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Story Notes:

Short story featuring hair play and insertion. 

Author's Chapter Notes:

Just a quick short story trade I did with another writer and figured would look good over here for something unique to read. 


Contains hair play, and incest, so be advised. 

‘I should have put my foot down… Why, can I never tell her no…?’


Where did he go wrong? He knew better… He knew what it meant to raise a child as a single parent… Yet, he messed up somewhere down the line. Why, hadn’t he set stricter boundaries… Maybe if he had… this wouldn’t have happened to him…


Sitting at a desk with a drink in one hand, and documents he needed to send to his office in the other, Hayato licked his lips to wet them, before shaking his head. No… This wouldn’t do… He needed his files to be perfect! This work was mediocre at best! If he sent these… then he’d get written up again…


Dropping the papers and taking another sip from his beverage, the threadbare man groaned before rubbing his temple. He knew why his work was suffering. At one point, he had been the lead programmer in his corporate position. But then… he got married… and divorced…


After this, his career suffered. And it was her fault…


Gazing to a picture sitting on his desk, the raven-haired man sighed softly as he saw a teenaged girl posing in the photo on a clifftop overlooking the ocean. This, of course, was his daughter, Akari . She was his greatest joy in life… But also, his downfall when it came to his job…


Having to raise her after his wife stepped out of their lives when she was just an infant, the overstressed man was left taking care of her full time. Thankfully, his company had been sympathetic and allowed him to work from home to take care of his new child. But things changed after that.


He got demoted to one of the countless programmer positions he once supervised and now wasn’t held in the same light as he was before. Even the newest members of the section he was under didn’t come to him for advice as they had done for years. It felt like, he had been ostracized without being let go… And the overworked man was left wondering if he had made the right choice in the end…


‘No… Never think that!’ Akari was his only light in the dark closing in on all sides. Gazing lovingly at the teenager as her smile captivated his gaze… something else soon drew the older man’s eyes. Dressed in a normal school uniform which was the standard for their district, the raven-haired beauty wore her hair in a pair of twin tails, letting her cascading inky locks fall to the ground beneath her…


His daughter, for whatever reason, had never once gotten her hair cut. And due to this, her impressive locks hung proudly to the ground. The younger girl took pride in her hair and took impeccable care of her silky tresses.


This, however, is what led the older man to wonder if he had raised her wrongly. While his child did take care of her hygiene and herself, the younger girl’s hair was a thing of an obsession for her. And now… it was for him too…


Every day, the single man found his interest in his daughter's bangs, harder and harder to break. He had caught himself more than once openly ogling his child as she brushed her hair. It just looked so, silky… so, alluring. Her dark strands blended seamlessly, and looked, inviting… It was almost as if her hair, had been calling him to touch it…


And to his horror… he had done just that. It started as him patting his daughter's head… and then lead to brushing his hands through her smooth hair. The feeling of it rolling through his fingers, unhindered by any knots or tangles, left him speechless. Akari took better care of her hair than she did even of herself.


But, worse than his questionable interest in his own daughter’s hair… was Akari’s in him. The younger girl seemed to realize his fascination with her tresses and made it a point to have him touch her locks whenever possible.


Due to this, he had grown, obsessed with it. Her hair… It filled his mind almost all hours of the day. Whether awake or asleep, he just couldn’t get the younger girl’s hair out of his head! He needed to keep touching it… And Akari knew that… She had started using it as a bribe for him when she wanted something. If he said no, she swung her hair, and asked him again when it was pressed against his skin… and anything the younger girl asked for, became a yes instantly…


She had all the power in their relationship dynamic… and she knew it. Which, led the overburdened man to this point now. Struggling in his carrier… Struggling to come to terms with his feeling… And, struggling to find the will to desire anything else but his child’s hair…


If he had his way… then he’d happily keep touching and fondling it, if his daughter let him. He needed help… He needed, something to take his mind off it… But he just didn’t know what to do anymore…


Hearing a knock on his office door, however, soon brought the troubled man out of his disheartening thoughts, before he finished his drink, and looked to the opening entryway. “C-Come in… Akari …” What did she want now? Money? To go out with friends? Maybe she was just here to tease him some more… It wouldn’t be the first time she had done something like that…


Peeking her head through the door, the raven-haired girl smiled brightly at her father before her arm moved in carrying a handful of the desirable locks he cherished to touch. Seeing the man’s eyes immediately zone in on her hair she provided for him, Akari smirked before wagging her finger his way, beckoning him to come over to her.


“Hi, daddy~. I was going to take a shower, and I could use some help washing my hair. Would you mind taking one with me?” She pleaded. Gulping audibly as his mind told him no, the older man twitched momentarily as his eyes flickered to his desk where his documents sat. ‘I need to get these sent…’ But… He wanted to… to…


Feeling his leg move before he found the will to tell his daughter no, the disheveled man sighed as he began to make his way to his child. He couldn’t do it… “S-Sure, sweetie… I’ll meet you in there shortly. I just need to- “


Being cut off immediately once he had said yes, Akari walked into the room, her long hair trailing in like a bride’s gown behind her before she set a length of it on his hand forcibly. “Awesome! Do you mind carrying it for me so I don’t step on my hair?”


Wanting to question his daughter on why that was relevant when she went day to day without doing that already, Hayato soon fell silent as his fingers sunk into the smooth, velvety locks of his child’s hair. They felt, amazing…


Watching a mesmerized expression overcome her father's face, the younger girl smirked before she began to walk towards their bathroom, her father, trailing obediently behind her carrying her lengthy hair by the armful.


Allowing the shorter man to enter, Akari shut the door behind him before she turned around presenting her back to her father. Watching his daughter in silence, Hayato’s eyes widened as he saw his child stripping in front of him. Did she not care he was even here?!


Blushing as more and more of her skin was revealed to him, it soon became apparent why Akari didn’t seem to mind. Her endless streams of inky tresses almost enshrouded her like a dress, providing no glimpses of her private areas. He did not doubt that if the girl spun around, over, and over, that her hair would completely envelop her like a caterpillar’s cocoon.


Doing the same, the troubled man began to strip, making sure to leave a towel around his waist so his daughter wouldn’t glimpse anything. It felt awkward to still take baths with the teenager. Did she not feel the same about it? It seemed… like she didn’t though, as she made no statements about it once she saw he too was as naked as she now stood.


Once rid of her garments, the younger girl walked casually over to their open bath before seating herself down where the shower nozzles hung. “Sit behind me, and I’ll feed you my hair to shampoo once I rinse it.” His child ordered nutritively.


Obeying almost robotically, the older man nodded before scowling since he knew she couldn’t see him. Sitting down on the second stool that had already been put out for him, Hayato waited as his daughter began to wash her raven locks.


Seeing the first of it being forced under her arm and presented to him, the older man blushed as his child’s pale back complimented the darkness of her locks. He would have been content to just sit there and keep watching, but, the younger girl’s voice immediately brought him out of whatever obscure thoughts he had been focused on prior.


“Here, use this. I just bought it. Make sure it gets in very thoroughly~.” Akari cooed, her head tilted briefly to see the reddening cheeks of her father. It was like, she was toying with his feelings on purpose!


Forcing himself to calm down after feeling an erection forming beneath his waist towel, Hayato instead decided not to stare at Akari and focused on the bottle which had been handed to him. It had no label… It was just clear, pinkish fluid. It didn’t look like any shampoo he had ever seen.


Wanting to inquire where the younger girl got this from, the seated man didn’t have long to speak before handfuls of his daughter’s hair fell onto his lap, weighing down his erect member. Grunting from the surprisingly pleasant sensation through his weak barrier covering him, Hayato frowned before opening the bottle and pouring small amounts out onto his child’s locks.


As his fingers sunk into the smooth strands of hair, however, all trouble in the older man's mind seemed to just… fade. Smiling for the first time today, as a genuine feeling of joy came over him, Hayato sighed softly as he got to work washing his daughter’s hair for her.


There was a lot of it. There was more now than he seemed to realize before! While she braided it on occasion and hung it around her, letting it loop, the older man hadn’t seen just how long her hair had become until he started sifting through it all.


‘She must have grown it out more since last time we did this…’ It had been about six months since his daughter last asked him to help her wash her hair. And back then he only worked on the roots while she brushed and rinsed the rest. Now though, he was getting a thorough feeling for every inch of her majestic tresses. And he felt like, he was in heaven.


Moaning softly, the bare man blushed, but, it didn’t look like Akari noticed thankfully. Deciding to stay focused and just do as his daughter asked him to, Hayato continued washing, taking careful care of where he placed her hair after each handful passed his lap.


After what felt like an hour of washing, however, it soon came to a close. ‘Finally!’ The older man felt like he was about to pass out… Wiping away a layer of sweat that had formed over his brow, the erection he sported since this started never left him.


If this continued any longer… Akari might have noticed. “A-A-Alright, sweetie… I… I need to go… go back…” Trailing off as his eyes got blurry, Hayato blinked repeatedly before standing up. He needed, to go lay down…


Falling to the floor, consciousness already abandoning him, the older man passed out right then and there. Hearing the thud behind her, Akari hummed softly before sparing her father a glance. That had taken longer than she had thought it would.


‘I guess it's because he was only touching his hands and face with it…’ If she had simply poured her *shampoo* on him, that may have been quicker. But, it wouldn’t have been as fun. She could clearly see his boner now, and it made her smile. She knew all too well how much her father loved her hair. He may have even liked it more than she did.


Chuckling, the younger girl stood up, before moving to grab some towels. Things would soon change around here… And it was time for her father to stop worrying so much about work, and instead focused on what mattered… Her!


~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


Wincing as a ringing filled his ears, Hayato grunted before rolling onto his side before leaning up. ‘What the heck happened…?’ He felt, so fatigued all of a sudden. Did he pass out from the shower steam? Recalling that he hadn’t been alone in the said shower, however, the overworked man blinked before looking for his daughter.


But, as his vision cleared, something else soon became apparent to him. He wasn’t in the bathroom anymore, and was now in his daughter’s bedroom… But it was different. I was massive! Looking around frantically as he saw all the things his teenage daughter processed now gigantic compared to him, it slowly clicked in his head that maybe it wasn’t everything else, and instead was simply him who had shrunk. Why he hadn’t come to that conclusion first, puzzled him.


“It’s about time you awoke, daddy. I was beginning to think you hit your head on the floor too hard and got a concussion…” Looking towards the sound of his child’s voice, Hayato soon paled as he saw Akari coming into her room in nothing but a towel on… She was gigantic! He probably didn’t come up to her ankles!


He was already a few inches shorter than his larger daughter but now he was nothing but an insect compared to her! Attempting to stand and ask her what was going on, the fatigued man soon stumbled before falling back onto the larger girl’s bed, which earned him a giggle for his efforts.


“Don’t overwork yourself… You’ll just pass out again. Let me do the talking now daddy~. That shampoo I had you use earlier, was Microsoma . It’s a gel that shrinks cells. I guess you could call it a shrinking drug. It works wonders on dry skin and other unwanted things on or in the body. But overuse of it can cause, a slight side effect of full-body shrinking. Don’t worry though! I already applied the cure to myself when I was washing my hair so it won’t affect me~. Unfortunately for you, however, once you shrink as much as you have it's irriversable ~” Akari giggled.


Looking up at his daughter confused, only able to shake his head, the tiny man wanted to ask what was going on, but, the larger girl beat him to it, probably sensing his question to come. “I shrank you daddy! I did it because you work too much… You need to be more honest. You’d love nothing more than to spend more time with me, right? Well… me, and my hair that is~. Now, you get to spend all the time in the world with it… I made sure of that!” Akari smirked before pulling off the towel that had been wrapped around the front of her head.


Watching as a wave of black suddenly began to descend towards him, his child’s hair no longer restricted by the simple cloth she had used to contain its immense bounty, Hayato cried out in surprise as he was suddenly battered by his daughter's dripping wet locks.


Feeling his body crushed by the weight, the sound of his child laughing rang in his ears. She was enjoying this… And, as much as the shrunken man wanted to deny it… it seemed like he was too, as his erection from before returned to full mast upon coming in contact with his daughter’s endless tresses.


Thrashing around and kicking as he tried to break free from his lightless prison, his efforts were rewarded by his limbs being entangled in Akari’s black hairs. He couldn’t fight this… He couldn’t escape. Her hair was just too omnipotent for him to overcome at his new stature…


Feeling the strand of hair, he had been caught in suddenly tighten as they were pulled, Hayato gasped as his body was tugged upward before he surfaced from the blanket of wet hair that had matted him.


“Enjoying yourself, daddy? Will you admit to me that you like this now~? If you had asked me sooner, I could have let you play with my hair too your heart's content you know.” Akari pouted. She had deliberately teased her father hoping he would tell her the truth… But he never did.


All she wanted was for him to have some fun. The domination of it all was fun for her too! And it didn’t matter it was her father to her she was controlling. He deserved someone… And she desired him, which made this seem like a win/win to her.


“I bet you never realized your daughter wanted you to play with her~. Too bad you never took the bait… Now I need to play with you until you’re honest about your feelings for me…” Akari pouted before a devious smile spread across her face. “Since you love my hair so much, I’ll make it a point to give you unrestricted access to it! Enjoy it till your heart's content!”


Twisting her locks causing them to slowly begin to tighten around Hayato , the teenager laughed in amusement as she watched the light struggling of the man, lessen, and then fade all together once she had him completely mummified in her tangled hair.


Wringing it out slowly, as she smothered his body in it, the younger girl smirked as she saw water dripping out. She could see the barest part of flesh peeking out, which happened to be her father’s penis. He was fully erect, and probably in his own heaven and hell. The level of control over the smaller man was euphoric!


Seeing nothing but feeling everything, Hayato grunted loudly as he felt his body being twisted about, as hair all around him coarsely rubbed his naked flesh. Once the wetness began to fade, he felt his daughter’s hair become soft and supportive of his weight. As well as pleasurable on his groin.


Each twist and pull from the giantess on her locks bound him tighter, and tighter! He couldn’t move a limb at this point, and the helplessness wasn’t a lot to him. But that wasn’t what did him in. In the end, it was the feeling of something wet brushing over his protruding penis as he was caressed outside of his inky prison. Each stroke sent him over the edge, but… it felt like something had tightened around him too, belaying any satisfaction that might have come from this pleasurable experience. What was his daughter doing to him?!


Curling some of her long locks around her fingertip as she tugged on them playfully, Akari soon giggled as she watched her motions pulling on her father’s tiny prick. She had tied off a strand to it, and now it was as if he were her marionet~.


Pulling back and forth as she stroked him without so much as laying a finger on his body, the younger girl bit her bottom lip excitedly as she saw the mummified man struggling frantically as his dick was tugged on. Being jerked off by your daughter’s hair had to be something he never knew he wanted… At least, until he got it.


But… she wanted, more. More pleasure… More control! She could go even further. Her father needed to know, that SHE, was in charge of him from now on. And that giving in to his desires, was perfectly natural. And the raven-haired girl knew just how to do it~.


Molding a pile of her hair into a phallic like shape, Akari nodded before situating herself on her knees and releasing the handful of hair that imprisoned the shrunken man. Spinning around rapidly as fell out of it before suddenly bouncing in the air as the one piece of hair still connected to him snapped back, Hayato cried out as he dangled in the air by his penis, his daughter’s hair still tightly tied around holding him suspended.


“ Awee ~, poor daddy… You don’t look so good like that… I had better get you home so you can rest up and feel better~.” Akari cooed, before lowering the man to the mound of hair she had sculpted.


Panting ruggedly as his breaths came out in labored gasps, the older man looked up at his daughter confused, but… something soon drew his attention away from the massive amounts of hair that had been taking up his entire field of vision.


Akari had removed her towel, letting it fall uselessly behind her. Watching at his child’s naked flesh was revealed to him, the older man gulped as his erection pulsed painfully, aching to be touched. He had never noticed, how much the younger girl had matured. She looked… almost like her mother…


Smiling coyly down at the smaller man, the teenager moved her hips down, as her crotch came in contact with her father’s tiny form, forcing him into the mound of hair she had set him on. “It’s my turn now daddy~. Why don’t you relax, and just let me take care of everything? Let me handle everything else from now on. You just need to allow me to, take care of you~.” The younger girl smirked.


Feeling his breath fading as the heat of his daughter’s privates surrounded him, Hayato shuddered as her massive quim was pressed into him, forcing the smaller man against his child’s tangled hair. He was caught between two things; he knew he couldn’t resist…


Feeling his mind beginning to weaken, the older man wanted to say no… To tell her that this was wrong and that she should change him back now! But he didn’t say that. He didn’t say anything. All that escaped his mouth, was a guttural groan, as pleasure, the likes of which he had never experience flooded into him, as the pressure atop him increased.


Bucking his hips slowly, the shrunken man felt himself, give in. He couldn’t fight her any longer. She had won…


Watching in satisfaction as her father gave in to his desires for her, Akari giggled softly as she felt his little movements. It was pleasant… But she wanted more. He looked close to orgasming… and she wanted to share that with him. She wanted to share everything with him from now on…


Pulling her copious amounts of hair towards her, Akari cooed softly as she started forcing it against her quim, before it began to pile up, pushing itself into her. Feeling his body beginning to be enveloped again, Hayato grunted before bucking faster, his mind now gone to the bliss he felt. He didn’t even remember, why he had resisted this in the first place… He didn’t want, to be anywhere else but right here.


Gasping as her inner walls were stretched out for the first time by something larger than her fingers or toys, the teenager bit her lip in satisfaction, wanting more. She wanted her father deep within her! She never wanted him to leave in fact!


Pulling more and more of her hair around her and pulling it in both with her hands and muscles, the teenager was soon enshrouded by her black locks before she fell over, letting her hair blanket her and her father in their sexual bliss.


She could feel her insides, being stretched past their limits! And it felt, so foreign, but so right! She couldn’t stop! Lost inside her now too, Hayato was too far gone. He had been surrounded by darkness once more, the wetness from before now returning. But it was stickier and had a more pungent aroma. He knew without a doubt where he was… And judging by the feeling of his daughter’s tightness, he knew what was going to come next, and doubled his efforts to enjoy what they were now sharing.


Panting faster as her stomach started to protrude, Akari felt her limit reached before she screamed in ecstasy! Thrashing in a cocoon of her own making, the teenager spasmed in her locks, as her body writhed blissfully.


Sweat, cum, and perspiration were all she felt now… And, the younger girl didn’t care if it undermined her shower prior in the slightest. Moaning as her hands rubbed her swollen belly caringly, Akari grinned as she felt the faintest of movements within her deepest depths. Her father, was right where he belonged now. And she’d never let him go…


“Sleep tight daddy~. Sleep, in your new home. I’m never letting you escape me… And we’ll be together like this, from now on…”


Her father was hers… And she didn’t care about anything else but enjoying her time with him, whether he chose to regret it later or not. He was simply, hers…


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