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Filip slowly regained consciousness with a faint buzzing in his ears, a buzzing that grew into a deeper rumble as he shook his head and opened his eyes. He coughed as the dust swirled around him. He wiped the grit from his eyes, then tried to look past the dust cloud. He saw a blinking red light gradually getting brighter, coming closer. As it approached, his vision was eclipsed by a rising shadow. The dust around him began circulating faster, clearing up, and he saw the imposing form of the robot vacuum bearing down on him. It loomed up at twice his height, with a uniform matt black exterior, with no hint of character or identity. It was a machine, utterly heartless, and he was in its path.

Filip rolled onto his chest and clambered to his feet before a coughing fit caused him to fall back onto his knees. He felt the breeze build up around him, the dust flowing past him and towards the suction cup underneath the robot vacuum. With the dust flicking onto his skin and his heart pounding, he realised the danger he was in. His shirt began to flutter against his chest as the gust picked up in intensity, and the deep rumble grew to a deafening howl behind him. He tried to crawl forward on his hands and knees, but with the dust blowing into his eyes he struggled to make headway.

He tried crawling to the side, hoping that if he couldn’t outrun it then at least he could move out of its path. The robot’s sensors detected a movement in the dust cloud and correspondingly turned to face the highest concentration of dirt, never slowing as it rumbled onwards. Filip watched in horror as the front face of the vacuum turned in his direction, relentlessly following his every movement.

With the howl filling his ears and his vision obscured, he felt his panic grow alongside a sense of disorientation. Which way was forward? Was he getting turned around? With the vacuum’s rumble sounding like a truck bearing down on him, he instinctively cried out for help despite knowing there was little chance his tiny voice would reach anyone. “Please, Astrid! Hugo, Penelope? Anyone…?” His voice took on a higher pitch as he felt his grip on the carpet loosening as the gust whipped up in greater force.

He felt his whole body quivering with the wind rushing over and under him. With a fearful lurch of his stomach, he felt his feet lifting off the ground and hovering in the barrage of air buffeting his body. He gripped his fingers tight into the carpet fibers, but his body was like a kite in a seabreeze, lifting up and towards the suction nozzle of the vacuum.

Over the rush over wind in his ears, he heard a faint ripping noise as the carpet fibres tore loose in his hands and he flew up. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around his head as he spun in the air. He felt his legs knock against a hard surface, then his back, as he was sucked into the open nozzle. As he knocked against the inner walls of the nozzle and twisted around he lost track of which was up or down. He tried to hold his breath as the air was thick with dust, he could feel it prickle his skin like rain in a heavy storm. He felt his shoes ripped off him as he tumbled deeper into the nozzle, then curled up through the series of inner tubes. He felt his shirt snag on one of the inner rings, the buttons popping, and the fabric tearing as it was ripped from his body.

It was only a few seconds, but it felt like minutes as he’d passed through the vacuum’s innards, finally ending up in the dust compartment. He was deposited onto a soft ticklish mass, like cushion stuffing. Air still rushed over him, but it was more a summer breeze than hurricane force. The deep rumble remained constant too, he felt his whole body vibrating, but it had eased somewhat from the ear-piercing shriek it had been.

With his ears still ringing and his throat feeling raw with the dust filling his lungs, he slowly opened his eyes, blinking away the thick dusty grime coating his face. A thin band of light coming through the rear grill of the robot vacuum illuminated the small space he was in. It was around twice his size in length, but little more than an arm’s length between the mass beneath him and the roof. The matted bundle of dust and hair he lay upon was almost comfortable with a soft springy feel, feeling more dense the deeper it got, but it was still a struggle to breathe. Filip took small breaths, trying to prevent another coughing fit he worried might never stop.

Despite his circumstances, he felt himself grow calmer. At least he’d survived being pulled through the vacuum cleaner, and he still had his pants on which meant… he checked his pockets in a panic, then gasped in relief at feeling his emergency beeper still there. He pressed the button, hearing a reassuring confirmation beep as it sent a notification to Astrid with his coordinates. He just had to survive a little longer, Astrid would find him.

He tried shifting his position towards the rear grill, finding there was just enough space to move on his hands and knees. As he got closer to the grill, he found the dirt under his hands and knees growing firmer, the dust seemingly compacted into a solid mass. Reaching the grill, he pressed his face against it and breathed in deep. It was still dusty, but manageably so.

It could be worse he told himself, at least Astrid didn’t have any pets. He’d seen more than one tiny friend devoured by a curious puppy, or worse, a cat who liked to play with its prey. Some especially cruel women liked to tease their pets with a micro, dangling a flailing micro in front of their pet dog’s nose, making it a game to see if they could pull the micro back before being gobbled up. At least in the vacuum cleaner’s stomach he didn’t have to contend with any digestive acids. If he was patient, help would come.

Filip heard a clunk as the rumble within the vacuum cleaner stopped. The gust of air over him slowed to a halt, the particles of dirt slowly drifting down to settle on him.

An automated voice alerted the empty room in a cold but feminine tone, like that of a school matron. “ALERT! DUST COMPARTMENT FULL. BEGINNING WASTE COMPACTION.”

An ominous thrum sounded in the walls around Filip, he felt his entire body shake as the far wall began to close in towards him. The dust and hair began to bunch up around him as his body was rolled towards the back of the enclosed space.

“Stop!” He yelled, hoping the vacuum was voice controlled. “Halt operation. Stop compaction. Cancel operation. Turn off!” His voice got increasingly shrill as he felt his toes curling up and his legs bending as the space got smaller. He scrambled at the grill, trying to squeeze through. The gaps were a little larger than his fist, allowing him to reach out of it but no more. He felt his shoulder lodged against the grill, unable to fit any further. What had once offered comfort, clean air and a glimpse of outside now offered only the prospect of a painful death as he felt it press against his chest.

The ticklish feel of the dust took on an ominous feel as he felt it cover his entire body, the dust compacting against him from every angle. His cries halted as he covered his face, trying to stop the dust entering his mouth. He tried to tense his muscles, to push against the compacting wall, but his tiny frame could do nothing against the powerful motors of the robot vacuum. He felt the air being pushed from his chest as he was compacted into an ever tighter space, leaving him gasping in shallow breaths.

Filip felt the vacuum’s compression motor rumble deep in his chest, vibrating his whole body as the dust compressed around him. It was an odd sensation with the compaction being spread so evenly across his limbs and torso. It didn’t feel like he was being crushed, it was like a steadily more intense tingling on his skin, with specks of dust or hair feeling like pinpricks digging deeper.

He wanted to scream, to punch, to fight, but he was utterly helpless as he was encased in the dust. Was this how his life ended? It felt like this cruel world getting its last laugh, treating him like trash, just when he’d started to have hope of a better future with a girlfriend who loved and protected him. Oh god, Astrid! He felt a pang in his stomach as he thought of her finding him like this, his mangled corpse in the vacuum’s trash bag. It pained him more to imagine her crying than anything this vacuum could do. She deserved so much better...

The thrum around him abruptly halted.


Filip let out a muffled sob of relief into the dust, he was going to be alright. It couldn’t compact more.


His whole body shook as the vacuum cleaner began moving again. Through a haze of dust, he looked out the grill at the passing room as the robot vacuum returned to its docking station. Surely he’d be able to get out when the waste compartment was opened? He was going to return to Penelope and Hugo a little dirty, perhaps a little shaken, but otherwise unharmed.

As the robot vacuum cleaner turned and rolled out of the bedroom, he could see the bedside cabinet in the distance. His home, so close, but out of reach. He hoped Penelope wouldn’t worry about his absence, it wouldn’t be safe for her or Hugo to look for him. Astrid wouldn’t be pleased to find other micros in her home.

The vibrations running through Filip evened out as the robot cleaner rolled onto the tiled kitchen floor. For Filip, this was like visiting the opposite end of town, it wasn’t a part of the house he got to visit much. While only Astrid was meant to have a key to the apartment, she was still extremely protective of him, and insisted he stay in her bedroom while she wasn’t around.

While the kitchen was kept clean, he saw the rubbish bin was overflowing with food wrappers. Astrid had a tendency to binge eat sometimes, telling him she loved the sensation of a full belly. She didn’t much care what it was, muffins, meat, veggies, or candy, as long as it filled her to bursting. She’d often return to the apartment after a long night out with a “food baby” as she called it, her blouse either unbuttoned or stretched tight around her bulging belly. On such nights, she enjoyed spreading her nude body out on the bed and plopping him on top of the bulge, asking with baited breath whether he could hear her stomach gurgle and groan as she digested her food. She sometimes asked him to try and guess what she’d eaten, but got oddly evasive if he asked her for the answer.

He’d learned to be especially careful those evenings as she could get unusually aggressive with him in the blink of an eye. One time she’d gone from tucking him under her panties to pushing him as deep as her cervix as she vigorously fingered herself and rubbed her full belly. She’d been apologetic afterwards when he’d emerged coughing and spluttering with her juices all over him, but there was a glint in her eye that spoke of how much she’d enjoyed feeling his struggles deep inside her. He’d come to accept that there were times when she lacked a sense of restraint, which could make his life as a micro dangerous, but he refused to accept that he was different in any way to any normal sized person. If a normal sized person could have a relationship with Astrid without fear, then he would too.

He hoped Astrid wouldn’t be too concerned when she got rushed home. Having seen the alert on her phone she must be panicking about what had happened to him. As the robot vacuum returned to its docking station and Filip awaited the hatch opening, he hoped he’d have a chance to clean himself up a bit before she got back. He wanted to be washed and ready if her concern transformed into horniness.
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