[Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstarPrinter
Summary: After about a year in a completely new city, things seem to be going pretty well for Brendon, new friends and all. After meeting Molly, a fellow transplant at the bar with her group of friends, they start to hit it off and plan a date. Everything goes somewhat smoothly the next night until while coming home from dinner, he randomly shrinks.
Rated: R
Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Adult 30-39, Unaware, Body Exploration, Butt, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Completed: Yes
Word count: 39669 Read: 76748
Published: May 24 2021 Updated: August 14 2021
Story Notes:
It's somewhat a sequel to Glory Days, the story I wrote last summer, focusing on Ben's estranged now adult son. I brought back a character from Shrunk Abroad, Molly. Making her the main female character that Ben interacts with. All vore in this story is pretty much going to be unaware, since I feel like you get more interesting situations out of it. I'm also going to do some flashback chapters, to make up for how quickly we dove into the shrinking part of the story, trust me, I'll implement them correctly, it's not going to seem out of nowhere.

Last but not least, I'm going to do about two chapters a week for this story, enough to keep a regular reader interested, but not so spaced out that they might forget about it. Plus I have work and college stuff and etc going on, and I've kinda made writing these a summer tradition for me.

1. Date Night by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (3678 words)
I'm using my preview from mainly Glory Days, I've spruced it up a bit over these last couple of months just for today, a bit more detailed. This story's setting is somewhat modern, but not modern enough that it seems like today. Set about ten years after the events of Glory Days, and about five years since the events of Shrunk Abroad, both events will be referenced in this story.

2. The Day After by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarhalf-star (3501 words)
Since I can actually remember the year that this takes place in I don't have to rely less on internet searches to make sure I don't have any anachronisms.

3. Breakfast at Molly's by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2929 words)
Little bit of puke near the end, I try not to make it too graphic.

4. Flashback: August 17th 2006 by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2099 words)
I'd thought I'd do a couple of chapters reverting back to Brandon's life in Seattle, just to make up due to how quick the shrinking started in this story.

5. The Barmaid by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (1981 words)
Introducing another female character, I'm doing a-lot of unaware scenarios in this story as I've mentioned before.
It's a bit shorter than usual, but the next chapter will totally make up for the length.

6. It's 5'O Clock Somewhere by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2761 words)

7. The Chinese Buffet by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (3460 words)
Some full tour up-ahead this chapter, since I know you guys have probably been waiting for it, this is only the first character I'm using for it, so I've decided to treat you guys to two this story, instead of my usual one really well detailed one.

8. Flashback: The Wonderful World of Retail by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2170 words)

9. Ashlyn's House by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2294 words)
I've decided to shorten the sewer chapter idea, since I figured a whole chapter about that would probably be pretty boring.

10. Dinner Time by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (1900 words)

11. Home Sweet Home by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2832 words)
Fun Fact: This story is the longest I've had one day set over about four chapters.

12. Flashback: Last Day in Seattle by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (1970 words)
This is the last flashback before we get into the last three chapters which will involve the ending, which by the way, I've got something interesting planned for it that I foreshowed in an earlier chapter.

13. Cincinnati Bound by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2642 words)

14. Road Trip by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2783 words)
More insight into our characters before I wrap up the story in the next chapter.

15. Jack Cooper by Flagpole_Sitta97 [Reviews - 0] (2669 words)
Thought I'd write the last chapter on a day I was off, to try to put some finishing touches. I'm going try something different for the ending.