The Conundrum of Kylie by Kaizori

Kylie is a macrophile, who finds herself in the possession of a magic watch, what could go right?

Categories: Adventure, Crush, Lesbians Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.), Mega (501 ft. to 5279 ft.), Tera (101 mi and up), Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m, FF/f, FF/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 7090 Read: 45969 Published: December 09 2015 Updated: April 21 2016
Story Notes:

This is something which has been sitting on the backburner for some time. As I polish it, it will be released.



1. The Mall and the Bus by Kaizori

2. Discovery by Kaizori

3. Another Day by Kaizori

4. Rage and Passion by Kaizori

5. The Morning After the Night Before by Kaizori

The Mall and the Bus by Kaizori
Author's Notes:

*Caution, contains TG content*

If that isn't your thing, just ignore this chapter, its the only one where this will occur.

Exploring the mall, Kylie saw many interesting things, from shoes that made her drool, to the obscenely overemotional teenage Hot Topic. She laughed at the prices of watches in the Rolex outlet, and bought a few unmentionables at Victoria Secret.

However in a corner of mall she hadn't explored thoroughly, there was a shop named Simplicity, and it was far from simple. It was an antiques and collectibles shop, one which if not for the large fifty percent off sign, she would have never entered.

There was a wall of clocks and knick-knacks, and a rack of personalized mugs. finding one with the name Kylie, she smiled and held onto it, feeling happy that her less then common name was included. Then she saw the most beautiful watch, one with a regular face and a smaller, almost magical display behind it, it fluttered between numbers, and she thought that it must be for the date or something.

On the golden metal wristband was a script, but she could only make out some of it, as it was quite dirty, squinting she read:

Power given...



Enjoy without choice

Bent to...

Master of...

Forever your...

… … …

To... the one...

Kylie found this most intriguing, and decided to buy the twenty dollar watch and her personalized mug. Pleased with her choices she stepped up to the counter, where a young man was guarding the till.

“Did you find anything interesting ma'am?” he inquired

“Just a couple things”

“I'm glad you found something you like, let me ring that up for you.”

He expertly rung everything up and soon she was on her way! Although dirty, she wrapped the watch around her tiny wrist, and clasped it, for a moment she thought it was too large, but twisting the face around, it was immediately snug. Shaking her wrist for good measure, she was satisfied with the security of her purchase, and walked out to the parking lot.

As Kylie waited to cross the street she pulled out her phone to check her instagram feed, and struggled to reach the comment button, not having access to her other hand for carrying her other purchases, she silently cursed the fact that she had chosen a phone that was much too large for her hand. Reaching again, she could easily reach the button.

“Strange” she thought, “guess I adjusted my hand just right!”

She walked into train station smiling. However, the smile was soon knocked off her face when she bumped into a security officer, who angrily scolded her for not “being careful”

She was just irritated with how much he used his size to intimidate her. Keeping her eye on him, she soon noticed something odd. The officer was getting smaller. He had suddenly gone from a burly barrel chest to teenage scrawny. Astonished, Kylie sat on the bench to await the train.

“What just happened?” she asked herself.

Observing her surrounding, there was a bookish girl, who wore coke bottle glasses, and had a cute smile. Testing this strange power, Kylie thought she would be much prettier without the glasses, and being a bit taller and thinner.

Nothing happened immediately, but soon her body lengthened itself, and the glasses she wore thinned, and darkened into a pair of stylish sunglasses.

Kylie was dumbstruck. “No way.” she thought. She tried to make the girl nerdy again, and nothing happened.

“Maybe it only works once.”

She tested this again by making a guy who was clean shaven grow a beard. Which she couldn't change afterwards.

“So I can change something about someone, but I can't make more then one change... interesting...”

Intrigued by her new power she walked onto the train and found a seat with a window for the hour long journey. Soon a young guy sat down next to her and tried to chat her up.

“How far are you headed?”

“End of line, how about you?”

“Well I was going to stop next to last, but I'm not sure now.”

“Really? What makes you so unsure?”

He laughed, and then realized Kylie wasn't. Kylie then picked it up, “It's okay, you aren't really my type.”

Embarrassed, he looked the other way.

Then she thought, “Maybe he could be...”

Kylie thought up a huge change to see just how far this magic of hers would go.

“He would have to be shorter, and thinner. Shorter hair...”

Making her decision, she looked back to observe the transformation.

He sat there awkwardly, but he started to shrink, from about 6 feet to about 5 feet 4 inches in height, and as drastic as this change was he didn't seem to notice. His ribs rippled as they started to adjust, and his shoulders fell off dramatically.

The mass from his shoulder migrated down as his chest ballooned out, his formerly taut pecks, becoming enormous mounds of flesh, barely constrained by the shirt. His hips widened as his manhood retreated and gave way to her forming womanhood.

Her short crimson hair shortened further into a drastic pixie cut, and her clothing adjusted itself to her new feminine form, her shorts becoming a tight denim miniskirt, paired with a white tank top and short denim jacket, her tank only extended above her navel, revealing several tantalizing inches of midriff.

She was now the definition of punk girl, and squarely in the middle of Kylie's deeply lesbian preference.

Turning to the new girl she started, “Actually, you are pretty cute.”

She responded with apparent joy, “Really?”

“Yeah, my name is Kylie.”

“My name is Emma! It's nice to talk to you!”

“Where are you headed Emma?”

“Well, I'm headed home for the evening, and I'm just done with today! It's been a busy day.”

Kylie laughed, “Yeah, my day has been interesting as well, some unexpected surprises.”

Emma smiled, “Well this is my stop.”

Kylie wrote her phone number on a napkin and handed it to Emma, “Call me sometime, I might take you on a date.”

Emma looked truly interested in the offer, accepting the napkin gladly. “See you later Kylie!”

“Bye Emma!”

Emma walked off the train, and looking back through the window at Kylie, she smiled, turning to walk home, looking at the napkin in her hand. It smelled like her. Taking a small smell, she tucked the napkin deep within her cleavage.

Back on the train, Kylie was breathing deeply. She was really, really attracted to Emma, and really, really wanted to be alone.

Horny beyond all belief she walked home from the train station, and discovering none of her roommates were home, she retreated to her room to get herself calmed back down.

Kylie loaded up some of her favorite images, beautiful girls, hundreds of feet or even miles high, besetting cities under their ponderous tits, and accidentally crushing puny cars and people beneath their feet.

Kylie imagined herself, on her knees, towering above a city, her breasts miles in the air. The buildings beneath her, utterly incapable of withstanding the weight of her hair. She imagined the feeling that would rush through her as she rested her breasts and herself on a city. She wanted that experience, and she wanted it now!

One amazing work of art depicted an entire city being crushed beneath a sexy 100 mile wide breast. Kylie really, really wanted to be her, or to at least be in her bra, and that thought pushed Kylie over the edge and the intense sound of the climax of Kylie's passion.

Kylie took a deep breath, and moaned. The orgasm was so strong.

She then felt something strange, Her feet were touching the wall.

But her head was on the ceiling... of a ten foot tall room.

Kylie had suddenly tripled in size.

End Notes:

A teaser. Also contains a TG. Because some of us are weirder then others.



Discovery by Kaizori

Confused and dazed could best describe how Kylie felt at the moment, she was 15 feet tall and unable to move for fear of collapsing her room. Looking at her watch told her that she had only a few minutes before her roommates returned from class and she had no idea how to explain her sudden growth.


“It was definitely the watch, but every time I do anything with the watch I can't reverse it.” she thought. Out of ideas she leaned back on the wall and breathed out deeply. “Well shit.”


Her phone vibrated and she picked the tiny device up and tried to see what the new notification was. Unfortunately, the phone was simply too small to read, but Kylie had a simple, but ingenious idea.


“I made the phone smaller. Why not bigger?” as she imagined her little phone growing to a usable size, it slowly obliged and grew from a 4 inch smart phone, to a 15 inch tablet sized phone.


“I guess size is something I can always control... I need to read the poem on the bracelet again, after I clean the band.”


Suddenly her roommates, Calie and Andy bust through the front door. Thinking about shrinking, she started to retreat in size, smaller and smaller, until she was her original size, 4 foot 11 inches. Shocked, Kylie thought to shrink her phone, and with the urgency of her thoughts, the phone quickly obliged.


Andy, her stoner dude roomie entered the living room.


“Dude, you're back early! Thought you would be in town all day!” Andy remarked with a definite slur, indicating that even now, he was higher than a kite. Or possibly a Space Shuttle.


“Yeah, finished my errands and came back on the earlier train. Cheaper ticket.”


“Right, makes sense dude.” he replied as he jumped on the couch.


Calie rolled her eyes, “What he means to say is, I'm so high right now, that I couldn't care anyways.”


Kylie smiled, “That sounds about right.”


Andy replied, with evident lack of care, “Whatever.”


Rolling her eyes Kylie looked back to Calie, Kylie asked, “How was class?”


 “Intensely boring. I get so bored in Calculus.”


 “Calie, only you could be bored in Calculus.”


 Smiling, she bragged, “Too easy.”


Laughing at her friends, Kylie stood and retreated to the kitchen as Andy lit up a joint and turned on the TV.


She removed the watch and looked at the band, curious as to the full meaning of the poem. Turning on the tap and rubbing at the dirt, she cleaned most of the grime out and got the rest with an old toothbrush she grabbed from the cleaning bucket.


Satisfied with the job she had done, dried it off with a paper towel.


It was much easier to read now.


Power given to she who wears

Infinite power with those loved

Those unknown a single chance

Enjoy power without their choice

Bent to your will all objects are

Master of size and shape

Forever your power

Without constraint

To embolden the one who owns


Damn” she thought, now some it made sense, people she didn't know she could only do one thing to, but those she knew, like herself she could always manipulate.


Looking into the living room, she imagining Andy shrinking, and while at first the effect was miniscule, Andy did start shrinking. His body stopped at a miniscule 3 inches of height. Kylie walked into the living room to observe her prey.

Andy was still sleeping, so Kylie simply looked at him, trying not to wake him. His arms were so tiny, she couldn’t make out his individual fingers. “Holy hell. This is awesome.” Kylie imagined Andy growing back to normal, and soon he was almost his original size. Kylie grew him back with the exception of one inch.


With Andy back to normal Kylie walked to her room.


Kylie was now imagining some of the things she wanted to try to do, fantasies she wanted to fulfill. Her phone started ringing, and it was a number she didn't recognize.


Kylie picked up the phone, “Hello?”


A shy voice inquired, “Is this Kylie?”




“It's Emma, from the train?”


Kylie was excited by this development. “Of course! How are you?!”


 “I wanted to see you and thought I would see if you wanted to see me too?”


“Dinner tomorrow?”


Emma sounded much bolder then she did before, “Damn, you were ready for this? That's just what I was thinking!”


“Okay, if you give me your address I'll get you around six tomorrow.”


Exchanging information the girls were soon off the phone.


Kylie was excited by this development, and she soon found herself on her bed, passionately masturbating as she thought of towering over a tiny Emma, excited to make this a reality. She rubbed herself, increasing the intensity, imagining holding tiny girls in her hand, being an all-powerful Goddess.


Breathing deeply, Kylie climaxed, pounding her hips on the ceiling. Her head was now on the wall, her breast pressed against the ceiling. She shrieked with the pleasure which filled her with the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. She was now a massive girl, nearly filling the room with her 25 feet of succulent womanhood.





End Notes:

Ms. Kylie is starting to see some of her power, and the benefits which come with her special powers.



Another Day by Kaizori

There was no noise in the house and Kylie slept, undisturbed.


No noise, lots of light, and no… alarm…


Kylie sprung up, “Shit, I’m late for work!”


Kylie jumped out of bed and ran to the shower to get clean, before throwing on a black pencil skirt and a light blue blouse, and donning her black open-toed high heels. She ran, as fast she could in her cute outfit, to the train.


Kylie soon walked through the office door of her company, Walker Revenue Inc. where she was employed as a receptionist. Fortunately, her hour of absence had gone unnoticed, and she was able to take her seat without issue.


Sitting at her desk she could she out the large front windows to the office park beyond. She would watch people meander, laughing at the stupidity of some, and the insolence of others.


However she saw something around noon which disturbed her. Infuriated her. A worker from the office in the neighboring plaza, a chauvinistic man who often terrorized one of her good friends from the office, Kyle. Kyle was a small man, not scrawny, just short, and not a violent type, but this other asshole would intimidate and annoy Kyle at any chance he had.


She knew because she watched at least one of these exchanges each day. The man would essentially block Kyle from advancing to the office, and he would do the whole, need your lunch money shtick, which honestly is immature, but works when you are double someone's mass, and you are talking to a recent high school grad.


Kylie wanted to help Kyle, because this was honestly stupid, he worked hard, and he was an excellent person, he just wasn't assertive. She suddenly realized that she could, she thought it through. Knowing Kyle, if she grew him he would still be submissive, and if she shrunk the other guy it would cool him off, but questions might be asked.


But if she confronted him now, and made it clear that Kyle is off-limits it might be a big enough impression to change behavior. Kylie walked out the front door, not telling anyone because this would only take a moment.


She confidently strode toward Kyle and the man, whose name she would soon finally learn.


Poor Kyle was stammering out, “Look, Jim, I need to go to work, and I have nothing for you.”


Responding, Jim said, “Well, I'm sorry, then you just won't be on-time, and I can laugh as you continue to get in trouble.”


Kyle muttered under his breath, “I am so tired of this shit.”


Jim continued, “Well you might want to think about doing what I say.”


Kylie approached and slid right between Jim and Kyle, sizing up the large man before her, he was about 6 foot 2, and this height commanded a full 10 inches over Kylie, in her heels. She entered with a sly smile worn because she knew how this would turn out.


Jim spoke first, “Well who is the sexy lady Kyle?”


Kylie responded for Kyle, “The pretty lady is Kyle's friend, Kylie, and you will not call me sexy again.”


“I'll call you sexy if I want, nothing you can do about it.” Jim spat.


Kylie sighed deeply, turning and balling her right fist, “I really wish you had been smarter about this, Jim, but no you had to be an ass.” Kylie turned quickly, implanting her powerful fist into his gut. Normally he would have laughed, but instead he doubled over in pain, as Kylie had made herself about 6 times stronger then she normally would be.


Kylie turned to Kyle, “Back up sweetheart, I'll take care of this.” He nodded with a smile on his face.   


Jim recovered, and came at Kylie, “You Bitch!” He unfurled all his energy in a punch aimed for Kylie's face, which she intercepted with her svelte hand and stopped effortlessly.


Jim was shocked, and surprised further when with a light twist of her wrist she snapped his wrist and put him on the floor. She then kicked his groin, possibly doing permanent damage, and judging by the following howl, she probably did.


Putting her tiny elbow in his back, she spoke, “Jim, you will never bother Kyle again, if he tells me you have, we will have this conversation again. I am watching from our office, and if I see you being a chauvinistic ass again, I will come and remind you that I am stronger, and better than your sorry ass.


Kylie stood and rubbed some of the dust off her pencil skirt, turning back she said with finality, “Don't get up for a while.”


Kylie walked to Kyle and took his arm, escorting him to the office.


He spoke first, “Kylie, that was insane, thank you so much, I don't know how to thank you.”


Kylie laughed, “Don't worry about it sweetie, I'm just glad I made an impression.”


Kyle sighed deeply, “I don't think he will ever live that down, he just got destroyed by a little girl in high heels.”


Kylie smiled, glad that she had helped, thinking about how mild her response had been. She could have just shrunk the man and ground him to dust beneath her heel…


Kyle opened the door and Kylie thanked him, after all, it was the least he could do!


Kylie imagined all the things she could have done to Jim, and how amazing it would have felt.


She really wanted that level of power again.


She wanted to dominate something.


Then maybe swallow the moon.

End Notes:


Rage and Passion by Kaizori

Work was otherwise uneventful, and Kylie was lost in her imagination, thinking of devious and perverse concepts to explore for the rest of it. When 5’O clock rolled around she was beyond ready to see Emma. Walking briskly to the train she sat in the back and waited for the stop at which she would find Emma. When the train stopped people clogged the exit, and Kylie tapped her foot impatiently at the whole situation.


            But outside the train Emma stood, in a bright blue dress which flowed in the light breeze near the train. She had a goofy grin on her face, clearly as excited as Kylie was to see her.


            Upon seeing her Kylie ran and grabbed her, and Emma pulled her into a tight hug.


            Not expecting more than a light hug, Kylie recomposed herself, “Well, hello.” Was all she could stammer out?


            Looking down, Emma responded, “The second time…”


            The moment was a little strange, and a feeling of awkwardness sat above them, then Kylie took the initiative, taking Emma’s hand she pulled her close, “Where are we headed?”


            “Well, I’ll show you, come with me miss.” Emma gave a little hearted smile, which Kylie returned in kind.


            Holding hands the girls walked to the Italian restaurant that was near Emma's apartment.


            “Table for two please?”


            Kylie looked Jeff up and down, he wasn't unattractive, but he was kind of chubby, and obviously into Emma. This bothered Kylie, because she was obviously into Emma too.


            “Of course!” Jeff grabbed a couple menus. Walking to the table he seated the women.


            “Girls night out?” he asked.


            “Not really!” replied Emma


            “Well, what is the occasion ladies?”


            Smirking at the waiter, Kylie replied “It's a date, and I would like some water.”


            Realizing that he couldn't get either of the women, he gave up and took the orders.


            The girls smiled at each other and just generally got to know each other.


            “So where do you work?” Kylie inquired


            “Well, I used to work at a law firm downtown. I was basically an office bitch, but I went into work today and all the sudden everything was just different for some reason.”


            “What do you mean?”


            “Well my coworkers acted like I didn’t exist, my boss pretended to not know who I was before telling me to never return, then they kicked me out.”


            “Holy hell, that’s awful!”


            Emma looked down, “Yeah, I couldn’t even pack my desk.”


            There was a long pause, as Kylie realized what had happened, realizing this was her fault, she knew she needed to help.


            “I just wish I could get back at the lawyer who tried to trash my career, but I guess it might not happen...”


            Kylie spoke out excitedly “Well, do you know where he lives?”


            “Out of town, in a group of luxury homes, they even have a guard at the gate.”


            “Oh, well, I might be able to help...”


            “What would you do?”


            “The question is what would I help you do?” Kylie smiled, we'll go tonight, and get this behind you.


            Confused, Emma returned to her meal, but she felt excited that she might be able to get a little payback.


            When the girls finished, they paid, and left, grabbing a taxi.


            “I need to go out towards the mountain, up toward the old mill.” Emma asked.


            “Sure lady, you got it.”


            The maniac driver stepped on it, and in about 15 minutes they had arrived at the old mill, in the hills.


            “Thanks buddy, here.” Kylie paid and gave him a great tip.


            “You don't need a ride back to town?”


            “No, we should be just fine!”


            “Alright!” The driver turned around and drove away.


            It was finally getting to the pitch black portion of the evening, and Emma was ready to find out what Kylie had in store.


            Kylie once again took Emma’s hands, “Do you believe in magic Emma?”


            “I don't not believe… what do you mean?”


            “I mean, I have magic, and I am going to help you.”


            Suddenly excited, Emma eagerly held Kylie's hands. “Wow. Show me.”


            Kylie pulled Emma into a deep kiss. Kylie started to grow herself and Emma. Only doubling their size, she released Emma and laughed.


            “What happened? Why are you laughing?”


            “You didn't notice hun?”




            “Look at the road.”


            Emma looked and realized just how much smaller it looked, “Holy shit!”


            “You are ten feet tall.” Kylie took Emma's arm, “Lead the way to the fun.”


            “I think it is this way. Unless it moved!”


            “I doubt it did.”


            “So when we get there, we need to get rid of the guard. Then we can get rid of the lawyer.”


            Emma was starting to hyperventilate with the excitement of what she was about to do.


            “Does he have family?”


            “No, not that kind of person, he is selfish and just generally does cases to save criminals. So, I don't feel bad about what is about to happen.”


            Arriving at the house, Kylie prepared for the event.


            “Let's make sure we look as sexy and amazing as possible.”


            “What do you mean?”


            Kylie touched two fingers on the side of Emma's leg on the hem of her blue dress, Kylie ran her fingers from the knee where they rested, to her mid-thigh, shortening her skirt, and rendering it skintight in the process. Then Kylie pulled Emma into a tight hug, lifting her up a couple inches, doubling the height of her heels. Kylie ran her hands off Emma's back and around over her breasts, making them about 2 cup sizes larger. Taking Emma's face in her hands, she magically applied deep red color to her lips and gold accented eye-shadow. The final touch for Emma's look was a flower, grown to match in the waves of her short crimson hair.


            Kylie quickly shortened her own skirt, growing her own breasts a bit, and making sure her heels would be terrifying to the tiny man she was about to encounter, Kylie returned her attention to a wide-eyed horny Emma.


            “Ready Emma? Now hold my hand!”


            Emma breathed deeply and closed her eyes, as she felt her stature increase. Power flew into her as she passed 50 feet, soon approaching and slightly passing 200 feet. Upon opening her eyes she was shocked at the scale of things around her.


            Kylie softly laughed as she raised her foot over the guard building, she stepped on it, crushing it with her powerful feet. It collapsed unceremoniously.


            Emma lowered herself to one of her knees in front of the lawyer's house. Grabbing the roof, she lifted, and sheared the entire roof off of the structure.


            John looked up in terror as the roof of his home was suddenly removed. He looked up into the eyes of the beautiful girl who had entered his office just this morning, who now towered 194 feet above him. Turning to run, he couldn't go anywhere, because she had already grabbed his tiny body. Raising him to her face, she started.


            “Hello John.”


            “What are you doing? How? How is this happening?”


            “Let's just say, that you can't hurt me anymore, and I have decided that I will take justice into my own hands.”


            John looked in terror as Kylie sat on what remained of his home, pulling her knees to her chest, and leaning back against the rest of the structure, entirely collapsing it, proceeding to allow it to fall down the side of the mountain.


            Saddened by this turn of events, he turned to the enormous girl who held him like a rag-doll, “What did I ever do to you? You came into the office this morning, and I sent you out because you never worked for me.”




            John trembled in fear, explained, “I have an assistant, and you are not him, his name is Bryce, and he didn't show up today, I had never seen you before this morning.”


            “That doesn't make any sense. I remember working for you! You would make me get you coffee, asking for a nonfat vanilla latte, or some random shit, then send me back because you didn't like it.”


            John was silent, remembering just how rotten he had been to Bryce.


            “Well that wasn’t you miss. My assistant is a man.”


            Emma thought hard, remembering work, and that she was not stared at like she had been all day, something was different about the memory. She tilted her head back in thought and almost dropped John from the 70 foot high perch he was entrenched upon.


            She remembered the train ride the previous day, and meeting Kylie. But she couldn't remember something, and she was unsure of what it was. Certain that it wasn't her fault, she turned her frustration upon the lawyer staring deep into his eyes, “My name is not Bryce, I am Emma, and I was your assistant.”


            “You know what I did miss, but I never employed you, will you please set me down?”


            Emma paused again, and turned to Kylie, “When was the first time you used your magic on me?”


            Kylie responded abruptly, “Tonight”


            Emma looked deeply concerned, “Damn it, don't lie to me Kylie.”


            Kylie was taken off-guard, she had not thought of this consequence to changing the guy on the train, but she had a choice, to lie, or to tell the truth.


            Kylie sighed, and looked to Emma. “I may have changed you on the train.”


            With anger turned from the tiny man in her hands, she set him down, turning and raising herself to confront Kylie. “How much Kylie, what the fuck did you do?”


            Looking down, she continued, “I changed everything about you, because I wanted to see if I could, and I didn't consider your life, I didn’t consider this.” Kylie stopped, thinking of what to say.


            Emma had other plans, she looked back at Kylie tears flowing, then started to run into the distance covering a mile in just twelve seconds.


            John collapsed to the ground in shock from the experience he had just had, he breathed deeply, and sunk down grateful that the giantess hadn't crushed him. Then the ground shook as the other giantess jumped to her feet behind him. John had only a moment to see what was coming, Kylie's foot fell upon him as she began running.


            John was nearly annihilated by the impact of the 2600 tons of woman near his location, he was knocked off his feet, and taught a valuable lesson.


            Women are a little dangerous when they are enormous. John vowed to try to be a better person, for however long that would last.


            Kylie leaned into her run, after taking of her heels so she could run more quickly, trying to catch up to Emma, who in her anger, kept her heels on. “Emma! Stop, come back!”


            Emma stopped running, realizing that she could do nothing on her own, without Kylie she would be stuck, a 200 foot tall woman in really cute, sexy evening wear.


            Kylie finally caught up, and bent over, catching her breath. She stood and held Emma by the shoulders.


            “Emma, I know what I did was wrong. I know that changing you without so much as knowing you is pretty evil, and not nice.”


            Emma, with tears streaming down her face, and anger in her voice returned, “You think? You are an asshole! You took my life from me without a thought!”


            “Look, Emma, I won't keep you like this, if you want I will transform you back and let you try to forget this whole thing. But, if you want, I would really like to have you as my girlfriend, if you feel good as a woman, I am so into you...” Kylie ran her hands down Emma's arms, and onto her ass, pulling her closer. “And I'm yours if you want me...”


            Emma thought about it intensely. She was angry at Kylie for doing something so drastic, and didn't even know her. She was remembering her previous life now, how she as a man was always single and awkward. That her job was unfulfilling, and that she had been depressed. She looked down at her smoking hot body, and at her friend, who at this point could only be considered her girlfriend. Kylie was attractive.


Emma knew that as a man, she would never be able to get a girl like Kylie.


            Emma sighed, pushing away from Kylie falling to her knees, shaking the ground and forming 40 foot wide sinkholes under her knees. Her tears fell freely, and knew she needed Kylie.


            Kylie was happy to oblige, getting down and taking Emma into her arms. “I'm sorry Emma, I hope you can be happy again.”


            “Thank you Kylie. Thank you for trying to apologize. I'm starting to feel better.”


            “I'm glad, I'm still so sorry.”


            “Well Kylie, let’s go back to my place. We can try to have some fun.”


            Kylie grabbed Emma and pulled her into her arms, deeply kissing her.


            Emma was taken back, but immediately gave into Kylie's advance, kissing her back. The girls tongues played, and they made the soft sounds of love. Emma tugged Kylie, falling on her back in the process. Kylie, returned the kiss and brought her hand from Emma's hip to her ass, kneading it with a free hand and running her other hand to Emma's right breast. Emma in the meantime, was focused on tasting every part of Kylie's mouth.


            Emma felt odd, and felt like the ground was shrinking under her, and like Kylie was suddenly gone, opening her eyes, she noticed that she was now much taller. Kylie grew her to over a mile in height, and Kylie stood on her nipple, holding it and licking it. Suddenly the nerves kicked in and Emma bucked hard.


            Kylie almost flew, but held onto Emma's enormous nipple. Growing again, she grew to match the larger giantess’s height. Kylie lied on top of Emma and rubbed her all over. The enormous lesbians began to get more intense, and began rolling over each other, in a fight to lead the lovemaking encounter.


            Meanwhile in the town of Gordon. It was a night like any other, until the ground started shaking. People turned on their radio’s, looking for a report of an earthquake. But it never came, what did come were shadows. Shadows on the horizon.


            In the distance the people could see what looked like moving mountains. A very strange sight, that was getting much, much closer. The people didn't know what to expect, but soon they were in the split-second shadow of the backside of an enormous woman.


            Only a few could comprehend what the town was looking at. It was an ass. A perfectly proportioned, soft round ass, which stretched 2000 feet into the sky.


            The town, and all its tiny population was eliminated under Emma's ass. Victims of lesbian lovemaking, and the girls were completely unaware of the town, nor the fact that they had unknowingly annihilated it.


            The excitement that was building inside Kylie was enormous, she was going to explode, and she was going to blame Emma for being amazing. They continued to kiss and knead each other. Tracing the lines of their bodies, exploring the literally miles of terrain on the surface of their skin.


            Then Kylie orgasmed, at the precise moment that Emma climaxed, the energy of which lit the forest underneath them on fire.


            Both girls breathed deeply, lying in the impact crater they had produced. Once their breathing starting normalizing they looked each other deep in the eyes.


Then Emma stood up and took Kylie's hand, helping to pull her to her feet.


            The enormous girls walked arm in arm to the border of the city and shrunk back to normal, returning to Emma's apartment.


            Upon arriving they quietly entered, as to not disturb Emma's sleeping roommates. Emma took Kylie to her room and guided her to the bed, turning on the lamp.


            Kylie “I need your love. I need you now.” she said as she dropped her clothes on the ground. Standing before her girlfriend, she pounced on top of her, embracing her into a full make out. Emma was surprised and excited, returning the kiss with bestial vigor. Taking Kylie's face into her hands for a short moment before a surprising dizziness.


            Emma looked up, and up, all she could see was two enormous mounds of flesh. Kylie's breasts. Looking down she saw a toned stomach and receding hips and legs, appearing to be hundreds of feet away. Panic suddenly sunk in “Please don't hurt me Kylie!”


            Her lips approached, and suddenly puckered covering the tiny girl in a warm kiss. “I won't, I love you and I just want you to be small right now. She lifted herself, and lightly rubbed a nipple across her, before lifting Emma and flipping onto her back.


            Softly kissing the tiny girl, Kylie started to shrink herself, to embrace her tiny lover. Reaching about twice the height of Emma, Kylie pulled Emma in to spoon and rest, as the girl's had had a long, and eventful day.


            They kissed each other’s bodies softly, and passionately massaged, closing in on sleep. In her dreams, Emma was a giantess, as it should be.

End Notes:

Emma has discovered, and chosen to accept the life she know possesses.

Hopefully this is good! :)


The Morning After the Night Before by Kaizori

Darkness, warm and cozy, with a deep steady breathing.

Emma awoke, unaware of where she was, she looked up, and saw nothing, there was no light, but there was a small amount of motion with each soft, but powerful breath she heard.

Getting on her feet, she discovered a firm, but curved surface which was soft to the touch, she chose a direction, and walked, soon discovering a firm wall, similar to the floor. It was warm, and pressing her ear to the wall she heard the sounds of a steady, powerful beat.

A heartbeat.

The previous day came rushing back to her.

Work, being fired, the date, going out, growing into a giantess to take vengeance on her old boss… and the sex…. “Oh my… she grew in her sleep!”

Emma jumped from what she realized was her girlfriend’s arm, and started running toward the sliver of light she could now see. Escaping just as Kylie’s breathing shifted, and her titanic body began to move. Emma dived to escape Kylie’s falling arm, landing safely next to the pillow.

Kylie opened her eyes and looked down on Emma.

“Good Morning little one.”

Emma wanted to be mad at the danger she just experienced, but Kylie descended, placing her eyes inches from Emma. Mesmerizing the tiny girl with her shining eyes before placing an overwhelming kiss on Emma’s face, knocking her back onto the mattress.

“So what do you want to do today Emma?”

“Fuck everything I had to do, I… Actually...”

Kylie raised her eyebrow, and laughed “Okay then Emma…”

Emma looked up as Kylie rose to her full height, arching her back and stretching. Then something seemed odd, Kylie’s bra seemed too big, not to mention her panties starting to sag from her form.

Kylie’s slight recession rapidly accelerated, her diminishing form was soon swaddled in her panties.

Emma looked through the mountains of fabric, looking for her girlfriend. “Kylie, are you okay?" 

Kylie giggled.

Pulling up on the edge of a cloth fold, there was Kylie, who was, up until a few seconds ago, larger than life had shrunk to the tiny 3 inch stature of her lover. Coming to her feet, Kylie pulled Emma into a deep kiss. A kiss of passion. One which was unmistakable to Emma.

She knew from the look in the eyes of the Goddess before her, that she was loved, and that what was about to happen was the right thing.

The perfect thing.

Kylie’s stunning naked form wrapped around Emma, her left leg hugging Emma’s still clothed ass, her breasts pressing into Emma’s. Emma closed her eyes and fell into the folds of Kylie’s panties with Kylie.

The ravenous girls, a Goddess and her girlfriend embraced, their breasts pushing against each other, lips smacking lips, and tongues bouncing off tongues. Soon, Emma was close to orgasm, and just when her climax peaked Kylie stopped and touched her cheek.

Suddenly Emma was frozen, stuck in the climactic state.

Intense feelings of orgasm pulsed through her, but her body would not progress, it was frozen in the middle of the most intense orgasm she had ever felt.

Then Kylie touched Emma’s breasts, shrinking them both smaller, and smaller, intensifying the orgasm for Emma, who was experiencing her orgasm remain as powerful as it was, but contained in her diminishing form. Kylie kissed Emma’s tender breasts until both girls were a miniscule tenth of an inch. Enveloped in Emma’s warm panties, inside Kylie’s panties, and underneath Kylie’s bra.

Emma swore she was going insane, to pleasure was beyond understanding. She was under the control of her girlfriend, a veritable Goddess.

She got out one word. “Kylie…”

Kylie stood and shrunk even smaller climbing down to Emma’s nether regions, reaching the unfathomable size of 1/100th of an inch, she plunged into Emma’s vagina, pressing on her clitoris on the way in, and massaging the labia with her legs. Touching her G-Spot released all the power, as Emma suddenly exploded, her juices pushing Kylie out and sending her tumbling in the opposite direction. As all this rolled back through her head, she screamed, and squealed. Her feminine voice contained within her panties.

The massive orgasm nearly broke her mind, but permanently changed her.

She was now Kylie’s, and only Kylie’s.

No one, certainly no other woman, and infinitely not any man could pleasure her.

Only Kylie.

Emma heard coughs, and laughs coming from her tiny Goddess. Reaching down she picked up the tiny pixie.

“How was it Em?”


Kylie laughed “What?”


“Broken huh?”

Emma sighed before falling back and resting Kylie on her breasts. “Yes, broken, and bound to you.”

Kylie giggled, “I’m glad.” As she reached for Emma’s cheek.

End Notes:

Inspired by: v00d002001

This one is fun, at least I think so...


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