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The Teacher, the Student, and the book

I wasn’t the popular teacher, but at the same time I wasn’t the hated teacher either. I was one of those in between teachers. I was just one of those teachers that the student’s didn’t like or hate.

If you were to see me now, you would think oh he must have been a science teacher. I know how you guys think. I was aware of your niche, but I didn’t approve of it or think it was rational. I regret to inform you, that I wasn’t a science teacher. I taught math. I wasn’t a young upstart just out of college high on power because he had just got his license nor was I one of those older then time teachers.

My loss in stature as I prefer to call it all started on a rather warm spring day. Rain drops fell to the ground dampening the pavement as it fell. The breeze was only a slight howl as I pulled into the parking lot. It was still dark when I had arrived on that day. I had grabbed my briefcase and headed for my classroom.

I loved this time of the day; I was alone and had my thoughts to myself. The students had yet to arrive; only some of the faculty was here. It was quiet; it was the only time I had to call my own back then.

I did a lot of busy work, grading papers, quizzes and things like that. I always prided myself on returning the tests back the next day. I could remember when I was a student the wait was often agonizing.

The morning had flown by like It always did and soon the hustle and bustle of the students arriving, the slamming of lockers was echoing through the halls. My time of utopia was gone.

The day had been going by nicely until my advanced theories of mathematics class. This where the story really begins, you see we were going to the library so that they could research a mathematician.

So anyway, the class was in the library grumbling about the assignment like students usually. I was off in the far corner where I could still see them all yet at the same time remove myself from everything. I was drinking my iced mocha and reading the paper when a book caught my eye. It was sitting on the table next to me. It was an unmarked book, that didn’t even have a barcode on it. I thought maybe one of the students had brought it from home but it was dusty and looked like it hadn’t been touched for decades. I grabbed the book carefully and flipped it open. The pages were brittle so I carefully turned each one, page after page was filled with all kinds of weird stories and tales.

I had skimmed one but I hadn’t came across anything that really caught my eye until I saw one with a picture of a hand that was reaching out grabbing towards a man. How weird, I thought to myself so I started to read through the tale, however as I read through I begun to get a tingling sensation all over my body.

This is where I had made my mistake. I kept reading thinking it was just a headache from lack of caffeine or because it had started to get louder and louder. I swear to this day that I could almost faintly hear chanting in the back of my head. I continued to read through the noise was getting louder and louder my head pounding, I double over in absolute pain and I fell out of my chair. I tried to yell for help but the words couldn’t seem to escape my lips.

I had awakened shortly later under the table, only as I stood up I realized was under the table. I looked up in shock as I took a few steps back as I spied the top of the table almost a hundred miles away.

This couldn’t be happening was all that had come into my mind. It repeated over and over again in my head. I was in disbelief unsure of what was going on or where to go then all the sudden the floor shook then all was quiet for a moment then it shook gain fiercer then the last time then silence, then it shook once again. I was in an absolute panic as I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off as the floor shook harder and harder. I tumbled to the ground, grasped the carpet fibers. A sandal crashed down just outside the awning of the table, her toe nails painted red as her perfume permeated the air. I stared up at her athletically sculpted legs travel into a dark black mini skirt. , I watched her muscles flex as she bent down, her white tank top hugged her body as her pony tail bobbed up and down in the air.

I didn’t know what to do or think. I was stunned as I lied there on the ground under the table. She looked amazing and yet to this day I am clueless on who she was. As she was bent down, her back to me I wanted to run out to her, I wanted to touch her, her skin looked smoother then silk, her perfume which filled the air had me enthralled, then she stood back up to her dizzying height, her face was nothing but a blur as I could barely see past her breasts, her toes wiggled almost as if to say good bye, then in two mighty strides she was carried well from my realm of vision.

I stayed under that table for a long time. I was glad that it was out of the way. I thought no one would come anywhere near there and I would be able to collect my thoughts and for awhile I could. My class had left when the floor begun to rumble once again. I could hear the voices of a group nearing me. I nervously looked out from beneath the table as 8 legs came striding into view. 4 male legs, 4 female legs, there voices were deafening as they neared me. I prayed that they would just walk by but the girls pulled a couple of the chairs out and the guys followed suit. Sandals and shoes were shoved towards me at nearly unimaginable speeds. As there feet protruded towards me I ran out from beneath the table. I only glanced back once to see a group of jocks and cheerleaders gabbing away trying to avoid doing actual work on whatever assignment they were suppose to be doing.

I didn’t really know where I was going. I had made way towards the computers when I felt everything shake around me. I looked behind me and realized this was one of my classes only; it looked to be a substitute leading them in. I had known where to go, as I had wandered into the computer room but I knew that I couldn’t stay on the floor, not with 30 students walking in here. I climbed one of the legs of the chair. The climb wasn’t as bad as I thought that it would be. I easily pulled myself up onto the seat of the chair when I felt it shake.

“Where do you think Mr. Wendell is at?” The moment that I heard the voice, I knew who it was. It was the voice of my Haley Rogers and that always meant her sidekick Holly Ricks was with her.

I just knew that this was going to be bad. I looked around for a way that I could get down but my mind was out of possibilities.

It was at this time that my life changed forever. There had never been one moment in my life that I could have said before this defined everything that I was, and everything that I was going to be like this one did. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t wish that I could change at least something about that frightful day.

I just wasn’t prepared for there speed, the force which she pulled the chair out knocked me on my stomach. I was about to plummet off the chair to most likely my doom when a incomprehensible weight pressed against me, The ass of Holly Ricks enclosed around the top half of my body.

“It’s weird, I saw him earlier today.” I couldn’t understand then why I wasn’t dead. I could feel the air being shoved out from my lungs the stress on my body was enormous my bones were on the verge cracking and yet somehow I had yet to be harmed.

“Wat is up with you Holly? You are squirmin’”

“I think something is on my chair” I felt every bone shattering ounce remove from off my body. I didn’t even have the strength to move as I heard Holly gasp, then Haley.

“Mr. Wendell” Haley barely managed to sputter out as she looked down at me. I then felt her warm fingers wrap around a couple of my left leg. Everything whizzed by as I shook from side to side as I found myself dangling in front of Haley’s face, her brown locks of hair just inches from me.

“I think your ass killed him, Holly” laughed Haley as she poked me in the stomach with her finger then set me down on the keyboard.

“Listen, girls take me to whoever is in charge of this class right now” I demanded as I hung upside down.

“Wha? You are asking us for a favor?”

“No! I am telling you! Unless you want to get detention.” I barked out at her.

“We can barely hear you….”

“You can too!! Take me to the teacher, she just across the room, do you hear me!”

“I just can’t seem to hear him, he must be to SMALL. Maybe if he asked a little nicer we might be able to hear him…but…”

“I am not fuckin’ playing around. This is serious. I am through with you two, detention for a week do you want to make it two weeks”

Haley then pulled at Holly’s skin tight black top; she slid me down into her top. It was then I felt swift movements as the girls snuck out of the computer lab. They giggled as they ran down the hall discussing who was going to drive. I was left only asking driving where. I found out later, that it was to Holly’s house.

* * *

My eyes flutter open as I roll onto my stomach and push myself up off the floor. I look down at the newspaper which covers the ground. I head over to the left corner and look out through the bars down at Holly sleeping away. Her blonde hair put down, her blankets in shambles, as they hang over the edge in some places, some are on the floor. She has on nothing but some plaid boxers and a black sports bra.

As a burst of wind gusts threw her window, I shiver as it hits my nude body. I shake the bars a couple of times trying to wake her up but it never works. I slump to the floor.

The floor of my cage is riddled with urine spots, and bread crumbs. I use to think of it as appalling, but now, it’s just my life. It’s just how it is.

5, 4,3,2,1 ring there goes the alarm, always on one. My body just wakes up five minutes before Holly’s alarm on its own.

I listen to her grumble as she stands up grabbing her guitar pick. She runs the pick along the bars of my cage telling me time to get up.

Even though I am up, even though she knows that I am up, every morning she runs that damn guitar pick across the bars of my cage. I hate that guitar pick. I hate how it beats against the bars almost like its gloating, mocking me.

Holly, however, doesn’t even look at me. She sets the guitar pick on the desk below me and heads out of her room.

I am left alone, looking at these same four walls that have grown to look familiar and safe. I use to dream about leaving these four walls, but now, I can hardly remember what its like out there. What does spring smell like? What does it feel to walk barefoot across the yard, to shoot hoops on a summer’s day? I just don’t know anymore. It’s like that was another life so long ago.

As Holly returns she ponders a bit over her outfit finally deciding to go with something casual, just jeans and a sweatshirt. She then walks towards me, her eyes locked onto me. That smile of hers spread across her face.

“Sleep well Wendie? You are such a messy little creature.” scoffs holly as her eyes look at the floor of my home.

The floor begins to shimmy from side to side, I run to the back wall of the cage leaping off the floor and onto the metal bottom of the cage. Holly walks off with what to her must only be a tray. A look of disgust passes across her face as she dumps the newspaper into her wastepaper basket.

I cringe as there is a knock at Holly’s door; my eyes are glued on the door. I pray that its Katie, I like Katie she is so nice to me, but I haven’t seen much of her lately.

My heart leaps as I watch Katie glide through the door, her short blonde hair pulled back in a miniature pony tail, it only goes out about a inch or so but looks cute, She has on red zippered sweatshirt with a white t-shirt underneath, a baseball cap on and jeans, I cringe as I see Haley walk into the room. Haley heads towards Holly as Katie heads towards me. I wave to her as she easily opens up the top of the cage and reaches down grabbing me.

Her warm hand hugging me as I glide down towards her stomach, she smiles down at me as she sets down on Holly’s unmade bed.

“How’s my little Wendie doin’ today huh? I brought you a little gift, I saw it at the mall the other day, and I couldn’t help myself.”

I was set down on Katie’s lap. I looked up at her wishing that I could go home with her. I often tried to think of ways to stow away with her, but I know it’s hopeless; I would probably be a bother to her.

“What do ya think Wendie?”

I stared at almost in disbelief. It was a chocolate in the shape of a raindrop, it had a name but I forget, I rushed towards it and began to rip off the tinfoil like I was opening up a gift on Christmas day. As I unwrapped the candy I saw the shadows of Holly and Haley stand over me. I looked up at Katie almost in tears as I start to bite into the chocolate when I watch a pair of massive fingers wrap around it, I look back just in time to see Holly plop it into her mouth.

“Holly that was mean! I got that for Wendie” scolded Katie.

“Oh he doesn’t mind do ya” says Holly as she grabs me off of Katie’s lap. I squirm in her grip. Haley shoved the actual floor back into my home as Holly drops me back in.

“See you later, we have school. I am sure you remember that place, you use to work there. They got this really hunkie teacher to replace you though.”

“Oh you Mr. Matheson, I would do anything to go out with him” exclaims Katie

“Who wouldn’t girl, Cya Wends” blurts out Haley as the girls walk out and I am left behind.

I sigh as I settle in for a long day, when the door swings back open. Holly’s Sister Brianna walks in; she smiles as she skips towards me. She grabs the cage and sets down on Holly’s bed.

“Mom says im sick and can’t go to school today. So it looks like its just going to be me and you.”

Brianna, who looks just like Holly only Brianna is a couple years younger, Brianna carries me out of the room enclosing her fist around me. I listen in as she gabs with her mom about numbers and such. As her mom leaves I can feel Brianna’s body lurch as she sets me down on the table. I look around lost as I haven’t ever been out of Holly’s room. I watch in shock n awe as Brianna pulls off her Pajama’s revealing street clothes.

“I have been waiting for a day with you for a long time Wendie. I hate having to lie to do it, but I want to play with you too. Don’t worry, this will be our little secret” I am shoved head first into the back pocket of Brianna’s jeans. Only my legs come out the top as Brianna heads out the door. I hear a car horn honk and Brianna start to run.

“I have got the coolest thing to show you, my sister keeps it locked up in her room, but I snuck it out.”

“Oh my god, look at him! He is soooo going to the beach with us.”

“I figure he will be perfect for all those hard to reach places.”

Little did I know, my life was just about to get a lot more interesting….

The end
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