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Author's Chapter Notes:

Sets the stage for this sequel to Aria.


It was the year 2238.  Aria’s bold new matriarchal world was taking shape as the new male generation born since the virus she secretly unleashed on humanity some 13 years prior caused mutations in the Y chromosome that resulted in all male children born with the engineered genes being greatly diminished in size.  As newborns, less than an inch tall and on average only four inches tall as adults. 

Aria and her protégé Devi, now in their forties but still looking as young as ever, could see the results of their top secret project they launched together in their youth taking shape.  No normal sized male babies had been born for more than a decade.  The combination of the virus and the “vaccine” that the duo had released to treat it (but actually spread the mutation) managed to attain 100% penetration affecting the entire species before anyone could figure out exactly how this had happened.    

Aria and Devi had genetically engineered and raised their pioneering mates:  Aria had Adam.  Devi had Kali das.  They were of course not genetically related to their goddess lovers.  Aria and Devi wanted to make sure that before they unleashed their genetic bomb on all of mankind that humanity would still be able to procreate naturally with males being so diminutive that mating would involve deep full body vaginal insertion of the entire male.  And procreate they did:  Aria – the mastermind behind the entire project – and her love slave and pioneer of pioneers – Adam – had a diminutive son – Anand.  Her protégé Devi and her love slave Kali das had a girl – Rajasi who would of course be tall like her mother.  It was a perfect match.  They decided early that Rajasi would take Anand as her love slave when she was old enough to take him responsibly. 

The male of the future was intellectually just as capable as his larger forefathers and had the same proportions.  Being so small however made the world very dangerous.  Added bone density and the ability to hold one’s breath for up to half an hour made the new male more durable but the diminutive size also made him prone to lose heat fast.  “Room temperature” was cold for these little boys and they needed warmth.  They also had a super strong immune system that prevented them from getting sick from most infectious diseases but also made them unable to maintain healthy gut bacteria.  This made eating normal solid foods extremely difficult.  The solution was either engineered foods that were broken down in advance, or a natural alternative that Aria and Devi discovered when they faced the problem with Adam and Kali das when they were little boys – simply feeding them from their own waste. 

By 2238, Adam and Kali Das had spent most of the last twenty years of their lives tucked safely away in the crotches of their loving creators and lovers.  They were educated and raised from babyhood to adulthood by their lovers who were responsible for engineering them the way they were.  Adam and Kali das knew only their lovers as their entire world.  They had no friends other than each other and no parents in the traditional sense.  Their ingenious goddess-lovers were their entire world.  Adam and Kali das knew they were special.  They knew they were serving some higher if mysterious purpose known only by their goddesses. 

Also by 2238, Adam and Aria’s son Anand was an adolescent turning 14 years old.  He had spent a significant amount of time playing with and socializing with Rajasi – who likewise was turning 13.  Rajasi was brilliant like her mother Devi and was deeply inspired both by her mother and her genius “auntie” Aria who she regarded as a true mentor.  She had decided to follow in Aria and Devi’s footsteps and pursue genetic science.  She had also grown fond of Anand and would tease him regularly. 

As soon as Anand was old enough for “solid” food, Devi took him into her possession to protect and care for him until her own daughter was old enough to take him.  Aria did not want to keep her biological son in her panties – mindful as she was of the precedent she might create if she did something like that with her own son as well as her own moral reservations.  Devi, who was not related to Anand genetically, could care for him in her panties along with her lover Kali das until Rajasi was old enough to take charge of him.  Unlike with Kali das, she never inserted Anand into her vagina or anus to give her sexual release.  She merely kept him in her panties to provide him warmth and for her residual waste and discharge to provide him sustenance just as it did for Kali das. 

As they were now adolescents, it was time to start the transition for Rajasi and Anand.  They had already dropped hints for them and allowed them to interact on a regular basis.  Sometimes Rajasi would “borrow” Anand.  She would kiss him.  Tease him.  All of this was allowed by Devi and Aria, even encouraged.   

One spring day that year, while spending time together at Devi’s house down the street from Aria’s house (Devi had bought a nearby house so they could be close to each other) - 13 year old Rajasi had Anand and was keeping him against her already well developed breasts.  She teased him about his size but would also compliment him.  He was used to being small so he did not mind.  He was smart also and he would tell her that he had dreams of becoming an astronaut.  After all – for the new male, being so small made him an ideal space explorer.  A four inch tall man could travel with much less weight and supplies and could explore the far reaches of the solar system at far less cost – maybe other star systems even some day. 

Aria and Devi saw how well Rajasi and Anand were getting along and they were quite pleased by this because they had decided almost from the moment they were born that Anand should belong to Rajasi, that it was fitting for these two – pioneers in their own right as their parents had been, the first of their kind having tiny fathers – to be bonded together.  They decided that now was as good a time as any to let them know of the plan and see their reaction.

Observing their flirtations a short distance away, Aria broke in “You know you two, now is as good a time as any to let you both know something important.  You see Rajasi – your mother and I – well we decided a long time ago that we would like you two to be together when you were old enough”.  Rajasi looked at her mentor with a gleam in her saucer like deep brown eyes and a smile quickly stretched across her face framed by her neat straight black hair.  “You mean that we are to be together as more than friends?  I knew it!  It always seemed to me that that had to be the plan and the only thing that made sense!  I am ready!  Give him to me!  I will take care of him!  Give him to me now!  I want him!”

As she said this, Anand was in her right hand palm observing the conversation but not feeling like he was a participant even though it was about him just as much as it was about Rajasi.  He was not so surprised by the revelation of this predetermined betrothal to Rajasi either, he sort of expected this also, but was a little taken aback by her eagerness to take him.  What did it mean for him?  Could he still be a space explorer?  Rajasi was already very attractive to him and his puberty had hit him hard, his hormones were raging as were hers.  He was very attracted to her, she was beautiful in all respects and already quite well developed for a teen, but he also had dreams of exploring space, of contributing to human knowledge and the future of humanity in new and amazing ways.   Would the goddesses in his life allow him the freedom to chase the stars?   In particular would Rajasi allow him to pursue his dreams?  Or would Rajasi bury those dreams in her admittedly attractive butt and keep him as her love slave for life before he even had a shot at being an astronaut?  He had already spent some time in her crotch, but only brief stints.  They had not done any insertion stuff, at least not yet, and no over-night stays yet either.  He had a feeling that was all about to change soon.    

Devi had observed the exchange and as Anand’s caretaker she wanted to make sure her daughter was ready before she fully gave Anand to her.  Although she would never openly admit it, she also had grown quite fond of him and of having two boys, not just one, in her crotch at the same time.  She did not do any insertion with Anand like she did with Kali das but still…. Having his little face pressed against her anus when he was dining on her waste while Kali das was lapping up her vaginal fluids (or better yet was shoved deep within her and stimulating her clitoris and vaginal walls) was an ecstatic experience for her.  She had become rather attached to that ecstatic experience.  It would be bitter sweet for Devi to give Anand to her wonderful daughter.  She was determined to do it, but she was in no rush and was keen to find excuses for slowing that down a bit and having some more time with Anand in her care. 

Devi interjected: “Oh sweet Raji – you will have Anand all to yourself soon enough trust me!  But before we can give him to you as your love-slave for life we must make sure you are ready for the awesome responsibility that comes with that.  You see you will be responsible for his safety and his sustenance around the clock for the rest of your lives together.   This is a lifetime commitment and an awesome responsibility, the biggest responsibility any woman has in this new world.  We want to make sure you are ready ok?”

Rajasi understood the gravity of the responsibility that taking Anand into her possession for life would entail.  She also knew it was what she wanted and she wanted it as soon as possible.  She wanted to feel him in her panties around the clock.  She wanted to shove him into her orifices and enjoy what her Mom enjoyed with Kali das all the time and what Aria had with Anand’s dad - Adam.  She knew what they did – it was not rocket science.  She had some “birds and the bees” talks with her mom in the new fashion.  She already had put Anand in her crotch a number of times on the sly.  She was not expressly told not to, but she did not advertise it either.  She wanted to keep him there all the time.  She wanted him to forget about exploring space and realize his home was in her butt constantly licking and serving her.  What need did he have of space?  Space was cold and lonely!  Why did he even want that at all?  He would never be alone or cold in her panties – or better yet her thong!  She was still wearing semi loose panties but she was already thinking about getting thongs for Anand to make sure he does not drift away from her anus when placed there.  He would always be warm and well fed.  He would have bliss – and he would give her bliss around the clock – he would be her Anand.   All these thoughts swirled in her head as she paused for a moment to respond to her mother.

“Mom!  I understand all that but I think I am ready.  I know it’s a big responsibility.  Auntie Aria and you have already taught me so much about safety for him and how to care for him.  I will be careful with him!  I will take good care of him I promise!”

Anand started waving his arms from Rajasi’s palm and yelping for attention.  The goddesses around him started to pay attention.  Devi chimed in “I think Anand has something to say about all this don’t you Anand?”

“Yes” he shouted, his blue eyes sparkling and his expression indignant as he looked up at Devi and turned his face to Rajasi who was still holding him in her palm.  “I know I am small but I have dreams also!  I like Rajasi a lot, she is beautiful and I like to be with her, but have any of you considered my dream of being an astronaut?  I would like to do that, at least try it, and then maybe I can come back and be with Rajasi after I have explored space for a while, but I don’t want to give up on that dream.   Am I not more than a little slave?!  Shouldn’t I have a say in all this?!  Why should I be spoken of as if I am property that can be given?”  Turning to face his mother, Aria, the architect of all this change, he reinforced his point:  “Mother – is not that very attitude a big part of the reason you decided to change humanity?  To shrink men down to size so that they could not treat women with the same disrespect I seem be receiving now?  I ask all three of you:  Don’t be the pot calling the kettle black!  You educated me for a reason – because you know I am not property.  I like Rajasi a lot but I also have this dream.  Let me pursue it please!”

Rajasi’s face turned into a sad expression as she looked down at her Anand in her palm seemingly rejecting the idea of being her love-slave for life, at least for now.  She would not give up so easily but she had hoped he would be more eager to surrender to her and at least consider renouncing his space dreams for the constant warmth, comfort and shelter she could offer him by keeping him safely tucked away in her rear end.   

An awkward silence hung for a few moments as the goddesses considered his protest.  How could she convince him that his space dreams were nonsense and he belonged in her crotch for rest of his life?  How could she convince him to renounce space and surrender to her and her alone?  He belonged in her and underneath her.  He belonged in her butt and in her yoni (vagina).  As soon as he learned that and accepted that she was his goddess for life, that his sole purpose in life was to constantly worship and serve her in the most intimate ways possible, and that he belonged to her and underneath her at all times, life for both of them would be perfect.  That had become her dream already even before Aria shared the not so secret betrothal plan. 

Devi broke the silence that was left in the wake of Anand’s protest:  “Darling Raji – I can understand how you feel but Anand is right – we need to let him have a say.  But I tell you what:  I will let you spend more time together and maybe you can even keep him overnight sometimes!  I will teach you more about what it means to take care of a little man.  Maybe Anand will change his mind about being an astronaut, but if he does not change his mind we have to respect his wishes.  We women, now that we have taken control of humanity and the Earth from our male counterparts for good, we must be better than they were to our female ancestors.  We taught you both about how men mistreated women throughout history and why we did what we did.  How this change makes the world a better place not only for women but for men also.  We must not repeat the mistakes of men.  That would defeat our purpose.  As pioneers in this new matriarchal era of our species that your auntie Aria masterfully devised and brought to reality by her sheer brilliance, we must be mindful of the precedent we set.  We must show men respect and treat them well.  While in many ways they will inevitably be like property to their lovers, we must respect their rights as human beings small as they may be.”

With a bit of a pouting expression, Rajasi accepted her mother’s solution.  She had little choice.  She responded: “Alright fine!  Can I keep him tonight then at least?”  Devi glanced down at Anand and asked him “Is that ok with you Anand?”  He nodded his head in agreement.  “Sure why not?” he shouted up at the goddesses around him.  What could go wrong? 


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