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Do you have a niche fetish or size-related interest that you feel is never written about? Make your voice heard!

I'm curious to know more about what members of this site want to read about, so I made this poll. I can already click on the categories link on the sidebar and see how many stories are written for each one and roughly estimate what's more popular and less popular. But I want to find out about more specifics. So yes this quiz is also for people who like common things, there are questions for that too!

And I'm just editing this right now to add that I've been messaging with one of the site administrators today, and they've said they're open to adding new tags (apparently they also just added "trans" as a tag). So far out of around a hundred responses, I've gotten multiple suggestions for stuff like bug transformation, armpits, submissive giants, and more. So it turns out maybe that your voice really actually truly really could matter! 


By the way, because I didn't want any duplicates, you have to sign in with your Google account. But I'm not collecting emails. I know this might turn some people away I guess, bc people like their anonymity and stuff I get it. I know some people have multiple Google accounts anyways but idk thats what Google had to offer. Obviously this whole thing isn't really that important anyways. so dont take it too seriously. or maybe do take it seriously idc up to you

I'm sure some of you know that sometimes a poll will have a collection of the results at the end, but I turned that off for this. So again, even though nobody would be able to see who wrote what answers, I want to add an extra layer of anonymity on top of everything. If enough people want it (cuz I've had some writer friends ask), I might publish the results of the multiple choice questions in the future. But again, I can't know who submitted what. So don't be afraid to be honest! 



The poll is here: 




The goal is that hopefully I and other writers might be able to use some of the answers to write better, even if it's just a little bit :)

but also im just curious

and also u can change ur answers at any time if u want


this post needs to be 500 words, so i am just going to start typing a sentence that u can ignore. is it bad that im typing this nonsense? basically cheating the system? i do not think so because this is very obviously not a story it is a poll. and if anyone's ever shared a poll for this site before, i haven't seen it lol. but mayhaps i will make another poll if this one goes well. hmmm. i want to write about giant men, i want to write something that utilizes a tail (or tentacle?), i want to write about a 100 foot tall person but not in a city destruction kinda way. maybe i will do those in the future, and thats why im testing to see what kinds of stuff is popular but also what kinds of niches i havent heard about that people might wanna see more of. who knows. idk. ok i think this is 500 words :) wait nevermind it still said it wasnt enough but it looks pretty close so im just gonna type this really long sentence and see if that does it hmmm

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