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Author's Chapter Notes:

I have returned



Ashley was utterly shocked, the tiny cars and people were moving, they were incredibly life-like, the Jones Stress Suite had managed to populate this miniature city with people and working cars purely for realism. Her mouth was agape at the new levels of detail she kept discovering. She rose back up to her full height with her hands on her hips inspecting the town below.




Jesse watched with horror as his girlfriends giant face disappeared into the sky, becoming foggier as it rose past the sky and vanished. His eyes followed down from the now invisible face to see her giant ankle boots in the distance. They were extremely large, bigger than any building he'd seen in person or even a movie, they turned on their soles to face away from him and began a massive stride in the opposite direction, feeling his body jump as the shoe collided with the floor miles in the distance and the shockwave bumping him slightly. He began running to his car, getting inside and driving away from the shattered building, he stopped on a corner to look out the window at a building of the corner of the street, there were a bunch of people crowded up inside the building looking out the window. He exited the car and began approaching the building.


He entered-


"holy shit man, did you fuckin see that shit dude. That was crazy. Were you out there that whole time?"


It appeared to be some sort of bar.


"Yeah, please move aside, I need a drink." Jesse muttered stumbling past the man towards the bar, landing heavily on the surface of the bar. Nobody was there to serve him. He leaned forward and thumped his head onto the surface thinking about what was going on, none of it made any sense. Ashley was massive, "did they grow her in that creepy goddamn lab?" he thought to himself. He began to hear the scared people talking behind him about the situation that played out before them.


"That weird black pillar only landed on one building and disappeared, what happened?"


"What building was it? I hope it wasn't Stanley's shop, I love that place."


"Nah y'all, it was some stress facility, some weird sciency sheeeeitt."


"Jones Stress Suite? oh my daughter and I went there one time, it was amazing."


"Nobody cares about your stupid experience lady, it's fucking gone now and people are dead because of it."


"Excuse me, I'll have you know that their technology was facinating, very realistic."


"Like I said, sciency sheeeit, aint nobody go there a second time, you're either facinated or creeped out, they make mini versions of our town for people to destroy, talk about disrespect to our town!"


Jesse turned wide-eyed towards the crowd who were frantically discussing the events whilst looking at the crushed building in the far distance. He angrily stomped towards the crowd, grabbing the big beared man by the shoulder and pulling him round so he was facing Jesse.


"Did you just say they make mini versions of the town?"


"Getchur mutherfuckin' hands awfa me!" he said pulled his shoulder away and pushing Jesse away from him.


Jesse turned and looked towards the ground with shock and sadness, the bearded man picked up on his sorrow tone, assuming he must have lost someone in that building based on that expression he knew too well. The man took Jesses shoulder and turned him towards his face instead- "I'm sorry buddy, did you lose someone?"


Jesse backed away from the man, his shocked expression getting even worse to all the bystanders looking upon him. Bringing his hands up to his cheeks and staring at the ground he began hyperventilating.


"Y'alright buddy..?" Gus said as he was worried about the crazy man.


"WE'RE CLONES" Jesse blurted out after panicking for 30 seconds.


"Wha?" Gus muttered with a dumbfounded expression on his face.


"WE ARE TINY CLONES, THE WHOLE TOWN IS A PERFECT MINITURIZED COPY. WE ARE THE STRESS RELIEF." Jesse was frantically throwing his arms around whilst explaining this insane high-concept sci-fi rigamarole.


"The hell you say!"


"That explains why Ashley destroyed the building, she- she- thought it was ugly! The town you destroyed-" he pointed towards the older lady "-you said it was realistic! and- and- you!" he pointed towards Gus "-you said it was identical to our town. We're the identical copies of Ashley's stress relief session!"


The people looked at him like he was crazy, the just stared at him, Jesse looked upon them with frantic eyes trying to get them to understand, hoping they would.


Another burly man up the back then finally spoke "Who the hell is Ashley?"


"She's my girlfriend, she went to that building to have a stress suite session-"


"Oh well I'm very sorry for your loss, I could tell earlier that you lost someo-" Gus was interrupted suddenly by Jesse


"No, you idiot, she's not dead, the one that died was a clone, just like all of us, the real world is above us, just much much bigger."


The woman chimed in "I refuse to believe this absolute nonsense" and began heading towards the door with a disregarding hand wave, trying to wave away the nonsense like a handheld fan. Multiple people began mumbling in disapproval and heading towards the door as well.


"There's no service, there's no internet, the power won't last much longer and the food supply is likely only going to last a few days. You'd rather believe the black pillar was alien technology and head home for a beer and a nap and spend your last hours dicking around before getting wiped clean off this fake-ass town. But I refuse to believe such bullshit, if we are copies then it means we aren't the first, people went into that building every day, this means there are thousands of people just like us, being slaughtered and erased over and over again..." Jesse explained, his head fell to the floor in sorrow, thinking about the terrible future they had coming.


"I believe ya'" Gus spoke


"You- you do?"


"Sure do, I aint no dumbass, your explanation certainly makes more sense than an alien pillar, you've convinced some of us with your wacky science theory as I aint ever seen anything that big in my life and I gotta say dude, it certainly looked like a shoe to me now that you mention it." Gus lifted his head in agreement with Jesse whose face had lit up. "But I gotta tell you brother, aint nobody else that aint see that black thing gonna believe your crazy science story."


"That may be, but we've gotta get as many people as we can because I've got a plan and it's absolutely ridiculous."

Chapter End Notes:




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