Tour Group by Notkent

A tiny family gets more than they bargained for when their holiday plans take an unexpected turn. A tale with characters galore and hopefully, something for everyone.


Will continue soon on my Patreon (

Categories: Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, BBW, Mature (40-49), Middle Age (50+), Butt, Crush, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Incest, Insertion, Legwear, Lesbians, Maternal, Mouth Play, Odor, Scat, Unaware, Violent, Vore, Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 27 Completed: No Word count: 77931 Read: 291011 Published: September 01 2019 Updated: April 12 2022
Chapter 12 by Notkent
Author's Notes:

Sorry for the long wait, I'm back to writing with all that's going on. Hope you enjoy.

“I would say I am most excited about the safari. I love animals,” Marta said, finishing off her final morsel of cereal. She was extremely pleased at the opportunity to practice her English, and particularly with the two Chinese women who seemed to have such a good grasp on the language. She had truly enjoyed her breakfast chat with Li and Vivian, and was ready to start their day. Just as she was about to suggest getting up, their driver passed by the table, seemingly in a hurry.


“Good morning everyone, sorry to rush you, but we need to get on the road,” Andre announced.


“What’s the hurry?” Li yelled up at him from the table.


“We are supposed to be meeting our company guide at our lunch stop, but they said to meet her around now,” he replied in a panic, “I’m just trying to gather everyone. It would be great if you could get your bags to the van.” With that he rushed off, to find the others, leaving the four to their empty plates. 


“Wow, okay,” Javier said.


“Right, Javi, I’ll go take our bag to the van,” Marta suggested, “And I’ll ask one of the staff to get yours and your grandmother’s, Li. Is that okay?”


“Perfect,” Vivian replied, her granddaughter nodding as well, “I shall look after two little ones.”


Javier didn’t quite like being referred to as such, but smiled at Li who gave him an apologetic look. With a plan agreed upon, Marta stood and walked out of the breakfast hall. Vivian placed her hand on the table, gesturing for the two tiny people to climb on. 


“Don’t worry, she’ll be careful,” Li reassured, walking towards the aged palm with Javier. “Grandma, just keep us in your hand, no bosom,” she added sharply in Cantonese, waiting for the much bigger lady to nod before climbing onto her palm. The 64-year-old carefully raised them up as she stood, turning towards the exit and striding smoothly from the table. Javier took a second to adjust to her walking cadence, having been so used to riding on his sister’s shoulder, but soon grew accustomed to it.


“I didn’t know we had another guide,” he remarked.


“Me either,” Li replied, “I wonder what they’ll be like.” 


Their conversation was cut short abruptly as a rushing woman collided with Vivian, the older woman too distracted by the conversation on her palm. A plate that she was carrying nearly escaped her grasp, but she managed to cling on to it. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for its contents. Vivian gasped as a stale slice of toast was thrown at her. She moved her hand to protect her granddaughter and Javier, selflessly letting the bread bounce off of her open chest. 


Micheal was launched into the air with his sisters as the plate they were being carried on leapt up. The tiny boy flew with eyes widened, watching the plate disappear as he went straight towards a wall of flesh. He screamed, half in excitement and half in terror, raising his arms to try to break his fall. Nicole was far more aware of where she was going. She flailed her arms, trying desperately to evade the enormous cleavage she was being thrown at. Despite her efforts, her puny body reached its destination, along with her siblings. 


Micheal and Nicole crashed into Vivian’s massive bosom, rolling down the steep sides and tumbling into the canyon between. Jessica was less fortunate, her trajectory proving slightly too short. The minuscule blonde threw her hands out and just managed to grasp the fabric of the giantess’s dress. Her body swung forwards and her face crashed into the dress, the tiny impact imperceptible to the giantess as her bra absorbed the force. 


“I am so sorry Miss,” the waitress mumbled, swiftly grabbing the toast off the ground and scurrying off. Vivian calmly brushed a few crumbs off of her chest and checked that Li and Javier were okay in her palm. Without another thought, the giantess walked out of the dining hall. 


Nicole’s world shook violently as she felt a moment of weightlessness with each step the gigantic old woman took, only to be crushed between her monumental breasts a second later. Each time she felt like she was slipping a little further down, but it was hard to concentrate on any kind of escape plan with what felt like the weight of the world smothering her from either side. The tiny blonde’s body was completely enveloped in Vivian’s massive breasts, the soft flesh swallowing her without alerting the giantess to her presence. Nicole knew that her brother was somewhere in the canyon with her, but she had no way to get to him. An imperceptible coating of sweat had formed along the inner surfaces of the mounds, the heat and friction calling for lubrication. While it was faint to the naked eye, at less than an inch in size, Nicole was very aware of the liquid as it coated her body, easing her descent with its vile, salty consistency. 


She continued to slide down the bouncing breasts as the giantess continued on her way, but Nicole was definitely slowing. As the puny girl reached the widest point of the Asian woman’s bosom, she stopped, completely encased in the soft meaty flesh. 



Emilie noticed some movement on the floor, walking over to investigate. They had packed up after Andre had mumbled something about leaving quickly from outside their door. Becca was stuffing some things into her suitcase on the other side of the room and Emilie took an extra long look at the gorgeously wide ass that poked out from the bottoms of the white pair of booty shorts that simply couldn’t contain the immense, pale flesh of the big girl’s rump. It wiggled as the redhead fumbled with her belongings bent forwards with her hips high, mesmerising the German girl as she walked towards the curious thing on the floor. Emilie only realised that she had reached it when she felt the tiny object compress slightly under her bare foot. 


The stifling heat of the African sun was already seeping into the morning and the moisture on Emilie’s sweaty sole easily picked up the tiny object. As the giantess raised her foot and turned the sole upwards, she made out the trampled form of Anna on her skin. It was then that she remembered where she had put Anna the night before, and was truly fascinated to imagine how she had ended up in the middle of the room having spent the night in their Irish roommate’s colossal ass crack. Although she doubted Anna would be too excited to tell the tale.


“Well you look well rested,” Emilie giggled, peeling her puny form from her foot and holding her to her grinning face. The tiny girl smelled like soap, but was breathing raggedly, looking shattered. The giantess felt a pang of pity for her little friend, but this soon dissipated as another moment from across the room caught her eye. Becca straightened up, finished with her packing. As her behemoth butt checks came together, they sucked in her shorts, the white fabric all but disappearing between the huge mounds. Emilie watched as the thick glutes squished together, their soft hug beckoning her to come closer. She wanted nothing more than to be sandwiched between them, to be immersed in their glorious embrace. But alas she was not shrunken, so her only option was to live her lusty dream vicariously through Anna. And to Emilie, that goal was worth whatever suffering she put her little friend through and then some.  


She focused her eyes on the still wet and tattered clothes that her tiny friend wore, and smirked. She pinched down on her top with two of her nails.


“We really need to get you out of these rags,” the giantess breathed over her friend, tugging at the fabric a little. She thought for a moment about Anna’s bag, tucked in the bottom of her own. Emilie really couldn’t be bothered to dig it out, but equally, couldn’t really let Anna be seen in her sullen state.


“You really can’t go out looking like that. What will people think?” Emilie asked, “I’ll get you some clothes tonight.”


With that, the giantess stood up, the tiny girl still in her hand. “Ready?” she asked Becca, tucking Anna into the  front pocket of her denim shorts as she grabbed her bag and prepared to leave the room. 




Ava returned to the table with a plate heaped with pastries and muffins, her father and brother in her other hand. She pushed the plate into the middle of the table, gesturing for her mother to eat as well, before setting the tiny people in her hand onto the side of the plate. Without being asked, she picked up a muffin and tore off a large piece, then placed it beside her father and Aiden. 


“Look delicious, thanks hon,” Lynn nodded, grabbing a pastry in one hand and stuffing one end into her mouth. She savoured the stale food in her hunger and leaned back into her seat.


Donald was fuming as he yelled out at the giantess, still hanging from the table cloth before Lynn’s colossal lap. He watched in abject horror as the massive hips twisted in the seat, grinding his poor wife beneath its unyielding weight.


John Pearce finished off a morsel of pastry and hopped off the plate. Aiden was still happily chewing down his breakfast and he was happy enough with Ava looking over him. John strolled over towards his wife, not often finding himself on a table in front of her, and taking the opportunity to admire the immense breasts that loomed over him. Her tank top was stretched far enough that the form of her bra was clearly visible beneath it. A deep lust for the mountains shot through him, but so did a pang of fear. Lynn was always careful with him, but he did not often think how ridiculous their size difference was.  He could smell the scent of her body odour filling the air as he approached, her immense body struggling to keep cool in the heat. Then without warning she leaned forwards. John stopped in hit tracks as the wall of her body came towards him, the gigantic breasts lurching upwards as Lynn reached for more food. 


Lynn’s left boob filled the sky as it sailed over him, causing John to fall back onto his rear. The sheer weight of the flesh was terrifying and John instinctively raised his arms to protect himself. Mercifully, the huge boulder did not touch the table as Lynn managed to grab her food and sit back down, leaving John in a heap in her wake.


“Sorry hon, I didn’t see you there,” Lynn apologised, stuffing another pastry into her mouth. John shook his head with a chuckle as he continued towards her. He opened his mouth to speak when he heard someone shouting. Lynn watched as her husband paused then rushed towards the edge of the table. She followed his movement and suddenly caught sight of the tiny figure hanging from the table cloth. Her eyes widened as she half recognised the man from the van. 


“Shit,” she swore reaching forwards. John arrived at the edge of the table in time to see Lynn’s fingers pinch around a man and lift him to the surface. He was thrashing about in her grip but the giantess didn’t seem to notice.


“Put me down you bitch!” Donald roared, seconds before he was released and allowed to slump onto the table near another shrunken man.


“Hey, calm down man, what’s going on?” John asked.


“Shut up!” Donald spat back, before turning back to the giantess, “Get up you bitch!”


“Hey, that’s my wife,” John announced assertively, “And I’ll kindly ask you not to speak to her that way.”

“Yeah well, I’ll stop when your bitch of a wife gets her fat ass off of my wife,” Donald retorted, and saw John’s face go red.


Lynn too had heard the exchange and blushed like a cherry as she pushed herself onto her feet. The two tiny men watched in awe as the immense mass of Lynn’s hips rose, her crotch thrusting towards the table like a tan wall. She looked down at the seat behind her and saw nothing, her thighs obscuring the men’s view as well. She thought for a moment that the annoying little man was lying, but before she accused him, she reached down and patted her rear. To her chagrin, she felt the unmistakeable form of a squashed little person stuck to her left ass cheek. She plucked her off of her enormous rump between two fingers and brought her to the table, carefully laying her on a napkin, to which the two men ran. 


This story archived at