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Story Notes:

My first ever giantess story. I've written before but never anything like this. It was from encouragement from fellow writers that I even took this first step to a multiple chapter story.

I do hope whoever reads it enjoys. And if you don't then TRY AGAIN

Notice! After consideration on my end I decided to redo a scene in chapter 4. The choice was entirely my own as, after thinking on the subject, decided what was originally there is a path better left untraveled. 

Author's Chapter Notes:

A shrunken Guard in a hospital with a possible maniac. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?



Running down the hall Damian felt as though his chest was ready to burst. He’d been on his feet for so long. It was quite clear he’d been through an ordeal.


The hallway walls were covered in blood, And something was telling him he didn't want to know where it all came from. To make matters worse, it was all blown to obscene proportions thanks to his diminutive stature. A measly two inches. And he wasn’t the only one unfortunately.


It all started with a green gas that spread to every room in this fucking hospital. First came the lightheadedness, followed by the tightening of muscles and eventual loss of consciousness. Those few who woke up after found themselves as small as Damien or maybe even smaller. Bigger if they were lucky. Those who didn’t, while still gigantic by comparison, were “compressed” in some parts of their body. As though the process of shrinking hadn’t fully taken effect, forcing their bodies to eventually give out on them. Damien couldn’t help but feel envious of them. They got off easy. Or at least easier than what he and several others were going through.


He didn’t deserve this. He was only twenty four. He still had his whole life ahead of him. He only took this job because he owed the hospitals owner a favor. Now he was being hunted down by some blue haired bitch! What a fucked up day it’s been for the poor, minuscule guard.


Damien froze in his tracks upon the sound of footsteps being heard throughout the halls. Slow and methodical, as if someone was searching. Of course someone was searching. It was her. The blue haired bitch that put him in this position to begin with!


Despite the exhaustion he felt Damien pushed himself to continue running. It was the only thing he could think of, in this oversized fucking hospital. It all seemed straight out of a horror movie. The bodies. The blood. The death.


He’s already seen what could happen to him if he was caught. Shit, he nearly was. The bitch almost nabbed him when he tried hiding away in a patients room. The woman occupying the room was shrunk like him, though she was much taller. Maybe three or four inches. Didn’t matter though as she had shouted for him to leave. Maybe she thought he’d give away her hiding place if he remained. As if that even mattered. All her screaming got her found in record time, while Damien barely had any to get away.


It was the first time he saw her.


The giant psychopath that did this to him, and quite possibly everyone else in the hospital. Not at all bad looking from what he saw. Decent height, perhaps five foot nine, with medium cut, blue faded hair and wonderfully blue eyes. Warmly dressed given the cold nature of the hospital, wearing a large, black overcoat. Still he was able to see the black boots she wore, along with the black tights, kilted skirt and red shirt she wore underneath the coat. He may have peaked when he thought she wasn’t looking…


Strangely enough the blue haired woman wore a mask and gloves for reasons Damien would find out in horrifying detail.


At first he believed she was here to help them, definitely voicing concern when she lifted up the loud mouthed woman in the palm of her hand. Damien had taken to a hiding spot just beneath a seat within the room, the type there never seemed to be enough of for visitors. Given his luck it was no surprise that the giant decided to take a seat in that exact spot, her weight making the seat crack under the pressure and giving the tiny security guard a sense of just how dangerous his position was.


The woman seemed friendly at the time, even bringing up the possibility of escape for the one in her hand. It wasn’t until the three inch tall woman started bad mouthing her apparent savior that the much larger woman lost her friendly nature.


There was no sound of disapproval for her language. No reprimand for taking on an aggressive behavior. The larger woman simply closed her hand around the much smaller individual in her palm and didn’t cease until she heard a wet pop. And then without so much as an ounce of guilt for killing she threw the crushed corpse right between her legs and towards the floor, landing right in front of Damien.


There are few moments in the guards life that he can admit he’s felt fear. He was well built, and normally would tower over this murderer. But given the circumstances he was understandably scared for his fucking life, a sense of dread washing over him thanks to his predicament. A dread that only grew once the gigantic woman bent forward in her seat, peering between her legs and towards where Damien had snuck away.


“So, did you enjoy eavesdropping? Or did you wanna join in on the fun?”


An answer wasn’t needed for as soon as he was found out Damien made a break for it, running past the womans gigantic boots and towards the entrance. All the while the blue haired killer had ample time to stop him.


He knew why she didn’t. Even as the foot steps grew louder, to the point where he didn’t even need to turn around to see that she was right behind him, she still didn’t catch him.


She allowed the poor security guard to continue his attempt at an escape, a clear sign that she was toying with him. Even with her damn mask Damien knew she was smiling.


Eventually his legs gave out, the distance between the room and his current position being too much even for someone like him.


Awwww...someone’s tired~” the woman teased as she loomed her fingers over the shrunken guard. Rather than snuff out his life then and there she instead began to roll the poor man forward. “Don’t worry~ I can help you the rest of the way.”


She was chuckling as she rolled Damien from his front to his back, moving him only a few inches each time. Even as he tried to fight against her fingers, each one seeming taller than him, she still laughed quietly at his vulnerability.


It wasn’t until she began pinching his leg when he was face down that her tone turned serious. “On second thought I really shouldn't waste time...there’s so many of you I still have to meet up with.”


She raised Damien from the floor, removing her face mask as she did. Soft, luscious lips. The kind he would have found themselves staring at were he normal sized. Now that they’re big enough to cover half his though, they only instilled more fear within him.


“W-wait! Whatever you’re going to do please don’t!” Damien pleaded, his voice seeming close to tears.


The blue haired woman smiled at the man’s pleas, finding them amusing. “I just want to ask you a few questions.”, she admitted with a chuckle, dropping the minuscule into the palm of her hand. “There’s nothing wrong with that right?”


It took Damien longer than he would care to admit to get a hold of himself, the poor man having been dangerously close to soiling his own pants. “B-but you killed someone. That woman! Without batting an eye!”


The blue haired giant leaned against a wall, uncaring for the blood on it and smiling the entire time she watched the shivering guard in her hand.


“My name’s Maya” she revealed, completely ignoring the guards worries. “And I’m wondering if you know where I can find the keys to the medical records? I’ve already asked around but nobodies giving me the time of day. Everyone's been so rude today, I really do hope you’re different.”


When she spoke it was always with a smile. A great, big toothy grin that seemed more intimidating that it was reassuring. It gave him a clear view of the extremely sharp canines before him.


“Well?” Maya whispered, bringing her mouth, and by extension her teeth, even closer. “Are. You. Different?”


Her breath washed over him. Minty. Well kept. But still terrifying.


“The head doctor!” Damien panicked. “His name….his name...Wesmer! Doctor Wesmer!”


Maya pulled the tiny man further away, giving him some much needed space. “And where is Doctor Wesmer?” she asked. “Hopefully I haven’t met him yet. Would makes things harder than they already are.”


Damien searched through his memories, trying to recall where it was the doctor would be. They’ve worked here certainly longer then he has. They’ve even spoken a few times. Only formal chats, nothing special.


“Surgery!” Damien recalled, remembering the doctor was prepping for a surgery before everything happened. “Third floor! First right down the hallway and he should be there, I swear!”


Maya brought Damien closer once more, baring her teeth as he found himself close enough to touch them. “Are you sure?”


“Yes! I am!” the tiny security guard screamed as he fell back into her fingers. Much to his relief Maya back away, pleased with his cooperation.


“I knew you were different.” Maya chuckled as her eyes loomed over the tiny guard. “Scared, little Damien...”


He felt his breath get caught in his throat. She knew...his name? He never gave it to her. How could she possibly know him.


A question that wouldn’t get an answer it seemed, as Mayas tongue shot out from in between her lips and towards the minuscule guard. She licked him from top to bottom, relishing in the moments he tried to push the pink horror away.


“So small...” Maya mused as a blush overtook her cheeks. Her eyes seemed to turn hazed as she looked towards him. “So weak...so sweet.”


Maya withdrew her tongue back into her mouth before forcing Damiens legs in between her lips with her free hand.


“W-wait! What are you doing!?” Damien tried to kick himself free from the maniacs lips but only found the folly in that when her incisors bit down into his legs, easily cutting into his pants and flesh.


Damien cried in pain as the teeth easily prevented him from using his legs further. Any blood Maya tasted did little to halt her enjoyment. In fact the familiar taste of iron only seemed to invigorate her as her legs grew weak to the point that she had to shrink against the wall, sliding down against it until she was sitting upon the cold floor. Bringing both hand to her cheeks Maya couldn’t resist the temptation to continue sucking upon the tiny guards body, bringing him further into her mouth each time she did.


It was euphoric, this feeling. Even as it felt like he would get stuck in her throat because of his size she refused to stop.


His torso was sucked in between her lips next, Damien still trying to fight the inevitable as he pushed against them with his arms. Maya quickly felt this, and with her bottom incisors bit into his back, cutting into his spine with horrific ease, paralyzing the little guard.


With his arms out of commission Maya toyed with her preys body, her tongue abusing it as though it were a large piece of candy. Damien only the other hand could only watch pitifully as his head was eventually sucked passed Mayas lips, their softness only gracing him for a second before he was brought into her mouth.


It didn’t smell like mint anymore, the scent having mixed with his own blood. It was hot and humid in the fleshy cavern, with so little room given his size. Yet the moaning he not only heard but felt emanate from Mayas throat implied that she enjoyed this to extremes he couldn’t begin to comprehend.


The cavern shook as Maya giggled to herself, the thought of another living being held within her mouth working wonders for her, just as it always has.


Damien couldn’t feel his legs enter Mayas throat and only became aware of his fast approaching descent when he noticed the roof of Mayas mouth moving further away from him.


He couldn’t even see it coming, instead resorting to begging. “Please! I Helped you! I told you what you wanted to know! Why are you doing this to me!?”


Pleas that fell on deaf ears as Maya was well beyond the point of listening to anyone now. Breathing became difficult as Damien proved to be a rather large morsel for her, though not the largest she’s ever had. Even as he breaths became staggered and difficult she kept swallowing until she felt what she wanted.


As for Damien, he continued to beg. Til the very end. “Please! I promise I won’t tell anyone what you did! I pro-”


One moment. That was all it took for him to be pulled through the rest of the way, the cuts in his body only worsening as the pressure only spread them wider. No doubt he’d go through hell once the acids of Mayas stomach worked their way into them, taking the poor guard apart from the inside.


But that was hardly at the top of Mayas thoughts. Currently she was trying to get a hold of herself, panting heavily as she held her knees up to her chest, burying her face within.


She never liked the taste of people. Only their blood tasted like anything, and she hated the lasting taste of iron. But the thought of Damien within her. The horrific process he was forced to endure. The very idea nearly sent Maya into yet another euphoric frenzy and it was only through sheer force of will that she made herself stand.


Her legs still relatively weak Maya began to shakily walk for the nearest flight of stairs or elevator.


“Third floor...” she muttered, a series of chuckles following afterward. The torture she put the guard through really did do a number on her, being only able to move at a snails pace as a result.


“Third floor...first right down the...hall-” Maya was trying her best to get a grip on her own sanity. A task made all the more impossible when she noticed two shapes scurrying across the floor, away from her. “Way...no way...”


Her weak legs from before seemed to vanish as she sprang forward, pouncing upon the two terrified nurses with startling care. Her dark overcoat and faded, blue hair hung over the two terrified woman, all the while whatever grip Maya had on her fractured mind seemed to vanish.


“Chocolate~” Maya mused as she focused on the shrunken individual pinned to her right. Dark skinned, rotund, with hair dyed a scarlet red. “Vanilla~” Maya teased as she focused on the captive to her left. Fair skinned, though clearly sunburnt, with blond hair and lovely blue eyes.


Mayas breathing turned fast paced once more as her own blue eyes loomed over the women, filled with twisted desire.



Chapter End Notes:

My first story on the site. Go easy or hard any criticism is greatly appreciated. 


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