S.P.I.E.S by Kickyou

Shrunken Personal In Extreme Situations.  When the job seems too big, sometimes you need to think smaller.

Categories: Unaware, Teenager (13-19), Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Butt, Mature (40-49), Feet, Footwear, Insertion, Mouth Play, Scat, Violent, Vore, Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 7029 Read: 29161 Published: July 18 2015 Updated: July 13 2016

1. Chapter 1 by Kickyou

2. Chapter 2 by Kickyou

Chapter 1 by Kickyou

“Frank, director Norten wants to see you immediately.”

Frank, a 27 year old man, looked up from his desk in surprise to see Carla talking to him.  The director had never asked to see him before.  “Did he say why?”

“He said it was classified.  I wouldn’t keep him waiting,” Carla told him.  Frank nodded and got up from his desk to follow Carla to the director’s office. 

“You wanted to see me sir,” Frank asked as he entered the director’s office.  Carla closed the door leaving Frank and Norten alone.  That wasn’t a good sign.

“Yes sit down Frank,” The older gentlemen said as he offered him a chair.

“Thank you sir,” Frank said as he sat down and waited to see what this was all about.

“Son, do you know why I called you in here?”

“Umm, no sir,” Frank replied, now begin to think of what he might have done that might get him demoted from field officer or even fired.

Norten laughed, “Calm down son, you’re not in trouble; in fact it’s the opposite of what you think.  You see Frank we have an issue that needs to be taken care of and I needed a top agent to run the mission.  You have a perfect record and an outstand record of successful missions.”  Frank suddenly felt stupid to think that he was called in here to be fired just moments ago.

“Thank you sir, I do the best that I can.”

“I know you do.  Frank, are you familiar with Senator Johnson?”

Slightly confused as to where this was going, “Yes sir, I used to do security for him until I was promoted.  Is Senator Johnson the target?”

Norten chuckled, “Yes and no.  You see we picked up something disturbing the other day.  We got a few messages from some of our agents in Russia and it turns out that Johnson might be contacting some of the Russian higher ups.  We don’t know for sure yet but there is a strong possibility that he is.  We need you and a small team to go in and plant some bugs in his home.  You know the layout, the security; heck I bet you still remember the Senators’ schedule.”  Frank nodded at his remark. 

Frank frowned at this, “But sir, Senator Johnson’s home is practically like a fortress.  The security there makes the presidents’ look like   a joke.  In fact I help make his home impregnable nothing could get in-”

“Except a bug,” Norten asked Frank with a tone in his voice telling Frank that there was more to this mission.

“Well, yeah sir,” Frank said even more confused. 

Norten pulled out a file, “Ever hear of the SPIES program?”  Frank picked up the file and started to read it.  “Shrunken personal in extreme situations, we take our best agents and shrink them down to get into the most impossible places.”

Frank quickly read over the notes on the file and saw the mission sheet that showed some of the ops that were done, “Sir I never knew we went into Somalia last year.”

Norten grinned, “Neither did they.  Frank, we need someone who knows the layout well enough to get a couple of bugs planted.  We take you and four other agents, shrink you down and send you in.  You place the bugs and get out to the extraction point.”

Frank closed the folder, “When do we start?”


Frank looked over his team.  It was him, Cynthia, Rebeca, Markus, and Phil.  Each of them had excellent files and they all had been on missions that required them to shrink.  Each of them, except himself, had a large device strapped to their backs which was the bug to be planted.  Apparently their supplies shrunk with them so the devices would be as small any listening device only more powerful. 

“First time,” Cynthia asked as they all stepped into a room that was pure white.

“Yeah,” Frank said nervously. 

“It’ll be fine,” Markus said. 

“I remember my first time,” Rebeca told Frank.

“You are talking about shrinking right?” Phil asked slyly.  Rebeca glared at him.  She hit him in the chest before he could react and started to wheeze.

“First time being hit,” She asked mockingly.

“Alright enough with the horsing around,” someone said over an intercom.  “We will start the procedure.  By the time you will wake up you will be in the senator’s house.  Good luck agents.”

The room started to dim then flash with a bright light.  Frank tried to cover his eyes but it seemed to go through his hand and eyelids.  The room started to flash faster and faster until everything was a blur and then nothing…


Frank woke up from Markus shaking him.  “Wake up noobie, time to go to work.”  Frank quickly got up and realized he was in the dark with a thin wall pressing down on him.  It felt like paper.  Frank followed Markus toward a corner and heard a blade being used.  As the blade shredded the wall light shone in allowing some vision.  Each of the agents left the dark and into the light.  Frank was the last one out and noticed where he was.  He was inside the Senator’s house.  Turning around he saw that they all came out of an envelope that was the size of a house.  Looking around Frank noticed that everything was larger than what it should have been.   He realized that they were all the size of bugs.

“Wow…” Frank said in awe.

“Hey quite day dreaming noobie, let’s get to work already,” Markus said to him.  “Now we need to do this fast.  Each of us has a bug to plant; we need to make our way to Johnson’s office, living room, kitchen, and bedroom.  Rebecca get the rope out and ready for us to use.  We need to scale down this table.  When we are done, meet back here to hitch a ride with the outgoing mail.  HQ will intercept all mail and extract us the next morning.  Now let’s move out.”

It didn’t take too long to get to ground level.  Frank quickly told them everything he knew about the place, what routes to take to avoid being detected and where the best place to plant the bugs.  With the information given out, Markus told Frank to follow him as they headed toward the Senator’s office.


Rebeca walked into the kitchen and spotted the kitchen phone that needed to be wired.  This would be easy, she thought as she headed over to the counter that held the phone.  She looked up and reliazed she made a mistake, the size of the counter was larger than anything she scaled before.  Preparing herself for this she started to pull out her climbing gear that would help her climb the side of the counter.  Rebeca put on her gloves that allow her to climb any surface and started her long journey up.  It took her a little longer than she expected but she was there on the counter.  Heading toward the phone she was about to start to tap the phone when it started to ring.  The deafening sound caused her to cover her ears as the ringing left her ears ringing.  She didn’t even notice the sound of the footsteps coming into the kitchen. 

Rebeca didn’t have time to hide when she noticed the giant figure. Quickly, she bolted away to hide behind a jar of peanut butter that was on the counter.  Rebeca peered out and saw a young teenaged girl heading toward the phone.  It had to be the Senators’ daughter.

“Hello?” She answered.

Rebeca hide behind the jar waiting for her opportunity to complete her mission.

“Hi mom, No, Yeah, I don’t know,” The teenager replied to whatever her mother was saying on the other end.  The teenager went over to the fridge and started to take out a jar of jelly and some milk.  She put them on the counter near Rebeca causing her to jump at the impact that it caused.  Suddenly there was movement and Rebeca reliazed that the teenager was making a sandwich.  She was talking on the phone and started to get the bread ready for the jelly and peanut butter…


Rebeca needed to move, any second now she will be discovered and blow the entire operation.  Rebeca got ready to run behind a stack of towels that were right beside the sink.  She could make it easily she just had to wait until the teenager wasn’t looking. 

The giantess was still yapping on the phone when she walked away across the kitchen to look for something.  Rebeca used this chance to run to the towels.  She made it and peeked from behind them to see the giantess returning with a knife and a cup.  She started to pour a glass of milk and made her sandwich with peanut butter.  Rebeca sighed in relief at how disastrous this could have been.  Waiting for the giantess to leave Rebeca stood behind the towels counting the seconds.  As time went on it seemed she wasn’t going anywhere as the giantess continued to talk about her school and how her day was.  She started to eat while she was on the phone, slurping her milk as she devoured the snack. 

“Ok mom, I don’t think he’s home.  Let me go check,” She said.

Rebeca rolled her eyes, “Finally,” she said out loud.

Suddenly the giantess turned on the faucet that was right next to Rebeca.  The sound of the water was almost as loud as the phone ringing.  Rebeca covered her ears as she realized that she was next to the sink.  She didn’t even notice the towel being moved as the giantess wiped up her hands after washing them off of sticky jam and peanut butter.

There was a loud screech noise that stunned Rebeca.  She never stood a chance as the giantess slammed her hand down on the countertop.  Rebeca felt her body crumple from the impact and exploded into a red stain.

“Damn bugs,” the giantess said as she wiped up the red stain from the counter top and her hand.  “Let me check where Dad is.”  With that the giant teenager left the kitchen not know she just killed a human.


Phil walked into the giant family room that had a large entertainment system set up.  Phil let out a low whistle at the loaded family.  They had everything he wished he had at home.  Spotting his target Phil headed over toward the phone in the family room.  The distance was far, maybe a couple of miles.  Starting his track toward the distant object, Phil decided to jog there and not waste too much energy reaching the phone.  He was a third of the way there when it started to ring.  Phil paused and looked around for any sign of anyone picking it up.  He heard thumping when he saw a giant girl heading toward the kitchen.  The ringing stopped and he heard a faint sound of talking.  The giantess got the phone, Phil told himself.  He continued his jog to the phone.  He was half way there and in the middle of the carpet when he heard something.  Not knowing what the sound was he looked around but didn’t see anything.  Turning around he froze in horror as he saw a terrifying scene. 

There was a maid that came out of nowhere and had a vacuum in her hand. 


“Oh shit,” Phil shouted out loud as he sprinted toward the phone.

Phil’s words were drowned out when the vacuum turned on and flooded the room with the sound of the powerful motor coming to life.  The maid started to vacuum the carpet and sucked up pieces of food, lint, and other objects left from whoever dropped them.  With half the distance covered Phil knew he was safe to reach his objective before she caught up with him. 

The maid was quick, she had most of the carpet vacuumed up and cleaned as she started heading toward the other side of the room.  She had to move tables and chairs out of the way as she went to clean up all the carpet.  Phil looked back and screamed as he noticed the maid was catching up to him.  He was almost there, but the maid was gaining fast.  She was almost done with the rest of the carpet and had just a little more to vacuum. 

Exhorting himself to the max, he didn’t even notice the vacuum right on his heels as it came closer to him.  Suddenly Phil felt himself starting to be pulled up through the air.  The vacuum had the strength to get all those pesky stains out of a carpet with ease.  Phil never had a chance.   “NOOOOO,” Phil screamed as the vacuum ran over him and pulled him up from the carpet.  He was instantly sucked into the vacuum bag where he met his doom. 

The maid finished vacuum and put the furniture back to normal as she put the vacuum away not noticing the faint shouts for help coming from the vacuum bag.


Cynthia found the bed room.  This was the last phone that needed to be bugged by them.  Peering through the door, Cynthia looked around to see if anyone was in the room.  She spotted a large bed and a nightstand that had a phone on it, but no one was in the room.

“Easy,” Cynthia said as she headed toward the nightstand.  She made it to the night stand and pulled out her climbing gloves to get up the nightstand.  The climb wasn’t very difficult as she made it to the top.  Getting ready to bug the phone she paused when she heard a purring sound behind her.  Frozen in fear she slowly turned around to spot a cat on the bed. 

The Senators’ cat was sleeping on the bed and Cynthia couldn’t have seen it from the angle she was at when on the ground.  It was just bad timing that the cat woke up to spot Cynthia standing on the nightstand next to the bed.  The cat stood up and walked over toward the night stand where Cynthia stood like stone.  The cat eyed Cynthia with its large cat eyes.  Cynthia looked back at the cat waiting for it to leave.

Cynthia didn’t have a chance to stop it as the cat swiped out its left paw and smacked it into Cynthia.  The impact from the paw sent Cynthia flying through the air and landed on the carpet in a heap.  She felt her arm bend in a weird position as she coughed up blood.  Cynthia couldn’t see that her legs were injured too from the impact.

“Oh god…” she moaned.

Suddenly the cat jumped down from the bed and landed effortlessly on the carpet.  It made its way toward Cynthia waiting for her run.  The cat came up to Cynthia looked down at the mess of a person.  The cat used its paws to poke Cynthia around moving her around to see if she would try and run.

Cynthia screamed in pain and fear as the cat just kept playing with her.  She couldn’t help but cry as the paw smacked her around like she was a ball of yarn.  Finally the cat stopped and laid down near Cynthia. 

“P-p-please…” She begged not knowing what it would do for her.

The cat moved its head closer and opened its mouth.  The sharp teeth gleamed as they quickly scooped up Cynthia into the cat’s mouth.  The cat quickly started to chew.  Cynthia felt the first few pains as the teeth sliced and crushed her body into a mushy paste.  After that she couldn’t feel anything as she died in the mouth of a cat that was enjoying its prey.


Marcus and Frank walked into the Senator’s office.  “We need to get to the computer.  Once we have this planted we can hack the computer and track any information sent or received from it,” Marcus told Frank.  “When will he be back,” Marcus asked as they headed toward the desk.

“Its 5:45, he should be back around 6:00 we have plenty of time.”

“Good,” Markus pointed toward the side of the desk, “Let’s head over there.”

Frank followed Markus as they headed over to the desk and started to climb up.  It went flawlessly as they made it to the top of the desk and planted the bug.  “Easy,” Markus told him as they headed back down the desk.  “Time to meet up with the rest of the team,” Markus told Frank.

“We have plenty of time before anyone should be home,” Frank told Markus.  They headed back to the door to follow the hallway back to the meeting point with the rest of the team.  As they reached the door there was a thumping noise that confused them.  “What’s that,” Frank asked.  Markus looked just as confused when suddenly he shouted at him.

“MOVE!”  He quickly shoved Frank to the side just in time as a giant boot came out of nowhere.  The boot came down with such speed that Markus didn’t have time to get out of the way.  Markus was obliterated instantly as the boot mushed him into the carpet.

“Dad,” the giant girl called out as she entered the office looking for her father.  She lifted the phone up to her ear and spoke, “Sorry mom he’s not home yet.”  With that she left leaving Frank in the room staring at the bloody puddle that was his comrade.

“No, this can’t be happening,” Frank said out loud.  He never lost a man before.  He didn’t know how to cope with this as he just looked at the red liquid that used to be someone.  Suddenly there was a purring noise.  Frank looked up to see a cat that was in the middle of the door way staring at him.  The cat slowly approached Frank licking its lips as if it knew just how tasty he would be…


“Sir we haven’t had any contact with the SPIES team.  I don’t think they made it,” Carla reported to Norten.

“They were some of the best we had…” Norten said sadly.

“There is good news.  One of the bugs was planted successfully.  We are checking the data on the computer as we speak.”

“That’s good to hear. At least their deaths won’t be in vain.”

Suddenly there was a knocking on the door.  A techy came into the room, “Sir we just checked the computer and all its messages.  There was nothing on it.  He’s clean.”

The director told the man to leave as he shook his head in shame.  They made a horrible mistake.



Senator Johnson was brushing his teeth with his wife in the bathroom too as they talked about their day.  “We need an exterminator,” Mrs. Johnson told her husband.


“Wendy said she saw a bug today on the counter.  I don’t want any bugs in our house.  You know how I feel about those small tiny things,” She shuddered at the image she was imaging.

“Ok honey,” Mr. Johnson replied as they finished brushing.  “I’ll call someone tomorrow on my way to work.” 

“Thank you sweetie,” Mrs. Johnson said as she kissed her husband goodnight.  They pulled back the covers and quickly gasped.  “Oh my goodness what is that,” Mrs. Johnson said appalled at what she saw.  In the middle of the bed there was a small pool of gunk that the cat threw up in their bed.  The mess was undistinguishable with pieces of things sticking out.  All that they could tell was that it belonged to their cat who apparently sharing it’s kill with them.  If they looked closely they might have saw that it was piece of a few small people or even that there was clothing in the mess.

“Looks like we have a bug infestation,” Mr. Johnson told his wife as they started to change their sheets, erasing all proof the secret agents existence.

End Notes:

Thinking of doing short stories of missions carried out.  Tell me if there are any mistakes and what you think about it.  Also if there is a topic you want to read like feet or vore next let me know, still trying to think of some stories to write so give me some ideas if you have any.

Chapter 2 by Kickyou

Director Norten walked into the lab. He needed to find Peter, the man who was in charge of project VIPER. Norten had his assistant Carla, and one of his top agents with him. Locating Peter behind one of the lab tables with his head buried in a microscope, Norten walked over to him. "Doctor Peter," He greeted him.

Peter looked up from his work and sputtered, "Director Norten! What? Hello, um ... what's going on?" Peter has worked for the government for many years and under Director Norten's supervision, yet he's seen him a grand total of 2 times. The first was his interview, and the day he was hired.

"Peter, I've come to check up on the progress of VIPER," Norten told him.

"VIPER?" Peter asked. It was his life's work.

"Yes, is it operational?"

Peter looked between the 3 guest in his lab. "Ummm, well... in theory."

"Doctor," Norten said in a stern voice. "We need to know the progress of your work and how effective it is."

"It's not that simple," Peter said. "It's never been used outside the lab. In lab it's been 100% effective. Why, is VIPER needed?"

"Doctor we have a mission for you and my top agent, Richard. 8 hours ago a news reporter, Mary Flitchen, had stumbled across some top information and is going to release it to the press. There are armed troops being put into position and if she releases this information to the press it could compromise the mission. We need to silence her before she gets some very good men killed. However, we can't have anyone know that she was taken out by the government. This is where VIPER comes in. You told me that it is an untraceable poison that will cause the target to die looking like food poisoning. Is it operational doctor," the Director asked.

Peter was about to say no but thought about it. This was it his life's work. There was a 98% chance of success. It had never been used on humans but was designed for it. All the lab test checked out ok. All he had to do was do one field test and then BAM he was a success. "Yes, it's operational."

Carla step forward and handed them both folder. "Good. Richard take the doctor and whatever supplies he needs to the briefing room. Doctor since you're the only one who knows how VIPER works, you are needed for this mission. Good luck doctor,"

Peter looked at the folder and then back at the Director and his assistant as they left his lab.

"Hello Doctor," Richard said as he offered him his hand.

"I've never been in the field before," Peter said kind of nervous.

Richard chuckled, "Don't worry Doctor Peter. I'm the best there is, I'll have you back in no time. Stay with me and everything will be fine."



Peter looked dumbstruck up at the enormous kitchen in the apartment. Everything happened so fast in the last couple of hours. Trying to get a grasp on what happened Peter retraced his steps. Peter remembered the briefing room and how Richard was part of the S.P.I.E.S program. They would be shrunken and be deposited into the targets apartment. Peter was skeptical until he entered the shrinking room. After that everything was a blur and next thing he knew he was slipped under the door of their target. Richard helped Peter up and went to go grab the two pills that held VIPER and were deposited with them in the room. Peter went to help and found that they were roughly the size of the pills. Using the straps on them, Peter hulled up his pill onto his back and followed Richard into the kitchen where they planned to slip one of the pills into Mary's food.

"The troops will start their mission in 20 hours, Mary comes home in about 1 hour. She will then go to her interview in about 8 hours. We have 9 hours to stop her from talking to the press about the operation."

Peter looked up at the large dining table that sat in the middle of the room. "We need to get her to ingest VIPER."

"Like in a drink or in her food?"

"Yeah, but at this size... I don't know how we are going to do that."

Richard looked up at the table. "Your right... wait, she only needs to ingest the pill?"

"Yeah, why," Peter asked.

"I have a plan. We wait till she falls asleep, go into her room and slip the pill to her while she's sleeping. She won't know till it's too late. What do you think doctor?"

Peter thought about it. Nodding in agreement, "Yeah, yeah that could work. We could have her swallow the pill in her sleep."

"Ok doctor," Richard said as he led them toward Mary's bedroom. Walking through the enormous doorframe, Peter looked up at the ceiling that was more of a sky if anything. "Under the bed," Richard told Peter as they headed toward the bed to hide. "We'll wait till later. We have plenty of time." So they waited for Mary to show up...

The sound of a door slamming close and lights in the apartment turning on woke Peter up. He must have fallen asleep waiting for Mary to return. Looking at his mini watch and saw that it was around 11, way past the time she should have been back. Looking from underneath the bed that they were hiding under, Peter could spot Mary's feet. She already kicked off her shoes and was stumbling into the bed room.

"She's drunk," Peter whispered to Richard who nodded in agreement.

There was a thump as Mary bumped into the doorway forgetting to turn the hallway lights off, "Ops, excuse me Mr...." Mary giggled as she stumbled into the bedroom. There was a loud flopping sound as Mary collapsed onto the bed causing the bed to shake and heave under her sudden fall. "Ohhh, so drizzy...." Mary said out loud. Peter turned to Richard who held his hand up for the sign to be quiet. "Off you go," Mary said. Peter was confused at what she said until a giant pair of panties hit the floor. The sound of an alarm being set could be heard. "I've got a bigggg important .... thing or something...morning ...." She couldn't speak. There was the sound of a loud sigh and then snoring.

"Is she out?" Peter asked Richard as quietly as he could.

Richard waited a few moments thinking that the light that help illuminate some of the room would wake up Mary. She didn't even stir. All that could be heard was the snoring coming from Mary. "Yeah, I think it's safe to start." Heading out from under the bed Richard looked up the side of the bed and saw one arm flopped over the side of the bed. Reaching toward his belt, he grabbed his grappling gun and aimed up. Firing the small gun, he hit the edge of the bed and gave it a quick tug. Making sure it was secure, Richard started the long climb up with Peter right behind him. It took a little while to climb to the top, and Peter was out of breath when they made it. After catching his breath Peter looked around and noticed just how small he was. There in front of him was Mary's stomach. Her shirt was disheveled and riding up showing off her flat smooth belly. The skin ran down to her bear nether reign completing one fine body. Peter did his best to not drool over this perfect body that was exposed to him. "Hey, Doc. Let's get moving."

Richard shocked Peter out of his staring causing him to feel embarrassed. Richard was moving toward Mary's head, Peter followed after him. The journey wasn't too long, every once in a while Mary would mumble something in her sleep but didn't move a muscle except her chest from her breathing. Each breath caused the bed to move slightly like a small tremor. Peter got used to the timing as they reached Mary's shoulders. She was sleeping on her side so her large face was in front of them.

"Ok, I'm going to slip the pill into her mouth-" Richard started to say when Mary started to move.

"No, mom, no more pie for me thanks..." Mary mumbled under her breath as she rolled over so she was lying on her back. She smacked her lips, as if she was tasting something delicious in her dream. Then she stopped moving and went back to snoring.

Both Richard and Peter stood absolutely still. After a few minutes, Richard turned to Peter. "I'm going to climb up her arm and drop the pill down her throat. You stay here doctor."

"Wait, that seems dangerous."

"Maybe, but she might not roll back over again. We can't take that chance."

"Ok," Peter told him as Richard reassured him one more time that it would be fine. Peter watched as Richard climbed up Mary's extended arm like he practiced it 1,000 times. He made it seem effortless. He headed over toward her chest. Richard decided not to step over top and went around her breast. Suddenly Mary mumbled something and her other arm came flopping out of nowhere and slammed into her breast. She started to scratch at the tip of her boob and would have crushed Richard if he was anywhere on her breast. Just as quickly as it happened, Mary's hand retracted back to its original position. Richard stayed still for a little while and then proceeded with his quest. Peter watched as Richard made it to Mary's face. He stood on her chin as he looked down at the slightly ajar lips.

Richard decided his best bet to get the pill into her was to step on her check and slide it into her mouth the moment she inhaled. Taking his feet, he stepped over her lips and positioned himself to the side of her mouth. Unstrapping the pill Richard held it over her mouth. "Ok," Richard said quietly. Mary's breath was still exhaling as he waited for the right moment to drop the pill down the dark awaiting hole. Time slowed as Mary's breathe was now gone and she was about to inhale. Richard prepared to drop the pill. No one could have foreseen what happened next.

Mary rolled over toward Richard. Richard let out a gasp as he fell forward toward the open mouth. Mary inhaled, pulling Richard and the pill into her mouth. Richard was pulled into the mouth and immediately let out a shout that went unheard. Richard turned around and saw the small opening of Mary's mouth slowly closing, blocking out any light. Richard let out a shout again and started to move toward the diming light only to run right into her closed lips.

Peter watched in horror as Richard tried to get out of the mouth only to have it closed in front of him. Peter went toward the mouth to help Richard. He saw one of his hands sticking out trying to grasp something. Peter quickly grabbed his hand. He started to pull on it trying to extract Richard from the giant sleeping woman. Suddenly Peter heard a frightening sound.

"MMMM," Mary said in her sleep. Suddenly Richard let out a muffled cry as his arm was being pulled back in. Peter felt himself being pulled along with Richard into Mary's mouth as she was slowly slurping Richard up like a noodle.

"DON"T LET GO," Richard shouted through the pressed lips.

"I can't hold on," cried Peter as his grip was slipping. The saliva on Richard hand didn't help as Richard hand abruptly flew from Peter's grip. "No," Peter said quietly in disbelief as Richard's cries started to move away. There was a loud gulp as Mary swallowed in her sleep. Peter heard and saw the vague outline of Richard and the pill slowly slide down Mary's throat. Peter looked in disbelief as both shapes disappeared past her collar. Mary opened her mouth and let out a satisfied sound right in Peter's face. Her breath hit Peter as it was filled with the smell of alcohol and whatever else she ingested that night.

Peter didn't know what to do but decided to run to Mary's stomach to see if he could help Richard from outside the gut. Heading up her shoulder and then between her breast, he didn't want to get crushed under a random hand, and down toward her gut.

Peter arrived in time to hear the gut gurgle and growl. Putting his ear to the flesh he tried to listen to any sign that Richard was still alive. There was none. Peter lay there in disbelief as he was too stunned to move from that spot. Richard was dead...

"HELP ME," Came a muffled scream from deep within. Peter gasped in horror hearing Richards desperate cries for help. Again there was a muffled cry but Peter didn't know what to do. He didn't have any gadgets that could save Richard. Listen more carefully in hopes for Peter to give him instructions he could hear the inside of the gut working on him and whatever else was in there. There was a heavy sloshing noise like liquid swishing around in there. Loud growls and gurgling was heard but the sounds of Richard was slowly dying down as he was heard less and less. Peter looked up from gut and realized that he was gone. In less time than he could have imagined, Mary, devoured and digested the toughest agent the government had.

Still in disbelief Peter sat there wondering what to do. Suddenly Mary started to stir. Peter quickly headed to the side of her stomach and jumped off onto the bed just as she turned over so her back was facing Peter. Peter just sat there still stunned at what just transpired. It took him a full 10 minutes to come to terms with what happened. Richard was dead.

Getting up from where he was Peter headed for the rope. He would hide under the bed and wait for VIPER to take effect on Mary. Luckily Richard death was not for nothing. Peter made it to the ground and headed under the bed to hide. The extraction team would pick him up after Mary passed away. Peter sat there waiting for VIPER to kick in.

3 hours had passed since Richard was eaten. Mary was still snoring. There had been no side effects yet. Peter paced under the bed as he waited. This was wrong, she should have been dead hours ago. Ever test that they did showed results on animals with ¼ the dosage that was given to Mary. Yet she was still sleeping like a baby.

"This is impossible. She should be dead," Peter said out loud. "I mean all the test subjects that were given..." Then it hit Peter like a train. They injected the dosage into the animals! Of course Mary didn't die, her stomach must have denatured VIPER and stopped it from doing its job. But if Mary couldn't swallow VIPER than how would he get VIPER into her system? The only way he could do that would be... Peter shuddered. He had a plan, but it was the most dangerous and foul plan he could think of.

"No I can't... There's no way I could..." But if he didn't then Richard's death would be in vain. "I have to, for Richard." Peter quickly headed toward the rope and started to climb up. It took him longer than he wanted but he finally made it to the top of the bed. Looking over toward Mary he saw her still lying there with her back facing him. Swallowing, Peter headed over toward Mary with his pill in hand.

Peter came up to Mary's large behind. He had to anally insert the pill up her bottom so VIPER would be absorbed into her bloodstream unaffected by the stomach acids and enzymes. Luckily the pills were designed to be both anal and oral insertions. Coming up to her rear end, Peter looked at where he had to insert his pill. Peter tried to climb up the butt, but he couldn't make it up the rounded orb that was her butt cheek. How was he going to insert VIPER?

This was when Mary decided to stir, she started to move slowly. Peter realized what was about to happen. Then it clicked. He quickly headed to the exact spot of where Mary would roll over and land her booty on top of him. He would hold the pill up and have her insert it into her own butt that way. It was perfect. As quickly as he could, Peter made it to the spot that Mary's anus was heading. Lifting up the pill as best he could he waited for the ass to collide with the bed. As Mary's butt came down in easily opened up for the pill that was shaped perfectly for it. With Mary's anus open it slide easily over the pill and down. Unfortunately for Peter it worked too well as Mary's asshole stayed open as it rolled over the pill and right over Peter's arms and head. When Mary was done rolling over Peter, he was up to his stomach deep in booty.

"Oh..." Peter said out loud as he realized his terrible mistake. He was now stuck in Mary's ass. Not knowing what to do Peter decided to try and squirm out. This didn't help. Mary felt this disturbance in her sleep, and like everything else that night her body reacted on instinct. Mary started to clench her anal muscles to get rid of the irritation. This caused Peter to be pulled up into Mary. "NOOO, OH GOD WAKE UP!" Peter screamed but like Richard, Mary didn't wake up. Mary kept clenching until her body decided it was done. When she was finished Peter found that he was already sucked up deeper into Mary's ass more than he wanted. Peter had no idea where he was or how deep he was but found that if he didn't move than he wouldn't be pushed in deeper. Staying as still as he could, Peter waited for something to happen.

Something did happen, after a little while the pill full of VIPER started to dissolve and drip down Peter's body. It didn't take long for Mary to absorb all of VIPER into her bloodstream through her rectum walls. Peter smiled as he waited for VIPER to kick in. It didn't take long for VIPER to start working, sadly like the entire night it wasn't what was supposed to happen. There was a low gurgling noise deep within Mary. Peter was confused when the noise was getting louder. It was coming toward him. Peter was perplexed at what the noise was. That was until a certain smell started to creep toward him. It reeked beyond anything Peter smelled before. He thought that was the worst of it... how wrong he was. There was a suddenly liquid that oozed over his hand making him let out a horrible cry as he realized what it was. Not wanting to be in here any longer, Peter tried to wiggle out of the rectum but found that it was harder than it should be. He got his feet to stick out but that was it. That was when more liquid started to run down over him. Peter would have let out more noise but the liquid was slowly covering his face. Trying harder, Peter wiggled and squirmed all he could. Feeling the squirming and wiggling in her sleep, Mary reflexively squeezed her butt. This caused Peter and everything else inside Mary to slide deeper into her rectum. Peter was launched deeper into Mary's poop chute along with whatever else that was waiting for him. Peter didn't stand a chance as he was instantly covered in the foul liquid and buried deep in the mass of gunk. Unable to move, Peter remained motionless until he had to take a breath. It was the last one he would ever take...



Mary woke up to her alarm blaring. Groggy, Mary got up and looked around. Her room was a mess with clothing laying around from her blurry night. She noticed she left one of her lights on in the hallway. Heading over to flip it off she felt a rumbling in her gut. "Oh," she said clutching it. "Oh god," she said as it increased. Rushing to the bathroom, Mary barely made it to the toilet where she unloaded all of her backed up waste. She remained on the toilet as her gut kept turning. It was literally killing her as she kept releasing what felt like an unending flood of waste.

Mary remained on that toilet for hours, missing the interview...



"Sir," Carla said as she entered Director Norten's office.

"What is it," Norten asked.

"The troops just finished their mission, they are coming home now."

"Good, VIPER was a success."

"Umm, not exactly sir," Carla told him.

Confused Director Norten said, "Explain."

"Well sir, agent Richard and Doctor Peter haven't responded. We believe they are MIA or worse... however the interview was missed this morning and so the mission was successful."

"So VIPER worked," Norten started.

"Well... the target is still alive... she seems to be ... well sir she has a very bad case of diarrhea at the moment," Carla said flustered at the report.

"I see," Norten said.

"Should we continue with targeting her?"

"No, Mrs. Flitchen is harmless now. We just needed her silenced for the troops to do their job." Letting out a deep sigh Norten stood up. The mission was successful, Peter and Richard didn't die in vain...

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=5302