enough that they could survive the pressure as long ass he didn't stand up on them.

They struggled to escape with no success. Then Cat lay back on Trina's bed, kicking her feet up and resting the keep of the foot that held them on top of the other leg's knee. While still holding them in place, utterly unaware of their plight, Cat idly rocked her foot back and forth, with the two of them still stuck to her sole, held there firmly by the surface tension of her foot sweat, groaning as they tried to peel themselves off of it.

They would go on to spend half an hour like that, with Cat getting completely engrossed in Trina's book, so much so that she forgot what she was even there for in the first place. After a while she adjusted her legs, resting one of her feet on top of the other, so that Trina and Tori were being smushed between them. She then ran her feet against each other to rub off the bits of dirt and dust that were stuck to her soles, which also had the effect of rubbing Tori and Trina off, sending them rolling down the slope of her foot until they fell into the crevice between two of her toes, landing on the soft bed below.

“Okay,” Tori said as she got up and looked around, “at least we're at Cat's feet now, so we can start climbing her right away. Let's just... take a minute first,” she said, sitting down next to Trina to catch her breath. Once they were feeling stronger, the two of them got up and went over to Cat's little toe, climbing up its surface without too much trouble. After that, they had a pretty easy trek up her foot towards her ankle. From there they started climbing her her bare leg, which turned out to be a pretty arduous climb.

“Oh, why did this have to happen to me?” Trina complained when they were barely halfway up her shin. “If anything, I deserve to be the normal one and have the two of you climb my body to get my attention. I'm so clearly superior to you that it would only be natural.”“Yeah, I'm sure you'd love that,” Tori said bitterly, recalling her own experiences being shrunken with her sister. “I'm sure you'd take very good care of us if you found us like this.”“I would! You'd be my itty bitty sister, after all. Of course, I'd probably ask you to do some little favors for me as thanks for me taking such good care of you. I'm sure you'd agree I'd deserve something like that. You could help clean my feet for me, or massage them, or maybe help clean out my ears.”“Okay, could you stop daydreaming for a minute and hurry up? Who knows how long Cat's going to sit still. She could get up at any moment. We should at least make it to her shorts where we can hold on to them even if she gets up. Unless you'd rather fall to the ground the next time she gets up, never to be found again,” Tori said. That got Trina moving, and after about half an hour since they started climbing, they had finally made it up onto Cat's knee. From there they had a good vantage point to the rest of her body. They stopped there for a moment to recover.

This next part of the journey would be easier since they'd be going downhill Cat's thighs were so steep that they could probably just let themselves roll all the way down. Looking over the edge, Tori was considering whether to do just that. Sure, if it worked they would be right on her shorts which was where they wanted to be, but if they fell off they would have to walk the rest of the distance up to them.

“Come on, what are we waiting for? Let's go!” Trina said, grabbing Tori by the arm and pulling her along as she jumped over the edge.

“Trina, wait!” Tori yelled, but it was already two late. The two sisters went rolling uncontrollably down Cat's thigh, tumbling head over heels and practically doing cartwheels as they descended the steep slope. They had made it halfway down the thigh before they fell off the side, landing on the bed again.

“I told you to wait,” Tori said. “ We might have made it down to her shorts if we had been more careful with how we rolled down.”

“Oh, who cares We're still here, aren't we? It's not that far away.”

“Fine, whatever. Let's just get going,” Tori sighed. She and Trina ran walked a few minutes until they made it to the bottom of Cat's shorts and started climbing them. They hadn't been on them long before Cat sat up, forcing them to hold on tight so they wouldn't fall off. She yawned, stretched her arms overhead, and got out of the bed, putting the book back where she'd found it.

“I wonder what's taking Tori so long,” she mused. “She hasn't even replied to any of my messages. Where cold she be? Oh well, I guess I'll just wait for her a bit longer. Good thing I brought a snack,” she said, pulling a granola bar out of her pocket.

It just so happened that Tori and Trina had been holding on to the fabric of Cat's shorts that covered the pocketed granola bar, and when it was pulled out, the resulting movement made them lose their grip and fall off, rushing through the air until they landed on the floor, between Cat's feet.

Far above them, Cat unwrapped the bar and took a bite out of it, sending a shower of tiny food crumbs falling down to the floor, crashing like meteors all around Tori and Trina. The shrunken sisters curled up and covered their heads, hoping that the falling food would miss them completely. After a bit, the shower ended, and they looked around.

“Oh my gosh, it's food! Finally!” Trina exclaimed, running for the nearest fallen crumb. Tori followed her hesitantly, keeping an eye out on Cat's feet in case they happened to come towards them. When they got to the food crumb, despite having already eaten some dead skin, she was still hungry enough to jump in along with Trina and hungry chow down on it. After having had nothing else to eat for the previous day, it tasted heavenly. It sounded strange to say that eating a fallen crumb off the floor while she was the size of a flea at her friend's feet was the best eating experience she had ever had, yet had anyone asked her she would have sworn that was the case.

They continue eating even as Cat took more bites our of her bar, sending even more crumbs falling all around them, and were still eating once she had finished it. They were so into the food that they were totally unaware of anything going on around her. They didn't even notice when Cat took a step, setting her foot just one inch away from where they ate.

“Oh, I guess I left a bit of a mess here,” Cat said as she felt some of the food crumbs she had left there underfoot. “I'd better clean it up,” she said, crouching down. It was only then that the shrunken girls noticed her, as her huge hand came down to the floor next to them. Her hand came rushing towards them , sweeping up all the crumbs and dirt in its path, and for a moment it looked like they would be swept up along with them. Tori and Trina screamed and ran away from Cat's hand, which came to a stop just as the gathered crumbs fell over them.

Tori got out from under the pile of crumbs and went to help Trina get out. They saw that Cat had gathered all the other crumbs together, and now that they were all in one pile, she reached down to pick them up. The shrunken sisters were picked up along with the dust and crumbs, then Cat carried them over to a trash bin that was in the room. As she tilted her hand over, all the gathered dirt and food fell tumbling off. Tori and Trina also came close to falling off and into the trash bin with them, but they managed to hold on to Cat's finger just before they fell, even holding on as Cat swept her palms against each other to rub off the remaining dirt.

Cat pulled out her phone and began pacing around the room again when all of a sudden she felt a strange sensation overcome her. She felt really dizzy, almost to he point of falling over, and then, the next thing she knew, she was shrinking rapidly, leaving her disoriented. She felt something slip out of her hands and looked down to see Tori and Trina on the floor, looking really tiny but slowly getting bigger. Or rather, she was getting closer to their size.

“Tori? Trina? Is that you?” she asked as she stood just twice as tall as them, soon coming down to match their height.

“Well,” Trina said. “We finally got her attention. Too bad she can't help us now.”

“Cat we've been trying to get your help all day,” Tori said. “We've all been shrunken down for now reason. We have no idea why, but now that the three of us have been shrunken down, maybe we can work together to get someone else's help. Maybe we can finally get my mom's attention.”Just then there was the sound of a door opening and closing. Could it be their mom was back early?

“Helloooo?” they heard someone call out.

“Jade?” Tori said. “It's so late, I thought she wasn't coming anymore. If she comes in here, let's see if we can get her attention at least.”

They all kept an ear out to what Jade was doing. They heard her walking around for a bit, then heard her footsteps getting closer, and after a few minutes they saw the door open with her standing behind it. “Where on earth is everyone?” she said aloud.

“Jade! Jade!” Cat said, running towards her and waving her hands in the air. “We're down here! Hey, can you help us?” Tori and Trina went after her, also yelling and waving their arms, until they saw Jade's foot rise up and come swinging towards them. Her huge boot thumped against the floor almost close enough to crush them all, but instead they were only blown back by the tremendous impact, sent flying through the air, each in a different direction, all of them separated from the others.

As Cat was launched into the air, she was also sent flying up, landing on top of Jade's boot. There she clung to one of its laces while Jade walked around the room, inspecting all the various objects inside.

Eventually, Jade sat on Tori's bed, crossing her legs and her arms while waiting for someone to show up. Cat took the opportunity to try calling out to Jade again. She jumped around and yelled at her for a couple minutes, until Jade's gaze happened to fall on her. “Jade, thank goodness you noticed me,” she said. “I need your help! Tori and Trina are also tiny! You need to find them too!”“Eww, is that a bug on my boot?” Jade said, uncrossing her legs. She stomped her foot on the ground, sending Cat tumbling off of it and to the ground, where she stood looking up at her friend.

“Jade, it's me, Cat! I'm not a bug!” she said, running back towards Jade's boot.

“Gross, it is a bug! I should have known Tori would have some sort of bug in her room,” Jade said, raising her boot over the tiny “bug” on the floor. “Time for you to die.”

“Jade, please, wait!” Cat yelled. A second later, her life was extinguished as Jade stomped her foot on the floor, crushing the shrunken girl under her boot without giving her a second thought. Sneering at the puny insect, she ground her boots on the floor, making sure that she had crushed it, then lifted her boot and confirmed for herself that it was dead.

“Good riddance. I hate all these ugly bugs,” she said. Meanwhile, Tori and Trina were on the floor some distance away. They were far enough away that neither of them could know for sure whether Jade had crushed an actual bug or one of the other shrunken girls, but they now knew that they had to be careful around Jade to make sure they wouldn't be mistaken for bugs.

Tori stared up at Jade. Never had she been so scared as she was right then. At least when she had been shrunk with Trina, Cat, and her mom, she knew that none of them had any sort of cruel streak, but Jade was different. She had always been a bit mean, and though she had never done anything seriously bad that Tori knew of, who knew what she might do if she found them now. Even if she recognized them, she probably wouldn't be gentle with them. She could only hope that the others, if they were still alive, had the good sense to stay away from her for now.

She started walking carefully across her room's floor, not running or making any sort of movement that might attract Jade's attention. She called out for her sister and Cat, but received no response. Luckily, after crushing that “bug”, Jade had remained sitting down on the bed, looking at her phone while she waited, so Tori didn't have to worry too much about being noticed. After a lot of walking, she found a tiny crevice on the floor, small enough for her to fit in. It wasn't the ideal hiding place, but at least it was somewhere she could hide in to avoid being crushed. Once she found it, she crawled inside and curled up tight, resolved to wait until Jade left before getting out to look for the others.

Meanwhile, Trina was going through the arduous task of climbing her boot. When Jade had sat down, her feet had settled down very close to her, and she remembered the advice Tori had given her about it being better to be on top of someone's foot than risk ending up below it. It was hard finding any footholds on the smooth black surface but after a lot of time she finally made it up on the toe of Jade's boot, then she started walking further up the boot.

It would be a long climb for her, but thankfully, Jade was much less fidgety and hyperactive than Cat was. The giantess sat still, allowing Trina to climb up her pants let without issue. At last Trina made it up onto her thigh and from there she walked across Jade's lap until she reached the base of her torso. She started climbing up Jade's shirtfront, but realized her mistake when her arms ran out of strength halfway up the other girl's belly. Fortunately for her, at that time Jade lay back on the bed with a sign, allowing Trina to walk the rest of the way, once she had recovered some of her strength.

She trekked across Jade's belly, eventually making it to her breasts, which stood as tall as a pair of hills for her. After thinking about whether to go around them or above them, Trina opted for climbing up one of them and seeing if she could get Jade's attention from there. That way she wouldn't have to climb up to her ear if she succeeded. So she climbed up Jade's boob, and once she stood on its peak, she shouted and waved at the other woman.

Trina was at it for several minutes, growing more and more frustrated but refusing to give up. She absolutely wouldn't stand for being ignored any longer, goddammit! She was a star! She should have everyone's eyes on her, and instead they all acted like she was beneath their notice.

Eventually her efforts payed off and Jade happened to look down at her, brows furrowed as her eyes locked onto her tiny figure. “Finally!” Trina said. “Jade, can you hear me? It's me, Trina! I need your help! Also Tori and Cat, but start with me!” Just then Jade adjusted her position on the bed, pushing her torso up with her arms, causing Trina to lose her balance and start tumbling down Jade's boob. She had almost slipped off onto the other woman's belly when she managed to grab ahold of a shirt thread, slowly pulling herself back up. “Hey, what's the big idea!?” she yelled up at Jade. Then she saw a gigantic pair of fingers rushing towards her over the boob's surface, sliding forward until they surrounded her, then inching together until she was being held between them. She was brought up to Jade's eye for inspection, where she yelled up at the enormous black pupil encircled by a blue-green iris, raging indignantly at the other girl.

“Another bug,” Jade said. “Was this one on the bed? Disgusting! I never would have guessed Tori lived in such a pigsty to have all these bugs crawling around.” She sat up, dropping Trina onto her open palm, then set a finger down next to the tiny girl.

“Bug?” Trina said. “W-wait! I'm not a bug! Jade, don't crush me, please! Don't you recognize me? I'm Trina! I'm Trina!” As the tiny woman saw Jade's enormous finger closing in on her, she turned and ran away as fast as her puny legs could carry her. She didn't get very far, though, as she wound up tripping on a tiny wrinkle on Jade's palm and being run over by the huge finger, it's incredible weight falling on top of her. She wasn't crushed immediately, as Jade preferred to slowly increase the pressure on her tiny body.

More and more weight rested on her, the pain increasing with each passing second. Trina would have sobbed if she could, but with so much pressure on her she couldn't even breathe. She came close to passing out until she felt a terrible pain shoot up her arm. She had no idea what it was. She couldn't even think from such pain she was experiencing.

After what felt like an eternity, Jade lifted her finger off of Trina, and once the poor girl was able to breathe, she saw that her right arm had been broken near her shoulder. She couldn't even more it anymore. “Oh. Oh God,” she said, gasping as she touched it and felt such terrible pain that it almost made her black out. Looking up, she saw Jade raising her other hand overhead, like she was preparing to swat a bug with it. “No. Please, Jade no. Don't do this to me, I'm begging you,” Trina said, but she knew it was a lost cause.

Jade brought her hand down onto the tiny bug, crushing it mercilessly. She wiped her hands against each other without even looking at its remains, then got up and started pacing about the room.

From her little hiding place, Tori saw the enormous girl come into her view, her boot rising high above her before crashing down right on top of her hiding place. It came down so hard and fast that Tori flinched, half-expecting it to crush her even from inside her little hole, but of course she survived it.

Tori was in near total darkness until Jade's foot rose up and left her behind as the bigger girl kept pacing around the room. It was right then that Tori felt something start to change. She felt a weird feeling in her body and after a few seconds she felt that she her hiding place was starting to get more cramped. At first she was confused over why that was, but she soon realized that she was slowly getting bigger. Relief flooded into her. Finally the nightmare would be over. Now all she needed to do was get out of this hole before her growing body was crushed between its walls.

With a bit of effort she pulled herself back out and stood on the floor, cautiously looking up at Jade who was still pacing about the room, looking over her and Trina's decorations. Tori kept very still. There was still a chance that Jade might see her and crush her like a bug before she grew all the way back, and she wanted to avoid that possibility. However, after a minute of growth, she stopped growing completely, remaining at just half a centimeter tall; absolutely gigantic compared to her previous size but still far short of her normal height.

What made it worse was that she was now back out in the open, a long walk away from the nearest hiding place. At least Jade wasn't looking at her, so Tori took the opportunity to head for her bed to hide under it.

As she started running, Jade saw the movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to look at what it was. “Another bug? Eww, and this one's way bigger than the others. What kind of crud does Tori keep in her room to keep attracting so many insects?” She took a couple steps forward, her huge boots slamming down right in front of Tori, cutting off her path. The impact knocked her onto her back, and she inched back along the floor, looking up at Jade, who was already raising her foot to crush her.

“Jade, please wait! It's me, Tori! Don't crush me!” Tori yelled as the huge boot rose into the air. When the boot started coming down, she screamed, shut her eyes, and held up her hands in a desperate attempt to hold it back. Rather than the boot falling on her, however, it fell right in front of her, so close she felt a blast of air from it. Confused, she opened her eyes and looked up to see Jade kneeling over her, giving her a curious look.

Jade stretched out a single finger, the tip of which was bigger than Tori, and poked and prodded the tiny woman with it, with Tori trying to scramble away and protect herself from it. “What kind of bug are you?” Jade said after a while, picking Tori up between her fingers and bringing her up to her enormous face for closer inspection.

Tori felt herself squeezed between the fingers so hard that she thought her body would pop. She struggled to break free until she saw Jade's face from up close, whereupon she stayed still, frozen by her fear of the bigger girl.

“Tori?” Jade said after a while, her eyes widening in disbelief. “Is that you?”

“Y-yes, it's me,” Tori said. “Listen. Trina and Cat and I were all...”

“Speak up! You can't expect me to understand hat you're saying when your voice is so low,” Jade said.

“Trina cat and I shrunk down and we need your help! We were on the floor trying to get your attention, but then we got split up! They might still be down there, if you haven't crushed them by accident! They're probably way smaller than I am, almost too small for you to see!” Please, you need to stay still and help look for them!”“You know, it's really funny,” Jade said. “It almost sounds like you think you can tell me what to do. Of course, that would be ridiculous. An insect like you couldn't possibly think herself fit to give someone like me orders.”“Jade what does that mean? Aren't you going to help us?”

“If what you're saying is true, then Cat and Trina can't really be considered people anymore, so why should I bother looking for them? Why should I care about what happens to some puny germs I can't even see? If they ever grow to the size you have now then maybe I can care about them as much as I care about a ladybug or something, but I'm not going to stop walking around just to spare the lives of a couple germs.”“Jade, that's horrible! These are our friends!”

“Maybe you can think of them as your friends, but if I can't see then then they practically don't even exist for me. They just don't matter anymore. In fact, I'm already getting bored just talking about them, so why don't we change the subject to what I'm going to do with you?”“Do with me? What do you mean?”

Jade gave Tori a terrifying grin. “You know, I've always wanted to have my own slave. Someone I could boss around and force to do whatever I wanted; someone I could have at my total mercy. I never thought about my slave being the size of a bug, but that just makes things better. Even better is that the person I've always most wanted to have as my slave is you. Now I can do whatever I want to you and you have no way of fighting back or resisting. So here's how things are going to go down: You're going to be my slave and obey my every order. IF you don't, I'll punish you. If you make me too angry, or I grow bored of you, I'll crush you like the little bug you are. Do you understand?”“Jade, this is insane! There's no way I'll ever play along with this.”

“I didn't ask for your opinion, you stupid bug, I only asked if you understand. What you want doesn't matter, only what I want does. Now let's see if you can understand that simple concept. You can start your life as my slave by cleaning out the dirt under my toenails,” Jade said as she kicked off her boot and reached down to pull off her sock, then she sat on Tori's bed and placed her sweaty foot up on its surface, the bed's covers soaking up the sweat. She then dropped Tori on top of her foot. The tiny girl bounced off of Jade's foot and rolled down until she landed between her first two toes, getting herself covered in Jade's foot sweat.

She could barely move at all, being firmly wedged between those toes, but after some struggling, she finally managed to get herself free from them, crawling out from between them and kneeling on the floor, panting. “Well? Are you going to do it or not? If you won't, I'll stick you in my boots and we'll see if you're lucky enough to survive the walk to my home. If you do, maybe I'll give you another chance to prove yourself.”Tori could tell by the tone of Jade's voice that she was serious. Getting to her feet, she walked up to Jade's big toe and tried to reach up to the toenail. Even standing on tiptoe, it was much too high for her. “I can't reach your toenail!” she said.

“What, do you expect me to help you out? It's your job to clean my toenails, so you figure out how you're going to do it.”

Tori jumped up onto the toe's surface and pulled herself up onto the toenail, where she lay face-down on its surface. With her arms hanging down from the front edge, she was able to reach into the space under Jade's toenails, her hands sinking into the grimy dirt that had gathered there. She dragged her hands through the surface, pulling out big clumps of dirt she then threw down in disgust.

Jade watched the puny girl working on her toenails with great amusement. It truly felt amazing to hold so much power over someone's life that she could end it at any moment. Even an action as simple as wiggling her toe a bit caused Tori to yelp and cling to her toenail in fear so she wouldn't be bucked off. She felt so powerful messing with this puny bug. She realized that she was practically a goddess to Tori now, with how much more powerful she was and how dependent the shrunken woman was on her whims for survival.

“Alright, I'm done with your stupid toenails,” Tori yelled up at her after several minutes, interrupting her goddess fantasies.

“What did you say about my toes, you worthless bug?” Jade asked, knocking Tori off with a slight movement of her foot before sliding a big toe over her, easily pinning her to the bed's surface. “I don't want to hear you calling my toes 'stupid' ever again. That's no way to speak of your goddess.”“Goddess?” Tori groaned, barely able to speak under Jade's toe.

“That's right. I'm your goddess now and you're just a stupid little bug who doesn't understand that it shouldn't make its goddess angry. You live and die by my whims. I control every aspect of your life, and your life from now on will be dedicated entirely to serving me. All of that makes me your goddess, and the sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be in the long run. Now tell me, what am I to you?”“You're insane!” Tori yelled as Jade lifted her toe to hear her answer.

“Wrong answer, insect,” Jade said, pressing her toe down even harder, really mashing the tiny Tori against the bed. “You get one more chance; better make it count. Tell me again, what am I to you?”“Y-you're my goddess,” Tori said, trembling in the shadow of Jade's foot.

“That's a good start, but you need to do a better job of worshipping your goddess. Go on, tell me how goddess-like I am.”

“You're... you're... you're so powerful. So huge. You're incredible. Breathtaking. Jade, you're...”

“Don't call me Jade! From now on, you can only call me Goddess, or Almighty. Got it?”

“Y-yes, my goddess. You're almighty. You're incredible .You're so far beyond everyone else.”

“And what are you next to me?”

“I'm a bug. An insect. I'm nothing. I'm completely at your mercy.”

“Good. Now come her and worship my toe,” Jade said, setting her foot down in front of Tori. “Kiss it. Lick it. Kneel before it. If you do a good job, you might earn my favor.”

“Yes, goddess, Tori said, crawling forward. She knelt before the enormous toe and slowly drew her face close to it, until finally her lips were pressed against its warm, humid surface. She kissed it many times, then licked it, the salty, sweaty taste filling her mouth. She was so humiliated by this, yet she couldn't stop; not while Jade threatened her with death. Even worse, the could feel herself growing to see Jade as more of a goddess as every kiss and lick she gave the toe against her will drove in just how insignificant she was to the other woman now.

“Very good,” Jade said. “Now, let's see how good of a servant you make. Climb on.” She then lowered a finger next to Tori. She watched in amusement how Tori struggled to climb onto the fingertip, then once she was safely on, Jade moved her over to her boot, dropping her inside. “I want to see you licking my boot clean with your tongue. Show me how well you can serve me.”Tori rubbed the back of her head and stood up, looking around the huge, dark cavern of Jade's shoe. The place stank. It was uncomfortably warm and way too moist, and she didn't like being there one bit. Then she felt the ground moving as Jade picked the boot up and held it up to her face so she could see how Tori was doing. “Go on, slave. Do as your goddess says. Don't make me have to punish you.”“Y-yes, almighty, Tori said, falling to her knees. She let her face hover over the boot's insole and licked it a bit, grimacing as she was met an awful taste. She gagged twice, almost throwing up, but got ahold of herself and continued with her job.

“Better hurry up, worm. I'm leaving this place in five minutes, and if you're not done by then, you'll have to stay inside my boot while I go back. You won't be allowed to leave until you've eaten all the grime off my boot, even if that takes you days.”Tori almost broke down crying as she heard that, but instead she only said, “Yes, goddess Jade,” and kept licking. Was this going to be the rest of her life from now on?

Just then, Tori felt a tingling sensation fill her body. Was she growing back again? It seemed she was. It happened slowly at first, but she was definitely getting bigger. Now she would finally be free of Jade's abuses!

“What the-!” Jade said immediately before dropping her boot to the floor, where it bounced around, causing Jade to be thrown out onto the floor. From there she looked up at Jade and saw the other woman starting to shrink.

Jade looked in horror down at herself and the world around her. She saw Tori on the floor and saw her getting bigger and bigger. After just a few seconds, the two became perfectly even in height, at a little under two feet tall. After that, Tori just kept growing and growing while Jade kept shrinking and shrinking, and when it all ended, the two of them had basically traded positions, with Jade being exactly as tiny and speck-sized as Tori had been when she'd first shrunk. The frightened woman looked up at Tori's towering toes, following the up to her legs, then up to the ironic smile on her face.

Tori tapped her feet on the ground, enjoying her newfound position of power over Jade and causing slight tremors for her speck-sized tormentor. “Well well well, how the tables have turned,” she said. She crouched to take a closer look and Jade, who saw that movement as if the sky were falling, turned and ran screaming away from the huge giantess. Tori set a single fingertip down in front of her, blocking her escape route, then swiped her up and brought her up to her face to get a better look at.

Jade cowered before Tori, trembling atop her finger. “I bet you're probably thinking about begging me for mercy, aren't you? Well it's too late for that. I would have treated you nicely if you had done the same to me, but after treating me like your slave, there's no way I'm going to show you any mercy. I'm going to make you pay for everything you made me do, and I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer like never before.”Saying this, she leaned forward, her enormous, gaping mouth coming closer to Jade. The tiny teen thought she was about to be eaten and screamed for Tori to stop, but instead Tori only spit out a small glob of saliva which fell right onto the speck-sized Jade, almost drowning her in it. Tori then reached down and wiped the spit off between her toes, then looked between then to confirm that Jade had been wiped off along with it.

There she saw the tiny little speck of a woman, trying to break free from her spit and failing miserably, it surface tension proving far too much for her to do anything against. Tori laughed cruelly at her, wiggling her toes and rolling her round between them.

Jade tried and tried and tried to break free, only to eventually give up and break down shaking and crying, absolutely terrified over Tori's enormous size and in pain as she was smothered and nearly crushed between her huge toes.

“Hey, you remember how you said that you were going to stick me in your boots and go for a walk? Why don't we see how well you like me doing that to you instead.” Tori slipped her feet into Jade's discarded boots, not even bothering to put on a pair of socks. Jade was now totally engulfed in darkness and still unable to move from Tori's skin. Then Tori started walking, swinging Jade through the air at incredible speeds along with her feet. “Ah, it's great to be back to normal,” she said as she left the house and went for a quick walk around the neighborhood.

As time passed, her feet got much hotter and sweatier, until she could feel droplets of sweat forming and rolling down along her feet. One of them happened to collect Jade onto it as it passed and fell to the boot's insole, where she wound up underneath Tori's second toe, which fell onto her over and over again, mashing her against the soft insole. What's more, sweat kept falling onto her over and over again, sometimes staying on her so long that she nearly drowned. Between the toe and the sweat, it was almost impossible for her to get enough oxygen to remain conscious, nor could she crawl out of there as the salty liquid had her hopelessly stuck to the boot's insole. It was so awful in there, and there was nothing she could do about it except bear it as best she could. She shuddered at the thought of finding herself ending up as a stain on the feet of Tori, whom she had always looked down on, and realized that, just as she had been a goddess to Tori before, now Tori was a goddess to her.

After a bit of walking, Tori changed things up a bit and started jogging. Though the boots were very uncomfortable to her, being a bit too tight and also very hot and sweaty, she enjoyed the discomfort because she knew it meant Jade would be having an awful time in there. After a while she grew tired and went back to her house, going up to her room and taking off the boots. It was very hard for her to find Jade, who was still on the insole, as the tiny girl was little more than a speck to her sight now, but eventually she managed to find her and pull her out, setting her down on top of her toenail.

Jade could only lie down on the hard surface, being much too sore and tired to do anything else. She saw Tori's enormous eye looming overhead, feeling the breeze that fell on her whenever the giantess blinked. Her breaths, too, sent breezes down to her, for which she was grateful as it helped cool her down after an hour or so inside the hot boot.

Not yet satisfied with Jade's punishment, Tori blew some air at her, sending her flying through the air, and followed her trajectory until she saw her land on top of one of Tori's sandals. “You know, I think that's a perfect place for you,” she said. “I was just thinking about how those sandals needed cleaning. Who better to do clean them up than my new speck-sized slave? Small as you are, you'll be able to stop every last speck of dust on them and get them off. Why don't you go ahead and clean them up while I eat, then?”Jade was glad to hear that Tori would be going off to eat instead of staying to punish her some more. Maybe now she could get some rest in before having to endure the next punishment Tori decided to throw at her. At least, that was the hope she had until Tori spoke up again.

“Of course, I'm going to have to keep an eye on you while you do that so you'll be coming along with me.” Jade then saw Tori's enormous foot coming closer before nudging the sandal she was on, making the ground move and knocking her flan on her back. She saw Tori's toes sliding into the sandal and tried to scramble back away from them, only for them to stop just short of her, with her standing right at the very front edge of the sandal. Tori then angled her foot back, causing Jade to roll down the sandal's insole until she rolled right up to Tori's sole. “Well, let's get going now.”Tori then went into the kitchen for the first proper meal she'd had in almost 24 hours now, serving herself some leftovers in the fridge. At first she was laser focused on filling up her stomach, and only once she was halfway done with her plate did she remember the presence of Jade at her toes and start doing a little something to punish her, lifting her foot tin the air and rocking it to and fro.

Jade, who had been trying to see if she could clean Tori's sandal while she was sitting still, was made to roll over the sandal's insole by that simple motion, going back and forth over and over again until she ended up wedge under one of Tori's toes, only getting back out from under it with a great deal of effort and continuing her task.

Once Tori had finished her meal, she looked down at her foot until she had spotted the diminutive Jade on the sandal. She slipped the sandal off and held it up to her eye. “Alright, time to see how well you've done,” she said, closely inspecting the area around where Jade was. Jade knelt before the massive eye in the sky and awaited Tori's judgement. She had done as well as she could under the circumstances, but that was very little even for her size.

“This isn't clean at all! It's just as dirty as it was when I put it on. Can't you do anything at all?” Tori said. “You know what? I think it's clear that you're not fit for a slave. You're way too small and pathetic, and you can't accomplish anything at all at that size. Maybe if you were bigger you could do something for me, but at that size you're just a waste of my attention. What was it you said about Cat and Trina? That at this size they were nothing to you? Well you're every bit the nothing they were. You're a worthless piece of dirt that I'm going to have to dispose of. The only question is what's the most fitting way to do that.”Just then, Tori heard the sound of her mom's car pulling into the driveway. “Hold on a minute, my mom just got back,” she said, reaching down to slip the sandal back on, her sole sliding over the tiny Jade and smothering her underneath. A few seconds later, her mom came in. “Hi, mom!” she said.

“Tori! Glad to see you finally came back,” her mom said, giving Tori a hug. “I see you've already had lunch. Good; that means I won't have to cook you anything. God, I'm so tired from work today. You wouldn't believe how much walking I had to do. My feet are really killing me right now. I can't imagine what this will do to my calluses.”“Oh?” Tori said, suddenly getting an idea. “You know, if you're worried about calluses, Trina has something in our room to take care of that. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you borrowed it for a bit.”“That sounds wonderful, dear! I'll go up and get out of my work clothes. If you could have it ready for me by the time I'm out, that would be perfect.”

“Will do, mom! I'll go look for it right now, in fact.” She went up to her room and quickly found Trina's PedEgg on one of the counters. She opened it up and saw that it was still full of dead skin cells. Grimacing in disgust, she went to the bathroom and threw them all into the toilet, flushing them down so she'd never have to look at it again. After that, she took her sandal off again, found Jade, and picked her up.

“Good news, bug. I've just found the perfect way to dispose of you. I hope you enjoy getting showered by my mom's dead skin cells in there,” she said, dropping the tiny girl into one of the PedEgg's holes. “Hmm... Actually, we still have a bit of time before my mom gets back. Why don't we have some fun together in the meantime.” She took off her sandals and held up her feet, giving them a few passes with the PedEgg, leaving her feet almost perfectly smooth while showering Jade with a bunch of tiny dead skin cells.

Looking in after she was done, Tori couldn't even make the other girl out between all the dead skin—she looked exactly like any other flake of dead skin. Indeed, Jade was so small that she was totally covered by just one flake of dead skin, and no matter how hard she tried to push it off of her, she couldn't manage it.

“Perfect,” Tori said. “If even I I can't make you out like this, my mom won't be able to either. Well, let's get going now.” She carried the PedEgg it back into the kitchen to meet her mom. Once the older woman came out in more casual clothing, Tori handed her the little foot file. “Here it is mom. Go nuts with it.”“Thanks dear! And don't worry, I will. Gonna have these feet of mine feeling as smooth as silk!” Hearing that, Tori smiled as her mom carried the PedEgg away, blissfully unaware of the little teenager she would be helping to torture by using it.

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