Summary: Welcome to Seijou General Trading, voted Best Mixed Size Company for over a decade and great place to work no matter what size you are! These North American offices are host to a wide range of different employees, big and small doing their best to turn the wheels of the world's premier general trading company.
I am pleased to announce my latest anthology series, Towering Temptations! You can expect fun, lighthearted and comical short stories featuring big OLs (office ladies) and tiny coworkers going about their day!
I hope you enjoy!
Categories: Breasts,
Mouth Play Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: No
Word count: 10833
Read: 28564
Published: September 25 2023
Updated: February 12 2024
1. New Intern by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
2. The Secretary by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
3. Classic Prank by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
4. Helpful Assistant by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
5. After Work Party by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
6. After Work Party 2: Monday by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
New Intern by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
that’s the history of Seijou General Trading, founded in 1887 in Yokohama to
capitalize on the textile trade from China, broken up in 1947 by the US
occupation as a zaibatsu, and on to today where we’re a globally recognized
leader in materials trade and distribution across the world.” The sole member
of the audience politely clapped as the older man finished his speech.
“So, with that, it’s now time to
give you the grand tour, follow me, Jeremy!” The older man rose from his seat
and beckoned the young man to the door. To the young man’s shock, outside the
small office was an unimaginably vast room filled with enormous cubicles. Skyscraper-sized
women milled around, chatted, and worked in the office space that filled the vast
space. One woman sitting at the desk shot Jeremy a knowing smile before
returning to her computer, giggling as she typed.
“As you know, Seijou America’s
offices are all mixed size, so us tinies have plenty of opportunities within
the company. During your internship, you’ll get plenty of opportunities to
experience a wide range of different jobs and tasks with us, from simple data
processing and purchasing to more complicated matters like demand forecasting
and I’ll speak with the big boss about getting you some managerial experience
too. You’re a BusAdmin major, right?”
“Mhm,” Jeremy nodded
“Good, so hopefully you’ve-” A
rush of air cut him off as their view of the office was replaced with a
chasm-like cleavage perfectly framed by the white undershirt of an office
lady’s pantsuit. Looking up, Jeremy staggered back instinctively at the
gargantuan woman’s beaming smile, which blocked out the lights above and cast
the two in shadow.
“Good morning, Cindy!” The older
man smiled back, unmoved by the building sized woman looming over the two of
“Alfred! Good to see you again!
How’s the family? I see you brought a new little friend with you! What’s the
name of this little cutie?”
“J…Jeremy,” he replied, shuddering
as he could’ve sworn he saw her lick her lips.
“It’s nice to meet you, Jeremy! I
hope we get along well.” She cooed, eyeing the new tiny boy right in front of
Suddenly, Alfred’s phone buzzed.
Checking it, he exclaimed, “Oh, I forgot I had a meeting. I was going to tell
you this later, but Cindy here will be your mentor during the internship, she works
in the same department as me and will be the best person to speak to in your
tasks. Cindy, could you be a dear and give him the grand tour?”
The enormous woman’s face lit up
with excitement. “I’d love to show this little cutie around! Come here lil
“Alright, I got the perfect place
for you!” She cheered before reaching to grab him. Before he could even
protest, Jeremy’s world became a blur as her fingers pinched down on his waist
and effortlessly lifted away from the safety of the walkway. As a tiny, he had
been picked up by giants before sure, but the rushed nature of her grab easily
surpassed even the most powerful roller coaster he had been on in intensity. His
world, and stomach, settled down between her ample bosom as Cindy tucked the
tiny guy into her cleavage.
“Gotta have my hands free, hope
you don’t mind lil dude. Thank you, Alfred!”
“Just show him around and get him
acclimated to the office and our coworkers. I’ll see you around Cindy!”
“Wait, sir!” Jeremy called out,
but Alfred and Cindy simply exchanged friendly smiles and his one tiny friend casually
walked off to his meeting. The reality of his situation sank in as his face
turned red. Sure, he had seen this scenario before online, but the real sensation
was unlike anything he could’ve imagined. Her soft breasts completely
overwhelmed him, holding him in place like a tight, warm hug, punctuated by the
gentle rumbling of a heartbeat through the pliant flesh.
“Alright let’s go!” Cindy sauntered
down the hall. Her breasts shook like an earthquake with each step, jostling
Jeremy across the plush surface.
“So, these are the human cubicles,
most of us here work in purchasing, management, and sales. My boss Anna, who’s
over there, and I handle procurement for North America. Marketing is down the
hall and there’s other positions all over the place. HR is in building 4, which
also has the cafeteria, though many of us go out for lunch instead. You should
join us later today!” Cindy’s eyes sparkled looking down at him expectantly.
sighed. “Guess you don’t leave me much choice. It’d be good to meet some of my
coworkers. By the way, what do the other tinies do?”
data processing, accounting, and there’s plenty of overlap with what we do. I
have two tinies who work for me, but they work from home, so I never get to see
them.” She frowned as she relayed the last part. “Anyway, onto the next room!”
quickly forgot he was even in a girl’s cleavage as the two talked about their
work. To his relief, he began to figure that maybe her intimidating aura was
misinterpreted. Even his embarrassment regarding her cleavage seemed to fade as
he grew more and more accustomed to talking to the huge woman.
Sasha! Come meet this little cutie!”
eyes were wide open as he observed the scene before him. A tan woman, seemingly
a few years younger had turned away from her desk to face Cindy. Looking at her
fingertip, he was shocked to see a small figure pinned to the table against the
tip, playfully squirming under the woman’s hand.
see you two are already well acquainted,” Sasha commented, leaning in close to
take a peek at the figure.
tried his best to bury himself in her chest as her face filled the sky. Large
brown eyes observed his every move as she examined his form buried in her
titflesh. In an attempt to be friendly, he returned her gaze with a nervous
smile and wave.
“You’re lucky, little guy,
Cindy is a great woman. She’s always nice to her tiny pets.” Sasha boomed,
letting her words wash over the tiny.
what does your tiny friend do?” Jeremy stammered, trying to change the
works support for me,” she replied again in a monotone voice.
your arches nicely, right?” Cindy quipped, and the two women chuckled.
does feel good down there I will admit.” Jeremy could only shudder, imagining
himself in such a hellish space.
worry little guy! I won’t put you in my shoes!” Cindy’s words were of little
comfort as his nerves spiked.
“I’ll leave you two to get
back to it!” Sasha commented, returning her focus back on the tiny under her
Sasha!” Cindy commented cheerfully as she walked off, “She’s a little stern but
she’s a nice person deep down.”
a few more minutes of tour, Cindy arrived at a small office, flicking on the
lights to reveal a cozy space, complete with tubes, ladders and elevators for a
tiny to get around the comfortable space.
this is my office!”
cool, so where is my cubicle? I assume in the tiny area.”
you did say that you were interested in purchasing, right?” Cindy looked down
with a cheerful, knowing smile.
mean, that is what I put on my… Oh no.”
“Your cubicle is right here!
On my desk!” Cindy fished him from her breasts and sat him down before a small
cubicle next to her enormous monitor. “You’re working for me! I’m glad to
finally have a tiny guy on my team who I get to see every day!”
Jeremy sighed, bracing for
several months of her overwhelming teasing. As he stared up at his new boss,
cheerfully humming to herself as she turned on her computer, a strange feeling
of happiness began to replace his disdain. Sure, she teased him relentlessly,
but in the time in her cleavage, he began to feel a sense of admiration for
her. Not wanting to make her feel awkward in the silence, he spoke up.
why aren’t there any tinies on the floor? I saw doors all over the office floor
but there was nobody down there.”
much too dangerous to be exploring the floor, we don’t want to step on our
coworkers, so we don’t like them walking around down there. Of course, if being
stepped on is your thing, I may be able to oblige you.”
brushed off the last comment, “So, what do you want me to do now, Miss Cindy?”
formal! Just call me Cindy, dear, and as for what you can do for me… I don’t
really have anything for you right now so just sit there and look cute! I’ll
come up with some use for you soon.”
then.” Jeremy stared at his tiny monitor, mind already racing with what such a
statement could mean. With a sigh, he looked over the papers already waiting
for him. To his relief, she had made sure all his information was ready for him.
Perhaps she wasn’t as bad as he thought, he mused as stared down at the paper,
typing in the login provided to him.
What do you think of big girls?” Jeremy’s focus was snapped as he turned to
face his boss. The huge woman looked down at him expectantly, propping up her
chest under her arms.
an… interesting question.” Jeremy froze as her face morphed into a disappointed
frown. “I don’t mean it like that! I meant… I don’t know, I haven’t been with
anyone, much less a giant… I mean… I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” Jeremy looked
away in embarrassment.
glad to hear that.” Cindy’s face lit up in a bright smile! “I hope we can get
along well together!”
here.” Jeremy replied. At the very least, he knew his time at Seijou would be
anything but boring.
End Notes:
First story, hope it went well!
The Secretary by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
Author's Notes:
Inspired by this wonderful picture by the amazing YoHomeboyRaps!
Ichibe leaned back in his chair,
flipping through the stack of paperwork on his table. Sent from the home office
to act as a regional vice president for Seijou North America, the middle-aged
manager knew he had a lot of work in order to properly settle into his new position.
With a frustrated sigh, he poured over the pile of documents before him,
rubbing his temple as he tried to make sense of the obfuscated mess his predecessor
left for him.
“Alright boss! I organized your
calendar, processed the backlog of emails and ordered you a new coffee
machine!” A booming voice snapped him out of his concentration. Looking up, the
curvaceous body of an auburn-haired young woman filled the sky above the walls
of his little office, her billboard-sized smile lighting up her face.
“Ah, thank you Rachel.” Ichibe
acknowledged the building-sized girl above him with a neutral expression before
returning to his computer. He knew how mixed-size Seijou’s North American
office was, but he still couldn’t get over having a human secretary. The
gigantic woman seemed friendly, and he appreciated having her around, but her
bubbly, excitable nature began to feel overwhelming at times to the serious,
focused tiny.
Rachel pouted before looking back
down at the tiny cubicle. It was an interesting solution to converting the
human-sized office for use by a tiny to say the least. Eight-inch walls formed
a miniature office in the center of the room, resting atop a pedestal. Rachel’s
desk sat next to the pedestal, and the lack of a roof meant that she could
communicate easily with her tiny boss. It even featured an elevator that
carried him to the floor, which was complemented with a tiny elevator on the
wall that takes him back to the tiny deck.
In stark contrast to the tiny’s cold
demeanor, Rachel was secretly over the moon. A human secretary and her cute
tiny boss seemed straight out of her fantasies and here she was living out her dreams.
Even glancing over at the miniature person typing away at his keyboard or
sorting paperwork sent her heart fluttering. Despite her excitement, she still
had one hurdle remaining to create the office life she dreamed about.
“How the hell do I make him
notice me?” She pondered as she watched him hard at work, nose deep in some
spreadsheet. No matter what she tried from books and articles online, she just
couldn’t get the little guy to look at her properly. Clearly “The Ultimate
Guide to Tiny Relations” was missing a few pages.
Ichibe, meanwhile, was in hell. His
predecessor left him neck deep in unfinished business that now fell on him to
parse. He grumbled as he finished another budgetary report, salvaging it from
the disaster the last guy left it in. With a sigh, he sent the file off to
Japan and set upon his next task, the strategy reports. Despite how frustrating
the paperwork seemed to him; it was far from his biggest concern. His train of
thought promptly derailed as Rachel began to hum to herself.
Despite his cold demeanor towards
the girl, he truly did appreciate her. She was the only one who was able to
help him parse through his predecessor’s notes and files, and made his transfer
go from a living nightmare to merely a somewhat frustrating endeavor. Her dutiful
efforts helped him transfer from his prior job to this place. However, he
couldn’t get over how extra he felt she could be. How she loomed over his
office without a care, and how she didn’t even seem to notice how her… assets
loomed over him so much.
He drew a sharp breath as he heard
her chair rolling back.
Rachel stood up and stretched,
before picking up her pen and clipboard to set her plan into motion. With slow,
deliberate steps, she walked around the office, eyeing the tiny man as she brushed
past the stand that held his workspace. Coming to a stop, she lifted her pen to
write, lightly gripping it before letting it tumble from her fingers, sending
the pen clattering to the ground. The clink of the pen attracted Ichibe’s attention,
and he idly looked up before resuming his work.
“Whoops! There goes my pen! Gosh I
am so clumsy today!” Rachel exclaimed before bending over to pick it up,
deliberately sticking out her ass over the stand. Down below, Ichibe’s office
suddenly became dark, and the tiny looked up, only to immediately avert his
eyes. He knew Rachel was a curvy girl, hell, it was one of the things he liked
about her appearance, but in this position, her ass loomed over his office like
the moon, blocking out the light beneath it as if it was an eclipse. As her
thighs rested on one of the walls, he realized how easy it would be for her to
sit down on the stand. If she did so, there was no way he could stop her
meteoric ass from crushing everything beneath it, including himself. Ichibe
nervously looked back up at the vast mountain looming overhead. Her pantyhose
desperately strained against her ass; clearly outlining panties large enough to
cover his house pressed against her tight skirt. The wall began to creak under
the strain, threatening to snap and obliterate him in ass.
“Rachel!” Ichibe exclaimed, hearing
the walls creak under her weight. Despite his terror, she did have a fantastic
ass, and he found himself staring into the monumental rear above him.
Rachel knew this, and as she
fished her pen from the ground, she gave her butt a wiggle before lifting off
of the miniature office.
“Sorry about that boss! I hope you
at least liked the show.” She quipped, before returning to her desk with a
cheerful clip.
Ichibe sat and pondered what had
just happened. The images of her ass, her cheeky smile and playful demeanor
circled through his mind. Over the past few weeks, he had gone from being
annoyed by the huge girl, to almost enjoying her company.
“Hey, Rachel…” Ichibe spoke.
“Hmm? How can I help, boss?”
“I don’t know if I’ve said this to
you since we started working together, but thank you, seriously, for everything
you’ve done. You have been a major help in the transition, and I think that we make
a good team.”
Rachel was over the moon and
struggled to contain her excitement. Thankfully, the walls of his office kept
him from seeing her silent celebration. Calming herself, she replied.
“Thank you, sir, I’m just doing my
Classic Prank by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
Author's Notes:
Inspired by this pic ( by the amazing YoHomeboyRaps!
Kind of a short one but the idea is funny.
Jennifer peeked down the hall, glancing
to the left and to the right through the quiet office, before slinking into the
empty copier room. She checked her phone, sighing in relief that lunch was
still ongoing. Seijou had several copy rooms across the building, but this one
was perfect for what she wanted to do. Reaching down into her shirt pocket, she
fished out her tiny friend.
“Coast is clear?”
“Yep, are you ready Tim?”
Brushing her auburn hair out of
the way, Jennifer opened the lid and pressed a few buttons on the screen. With
a flash of light, the machine whirred to life, gently humming while awaiting
her command.
“Have you ever been sat on?
“I have not, please don’t
crush me.”
Jennifer laughed, “I think my butt
is plush enough to not hurt you, don’t worry!” She accentuated her comment with
a playful spank.
Idly humming to herself, Jennifer
carefully placed the tiny onto the glass copy plate and hiked up her skirt.
She could barely see Tim’s thumbs
up before turning around to sit down on the copier.
Tim braced himself as a
tights-clad moon filled the horizon. He had admired Jennifer from afar, but never
in a million years did he imagine himself in this position, staring up as her
ass hurtled towards him. As she sat down on the copier, it felt like an
asteroid slammed down on him, instantly forcing the air from his lungs and wrapping
him in her tights-clad assflesh. As Jennifer had stated, she was soft enough for
him to not crush under her, but the unimaginable weight pressing down on him
left him completely paralyzed, barely able to even move the slightest twitch
with the weight pressing down on his form. What miniscule amounts of oxygen he
could force in was filtered through the slightly sweat-tinted stockings that
clung tightly to her rear.
Jennifer, meanwhile, kept humming
as she pressed a few buttons, prompting the machine to whirr to life. She
grinded a bit, hoping to ensure a good picture as she watched the glowing bar
of the copier slowly scan back and forth. A few moments later, the printer
began to spit out page after page of the same image, the shapely form of her
ass squished against the glass, complete with Tim’s form helplessly smushed
against it. As the printer finally stopped, she gently scooted off before
standing back up. To her relief, her tiny friend appeared intact, though
completely dazed from the experience. A gentle poke confirmed his status as he
carefully sat up, still breathing deeply to replenish the air he lost beneath
“So, whaddya think?” Jennifer
beamed, holding one of the copies up for him to view.
“Not bad, not bad. Can I get one?”
“Of course, I also had it send a
digital copy to my email so I’ll get one over to you!” She commented proudly.
“Wait, what email did you send it
“So, it seems you two had some fun
yesterday.” Carol the HR supervisor looked away from her computer before
turning the monitor around. Prominently displayed on the screen was the photocopy
of Jennifer’s ass.
“You both are aware that company
intranet is monitored, right?” Carol sighed. “I should not be receiving
messages from IT about this kind of thing. Photocopiers are for files, not butts.
“It was just a prank.” Tim
commented, prompting Jennifer to nod in agreement.
“A pretty childish one at that.
Thankfully, for both of your sakes, I’m not going to write you up for this. It
was stupid, but ultimately harmless I guess. You didn’t force Tim into it, and
his addition was at least a mildly amusing twist. Just, if you want to
photocopy yourselves that badly, go and buy yourself one and don’t bring
company property into it next time. Understand? Now get back to work.”
The two nodded nervously, before scurrying
out of her office. Spinning the monitor back around, Carol clicked on the file,
before carefully depositing it in a folder named “Ideas.”
“It was a little funny, at least.”
She murmured to herself before returning to work.
Helpful Assistant by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
Author's Notes:
As Sasha faces a critical business meeting, her dedicated assistant Marcus employs ingenious tactics to keep her focused on the task ahead.
Made a bit of a longer one this time around, hope you enjoy!
how long have you been working here, Marcus?” Jeremy asked, filling a cup from
the water cooler.
“Bout 6 months, why?”
“I’ve been here a few weeks now
and I don’t think I’ve seen you around all that much. You work in a different
I work for Sasha here in operations.”
paused for a moment, thinking through his memories of Sasha. Although he had
not had much contact with her, the little he had seen certainly left an impact.
what you might have seen of her, she’s nice. She just has a unique way of
showing it.”
bubbling roar from the water tank drew their attention elsewhere. Past the
railing, Sasha filled her water bottle from the human tap, siphoning hundreds
of gallons from the tank.
Marcus, there you are!” Sasha remarked, glancing up at the railing. “Been
looking for you. I have a meeting coming up in a bit and I need your support.”
bring it on.”
chuckled, “This is why you work for me.”
massive hand gently plucked Marcus from the table, carrying him off into the
a good day, Jeremy!” Marcus shouted back as his captress strolled away from the
same to you?” Jeremy shouted in reply, watching the black-haired woman walk
away into the distance.
meanwhile, found himself trapped between the fingers of his gigantic boss, as
she whisked him away back to her office. She placed Marcus onto the wooden
surface of her desk before settling into her chair, letting the force of her
impact roll her chair back a bit before she scooted herself forward again.
“Got this damn meeting to slog through.
Marcus, up for some toe action? My feet could really use something small to
play with while I listen to these guys drone on for a few hours.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“This is why you get paid the big bucks.
I forgot to shower last night so sorry in advance for the smell.” Sasha
replied, lifting her leg while popping off her scarlet-colored pump. “As usual,
keep me entertained and I’ll make it worth your while.”
Sasha grasped ahold of Marcus by the
waist before lifting him into the air. With a wry grin, she shoved him between
her toes, letting them grab ahold of him before sliding her foot back into the
Marcus grimaced as his face slammed into
the damp stocking. As Sasha warned him, the stench was pungent, and the acrid
smell burned his nose as her toes enveloped him. His world went dark as she
slipped her shoe back on, encasing him in a dark, warm cavern. Once inside, her
toes relented, pressing him down into the insole with a damp squelch.
“Don’t worry about your outfit, I got a
change of clothes ready, and I’ll rinse you off after the meeting.” Sasha
chuckled softly, tapping her fingernails on the shellacked surface of the heel.
With a final stretch, she rose to her feet, grabbing her briefcase before heading
down the hall to her meeting.
The soft clacks of Sasha’s heels
translated to thunderous footfalls for Marcus, as each step pressed him deeper
between her toes and the worn insole. The air was thick with sweat and foot
stench, turning the confided space into a humid sauna for the trapped tiny.
Several minutes of brutal trampling came to an end as Sasha stopped walking,
though Marcus could not see why. Muffled voices above hinted she was talking to
coworkers before the alleviated pressure confirmed she had taken her seat.
With less weight pressed onto his body,
Marcus took a deep breath. For now, he needed to orient himself to the
environment. Although it was not the first time, he had found his way under her
feet, the intense sensation still
necessitated gathering his bearings in the confined space. As expected, his new
world was dominated by Sasha’s sole. Her feet were fairly small by normal
standards, but as tiny, they held unquestioned control over the cavern and
Without warning, the toes around him
gently squeezed, effortlessly suspending his ability to move as the nylon-clad
digits undulated around his body. Her feet began toying with their prey,
squeezing, pressing and grinding the helpless tiny at her mercy.
“And it begins.”
Marcus was an operations assistant on paper, in reality, his position was more
of a stress toy for his gigantic boss. Many days found him poked and squeezed
as a fidget toy or crammed in her shoes to provide something for her mind to
focus on. When he wasn’t her toy, he found himself anywhere from rubbing her
feet to assisting in normal office duties. Despite the hellish confines of
Sasha’s pumps, he frequently enjoyed his work. Being alone and in the confines
of a cute girl’s shoe suited him, he thought, and Sasha always valued his
assistance in whatever she put him through.
now how do I help her out.” Marcus wondered aloud.
an idea came to his head, Sasha released him, dropping him back down onto the
insole. Above him, she flexed her toes as best as she could in the tight
confines of the shoe. Now that he had his opportunity, he rotated himself to
face the ball of her foot. He took a deep breath before pressing his hands
against the taut surface and massaging as best as he could. Despite his
miniscule size and pressure on her gigantic sole, Sasha’s toes paused their
squirming for a moment, clearly indicating she felt his massage.
on by her reaction, he began to rub himself against her foot, grinding his body
against the sole. Without warning, her toes pressed down into the ground and
her foot suddenly lifted into the air. The ground beneath began to tilt as Sasha
rocked her foot back on the heel, turning the insole into a slide for Marcus.
Unsupported by anything, he found himself rolling underneath the ball of her
wait!” He cried out reflexively, despite knowing Sasha couldn’t hear him. Once
he slid beneath the ball of her foot, the shoe settled back into place.
Although his prior confines were tight, it was spacious compared to what the
ball of her foot could afford. Narrowly sandwiched between the massive
tights-clad sole and the floor of the cavern, Marcus was truly trapped, pinned
in place by thousands of tons of Sasha and her warm sole above him and
enveloping his tiny body.
time went on in the tight confines, a new fear presented itself to him. Should
Sasha stand for any reason, he thought, the full weight of her body would certainly
crush him. It was an open secret that tinies are incredibly fragile and humans
had to handle them with care, and even Sasha worked hard to avoid harming him.
However, this new scenario left him vulnerable to an accident should Sasha
forget he’s down there. Unable to do anything, he could only wait and hope that
Sasha remembered where he was if she stood.
the dark, musty cavern, time seemed to blur, with only muffled voices above and
the sounds of Sasha’s feet shuffling around in the shoe. After what felt like
an eternity, he heard people rustling and standing outside. To his horror,
Sasha began to shift, and he braced for the worst, only for Sasha’s foot to press
down on him as it began to slide out of the cave. As her foot began to pull out
of the shoe, he found himself dragged across her insole and scraped out onto
the floor. Insole foam gave way to the rough carpet, and his eyes stung as the
fluorescent lights of the meeting room shocked his dark-adjusted eyes. Rolling
onto his back, he started up at the towering form of Sasha seated in a rolling
chair, staring down at him.
breaking for lunch, how are you doing little guy?”
“Other than thinking you
were going to crush me under the ball of your foot, it was alright.” Marcus
breathlessly replied.
yeah… sorry about that. I thought it would be fun, but I realized that you
could’ve gotten hurt so I tried to avoid putting any pressure on you until I
could go in and properly readjust you. You felt wonderful under my feet at the
very least. You’re a good foot toy.” Sasha smirked, poking him with her big
toe. “I got lunch coming in a bit so if my foot funk hasn’t ruined your
appetite, let me know and I’ll pull off a bit for you. For now, do what you
like, rub my feet, lick my shoes, rest for a bit, do whatever you want. I’ll
tell you when to go back inside my shoes.”
a few moments of simply laying on the ground and watching his boss from the
floor, the sound of someone approaching filled his ears. Looking out, he saw a
massive pair of black platform heels next to Sasha’s chair. He recognized the
new woman’s voice as that of Rachel, his boss’s boss’s secretary.
sent these sandwiches for your team, so enjoy! Also, does your little friend on
the floor there need anything?” Rachel commented, pointing to Marcus.
should be fine, I’ll give him a bit of sandwich and a bottle cap of water, plus
he has my foot sweat if he needs anything more.” The two ladies chuckled.
it seems you got it handled, so I’ll leave you be. Hope the rest of your
meeting goes smoothly!” Rachel flashed a smile to Marcus before walking away.
above the table, Sasha gingerly poured a bit of water from a pitcher into a
plastic cap and bent over to place it next to Marcus.
want a bit of sandwich as well?” Sasha asked.
get something to eat after the meeting. Surprisingly your feet do not make me
chuckled before pulling her head back from under the table. “Suit yourself.”
eagerly shoved his face in the shallow pool of ice-cold water, savoring the
biting chill of the liquid on his face and throat. As soon as he drank his fill,
he rolled back onto his back, inhaling air as fresh as could be with Sasha’s
feet nearby. It was of little concern to him however, as the little bit of
freedom was treasured, nonetheless. As he stared off into the middle distance, he
reflected on his time with Sasha. From the very moment he started working for
her, his role was less of an administrative assistant and more of a toy for his
boss. To her delight, he took to his role quite well, and Sasha quickly grew to
rely on his assistance, wherever she placed him.
train of thought was interrupted by the sound of people re-entering the
conference room.
little guy, get back in.” Sasha ordered, tipping her heel onto its side with
her foot.
ma’am.” Marcus replied, clambering back to his feet. He carefully climbed onto the
side of the heel before Sasha tipped it back upright. Marcus landed in the worn
heelprint with an audible splat as a dark shadow appeared over the opening. He
scrambled to get away as her foot slipped back into the shoe. The sole quickly
caught up with him, shoving him into the tip of her shoe before settling into
next hour passed quickly, with Marcus’s time largely spent squeezed, ground by
or massaging Sasha’s powerful sole. As the meeting high above drew to a close,
Sasha once again rose to her feet, tightly squeezing Marcus in place and
turning his world once again into a roller coaster as she returned to her office.
she settled back into her chair, she lifted her leg onto her other knee, slowly
letting the shoe Marcus was in dangle from her foot.
did such an excellent job! I’ll figure out what I can do to reward you, but for
now, thank you as always for supporting my feet.”
gently pulled her heel off her foot and peered inside. Inside the worn, dark
cavern, Marcus lay in one of the toe craters, looking weary but well.
day’s about over, so do you want to come out and get ready to come home?”
her surprise, Marcus replied, “It’s kind of cozy in here. If it’s not too much
trouble, could I stay in here a bit longer?”
you just want me to take you home then? I don’t mind, and you can ride in my
shoe as long as you like.”
be fine with that if you’d be willing.”
Sasha sighed, “Well, you’ve
done a really good job at my feet today, so I’ll take you home. If there’s
anything you want me to do for you, just let me know. I’ll also get your belongings
and make sure those get to you safely.”
replied with a thumbs up.
get comfy again.”
slid her foot back into the shoe, pinning Marcus underneath her toes once
again. It would be a lie to say she didn’t enjoy it just as much as he did. It
was an enjoyable sensation to have a tiny pinned under her sole and at her
mercy, and an exhilarating experience to have a tiny who enjoyed his position
under her toes.
Grabbing her bag, Sasha quickly
grabbed ahold of Marcus’s belongings, placing them in a pocket before walking
out the door. As she felt the familiar tickles of her tiny assistant under her
feet, her mind raced with a flurry of thoughts for other places she could make
use of him, the image of sliding her favorite assistant down her pants filling
her with excitement as she strolled out the door to her car.
After Work Party by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
Author's Notes:
It's Friday night, the work is done and a group of employees are headed to a bar to celebrate their achievements!
loud sigh snapped Jeremy’s attention, and he turned behind him to face the
source. High above his desk, the gigantic form of his boss, Cindy, slumped back
in her chair, a worn-out expression plastered on her face.
“Almost done!” She exclaimed,
“Just gotta get this sent off and then we can go party!”
“Hm?” Jeremy mused in reply.
“What’s going on?”
“Did you not check your email?
Ichibe is taking us all out to a local pub!” Cindy smiled, “You’re 21, right?
You should join us!”
Jeremy opened his email, scrolling
through the inbox until he saw the email. Giving it a quick scan, he turned
back to Cindy.
“Sure, I’ll be there.”
“Yay! It’ll be a great chance
for us to get to know you more!”
After a few more moments of work,
the two rose from their seats in unison. Cindy stretched for a moment before
looking down on Jeremy’s cubicle.
“Need a lift?”
“Ah, thanks, I believe Ichibe
told us tinies to meet up at the pickup spot, so if you could just set me there,
we’ll be good.”
“No problem! Hop aboard Cindy’s
taxi service, free rides for little cuties!” Cindy cheered, setting her hand
palm-up in front of Jeremy’s doorway, beckoning him to climb aboard.
Once Jeremy got situated on her
palm, Cindy’s fingers curled around him, carefully enveloping him in the warmth
of her hand. With her passenger situated, she rose from her seat and walked
from her office towards the front entrance.
After a few moments, Cindy
gently set her passenger down on the platform in front of a door by the main entrance.
“I’ll see you there, Jeremy!”
Cindy waved cutely before walking out the gigantic main entrance herself.
Jeremy turned and walked
through the smaller door, which led outside to a covered platform. Several
other tiny coworkers waited patiently outside, talking with each other or
scanning their phones. A middle-aged Japanese man turned from his conversation to
beckon him over.
“So, you’re our new intern,
Jeremy right?”
“Yes sir, that’s me!” Jeremy excitedly
“I’ve been meaning to meet with
you. My name is Ichibe Tanaka, Regional Vice President of Seijou North America.
I too just transferred into this position, and I wanted to make sure to put my
name out there as a fellow tiny and coworker. I hope you have enjoyed your time
here so far. You work under Cindy, right?”
“Yep, and she’s been pretty
good as a mentor and a boss. I’ve been enjoying working here so far and thank
you for reaching out.” Jeremy extended his hand, and the two shook hands.
“It’s a pleasure to have you on
the team, and to have someone take interest in our company. I hope you enjoy
hanging out with us tonight. These kind of after work drinking parties are
common back in Japan so I wanted to bring some of that energy back here.
Company’s paying the tab so eat and drink to your heart’s content.”
After a few minutes of idle
chatter, a young man riding a scooter pulled to a stop in front of the pickup
“PocketPassengers pickup for…
Seijou Tiny Staff?” The man read out from his phone.
“That’s us, I’ll take care of
the payment on the way there. Thanks for the pickup.” Ichibe responded,
flashing his cellphone.
“No problem, dude, I’ll extend
the bridge, just climb on in and let me know when you’re ready to head out!”
He rolled the scooter forward,
aligning the window-lined box above the rear tire with the platform. He pushed
a button on the handlebar, and a bridge extended out to the waiting area. The
tinies quickly filed onboard the box and took a seat, before Ichibe sent a
quick text to their driver.
A few moments later, the door closed,
and the bridge folded up before their driver kicked off and meandered his way
onto the road. Inside, the box was filled with a few rows of simple seating,
and Jeremy took up a seat by the window, watching the world speed by. After a
few minutes, their ride slowed to a stop outside of a small bar. Once again,
the bridge extended out, and the tinies filed off onto the tiny pickup
“Just saw your payment go
through. Thanks for choosing PocketPassengers and we hope to carry you again!”
He flashed a cheeky salute before kicking up the kickstand and speeding off
into traffic once again.
“Alright, let’s get down to
Ichibe led the group to the
tinies entrance, checking in with the waiter before the group was led to a
platform overlooking a large private room.
“Pretty cool they had a proper
Japanese-style izakaya room here. Brings back all sorts of memories.” Ichibe
commented to himself as he overlooked the paper-walled room, complete with
tatami mats and low tables. Already, a few of the human employees were seated
around the table, working on a round of beers.
“Jeremy! So glad you made it!”
Cindy cheerfully waved from the table at the figure. “Let’s have some fun!”
Jeremy simply waved in reply
before turning back to the tiny area, which was similarly decorated to the
human’s room.
“I’ll take one of these.” He
pointed to a beer on the menu before one of the other employees tugged on his
“So, you work with Cindy huh?
Lucky bastard. You get to look up at her chest every day.”
“Eh…?” Jeremy said, confused.
“I saw you on your first day,
she let you in her boobs! None of the ladies let me near their chest!” He
whined, clearly distraught.
“Guys, guys, break it up.
Darren, leave the new guy alone.” Another employee leaned over the table.
“You’re one to talk, Tim! Jennifer
sat on you that one time!” Darren replied frantically.
“Just… calm down dude.” Tim
replied and Darren turned back to his beer.
“Sorry about him. I’m Tim, in
the accounting department. You?”
“Jeremy, I’m an intern in the
purchasing and operations department. I work for Cindy over there.” Jeremy
pointed to his boss as the enormous woman poured another silo of beer down her
“Cindy’s great. Haven’t worked
with her too much but the purchasing guys I know like her.” He looked back at
Cindy. “Something tells me she’s going to be a hassle in a bit.”
“Probably.” Tim agreed.
“Anyway, have you been here before, or do you need help with recommendations. I
normally get the Gyoza and this beer here.” He pointed to the menu.
“Alright, I guess I’ll get that
then.” Jeremy replied. A few moments later, he relayed his order to the waiter.
“Jeremyyyy!!!” Cindy called out
to him from the human section. Her face was reddened and flushed, and she
stumbled as she rose to her feet. “Come hang out with meee,” she slurred as she
staggered over to the tiny platform.
“Cindy, are you ok?” Jeremy
replied. “You seem kinda drunk.”
“It’s okkkk, I’m taking a cab
back… I got some rice if you want some…” Cindy added, blasting Jeremy with
alcohol scented breath.
“Fine.” He muttered, and Cindy
snatched him up with a cheer.
“C’mon! Let’s have fuuun!”
Cindy set him down on the human
table, a crowded space of gigantic plates of finger food, towering silos of
beer, napkins and cell phones. All around him, a crowd of gigantic women loudly
socialized among each other. A towering brunette waved at him, smiling through
rosy cheeks.
“Hey! You’re the new intern,
Jeremy right? I’m Rachel!” Rachel boomed, extending her pinkie finger. Jeremy
nervously grasped ahold and shook the gigantic digit. “I work for Ichibe!”
“Thanks, nice to meet you too.”
One of the other women rushed
over to the tiny shelf before returning, delicately holding onto a miniscule
tray with a miniscule cup on it. Miraculously, nothing was spilled as she
handed it off to the waiting tiny.
“Is it good?” Cindy inquired,
leaning in to the tiny, who was able to set his tray down just in time to
stagger back from her breasts slamming down on the table.
“I haven’t tried it yet, please
be careful with your boobs.” Jeremy replied, sitting down and taking a sip of
his mug.
“I wish I worked with more
tinies, My department doesn’t really work with them.” One of the other girls
“It’s great,” Cindy replied. “I
get to see this little cutie every day. It’s like working with a little pet on
my desk.” The other girls cooed down at the minuscule guy in response. Once
again, the attentions of a half-dozen gigantic women were firmly locked onto
him keenly observing his every movement as he finished his food.
Meanwhile, the attentions of
the rest of the tinies were focused on the scene below. A mixture of
nervousness and envy enraptured them as they watched the massive women toy with
“Do you want me to grab the
waiter to get him back?” One employee asked Ichibe as he observed the humans.
“I’m going to keep an eye on
it, but I don’t think Jeremy is in danger. I might have a talk with some people
on Monday though.” He replied. “I’d tell Rachel to remind me to reach out to
him but…” He pointed as his secretary patted Jeremy with her finger, beaming
with a slightly intoxicated smile. “I’ll write a memo for it, but I don’t think
they’ll hurt him. Cindy’s a good person.”
A comment from Rachel suddenly
grabbed his attention.
“I wish Ichibe would let me do
this to him.” Rachel mused, ruffling Jeremy’s hair with her finger.
“Wait, you’re into Ichibe?”
Cindy replied, and the rest of the girls leaned in, salivating at the latest
office gossip.
“Mhm! I don’t think he views me
like that at all, but a girl can dream! He’s just so cute sitting in his little
office.” Rachel sighed. “Probably has a wife and kids at home so guess I’ll
have to keep looking.”
Ichibe blushed while clenching
his fists.
“Sir?” Tim leaned towards him.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“If it means anything from me,
I think Rachel is a lovely girl. You two would be cute together.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He
“Ok sir.” Tim returned to his
seat, taking a bite out of his food as he glanced back at Ichibe, who was
scrawling notes onto his notepad.
A few hours later back on the human
table, Cindy checked her phone.
“It’s getting late! Here,
Jeremy I’ll take you home!”
Jeremy had little time to
protest as she plucked him from the table. Cindy hummed to herself as she
booked a cab with one hand and slid Jeremy into the chasm of her cleavage.
Walls of warm flesh slightly
wicked with sweat enveloped his tiny form as Cindy absentminded fondled herself.
Jeremy found himself rubbed around, bouncing between the two enormous mounds. Despite
Cindy’s brash action, he could feel a certain gentleness in her actions.
“Ichibe! I’m heading home with
Jeremy. See you on Monday!” Cindy waved to the tiny platform.
“Yeah… we’ll be talking.”
Ichibe replied.
Cindy wandered her way from the
restaurant out to the street, where the cab driver hurriedly flagged her down and
she climbed into the back. As they drove down the street, she whispered to the
tiny as she played with herself.
“I’m so lucky to work with such
a little cutie! I’ve wanted to do this for so long you have no idea.” She mused
to herself, savoring the feeling of her tiny subordinate bouncing softly
between her breasts.
A few minutes later, they
arrived at Cindy’s house, and she fumbled with her phone to pay the driver
digitally before stumbling into her door.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.”
Cindy slurred her words as she wandered through the bedroom door. Without
warning, she grabbed Jeremy from her breasts and pressed him against her lips.
Jeremy’s body sank into the
plush, wet surface of Cindy’s lips. Alcohol-laced saliva soaked his body as the
enormous woman enveloped him in her unstoppable kiss.
Cindy staggered to her bed and
placed Jeremy down on her nightstand before crawling into bed, letting her
shoes dangle and fall from her feet as she quickly passed out. Jeremy himself
yawned slightly before laying down on the hard wooden surface, allowing sleep
to claim him as well.
Jeremy woke up the next morning
on a strange nightstand. A gigantic, simple bedroom formed the skybox of the
place he found himself in. Through his grogginess, he quickly remembered where
he was.
“Ugh…” A groan snapped him from
his concentration. Looking to the right, a disheveled Cindy rubbed her temple before
glancing at him.
“Fuck… please tell me I
“You just kinda stumbled into
your room, kissed me some, dropped me on the nightstand and then passed out.
You were quite drunk. I’m not hurt or anything.”
“I feel like shit, wow.”
“I told you to drink water. Please
go get some.”
“Can you, please?” Cindy whined
“Um… about that.” Jeremy
replied in disbelief.
“Yeah, right, tiny and all
that.” Cindy awkwardly lifted herself off the bed, pulling down her disheveled pantsuit
before gently grabbing ahold of Jeremy. Setting him on her shoulder, she
dragged herself to the kitchen, grabbing a glass from a cabinet and filling it
with water from her fridge.
“I’m sorry for dragging you
through all of this. Next time, I’ll be a lot more careful, I promise.” Cindy
said before gulping down half of the glass. “That feels much better. Are you
hungry? Can I make you something?
“If you have some bread, that
would be great.”
“Sure thing, I could use some
Cindy rose from the chair and
walked to her breadbox. Grabbing a loaf of french bread and a knife, she
returned to the table and quickly sawed off a slice, ripping a small piece for
“So… I really am sorry for all
of this. I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
“It’s… it’s ok. I’m not mad. I trust
you. It’s scary as a tiny, but out of all the people that could have snatched
me up, at least it’s you.”
Cindy sighed. “You’re a good
kid. I’ve watched you at work and you know your stuff. World needs more people
like you,” she remarked, taking a bite of her bread.
“Thanks. Truth be told, I’ve
had a lot of anxiety about my future recently. Figuring out what I want to do
and all that.”
“That’s normal, I didn’t know
what I wanted to do after graduating either.” Cindy remarked, “I kinda fell
into this job at a friend’s recommendation.”
“I thought you got this job to
work with tinies.” Jeremy replied.
“That’s just a side perk.” She
chuckled. “However, now I’m able to look back on my 5 years at the company with
pride. I’ve been able to do a lot of cool stuff, most recently taking on an
intern. That and the working with tinies.”
“You’re a good boss.” Jeremy
replied. “A lot of tinies might be afraid of working this closely with humans,
but you’ve made it comfortable.”
Cindy’s phone chimed, and as
she checked it rose to her feet. “Hey, I don’t want to take up the rest of your
weekend, ready to head home? I ordered a cab a bit ago and it’s here now. I
still need to go to the bar to pick up my car as well.” she said, as she placed
her hand on the table.
“Yeah.” He replied before
carefully climbing into her outstretched palm.
Cindy gently slid him into her
shirt pocket as she grabbed ahold of her keys, walking out the door to the
waiting cab.
After Work Party 2: Monday by PleaseStepOnMeDamnit
Author's Notes:
The gang deals with the after-effects of a event-filled Friday night at the start of the next work week.
how was your adventure with Cindy?” One of the tinies grinned as he playfully
elbowed Jeremy in the side.
“For the last time, we didn’t
do anything. She passed out like as soon as she got to her bedroom.” Jeremy
groaned in reply.
“Just teasing!” He laughed as
he walked away. Jeremy grumbled to himself as he closed the lid of the copy
machine, watching absentmindedly as the machine sluggishly printed a copy of
the file in the tray. He had been the third person to comment on the events of
Friday, and only one of them was even there.
Meanwhile, Cindy sat idly in
Ichibe’s office, quietly looking down at the cubicle on the pedestal while
Ichibe sat facing away from his computer.
“Look, I’m not going to
penalize you in any way. I already spoke to Jeremy and he’s not upset. Said
that you treated him pretty well, so I don’t think he’s unsafe with you or
anything like that. Just please be careful in the future when it comes to
handling tiny coworkers, even if you’re friendly with them. We can be pretty
fragile.” Ichibe remarked.
“Thank you sir, I am so sorry
for any trouble I might have caused for anyone. I promise you that I never did
anything to harm Jeremy.” Cindy replied, staring down at her feet.
“That’s good to hear. You and
Jeremy seem to work well together so I’m glad to see you two getting along. It can
often be intimidating for us tinies to work with humans, but it seems like
you’ve done an excellent job working with him. I’m impressed. Have a good rest
of your day!”
Cindy stood up with a sigh and walked
out of his office with renewed confidence.
“Oops! Excuse me!”
Ichibe’s blood ran cold as
Rachel’s voice filled his ears. In a panic, he spun around to his computer,
pretending to work on a form as he stared deeply into the monitor.
“Morning boss!” Rachel cheered
in her usual chipper tone.
His confidence wavered. “Did
she not even remember last night?” Ichibe thought in his head as he remained
frozen in place, paralyzed by the vortex of thoughts in his head.
“Boss? You ok?” Rachel leaned
over the cubicle, staring down at him with a worried expression.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine.” Ichibe
replied, straightening his tie. “Tell me, when is my meeting with Keystone
Manufacturing? I know we’re meeting to discuss selling their metal fab stuff in
Japan, but I don’t remember when.”
“That would be 2:30, sir, so
you have plenty of time. Want some coffee?”
“That would be great, thanks.”
Rachel beamed with pride as she
grabbed a coffee pot from a nearby table and skipped out the door.
Ichibe sighed with relief as
the door closed behind her. For a moment, he stared into the blank computer
screen, completely wordless as he pondered his future relationship with Rachel.
Whether they actually started dating or not, her drunken words seemed to have
impacted their relationship and how they approached each other. Ideas of what a
life with Rachel would be like swirled around his head. His solely career
focused drive had left him single, so there was really nothing stopping him
from going out with her. Nevertheless, the idea of actually talking to her
about such things send chills down his spine.
“I swear to God, if one more
person asks me about Friday night, I am going to lose it.” Jeremy complained,
throwing himself against the back of his chair in frustration.
“Who’s been talking to you like
that? I’ve been getting it too, but I’m not going to stand for my intern
getting harassed.” Cindy replied, grimacing.
“Some of the marketing guys,
when I was photocopying those documents.”
Cindy scowled. “If you see them
again, tell them I am going to stomp on them if they talk like that to you
“You don’t need to go that far!”
Jeremy replied in horror.
“Nobody fucks with my people.”
“Please don’t step on people
Cindy sighed, relaxing her
shoulders. “Fine. I will talk to them though. I act nice with the tinies but if
I need to scare the shit out of them, I will. I have no tolerance for that sort
of stuff.”
“It’ll be alright. Anyway,
what’s he status on that order?” Jeremy replied as he tried to change the copy.
“Oh yeah, that, right now it’s
backordered still. I’m waiting on a call from the manufacturer.” Cindy replied,
taking a deep breath to calm herself. She returned to her keyboard, once again filling
the office with the rhythmic clacking of keys.
A nervous tension hung in the
air as Ichibe and Rachel each buried themselves in their work. Silence, broken
only by the sound of keyboards filled the air as the two did their jobs.
“Is the materials for the
meeting ready to go?” Ichibe commented flatly.
“Yeah, check your inbox.” Rachel
replied in a similarly monotone voice.
Once again, the two stewed in
the tension in silence, throwing themselves into their work in order to push
past the nerves running hot in the room. Ichibe came to a stop and stretched
with a big yawn.
“Hey, do you want to talk about
Friday? It seems to be stressing you out.”
Rachel was thankful the high walls
of his office sheltered the tiny from view as her cheeks burned red in embarrassment.
She froze, before burying her hands in shame as the memories of her drunken
confession looped over and over again like a gif in her mind.
“I know, I know, I was really drunk,
and I am so sorry. Please don’t get mad at me, I know you probably have a
family and I just let it slip.” Rachel whimpered as she continued to hide
herself in shame.
Ichibe frowned, before rising
to his feet. He dashed to his office elevator, tapping his foot nervously as it
hurtled down towards the ground. As soon as it opened, he ran across the tile
floor, barely even paying mind to the vastness of the space around him as he rushed
towards the mahogany wall of Rachel’s desk. He scoured around for a moment as
he searched for the elevator, before frantically banging the up-arrow. Finally,
a few moments later and he was standing on Rachel’s desk.
Despite how long he had spent
in the room, he was never able to properly see Rachel’s desk from his office,
or from the floor he walked across to get there. To his relief, Rachel’s desk
was meticulously organized, with the enormous office stationary neatly stacked
in one corner, while her sticky notes were carefully organized along the bottom
of the vast monitor in front of him. For now, however, this was of little mind,
as his main concern, the terrified mountain of Rachel had buried her face in her
arms as she cowered on the table.
“Hey! Rachel! It’s ok, you’re
not in trouble.”
The mountain shuddered before
Rachel’s reddened face emerged, staring straight at the tiny on her desk. She
wiped tears from her puffy eyes.
“I’m not mad, and you did not
do anything wrong.”
Rachel sniffled.
“If it means anything, I’m
single. Haven’t had a chance to meet anyone with how busy I’ve been. Really, I
think I feel the same way as you.” Ichibe replied quietly.
Rachel’s face lit up
immediately with an enormous smile.
“I’m so glad you feel like I
do!” Rachel beamed, her fears vanishing into pure joy.
“I’d like to take this slowly
if you’re ok with that. I still need to figure out how to make this all work
since I am still your boss.”
“I’m ok with waiting as long as
we need. I’m just glad to be able to admit this to you but I love you!”
“I… love you too, Rachel, thank
you for being so amazing.” Ichibe replied, sighing with relief. “Glad we can
get this resolved and I do want to discuss this further to make sure there’s no
issues in the future, but I do need to go to this meeting real quick. Can I get
you to take me to the pickup lane?”
“Sure thing, boss!” Rachel
replied with pride, setting her hand down on the desk, stifling a squeal of
delight as she felt his tiny feet sink into her soft palm.
“Hey, Jeremy, having a good
day?” Tim inquired, downing the last of the coffee in his cup.
“Eh, I’m doing alright, still
catching some shit from people about Friday, but other than that, things are fine.”
“Gonna go ahead and guess that
what everyone thinks happened didn’t happen, right?”
“Nope, she kissed me a bit and
then passed out. Nothing sexual happened at all. She was cute when she was sleeping
though.” Jeremy chuckled, placing his water bottle under the tiny dispenser.
“Hey Tim! How are you? And
Jeremy, on Friday, mountain climbing or cave diving?”
“Uh… I…” Jeremy stuttered.
A dark shadow suddenly engulfed
the tiny’s water cooler platform. By now, Jeremy had managed to get used to the
sheer scale between him and Cindy, but standing in her shadow with her furious
expression made him feel smaller than ever.
Cindy’s enormous hand shot down
like a missile, effortlessly lifting the offending tiny into the sky. He instinctively
squirmed between her fingers as her billboard-sized face scowled at him.
“Listen here you little shit, if
I ever catch you harassing MY staff like that again, I will fucking swallow you
whole and add you to the fat on these ‘mountains.’ Do you understand?”
The tiny employee was nearly
catatonic with fear as she dropped him back onto the platform. He instantly
spouted an incoherent babble of apologies to Jeremy before quickly darting back
to the cubicles.
Cindy turned her attention back
down to Jeremy, who instinctively recoiled under her harsh glaze. Sensing the
fear in his eyes, her expression softened, and a soft smile quickly returned to
her face.
“Sorry you had to see that, guys.
I’ll probably get bitched out by his department, but oh well, he had it coming.”
Tim smirked. “Cindy can be
quite scary when she gets angry. I worked for her for a bit, though when I
needed defending, it was good to have a building-sized woman on your size.”
Cindy giggled in response. “You
were a good employee, Tim, really glad to see you succeeding in your current role.”
“Filled your bottle Jeremy?” She
added, waiting for his response. “Alright, let’s go!” Placing her hand next to
the railing, she allowed Jeremy to climb on before carefully curling her
fingers around him and walked back to her office.
“Oh yeah, by the way, the
marketing head did send me a shitty email, but I forwarded it to Ichibe and he’ll
deal with it. Sorry you had to put up with all that nonsense.” Cindy leaned back
in her chair.
“Thanks. That really was a weird
night, huh. Mountain climbing and cave diving, what a weird thing to say.”
“You didn’t get what he was saying?”
Cindy inquired.
“Kinda, I knew it was something
sexual.” Jeremy replied.
“Yeah, it was. Some people have
no filter and add in the unusualness of human-tiny relations, and everyone
wants to know everything. I had some of the girls ask me where I put you, and I
said, ‘I put him on the nightstand’ and they didn’t believe me. Some people.”
“I’m hoping after all this shit
blows over, we can go back to being normal coworkers.”
“I mean, I feel like it made us
a bit closer at the very least. It was definitely an experience.”
“Amen to that, Jeremy.” Cindy
patted him on the head. “It’s been an interesting day, wanna get dinner after
this? My treat.”
“Thank you, I would love to.”
“So now that we’re… dating I
guess…” Rachel asked, sitting next Ichibe’s cubicle in her chair, “What do you
want to do?”
“Would you like to get dinner
somewhere after work? I’ll pay, of course.” Ichibe replied.
“I’ve been waiting so long to
hear that, sir.”
“Please, call me Ichibe.”
“Yes, Ichibe!”
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.