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Chapter 4: New Bra


Alurel swam back underwater shortly after parting ways with Ethan. She was alight with joy. It seemed like she found someone who could help her, and she had high hopes. She carried that joy as she journeyed back towards the city of Atlantis.


Atlantis was many, many fathoms below the surface. Normally, the sun’s light would not reach down well enough quite that far. Thankfully, there were special sea creatures down there. Bioluminescent Urchins and sea anemones abounded on the sands and rock near the ocean floor around Atlantis and in general, so long as one didn’t go *too* deep, where darkness ruled.


These special creatures were called ‘sunbuds’ by the seafolk, although the term was misleading, since there were not plants and thus couldn’t really ‘bud’. However, they looked plant-y enough, and glowed with light the same shade as the sun itself. They also glowed bright, bright enough to illuminate the depths of the ocean. With this, any merfolk or other seafolk could easily navigate all but the deepest waters.


Seafolk were varied, even if the normal-sized merfolk were among the most common. Also, although Atlantis was *the* city of the seafolk, not all of them lived there. Alurel actually held her home outside the city, valuing her privacy. That was rare for a mermaid, normal or great: so rare she was the only one she knew of to do so.


However, some other types seafolk lived outside the city for their own reasons. One of Alurel’s acquaintances fit into that category, and she went to visit them on the way.


The great mermaid found the clay-beige, scallop-like shell nestled on the seafloor in a cozy spot of deep sand. Sunbuds were a bit denser in the area, making it even easier to see one’s surroundings. There was also some tall seaweed surrounding the bivalve shell, making it an even homier location.


The shell was large, giant by human standards, but it wasn’t all that big to a great mermaid like Alurel herself.


Alurel rapped the knuckles of her right hand against the clam-shell. It slowly opened. Inside was a being with the upper body of a naked, fair-skinned woman and the slimy, less rigidly shaped body of a clam stretched across the bottom half of the shell. That portion of the being’s body was more mollusk colored: namely, more yellow at the waist line and below.


“Clamdi!”, said Alurel.

“Alurel!”, said Clamdi.

“It’s good to see you again Alurel. It’s been so long, I was worried you forgot about me.”, said the clam-woman. She brushed some of her blonde hair from out of her eyes.


“I see you’ve ditched your shell bra at last. Are you finally giving up that silly quirk of yours?”, said Clamdi. She giggled after. She was stark nude herself, and saw no need to hide her pretty figure for anyone.


Alurel smiled down at her much smaller conversation partner.


“Well, not exactly. I actually lost it in a scuffle with some pirates.”, said the great mermaid.


“Pirates, but...”


Clamdi gasped.


“T-that means you were on the surface! That’s forbidden.”


“I know, but I ended up saving a human’s life. Don’t you think that would be worth the trip?”


Clamdi shook her head. “Well, hmm, I mean. That’s still very much taboo. I guess, given the circumstances, I won’t tell anyone.”

“Oh, I know you won’t.”, said Alurel.


“So, what brings you here then?”, said Clamdi. “Just stopping by to say hi?”

“Well, not exactly.”, said Alurel. “You see, that’s why I knocked. I need a new bra now, and your shell is the perfect size.”

“Oh? W-well I suppose that’s flattering in some odd way, but you know I can’t leave my shell even if I wanted to. It’s attached to my body; it’s a part of me.”

“Not for long.”, said Alurel. “I know it’s a tall ask, but consider it a last and final favor for your good friend.”

The great mermaid licked her lips. Clamdi tried top shut her shell, but it was too late. Alurel already her hands gripping either half of the shell. Even with all of Clamdi’s strength, she couldn’t shut her shut back even an inch.

She was exposed, and Alurel’s hungry mouth loomed right about her head. Smiling.


She opened wide with an “Aaaaah~”.


Clamdi flailed her arms in protest, but Alurel’s lips were stronger. Alurel was bigger: Clamdi was smaller. As a clam-woman to a great mermaid, Clamdi as at Alurel’s mercy.


Alurel wrapped her lips about Clamdi’s body. Her tongue stretched out and wiggled against her front, savoring her body with every movement. Her lips kneaded at Clamdi’s sides, her cheeks started suckling.

Clamdi screamed and protested, but all her words were swallowed up by Alurel’s mouth.


Just as Clamdi knew she herself would be.

Alurel started to suckle harder. Clamdi felt the suction against her body, threatening to rip her from the shell her fleshy clam-half clung too.


“Alurel stop, it hurts!” she shouted. But, the great mermaid cared not one bit for her pleas.


With body vibrating “mmm”s and loud suckling sounds, Alurel slurped her ‘acquaintance’ right up and into her mouth.


“Mmmf, slurp~”


Clamdi let out a scream as she felt her body rip from her shell. She had tried to hold on for some time, and then tried desperately to let go, if only to make it less painful to be yanked away. Unfortunately, staying or leaving the clam-shell was entirely at the mercy of Alurel, who apparently had none.


Clam-folk came in a variety of sizes. Since that clam-shell of hers was big enough to cup Alurel’s breasts, that meant Clamdi was on the larger end of size for her kind. Yet, big as she might’ve been to some, it was nothing compared to Alurel. A great mermaid was on its own level of ‘big’.


So, Alurel was able to fit the entire clam-woman into her mouth. Clamdi was fondled by that tongue as it raked across her front and twisted about her chest. Spittle dripped from her face and soaked her body. Clamdi’s entire body hurt from the force of suckling alone.


Big as Alurel was, Clamdi was large enough that the great mermaid’s meal did take up her entire mouth. Not many morsels could say to do that. This meant that although eating her was still easy, swallowing her whole, as was Alurel’s usual preference, was not.


So, Alurel decided to chew, and Clamdi’s nature made it easy to choose which part to chomp. A clam-person was human till about the waist line, at that point, their body became a bit more rubbery, trailing down to a flat base of flesh not too dissimilar from a slimy clam.


Clamdi felt that lower, clam-like part of her body briefly slide out past Alurel’s lips. Then, she felt nibbling just below her waist line. It came from Alurel’s incisors’; the great mermaid was testing where best to chomp.

Clamdi screamed.


“No, Alurel, please don’t-Aaaagh!”


Alurel chomped down, bisecting much of Clamdi’s upper-half from the lower, clam-half. It wasn’t an exact half-and-half cut, that’d be messy. Alurel knew that a clam-person’s blood flowed much slower in their clam-half, since it just a mass of rarely-moving flesh. This meant that her mouth wouldn’t be filled with too much of the clear-ish blood of that clam-half. It also meant that Clamdi wouldn’t bleed out, and could continue wriggling in her mouth in that delightfully manner.


Clamdi writhed, letting out yelps of intense pain.

“W-why?”, she called. Her voice was swallowed by the mouth, which vibrated in savoring “mmm”s all around here still. The clam-woman felt Alurel slurp her lower-bits back in. She could feel the severed part of her body glide against her upper-body, where Alurel’s tongue moved the clammier half to her molars.

Her severed lower body was chomped to bits, and those bits moved around her, rubbing against her body and dripping her own blood on her still living, wriggling upper-part. Alurel passed the clam-flesh from cheek to cheek.


While the great mermaid masticated her severed body all around her, Clamdi could do naught but struggle and whimper in vain. She had once called Alurel her friend, but it was clear to her now that she was just another piece of meat to the giant mermaid if it came down to it. Or, more accurately, *pieces* of meat.

Alurel had chewed up Clamdi’s severed lower-half enough for her liking. The bits of masticated clam-flesh varied from little chunks to thoroughly chewed slush that clung to Clamdi’s upper body. Nevertheless, the great mermaid knew the meal was chewed ‘enough’ that she could swallow.

So, she did. Her throat grabbed Clamdi’s living form and the chewed bits. Her slimy throat muscles tugged it all down, bunched up and squeezed together. With a satisfied sigh, she felt Clamdi land into her gut.


Clamdi’s clam bits rained down from above after her. By now, much of Alurel’s previous meals had digested to the point of death. Some pirates still yet lived in that dark, acidic place. They heard someone new arrive.


One of the pirates, on the cusp of death, reached out towards the new arrival motivated by sheer curiosity and desperation. Clamdi was near-immobile, but she was big, and out of pained panic she cocked her fist back and punched whatever was trying to grab her. The blow landed to the man’s head and, given the size disparity, killed him instantly. It was a mercy, really, and one she herself would not get.


The environment of Alurel’s stomach was dark, noisy, and gross. Clamdi couldn’t exactly see in the pitch-dark, living cavern of flesh. She could smell though. It smelled like acid and fish, and a smell she didn’t know, but what was the stench that resulted from digested human bodies.


She was awash in a chyme of dissolved eel and pirate slurry, in which pieces of her own body floated. A churn from the gut splashed her entire form with the muck. Her skin began to tingle. She tried to crawl, but with her lower-body severed she started to feel weak.


She found a decent enough spot to lay down. Her whole body hurt, bad, and only got worse as the acids had their way.


Alurel’s heartbeat, gurgles, and humming filled her ears.


Back on the outside, Alurel snatched up the shells she had so coveted. She licked their insides clean, then got to work making her new bra, singing to herself all the while.


She yanked up some of that tall seaweed from the seafloor. It’s not as though Clamdi needed it anymore, after all. She tied the stuff into a band and used it to affix the clay-beige shells to her tits, exterior-side of the shell facing out of course, with its scalloped front facing up.


Alurel tugged the cups against her bosom and gave them a wiggle.


“Perfect fit.”, she said. “Just as I thought. You know, I think this bra is even better than my old one. A new bra, and a nice clam-folk meal. It’s been too long for both I’d say~”


She giggled, drumming her fingers against her stomach.


“Alright, time to visit Atlantis~”

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