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Story Notes:

Commissioned by rayner3 on DeviantArt


Sitting alone in the corner of the room, Youngster Mikey had nothing to do but swing his legs back and forth while he watched Professor Juniper and Bianca, her assistant, go from one piece of lab equipment to the next, making sure they were all in working order.

Having been sitting there for an hour already, he was so bored he wanted to scream. He shouldn't be cooped up in a lab like this, he thought; he should be out in the woods, catching pokemon! How else was he going to become Pokemon Champion? But his parents didn't like the thought of him being out in the woods alone, so they'd sent him here to be the professor's “lab assistant” instead. Really, she was more of a babysitter for him—the only thing he ever helped out with was fetching stuff for her. The rest of the time it was as though he didn't exist. She probably only took him on as a favor for his mom.

After a while, Bianca and the professor finished checking on anything and were finally about to run their first test. Mikey didn't have a clue what exactly they were working on, but he knew it had something to do with dynamaxing, which sounded really cool. When he'd asked what they were trying to do, though, the professor's answer had nearly put him to sleep. He would have thought it impossible to make anything about dynamaxing sound boring, but somehow she'd managed to do it. Still, if he could see a dynamaxed pokemon in Unova, maybe this wouldn't be a total waste of time.

The focus of the experiment was a small band resting on a stand. Once everything was ready, the two women stepped away from it and pulled on a switch that caused a couple of strange devices on either side of the band to shoot some weird purple energy into it. When they stopped after a minute, the band was now crackling with electricity. The two women then started taking some readings of it, and after a while, they went off to the library to grab a research paper or something. Mikey didn't really hear or care what they were going for—all that mattered was that he was alone with the weird band.

Mikey stood up and went towards it. It felt as if something about it was calling to him. If he wore it, would he be able to dynamax his pokemon? There was only one way to find out. Standing before the band, he reached out to grab it, only to draw his hand back with a yelp as energy leapt from the band to his fingers, giving him a painful shock.

“Stupid thing,” he grumbled as he turned away from the band, going back to his chair. On the way there, however, he started feeling funny, and soon he saw everything around him getting bigger. Only, it wasn't really getting bigger; he was getting smaller and smaller, shrinking until he was just half an inch tall; a hundredth of his normal height.

At this new size, Mikey looked around the lab in awe. From this perspective it looked like a totally different place. “This is so cool,” he said as he began exploring his surroundings, comparing himself to some familiar objects such as his backpack, the legs of the chairs, or the cables connecting the lab equipment. After a while, however, he heard Bianca and the professor coming back.

He looked to the lab entrance and saw them step in, standing many times taller than even a dynamaxed pokemon. Mikey gawked at the immense size and power of their bodies, which caused minor tremors in the floor with every step, until he saw they were headed right for him. At their size, if they stepped on him, they would crush him easily. He tried yelling up at them to get their attention, but the two of them were totally immersed in a conversation and his words didn't register at all.

The two giantesses traversed hundreds of feet with every step, and before Mikey knew it, they were already on top of him, they sandaled feet coming to crush him. With a scream, he turned and ran, making it out from the professor's foot just as her sandal came thundering down behind him, its impact knocking him forward. He turned over just in time to see the sole of her sandal rise above him before swinging away, leaving him behind on the floor.

After that near-death experience, Mikey decided he'd had enough of this whole “being small” thing, wanting nothing more than to go back to his normal size. Problem was, he didn't know how to do that. The only approach that occurred to him was touching the band again to see if that undid his shrinking, but he had no hope of ever getting up to it by himself. No, he would need help from the two giantesses to do it.

With that in mind, he ran after Bianca and Professor Juniper, yelling and waving at them. He had gone no more than halfway when Bianca turned around and started walking in his direction. At first he thought that she had heard him, but she just walked right over him on her way to a table, where she grabbed something and brought it back to the professor. Mikey had to dodge her footsteps both times around, running out of the way of her feet.

Growing angry over almost being stepped on so many times, Mikey started yelling at them, calling them names and berating them over it. That they hadn't even noticed he was gone yet only added to his anger. Not that they heard a word of what he said, of course, and even if his voice could reach their ears, they were too busy discussing the results of their test.

Grumbling all the way, Mikey eventually made it to Bianca's foot. He climbed up onto her sandal and started beating on the side of her heel with his fists, venting his anger on her foot. In response, Bianca only raised her foot a little and shook around, throwing Mikey off of her sandal and back on the ground below. Groaning, he picked himself up and was going to punch her again, if only to let out his anger, before deciding she wasn't worth his time. He went over to Professor Juniper's foot, hoping to find more success with her.

He walked around to the front of her foot and climbed up on her sandal next to her toes. He started banging on her big toe and yelling up at her. In response, the professor curled her toes, then stretched them out again, knocking him off her sandal. Before he could try again, she and Bianca got up and walked to the desk that held the lab's computer, making Mikey even more upset. After today, he decided, he would have nothing more to do with them, but at least for now, he still needed their help, so he held down his anger and started the trek to their feet again, grumbling all the while. He hadn't been walking long when a fortunate development brought him to a stop.

Looking around the lab, Bianca had finally noticed his absence and made it known to Professor Juniper. The professor at first dismissed it, saying he had probably only gone to the bathroom, but after Bianca's urging, she brought up the recording of the experiment they had on the computer. There, shortly after the end of the experiment, they saw Mikey approach the band, receive a shock from it, and then walk away before shrinking down, too small for them to make out on the screen.

Realizing what had happened to him, the first thing the two of them did was check the soles of their sandals in case they had stepped on him. After they saw that they hadn't, they sighed in relief, then set their sandals aside and split up to look for him barefoot around the lab, reasoning that there was less of a chance of them crushing him if they stepped on him with their bare feet.

Now that they were actually looking for him, Mikey figured he could probably stay put and wait for them to find him rather than chasing after them all day, which was good since his legs were getting tired and his throat sore.

Bianca was the first to approach the place where he stood. She was walking right towards him, her eyes scanning the floor for any sign of him, yet even when she was looking right at him, she failed to recognize him. She walked right over him, her enormous bare foot nearly trampling him where he stood. Mikey yelled at her and almost ran after her, but she was already hundreds of feet away before he got the chance. Besides, Professor Juniper was already coming around to him. He only hoped that she had sharper eyes than her assistant.

As she came near and her eyes swept over him, Mikey began waving and calling at her, but even so she still didn't see him. Utterly oblivious to his presence, her foot swung forward and actually stepped on him, smothering him under its smooth sole. Mikey struggled to escape his fleshy prison, but he could barely move down there. The professor must have felt him, though, since she slid her foot back off of him. Looking up as he regained his breath, Mikey saw her face looking back at him from atop her towering figure. She had a look of concern in her eyes. Crouching over him, she scooped him up into her hands and raised him to her face. “Mikey, are you okay?” she asked. Bianca appeared at her side, wearing the same worried expression as the professor.

“Are you two blind?!” Mikey yelled, his fury taking them by surprise. “I was right there on the floor in front of you and you didn't even see me! Why don't you watch where you put your big fat ugly feet? It's bad enough your dumb experiment made me shrink, now you also want to step on me?”“You watch your tongue, young man,” Professor Magnolia said. “And it's not our fault that you ended up like this. We never told you to touch the band; you made that choice yourself.”

“Whatever! I'm going to tell my mom that you two shrunk me and stepped on me and almost crushed me!”

“You ungrateful little... Do you think anyone would believe that story? Especially if it's you telling it? I could step on you on purpose and they still wouldn't believe a word of it as long as it came from your mouth. Now, how about you keep your mouth shut and show us a little more gratitude?”“No way! I hate you both and I'll never thank you for anything! Now get me back to normal so I can leave this dumb place already!”

“Even if I had the slightest clue about how to grow you back, I still wouldn't do it until you apologized for insulting us like that.”

“What!? You mean you're keeping me stuck like this forever!? Aaaargh! You stupid, ugly women! It's all your fault!” Mikey yelled.

“You know what? I've had enough of this. You need to be taught some manners,” the professor said, dropping him to the floor. As he recovered from the landing, Mikey looked up and saw her big toe hovering over him. Before he could do anything, the huge digit fell on him, pinning him to the floor with only his head sticking out from under it. He tried to push it off, all the while raging at and insulting both Bianca and the professor, who only smiled at his impotent rage as he failed to make her toe budge so much as an inch. His tirade was interrupted when the professor slid her foot forward so that her toe covered his face. Unable to breathe from under it, Mikey intensified his struggles to escape, all to no avail.

Right as he was about to pass out, the professor slid her foot back just enough to let him breathe again. “Do you want to yell at me some more?” she asked him as he lay gasping for air. He wanted to yell at her even more now, but he shook his head since saying so would only get him more. “Good. If you ever do it again, I'll put you under my toe and keep you there until you learn your lesson. Now, you want us to help you get back to normal, don't you?” He nodded. “We'll see what we can do about it, but only on the condition that you obey us completely and do whatever we ask you to do. Understood?” Another nod. “In that case, you can start by kissing my toe.”“What!? That's...! That's... I mean, right away, professor,” he said, his objections withering away under her glare. He raised his head, pressing his lips against the soft, warm surface of her toe, and gave it a kiss.

“Good boy,” she said, taking her foot off of him at last. “Now, Bianca, is there anything you want him to do for you?”

“You bet there is!” Bianca said, the eagerness in her voice not boding well for little Mikey. The young woman sat on the floor with him, picked him up, then pressed him against her large, plush sole. “I want you to lick my foot clean and keep licking it until I tell you to stop, got it?” Despite all his anger, Mikey nodded, knowing that he had no choice but to accept whatever task they gave him. “Then get to it.”The youngster stuck his tongue out and licked Bianca's sole twice, grimacing as he met with the awful taste of dirt and foot sweat. He turned to spit out the grime on his tongue before continuing with his task, getting more used to the taste with each lick. Whenever Bianca thought he had licked an area clean enough already, she slid him along to another spot for him to lick, and then to the next and the next until he'd been to every last inch of her sole, from her heel to each of her toes. Meanwhile, she and the professor teased him nonstop over his size, telling him how cute and small he looked, and how insignificant he was compared to them.

Mikey tried very hard to ignore what they were saying. He knew that he was way smaller and weaker than them, but the last thing he wanted was to be reminded of it. Still, he couldn't get it out of his head when they were constantly reminding him of it, and the more they humiliated him with that fact, the more it sank in for him how utterly helpless he was compared to them, especially in conjunction with having to act as their little foot cleaner.

When Bianca finally pulled him away from her sole, he sat meekly in her hand, looking down to avoid their eyes. That he had learned his lesson would have been apparent to anyone by now, but the two women weren't done with him yet. Even beyond getting back at him for disrespecting them, they had both learned that they loved dominating him with their feet, so much so that they wanted to keep him there forever. “You're such a weak, pathetic little thing,” the professor said as she grabbed him by the leg and dangled him up to her face. “You don't even deserve to be called a human anymore, nor will we treat you like one. To make it clear just where you stand next to us, you will call us your goddesses from now on. Is that clear?”“Y-yes, my goddess,” Mikey answered her.

Satisfied, the professor set him on the ground and then sat down with him, moving her feet so that he was right between the tips of her two big toes. Bianca did the same, setting her feet against the professor's so that Mikey was completely surrounded by their four big toes. “Now worship us.”Mikey hurried to obey, kneeling in front of each individual toe and piously kissing their surfaces, begging for their forgiveness for having insulted them before. He knew this was his place now, and he was grateful that his two goddesses had shown him mercy by allowing him to live instead of crushing him under their heels. He wanted nothing more than to earn their forgiveness for his actions.

Meanwhile, Bianca and the professor laughed at him and continued mocking him over how puny he was. Once they'd had enough of his worship, they drew back their feet and stood up. “Stay right where you are,” Professor Juniper said as she raised her foot over him. Despite his fear, Mikey stayed put, closing his eyes and awaiting her judgement. She bopped him with her big toe to knock him down, then her foot fell on him so that he was lying under the arch of her toes.

The professor scrunched her toes around him, holding him firmly in place, then walked a few steps to her sandals and slipped them on. “Now, pet, you're to stay there all day and worship my toes while I work. If he did a good job, maybe we could consent to growing you back. Some day.” In reality, she had no intention of ever doing so. He was much better off as a tiny little slave and foot worshipper, and she was sure she could convince the boy's mom of it, too.

Nor would Mikey have objected to that anymore. He now knew that these women, and especially the professor, really were his goddesses, and his duty was to obey them in every little desire they had, for the rest of his life.

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