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Jaime was awoken by the warm, bright beams of sunlight slipping through her windows and onto her face. She reached her hand out and grabbed her phone from the table beside her bed, checking the time in her half-asleep state. She'd promised a livestream later today and was glad she still had a few hours before having to go live. She lay there for a little while longer scrolling through her phone before getting up and stretching. She entered her bathroom and stripped down, turning on the shower an getting in.

An accidental moan escaped Jaime's lips as the warm water crashed against her skin for the first time, it was a feeling she very much enjoyed. Rubbing herself clean all over she made sure her body was in a pristine condition before getting out and turning off the water. She dried herself off with some towels before discarding them and walking to her bedroom, ever since she started living alone she'd been enjoying the little thrill of wandering around her house completely naked. There were days she'd spend entirely without clothes if she knew nobody would be coming over. She sat down at her vanity mirror and dried her glistening blue hair before getting changed and applying some light makeup. She caught a glance of herself in the mirror as she walked to her computer and smiled. Her body was clad in a cute blue top showing off her belly, and a matching blue skirt, both of which matched her dyed light blue hair, she was happy with how adorable she looked this morning. Jaime sat down at her computer, excited to finally stream, and double checked her appearance before going live.

"Hi Jaime!" "Hi!!!" "Hey Jaime!" "JAIME!" "hello" "omg jaime!"

Only a few seconds after starting her stream her chat came to life, filled with greetings from hundreds of her fans.

"Hey guys! How are you?" She responded with a wide smile on her face. Throughout the course of her stream she was constantly answering questions and responding to comments, enjoying the interaction with her fans. She talked about the hair colours she wanted to try, food she had eaten recently, and activities she was excited to partake in. There were occasional comments that were.. a little much for her to let slide. She didn't mind it when people called her beautiful, she also didn't really mind it when people just wrote things like "hot" in her chat. But when people started to detail their sexual desires to her it was a quick way to get themselves a ban. However she'd be lying if she said it wasn't the slightest bit pleasurable to make people so crazy over her with a quick smile. A couple of hours of this back and forth conversation had passed when she spotted a rather weird question in her chat.

"Jaime if you found all of your subscribers shrunk down to the size of an ant what would you do with them?" As soon as she finished reading it aloud she regretted speaking at all.

"I.. uh... I... I'd.. I..." She stumbled over her words for a few seconds before snapping back,

"I don't know!? What a weird question!" She said quickly, visibly embarrassed. Part of her wanted to time the user out but she held back, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. As she tried to return her focus to reading her chat the thought kept coming back to her. What would she do in that scenario? Something about having a few hundred fans all to herself at such a small size began to appeal to her. In her head she pictured them standing beside her, with her toes looming over them. She could keep them like people keep ant farms, they wouldn't really need much food. She could get them to paint her nails, give her massages and so on. She continued her train of thought until her intentions began getting a little..darker. She snapped back to reality and turned her focus back to her chat. Jaime continued on answering questions and talking with her chat for at least another hour before she began to feel a little drained from the nonestop conversation. She said goodbye to her chat and turned off her stream, sinking back into her chair and stretching a little. As she sat there, alone in her bedroom, Jaime continued to fantasize about that weird little scenario. The main reason she began streaming was for the attention from so many people at once, so being a giantess had a bit of a natural appeal.

Jaime wandered into her kitchen and pulled a bowl from the cupboard. She grabbed a box of cereal and some milk from the fridge, pouring them into the bowl. One of the little hoops bounced from the bowl to the counter. She went to pick it up only to have her mind invaded by more of those weird thoughts. She looked down at the hoop and pictured a few tiny people beside it on the counter. She thought about how scary it'd be, having a piece of cereal literally stand taller than you. Coming back to her senses Jaime tossed the sweet little ring into her mouth and swallowed before putting away the milk and cereal. She grabbed the bowl and walked back over to her computer, eager to eat. As she dug in to her meal her curiosity got the better of her and she began looking up stories and pictures, even videos of similar giantess themed scenarios. She watched everything from city rampages to gentle playing, her head began to fill with new ideas for her own little fantasy. Her desire began to get stronger and stronger, she wanted this, she needed this. After reading a story about a girl who was completely unaware of a bunch of tiny people in her cereal, she began toying with her food. Stirring her spoon around and thinking about how much fear she could put into her own fans. She wasn't sure if she could actually eat one of them, but it'd be nice to have the option. She burst out into a cute little giggle, laughing at the absurdity of her thoughts.

Hours passed and the room slowly began to darken as Jaime continued to indulge herself, and she felt her eyelids getting heavier as the night came. She got up and dumped her bowl into the sink, yawning for a couple of seconds before heading to her bedroom. As she walked down the hall she continued playing out her newly discovered fantasy in her head, coming to a quick stop when she spotted some slight movement on the floor in front of her. For a slight second she thought maybe some divine being had granted her a favour, only to be disappointed when a little ant came scurrying out from behind some discarded footwear.

Still, while it wasn't an adoring little fan, she could have some fun here, after all, it was still at her mercy. On any other day Jaime would've grabbed a nearby shoe and flattened the irritating little thing, but today..this fantasy had changed her. She wanted to feel powerful. Jaime lifted her cute little foot and brought it over the small black creature, holding it there for a moment, drowning the ant in a large cloud of darkness as the gigantic digit took over it's sky. She spent a few seconds wondering if this ant was even smart enough to know it was now a plaything before gently lowering her big toe on top of it. The feint struggles of the ant brought a smile to her face as Jaime savoured her little power trip. She could feel the creature desperately trying to free itself, clueless as to what was happening. In a mere moment it had gone from desperately searching to find food for it's colony, to being a toy for an aroused deity hundreds of times bigger than it. Somewhere over the course of this experience her mind went from imagining the ant beneath her toe to imagining a little fan beneath her toe. Closing her eyes she pictured his little hands beating and beating against the enormous wall of soft warm skin holding him down. Finally getting to meet his favourite streamer, only to be completely dominated by her toe. Getting a little too rough Jaime let her toe slip a little, smearing the ant across her skin. Lifting her foot and scanning the bottom she sighed as she saw the broken body plastered to the toe. She realised just how hard she was leaning into this goddess power trip fantasy when her first thought upon the sight was that the ant was lucky to even touch her feet. Horny and frustrated Jaime finished her journey to her bedroom and stripped down before "taking care" of herself. She spent the night with the same, seemingly inescapable fantasy in her head, tossing and turning as she delighted in the countless things she could do with so much power. Like her previous thoughts it always started with good intentions, but quickly span out of control as Jaime got a taste of dominance. Little did this fortunate streamer know, elsewhere in the world that night, her subscribers were having a similar fantasy invade their dreams, but from a different perspective. So much so that it began to turn into a nightmare. And little did her subscribers know, that they'd be waking up to a very, very different world.

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