Tour Group by Notkent

A tiny family gets more than they bargained for when their holiday plans take an unexpected turn. A tale with characters galore and hopefully, something for everyone.


Will continue soon on my Patreon (

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, BBW, Mature (40-49), Middle Age (50+), Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Incest, Insertion, Legwear, Lesbians, Maternal, Mouth Play, Odor, Scat, Unaware, Violent, Vore, Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: No Word count: 77931 Read: 291011 Published: September 01 2019 Updated: April 12 2022
Chapter 6 by Notkent

Ava sat in the back of the van, on the row of seats behind the Davidsons. Her mother had remained where she was for some time, silent as the tiny family grouped together and kept to themselves. When she got sick feeling guilty, she mumbled something about the heat and moved to sit in the passenger seat upfront. She had taken her handbag with her and Ava knew that it was only a matter of time before the truth of what had happened to Aiden got out. The teenager waited patiently, trying to think of an explanation. It was unbearably hot at her seat, the sun having beaten down mercilessly on the metal van all day. 


“Everyone alright?” Andre asked, sticking his head into the van. He took a cursory glance around at the uncomfortable silence and frowned. He managed to make eye contact with Ava after a second sweep and she smiled weakly. This however, brought a bigger smile onto the man’s face. He nodded as he went back to his conversation.




“Thank God we’re here,” Li thought as the rollercoaster of her ride finally stopped. Despite her age, the elderly Asian woman had cruised through the airport arrivals with great haste, however the journey was far less smooth for her passenger. The little woman had long since slipped into the crevice of her cleavage, disappearing from the gap in the low cut dress and becoming pinned at the narrowest point between the two orbs. While the giantess’s sweat had taken her down, the friction and pressure created by her behemoth boobs had held her and smothered her, adding to the already stifling heat of the air. Each step had initially only wobbled the massive orbs, but as Vivian hit a rhythm, so too did her bountiful rack, swinging from side to side, even drawing a few looks from excited passerby. Only for Li, the movements were exaggerated ten fold, her body being assaulted and battered from one side then the other and her stomach doing flips as she was thrown about. When the colossal woman finally stopped, her granddaughter only hoped that they had reached their destination.


Li heard a few muffled words said from the outside world, but very clearly heard her grandmother through the vibrations of her voice through her chest. The old woman even chuckled at an unheard joke before resuming her walk. 


“Grandma! Take me out,” Li begged, but she knew deep down that her words would not be heard. She felt Vivian stop again and then breathe hard as if exerting herself, or climbing a step.




Ava looked up from her book as a heavy step shifted the van a little. A older looking Asian lady was getting into the van, and after managing to lift herself onto it, gave the girl a smile and a nod. “Hiya,” Ava said,


“Welcome to the hottest bus in the world,” Lynn said suddenly from the front of the van, turning in her seat to greet the newcomer, “I’m Lynn, and that young lady in my daughter Ava. It’s nice to meet you.” 


“Likewise,” Vivian nodded in her slow, articulate English, “I am Vivian, and I am here with my granddaughter.” 


“So, where is she?” Lynn asked, looking out the van van door behind the older woman to see if there was a second person.


“I had to put her somewhere safe to carry her,” Vivian explained, pointing at her breasts.


Lynn’s eyes moved down to her very exposed cleavage before daring back up to her face. She saw Ava’s cheeks turn red as they both realised that the granddaughter was a tiny person and currently between Vivian’s tits. 


“Ah, I see. She’s a tiny person,” Lynn said, steadying herself, “My son and husband are too, but they’re just resting in my bag right now. I’m sure they’d love to all meet when we get tot he hotel.” 


Vivian nodded her agreement and went to sit at the back row of seats. Andre had already taken her bag to be placed in the trunk so she was able to move quite easily past Ava in the second row. The petite 16-year-old’s hue reddened even further as the woman passed her, bent forward to stop her head from hitting the ceiling of the van, and thereby tipping her enormous bosom forwards. Ava’s mother was a curvy lady, but she somehow felt far more embarrassed as she came face to face with breasts the size of her head, as they passed right by her. 


She happily buried her head back in her book as the Asian lady sat down behind her. She wondered how many more families with tiny people would be on the trip.




Allison’s face was almost the opposite of Lynn’s as she watched the enormous Chinese woman board their van. Wasn’t it enough to have one oaf ruining their vacation? Did that wretched organiser have to keep adding more giants to the already cramped van? She was fuming as she tried to keep her children quiet and near her while simultaneously trying to get her husband to regain consciousness. She knew that his shots would keep him from being hurt, but he would still feel all the pain from his ordeal. She only hoped that the woman, in her old age, would be a lot slower and a lot more careful about where she sat down. 




Next to arrive on the van were Marta and Javier. Once again, they were greeted by the Pearce’s and Vivian, however, the young woman also noticed the tiny family on the front row. Marta nodded to them politely, but got little response from them. In fact, their eyes were trained on her, but with very different facial expressions. 


Allison was still furious as more and more giants seemed to be grouping around her family. Her children were shaken and look with a hint of fear at the brunette’s beastly form. All of their previous interactions with normal sized people had been very safe, in special designed pods or being held by trained servants. This was the first time any of them had realised how easy it was for the massive creatures to tread on them. Even Donald had stirred from his slumber, lying with his head propped up on his wife’s lap. He too stared at the young siblings but his eyes were trained for a very different purpose. 


Marta struck Donald as gorgeous almost instantly. Never-mind her round, athletic ass, filling out her black, skin jeans. Never-mind her bountiful young breasts, posing out against the tight, maroon tank top. Her face alone was sufficient to send blood rushing to his hips. Her curly locks were held from a strikingly attractive face by a simple bandana, creating the perfect look of some sexualised adventurer, a lively, Lara-Croft-like fantasy, which Donald simply couldn’t look away from. He gazed longingly at her butt as she walked past to sit in the middle row, beside Ava. Donal only wished that the Hispanic girl had sat on him, rathe than the grotesque behind of Lynn Pearce.


Taking her seat, Marta lifted Javier onto the back of the seat, setting him down on the long, narrow strip of land. he politely introduced himself to Ava, who warmly return the gesture. Then he caught sight of Vivian and his eyes widened.


“Madame,” he said, loudly enough for the elderly woman to just about hear him, “I think I have met your granddaughter, LI. We bumped into each other on the flight. I remember seeing your dress …” He trailed off, not wanting to expand on what angle he had seen the giantess from.


“Anyway, where is she now?” Javier asked, and he cold swear he saw the faintest blush creep onto Vivian’s face. In fact, she was mortified: she had totally forgotten to fish Li out once she had sat down and now embarrassingly reached for her cleavage. Thankfully, Marta had engaged Ava in a conversation and the two weren’t paying attention, but Javier frowned as he realised where his friend was. 


Li gasped a mouthful of fresh air as the tomb of her grandmother’s boobs parted and a firm finger came down to greet her from above. She grabbed onto the digit and was fished up out of the canyon, her body slick with a mixture of her own sweat and the giantess’s. She was gasping and ready to yell at Vivian when she realised that she was being moved away. Turning her head, she saw to her amazement that she was being placed on the back of the middle row of seats in a van, and that on that wall, stood the boy from the plane.


Her grandmother gently released her above the worn leather of the seat. She could see that Vivian was still embarrassed by the whole affair and the elderly woman shifted her gaze from them. Li was left to her own devices, looking around the enormous space within the van, which was surprisingly busy. 


As far as she could discern, her grandmother was sitting alone in the rear-most pair of seats, in front of the trunk. The front most row of seats seemed unoccupied, at least from Li’s perspective, but a woman was sitting in the passenger seat beside where the driver should have been. Despite being separated from the by a vast expanse of space and a set of safety bars, Li could make out that the blonde woman was quite large, in a curves-in-the-right-places kind of way. She was busy looking inside her handbag and seemed to pay no attention to Li.


Between the two rows of seats in the back of the van was a third. This consisted of two seats next to each other on the right side fo the van: on which sat a pretty young girl with tan skin and dark brown hair, and a further seat on the left, separated by a gap to allow access to the back row. On this lone seat sat a teenager, another giantess, engaged in conversation with the first girl. Everything coming together, Li was on the back of the seat beside the first girl, with Javier only a few paces away.


“That didn’t look like a fun place to ride,” he smirked, walking over and giving her a hug,


“Oh … yeah, my grandma is a bit … disinhibited?” Li fumbled, blushing, which only seemed to make Javier find the situation even more hilarious.


“Well let’s hope she never changes? Because you seemed to enjoy that,” he chuckled.


Li didn’t quite understand how but he seemed to put her at ease almost instantly, a bizarre feeling given her location, perched atop a perilous peak surrounded by the monstrous bodies of so many new giants. He sat down beside her and gestured for her to do the same. He explained why this was the safest place for shrunken people to sit around strangers, and then embarked on a tale of how he discovered this axiom.




“Shit, what’s the tour company called again?” Emilie asked, struggling to find their confirmation letter in her bag with one hand, Anna held callously in the other. She was rummaging as best as she could but the combination of having only one free hand, being stressed and feeling the heat of the African air was slowing her progress. Anna too was being quite unhelpful, sulking as she shook in her friend’s hand. She was still very reluctant about letting Becca join them, having had little faith in the redhead even on the plane. To make matters worse, her bag had been the last one to come off the aircraft and the three of them had had to wait for what seemed like an eternity in the hellishly busy baggage claim, and it was all because of Becca. 


The chubby giantess now stood aimlessly before the two friends, looking extremely uncomfortable in the heat. Anna and Emilie had travelled to similar climates before and were expecting the weight of the humid air, but dressed in full length leggings, Becca was boiling. Dark patches had formed circles around her armpits, staining her green top almost black. Droplets of sweat littered her neck and cheeks, glistening whenever she moved. Because of her size, Anna could even notice bead of the giantess’s perspiration clinging to her belly, despite the slight ventilation it got from the cropped top, Anna could only think that if it wasn’t for this intruder, they could already be on their way. Either way, she hadn’t caused this problem, so she certainly wasn’t going to help Emilie deal with it.


“Anna, do you remember the company?” her friend finally asked, looking pleadingly down at the tiny creature in her hand.


“No. And you should have been looking for the letter earlier,” the diminutive German girl huffed.


Emilie rolled her eyes, not losing her temper, but not ready to address whatever was bothering her friend. She needed her other hand to search but couldn’t risk putting Anna down anywhere. Then all of a sudden, Anna was moving away from her stressed out friend.


“Becca, can you hold her for a minute? I need to find a bit of paper,” Emilie said. Anna opened her mouth to protest, but her friend had dropped her almost before the other giantess had opened her palm. Becca was beyond exhausted and would do anything at that point to get out of the stifling airport. Anna fell face first into the Irish girl’s clammy hand, recoiling instantly as her body touched the moisture. Mercifully, Becca kept her hadn’t flat, allowing the most air to cool the tiny creature. 


Anna got to her feet and glared up at the giantess. It didn’t help her intimidation factor that she was about level with Becca’s hips, her line of sight obscured by the massive breasts that pushed out the green top. In truth, Becca could only just about see the puny thing, and she was hardly paying attention to its facial expressions.


“Found it!” Emilie exclaimed, before looking around at the signs overhead, “This way, come quick. We might just make it.” 


With that she grabbed her bags and started moving through the crowd, leaving the other two in a daze. Becca too had two bags so she acted instinctively. Anna felt herself moving before she could figure out where she was going, but she knew that it couldn’t be good. As if putting away her phone, Becca pulled open the opening at the neck of her crop top and pushed her bra away from her breast. Anna screamed, but the tired giantess didn’t register what she was doing over the din of the crowd. The terrified, minuscule girl was inserted into the gap, seconds before the bra was allowed to snap back against the soft flesh. Anna experienced a millisecond of pure panic before the tight undergarment pinned her against the incomprehensibly colossal meat of Becca’s left breast. 


Her skin was boiling hot, and uncomfortably damp, clearly unaccustomed to the climate, but Anna was truly in hell as she realised how tight the bra really was. Not seeing the need to buy new bras too often, Becca wore one that was now a size or two too small, and as a result, it struggled to contain her more than ample breasts. The tiny young woman had landed facing the giantess’s skin, and was now being smothered against by the titan’s boob. The pillowy orb absorbed her body, swallowing her whole in its sweaty embrace. The reason Anna knew she had been sucked inside was the slightly cooler, but equally soaked feeling of the bra on her back. She screamed, but the sound merely dissipated in the fatty mound. She was being suffocated by the chubby tits of this great beast. Then she started moving.


Becca grabbed her bags and made to follow Emilie, plodding ahead with heavy steps. Each one reverberated through her body and soon sent her bosom heaving. Anna felt like she was on a roller coaster as she felt herself being thrown up and then come crashing down, never once coming away from the suffocating embrace of her tit. As the walking continued, Anna began to feel drowsy, gasping for air as the little that did reach her was hot and heavy with a mixture of the humid air and Becca’s own evaporated sweat. Anna was drenched before they even reached the exit. 


Becca was struggling to keep her head up while she all but ran after Emilie, having no time to stop as they exited the airport terminal. While the building had been hot, the outside was whole new beast: the glaring sun practically slapping her down with each ray. She powered on, not wanting to get any left behind on her own as she tried to stay close to Emilie’s swinging black hair which weaved and bounced as the German girl did. 




Donald was overjoyed when the van driver finally got into his seat, having closed the door on the side as well. While it was far from ideal, aside from the voluptuous blonde, the group didn’t seem unmanageable. All he needed to do was set precedent as soon as possible that he was the leader, and the vacation might not be ruined after all. AS he sat with his family on the otherwise empty row of seats at the head of the rear compartment, he was confident that he could salvage the trip.


Andre asked if anyone wanted the fan turned on and he received a unanimous yes please. As the minute current of air began to spill into the van, there was a  mix of groans and cheers. Ava was thrilled that a little air was coming in, while her mother was appalled that the trickle was all the van could muster. Andre pressed a button to turn on the radio, filling the van with the faint sound of a local alternative pop group as the engine rumbled to life. The van shook as the old metal carried the engine’s strain, shaking the passengers a little. Javier and Li were thankfully seated and didn’t fall from their perch, but gave each other a look that expressed their desire to get down. Ava sat uneasily, the shaking of the van already making her feel sick.


They were about to pull out when there was a sharp knock on the side of the van. The door slide open with a loud scrape of metal on metal.


“I got the last two for you,” Jeannette said cheerfully as she stepped aside to let two more passengers on. Leaving the engine running, Andre hopped out to put their bags inside, oblivious tot he fact that the van was now in the middle of the lane. All eyes were on the two young women that now jumped aboard, and doing so literally. Emilie landed on the metal floor fo the van with a crash as she looked around quickly at the faces staring at her.


“Hello, hello everyone, sorry we are late,” she giggled, her hair a mess around her face. Andre was hurrying them along as he rushed to get back into the drivers seat, a few other vans getting annoyed that he was blocking their path.


“I’m Emilie, and these are my friends Anna and Becca,” she said as she shifted into the front row of seats. This time Allison was ready.


“Move!” she shouted as she pushed her son to his feet and ran towards the door. Her daughter’s followed and Donald a few second behind as Emilie obliviously slide across. Allison ran as fast as she could, hoping that her gamble would pay off … and it did. Emilie crossed past them before crashing down into the window seat on the right of the van, her butt compressing the leather all at once. The Davidson’s cheered as they collapsed where they were, Donald still on the middle seat with his daughters, and Allison and Micheal stood together on the left seat. Unfortunately, they were celebrating prematurely and only Donald saw why. Facing the brunette, the rest of his family  were somehow oblivious to the far more dangerous looking beast that enters the van next. Her first step rocked the van more that that of any of the other passengers, perhaps with the exception of Lynn, and to Donald, it seemed like her body blocked out the entire door. Her dark leggings were broad and spread as her chunky figure filled them out, but her skin was pale and she certainly didn’t look like she was very comfortable. Donald marvelled at just how humungous her body was, not used to seeing so many overweight people up close. In fact all of the giant staff at their country club and office had been chosen in part for their naturally below average stature, so seeing Lynn and now this short-haired behemoth was like discovering a whole new species for the ignorant family.


“Lopk out!” he shouted, but it was too late. Allison went pale as she looked up, still holding her son as the impossibly vast ass of the redheaded giantess positioned itself above them. Jeannete slammed the door closed and Andre was ready to get he van moving. The rest of the passengers too were too busy to witness as Becca’s butt came plummeting down onto the mother and son. The leather squeaked as it took her weight, and the force of it took Donald off his feet. He swore as he fell onto his side, cursing the fat oafs for turning this seat into a bouncy castle, but he was more concerned about his wife. Becca’s rump stood tall before him, easily a dozen times his height. Her meaty thighs formed a wall going the length of the seat, with no way fro Donald to see beyond it. He ran towards her as his daughters trembled with a mix of terror and rage at their own helplessness.


Without hesitation, Donald threw himself against the giantess’s butt, pounding his fists into her skin as hard as he could. “Get off them you monstrous bitch!” he yelled.


Sadly, Becca not only failed to hear him over the sound of the radio, but even the thin material of her leggings absorbed all of the force of the pathetic little man’s blows, rending him nothing more than an unnoticed bug at her side. Becca breathed a sigh of relief as the gentle blow fo the fan hit her face. She closed her eyes in exhaustion as the van pulled out of the airport parking lot and onto a busy road. 

This story archived at