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Author's Chapter Notes:

And thus another week brings another chapter. Always grateful to see folks reading these and hope you enjoy!

Just as a bit of warning uh...the next chapter is probably the longest one in the entire story, and after asking around a bit I've decided it will be posted in two parts. The first part will go up on Wednesday and the other on Friday like usual. So keep your eyes peeled!

[Teasing, Humiliation, Object]



Tina’s week was off to a positively amazing start. After what was quite possibly the best weekend of her life, the shy young woman found herself actually looking forward to work for the first time in...well, she didn’t even know how long! She awoke right before her alarm sounded off and wore a skittish smile all throughout her morning routine. She ate, got dressed, and, as seemed to be the latest addition to her mornings, took the chance to rattle her plaything’s cage a bit. A teensy bit mean of her maybe, but she couldn’t help it. There was something endlessly amusing at watching Eva yelp as dozens of coins shifted all around and threatened to bury her. Just the sort of early morning empowerment Tina really needed to kick start her day. 

To the world at large, Tina remained the same as she ever was. She still had to deal with the usual onslaught of morning traffic. She still struggled to focus until she had a morning cup of coffee. She still nearly tripped on the bump in the curb leading into the office. And she still favored her oversized sweaters and pants for work. Though to the attentive who saw her as she mumbled through her morning greetings to her coworkers, there was a distinct, subdued exuberance to Tina that hadn’t been there before. All thanks to Eva. 

She had to admit, as divine as the weekend was, it had also been incredibly terrifying. She didn’t know what possessed her with the initiative to shrink Eva. The idea had simply come to her one day as she prayed someone would take care of her former boss. It was nothing new for her. Throughout her life she envisioned having the power to do as she pleased to such wretched people and yet, something was different this time. The different pieces almost seemed to present themselves to Tina one by one. The location of the newest prototype, the access required to get it, and intimate knowledge of R.E.I.’s security protocols. Her hands still trembled when she recalled sneaking into that lab one late evening. What had possessed her to do that?

Well, whatever force seized her, she owed it a debt she could never pay back. Despite it having been a long-held fantasy coming to life, it remained a complicated and awkward thing where she had to fight to separate her complicated feelings for Eva Rhodes the towering Vice President and Eva the Shrunken Woman who lived in her change jar. At times she felt in control and as though she could do anything; and at others she had to resist the urge to flee from a woman as tall as her finger. Then...CLI-ICK...it was as though a switch had flipped and it all began to fall into place. 

What did she have to fear from this woman? Eva couldn’t stop her and she wasn’t going to be unshrunk, so what did her threats amount to? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Anytime Tina began to doubt herself she only needed to poke her little pet or knock her around a little to remind herself of that. This was not Eva Rhodes, her boss. Whatever her new name would be, this tiny specimen was hers now. It was a serious mental adjustment to have to make; they were in uncharted territory and Tina was the one in the driver’s seat. The pressure was always on. 

It was on her mind often, even if it wasn’t readily obvious. Beneath her teasing and less-than-chaste desires, Tina had to wonder: What was Eva now? What was she to Eva? In erotic stories or the like it always seemed so cut and dry, but it was another to be living it. All she’d ever dreamed was hers. It was the thought she’d somehow lose it that mainly terrorized her.

Thankfully, such fears were allayed once she threw herself into her work.

As ever, Tina remained remarkably busy. She’d a full array of emails to send out, reports to review, data to enter, and so much more that threatened to drown her if she wasn’t careful. As no small comfort, however, while Tina dutifully carried out her morning duties from her desk, not even a foot apart from where she sat, her little pet was bound by a paper clip to a post-it dangling from the side of her monitor. For the better part of an hour Eva had been struggling to bend the weak metal to free herself, but as of yet she hadn’t made any noteworthy progress. Her cries were constant, yet utterly drowned out by the ceaseless humming of Tina’s nearby desk fan.

It was quite cute to watch honestly. Bringing back memories of watching the Tinkerbell scenes from Peter Pan. Only muted here, which made them somehow more amusing. Occasionally, Tina simply found herself just...watching her. Drinking it all in. This was real, she had to remind herself. Unthinkable even a week ago, but this was indeed reality. Not a dream or a wistful fantasy.

It felt...right. Like the world had finally rewarded Tina for all she’d endured across an awkward lifetime; and of the many complicated feelings she had on the matter - guilt was not one of them. She didn’t particularly regret what she’d done. Eva Rhodes was a terrible person who made everyone’s lives worse with her presence. Talented, but content to use those talents to the detriment of others. The worst kind of bully - And now that bully was limply dangling off a sticky note.

The sight brought an amused smirk to Tina’s face. No matter how often she looked at the smaller woman, she always felt that same illicit thrill tingle up her spine. Someone, or arguably something she had absolute control over. A bully brought low by none other than her. 

Returning to her work for a fleeting moment, Tina jotted down a couple reminders on a notepad and paused, lifting the tip of her pen towards Eva. “Hey.” She whispered as she gave her small body a light poke, drawing the woman’s attention. As well as just...regularly drawing on her. Oops.  “How about Mittens?”

Well, she couldn’t quite hear Eva per se, what with the fan and all. Judging by her animated reaction, however, it appeared she didn’t care for that nickname at all. Honestly, as soon as she said it Tina was inclined to agree. “Yeah, you’re right. A bit too cutesy for a mean little thing like you.” The giant giggled and returned to her work. God, it felt amazing how naturally stuff like that could just roll off the tongue.

Every little exchange like that came easier than the last, especially after their rather lewd visit to Eva’s home. At times it felt silly and even a bit cheesy, but if it made her happy then what did it matter? This was her fantasy after all. Now sure, there was definitely still a bit of lingering awkwardness. A few kinks to work out - No pun intended. Tina still tended to get a bit too worked up too easily for example. All in all though, as the dust began to settle on Eva’s fate and they both adapted...this was honestly pretty fantastic. 

Now if only she could come up with a good pet name for Eva. Naming a pet person had proven shockingly harder than it looked. 

Nitpicks and concerns aside, she loved every moment of it. She loved hearing Eva try to intimidate or plead with her, only to flinch the second Tina casually raised a hand. She loved that she could just ball the woman up and toss her around without any fear of permanent harm. She loved that Eva had to put up a front to hide how scared she was every time Tina looked at her. More than anything though, she loved the freedom. Freedom to just...be herself. 

Did she feel a little bad for Eva? Sometimes; but then all she needed to do was consider the people that Eva stepped on to get to where she was; and the ones she would’ve tortured if she went on elsewhere. This really was for the best, and if it just so happened Tina enjoyed it then was that really such a bad thing?


“Hmm?” The woman blinked, ears perking. Her eyes flicked towards the most likely culprit and sure enough. Eva’s lips were moving. Not that Tina could hear much. “Hold up, one sec.” The woman interrupted and reached over to turn off her fan. “You were saying?”

Eva took a moment to shiver first. Her body was visibly dirty in places, her hair had become rather windswept and messy, and when she spoke it was with a strained, hoarse voice. All hallmarks of the strain her new life put on her. “I said I’m hungry…! Please Tina…” She pleaded with the pitiful face of a very tired and battered woman.  “I still have to eat.” 

“Miss Tina.” The giant automatically corrected.

“Miss Tina.” By this point Eva conceded that particular battle.

It was hard not to feel a twang of sympathy for that face, but not that hard. “Food is for people Cupcake.”

“I-I am a person! And my name is not Cupcake!”

Some stuff still seemed to light the fire within her at least. It was cute really. The first day she spoke with such pride and certainty. Now it was more a personal mantra. A constant reminder to try and refute what Tina said. Regardless of how true it still was.  “No, you’re not. Miss Rhodes was almost six feet tall and beautiful. You are about an inch and cute at best.” She smirked and gave the tiny thing a light poke with her pen, leaving another ink mark. 

Part of it was trying to wear Eva down, yes, but it wasn’t strictly a lie either. There was a complicated science behind what had reduced Eva, and while she was indeed still something; on a technical level it was hard to say if that something was human or not. It went considerably beyond Tina’s expertise, but she had to tread lighter than she dared admit. It wasn’t about depriving Eva of food in some sort of power play...mostly. It was making sure she provided nourishment Eva’s body could still handle. Not unlike how one shouldn’t give a dog chocolate. Otherwise...Well, Tina didn’t really know. 

She could recall lengthy explanations from her friend in R&D about how they were testing prototypes by interweaving plant physiology to help compensate for a mammal’s internal functions. It sounded a lot more dramatic than it was. At least, that was what her friend Amy assured her. Still, it made Tina wonder. If she was part plant, could Eva live off sunlight? If she were put in the ground and watered, would it form a little sprout with heads that would start cursing at her?

She giggled at the image and shook her head. Sadly, Tina didn’t have the luxury of a window at her desk so she couldn’t test it. Though now she couldn’t help but wonder if Eva absorbed water like a plant now too. If dipped her in a cup would she just absorb it? These were the sorts of thoughts you evidently had when there was a shrunken woman in your care.

“...so don’t you think for a minute you’ll get away with any of this!”

Oh shit, was the plant girl still talking? Tina blinked and tuned back in just in time to see Eva cross her arms and glower at her. Evidently she returned right at the end of a rant. Big or small, Eva liked to hear herself talk. Though it was admittedly kind of hot to consider how easy it was to tune her out. Still, Tina needed to respond. Something that carried the right level of casual confidence to mask the fact she wasn’t listening.

“We’ll see about that.” The woman murmured, adjusting her glasses.

Nailed it.

Eva appeared especially irate after that, and Tina responded by pursing her lips and blowing. Funnily enough, that had a way of shutting her toy up. Turned out being blasted with storm-level winds that smelled faintly of mint and leftover pizza put you in your place. Who knew?

As soon as she was done Eva shuddered and hugged her arms against her body. “At least move that damned fan away! Since you refuse to give me clothes I’m freezing!”

“Hmmmm…….No.” The woman said as she reached over and turned the fan back on - At a higher setting no less. On the plus side, any protests were now drowned out even more effectively than before.

Still, clothes weren’t a terrible idea. It was kinda nice having a naked plaything, but Tina didn’t want her to get sick or anything. Maybe she could repurpose a tissue or find some doll clothes or something. Not to mention something warmer to sleep against than old change. Food for thought, problems for later. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll feed you some crumbs when I take lunch.”

Putting all fun and games aside, Tina was at work and she went back to it. With Eva gone her workload...hadn’t...changed much at all actually. If anything it was actually easier, but it was still a lot to keep her occupied. It was alright though. Nothing she wasn’t used to, and nothing could bring her mood down right now anyway.

That is...unless she happened to see the new CEO of the company heading right towards her. Which she was. Tina briefly lifted her eyes and had just happened to catch sight of her. Not bad in itself, but their eyes met; and the woman smiled at her. Oh lord she was gonna wanna talk wasn’t she? She had to hide Eva - Quick!

In an absolutely discreet and not at all flustered move, Tina ripped the post-it note, Eva, paperclip and all, and opened a side drawer at her desk, tossing it all in without bothering to check. Just in time it seemed, as Dana’s tall frame stood opposite her desk. 

“Hey Tina, keeping busy I see.” The blonde greeted with a friendly smile.

“Good morning Miss Moore.” Tina answered with her usual nervous tick: a discreet adjustment of her glasses. No matter what she couldn’t afford to look bad in front of the boss. Or let her know Eva was in her drawer. Or that she knew Eva was missing. Or - Oh god she was gonna blow it wasn’t she?

“I told ya Tina, you can call me Dana.”

“R-Right...Morning Dana.” The woman said sheepishly. Dana really was a sweetheart. Kind, caring, intelligent, and could run a shockingly long time on a treadmill, but none of that really explained why she was here. “Sorry, old habit I guess.”

Dana snorted. “Psh, it’s alright. You got a minute to head into my office?”

“O-Of course.” 


Tina was nothing if not a masterclass in self composure. 

She rose to her feet and gave Dana a furtive nod. The company CEO led the way and Tina followed, her steps suddenly uncertain when paired with the casual confidence Dana exuded. It took crossing a couple halls before they got to her office, Dana letting Tina inside first before shutting the door. Yep, this was absolutely it. Nobody got invited to the CEO’s office for anything good. She knew she shouldn’t have shrunken Eva!

“Been missing you at the gym lately. You still go?” Dana asked as she circled around a large mahogany desk. She leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs, fingers interlocking over a  tanned knee as she smiled pleasantly at the dainty figure sitting opposite her.

“Huh?” The question visibly surprised Tina. “Y-Yeah. I was...a little busy this weekend so I couldn’t make it, but I still go.”

“Good.” Dana nodded. “I’ve missed my little gym buddy! Lately it’s just been me and Amy.”

“Yeah...me too.” Tina said with a sheepish smile, and that was the truth. They didn’t always run into each other, but it was always nice having people from work to exercise with. It was less awkward than being there by herself. “I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”

“Good, good.” Dana trailed off. The woman’s gaze became listless as she tensed in her chair, smile dimming. “Well, I brought you into my office for two things Tina. Brace yourself m’kay?” 

Tina most certainly did, squirming as though she were on trial.

“I’m worried about Eva.” The CEO said gravely.

And there it is. 

“Y-You are?” Tina tried to sound clueless. “About Miss Rhodes? Did...something happen?

“Well...Sorta.” Dana sighed. “I was trying to reach her last weekend - Ya know, try ‘n make sure she was alright; and she never got back to me. So I figure I’d stop by her house and check it out.”

Oh GOD she checked the house!

“I know she wasn’t the best boss for you, but she was still my friend. I wanted to be there for her, ya know?” Dana proceeded solemnly. “Her vehicle was still there, but if she was home she sure wasn’t answering. Now, I know what you’re thinking. I’m probably overreacting. God knows I’ve been known to do that. But I just got this weird feelin’ and wanted to see if you knew anything.” The woman’s brilliant blue eyes stared intently at Tina. Now, I know you two weren’t exactly on good terms what with everything that happened, but-”

“I can explain Miss Moore-!”

“You ain’t got nothing to explain sweetie. Eva was a bitch. I know that.” Dana dismissed. “But still, you guys worked together for years. So I figured you might know if she was up to something. Last thing we need is her getting in trouble trying to get some kinda ‘payback’.”



Dana hadn’t seemed to notice the incredulous look sent her way. “Long as I’ve known Eva, she’s never been a gal to let sleeping dogs lie. If she’s mad enough, she might do something reckless or stupid. Maybe I’m just being paranoid but...Iunno. It doesn’t feel like something she’d do, right? If she hated my guts she’d at least let me know first.”

“Yeah, she would.” The mousy woman nodded, trying her best not to breathe the biggest sigh of relief. This didn’t seem to be an accusation, but a warning. “She’d probably have this huge speech about how you betrayed her and stuff.”

Dana actually got a wry chuckle out of that. “Yeah, you’re right; but like I said, I just wanted to let you know. Lately she’s been grinding that axe against you, and she just might be dumb enough to try and use it. It’s probably nothing, but I’m a bit of a worrywart sometimes.”

What Dana was, was a very good friend. Far better than Eva deserved. Even after everything she was trying to look after everyone and keep all parties happy. Before such a warm gaze Tina shuffled in her seat and toyed with the edges of her sleeves. She wasn’t sure how she could even respond to any of that. She couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty in front of this woman. Though it was rather ironic to think it was a concern that Eva would be the one to do something reckless. 

“Sorry, probably shouldn’ta brought it up.” The taller woman said apologetically. “If it makes you feel better though I have good news too!”

“Good news?” Tina lifted her head and her glasses drooped down her nose in an adorable manner. 

“Mhm.” Dana smiled and effortlessly pushed onto a different, better topic. “It actually has to do with Eva too. I’m gonna bring it up to the Board this Friday, but...What would you say to a promotion?”

Somehow, between shrinking a woman down, talking with her, playing with her, and dominating her in her own bed - Somehow this was more shocking than all of it. Tina’s jaw fell agape as she stared blankly at Dana. The moments ticked by one after another in awkward silence. “Pr-Promotion? Like...Miss Rhodes’ old job?

“Yeahuh. I mean, you already kinda do it anyway. No reason why you shouldn’t fill the open seat, right?”

She had a point, but still. Could Tina just...do that? Was it okay? Apprehension hit the woman like a truck and her mind blanked. She could chart out a thousand and one things that could go wrong. Her anxiety was kicking into overdrive and her leg bounced up and down nervously while her mind somehow both ran rampant and was empty.

There were so many others who could be better qualified. She’d never been in an Executive role before - What if she screwed it up? Heck, did she deserve it? She’d already shrunken Eva down and taken her for herself. Who was she to take her job too? Oh God that would mean more meetings. She’d have to...talk with people…Frequently. So many meetings, so much pressure, so much...everything!

Never in all her life had she envisioned this was possible. Size technology was more real than this conversation that was taking place. Tina wasn’t sure what to say or even what to feel, but the woman took a deep breath.

“Tina?” Dana looked vaguely concerned. “Need a bit to think it over?”

“No...I just…” 

The woman shook her head and lifted her gaze, fingers pressing her glasses against her nose. She couldn’t be the woman who would run away from everything. If she couldn’t handle this, what right did she have to keep Eva?

“I’d like that very much.”

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