Summary: A fanfiction within the Love Hina universe. After an incident in the Hinata Hot Springs Girls Dormitory, great changes start to go underway. Keitaro Urashima, the manager at the dorms, finds himself in the company of a lot a women who over time are becoming instinctively drawn to him. Not only that, but there appear to be noticeable size changes among all the women in the dorms. How will Keitaro deal with an evergrowing harem that is starting to grow around him, both in quantity and in sheer size?
As the title indicates, this story will be chock-full of harem themed antics. So if harem is not your cup of tea, then do not read it. I repeat: If you hate the harem genre, DO NOT READ THIS.
*Edited Note: This story will also have a lot of 'fluff' in it, so to speak. So if that makes you roll your eyes as well, turn back. And the growth parts start by chapter 11, for those who want to cut to the chase.
Rated: R
Categories: Lesbians,
Teenager (13-19),
Young Adult 20-29,
Adult 30-39,
Breast Enlargement,
Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes,
Growing Woman,
Slow Size Change,
Violent Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.)Shrink: None
Size Roles: FF/mWarnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 53
Completed: No
Word count: 329581
Read: 152680
Published: July 04 2021
Updated: June 18 2023
Story Notes:
Disclaimer Time: Love Hina is the property of Ken Akamatsu. I have no claim to it whatsoever. This is merely an attempt at fanfiction for entertainment purposes. You can call off the lawyers now.
1. Character Backgrounds by Jim1989 [Reviews - 2] (1144 words)
This "chapter" is just the backstory of the characters that will be involved in this story. Figured I would get the character descriptions out of the way, as well as present the layout for the characters involved for those who may not be familiar with the Love Hina franchise.
For source material on physical descriptors (age, height, bhw measurements), I used the following websites as a reference, in case any hardcore Love Hina nerds want to get into it with me:
2. Chapter 1: Keitaro's Backstory & Daily Chores by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (3746 words)
Thought I would help set up how Keitaro became manager of the Hinata House in this chapter, as well as start some chemistry between him and one of the residents. My intent is to have him interact with ALL the characters in this fanfic eventually, but first I feel the need to lay the groundwork so to speak. Get the reader to know who's who before things get kinky.
3. Chapter 2: Girl Talk, Sisters, and Intimacy by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5376 words)
For this chapter, I've decided to set up some interaction between the younger members of the Hinata House, as well as try to find a way to get them romantically interested in the protagonist. Figured I would lay the foundation for the harem aspect of the story.
4. Chapter 3: Family and Memories, Part 1 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (4526 words)
This chapter will be about Haruka Urashima. Wanted to set up her backstory and try to set things up regarding feelings for Keitaro in a way that might make sense. Sorry if the idea of intercousin relations grosses people out, but I like Haruka and would like to see her share a relationship with Keitaro.
5. Chapter 4: Family and Memories, Part 2 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (3934 words)
This chapter will detail Kanako's part in this story. There'll be some dialogue, but for the most part it will be a brief retelling of Kanako's history with some alterations I've made here and there. There will also be a fun little addition at the chapter's end.
6. Chapter 5: More Guests and More Intimacy by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (3994 words)
This chapter will bring in the last of the harem. Figured I would try to bring in the remaining characters asap so that the story can really take off once everyone is assembled and the harem and growth events can make their debut.
7. Chapter 6: A One-on-One Talk Between Friends by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (7781 words)
This chapter will involve past demons between two girls in the Hinata House, mostly between them and their dorm manager. This was a tricky chapter for me, as I hoped to find a way for them to feel shame and seek redemption for how they've acted in the past within the Love Hina universe. Also trying to find a way to feasibly fit them into a harem.
8. Chapter 7: Group Chat and Harem Talk by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5676 words)
This chapter will be a multi-sided conversation between various characters, so things will be a lot "chatty" in this part of the story. Also some conversation between the Su sisters in private.
9. Chapter 8: Sister Talk and a Room Visit by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6054 words)
It's been a while since I've posted a new chapter. I work a job that takes up a lot of my time and energy. This chapter will have more character development, in this case between the Aoyama sisters. Also building up to the deus ex machina which will tie this whole story together.
10. Chapter 9: Shenanigans, Turtles, and Fortune Cookies by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (4158 words)
Chapter title pretty much sums this one up. This is the linchpin which will tie in a lot of this story (or so I hope).
11. Chapter 10: Girl Time in the Hot Springs by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (7296 words)
Hopefully, this chapter will be enticing. Really wanted to set up Amalla as the sort of matchmaker for the harem element to this story, with Kaolla as her wingwoman. Hope you enjoy it.
12. Chapter 11: Growing Developments by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (7759 words)
Pretty self-explanatory title. This chapter ended up being longer because I tried to get as much dialogue and character development as I could. It's tricky writing a harem fic with thirteen women and try to give them ALL ample time in the story. At least, it is for me.
13. Chapter 12: A Very Surprising Breakfast by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5436 words)
This where things start to pick up regarding the GTS growth content. Hopefully, you enjoy this, as I consider it some of my best work on this site so far (at least it felt that way at the time I was typing it out).
14. Chapter 13: Changing Clothes & More Harem Talk by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5022 words)
Figured I would resume with the harem element of the story. No growth in this chapter, sorry. That'll probably come in the next chapter or the one after that, depending on how I pace things.
15. Chapter 14: Cleanup, Intimacy, and Shopping Trips by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6309 words)
This chapter is basically just a followup of the events of the previous chapter, much of it from Keitaro's viewpoint.
16. Chapter 15: Shopping Trips, Chores, Fights, and More Growth by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (13373 words)
This chapter definitely ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be. Hope you enjoy it.
17. Chapter 16: Recuperation and Growing Desires by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5917 words)
This chapter will be more harem-based than growth-based, so now you know.
18. Chapter 17: More Girl Talk and Amalla's Offer by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6557 words)
Another session of girl time in the hot springs, with Amalla pitching her proposal to everyone on the spot. Trying to build up the romantic angst and intimacy in this chapter. Basically start getting people to agree to the harem plan.
19. Chapter 18: Confessions and Bedrest by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (9495 words)
Building up of chemistry between the girls of Keitaro's harem. Also some time for intimacy between Keitaro and Kaolla.
20. Chapter 19: The Morning After, Part 1 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (8966 words)
Given how much dialogue is in this chapter, I've decided to break it into multiple parts. Basically, it'll be dialogue scenes between diffrent characters happening at the same time. Apologies in advance if there's not as much growth content as you'd like. Hopefully I'll get to that in the next installment.
21. Chapter 20: The Morning After, Part 2 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (7142 words)
A continuation of the previous chapter (obviously), with dialogue between different characters this time. Mainly confessions and more harem talk in this one.
22. Chapter 21: The Morning After, Part 3 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (5082 words)
Last part of this segment. Mostly conversation between Kanako and Naru.
23. Chapter 22: Workaround Solutions and More Growing Developments by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (5850 words)
Here ya go. I know it's been a while, mainly because I lost the spark to keep this story going. Hopefully, this chapter has some good and steamy content throughout it. It got a bit longer than I originally anticipated.
24. Chapter 23: Breakfast, Sexual Angst, Harem Developments, & New Arrivals by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5132 words)
Not a catchy title, but pretty much sums up the major points in this chapter, something which I make of habit of trying to do with each release.
25. Chapter 24: Incoming Assistance and Bathroom Talk by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (8345 words)
Introducing some relatively minor characters to the story, along with some steamy one-on-one talk in the second part of this chapter.
26. Chapter 25: Interim Developments (Motoko, Tsuruko, Kitsune) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (5960 words)
Next few chapters will basically be multi-part, with a focus on different characters, hence the names listed in this chapter. Apologies in advance if there's not adequate gts or harem features in this chapter to your liking.
27. Chapter 26: Interim Developments (Shinobu, Nyamo, Sarah, Kaolla, & Mei) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(4629 words)
Things get a little hot-and-heavy in this chapter by the end.
28. Chapter 27: Interim Developments (Amalla, Haruka, Kanako, Mutsumi) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(8284 words)
This chapter will have some drama and talks about the topic of incest. You've been warned.
29. Chapter 28: Kitsune Gets a Visitor by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (4108 words)
Adding a new character in this chapter. Mostly dialogue between this person and Kitsune.
30. Chapter 29: Keitaro's Resistance vs. Su Sisters' Insistence by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (4556 words)
Pretty self-explanatory title. Fair warning: This chapter involves male genitalia.
31. Chapter 30: Confrontation & Hot Spring Developments by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (8703 words)
A little bit of verbal 'Naru bashing' in this chapter, along with something amusing at the end.
32. Chapter 31: Further Hot Spring Developments by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5385 words)
An immediate follow-up from the last chapter. Sorry if it comes off as being rather drawn out. Also, this chapter involves male genitalia.
33. Chapter 32: A Night with Naru, Mutsumi, and Kanako (Part 1) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6095 words)
This chapter gets into intercourse involving Keitaro and three women, so obviously things will get pretty explicit here.
34. Chapter 33: A Night With Naru, Mutsumi, and Kanako (Part 2) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (5346 words)
Warning: Explicit content of a sexual nature in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised.
35. Chapter 34: After-Morning Developments (Part 1) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5708 words)
Multiple scene transitions in this chapter.
36. Chapter 35: After-Morning Developments (Part 2) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5415 words)
Just one scene playing out in this chapter, though it is directly connected to the previous chapter (obviously, given the title). More playful hanky-panky in this one.
37. Chapter 36: After-Morning Developments (Part 3) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (10473 words)
Two different scenes playing out in this part, with a visit from a previous character introduced earlier.
38. Chapter 37: Back to School (Part 1) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6184 words)
Kaolla and the others head back to school and (obviously) draw attention already.
39. Chapter 38: Back to School (Part 2) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (9008 words)
Some mild interaction of the Hinata girls returning to school, as well as Kaolla trying to get the harem to proceed further.
40. Chapter 39: Back to School (Part 3) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] (6194 words)
I know it's been a while. I confess that I struggle to find the inspiration to keep this story alive, especially with my other fanfic I'm working on. Anyways, enough moping.
41. Chapter 40: Amalla's Daydreaming by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (7469 words)
Pretty self-explanatory. Amalla has some steamy, pervy dreams about both the harem and the growth spurts.
42. Chapter 41: At-Home Conversions (Naru, Mutsumi, Kitsune) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (3607 words)
Naru & Mutusmi do their part to bring Kitsune into the harem.
43. Chapter 42: At-Home Conversions (Amalla, Kanako, Tsuruko, & Haruka) by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6381 words)
Follow-up from the previous chapter, just a different group of women.
44. Chapter 43: A Friendly Warning by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (6659 words)
Kaolla has little chat with some less-than-savory characters.
45. Chapter 44: Kitsune's Confession by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5929 words)
Another member of the harem is finally inducted.
46. Chapter 45: Hot Spring Progression by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (5298 words)
The harem plan chugs along as the next women are picked to bed Keitaro for the night.
47. Chapter 46: Shinobu-Nyamo-Kitsune Threeway, Part 1 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 0] (3447 words)
Preamble to the next sex scene coming up. I know, I'm such a tease with these things :)
48. Chapter 47: Shinobu-Nyamo-Kitsune Threeway, Part 2 by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(6774 words)
Warning: Very sexually explicit content in this chapter. Reader discretion is advised.
49. Chapter 48: More Love Drama by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(7649 words)
I know it's been a while. The creative spark comes and goes with me, sometimes taking months at a time before inspiration comes. Anyways, hope you find this amusing.
50. Chapter 49: Suntanning with the Aoyama Sisters by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(8138 words)
Been a while. The will to create has come back, for now.
51. Chapter 50: Aoyama Sister Lovefest by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(7656 words)
Warning: Sexual content in this chapter.
52. Chapter 51: A Quick Visit & A New Visitor by Jim1989 [Reviews - 1] 

(4815 words)
Know it's been a while. The inspiration comes and goes, sometimes taking months to return. Anyways, here ya go.
53. Chapter 52: Seta's Arrival by Jim1989 [Reviews - 2] 

(5641 words)
Bringing a new character into the mix.