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Author's Chapter Notes:

This is a somewhat transitional chapter that is intended to lead into a couple action packed chapters still to come but there is some good stuff here also that is not just background.  I appreciate the reviews and reads.  I hope most of you find it an enjoyable sci-fi/fantasy.  I have read  many great stories on this website and hope to give back something for others to enjoy.  


Chapter 4:  Rajasi’s Birthday Wish and Devi’s Compromise


After Rajasi had breakfast, she looked around for her mother and after some time found her in her home office located in the very well finished basement.  She was working on some paper she was writing.  Both Aria and Devi still used old fashioned keyboards for typing.  They had higher technologies of course, including a way to interface directly with computers with their minds alone, but it could be disabled and they preferred the old fashioned way of reading and writing.  Sometimes they even read paper books or handwrote things on paper.  They may have been quaint for their time but they also had some practical reasons for it.  For their more sensitive work, they avoided all links to the “cloud”.  They still had not yet come out in public to take responsibility for the virus that had shrunken all future generations of males down to size and made other modifications to their genes that made them perfect little love slaves for future generations of women.  They planned to do so as soon as they felt the time was right but were concerned that if they let it slip out too soon the whole project – and their planned future matriarchal world order - could be jeopardized.  They could be prosecuted for crimes against humanity after-all, or worse – compelled to work on reversing what they had worked so hard to achieve. 

Rajasi approached her mom but waited patiently for her to reach a stopping point.  Devi heard her enter and as soon as she reached a stopping point she stopped.  When Rajasi heard her mom stop typing, Rajasi made her approach:  “Hey mom, sorry to interrupt, but do you have a few minutes to talk?”

Devi turned around in her swivel chair to address her daughter standing in the open doorway.  Devi was dressed in a t-shirt and tight fitting cotton pants.  It was a Sunday after all, no need for her to go on campus today. 

She smiled at her daughter and gestured for her to sit down in the chair opposite from her and warmly replied: “Of course darling, come on in and let’s talk!”

Rajasi smiled and sat down, still formulating in her mind how she would ask what she was going to ask for.  She could still feel Anand’s face against her sensitive anal folds and she loved the sensation she had when she sat down and her butt cheeks tightened their grip on him pushing him even tighter against her sensitive flesh. 

“Well so tomorrow I am turning thirteen and you know I have not asked for anything particular but something has come to my mind, and I thought I would at least try to see if it was possible….”  Rajasi paused a bit.

Devi knew immediately that it must have something to do with Anand.  “Oh darling I bet it’s about Anand isn’t it?  You know I can’t make him agree to be engaged to you or wed you right?  Besides you are still rather young.  The old age requirements for marriage are pretty much paper tigers now and red tape but still – you are only 13, and he is only 14!  And we don’t have to do it legally right away anyway – but I would much rather wait a couple years anyway.  At least wait for the boy to be 16!  We don’t want to go down on the wrong side of history here and start justifying abuse of little boys do we?  Also, it’s best if we really give Anand at least some say in his own future.  I am confident you will be able to charm him to your side of it.  Once he realizes how much happier he will be with you than he would be in the cold loneliness of outer space I am sure he will give in and allow you to take him and bond with him for life.”

Rajasi did not interrupt her, but was impressed that her mom knew her heart so well.  Not that Rajasi had kept her desires a big secret but still. 

She responded:  “Oh no Mom.  No.  I mean… Yes it is about Anand – you are right about that…  But I wasn’t going to ask for you to force him to wed me or anything like that.  You see, I got to thinking that – ok so he has this dream of being an astronaut and we are still young – but I am already growing up fast and I can tell he is also.  I feel like I am nearly an adult already and my desire to care for him is so high right now.  You know, I feel so complete when I have him safely tucked away in my panties.  I feel like he belongs there, with me, all the time, just like Dad belongs with you.  I know I can’t ask for us to be bonded now, or even that he accept his future is to be bonded to me.  What I do want is to take over caring for him for now so that maybe the idea of being bonded to me rubs off on him and he softens his stance.  Also, I need to learn how to take care of him anyway.  And even in the unlikely event he does leave me for space, well, I will eventually want a boy there anyway right?  There is no better way to learn how to care for and protect a boy than to just do it.  So can you allow me to care for him at least?  It’s all I ask for my birthday!”  Rajasi closed her appeal with puppy dog like eyes and her hands folded together as if begging. 

Devi listened with love to her daughter’s appeal.  What she said actually made a lot of sense.  It made less sense for Devi – his future mother-in-law in all likelihood – to be keeping him in her panties.  She would miss the feeling of having two little men in her panties at the same time, and miss the maternal feeling she had with Anand – the son of her best friend and mentor, and the first male to be born of the union of a size reduced male with a normal sized female.  Of course all females would remain tall, and all males now would be small – so that would be the new normal.  But he was the first and a very special boy as a result.  His conception and birth gave Aria and Devi the confidence to press on with their plan until it was irreversible. 

Considering her daughter’s request, Devi decided she could not argue with the logic of it but that she could “pass the buck” to Anand – although she really could just say yes or no – she figured it would be perfect to respond that Anand should have a say.  Of course she would also impose certain conditions on her impassioned daughter.  Anand should still attend all his virtual classes outside of her panties as he had done with her.  Anand should still have some social time with his dad and Kali das outside of her panties as Devi had allowed him while he was under her care.  Anand should also still sometimes get some fresh air, at least out in the back yard.  Aria and Devi were conscious of that with their own boys.  They could have kept them in their butts at all hours of all days but they wanted their boys to know the sights and smells of the natural world outside of their lovers’ crotches.  As much as they both enjoyed their near constant presence and intimate service, even Aria and Devi knew that some regular time outside of the panties was necessary for their mental and physical health.  Devi figured she needed to have a rule on that with Rajasi because otherwise the poor little guy might never see the light of day knowing her daughter.      

Considering these factors in her mind Devi replied to the appeal:  “Well my sweet wonderful daughter – all of what you say I can certainly empathize with.  Also it makes a lot of sense.  But what I need you to understand is that Anand also has a say in this.  As he said, we can’t treat him as if he is property.  He is not just an object.  He is a very special boy just as you are a very special girl.  Also you both have a heavy burden on you just as Aria and I do – it is the burden of history.  We have to be mindful that all what we do could form a precedent for future generations.  When we finally do go public that we were behind all this, and that we did all this very deliberately and intentionally as well as why we did it, that will start a chain of events that could lead us to truly historic levels of political and economic power and influence – not just here – but around the world.  Assuming the resistance to change back dies down and we succeed, we will be like the founding mothers of a new world order with huge impacts on all aspects of human culture and society.  That has indeed been our goal all along.  You will invariably be part of that yourself Rajasi – and with that historic role all of us will likely play will come with a truly historic responsibility.” 

Devi went on:  “If we treat our boys as mere objects – what will that mean for future generations of boys?  Aria and I have always been aware that a cost of a future dominated by women will be the necessary and inevitable loss of autonomy for males.  To some extent, boys in the future will be like property to their caretakers – but also not property.  They are human beings but they will be so dependent on the women in their lives that it will create a totally new power dynamic.  In many ways that is the whole point.  But we also know that there will be women, perhaps many women, who will abuse their power over the men in their lives and exploit them, abuse them, even maybe torture or kill them.   Women are better than men but they are still human and can do bad things also.  Therefore we have to at least try to minimize the future harm caused by such unscrupulous women.  If we set dangerous precedents with our own boys – where will that lead womankind?  What will she do to mankind?  Will men be cloned and farmed like pets or toys, or even worse - treated as disposable property?  Will they lose all human rights, even the right to life itself?  So many dreadful things could happen.  Aria and I don’t want those things to happen.  And we certainly don’t want anything we do to be held up as justification for such things.”

Devi continued:  “While men will need to be protected by their mothers and lovers, and will necessarily lose a lot of autonomy – we rationalize this as an acceptable cost for the greater good of humanity.  That greater good of humanity will best be served if women follow their better nature and do not debase themselves by becoming worse to men than the men were to women throughout history.  So all of this is a long way of saying my dearest that if Anand wants you to take care of him, you can take care of him.  I just want him to freely agree to it before I allow that.  And his agreement cannot be coerced – do you understand?”

“Of course Mom – I would not have it any other way!” Rajasi enthusiastically replied.  She had little doubt in her mind Anand would agree.  Why wouldn’t he?  She was not yet even asking him to agree to being bonded to her for life or to give up on being an astronaut. 

“I am glad you see it that way darling.”  Her mom replied adding with a playful smirk, “Also, Rajasi – assuming Anand does agree to allow you to take him under your wings – or should I say into your panties – there will be some ground rules I will need you to understand and accept”.

“Ok Mom sure – whatever you think is best” Rajasi quickly agreed before even knowing what the rules were. 

Her mom had a mental checklist already in mind and then spat them out with Rajasi listening attentively:

“Ok here they are:

1)    Anand is still to attend his online classes and he will do so outside of your panties and in the presence of Aria or myself.  I also sometimes let your dad or Adam supervise him when Aria and I are too busy to do so.


2)    Anand should have at least 30 minutes a day outside of your panties for social time with his dad Adam or your dad Kali das.  When the weather is good we try to do it out in our back yard or Aria’s backyard so the boys get some sunlight and fresh air.


3)    Don’t get pregnant – you are too young still!


4)    You are to treat Anand with respect as a human being.  I don’t mind you two getting frisky together and doing some intimate things – and I don’t need to pry about all that - but you should always make sure he is a willing participant.  Don’t treat him like he is a sex toy ok?  That said, as long as he is willing and whatever you are doing is safe – you are allowed to be intimate with him.  If you force him – I will find out and take him away from you until you learn to respect him. 


5)    Going along with that last one, understand you can’t force him to do something or agree to something.  You can persuade but you can force.  Got it?


“Got it!  I can follow those rules Mom!” Rajasi replied.  Her face had grown a little graver when she heard the last couple rules rattled off by her mom.  She was a little worried if she had already broken four and five with her spontaneous act yesterday of clandestinely swallowing little Anand into her rectal cavern and leaving him there for a few hours.  Hopefully Anand was ok with that and would not make a big fuss about with her mom.

“Ok Rajasi – it sounds like we have an understanding.  You may go to the washroom and retrieve Anand.  Make sure he is clean and ready to speak with me and you may bring him to me so I can see if he wants to be under your care.”

Rajasi was nervous.  What if Anand says something that persuades her mom not let her take him?  What if he just declines?  He might talk about how she swallowed him up with her butt without asking him permission to do so or even telling him for how long he would be there. 

She went to the nearest bathroom in the house and shut the door behind her.  She felt Anand in the back of her panties.  His head had stayed pretty close to her anus throughout breakfast and even after she went looking for her mom and found her downstairs.  His licking had died down but she still felt his cute little mouth suckling on part of her rosebud, her butt checks had performed well at keeping their grip on his head and keeping his face in place.  He was like a little bee and her orifices were like ever blooming flowers freely providing him the nectar he needed to survive.  She was so turned on by the feeling of power she had having this little man living off of her waste and her fluids – her sweat and vaginal discharge, maybe sometimes a bit of her urine – it was all fair game for his body to take in eagerly.  

Carefully lowering her panties she used her left hand to gently pull him out of his home.  She gave him a quick bath in the sink using some warm water and soap.  He rinsed his mouth out also.  She did not have any of his thermals handy so she figured she would just take him naked like this.  She brought him up to her face.  He looked up at her quizzically, wondering if his time with her was up or what was going on….

“Hey my little lover” she addressed him with a smile.  He was listening.  Good she thought….

She continued, “So I asked my mom if I can take over from her for caring for you, and she wants to know if you agree to that.  So what will you tell her?  Will you let me take care of you?”

Anand was a little surprised he was even being given any choice at all, much less that Rajasi seemed to be the one asking his permission.  She certainly did not ask his permission for all that happened yesterday.  He looked down and grew pensive.  What should he say?  Did she think that she could just take him like this?  Did she think that he would so easily cave in to her?  He felt he had to assert himself in some way – show that he was not a pushover.

“No.” he stated mater of factly looking back up to her and then continued.  “I told you I am going to be an astronaut.  Also, you never asked if it was ok with me to have you suck me up into your colon on the sly and keep me there baking in your hot sauna butt for hours without so much as giving me the courtesy of explaining to me how long I would be there!  I thought I might die in there!  Did you care?  No.  It was all about your pleasure of course.  It always is.  You would not care if I perished in your ass if it gave you pleasure!  So no!  I decline and I will tell it to your mom’s face!”

Rajasi’s eyes got wet and she was on the verge of breaking out in tears.  This was not the sort of strident response she expected.  She decided to plead with him since her mom was expecting the hear from him and would not accept it if she went over there and lied about Anand’s reaction.  No she had to plead with him and convince him to take a different path.

Tears welled up in her eyes as Anand stood there on the vanity after his bath looking up at her with determination.   She had to hand it to him – he was brave to stand up to her like that.  She knelt down so that her face was at his level and looked him square in the face with her red eyes. 

“Please Anand!  I beg you!  I am sorry about last night!  Next time I will ask you I promise!  That was not planned – it just sort of happened and I went with it but now that I know how you feel about it I will be more careful in the future!  I enjoyed having you there but I did not mean to hurt you or make you feel bad so I am sorry.  Also if it is about your space dream – I know you have that dream and I am not telling you to give up on that now.  Even if you do that I want to be able to care for you and learn how to care for you.  Even if we are not destined to stay together for the rest of our lives I want that experience badly.  Just say yes.  Please!  You will still do your classes and get out of my panties I promise!  I won’t stop your education!  Just please agree to me taking care of you!”

Anand was surprised and taken aback by her response.  He half expected her to punish him for refusing her.  Maybe by shoving him back up her butt for even longer, or maybe stuffing her in her sock underneath her foot and threaten to crush him, or shoving him in her mouth and threaten to swallow him alive.   He did not expect this display of desperation and this plea.  Her mom must have said something to her to cause this sort of desperation.

“I don’t know” he said – pondering her desperation.  “You promise not to do anything to me like that again without my permission?”

She nodded in the affirmative.

“And you agree I can still become an astronaut and I do not have to agree to be “bonded” to you or whatever the hell you have planned for me?  That I am free to leave you when I become an astronaut?”

Rajasi said “Well, I hope you will change your own mind but yes I agree that you can do those things if you insist!”

“And you won’t hurt me right?  Even if I disobey you?”  Anand asked.

“No.  I promise I won’t try to hurt you – even if you disobey me!  But I may find other fun ways to punish you – but I won’t hurt you – why would I?”  Rajasi responded playfully with a wink – some hope returning in her voice as she thought maybe he would agree to her taking care of him.

“Ok. I will agree” he said to Rajasi’s relief.  But then he continued:  “But… I will tell your mom about yesterday!  She should know about what you did so that she is on guard that you don’t do that again!”  Rajasi’s heart sank when she heard that.  She was worried about that. 

“Oh please Anand!  I told you I will be better now!  She may not let me take you if you tell her all that!”

“Rajasi – I need to tell her…. Besides – she will find out eventually anyway – your mom and my mom have a way of figuring out everything - and its better we are up front with her.  I said I would agree on the conditions you agreed to.  I just want your mom to know those conditions also and why I must insist on them.”

“Ok fine.”  Rajasi said and wiped the tears from her eyes.  “At least you agree.  I will take what I can get at this point.  I just wish you would not disclose my little indiscretion yesterday.  That should be between you and I – she doesn’t need to know all that!”

“Well we will see…  I kind of want to tell her so she knows what you did to me.”  Anand replied. 

“Ok well….  I guess my Mom is expecting us now and if we don’t do this pretty fast you will get cold since I don’t have your thermals handy and she will get suspicious.  So let’s get on over to her!” Rajasi replied and after quickly composing herself she gently grabbed Anand in her left hand and took him out for the quick walk down the hall and into the basement office where her mom was waiting…


Chapter End Notes:

What will Anand say and what will Devi do?  Will Anand cave and surrender himself to Rajasi?  Will Rajasi really be able to restrain her power trip with Anand and "respect" him?  So much material to imagine and so little time!  

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