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Chapter 7: Delight


Yun failed her promise. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t manage to stay standing in one spot. The moment she dissolved all those tortured minds within her body, she was hit with a rush of pleasure even her perspicacious mind couldn’t previously fathom.


The awakened woman had long been used to a persistent hum of bliss all over her body and, later on, bodies. She knew well that there were bursts of euphoria with every self she digested and dissolved and she knew, too, that every bit of matter or mind she dissolved increased that omnipresent hum of pleasure every so much. Naturally, she was expecting quite the influx of ecstasy when she dissolved a million selves at once.

Yet, Yun was unprepared for the sheer *onslaught* of euphoria that hit. The raw, unrivaled, inarticulatable ecstasy that came from such mass mind-absorption. She collapsed onto her knees in an instant, her crotch soaked wet as the flood of power and pleasure was so very beyond compare. She moaned an unearthly roar of ecstasy, too overwhelmed to speak, she could only think.


‘I forgive myself’, was what she thought on the matter. Forgiveness was an important trait she developed in her meditations. She had tried to stay standing, but it didn't work out. Oh well, there was still so much for the 20-year old be happy about.


With such orgasmic pleasure came equally overwhelming power. Yun’s main body went from 1.5 miles to over 100 near-instantly. The city became a crater far faster than even the strongest nuke could work.


Yun kept the rest of her promise though. She absorbed everything the her main-body touched, and kept on growing. The city wasn’t destroyed so much as it was consumed: absorbed. Every single person that disappeared against the pale skin of her expanding form had their ‘self’ dissolved far faster than it took their neurons to send the appropriate signals of despair.


Even Yun’s extra, smaller bodies were not immune. The bodies that she didn’t crush earlier were consumed against her, though those bodies shared her sense of self, and offered her only their flesh and what matter they had absorbed in their mirroring-romp with her earlier.


Though Yun had claimed 1 million minds before dissolving them, the city held 10s of millions more. All of them were dissolving, and Yun was reduced to a squirming fit from all the pleasure. Her moans grew louder till they circumnavigated the globe. The very crust of the earth beneath her body was absorbed against her. It felt like liquid due to the immense weight of her leviathanian form.


Since Yun absorbed all she touched, she quickly sunk to the center of the Earth. She fell into the molten core of the planet, which covered her like a warm gooey bath. Despite heat hotter than the sun’s surface, she was unharmed. The core was simply more matter and energy for her wiggling body to passively consumed.


The planet started to collapsed onto Yun. All the accumulated layers of the planet disappeared into Yun. Cities all over the world collapsed into an Earth driven cold by lack of a core. Everyone and everything the planet had to offer disappeared into her naked flesh.


Yun couldn’t thank everyone for their sacrifices even if she wanted to. The only thing coming out of her megalithic maw were moans. The force of them burst ears as people plummeted into the growing woman who slurped up the planet from within.


At some point, she felt a cold and curious spherical rock enter her flesh and be absorbed. It was the Moon. She had grown so big that her gravity tugged it in.


She was digesting tens of millions at a time, then billions. The climax from just one million minds dissolving was already dwarfed several times over. She was discovering new and untold levels of ecstasy. Explosion after explosion of raw pleasure hit the lithe apocalypse of a woman. Each one made the previous orgasmic burst of euphoria look so tiny in comparison.


Eventually, the bursts of pleasure started getting smaller. She had reached the peak of what the planet had to offer. The bursts quickly plummeted down to just a few thousand minds at a time. Yun realized that she was down to the last few hundred people on Earth. Just a few moments after that thought and she felt the last human mind dissolve in her superior self. The last crumb of the planet followed soon after.


The entire planet was absorbed by one woman. Yun had taken it all. The persistent hum of bliss, tranquility and pleasure that wracked her celestial-scale body was immense. It had grown to the point that the persistent pleasure she felt was far greater than that burst when she dissolved one million minds at once back at the capital city.


It took Yun, even with all her focus, a few minutes to get used to this new hum of pleasure. She spent that time squirming in the void of space, gushing over herself here and there. Thighs that could crush worlds rubbed against one another as she clenched and relaxed every muscle in her body over and over. The moment she regained the coordination to control her hands, she put them to work rubbing against her chest. Her fingers massaged her areolae. Through gradually more directed squirming, Yun became used to this level of ecstasy while milking the feeling all the while.


It had taken Yun a solid 10 minutes to regain her focus and ability to control her body under such constant euphoria. In contrast, destroying the entire planet in an absorptive-growth feedback loop took Yun just 10 seconds.


The colossal woman’s breathing steadied, and she gradually got her bearings. With her size came power to fulfill the legends of divine beings. Yun found she wasn’t beholden to the lack of gravity in space. If she wanted to move her body, she could do so simply by thinking it. To prove it to herself, she levitated side to side in the void, giggling all the while.


That was among the least of her new powers.

Yun’s absorptive aura had increased. It always had an impressive range: more than enough to catch human minds miles away back when her then 350m feet rested on solid ground. Now, though, it felt almost flexible. No longer as passive, she could feel everything in its bounds, bounds which, as of her post-Earth-snack-state, encompassed more than the entire solar system. Of course, she was still only absorbing spacetime in her immediate proximity, and slowly, but even that ‘glow’ around her body expanded.


Closing her eyes, Yun focused on what she could feel within this aura of hers: an aura of influence. She felt Venus and Mars and, as a test, tried the move the latter. The big red planet flung towards her stomach by her will. Yun was ready to catch it, and opened her front from base of breasts down to her navel. With a tentacular body-maw, she pulled the planet into her monolithic form. Her flesh sealed and she quickly digested it, purring with pleasure all the while.


Best of all to Yun, though, was she realized just how far her mind could reach. Her senses had been enhanced since that fateful meditation session when she realized how all-important her own self was, but this was different. She was really starting to feel like she was everywhere. It wasn’t like she was in her own body, but there was a certain broad awareness now. It diminished over space, but she could vaguely sense a flurry of activity thousands of light years away. In particular, she sensed minds: trillions upon trillions of them. She also gleamed an even vaguer emotional state. Anger, fear.


‘Perhaps there’s some sort of war going on. Maybe they’re just a grumpy sort.’


Yun laughed to herself. She decided to check it out, but first she wouldn’t put any of her home solar system to waste.


Yun focused, and curled her toes in anticipation of another big pleasure surge. She took a deep breath, then invoked her aura of influence to draw all the solar system’s objects towards her. The smaller celestial spheres flew faster, so much so that she had absorbed Pluto, Venus, and Mercury before Jupiter flew into her.


Yun didn’t bother making maws for the other planets. There was no need; her flesh simply reached up to envelop the barren worlds. Continental pseudopods from her tummy and elsewhere provided a grip as countless megatons of matter was absorbed. The gas-giants were so misty that Yun practically inhaled them through her pale skin: sans their more solid planetary cores, of course.


The sun was hundreds of thousands of times more massive than most of the other planets, the long-gone Earth included. Consequently, it was the slowest to arrive. Yun opened her arms wide as the great big ball of fire came closer. She had no issues staring right at it. All those licking flames, that pulsing, radiant energy. All that mass would be hers. She embraced the only thing in the solar system that could rival her size and gave it a great big hug.


Waves of fiery hot pleasure cascaded through her body as it began to absorb the star. It was like an otherworldly sauna that warmed and pampered all her muscles at once. Usually, raw matter didn’t bring about much pleasure compared to the far more complex and scrumptious minds of people. The Sun, however, was simply so jam packed with mass and energy that she couldn’t help but moan. The pleasure was too great to remain silent, and she once again pushed the boundaries of pleasure to a new and intoxicating level.


The Sun was Yun’s, and the solar system with it. She felt so much more fulfilled, but there was an entire universe for her to collect. There were so many exciting things to see and delicious things to absorb.


Yun felt yet even more power flowing through her. She realized how easy vast swaths of space were to traverse. She closed her lids over those brown eyes of her hers, and with a thought headed out to that source of excitement she sensed earlier.

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