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Part 15
I smiled and kissed her large finger nails as they held me and lifted me safely to her dresser whilst she searched for my clothes and adjusted them to my current size, reaching for my tattered shirt remains she smirked and said
“oops, guess Ill shrink you one of my tee-shirts”
In seconds I was the proud owner and wearing a reduced plain black t-shirt of Angels I was thankful it wasn’t particularly girly and pink. As I walked around the dresser which was becoming a very familiar hang out for me I noticed to my delight Angel was still in just her blouse as it draped half way down her impressive thighs and at my present size those legs looked totally fabulous, I was admiring their sexy shape and massiveness as she looked in the mirror above me fixing her hair. Then there was a knock at the door followed by a woman’s voice.
“Angelina? Angel?”
“Its storm Ill have to hide you ok?”
If I was ok or not she didn’t have time to check and my one inch naked body was lifted and slipped into the back of her panties under the tail flap of that blouse and out of sight from the grown up world. For me this was a new way to travel , I slipped into the crack of her gorgeous cheeks and they held me firm. But as she walked those cheeks moved up and down with her legs and I was subjected to a massage of sorts.
The door opened and Storm walked in , Angel sat down and I noticed her beautiful backside altered its shape to accommodate letting me slip further down under the material.
“Im sorry to disturb you Angel but its urgent”
“Look they said you skipped class are you ok?”
“Im fine just felt a bit queasy earlier that all and I didn’t want to ruin my first day on the job tomorrow”
“Well Angel its about the job , we have so much to explain to you and so little time can you come with me now please?”
”Um I need to err”
”Angel look im sorry to rush but time is of the essence its very important you come with me right away”
In her haste Angel simply slipped on her skirt and shoes and I was going along for the ride and just as curious as her to see what was so urgent.
I managed to climb out of her panties as she walked and used her tucked in blouse to pull myself up from the inside until I was over the top of her left hip and making my way around the front of her waist band. This was hard work and Angel must have known I was on the move because she would twitch every now and then to my actions. Finally after a few minutes I made my way to the front of her skirt and lined myself up with the gap between the lower blouse buttons so I could see out as I rested my arms over the top of her skirt waist band. Where were we? It must have been the far side of the Mansion one of the private wings.
“Where are you taking me?”
“Angel your going where only a select few have ever been , we are trusting you to keep everything from here on in secret ok?”
“Sure but why all the cloak and dagger”
“You’ll see”
We entered one of the smaller rooms in the mansion it looked much like an old servants quarters and pretty non descript. Then I saw Storm take the lead and open an old antique cupboard before us walking inside it? Angel followed into the darkness and we ended up in a metal room. I couldn’t make out what exactly happened next but I figured this was a lift of some sort as I heard some doors close and felt the sensation of descending.
“This is a little too James Bond for me Storm what’s the story here?”
“We are going down to a man made cavern below the mansion a secure site where all the operations of an elite team are held”
“an elite team?”
“Angel have you ever heard of the X-Men?”
I had heard of the X men it was story a tale people told of a rumoured team of mutants who served all of mankind righting wrongs and battling the evils of our world but could they possibly be true ? And living right under the school ? The very school I attended day in day out?
“Yes , I have Rogue once boasted when she was drunk out clubbing with us one night that she was caught up in some adventure with them and how they saved the world but she was drunk right?”
”Rogue knows of our existence im an X man or X woman depending on how you look at it. Im part of specialist team of mutants who use our abilities for good and tackle some of the forces that conventional organisations simply cant address”
The lift came to its destination and we stepped out into a metal and glass wonderland of underground corridors, well Angel and Storm stepped out I was just along for the sight seeing ride aboard the girlfriend express. We entered a room with banks of computers and plasma screens which was again right out of a James Bond movie set.
“This is the nerve centre where we get mission briefings and monitor world events our work is very important Angel and we are proud of what we achieve here. Let me introduce you to our team”
I hid my face a little as two men walked up to us.
“Meet Wolverine and Cyclops or otherwise known as Logan and…”
Angel knew the tall stranger with the red shades over his eyes who was he? I recognised the other one he was the guy rumoured to have blades in his fists a hairy and aggressive looking guy.
“You know Cyclops?”
Storm questioned
“He’s my cousin but Scott I thought you worked as a teacher?”
“Hey Angel long time no see , I use the teaching as a cover much like my partner Jean does”
This I wasn’t prepared for as this Scott character mentioned Jean there was Miss Grey dressed in a very tight one piece black costume that sported an X logo across her chest area.
“Miss Grey?!!”
“Hello Angel call me Jean, today was your last day at school”
Eventually they all sat down and Miss Grey filled in more details as she presented what they stood for and what they all did. It seemed that Professor X and the stories I heard about him saving the world was all true it was the Professor that formed this team and every few years he would select unique mutants to expand the ranks of his X-men.
“And so Angel you now know what we are all about and you may be asking yourself why are you here? Well if it isn’t obvious by now we want you to become our newest member , you have shown great control and skill with your powers in the private tuition sessions we run at the school and the Professor has kept a watchful eye over your progress hence his invitation to provide you with a job or actually with a cover story, whilst you act as a secretary for the school above you will be paid to become a member of the X-men”
They talked further and I could hear Angel and how overwhelmed she was right now it wasn’t surprising. Storm led Angel to another room and left her outside the door.
“The Professor will see you now Angel”
Before she stepped in Angel lifted me from her skirt and through the gap in between her buttons.
“John can you believe all this?”
“Angel its amazing im lost for words”
“Me too but why did they pick me?”
“Because you are an exceptional young lady”
I heard a voice as did Angel in our heads it was telepathy from the Professor within the room.
“John don’t move ok”
Angel instructed as she placed me inside her skirt pocket and the door of the room slid open. I didn’t see inside but heard everything.
“Welcome Angel its nice to have another Summers around Scott your cousin is my founder member here and quite the leader of my team”
“He’s great and I had no idea”
”That’s good we try to keep things secret down here and do what we can to preserve normality for the school above. Now Angel you probably realise the magnitude of what we are offering you today a decision to join a group of amazing individuals but Angel know one thing all of us are committed here and I expect the best from every team member no matter how hard the task before them.”
“Sir with respect Im not sure im cut out for this , the secretary job sure that’s a no brainer but this superhero thing do you think I can be of use?”
“With training yes , you will be an asset to us here but Angel we were forced to accelerate your induction to this afternoon because there is a mission of great importance that your talents would be ideal for and one I have to get under way today”
They don’t hang around here I thought the poor girls head must be spinning.
“Yes her head must be spinning Mr Cable but it’s a good head on her shoulders and Angel knows the value of what’s right and wrong”
Angel gulped in realisation the professors mental abilities had located John
“Its ok Angel I knew John was with you from the time you entered the facility I could sense an extra presence , but in the light of this current situation John might be just what you need to take along with you someone familiar and of close support, I wont mention him to the others and rest assured Jeans powers aren’t as sensitive as mine so don’t worry”
The Professor then began to explain the mission.
“Angel there is a growing threat to society as we know it and it comes in the form an organisation known simply as AU to the masses. AU now have a global presence but the heart of AU is based here and their ranks are swelling week on week. ”
“I know of AU”
I heard Angel chip in but this organisation was unknown to me , maybe I didn’t pay enough attention to the media.
“AU stands for Amazons United a group of young women who hold and teach rather interesting beliefs. At the core of their beliefs is the theory that man was created by woman who gave birth to man to do her bidding, that Eve came before Adam and that there is no such thing as mankind only womankind and its womankind that should be the dominant of the species. In general they are harmless an enthusiastic gathering of young women who protest for women’s rights and positions in society however there is a darker faction that has emerged a faction prepared to take larger steps to secure their vision of every female dominating every man alive. It is this faction that have recently stolen a secret electronic device from a government mutant research facility. The leader of the raid on this facility was a young woman who goes under the name of the Magnifier a beautiful creature but a very mis-guided one. Intelligence reports have informed us that she alone plans to utilise this technology to further their goals and today will be the first opportunity that she can exercise any plan with this device.”
”But what can I do to stop her and why today?”
“Our intelligence confirm that she will strike today with her plan because it will have taken her the last week using her normal powers to charge enough energy into the quantum emitter the device she stole. We are just waiting for the signal to confront her and bring her in. It the nature of her powers that makes you a perfect solution a sort of positive and negative , you see what I haven’t told you is that the lady in question is your sister”
“Oh my god no , not Sam!”
“Im afraid so Angel , Samantha was recorded exercising her unique powers in the raid and has gone into hiding ever since, now you know what she may be capable of and you may be able to get through to her and stop her in time before she attempts to use this emitter”
“Professor Sam wont listen to me , she wouldn’t listen to my parents or family , she ran away from home at sixteen to join this AU and we haven’t seen her since.”
“The big question is Angel will you join us? will you become an X-man and help us to stop your sister before its too late”
“Of course count me in”
I felt Angels hand slip into the skirt pocket around me and as if she wanted some reassurance she held me for a second or two before releasing me.
“Then we have no time to waste , ive telepathically summoned Storm who will sort you with a uniform and I will use Cerebro meantime to extend my mental powers to locate your sister. But before that I have the honour of bestowing a fitting name for our newest member of the X-men , from now on you will be known as Reducer”
“Good luck Angel and welcome onboard the team”
Storm collected Angel congratulating her on becoming part of the team and escorted her to another room.
“Angel this machine here produces our clothing it’s made of a special fabric that is highly durable and yet very flexible , im going to calibrate it now before it scans you for the finer detailing don’t worry about the clothes your wearing its beams will penetrate them.”
I didn’t like the sound of this.
“First of all I need to program in your basic statistics ok ?”
“5ft 5 inches”
“34 inches on an E cup”
“good and your waist and hips?”
“Ive got a 22 inch waist and thirty inch hips”
“wow you are curvy Angel , ok that’s all in here so Im gonna let the machine do its thing if you stand over there and if you wait by the collection bay it’ll take twenty minutes to cut and fuse the material to shape and size. Now Im going to leave you here until then because Scott needs help flight prepping the Blackbird, oh that’s our aircraft you’ll be impressed believe me.”
”err thanks Storm”
“Its ok to be nervous Angel it’s a lot to take in god knows I wasn’t ready but believe in yourself and your abilities ok?”
”I will”
I heard the door slide shut and in seconds I was retrieved out of my girlfriends skirt pocket and placed upon a metallic counter by a mass of lcd touch screens that blinked and flashed with activity. The room was small in real terms and the main feature was the controls by me and a tripod with a camera of sorts mounted to it.
“Just stand there baby whilst this thing scans me ok?”
I did as I was told and watched a blue light trace around Angels body before it faded and all the computer technology went into action.
“That’s it I think”
Angel raised me up and lifted me to her face.
“Angel are you upset about your sister?”
“No im ok about it , Sam and I towards her leaving never got on. She changed so much I probably wouldn’t know the Sam of today and what she is capable of despite what the Professor may think , she wont listen to me”
“So tell me about her what mutant abilities does she have the Professor said you’re a sort of positive and negative?”
“Sam has the ability to make things bigger including herself she can become a real giantess if she concentrates and the larger she gets she becomes more invulnerable”
“Then that’s what they are afraid of a rampaging giantess”
“I was always so jealous of Sam when we grew up together, she was always so confident and forward. We kind of shared the same obsession and fantasy with little people only for Sam she made herself the big one, once she mastered her powers she was forever becoming a giantess and intimidating the guys she fancied it got so bad at one stage the law made her wear a Mutant power inhibitor for a fortnight because she stuck a guy she hated onto the top huge eighty foot radio mast and he was left there stranded for almost ten hours that day whilst the rescue crews found a way to get him down safely.”
“So dare I ask how big she can become?”
“Over one hundred feet tall maybe a bit more I only saw her do it once when she disrupted a soccer game at my old school by laying down in her cheerleading outfit and covering a lot of the pitch just to annoy the guys”
“one hundred real feet at my current size that’s frightening because your big enough”
“Im sorry babe I kinda took you along for the ride didn’t I? You don’t have to stay here with me if you don’t want to”
“Angel im here for you and Im not leaving my giantess ok?”
“thanks tiny”
“besides I want to see you in your new uniform”
I made light and helped to ease Angels obvious tension. With her sister Sam on her mind Angel offered more information and I began to get a idea of the type of character she was.

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