Life is Funny that Way (Season 2) by JT07

Life continues on after the incident with Ryan. Alex and Ava are now trying to go back to their normal lives and add Jaden into the mix. As their spring break is over and their now on a path to finish their schooling at the university that many giantess and regulars attend. What will happen when they find out that there are some secrets gong on that even Ryan didn't know about.

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Butt, Crush, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Violent, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Mini GTS (16-30ft)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: No Word count: 85968 Read: 137137 Published: September 15 2014 Updated: January 03 2017

1. Chapter 1 by JT07

2. Chapter 2 by JT07

3. Chapter 3 by JT07

4. Chapter 4 by JT07

5. Chapter 5 Rewritten by JT07

6. Chapter 6 by JT07

7. Chapter 7 by JT07

8. Chapter 8 by JT07

9. Chapter 9 by JT07

10. Chapter 10 by JT07

11. Chapter 11 by JT07

12. Chapter 12 Part 1 by JT07

13. Chapter 12 Part 2 by JT07

14. Chapter 12 Part 3 by JT07

15. Chapter 13 by JT07

16. Chapter 14 by JT07

17. Chapter 15 by JT07

18. Chapter 16 by JT07

Chapter 1 by JT07

The sun shined brightly in the afternoon as Ava, Alex and Jaden made their way towards the duo’s apartment.

Ava looked exhausted as she wore white sneakers along with black jeans that stopped at her ankles and a white slit shirt with silver bracelets on her wrist. She had a tired expression on her face as she walked slumped over next to Alex, who had the same look on her face.

Alex wore a pair of black flats showing the tops of her feet along with a pair of blue jeans that stopped at her ankles. She also had on a pink and black T-shirt that had a Christian tribal design on the front and the back. She also wore a silver necklace around her neck and her blond hair was tied behind her hair and a perfectly neat ponytail.

“Ugh….The first day back and I’m already tired.” Ava stated as she looked over at her best friend who had Jaden sitting on her shoulder as she walked. “And hell half of the day we were trying to get you enrolled…Who would have thought it would have taken this damn long.” Ava whined as Jaden looked over at her and smiled.

“But look on the bright side…I got in and I even have my own books and I start classes tomorrow…Yay me!” He said playfully as Ava gave him a playful glare.

“You do realize that I missed like 3 classes because of you right?” She told him as Jaden shrugged his shoulders in response.

“I told you to go to class and that I could figure it out on my own, but noooo. You and Alex just kept saying that no we have to show you around the school and we got to make sure everything is done right.” He mocked her in response.

Alex slightly glanced down at the regular mega sitting on her shoulder as they walked and smiled a bit.

“Yea, but still you could at least thank us for getting you situated, I mean come on; the registration office is more than three times your height and I doubt you would even be able to make it up to the top of the counter.” Alex stepped in as Jaden turned his head to look up at her.

Jaden didn’t wasn’t dressed up in anything special. Just like the giant girls he walked around with, he had on something casual and comfortable. a pair of black Nike sneakers, Black jeans that fit, nothing tight and a grey plain shirt with nothing on it.

“You do realize that the entire college has regular accommodations right?” He asked sarcastically. “Not to mention that they do have a regular sized registrar’s office, just for regulars…That I could have went to by myself and took care of getting enrolled…By myself.” He added as both giantesses looked at him for a second after his response.

“Irrelevant.” Alex replied shortly.” We just wanted to make sure that everything was taken care of the right way. You probably would have fucked it up somewhere along the line.” Alex giggled as Ava smirked at the regular sitting on Alex’s shoulder.

“Yea not to mention you wouldn’t even have known where the book store was if it wasn’t for us.” Ava smiled as she held up a school issued plastic bag with the letters GRCU written in red on the front of it; with a giantess and regular sized person walking on it. “See look at your tiny books.” She giggled.

Jaden rolled his eyes as he turned his head away from her. “It’s not tiny; you’re just huge for no damn reason.” He grunted in response as Ava continued to smile at him.

“Be that as it may little guy; you like me being big don’t you….Or just taller than you.” She added as Jaden glanced back at her. “Come on…” She edged as she got closer to Alex’s shoulder smirking at the regular sitting on top of it.

“You like it when I tower over you don’t you?” Ava played around as Jaden rolled his eyes at the shorter giantess out of the two.

“Not even in the slightest” He replied playfully as he turned his head away from her again and this time came face to face with Alex, who glanced down at the regular teen sitting on her shoulder.

“Well then what about me? You know I am letting you catch a free ride on my shoulder so you can at least say something nice about me towering over you.” She hinted as she gently reached for Jaden with her right hand. Gently lacing her fingers around him and pulling him off her shoulder and in front of her face.

“Or would you rather catch a free ride somewhere else?” She winked at him as Jaden looked up at her as she smiled brightly at him. “You know you have a few options you can choose from right?” She asked him again as Ava reached up and gently snatched Jaden out of her hand and took a few steps back from her.

“Or you could just choose me as your option and I’ll let you stay wherever you wanted to.” She told him as Jaden looked up at Ava and sighed playfully.

“I swear….You two are something else.” Jaden cracked as Alex walked up towards Ava and looked down at the regular in her hands.

“Maybe, but I don’t hear any complaints from you.” She responded smartly.

“And you probably won’t.” Jaden replied smiling back up at her.

“Alright then, so I guess that means we’ll be playing a little game later before we have to go to bed tonight.” Alex stated as she walked passed Ava; who was still holding Jaden in her hands.

‘Wait…I want to join in.” Ava playfully whined as she followed behind her best friend. “You can’t just keep the little guy all to yourself you know? I want to have some fun with him to.” Ava continued on as Alex playfully glanced back at her best friend and smirked at her.

“Huh? Did you say something Ava?” She spoke.

Ava replied with a grunt as the two reached Alex’s apartment as they stopped at the front door. “Really Alex? That’s what you’re going to do?” Ava asked her as she looked down at the little regular and smirked at him.

“Alright then…If you’re not going to invite me to your little get together tonight, then I’ll just have to make sure Jaden here doesn’t get the chance to walk through the front door.” She smirked playfully as she gently began to raise the regular sized mega towards her mouth.

“Hey…Ava...What are you doing? Ava!” Jaden shouted as she slowly opened her mouth, revealing the pinkish abyss that he visited before. Her pearly whites were lined up nicely and her breath smelled cherry flavored gum that she was chewing on throughout their first day back at school after Spring Break.

“Ava wait…Can’t we talk about this?” he exclaimed as Alex turned around just in time to see Jaden hovering over Ava’s mouth.

“AVA!” Alex shouted and tried to react instantly, but Ava released the regular in her hand, dropping him in her mouth.

There wasn’t a shriek of fear coming from Jaden. More like a shout from being surprised by Ava’s antics; although he really shouldn’t be considering this is the treatment he’s been under since they got away from Ryan.

It would be a day of non-stop games to see who can get Jaden the most. Whether it would be put in either of the two mouths or in their bras, their panties, shoes, socks or anything they could think of. At this point anything was fair game to them.

He didn’t mind though considering that he knew they weren’t going to hurt him in anyway, but the surprises always seem to catch him off guard. Probably because the games that both girls like to play just started considering it’s only been a day and he’s already been under heavy fire from both giantess with massive fetishes.
As he entered Ava’s mouth his body came in contact with her tongue that immediately pinned him up against the roof of her mouth. Soaking his clothes with her saliva, she began to slowly move him around a bit; bringing from the pink roof like structure down to the underside of her tongue.

Ava closed her eyes as she played with him. She slowly sucked on his body as she reopened them to see Alex glaring at her.

Ava returned the small as she opened her mouth a bit just so Alex could see Jaden lying on her tongue as she played with him. She slowly maneuvered her tongue around him; flipping him over gently, but still showing him the power her tongue alone had over him as she gently pushed him into the side of her mouth, using her tongue to gently stroke his body for a second.

The wet slippery tongue was having its way with Jaden as he found himself pushed to the side of Ava’s mouth.

Pressed up against her molars; he could feel her tongue play mostly with his upper body, coating his face completely as she tried to work her tongue under his shirt, but the task proved a bit difficult to her since Jaden kept moving around, but not intentionally.

“Ava.” Alex called her name as Ava reopened her eyes and gave her a questionable, but innocent look.

“What?” She answered.

Alex just sighed as she placed her hand on her hip and gave her friend a stern look. “Can you not be a bitch for one second and spit him out; we do have to sort his stuff out and make sure he’s ready for tomorrow.” She groaned as she turned towards her front door and pushed it open, but not without glancing back at Ava.

“And besides I don’t want your drool all over him, that’s just gross.” Alex finished as she walked in the apartment; followed but Ava who was still lightly sucking on Jaden in her mouth; before she finally opened it and pulled him out with him drenched completely.

“Aww don’t be too jealous Alex.” Ava smirked down at Jaden who looked up at her in response. “So did you like your little trip in the tunnel of love?” She giggled at her own comment as Jaden looked down at his clothes and sighed as he looked back up at her.

“Could you at warn me next time you decide to use me as satisfying treat?” He joked with her.

“Warning? Oh don’t worry next time you’ll be prepared because you won’t have your clothes on and you’re going to understand why I call this.” She pointed at her mouth. “The tunnel of love.” She smirked. “But I think you get the idea from there little guy, besides that spot is only reserved for you.” She smiled as Alex crossed her arms and glared at the two of them.

“Can you both stop flirting now so we can get this shirt sorted out” Alex joked as Ava continued to giggle and Jaden couldn’t help but nod his head at her comment playfully.

“Fine...” Ava stated as she gently lowered her hand down to the floor allowing Jaden to hop off of her hand. “Be that way. “ She looked up at her best friend. “You’re just going to try to do something better than I just did later.” Ava said back as Jaden got off her hand and walked into his room to wash up.

“Yep.” Alex smiled wildly as she walked into her room to change into something more comfortable. “You know me so well!” She shouted from behind her as Ava followed her into her room.

“Hey are some of my clothes still in here?” She asked. “I want to get comfortable to you know?” she followed up with as she walked into her room leaving Jaden to go change in his.

Meanwhile across town in a local bar.

“Ugh….” A tall 22 year old dirty blonde sighed as her manager hovered her coworkers shoulder as to make sure they do their job. “I’m just really not in the mood for this.” She muttered as she leaned against the corner of the wall; trying to remain unseen for a few moments.

“I told you; you should have gone to sleep last night, but no you wanted to stay up and do nothing but watch TV and be on the computer all day.” A regular poked his head out of her side pocket, looking up at her.

The dirty blond glanced down at the regular that she had with her and sent him a stern glare as she gave a slight huff at his comment. “I never said I was sleepy, I just said I’m not in the mood to be at work right now; or better yet, with my manager here.” She replied as she looked back down at him. “And who told you; you could stick your head out while I’m working?” She asked him sternly.

“But you’re not working through, your standing behind a wall trying to hide from your manager for the fifth time today. “ He answered her as she continued to stare down at him. “Besides whose going to see me anyway?” He asked her as she took another deep breath.

“That’s not the point.” She answered him. “You know how my manager is about bringing regulars to work.” She retaliated.

The boy she had in her pocket looked around for a moment and then back up at her. “Well it’s hot in here, how long do we have until your manager leaves?” He asked her as the girl looked down at him and then up at the regular oversized analog clock on the wall handing over the front door of the bar.

“I’d say a couple of hours to say the least.” She replied as she looked down at him. “So you’re just going to have to deal with it. Besides I told you, you couldn’t come with me anyway.” She finished as she turned her head away from him looking back up at her manager as she scolded one of her coworkers for something.

“But Frankie…It’s kind of boring back at my place and I kind of just wanted to hang out with you.” The regular said as Frankie looked down at him.

Her bluish green eyes staring at him for a moment with him unable to read what she was about to say. She closed her eyes once more and reopened up them to glance around the bar that she currently worked at. She saw the pool tables lined up neatly at the side of the wall of both sides of the bar. Not to mention there was a door that lead to an extra addition to the bar where giantess and regulars would come in and gamble and play pool in there also.

In front of her was a dark counter that stretched quite a bit so that it would block off the back of the area to customers. She also took in the sight of the tables and chairs that were spaced out in front of the counter and noted the flat screens up along the walls for both giantess and regulars alike to sit and watch.

She sighed again as she looked back at the regular that she had with her. Now Frankie was a tall giantess; considering her height when she was a once a regular herself. She was lightly tanned and thin, slightly muscled toned with long arms and legs, with her skin siding with a white complexion. She also wore a silver lip ring on her bottom lip. She wore a pair of black Adidas sneakers with a pair of dark blue jeans and a black shirt that had an Adidas design on it.

“Tory look I can’t help that you wanted to come with me on one of my busy days, knowing that it’s going to get hot in my pocket and knowing that I can’t let you walk around until my manager leaves.” She told him as Tory looked up at her and grunted.

Tory is a regular with short black hair, light skinned with a bit of facial hair. He had light brown eyes and is about 5’8. He wore a pair of white, black and red sneakers along with a pair of tan cargo shorts with a white t-shirt. He also wore inspiration wrist bands with various sayings on them.

“Still though this is boring…Or at least this is the boring part of your shift.” He replied with a sigh as Frankie looked at him and then a wide smirk appeared on her face.

“Tell you what tiny…How about we play a little game. I still have about five hours of my shift left. So how about I put you in various places for an 1 at a time and the last hour if you make it through all that you can roam around the bar or sit with me on the countertop…Sound like fun?’ She asked him as Tory looked up at her and saw that look that she would give him when she wanted to play.

“Umm I think I’ll just go back in your pocket.” He said trying to slide back in her pocket, but he felt a two fingers reach in her pocket and grab the back of his shirt and slowly lift him out of her pocket.

She held a predatory gaze over him as he struggled against her grip, but realized how far off the ground that he was and stopped to look at her.
“Um Frankie…What are you doing?” he asked her slightly scared.

“I told you were going to play a game.” She said as she slowly slipped her right foot out of her sneaker and knelt down in front of it. “You have an hour tiny so have fun.” She said with a giggle as she released Tory into the opening of her sneaker.

Tory knew this game all too well as he fell down into the opening of her shoe and quickly got up and ran towards the front of it as he knew that Frankie wasn’t going to wait for him to get comfortable. As he ran towards the front of the shoe he felt it tilt back and lift up causing him to lose his balance and slide back down towards the heel of her shoe.

Slamming against the back wall of the shoe Tory looked up and saw Frankie giggling to herself as she let her sneaker fall back in its previous position and began to slowly raise her foot over the opening of it.

“Better run tiny.” She warned as Tory got up again and began to run towards the front of her shoe, but Frankie didn’t give him time as she quickly slipped her foot back into her Adidas knocking Tory over in the process as her toes slid past him, catching him under her arch face up.

Frankie smiled to herself as she made sure her foot was all the way in. Feeling that Tory was secure under her arch she smirked to herself as she got ready to go back out to work again. “Hope you survive down there.” She started, but stopped as she thought about what else to say to her tiny captive under her foot. “Well it wouldn’t be my fault if you didn’t.” She smiled as she walked back to the counter of the bar, stepping on a regular that kind of volunteered to be her plaything for the next five hours.

End Notes:

Hey guys I'm back

And like I promsie I'm back with "Life is Funny that Way Part 2" Wooooooo!

Just to go ahead and get some questions out the way. Yes this will be more fucked up then the last one. Yes, there will be returning characters...A few of them anyway. Yes, you will see alot of new people that you will love and hate and there will be more deaths included. This will be a long ride that I hope everyone is prepared for; I know i am....Well when I'm typing it so meh.

This is the beginnning so bare with me as it may be a slow to get things rolling, but when they do...Boy you guys are going to flip.

P.S. I will try to post a chapter or 2 a week. Keyword in that sentence is try, so again bear with me.

Chapter 2 by JT07

(At the Apartment – 8:00 P.M.)

A few hours passed since the trio got back to Alex’s and Jaden coed apartment. After the three got home, Jaden took a shower and changed into some baby blue with silver outlined basketball shorts; some white ankle socks and a black wife beater and was sitting on the living room table looking at the books and papers that Alex and Ava had laid out for him.

Ava, who had left some of her clothes in Alex room sometime before Jaden even showed up was now where a White Hello Kitty T-shirt, some black and pink pajama pants with hearts on them and some White and Pink Hello Kitty slippers with Hello Kitty’s face showing for the most part.

Ava was in the kitchen which was a few steps away from the living room cooking for the trio. She boiled rice along with some boneless chicken breast that Alex never cooked for whatever reason. She slowly cut the chicken breast into pieces and dumped them into the pot of White Rice; boiling them both together.

While Ava was cooking in the kitchen Alex sat on the sofa in front of Jaden as she helped him sort out a few things and understand what his schedule was for the remainder of the semester.

Alex had also changed attire to as she got into something a bit more comfortable. She put on her trademark white t-shirt and matched with a pair of red checkered pajamas. She was also decided to go barefoot; unlike Ava who wanted to wear her slippers.

The three relaxed and went on about their business as time passed by.

“Sooooo let’s see what you got here squirt.” Alex said as she picked up a paper from the table and looked at it for a second. “Hmm.” She hummed as she looked at the half mega’s schedule.

“I think Math is my first class I got to go to in the morning.” Jaden groaned a bit. “Great…I hate math.” He said sadly as Alex smiled down at him and put down the paper she had in her hand.

“Don’t worry about it squirt, At least it’s not College Algebra.” Alex smiled. “Now that class is a bitch.” She ended as Ava came over to the table while the food continued to cook in the kitchen.

“Besides you’re in applied Algebra, it’s nothing but the basics anyway so it’s nothing to worry about.” Ava spoke as she sat down on the couch beside her best friend. “And your first class is like at 9:30 in the morning.” Ava pointed out. “So stop complaining, what’s your next class after that?” She asked as Jaden picked up the sheet of paper with his classes on it.

Jaden looked down at the paper in front of him. “Looks like English.” He said. “At 12.” He answered her as Ava’s face lit up with delight.
“Same time as me….What class room?” She asked as Alex slightly grunted at her.

Jaden looked back down at the paper and read it for a few seconds. “Umm Room 423 in the Educational building.” He responded to her again.

Ava nearly leaped off the couch with glee as she clapped her hands together and smiled down at him. “That’s my first class of the day. So that means after your first class we can hang out for a bit and then go to class together!” She exclaimed as she looked at Alex and stuck her tongue out her. “Tough luck grumpy.” She added.

“Lucky bitch.” Alex huffed as Jaden let out a soft laugh as Alex snatched the paper from him and looked at it herself. “So what do you have after that squirt?” She asked as she looked at the rest of his schedule. “Hmmm Biology at 1:50, and then looks like a business introduction class at 3” Alex scaled the paper with her eyes until her eyes brightened up at the last class on Jaden’s list.”

“Oh Ava….” Alex smirked as Ava looked at her best friend. “Guess what class he’s got at 4:15.” Alex mouthed as she looked up at Ava, who was still standing up in front of the couch.

“…What?” She asked.

“Good old physical education with me…..and that means he gets to walk home with his roommate….So you know what that means.” Alex smirked as Jaden looked up at both Ava and Alex as he silently lowered his head and sighed.

“Again….You two are going to kill me.” He said to himself as Ava grunted at Alex about her findings and walked off into the kitchen to fix everyone’s plates.

“Tough luck, but look on the Bright side you get him for about two hours.” Alex called after her as Ava glanced back at her after the comment was made.

“….Then that just means I’ll have to make him miss a few classes now won’t I?” She replied as Alex’s jaw nearly dropped as Ava walked into the kitchen. “Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t show up for gym for a few days…I’m sure he can miss about three days max without a doctor’s note or something….So when you get lonely….Just pick you out another regular.” She ended as she was fixing the bowls of rice and boil pieces of chicken for everyone.

Alex looked at her best friend and then down at the regular who was sitting on the table looking back up at her. “Squirt…Don’t let her do anything to you before or after class ok. She’s crazy she may try to eat you or something.” Alex finished as Jaden raised an eyebrow up at her.

“You mean you aren’t” he asked sarcastically as Alex just smirked down at him.

“But you like playtime with me and besides you like my mouth more than hers.” She replied as Ava came back and sat both of their bowls downs minus Jaden’s and sat back on the couch.

“Highly doubt that. You obviously forgot whose mouth he’s been in first.” She replied as Jaden looked up at the two and then the bowls on the table as both the girls were about to continue their fun competition over Jaden with each other.

“Ummm…Ava….” Jaden called out to her, gaining the shorter giantesses attention.

“Yea little guy.” She answered turning her head away from Alex to glance at the regular sized mega sitting on the table in front of them.
“Ummm…Where’s my bowl?” He asked her as Ava gave him a wicked mischievous smile in response to his question.

“You see little guy.” She began as she turned to face the half mega sitting on the table, reaching over gently to scoop him up under her palm. “You’re going to share a bowl with me and not mean old Alex and when were done eating this…Then I’m going to eat you.” She told him as she turned to Alex smirking at her. “I’m going to use my tongue to get rid of all those useless clothes you have on and then have my way with you completely.” She taunted as Jaden looked up at her, his mouth wide open at what she was saying.

“Really Ava?” Alex stepped in as she reached over to grab Jaden from her hand. “You’re really going to taunt him like that in front of me? Look squirt, I think you should share my food with me, because there’s no telling what Ava’s been putting in her mouth.” She stated.

“The little guy?” Ava quickly responded. “That’s all that’s been in there.” Ava replied pulling him away from Alex. “Besides who wants to be around a grump puss all damn day anyway?” Ava shot back as she moved Jaden out of Alex’s reach, with both of her hands wrapped around him.

“Uh….Girls.” Jaden called out, but his cries were ignored.

Alex playfully gritted her teeth as she climbed on top of the sofa and advanced towards Ava who was now almost lying on her back. Alex crawled towards Ava until she got over her and reached for her wrist.

“No Alex….No!” Ava whined as Alex gripped her wrist and used her other hand to tickle her sides causing Ava to burst out in laughter. “No Alex stops! Hahaha! Stop!” She cried out.

“Give me the squirt and I’ll think about letting you go.” Alex responded with a mischievous smirk as Ava’s fingers slowly unraveled around Jaden’s body.

“Girls can you not use me as a play toy!” Jaden shouted. “Jesus I just want to eat!” Jaden he added as Alex successfully took Jaden away from Ava.

“Well then you can eat from my bowl squirt.”” She told him as Ava was trying to get up to retaliate, but Alex sat on top of her chest to force her back down on the couch.

“Hey! Alex! No Fair!” Ava screamed and wailed as Alex laughed at her fallen friend.

“I guess I win this one, which means the squirt is all mine.” She licked her lips and gazed at Jaden for a second as Ava continued to kick and flail.
Ava grunted a bit. “Get your fat ass off of me!’ Ava cried. “Alex!” Ava screamed again as Alex was about to say something, but something caught her attention on the TV screen.

Thank you John, I’m Angela Raven with the 9:00 news report. I’m standing in front of what used to be one of the sorority halls as GRU, also known as, Giantess & Regulars University. “She started as she stared at the camera which showed her live on television.

“Woah Ava you got to see this.” Alex said as she quickly got off her and allowed Ava to sit up and eye the TV screen along with Jaden as well.

The building formerly known as the Giantess Kappa Phi, or for short the GKP, was attacked and completely demolished and with no suspects or witnesses in the surrounding local area.” The woman on the news informed her viewers.

“Unbelievable.” Ava breathed out.

“That’s impossible that’s a giantess only sorority!” Alex exclaimed as Jaden sat in her hand, still gripped with in her fingers looking at the news just as a shocked as they were, even though he didn’t know what was going on.

As you can, the building behind me has been completely destroyed and the sorority members are nowhere to be found. It’s as if everybody just…Vanished.” She finished almost scared like as she turned her head away from the camera and looked back at the destroyed giantess sorority house that belonged to its giantess inhabitants.

It’s unbelievable to say the least.” The woman returned her face back to the camera.

There were at least 20 members associated with this sorority and they’re completely gone….” She dragged out as Ava, Alex and Jaden just stared shockingly at the TV screen.

“20 giantess…” Jaden whispered.

“Just fucking vanished.” Alex stated. “In thin air!” Alex stood up as Ava remained seated looking at the monitor.

“How’s that even possible?” Ava followed up. “That’s 20 tall girls gone….No trace…No nothing.” Ava added as Alex and Ava slowly looked at each other and then back at the TV screen here.

“What the fuck….Happened over there?” Alex asked herself as the woman on the TV screen turned her head back around towards the rubble that stood in the sorority buildings spot as debris covered the entire area.

(At the Bar across town – Around the same time)

Hours had passed and Tory had been in various places as each hour passed just like Frankie had promised him.

His first hour he was walked on relentlessly; maneuvered from the sole of her foot to the toe part of her shoes and played with consistently just to fill Frankie’s drive of amusement. She wasn’t causing him in any pain by far, but loved the thought of the endless possibilities that she had an option to.

It wasn’t long before Tory was removed from her shoe and given a slight break, due to Frankie’s kindness and stuff into her bra for some air, but that didn’t even last long as he quickly found himself pressed against the back of her ass later on as she continued her shift.

After Frankie felt it was time to really give Tory a break she made sure she took him to the bathroom and allowed him to rinse off a bit after the ordeal and after that the two sat at window seat while the bar slowly emptied itself.

The atmosphere was quiet and the news was on as a few people were still there including the employees who were all doing their own thing by this time.
Frankie sat tory on the table along with a side of wings on a plate next to him as she slowly picked one up and began to eat it. “Have fun tiny?” She asked him as she bit into her food.

Tory looked up at her and shook his head slowly for a second. “I don’t know if being trapped under you is something I would call fun.” He crossed his arms and scoffed at her.

A small giggle could be heard from above him as he looked up at Frankie as she used her free hand and gently pushed Tory over with her finger. “Don’t be like that, besides you like my games anyway.” She battled back as she took another bite of her chicken and tossed the bone to the side.
Tory couldn’t help but watch the bone as it flew back on the plate; stripped of the meat and skin that it once had as it was devoured without effort by the giantess that sat in front of him.

“Why else do you keep coming around to be my little toy?” She asked him playfully as she picked up another piece of chicken and began to take a bite of it.

Getting back to his feet and crossing his arms once again Tory responded. “I come around because I’m your friend, not your toy.” He told her as Frankie took another bite of her chicken and chewed it for a second while her eyes fell on him.

“Really?’ She replied. “Are you really going to go with that answer?” She asked him as she took another bite of her food.

“Yea, Why not? It’s the truth isn’t it?” He looked up at her as she ate. He saw her chew with each bite that she took and watched as she simply discarded her meal as if it was nothing.

“That’s not how I remember it.” She said as she leaned on her elbows a bit and looked down at the regular that stood on the table in front of her. “I remember a certain someone practically begging me to use him for my own selfish needs.” She laughed as Tory raised his eyebrow slightly as he looked up at her.

“And I remember how someone wanted to try something with me and swore she could get any regular to do it, but the problem was I’m the only regular that would let you do something without getting you into any kind of trouble, so I think we’re even on that level.” Tory spoke back as Frankie just looked at him for a second.

“Ok fair enough.” She sat back, but still kept her eyes locked on him. “But that doesn’t solve the problem that we still have now?” She smirked at him as tory raised his eyebrow in confusion at her statement.

“What problem?” He asked her back as he saw her reach her hand out towards him and gently grabs the back of his shirt and lifts him off the table.
He felt the giant fingers clasp around the neck of shirt as he was hoisted in the air and slowly brought to her smirking face.

“I’m still hungry.” She said still smirking mischievously at him. “And this food isn’t doing it for me, so how about we play one more game before I clock out today hmm.” She cooed as she slowly began to twirl him around with her fingers.” How about it Tiny? Want to be my food, not like you really have choice in the matter.” She continued to smirk as she placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin in the hand that supported the weight of her head as she continued to twirl Tory around with her free hand.

“So what do you say Tiny? You up for it?” Frankie smirk grew as she twirled him around a few times as she looked down on the table and saw that a packet of BBQ sauce was open as she looked back up at him.

“Frankie….The hell are you thinking about?” He asked somewhat concerned for his well-being.

Frankie’s smirk didn’t leave her face as she brought him closer to her smiling lips.” You know exactly what I’m talking about Tiny.” She breathed as she gently blew on him cause Tory to stiffen up a little bit as he looked up at her giant face and down towards the closed tunnel he’d become familiar with.
“Frankie…You’re not going to...” He began.

“Yep.” She cut him off as she slowly began to lower him over the BBQ sauce that she had set beside her plate. “But this time we’re going to add a little extra flavor to you.” She smiled as Tory looked down below him and saw what she meant.

“Come on Frankie, my clothes are already dirty, can’t we do this tomorrow?’ He asked her as Frankie stopped for a split second as soon as he let out his comment.

“Sooo you’re worried about getting dirty? Really? You do know my response to that right?” She asked him as Tory looked up at her and knew what was about to come next. “Either you shut up and enjoy how you are or you strip and enjoy it that way; your call.” She smiled as Tory continued to look up at her.

He took a deep breath and sighed. “You can never let me win can you?’ He replied and shook his head playfully.

“Nope.” She smirked back. “Because you like it that way; besides I already gave you something special earlier remember?” She asked him.

“Something special? Like what?’ he asked back as Frankie rolled her eyes and shook her head as well.

“Remember me stepping on you earlier? Well aren’t you like a footboy or something?” She teased as Tory grunted up at her.

“Don’t even go there.” He slightly glared at her. “You know like a lot of things so don’t just point out one.” He remarked.

“Well last time I checked you told me personally that you like.” Frankie began to count off all the things that Tory has told her. “Stepped on, walked on, under me, under my shoes, in my shoes….Do I need to go on?” She said smartly as Tory looked back at her and crossed his arms, still dangling in the air over the BBQ sauce that Frankie had set out.

“So what’s your point? You like to consider me has food just as much as I like being under you; It’s like your obsessed with eating me or something.” He stated as Frankie cocked her head to the side a bit as she looked at him.

“Obsessed? Me?” Frankie sat back and thought it for a moment and nodded her head for a second. “You damn right I am.” She replied. “It’s an obsession, so now tiny I have one question for you.” She stated as she leaned in closer, her face mere inches away from the regular she was dangling in the air in front of her.

Her stare was Predator like now as she licked her lips at the site of her regular hovered in the air over a packet of BBQ sauce; ready to be treated like a piece of meat in her mouth. She stared at her regular hungrily as he knew what was about to come as Tory as come to enjoy the treatment as well, even though he’d always come out of it with a couple of scratches and bruises.

Frankie resumed lowering the regular down slowly, still licking her lips as his body made contact with the sauce in front of her.

Tory felt the warm goo rise up over his body as Frankie dumped him in; slowly swirling him around trying to cover his body completely.

Frankie slightly moaned a bit as she slowly lifted the regular sized human from his saucy prison and slowly up to her face; watching the sauce drip from his body was a turn on for her. She loved how she coated him so he would turn out to be one of her favorite dishes. Yes one her favorite foods; something that he allowed her to consider him as, even in public places when nobody was really paying attention to them.

She loved the fact that he never argued with her when she considered him as her food; something whose only purpose was for her to consume however she wanted.

He had told her before that he was into vore as well; maybe not as much as her, but he loved the thought of her chewing on him and not caring. Treating him no better than she would a piece of gum; chewing on him as she carried on with her day and spitting him out when she was done and doing his favorite thing afterwards, which was stepping on him after she was finished. He normally wouldn’t stick to the sole of her shoes, but she didn’t care and neither did he. She would just continue stepping on him until he had enough, or the pills began to wear off and the pain was too intense for him.

She loved the power that she had though; but it wasn’t forced, sometimes it wasn’t completely willingly either, but as long as she got in the mood he would change from her friend to her toy in an instant, but most of the time her food.

And here they were again; this time with a slight twist to it as Tory dangled in the air as he watched as Frankie’s light pink lips slowly parting as they revealed the light pink cavern that almost became a second home to him; so long as Frankie remembered not to swallow him alive; or get to carried away with her chewing on him.

Frankie slowly let her tongue slither out and gently licked up the regular’s body, tasting the sauce that she had previously dipped him in.

“Mmmm…..Taste good as always.” She smiled seductively as she stuck her tongue out again and took another full lick on Tory’s front side.

Tory on the other hand; didn’t necessary protest against the mighty pink tongue that slid up his body. He loved when Frankie got playful like this. Letting her taste him and technically eat him whenever she wanted. In reality he probably wouldn’t mind if she actually swallowed him; or chewed him into bits, but he didn’t really like the fact of him dying at all so hopefully he wouldn’t have to go through that.

Frankie stuck her tongue back in her mouth savoring the BBQ flavored regular that she just licked and licked her lips again. “So how do you want me to treat this time Tiny?” She asked seductively as she watched as he was too stunned to say anything in return. She looked him over for a quick second and realized that he was getting excited as well.

“I see you’re already excited.” She said as she lifted him up to her face.

“I’m…Always…Excited…When you do that.” He said as Frankie just smiled at him and opened her mouth all the way this time.

“Shhhh…” Frankie shushed. “Food doesn’t talk…It gets eaten.” She finished as she slowly pushed Tory inside of her mouth, closing her lips behind him; sealing him in the tunnel alone with her tongue and teeth to have their way with him.

Frankie smiled at the thought of Tory inside her mouth again as she sat back against her seat. She slowly begins to maneuver the regular in her mouth. Moving him up to the roof of her mouth; then bullying him with her tongue and bringing him back down under it.

She closed her eyes as the taste hit her taste buds. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of having a person inside her mouth as she slowly sucked on him, moving him around her mouth; taking away everything that he has as she slowly opened up her mouth, showing space between her teeth and using her tongue to slide his body in-between her molars.

Tory knew Frankie’s game all too well as he fought against her tongue, but like always it was sap away his strength as it slammed him against the roof of her mouth and then slowly maneuvered him under her tongue as it gently just licked him for a minute before bringing him back up to be sucked on relentlessly.

The saliva began to build up in her mouth and was quickly swallowed as Tory saw it go down the black hole that he dare not crawl towards; unless he was ready to give up on living completely.

Suddenly he felt Frankie’s tongue began to move him to the side of her mouth , sliding him in-between her teeth as she slowly bit down; careful not to cause him any pain as she continue to repeat the process. Her teeth went up and down, slamming against Tory’s body, mostly trying to rub a certain part of it to get him even more excited.

She chewed and chewed; slowly forgetting that he wasn’t a piece of meat as her chewing became a bit reckless, but that’s how he liked it. She wanted to treat him as nothing more than something to eat on and he accepted that fate. She slowly moved him away from her teeth and back to play with her tongue as she continued slowly suck on morsel in her mouth.

The feeling inside of Tory was building up and rapidly as Frankie continued her relentless assault on him; Chewing on him as if it was the normal thing to do only to stop him when he nearly climaxed and brought him back into the middle of her mouth and played with him with her tongue some more. She knew that she could built him up quickly if she treated him less than a human in her mouth, so chewing on him was the best way, but she also like showing that she was in control and that he wouldn’t release his frustrations unless she wanted him to.

She loved the little game she played with him as she would torture him by sliding him in-between her teeth again, smacking on him, only to move him back on her tongue and slowly rubbing it all over his body.

While she continued to toy with her regular something caught her eye as she turned her head and saw the door of the bar open up and someone walking in, but it wasn’t just anybody somebody. It was somebody that Frankie knew, and probably all to way as her eyes widen at the sight of the giantess that stepped into her place of work.

Frankie felt a slight shiver go down her spine again, but this wasn’t the same shiver she felt before that was filled with lust. This was an uncomfortable feeling as she stopped her game almost immediately as the giantess that stepped in locked eyes with her almost in an instant, leaving Frankie only to mutter a few words at the thought of this situation.

“Oh shit.”

End Notes:

I apologize for the long wait, but here I am with the second chapter. Also, you will more characters come into the picture. The good and the bad. Giantesses and Regulars, all male and females...But who is who, keep reading and find out in chapter 3 who this mystery person is walking through the door lol.

Things are going to heat up real quick, real fast....Or will it. You know I'm an asshole like that lol. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Chapter 3 by JT07

Frankie bluish green eyes narrowed a bit as she saw the giantess that walked into her place of occupation, close to closing time and during her little fun session with the tiny in her mouth.

With a slight grunt she slowly opened her mouth and retrieved Tory from his closed domain and placed him on the brown table top in front of her and picked up a napkin and began to dry him off.

Tory suddenly shocked by the quick change in his scenery lifted his head up towards Frankie and saw that she had a serious look on her face; that and the fact that she didn’t say anything to him as she dried him off.

“Ummm Frankie…You ok?” He asked her as Frankie finished drying him off and balled up the napkin in her right hand and sat her elbow on the table, placing her hand against her face and letting out a small grunt.

She looked down at Tory slightly and rolled her eyes annoying. “Yea I got a visitor.” She huffed as she tried to turn her head away from the giantess that walked into the bar that looked to be a bit shorter than her.

The girl that appeared in the bar was indeed shorter than Frankie. She had brown eyes and long black hair, passing her back. Her skin was white, slightly pale. She wore a dark blue jean skirt that stopped just above her knees with a pair of black leggings and a pair of black converses that stopped at her ankles. She wore a black T-shirt with some white writing on it, but it was covered mostly by a matching blue denim jean jacket to match her skirt. To bring her outfit to a close she had her nails painted a navy blue color with a black and blue gothic like band on her right wrist.

Her head went from one end of the bar to the other as her eyes searched for the person or in this case giantess she was looking for.

It didn’t take her long to spot Frankie across the bar appearing to be sitting alone at the table by herself and as soon as she was spotted the giantess smirked to herself and made her way to the table.

“Frankie what’s up?” The Black haired giantess shouted on her way towards the table has Frankie let out an aggravating sigh and kept her head turned away from her and facing out of the giant sized window the bar had in place. “Aww come on Frankie don’t be like that.” The girl added as she slid herself into the seat right across the blue green eyed giantess.

Without another sigh Frankie forcefully turned her head towards the giantess girl in front of her.

“What do you want Kristina?” She asked annoyingly. “As a matter of fact; why the fuck are you even here?” Frankie added as Kristina gave a smug look towards her.
“Come on Frankie I thought we were friends; don’t be so emotional.” Kristina said as she leaned back against the seat she was sitting in. “And FYI; I came over to see how you were doing after the break up and everything; you know the good friend type shit.” Kristina replied as she turned her head and looked out the window as well.

“…Kristina….We broke up a month ago, I think I’m over it by now; to be honest It didn’t really even bother me, you were a shitty person and a shitty girlfriend at that, so I’ll ask again…What the fuck are you doing here in front of me?” Frankie’s tone sounding a bit more irritated then before, causing Tory to look up at her as she continued to talk to her seemingly Exgirlfriend.

“Shitty girlfriend? Bitch I practically made you.” Kristina retorted.

“Yea…” Frankie replied quickly as she leaned back and crossed her arms. “Made me waste my time; anyway aren’t you supposed to be out spreading more rumors about me or showing off your new friends or whatever.” Frankie finished as a smirk appeared across Kristina’s face as she leaned forward towards the table.

“Well that’s actually what I’m here to talk to you about.” She said as she set her elbows on the table, grasping her hands together as she leaned forward. “I just actually joined a new sorority with some pretty interesting people.” She said as she turned her head slightly and noticed something out of the corner of her eye.

“And I see you got yourself a little regular as well.” She smirked wildly as she lowered her face towards Tory who took a step back out of instant, but felt Frankie’s fingers wrap around him and pull him back towards her.

“What? I’m not going to do anything to the little guy.” Kristina said; her eyes looking up at Frankie’s irritated face. “I just want to talk to him; that’s all.” Her eyes darting back towards Tory, who hid behind Frankie’s fingers.

“I rather you didn’t.” Frankie told her.

Kristina rolled her eyes for a moment. “Ugh; Frankie chill for a minute; I think it’s actually dope that you got yourself a new friend.” Kristina said as Frankie gritted her teeth at the word “dope” that Kristina used.

“I still see you haven’t learned how to talk right.” She insulted.

Kristina looked up at Frankie and then back at the regular she was holding or rather guarding in this case. “And I see you’re still a dumb blonde; anyway Hi little guy; how’s life with Frankie…She driving you crazy yet? What’s your name little guy?” Kristina bombarded Tory with questions as he slowly looked up at Frankie, who looked back down at him.

She let out a deep sigh and released her grip.

Tory looked back at Kristina “My name’s Tory and Franke here is pretty cool, so what about you? What’s your story?” Tory asked her.

Kristina leaned back in her seat again and smiled at Tory. “The names Kristina and me and Frankie here used to date, but you know shit didn’t work out and she cheated on me and was being a bitter bitch about things.” Kristina lied as Frankie glared at her for it.

“Really? A bitter bitch…Please.” Frankie turned her head before she said anything else.

“Oh come on Frankie you know it was your entire fault why were not together.” Kristina added as she looked down at Tory. “Watch it little dude; she’ll run you off like she did me.” She told him as Tory just waved her off.

“Nah, Frankie’s not like that; she treats me pretty good anyway.” He replied confidently as he folded his arms and looked up at Kristina with a smile of his own. “She’d never really do anything to hurt me….” He began to say as he turned his head and glanced back up at Frankie. “Well yet anyway.” He laughed nervously as Frankie beamed down at him for a second before returning her gaze back up to Kristina.

“Don’t listen to Kristina Tory; she’s known to stir shit up and talk behind your back. Hell…” Frankie giggled a bit. “She’s the person that will smile in your face and throw you under the bus at the same time. “ She ended as Kristina looked back at Frankie and snorted a bit.

“Like I said little guy, a bitter bitch.” Kristina restated as Frankie looked down at her tiny for a second; locking eyes with him before slowly wrapping her fingers around him and lifting him up off the table.

‘Well if we’re done here, I’m about to leave.” Frankie finished as she got up from her seat with her tiny in her hand.

“Aww so soon, come on where you going in such a hurry?” Kristina asked her as she kept her eyes locked on Frankie. “Don’t you want to hear about the sorority I joined, I’m pretty sure someone as lame as you would want to up your status some kind of way.” Kristina added as Frankie continued to turn her back and walk away from Kristina.

“Not interested, I’m fine the way I am.” Frankie responded without looking back at Kristina.

“What about the little guy?” Kristina asked causing Frankie to stop in her tracks and slowly glance back at her, almost giving her somewhat of a glare.” We also have spots for regulars to, if he’s interested. I’m sure he’ll have a lot more fun in this little group than walking around with you all day.” Kristina smirked. “I’ll even be the one to look after him while he’s in there, so you know….He won’t get into trouble.” Kristina licked her lips as Frankie looked down at the regular in her hand and saw the look of concern in his eyes.

“So what do you say? Why don’t you ask the regular if he wants to join?” Kristina persisted.

Frankie slightly glanced back at Kristina, sending a glare her way. “I already know what you’re trying to do Kristina; that shit won’t work on me. He’s not joining any group you’re in so stop asking.” Frankie bluntly answered. “It’s funny really; you’re always trying to find some way to make me jealous and you call me a bitter bitch.” She ended as Kristina gritted her teeth a bit at Frankie’s comment.

Suddenly a dark smirk appeared on her face. “Are you sure about that Frankie?” Kristina slowly said as Frankie raised an eyebrow questionably at her sudden tone.

“With everything that’s been happening right now are you sure you don’t want him to join in a group that actually may benefit his life; Hell if you join you could be saved as well.” Kristina continued on.

Frankie turned around to completely face Kristina. “What the hell are you talking about?” She asked her as Kristina slowly lifted her left hand and began to play with her hair a bit.

“Oh? You didn’t know? Wait let me guess you didn’t pay attention to the news today did you? I’m pretty sure this run down bar you work at showed everyone the news today or were you all too drunk to realize what the fuck happened?” Kristina questioned as Frankie was left speechless as she didn’t even have the slightest clue on what Kristina was yammering about.

“Here let me lay it down for you.” Kristina started off. “The all giantess sorority on the south end of the school….Yea….it’s been wiped off the fucking map.” She bluntly stated as Frankie and Tory eyes shot open in shock at the sudden information.

“What…What do you mean wiped off the map; it’s an all giantess group, who could wipe out an entire sorority?” Tory spoke up suddenly causing Kristina to direct her eyes towards him.

“Nobody knows little guy.” She smirked. “It all happened overnight. No witnesses, no culprit, no nothing, it was a clean sweep from start to finish.” She ended as Frankie eyes narrowed at her statement for a moment.

“What about the giantess in that group? What happened to them?” She asked her.

Kristina shrugged her shoulders and stood up from the table. “Eh, Nobody knows, their gone and nobody can find them, weird huh?” She smiled as Frankie continued to hold her stare.

“So you mean to tell me that a full group of giantess just up and vanished into thin air and nobody knows what happened.” Frankie replied.

“Hey don’t look at me; this is what the news said, you know how weird shit happens around here.” Kristina answered.

“That doesn’t make any sense though.” Tory spoke from Frankie’s hand. “And why the hell are you being so casual about this; this is fucking epic, do you know what that means for you, Frankie and any other giantess around here?” Tory continued.

Frankie and Kristina eyes both fell on the regular wrapped protectively by Frankie’s fingers as he continued to speak.

“The same thing could happen to either you, but you act like you don’t care either way.” He ended as Kristina gave them another shrug with her shoulders and walked towards Frankie and lowered her head towards Tory.

“Honestly it has nothing to do with me little guy, what happened is already done, but if your that concerned for your tall giantess friend here, then you should convince her to join our little group and maybe if you’re interested she could bring you along to; I know it definitely beats hanging around Frankie here all damn day.” She giggled as Frankie glared at her again.

“Well Frankie….Still won’t take my offer.” Kristina asked her as Frankie closed her eyes for a split second and reopened them.

“We’ll pass on the offer thanks; now if you’re done I have to close up and leave.” She finished as she turned her back towards Kristina and walked towards the bar with her regular still in her hand.

“You’re not going to walk your Exgirlfriend to the door?” Kristina sarcastically asked.

“I think you can find the way out.” Frankie responded without hesitation as she walked behind the bar and into the back where employees were only allowed; leaving Kristina standing there by herself.

“Oh well…I’m pretty you’ll come around ….It just….Takes the right motivation.” Kristina snickered as she turned around and walked right out of the Bar; A nerve wrecking smile appearing across her face as she walked back into town.

Meanwhile – Back at the apartment.

Jaden looked up at the two giantesses that sat behind him as their eyes were glued on to the TV screen. He knew whatever the news just informed them was bad; but on what scale.

“A whole giantess group…..Gone.” Jaden spoke up suddenly.

“Not just whole giantess group squirt….A whole damn sorority. “Alex spoke up after him. “20 giantesses gone….All the face of the earth…Just like that.” Alex finished as she still looked at the screen in front of them.

“I know….I can’t believe that something like this would happen.” Ava followed as Jaden looked back and forth between the two giantesses.

“Ok….I know that this is bad and all; but was this a major sorority or something?” Both girls looked down at him for a split second. “I mean it’s all over the news; but you two talk like they were the top sorority or something.” He finished as he looked back up at the two giantesses staring down at him.

Ava leaned back on the sofa crossing her arms. “Not just a top sorority, but a very popular and active one. Basically a top five favorite throughout the entire university.” She finished.

“No arguments here Ava.” Alex stepped in as she looked down at Jaden who was still standing on the table. “They basically handled a lot around the university; whether it was charity work to using the school finances to help either built on to the school; adding extra classes and stuff like that or just make something useful; giving the extra space around campus that giantess and regulars can use.” She explained as she looked over towards Ava, who nodded her head.

“Not only that.” Ava began to add. “This was one of the few sororities’ that actually founded the whole accommodation thing you see around you.” Ava pointed out.
Jaden raised a quick eyebrow at Ava. “Wait I thought that Ryan and the government did all that?” He stopped her.

Ava shook her head. “No; not entirely, they eventually got into the whole project; probably giving the illusion that it’s ok to live here and stuff; which it actually is now that Ryan has….Um…Calmed down so to speak.” Ava titled her head towards Alex, who ignored her notion. “But it was mainly that sorority that started the whole building process here.” Ava ended as Alex sat down on the couched, her elbows on her knees and her hands holding up her head.

“Wow….All that huh?” Jaden said as he turned his back towards the TV Screen as it showed the sorority flaring up in flames as it burned slowly to the ground. “Then if they were doing all that; then who would want to do something like this to them; especially if that group was so important to this hell on earth community.” Jaden wondered.

“Hey we have a mall little guy!” Ava exclaimed. “It’s not hell as long as you have a mall.” She smiled, but then realized it was probably too early for a joke as Alex looked over at for a second and then back down at Jaden.

“Honestly squirt I can’t tell you; especially if that person had the tools to do all that.” She pointed at the screen. “Whoever did it made 20 giantesses disappear without a trace; no clothing or anything?” Alex stated as Ava folded up her knees on to the couch wrapping her arms around them.

“Do you think the university is going to be closed tomorrow for an investigation or something?” She asked her best friend.

Alex shook her head negativity.” I doubt it; they’ll probably want us all there so they can question all the giantess and regulars who go there; just to see if they can find any leads.” Alex answered.

“But would anyone speak up.” Jaden asked; catching the blonde’s attention. “Like it’s not like they’re going to up and say “Oh I saw what happened, I’ll tell you everything.” Jaden pointed out. “If whoever did this took out 20 giantess without anyone knowing then what the hell do you think would happen to the students if they decide to speak up?” He asked them as both Alex and Ava looked at each other for a moment; pondering his statement.

With a deep sigh Ava gripped her knees tighter as she began to speak. “Maybe it’s just best if we drop this whole thing and see what happens tomorrow; I mean the school is going to be depressing as it is with all this going on.“

“Yea no kidding.” Alex replied as she stood up from the couch and looked down at Jaden as well. “Look I got an early class in the morning and so far I don’t have any text or call about school being cancelled so I think I’m going to go ahead and go to bed.” She said. “And squirt you’d probably want to go to bed to; I have to leave earlier than you do so you better get some rest….It may be a long walk.” Alex smirked as she walked off from the couch and headed towards her room.

“Wait….Wait a minute; you not going to at least drop me off?” He yelled at her.

“Nope, I can’t; I have a test that first class so I can’t be trying to wake you up if I want to get there on time.” Alex responded as Jaden sat back down and rolled his eyes at the tall blond giantess.

“Men, I can make it on my own.” He said confidently.

“Ok good then.” She yawned. “Night you two; Ava are you staying here or going home?” Alex asked as Ava quickly lay out on the sofa.

“I’m not going out there; I’ll be fine right here.” She said as Jaden stood up as well.

“Well I guess I’ll go to bed to; first day of school tomorrow and it’s already shit happening. “ He stated as he let out a deep breath. “I got a feeling it’s going to be a long day.”

“Yea it is….” Ava replied.” I think we all need to get some sleep; we’re going to need it.” She finished as she extended her hands towards Jaden; allowing him to step on to it so she could let him down on the carpet.

“Yea we are.” Alex said. “Alright….Goodnight you two….Sweet dreams.” She said as she walked into her room; leaving Jaden to walk to his and Ava to sleep on the couch that she so happily pulled out.

“Night!” They both replied as the three got situated in their own space and drifted off into a good night sleep; not knowing what was waiting them or the school the next day.

End Notes:

Sorry it took so long; trying to get a new computer and stuff so I can update a bit more. My labtop is slow and irritating; so It's hell trying to type on this thing. But I can say that I am happy I updated this story and will continue it. Again sorry it took so long....This is a just a fill up chapter; building up to what's really going.....But you know I won't reveal that secret so early, now will I lol. Hope this catches your attention as I know the following chapters to come.

Happy reading.

Chapter 4 by JT07

Not much time has passed since Kristina saw Frankie at her place of occupation. In fact only a good 30 to 45 minutes have passed as Kristina walked down the giantess path of the street that led to her home.

As she walked, she had a curious smile on her face as Frankie entered her mind, but not just Frankie, but the regular that she had with her. Kristina curious smile turned into her a smirk as thoughts entered her mind about what she could possibly do to the little regular that accompanied her Exgirlfriend.

Her brown eyes seemed a bit mischievous as the thoughts poured into her mind.

“Sooo you think that you can just get over me without a second thought huh?” Her mind raced as an image of Frankie appeared in her head again. “Throw me to the side and that’s it, nah you got all wrong Frankie.” Her thoughts processed as her Black converses made contact with the reinforced pavement below her.

She walked casually; not really paying attention to anything that may have gotten in her path; simply because there wasn’t supposed to be any regulars walking along the giantess path anyway, unless they were with a giantess themselves.

The night sky was a beautiful one as the Full Moon shined down upon the streets as few people were out and about; regulars and giantess alike. There was no wind blowing, but the temperature was just right for anybody who just wanted a beautiful night out to sit under the moon and star gaze or something.

“Still though, it’s not fair.” Kristina said out loud as she spoke to herself. “She is supposed to be miserable after our break-up. I mean I sent her pictures and everything about the people I’m with, why isn’t she upset?” She slightly growled as the image of Tory entered her mind again. Her smirk grew wider at the thought of the regular entering her head as she placed a finger against a chin and thought for a moment. “I bet it’s him….It’s got to be.” She spoke again; slightly licking her lips.

“I bet if I take him away from her, then she’ll be just as miserable as she made me.” She said out loud to herself like it was genius plan that she just came up with. “It’s so dope that I can come up with things like this; I mean come on…Who would want to be with that tall bitch anyway.” She slightly giggled at her own joke.

As she continued to walk down the path, making a couple of turns and cutting a couple of corners her giant phone that was placed in her pocket began to vibrate.

Being that her phone was huge compared to a regular sized human; modifications were made so that when it did ring or vibrated it wouldn’t cause any disruption or damage to the regulars or area around it. Such as hurting their ears or cause any minor quakes due to the heavy vibration their giant like phones could cause, if left in a generic state.

Kristina calmly reached into her pocket; knocked back into reality after visualizing what to do about Frankie and her regular friend that she has with her and looked at the screen on her phone. Her smirk turned into a bright smile as she quickly slid her finger across the screen to answer the phone.

“Hello.” She answered excitedly. “Where the hell have you been, I thought you weren’t going to call for another hour or so?” She asked suddenly as she paused for a minute; receiving the message on the other end of the line.

“Oh ok cool; is everything alright? I mean can we still do it?” She asked the person she was talking to on the other end.

She slightly shook her head as if the person could actually see her “No nobody asked me anything. To be honest they probably don’t know, but eh fuck them, they should have listened so it’s their fault that this is about to happen to them.” She replied.

“Huh? Oh yea I ran into her, I tried to get her back in, but she said in her own words “I’m not interested, I’m fine the way I am.” Kristina mocked in her Frankie whining voice. “Lame bitches I swear; stupid people just don’t understand.” Kristina finished as the person on the end of the receiver began to speak.

A moment passed as Kristina seemed like she was listening intently to what the other person was saying on the phone as she casually began to walk pass a park nearby with a group of regulars college boys playing a three on three game of basketball.

Kristina saw this and decided to stop and watch as she continued to talk on the phone. “I know right; but she just doesn’t get it, I told you she’s a tad bit slow, but whatevs” She concluded as the voice on the other end of the receiver spoke for a few seconds. “You want her to….Well, alright then I don’t have any problems with that, but we have to take the regular she has with her first; he’s cute enough to eat you know.” A sinister smile forming across her lips as she said that last statement.

Her eyes fixated on the street basketball game going on in front of her as she licked her lips.

“Come to think of it I am hungry.” She thought as she continued to watch the game and listen on the phone.

“Ugh…” She sighed. “You know sometimes you can be a real headache you know that, but fine we will try one more time to get her in and if she doesn’t join, then….Let me tell her what happens to her next, she’s mine got it.” She beamed up as she took the phone off her ear and slightly glared at it for a split second. “Frankie is mine and always will be, just like everything else she has…There all mine, so if she doesn’t agree then….You know.” She finished as she placed the phone back up to her ear.

“So…” She paused. “What are you going to do about the others? Are they going to go through what happened to everybody else if they don’t join?” She asked, but nodded her head when she got a brief answer. “Alright and what about the special regular you were telling me about?” She asked again.

“Gotcha….Alright then, well let’s see how this works out. I’ll be at school tomorrow so we can chat with the others about what’s going on, you gone on to bed….Me…I’m about to catch me a late night snack.” She licked her lips again as she eyed the basketball court of the six regulars that were playing.

“Yea you to, good night.” She slid her finger over the phone hanging it up in the process. “And I think I just found the people who can help me out with that.” She ended as she slid her phone back into her pocket and casually walked up to the basketball court.

“Oh boys!” she called out seductively as she made her way towards them, her eyes hiding the thoughts that she was having in her mind.

-Back at the Bar-

Frankie took a deep breath as she stepped out the bar with her regular sitting on her shoulder. Her mind still going back to Kristina who had left the bar not too long ago.

“You alright.” Tory asked as he looked up at her curiously. “You been kind of upset ever since your friend showed up an….”

“She is not my friend.” Frankie quickly snapped as she slightly glared at the regular on her shoulder. “Trust me, you would be better off not getting involve with that girl.” She huffed as she lightly stomped down the giantess path opposite of the way Kristina had walked previously.

“Is she really that bad though?” Tory kept his eyes on Frankie as she kept hers ahead of her. “I mean she did seem kind of off, but you know is she really that bad of a person?” He added.

Frankie didn’t even bother to turn her head in his direction as she continued to walk. “She’s a liar tiny, a straight fucking liar; everything she says is nothing more than a trick or something to get you to either feel bad for her; get upset or to get something out of you.” She ended as her eyes slightly glanced down at him.

“You seem like you like her or something.” She stated as a shock looked came across his face. “Well do you want to go with her; if so you can leave if you want, I’m not stopping you.” She added harshly as Tory’s face showed his reaction as he looked down at the ground as she walked.

“That wasn’t what I meant, but damn you would just let me go like that?” He replied.

“You know I wouldn’t lie to you so yea I would if that’s what you want.” She simply replied as she casually walked through the giantess streets.

“Still though that kind of hurt.” He looked back up at her, leaning back on her shoulder a bit, using his arms as support.

“You know I don’t care about hurting people’s feelings.” She replied. “I say what I have to say and that’s it; and that goes for you to. I’m a truth teller, I tell the truth.” She ended.

“But still though….Damn.” He groaned as he saw a hand come up and gently used her finger to pet his head for a split second.

“Don’t worry tiny, you’ll be fine.” She smiled a bit as she turned a corner and continued to walked down a long street with a lot of shopping stores were located.

Silence fell between the two for a moment as she walked. Tory going along for the ride as he knew she was taking him back to his dorm room on campus.

The night air was cool and the stars shined brightly across the sky. The city lights were still on as people were going in and out of stores; with a few shops closing down for the night.

As tory didn’t want to stay silent any longer; he decided to speak. “So…What happened? I mean between you two.” He asked his giantess friend. “I mean she said that you left her and stuff; Sooo…”

“She was lying….” Frankie quickly answered as she continued to step casually on to the pavement. “Our relationship really wasn’t anything special; it didn’t last long and for the record she left me. I didn’t do anything to her, she was the one that was outgoing and trying to do extra shit to draw attention to herself. “Frankie explained simply without a hint of malice in her voice. “But it’s like I told her, I’m over it. Shit happens and I move on.” She ended as Tory yawned for a bit and leaned against the base of her neck for support.

“So all that was just a show to make you look like a sad bitch huh?” He responded.

“Basically, same shit different day.” Frankie answered back. “But it’s funny how she goes out of her way to try and show off in front of a group of people or send me pictures of the person she’s talking to, like I really give a damn about all that.” She added with a little bit of force.

“Sounds like somebody misses you.” Tory replied back in response.

“Sounds like somebody needs to find something to do with herself, because I’m not into all that.” Frankie finished as she stopped walking for a moment and waited as she came to a giant light that turned red.

Below her on the street were a group of regulars on both ends of the streets walking across the giantess path as their light had turned green.

Frankie looked down at the group of people and crossed her arms as she waited. “So what is making you ask me all these questions?” She asked out of nowhere.

Tory just shrugged as he continued to lay against the base of her neck. “Just wanted to know more about your personally life. I am your friend you know.” He sighed playfully.

“Maybe in your mind you are.” Frankie countered. “But in mind my mind you’re my little play thing.” She smirked as she felt him make himself comfortable against her neck and come back with his own comment.

“Uh huh so you say, but you spend a lot of time with this plaything, so I think I up’d my status quite a bit with you. So therefore I am your friend.” His comeback statement.

Frankie slightly rolled her eyes as the regulars finished crossing the street and she continued her walk back to the campus dorms. “As if, you’re hardly worth my time.” She smirked playfully, not that Tory could see anyway.

“Surrrreee I’m not, so why’d you let me come with you to work, knowing that you could have gotten in serious trouble if your boss found me?” He caught her with his comeback question.

“Well…..” She thought for a split second. “I needed something to do just in case I got bored and that’s what happened. I got bored; so I stepped on you for a few hours.” She ended.

“Nice save.” Tory smiled. “Next time you’ll tell me you’re using me for chewing gum because you needed some flavor in your mouth.” He joked as Frankie slightly growled at him for his comment, but another smirk on her face as another thought entered her head.

“You know I could just chew on you now and you couldn’t do anything to stop me.” She pointed out as Tory just shrugged his shoulders at her, causing her to be able to feel his movements against her neck as he relaxed comfortably. “You know I would probably forget that you’re not food and send you down to my stomach in pieces.” She stated trying to gain the upper hand against him.

“Probably wouldn’t be a bad way to go if it was by you.” Tory let out, him sending her a smirk of his own. “Besides who wouldn’t want to be food to someone beautiful as you.” He slipped in as Frankie rolled her eyes again.

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” She answered back as her foot landed on the campus grounds and she made her way passed a few buildings to the male dorm rooms.

“It got me everywhere else.” Tory replied quickly as Frankie lifted up her hand and gently poked him with her right index finger.

“You’re going to find yourself under my shoe if you don’t watch it.” She played along as Tory did what he always did and accepted her challenge.

“I’m not worried you wouldn’t do any real damage to me anyway.” He confidently replied, showing her that he wasn’t scared of her at all.

“Oh really? So you don’t think I would crush and or eat you?” She asked him curiously as one of her eyebrows raised at his statement.

“Nope I honestly don’t believe you would kill me in any kind of way Frankie; I just don’t see it in you. “ He said looking up at her as Frankie stopped in mid step as he finished his sentence, but unnoticed by him the expression on her face.

“I honestly don’t think you could kill anyone, you’re too cool for that. To be truthful I like you that, you may play around a bit, but you wouldn’t do anything to really hurt me right?” Tory asked as he began to feel uncomfortable after he heard nothing in response.

“Frankie?” Tory called out slowly “Frankie…Hello! Frankie!” He yelled up at her as the tall giantess blinked for a minute as she slowly raised her left hand towards her right shoulder and slowly wrapped her fingers around him, slowly raising him up to her face.

“Ummm Frankie…..You ok?” He asked her, starting to feel a bit nervous at her change of behavior. “You’re not going to do what I think you are….Are you?” He began to feel afraid as he didn’t get a reply from his giantess friend.

Instead he got something else. “You know….Sometimes I just get this urge to crush you when you’re under my shoe, or inside it. I just want to put as much pressure as I can on top you and feel you go…..Splat.” she ended in a baby like voice. “But I think you’ll like that too much, so how about I just eat you.” She added as Tory began to shake a bit, his eyes widening in fear.

“I’ll put you in my mouth and who knows…I may bite off an arm or two….Or maybe even a leg. I may let you bleed out a bit before I just decide to swallow whatever is left of you.” She said as she brought him closer to her face; opening her mouth right in front of him so he could see the dark abyss that awaited him, if he was ever thrown in.

Her white teeth quickly caught his attention as she quickly bit down missing him by a couple of inches as he nearly pissed on himself as her top made contact with her bottom ones. “What do you say tiny? Want to find out how food really feels when it goes into my mouth….Not like you have a choice in them matter.” She said as she opened up her mouth again, but quickly closed it as another thought entered her mind.

“I think I have a better idea. I always wanted to try this on somebody and since you’re here, well not for too much longer I guess I can try it on you.” She finished as she opened her mouth a bit, separating her teeth slightly.

“Wait Frankie….What the hell are you going to do?” Tory yelled as Frankie slowly moved Tory’s body towards her mouth.

“Frankie!” Tory yelled up at her, but it fell on death ears as she stopped just enough to make sure his head was directly on her teeth and began to lower her top teeth slowly, giving Tory a full view of what was about to crush his skull.

“FRANKIE WHAT THE FUCK! LET ME GO! FRANKIE!” Tory yelled as he tried to kick and flair in his captor’s hand, but she obviously had strength over him and his limbs were barely moving as he was fighting for his life.

Her teeth continue to come down slowly as Tory quickly closed his eyes and turned his head to the side; not wanting to see what was about to claim his life in the next few seconds, but suddenly those seconds seemed to be getting longer as Tory waited for Frankie’s white boulders to crush his head into paste, but to his surprise nothing came.

Tory quickly opened his eyes; highly confused at what was transpiring. “Huh? I’m not dead….” He breathed slowly as all the frantic and shaking and fighting against his captor’s clutches took a lot of energy out of him.

Suddenly the hand that held on to him removed him from her mouth and brought him back up to her smiling face.

“I win.” She smiled happily.

“Huh?” He replied; still confused at what the hell just happened.

“I…Win.” She repeated slowly. “That’s what you get for being all mighty and confident.” She smiled at him. “You never know what I might do to you.” She ended with a slight giggle that escape her mouth.

Tory looked up at the giant face in front of him as she laughed. Clearly now frustrated as his face began to scrunch up into an angry one. “Frankie what the fuck! Don’t play like that! You had me scared shitless!” He yelled up at her causing her to laugh a bit more.

“I know hahaha you damn near pissed on yourself.” She added as Tory slightly growled at her, turning his head away like an angry child.

“Aww don’t be like that; you know I wouldn’t hurt my little friend.” She assured playfully as Tory slightly glared back up at her.

“Oh so now I’m your friend.” He huffed.

“You’ve always been my friend.” She replied back.

“Hmph bullshit.” Tory stated angrily as Frankie laughed at him again.

“Oh calm down; you know I was just playing.” She said as she slowly knelt down to the ground, opening her palm so he could walk back the rest of the way. “You know you like it, so you have no reason to be mad, beside it’s not like you haven’t been in my mouth before.” She reminded him, but he was ready for something like that.

“Yea, but you weren’t trying to bite my damn head off.” He pointed out as Frankie playfully rolled her eyes at his tiny shouts.

“Details, details.” She answered him back. “You’re still alive aren’t you?” She asked him as she looked down at him; her figure towering over him just like it always did, not that he minded.

“That’s not the point.” He slightly whined as Frankie smirked at him.

“Well maybe next time you’ll put up a better fight, but I have to get home and go to bed. It’s going to be a big day tomorrow, especially with everything that’s happened.” She said; her face now straightening up into a serious one.

“Yeah…It’s going to be a sad day tomorrow. People were actually real close friends with the giantess in that sorority.” He chimed in, thinking about everything that Kristina had told them at the bar. “Hey Frankie.” He called out to her as Frankie looked down at the regular in-between her shoes.

“Yea, what’s up tiny?” She answered back.

“Be careful going home ok? Kristina may be a liar, but what happened on the news is real. I don’t want you disappearing either.” He told her truthfully as Frankie looked down at him for a short moment before replying.

“Aww.” She said as she slowly knelt down and used her finger to pat his head a bit. “Look who’s worried about me.” She said as she stood back up, but keeping her eyes locked on him.

“I’m serious, we don’t know what happened to those giantess, just go straight home and text me when you get there.” He said as he stared boldly at her, with his arms cross. “I mean it.” He finished as Frankie slightly shook her head from side to side and smiled at him.

“Alright calm down, I’ll text you when I get home.” She said as she slowly lifted up her foot as she backed up to turn around. “And don’t worry too much I’ll be fine.” She waved at him as she lifted up her legs stepped down on the pavement and made her way off of campus grounds.

Tory stood there and watched as his tall giantess friend made her way back to her own place. He sighed as he thought about what she almost did to him just a few moments ago, but quickly shook his head at her antics.

“I swear she is going to kill me one of these days….And the fucked up thing about it is she probably wouldn’t even care.” He shook his head again as he turned his back to her walking off and made his way towards his dorm room.

“Still though.” He thought. “I wonder what’s going to happen at school tomorrow.”

End Notes:

Guess who's back! Back Again! JT's Back! Tell a friend! Guess who's Back, Guess Who's Back, Guess Who's Back Da dun da dun da dun da dun....Alright I'll stop, but yep I'm back ladies and gents. I got a new computer and I'm ready to pick up where I left off. I have a lot of ground to cover so the chapters will come when I get them up, but it shouldn't be a months long wait. So I hope you guys are actually enjoying how things are molding up so far.

I'm still exhausted from work and other things, but i'll type little by little throughout the week and put it all together and post it up on here, don't worry it won't be some half ass shit I just threw together. I'm really trying to focus on everyone's character development and stuff so bare with me as this story is made to be longer than the first, but again I hope you guys are enjoying it and oh yea.


Chapter 5 Rewritten by JT07
Author's Notes:

I decided to rewrite this chapter, simply because the last one didn't sit well with me upon reading it. It's my fault for uploading it, but I guess I was excited about it until I went back and read it. So I've completely rewritten the chapter and hope its better than the last one I wrote.

The sun shined through the large house sized windows of Kristina’s bedroom. The light emulated off her face as her room lit up with a blissful morning.

Her eyes blinked a few times as her body began to stir. She slowly rolled over on to her side as a small smile appeared on her face as she saw a black cloth like bag that sat on her wooden night stand. She slowly sat up stretched a bit as she sat on the edge of the bed; her eyes still fixed on the cloth like bad that was tied up completely at the end of it.

She stretched again. “Hmmm that was a good sleep.” She said to herself as her eyes fell back down upon the bag again. “I hope you guy’s slept good cause I know I slept like a rock.” She said as she stood up from her bed. “I’m about to go get ready for class; you little guys sit tight until I come back; who knows maybe we can talk a bit before I pass you off.” She smirked as she walked off towards her bathroom.

Meanwhile inside the black cloth bag; four boys were trapped inside pondering over their situation or in this case becoming extremely nervous about what could possibly happen to them and why they were kidnapped in the first place.

“Man this fucking sucks.” One of the boys said out loud. “Why the hell did that tall bitch just up and snatch us up like that?” He questioned as he paced back and forth in a straight line ranting and raving. “Like she literary fucking kidnapped us and we don’t know where the fuck we are!” He screamed as he continued to pace.

This regular was an average regular that stood at the height of 6’1. He had dirty blond hair and blue eyes. His white skin appeared healthy and was averagely built; nothing bulky, but it was known that he wasn’t scared to hit the gym if he needed to.

He marched back and forth with his Black and Gold high top Nike’s with his matching school issued University shorts with a lightning bolt on the side. He also wore a simple white tank top to close off his entire basketball playing outfit.

“I can’t believe this shit man; kidnapped by a fucking bitch while playing basketball to get ready for the game tonight.” Tyler bellowed as he finally found a spot to sit in and slumped against the cloth like wall with his arms crossed. “Of all the stupid shit that goes on this world; this is the stupidest.” He ended.

Tyler was beyond angry as his eyes lowered into a glare that would be given to anyone at this moment and time; which found their target as he heard one of his teammates let out an irritating sigh towards his ranting.

‘Calm down Tyler.” The boy said calmly as he was leaning against the cloth as well with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. “We’re all a bit pissed off about what happened last night, but you walking back and forth whining in front of us isn’t going to help.” He stated as he slowly opened up his hazel like eyes and looked at Tyler. “Save all that energy you have built just in case we have to make a run for it later or something.” He finished as Tyler’s glare darkened for a second.

“Alright then Derrick, so what do you suppose we do then? Just sit here and wait to find out what the hell that giant bitch is going to do to us!” He stood up as he shouted at him.

“You have any better ideas?” Derrick replied as Tyler was about to say something in his response, but Derrick cut him off.” That doesn’t involve us pissing her off and getting killed; if so I think we all would love to hear it.” He finished as Tyler and Derrick locked eyes for a moment; both glaring at each other as Tyler looked for a comeback of some kind, but seconds continued to pass as he gave Derrick a quick snort and returned to his seating position.

“Hmph whatever do what the fuck you want.” He replied as Derrick just closed his eyes again at his response.

Derrick was a dark skinned ball player for the university that Tyler and he attended. He was a few inches shorter than Tyler, but built in the same fashion. He had short black hair, Hazel eyes and a few Tattoos on various parts of his arms. He wore a Black Adidas T-shirt along with some black and white shorts that he owned. He also had on some white socks that stopped at his calf muscle with Black and White Adidas to match his shirt.

“He’s right Tyler.” Another voice decided to speak up. “We’re all upset, but what can we really do at this point?” He boy asked him. “You’ve heard about some of the other giantess accidents that have happened around here, do you really want to piss a giant girl off; especially if you can’t do anything to stop her?” He asked again as Tyler’s eyes quickly locked on to him as he talked.

“Aaron don’t feed into it.” Derrick spoke up suddenly, immediately catching Aaron’s attention. “Tyler is single minded and hot-headed, he’s only going to listen to his reasoning’s and his alone; if he wants to piss off the girl that just walked off with us without a care in the world, just make sure you’re nowhere around him when he does it.” Derrick ended as Tyler’s eyes quickly diverted back to Derrick.

“Derrick shut the fuck up; you sound like some washed up Huey off the Boondocks, Jesus dude you’re so corny when you try and act all cool when we both know you’re scared shitless.” Tyler shot back.

“I never said I wasn’t scared.” Derrick responded quickly, his eyes now open and glaring at Tyler. “I’m just trying to stay calm in a situation like this; so just sit there and keep your bitching to yourself while we try and wait this out.”

Tyler growled slightly at Derrick for a second as he was about to stand up, but Aaron intervened.

“Guys! Guys!” Aaron shouted. “Come on it may not be that bad, who knows she may not do anything to us and it was all just for fun.” Aaron stated as he brought the idea to the table.

Derrick just slightly smiled at Aaron’s statement. “You’re one positive thinker dude, I’ll give you that.”

“I think you just need to sit down and shut the fuck up and let the grown men think.” Tyler replied as Aaron actually felt hurt a bit by the comment.

“I…I just…”

“Pipe down Pipsqueak.” Tyler added. “The biggest push over out of the group here doesn’t really need to talk, just be quiet and sit in the corner somewhere.” Tyler told him as Aaron didn’t reply to his comment. He just stood there as he slowly sat down, ignoring the eyes that were on him at the time.

Now Aaron was indeed the smallest out of the group, not to mention the youngest. Standing about 5’6 and at the age of 18, while the others were around 20-23. Aaron didn’t weigh all that much and he wasn’t necessarily built like the other two; nor did he look all that athletic. He wore Beige cargo shorts with a Dark Brown polo shirt with matching Brown, White and Black Ralph Lauren polo shoes.

He also had a small necklace around his neck with a cross pendant on the end of it and a brown scarf hanging out of his back pocket; he wasn’t gang related, but that just something that he did.

“I just trying to help….” Aaron muttered, but it was loud enough for Tyler to hear.

“Well help by being quiet, shit just stop talking.” Tyler added as Aaron was slightly taken back again by Tyler’s outburst and decided to stay quiet.

‘Lay off him Tyler.” Derrick stepped up, this time his eyes glaring at Tyler. “Don’t take out your frustrations on him because you don’t know what to do; if anything talk to the giant girl when she comes back, I’m sure you’ll have a lot to say then….You always do when you feel like you can talk to people smaller than you.” Derrick said as he walked beside Aaron.

“Hmph fuck you Derrick.” Tyler spat as he turned his head away, avoiding his glare and decided to leave the matter where it is.

On the other side of the bag they heard laughter from another boy as he walked up to them.

“Boy I swear, all this bitching and moaning over nothing.” The boy stated as he looked back and forth between Derrick and Tyler. “I mean come on, nothing happened to us yet; plus if she wanted to hurt us, don’t you think she would have did that already? Seriously stop bitching and just go with the flow, and stop being scared of a female.” He ended off as he looked down at Aaron and smirked.

“We already know one of us is still a virgin; I just hope the rest of you pussies aren’t scared of the real thing when she decides to give it to us.” He smiled at his own comment as Derrick just shook head at his stupidity.

“Damn Eric….And hear I thought I was going to get through the day without you saying anything; Sigh, Well guess we can try again tomorrow.” Derrick remarked as Eric simply shrugged off his comment.

Eric was the tallest out the group; a few inches taller than Tyler. A bit of an arrogant asshole in some people’s eyes, but that’s everybody when you get down to it. He was the tallest starter on the team as he stood there facing the other three boys. He had Dark Brown hair and eyes to match; like the others around him though he wore lose clothing. A regular white Nike T-shirt and Black shorts with matching Nike new balance shoes.

“Anyway; I think this is going to be fun for us.” Eric stated as he crossed his arms and looked up at the entrance of the bag that was obviously closed shut. “I mean some hot giant girl just took us away last night; you know she’s going to want to play with us a bit, so I’m game.” He nodded at his own statement. “Pussy before a game, there’s no better motivation.” Eric finished.

“Only you would think so.” Derrick responded.

“Yea the guy is going through a dry season.” Tyler snickered as Eric slightly glared at him.

“The fuck ever, yo boy Eric get plenty of girls.” Eric smirked at his own comment as everyone else ignored the blatant ignorance resulting in his statement.

Silence fell upon on the group as everyone decided to stay to themselves for the time being; being that there was nowhere to go and nothing to do. As they waited it seemed like hours passed as the bag slightly began to move; catching the attention of the boys as they all looked up at the closed exit of the bag as it began to open.

The four watched as light poured into the bag; shielding their eyes as the bag was opened up all the way revealing the enormous female that kidnapped them the night before….Kristina.

Kristina’s long black hair swayed a bit as her brown eyes fixated on the four minuscule like regulars that stood before her. Her face showed a contented smile as she lifted up on hand and rested her cheek on the palm of it.

“Sup guys.” She exclaimed jubilantly. “How’s it going; hope you guys weren’t too uncomfortable in there.” Her bright brown eyes flickering a bit as she spoke.

The four boys examined her for a second, neither them saying a word as they were unsure on what would happen next; not to mention what their next move would be if the conversation went south.

“Um….Hi.” Aaron was the first to greet her; his nervousness clearly showing as Kristina eyes blinked a bit as she brought her gaze down towards him.

“Well hey there little guy!” She giggled a bit. “Glad to see that one of you actually had the balls to step on and say something.” She playfully added as she slightly cocked her head to the side as she eyed the boys in the bag.

“Well…Yea, you know it’s kind of hard to come up with something to say to someone that kidnapped you in the middle of the night.” Aaron shuttered as he said as he closed his eyes for a moment, thinking that the girl above was going to go from sweet to malicious in under a few seconds.

“Kidnapped?” She pondered over the word for a bit as she blinked a few more times innocently. “I don’t think that’s the right word to use for this situation you’re in. “she stared down at them, her innocent radiant look unchanging as Aaron looked back up at her and sighed at her response.

“But, really though; let’s not even talk about that, I’ll let you go when we get to school I just wanted to get to know you guys a little better that’s all.” She winked as Aaron and the rest of the boys returned her comment with a glazed looked on their face.

“So what you’re saying is that you just took us from the court last night because you wanted to talk to us?” Derrick spoke up as he slightly glared at Kristina as she directed her eyes towards him. “So you couldn’t have just talked to us like any other normal girl or giantess, you just had to take us?” Derrick questioned as Kristina bright radiant innocent smile, slightly turned into a smirk.

“Well, well, well looks like another one of cuties decided to speak up.” She pointed out as she continued to smirk at Derrick. “Although it seems like that someone may be a bit too smart for their own good.” She added on as Derrick slightly gritted his teeth at the monstrous giantess that observed them.

“So what the fuck do you plan on doing with us then?” Tyler spat out loudly; causing Kristina’s attention to divert to Tyler as she was about to say something but Eric spoke up before she could.

“Dude I told you man she’s going to have her way with us for a bit, don’t be rude to her.” Eric told him slightly ecstatic about the situation and the beautiful sight of Kristina’s face right in front of them. “Just take whatever she gives us and don’t bitch alright.” He smile wildly as he looked back up at Kristina’s face, which was showing a bit of discomfort after Eric’s comment.

Kristina gave him a weird look as silence fell upon them for a split second before she let out a slight cough. “Well….Um…That’s not.”

“Dude you’re such a fucking tool.” Tyler shook his head as he turned his glare towards Eric. “I mean really, do you really think that it would be ok to let that giant bitch up there do whatever she fucking wants to us? I mean come on dude how fucking stupid are you?” Tyler hollered as Eric was slightly taking back by Tyler’s outburst. “She’s a fucking giantess you shit face and have you even taken your durability pills today? Huh, I didn’t think so.” Tyler concluded as Eric just stared at him.

Eric’s ecstatic behavior at the sight of Kristina’s face was slowly fading away as he eyed Tyler intensely. He was slowly become aggravated at Tyler’s random outburst and rants; especially since the beautiful girl like Kristina had shown her face to them.

Eric wanted to be played with by more than anything now that he had seen Kristina. It wasn’t that he liked her, but in his mind it was another chance to get off on something and right now Tyler was coming in-between that reality.

“Look dude; if you want to be a scared little dick all your life then fine.” Eric responded harshly. “But don’t ruin this for the rest of us, at least not me.” Eric ended making his intentions quite clear.

“Ahem….”Kristina cleared her throat, gaining the attention of all four boys as they quickly looked back up at her. Her innocent smile completely gone as she looked down at the boys in the bag with an agitated look. “First off, I never said I was going to play with any of you; personally, none of you are my type and I can do way better than what I got here.” Kristina told them as her smirk returned to her face as she eyed them.

Derrick eyebrow rose curiously after the last sentence that left Kristina’s mouth. “So what you’re saying is that you aren’t going to do anything to us?” He questioned.

“Me? No I want do anything to you guys, I actually have my heart set on something already.” She answered him truthfully. “But….” Her eyes leered as the four boys returned her sudden look with a confused and somewhat nervous gaze as she was about to add on to her sentence. “That doesn’t mean that someone else won’t do anything to you.” She slightly chuckle darkly as she slowly stood up, towering over the bag that held the boys captive.

“What…What do you mean by that?” Aaron eyes slightly shot up in surprise. “You don’t mean you’re planning on giving us to someone else do you?” Aaron asked her, cursing his curiosity when he would receive the answer he didn’t want.

“Bingo kid.” Kristina gleefully responded. “You won’t be my problem so you won’t have to worry about anything happening to you while you’re over here, which actually won’t even be very long considering I’m passing you off today.” She stated as she picked up her witnessed the four boys look at each other with scared expressions written all over their faces.

Tyler was the first to speak. “What the fuck bitch! You can’t do that!” He roared.

Kristina ignored his insult and just peered down at him. “I can and I will, you actually better count yourself lucky.” She told him as she held up two fingers. “I believe that’s the second time I’ve heard you call me a bitch today, one more time and I’ll just crush you or something.” She threatened as she sent a death glare towards him, forcing him to take a step back at her gesture.

“But…But you can’t just….” Tyler’s voiced dragged out as his hands fell to his side at the thought of what could happen to him, should he choose to let his words slip again.

“I already told you, you little shit.” Kristina bellowed. “I can and I will, unless you think there’s something you can do stop me.” She added as she lowered her face towards the bag, sending all four boys an evil like smirk as they all took a step back as she got closer. “I didn’t think so.” She smile victoriously as she lifted her face away from the bag, putting the boys slightly at ease as she backed up.

“But…Um...We’re Humans, why would you just….” Aaron was about to ask, but Kristina could sense where the question was heading and decided to cut him off as well.

“Sorry kid, it’s my job.” Kristina smiling down at them. “Besides, I’m pretty sure you guys don’t want to be stuck in here with boring old me, to be honest with my attitude you probably won’t last very long anyway.” She shrugged as she picked up the bag containing the boys, causing them all to fall towards the bottom of it.

After they all slightly landed on each other Derrick moved Aaron off his back and sent another glare up towards Kristina. “You won’t get away with this you know. Our friends will tell somebody that you kidnapped us and….” Derrick was cut off with Kristina bursting out in a fit of laughter at his useless banter.

“What’s so funny?” He glared.

Kristina’s laughter lasted a few seconds longer after he asked her his question. “Ha-ha it’s just, you honestly believe that some simple logic like those two boys getting away would somehow catch back up to me or something.” Kristina giggled catching Derrick off guard with her calm attitude towards the situation.

Kristina let off a relaxing sigh as her laughter died down. “Listen up short shit.” Kristina began. “The fact that my tracks are covered are simple to understand. One, the two useless regulars that got away don’t even know my name, let alone I’m pretty sure they’re not smart enough to remember what I look like and the description that they’ll probably give will resemble half the girls on campus.” Kristina explained thoroughly as Derrick’s eyes began to widen at the information that she was giving and slowly began to realize that she was right. “Two; Do you obviously believe that even if they do tell someone that their friends were kidnapped by a giantess, who’s to say that people will even search for you, I mean think about it; in most giantess cases the regular is already dead. “ She continued on as realization began to set in for the boys as they listened to Kristina speak so easily about their situation.

“This bitch is crazy.” Derrick’s thoughts ran as he could do nothing but stare up at the giantess young adult as she continued to talk about their lives as if it was nothing, like she had done this before. “She’s just so fucking calm about this whole thing, like everything has been planned out.” His mind circled around the facts that Kristina was explaining and realized that there was no way around them. At the end of the day…She was right.

“So I think it’s hilarious that you actually think that there may be way out for you here, honestly I’ll give you a third scenario, just to prove that its hopeless. “ She thought for a second; pondering over what she could do break down the hope that they uselessly had. “Oh I know!” She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face like this was a fun game.

“Let’s just say for instance that they do found out that I had you, so what? Because after today I won’t have you anymore so they’ll have no proof that I actually had you in my possession at all, it’ll be a false assumption and I can easily threaten another regular and make them say that it was them that was with me and come with some bullshit ass story to clear my name.” She further explained. “Face little shits; you have no way out.” She ended with another smirk. “And now, we have to get to school, don’t want to be late you know.

Without another word to them she quickly grabbed the rope on the edge of the bag and tightly pulled; sealing their confinement shut, shutting off the light that they were once given, sealing them in complete darkness once again.

“Alright people let’s move out.” She smirked mischievously as she walked out of her bedroom and soon after out the front door.

- At the university –

Classes were cancelled and a huge school meeting was called for on the school enormous football field. The size of the football was monstrous compared to the football stadiums you would see on TV or even if you were actually there witnessing a football stadium up close and personal.

The size of the field literary looked as if they combined three or four football stadiums together, just to hold the giantess in and giving them somewhere to sit as there was a section for giantess; a section for regulars and a coed section just in case both parties wanted to enjoy each other’s company.

The field was still manageable for regulars to play on as the massive space was used just to include the giantess that lived in the community to enjoy the game as well as others.

As the students of the university piled into their seats, Frankie and Tory sat in the coed section of the stands, with Frankie picking a seat by herself and far from other giantess as she slumped back a bit and let her eyes drag on to the field with a boring look.

She wore Black flats with a pair of black shorts that she put on carelessly as she knew that today was just going to be one of those days. She also wore a white shirt with the phrase “I means so what?” on the front of it in black and white faded letters on it with a small silver chain around her neck, silver earrings in her ear and silver lip ring on the far corner of the right side of her lip. Her bluish green eyes observed the area as she saw other giantess and regulars coming in and taking their seats in the stands, but also noticed some taking their seats on the field in front of a small stage that looked as if it was built for only regulars.

“Well this sucks, I knew I should have stayed home; but no I had to come to school today.” She ended as she sent a slight glare towards Tory.

“Hey! How was I supposed to know that they were going to cancel all classes for today, just so they can have this meeting?” Tory tried to defend himself as he waved his hands in front of him in defense as Frankie gave him a stern look. “They should have told us this last night; but they waited for everyone to come to class then tell us.” He whined as he sat on Frankie’s shoulder, yawning tiredly.

“Well next time I say I’m staying home, I’m staying home.” Frankie sighed as she leaned back in her chair.

Tory laid on his stomach across Frankie’s shoulder and looked at the field himself. “They were quick about this don’t you think?” He asked her out of nowhere as Frankie slightly glanced down at the regular laying on her shoulder.

“What do you mean?” She questioned, slightly raising her eyebrows out of curiosity.

Tory kept his eyes glued to field as giantess lined up in their chairs along with a few regulars. “I mean think about it, the incident just happened yesterday and now we’re holding up a large university meeting on the football field, with little to no preparation, or you would think, but it looks like everything was already set.” He explained as Frankie’s eyes locked back on the field and stared at it for a moment.

“Tiny, I want to say you’re crazy and you watch too much CSI, but….I don’t know, you may actually be right.” Frankie stated as she thought that the fact that the school being prepared for such an event would be weird, but she suddenly brushed it off. “Well it doesn’t have anything to do with me so whatever, let’s just get this over with. “ She let out a long breath and closed her eyes.

“This shit is going to be long and boring.” She groaned as Tory just cocked his head and looked at her.

“As carefree as ever….” He responded sarcastically as he closed his eyes also.

Now Tory didn’t dress in anything fancy either. He had on a light Red long sleeve shirt due to the slight breeze outside. On the front of the shirt it had a Nike symbol on it with the words “Bring it” on the front of it in white writing. He wore some light White sweatpants with matching Red, Black and White shoes.

“You owe me for not letting me stay home today.” Frankie said without opening her eyes causing Tory to quickly direct his attention towards her, his eyebrows arching at her comment.

“Excuse me…” He replied.

Frankie’s right eye opened as she watched him look up at her face. “You heard me, you owe me for making me come to school today.” She repeated herself as she closed her eye again and enjoyed the cool breeze that went by against her skin.

“How the hell is that even fair?” Tory slightly roared as he looked up at her. “The hell I owe you; you’re supposed to want to come to school anyway.” Tory argued as Frankie ignored his rants and lightly breathed as she felt the wind breeze by her.

“You want to go under my shoe.” She replied in a mono like tone causing Tory to stop whatever he was about to say as soon as she brought up her comment.

“Wha…What?” He stammered.

“Do…You…Want…To…Go….Under…My….Shoe.” She repeated slowly so that he heard every word that came out of her mouth. “You know…So I can squish you for arguing with me.” She told him as Tory gave her a very hard look for a moment after she finished her sentence.

“You’re joking aren’t you?” He asked her, clearly not falling for her jokes anymore.

Frankie opened up one of her eyes again as she looked up at him. “Do I look like a giantess that would joke around about something like that?” She asked him as Tory looked at her questionably as he thought about the question.

“I don’t know Frankie...” He pondered. “I just don’t know.” He curiously thought as Frankie just shook her head slightly at her regular sized friend.

Frankie slightly giggled at his reaction. “Don’t worry, I know where you’re going later on for making me come here.” She winked at him; sending a slight chill down his spine as Tory caught on quickly.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll survive it….Maybe.” She slightly shrugged her shoulders, causing Tory to almost fall of her shoulders as she shrugged, which made her giggle even more. “You know if you want to get out of your little punishment later, you can always entertain me now.” Frankie smirked down at him as Tory gave her a deadpan look and stood up.

“I think I’m going to go sit on the regular side, while I still have all my limbs attached.” He stated as he was about to walk move when he felt a Frankie’s fingers gently lace around his body as she slowly brought him off her shoulder and down to her lap; releasing him against her stomach with her palm laying gently over him.

“Just keep me company alright, stop whining.” She told him as she closed her eyes briefly praying that this meeting the school was having would be over soon.

Tory blinked a few times before settling in against her stomach. Laying back a bit hoping for the same thing.


While Tory say with Frankie in the coed section of the stands, Alex, Ava and Jaden weren’t too far away as the group took their seats as well with Jaden sitting on Alex’s shoulder.

Alex was wearing the same outfit that she first met Jaden in. Her white well-worn flip flops, with her usual blue jean denim skirt, but with a pink T-shirt this time around that had a few broken hearts on it. Her blonde hair was tied up in a pony- tail with a pair of large shades sitting on her forehead.

Ava was a bit more tom boyish as she jammed herself in the seat next to Alex. Ava’s long black hair rested against her shoulders as she wore another true religion shirt, but this time it was a different color than when she first met Jaden. This time her shirt was blue with True religion going down the shirt, the words crossing each other in white writing. She wore a pair of Black jeans, that were rolled up at the ankle and her tradition black Nike’s.

Jaden, much like Ava and Alex; dressed comfortable as well. He wore a Brown school issued T-shirt with GRU written in a generic design on the front of the shirt. A pair of white cargo shorts and some plain white Nike shoes.

The three set in the stands as they waited for everyone to arrive and take their seats.

“So what do you think this is about?” Jaden asked his two friends as they got comfortable as they waited for everyone.

“More than likely, it’s about what happened last night to the all giantess sorority.” Alex answered him. “They’re probably going to talk about safety measures and all that other stuff.” She added on as Ava nodded in response.

“Yea telling us to be careful going home and hell; probably give us a curfew while they’re at it.” Ava said shaking her head slightly.

“They couldn’t really add a curfew could they? I mean we’re all technically grown here, I mean we are living on our own….Technically.” Jaden looked up at Ava as she smiled down at him and sat back in her seat.

“Doesn’t matter little guy, I’m pretty sure they’ll slap some new rule out there against us.” Ava answered him. “I mean shit, it’s not like we’re already prisoners enough here.” She sighed.

“Regardless.” Alex spoke up, gaining both of her friend’s attention. “They cancelled class for the rest of the day so that means we have a free day to do whatever want after this.” Alex pointed out causing Jaden and Ava to look at each other for a moment.

“Yes!” Jaden exclaimed as Alex glanced down at him on her shoulder. “That means I get to go back home and get more sleep; oh thank god, I didn’t want to get up this morning.” He half way joked as Alex and Ava giggled at his antics.

“You aren’t the only one.” Alex chirped. “I’m too damn tired and I know I’m not ready for that test I had today; so that’s a good thing. I get to study a bit more.” She finished.

“Well me; I’m going to cool it for the rest of the day. “Ava said. “I got a couple of things to take care of and I’m low on groceries so I have to go to the store after this.” She smiled as she looked over at Jaden. “Want to come with little guy?” She simply asked as Jaden shook his head a bit and raised his right hand in the air.

“I solemnly vowed into indulge in my sleeping assignment after this meeting is over, I cannot go back on my word.” Jaden replied a playful dark voice causing both of the girls to laugh at his mockery.

“Alright then carry on soldier.” Ava laughed as she responded. “You’re orders are to get enough sleep so you will be prepared for school tomorrow.” She played along as Alex stepped in after her.

“Your task will not be easy as there may be obstacles you must overcome if you want to get any sleep.” Alex winked at him as Jaden looked at her for a moment and then reached in his pocket and pulled out a pair of headphones.

“What? What are you doing?” Alex asked him curious of his actions.

“Simple.” Jaden smiled. “If you decide to make a lot of noise then I’ll just turn on my iPod and BAM! Problem solved.” He finished as Alex rolled her eyes at him and was about to say something in response to his comment, but a loud speaker was heard as they heard somebody tapping the microphone on the stage.

It was a male regular that looked to be a little bit older than Jaden standing on stage with an all-black suit and with a red tie and a white shirt dress shirt underneath. He wore simple reading glasses over his dark green eyes oddly going with his short blond hair. He had on black dress shoes and a gold watch sitting on his right wrist.
As he tapped on the microphone he gained the attention of everyone in the stadium as everyone quieted down and waited to see what he has to say.

“Ahem….Thank you.” The boy said as he looked around for a moment and gave a genuine smile. “On behalf of the school district, the staff members and board of directors; I would like to say thank you all for coming to this urgent meeting.” He began his speech as the students listened in.

“Unfortunately…Our President could not make it to this meeting for….difficult reasons, but has sent his wishes and condolences for those that were lost in the tragic incident last night.” The boy spoke confidently as he kept eye contact with all the students and giantesses in the area.

“As promised, in his absence our Vice President, Mrs. Victoria Simons will speak on his behalf.” The boy stated as he took a step back and turned to the side as a regular sized woman stood up from her seat. “Everyone please give a warm welcome for Mrs. Simons!” He introduced her as claps could be heard all around the stadium as the giantess tried to keep their thunderous claps as low as possible, to match with the regulars that clapped as loud as they could.
Victoria walked up to the microphone staring at the boy that just introduced her and smiled at him.

Now Victoria is a stunning young woman that appeared to be in her mid 20’s. She dressed formal for the occasion of course. She had on a pair of purple 3-inch heels with dark black stockings and a Royal purple like business top with a skirt to match it. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a bun with the sun glistening off of her fairly white skin. Her blue eyes shined with life as she looked around the stadium at the students that attended the university.

“Good morning everyone!’ Victoria started off as the stadium responded to her opening. “I would like to thank you all for coming on such short notice and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.” Victoria continued on as she looked around the stadium keeping eye contact as well. “As I’m sure you’re all aware of the tragic incident that befell on our all giantess sorority last night. “She continued as she heard mumbles and murmurs amongst the crowd.

“Yes, it was horrific to say the least.” Victoria commented. “But that should not stop us from living our lives as we see fit and adapt to any situation. As you all know the sorority that was attacked was one of the most outstanding sororities this community has and now not only is its building, but its occupants are gone as well.” She spoke somberly. “But that’s ok.” She quickly spoke up again, her voice containing hope.

“A new sorority has been put together to replace the old one and it is a Coed sorority; lead by two leaders.” She happily exclaimed as she glanced behind her at the boy that had just introduced her. “The first leader is Peter Goodwin!” She shouted as he walked up behind her as she spoke.

“The next leader is a giantess that knows about the community and its problems and has guaranteed to take the burden off of you students so you’ll no longer have to worry about that tragic incident repeating itself. “Victoria stated as she looked to her right and a large giantess stood up from her seat and walked towards the stage.

“Ladies and gentlemen…I would like you all to meet….Rebecca Cunningham!” Victoria introduced as the students clapped for her instantly all except a few and among those few was Frankie who just sat there with a questionable look on her face as she eyed the stage.
Tory caught on to Frankie’s quiet, but intrigued attitude as he saw her looking at the stage intently.

“Hey Frankie something wrong?” He asked her as Frankie just kept her eyes glued to the stage.

“….I don’t know….I just don’t believe what she’s saying to be honest with you.” Frankie said quietly as Tory raised an eyebrow at her comment as she looked down at him.

“I don’t know tiny…..Something just seems…..Off…. And I don’t like it.” Frankie ended as she looked back on the stage and watched as this giantess stood beside the stage and wave at the students. “I don’t like it at all.”

End Notes:

Since I had to rewrite the chapter the story has been altered slightly, meaning that Kristina didn't murder anybody at all and nobody died. The plotline hasn't changed; just the route to get to it did. Thank you all for your understands and I hope this one is a better chapter for you.

Also, for anybody trying to become a writer or anyone who wants to improve on their writing I have something for you.

I advise you guys to add this page to your favorites as it will help you out tremedously with your writing skills. I know I will be using it.

Chapter 6 by JT07

Light applause and cheers could be heard throughout the stadium as the giantess Rebecca took a slight bow and brought her eyes down upon Peter and Victoria; who gave her a slight nod in return.

Rebecca smiled as she turned to face the crowd in the stands. “Thank you all for your warm welcome appreciation. “She spoke loud enough.” I promise to uphold the legacy of our previous sorority that stood before us and continue to make a path to better this community in which we all live in.” Rebecca smiled as she spoke, her eyes slowly sweeping the stadiums occupants.

“I know that some of you may have lost your friends in this tragic accident and sadly; there is nothing I can do to make up for that, but I can say that I can and will prevent this situation from happening again and keep everyone safe in the near future.” The crowd seemed moved by her words as random chants and shouts were heard as Rebecca spoke.

Rebecca gave a heartwarming smile as she heard whistling in various parts of the crowd; for probably various reasons, but still gave her the push that she needed to continue her speech. “My first order of business will to assure that everyone is protected at that this school.” She stated with confidence.

“From our brother and sister sororities to the athletes of this school; from the athletes to the regular student and faculty; I will make sure no one is left behind in their state of insecurity; or fear of the unknown while roaming the hallways or the outskirts of this school.” Her words seemingly uplifting as she spoke loud and clear for everybody to hear her.

While Rebecca was giving her speech, Frankie crossed her arms and let a slight huff escape her breath as she eyed the blonde haired giantess speaking in front of her peers. She didn’t care for the royal blue formal top that she wore; or the white blazer that went over it; nor was she impressed by the stockings, covered by a white formal skirt with white closed heels that she wore.

“Frankie what’s wrong?” Tory raised his head curiously as he looked up at Frankie; feeling a slight annoyance coming from her as she released her breath.

Frankie slightly glanced down at Tory as she crossed her arms and brought her attention back up to Rebecca as she spoke and whispered to the tiny that sat on her lap. “I really think this is all a load of bullshit.” She whispered calmly.

“I mean; listen to the promises she’s making.” Frankie rolled her eyes. “Like seriously; she just sounds dumb and the fact that people are cheering this shit is annoying as hell.” Frankie closed her eyes and shook her head out irritated at the scene before her.

“It’s stupid if you ask me.” She ended as she closed her eyes again; keeping her arms crossed.

Tory blinked a few times as he looked back and forth between Frankie and the speaker Rebecca.

“I think you’re reading her wrong; she seems like someone who would at least try to keep up with her promises.” Tory replied as he returned his attention back towards Rebecca.

Frankie opened one of her eyes as her vision landed on Tory. “Tiny trust me, she’s not taking this shit seriously; even her claims are a joke.” Frankie grunted.

“I think you’re just cranky.” Tory chuckled.

“I think that your opinion became irrelevant when you decided to speak.” Frankie slightly glared at him as she brought her attention back up to the giantess speaker. “I’m being serious Tiny; I mean are people really feeding into her bullshit?” Frankie complained as Tory brought his eyes up to his giantess friend and gave her a questionable look.

“You sound more jealous than anything Frankie.” He spoke to her.

“Yea, Jealous of her, that’ll be the day.” She shot back as Tory shook his head and turned back to look at the speaker.

“Look at it like this; even if everything she’s saying is a lie, people are going to take it in because of their false sense of security.” Tory seriously spoke as Frankie look down at him; her attention fully taken by his change of tone. “Just think of it as America….” He started. “Especially since that’s where we mostly came from, well accept you; you came from Germany or something.” He joked a bit.

“You know you’re not going to make whatever punishment I give you any easier right?” She scolded as she still held her arms crossed against her chest.

“Meh, I’m sure I’ll survive it like everything else.” Tory sarcastically responded. “But seriously; that’s just how it is. Most people will generally follow anybody that presents themselves as a leader; regardless if they can handle the actual situation or not; despite their promises.” Tory explained as Frankie sighed deeply and slightly glared at Rebecca as she spoke.

“I just want to go back home so I can sleep….That’s it.” Frankie ended as they both brought their attention back on Rebecca as she spoke.

Rebecca sized up the crowd; still with a bright smile on her face. She brushed away some of her blond hair out of her face as she continued to speak.

“I know some of you may have doubts about my abilities and that’s perfectly fine.” She spoke coincidently. “But I know I can show you exactly how true my words are and prove that this tragic incident will no longer plague the dark corners of your mind.” Her words cleverly made their way across the stadium.

“I hope you’re all willing to provide me with the support needed and the confidence needed to back me up on this project. I surely will need everybody’s cooperation if I’m going to fulfill my promises to all of you.” Rebecca stated.

Frankie rolled her eyes again as she painfully stared at Rebecca

“God, this is annoying.” Frankie said as she quickly glanced down at Tory; who had drifted off to sleep against her stomach. ‘I should wake your ass up….But I guess one of us as to get some sleep.” She huffed as she leaned back in her seat and continued to watch the giantess speak.

Meanwhile not too far away from Frankie; Ava and Alex were also slumped in their seats as well, with Jaden still sitting on Alex’s shoulder.

“I…Want…To….Go….Home!” Ava whined as Alex didn’t even look at her best friend as she continued to watch Rebecca give her speech tiredly. “When is this going to be over?” Ava continued to whine.

“Hopefully soon.” Alex answered with a yawn. “This whole thing is stupid; I thought we were going to have a memorial or something; hell we don’t even know what happened and yet they already got somebody taking over our security at the school and replacing the sorority we lost to boot.” Alex stated as she rested her elbow on the arm rest; holding her head up as she watched on.

“She’s really good though; talking it up like that.” Jaden said as he looked over at Alex, who wasn’t interested in the slightest at what Rebecca had to say.

“Yep and people are just eating it up and personally it’s ridiculous.” Ava added in. “I personally just want to get out of here and do what I have to do.” Ava complained as Alex slightly glanced over at her friend.

“Well she may be wrapping up soon….I don’t know I can’t tell.” Alex sighed.

“Well just let her speak for about a few more minutes than….” Jaden was cut off.

“Um excuse me…Ms…Is something wrong.” Rebecca said as she and the entire crowd looked over towards Jaden and the gang’s direction; but were obviously overlooking them as they all looked at Frankie; who had stood up and began to grab her belongings along with Tory tucked safely in her side jean pocket.

Frankie turned her head back to look at Rebecca as she spoke to her.

“Excuse me; May I ask why are you leaving so early?” Rebecca asked her as the crowd looked at Frankie for a response.

Frankie slung her small blue university book bag over her right shoulder and looked at Rebecca; shrugging her shoulders.

“No real reason, I just want to go home.” Frankie simply replied as she stared at Rebecca who sent a slight glare unnoticed by the rest of the students and faculty, but Frankie caught it.

“You know this meeting is to not only benefit giantess like us; but the rest of the school’s safety as well, but also for the regulars here.” Rebecca placed both of her hands in front of her, intertwining one with the other as she spoke; her eyes sized up Frankie as she continued to walk down the stairs of the stands.

“Do you mean to tell us that you don’t care about the students here? Don’t you have a regular friend that you want to make sure stays protected?” Rebecca questioned.

Frankie quickly glanced back at Rebecca; firing a glare her way.

“I think you really should sit down and listen to what I have to say.” Rebecca devious smile was obvious to Frankie.

Frankie’s eyes narrowed as her glare scowled her opponent’s expression. “I think you said enough.” Frankie retaliated as she rotated back into the direction she was previously walking in and left the main room of the stadium; leaving Rebecca to send a smirk her way.

“My fellow colleagues.” She began with a slightly agitated sigh. “I assure you I can only do my best with the task of replacing the previous sorority. I know most of you are upset about this new development and feel that this may be a waste of time; but believe me when I say that I do my very best to make sure that this school and its occupants are safe; no….Not just the school, the entire community.” Rebecca fixated her eyes on the crowd, admiring their acknowledgement of her as she gave them a playfully, slightly off smile that only someone who was actually paying attention could catch.

“Thank you all for your support and your time.” She ended as she turned her attention towards Peter and Victoria as Peter stepped up to the microphone.

“Thank you all for joining us today and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you; you are all free to leave and do as you please.” Peter announced. “If you are interested in what this new sorority as to offer you; then please make your way to the information station that we’ve set up around the stadium to ask your questions, thank you.” Peter ended as the crowd began to move.

Majority of the crowd moved forward to the field, surrounding the information station that were set up all over the stadium as peter stated.

Jaden, Ava and Alex shrugged their shoulders and began to make their way to towards the exit with a couple of other students.

“Jeez, all that and still nothing to really offer.” Ava muttered as she stretched her arms out as she walked. “Plus those chairs were really killing my back.” She whined as rubbed her right hand against her lower back.

“Tell me about it.” Alex chimed in. “That seat felt like my butt was sitting on nothing but metal.” Alex winced as her butt was sore from sitting for extended period of time in the uncomfortable stadium seats.

Jaden sat on Alex’s shoulder in thought as the two girls continued to talk and complain about how long they had to sit.

“Hey….Girl’s.” Jaden called out to them as Ava and Alex diverted their attention to the mega sized regular. “She didn’t really say how she was going defend everybody or something did she?” Jaden blurted out causing the two giant girl’s to consider his comment.

“Now that you mentioned it.” Alex said. “Not only did not really say how she was going to tighten up security for us; but she didn’t even mention of what she’s going to defend us from.” Alex responded.

Ava blinked for a moment. “Yea, it’s like how are you going to protect the community against something that’s unknown to everybody. I mean we don’t even know what happened to the giantess in the last sorority, but you’re quick to say that yours is a replacement and you want everyone to put their trust in you.” Ava stated.

“Sounds like your typical American government to me.” Jaden commented as Ava nodded her head in response.

“Yea, basically it’s always some shit to hide.” Alex retorted. “But it’s like everyone is so insecure about their safety, they’ll believe anything they hear and charge in head first, not even thinking about what could be really going on.” Alex finished as she sighed after her comment.

“If there is something really going on that is.” Ava added on. “Personally, I’m not asking questions or even really bothered by the whole situation, I mean; yeah it’s horrible for what happened to the giantess in that sorority, well….Whatever did happen anyway.” Ava stammered.

“But it has nothing to really do with us, so long as we’re careful right?” Jaden finished for her as Ava smiled at the regular sized mega; nodding her head.

“Exactly. I mean we did topple Ryan didn’t we?” Ava smiled proudly as Alex just shook her head at her best friend and smiled at her.

“Yea, that doesn’t mean were superheroes or anything; let’s just try and be cool about everything and just live a somewhat normal life.” Alex suggested as both Jaden and Ava agreed in unison.

While the three continued to make their way out of the stadium; Frankie had just got to the entrance and rolled her eyes as she saw a familiar with another person walking beside her.

“Damn, I can’t catch a break can I?” Frankie asked herself as she saw Kristina make her way towards her.

“Frankie!!” Kristina waved happily as Frankie slightly groaned at the sight of Kristina. Along with Kristina was a shorter giantess, may be a few inches shorter if they were regular sized people.

“Ugh…Hey…Kristina.” Frankie muttered. “What do you want?” She asked her instantly after her greeting.

“Oh I just wanted to see how my favorite ex was doing.” Kristina remarked. “I know it must be completely lonely without me, especially since you just have a regular to deal with now.” Kristina smirked as Frankie rolled her eyes again, not responding to Kristina’s comment.

“I know life must not be as satisfying without me around, but if you would have acted right then you wouldn’t have lost me. “Kristina continued on.

“I think I’ll manage.” Frankie huffed irritably.

“I’m sure you won’t, but anyway I want you to meet my friend.” Kristina said as Frankie directed her eyes to a gothic style giantess. She wore a black shirt with the word October written across it in tribal letters with blood dripping on the end of each letter.

Her skin was pale and her eyes looked lifeless; a faded silver color to say the least. She had long raven like black hair, longer than that of Kristina’s and she wore a black diamond neckless around her neck.

Her lower body consisted of a black mini skirt that stopped around her pale thighs. Her legs were covered in black fishnets and she ended it off with black gothic platform boots. Her finger nails were black and she had a deadpan expression on her face; like she was lost to the world or in better terms; that all her emotions had shut down and were locked away deep inside her.

“This here is Emma. Emma Lockhart.” Kristina smiled widely. “Emma say hi to Frankie.” Kristina look towards her companion, while holding the bag occupied by the four regulars that she had kidnapped the night before.

Emma eyes slowly focused on Frankie as Frankie gave her a weird look in return.

The two sized each other for a minute before Emma simply turned her head away from Frankie, not saying a word.

“Hmm, I guess that means that Emma doesn’t like you.” Kristina stated with a slight giggle.

Frankie cocked an eyebrow as she returned her look towards Kristina. “Can Emma at least talk? Or is she just as much as a bitch as you are?” Frankie commented which caused Emma head to snap towards her direction; giving Frankie a deadly glare as a consequence.

A slight growl could be heard from Emma as she gritted her teeth in response, but Kristina placed a hand on her shoulder the instant she locked eyes with Frankie.

“Easy there Emma, Don’t get all crazy on me ok.” Kristina stated as Emma slightly glanced back at Kristina before calming down. “Don’t forget you got a stress reliever when someone pisses you off, use that.” Kristina instructed as Emma slowly nodded her head.

“Good now go find Rebecca and tell her I’ll be a little late.” Kristina ended.

Without a word Emma nodded and walked passed Frankie without even acknowledging she was in front of her anymore.

Frankie gave Emma a questionable look before turning her head back towards Kristina.

“So you have a slave now? Good for you” Frankie stated sarcastically as she folded her arms across her chest.

“Not a slave my dear ex.” Kristina corrected her. “But I do advise you to watch your mouth about her….She can be….Very cruel, if you know what I mean.” Kristina smirked as Frankie slightly glared at her.

“Oh don’t take that as a threat or anything, I’m sure she wouldn’t be able to do much to you, but you’re regular on the other hand.” Kristina’s devilish smirk widen as Frankie’s eyes darkened with a bit of anger as she eyed the person that annoyed her the most.

“Oh don’t give me that look Frankie.” Kristina slightly chuckled. “I’m just joking, no need to give me death glares and stuff, jeez lighten up.” Kristina finished as Frankie’s glare only darkened as she stepped up to Kristina, looking down at the smaller giantess.

“I’ll only say this once and only once.” Frankie’s voice darkened a bit as she stared in Kristina’s eyes. “Stay away from my regular and I won’t hurt you.” She threaten.

Kristina’s smirk grew. “I don’t think you’re aware of your position to be making threats.”

“Trust me it’s more than a threat; It’s a promise.” Frankie assured as she brushed passed Kristina without looking her way.

“Frankie, you and I both know that you’re not good on your promises.” Kristina smirk still plastered on her face. “Does the little one know about the false promises you made back then?” She asked as Frankie continued to walk off, ignoring Kristina’s words.

Kristina shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Oh well, I’m pretty sure he’ll find out your history sooner or later; you know. Find out that you’re not the person he thinks you are.” Kristina smiled evilly as Frankie stopped dead in her tracks as she slightly glanced over her shoulder giving Kristina a hateful look.

“Looks like I hit a nerve.” Kristina placed her hands on her hips and playfully turned her back towards Frankie and began walking off to the stadium. “See ya around Frankie, it was awesome talk we just had, let’s do it again.” She laughed as Frankie continued to glare daggers into the giantess back as she walked off to the stadium.

Frankie’s hands clenched tightly into a large fist as she growled under her breath. “Stupid…Bitch.” She cursed as she walked away from the stadium grounds and back towards the campus of the university in a very…very bad mood.

Back the stadium Alex, Ava and Jaden were heading towards the exit; seemingly tired from the exhausting meeting that they attended.

As they neared the double giant doors meant for them, they noticed a girl enter the stadium…Emma Lockhart.

Emma continued to walk at a steady pace, ignoring the two giantess that were in front of her. Her blank stare gained confused expressions from Ava and Alex.

Jaden eyes locked onto hers as she returned the stare with a solid one. Ignoring the fact that both Ava and Alex were there, Emma walked passed Alex, her shoulder bouncing off of hers, causing her to step to the side, but the impact was enough to knock Jaden off of Alex’s shoulder completely.

Alex gasped out of a shock as Ava’s jaw dropped as well as Jaden slowly fell from Alex’s shoulder towards the stadium ground.

Emma glance back, quickly extended her hand out. Her pale opened palm catching Jaden in mid-air.

Jaden shocked at the sudden turn of events landed on a cold pale surface. His eyes darted from left to right, trying to take in his surroundings when he realized that he was looking at Alex and Ava in front of him, both with shocked expressions written on their faces.

“What the….” He thought to himself as he looked down at the cold mound of flesh that he had landed on.

The white skin didn’t flourish with color like Alex or Ava’s did, the palm wasn’t necessarily generating heat. “What the hell am I sitting on?” He asked himself as he turned around and saw Emma’s eyes staring directly at him.

He felt her cold gaze as it seemed her eyes was staring straight into his soul. He felt uneasy as Emma’s hand began to quiver.

She down at Jaden as he sat in her hand, confused at what had just happened as she saved him from a pretty high fall. Her arm slowly twitched as she continued to just stare at him. A dark devilish smirk appearing on her face, but not the same smirk one would have when they were hiding something. This smirk was that of a psycho.

Emma looked down at the regular sized mega in her hand. A sadistic smile stretching across her face begging for her to take a life.

End Notes:

Things are starting to get a bit interesting if I do say so myself and guess who came back on to the scene. I told you in the first story to remember who she was....And it looks like she's going to be trouble.


Chapter 7 by JT07
JadenÂ’s face froze as he stood in the palm of the seemingly psycho girlÂ’s hand. The look she gave him was something to fear, especially since he felt an icy shiver run down his spine as he stared into the cold eyes of the giantess that held him.

EmmaÂ’s sadistic smile still plastered across her face as she stared directly at Jaden.

Watching him stare helplessly back at her only made her enjoy the moment even more as her arm continued to slightly shake from the sheer joy of having him in her hand.

Jaden was at a loss for words as he was completely lost in EmmaÂ’s deadly gaze. The silence between them was ominous as EmmaÂ’s fingers slowly began to close around Jaden slowly.

The motion was perfectly intentional as the look on her face showed a sick joyful expression at what she had planned to do.

“Hey you!” Alex shouted at her as her hand quickly grabbed Emma’s wrist as she glared at her.

EmmaÂ’s finger motion came to halt as she slightly glanced at Alex, unconcerned about her presence.

“That’s our regular.” Ava added in, giving Emma the same glare that Alex gave her. “Will be taking him back now.” She ended as she reached in and practically snatched Jaden out of her hand causing Emma’s eyes to divert towards Ava, who didn’t back down from her gaze.

“What’s your deal anyway? Were you trying to crush him or something?” Ava growled as Emma remained silent as she continued to stare at Ava.

“Well….” Ava pressed. “Answer me bitch! What the fuck is your deal?” She yelled as Emma continued to stare at her until her eyes diverted back towards Alex.

“You should keep a closer eye on your pet.” Emma said coldly, her blank expression unchanged. “Next time he may not be so lucky.” She finished as Alex gritted her teeth at the pale giantess statement.

“The hell do you mean by that?” Alex snapped.

Emma simply remained calm as the two giantess leered at her. “I already said it didn’t I? Next time he may not be so lucky, simple as that.” She responded coldly.

“Is that a fact?” Alex growled as she stepped up towards Emma, clearly displaying a height difference between the two, but failing to faze Emma in the slightest with her towering form. “Let’s just say if there is a next time and you do something to him, then trust me; I’m going to do something to you.” She threatened.

Emma remained unfazed by her threat and slightly glanced at Ava.

“And for the record bitch He’s not a pet, he’s our friend.” Ava retorted.

The two giantess stared at Emma as she looked back up at Alex.

“That’s right a very special friend of ours, so do us a favor and back off.” Alex scowled.

“You’re protecting your pet.” Emma simply replied.

Alex was really starting to get angry as the pale giantess in front of her continued to press her buttons with her uncaring responses.

“We just told you he’s not a fucking pet, what the fuck is wrong with you?” She screamed at her.

“Not your pet, but a friend.” Emma calmly responded as she closed her eyes for a brief moment before letting out a small breath escape her lips. “If I see your friend again, then I’m going to kill him.” She replied; this time malice was in her voice as a smirk appeared across her face.

“Wha….What?” Alex was taken back as Ava jaw nearly dropped at Emma’s words.

“I’m going to crush your friend until he’s nothing but paste in my hands.” She told them as she opened up her palm and held it to her mouth. “Nothing, but…Red….Paste.” She slightly giggled as the crazed look she had once before returned as she stuck her tongue out and gently licked her palm.

Disturbed looks appeared on both of the giantess faces as Ava quickly cupped her left hand over her right, covering Jaden instantly as Alex stepped in front of Ava as Emma smirk sadistically at them both.

“You better protect him.” Emma said as she slowly closed her hand into a fist and slightly tightened it up. “Or….Squish.” She giggled childishly as she turned her back towards them and walked off towards the stadium. “Squish, Squish, Squish, Squish.” She sang to herself as Ava and Alex looked at each other with concern and worry written on their faces as Ava removed her top hand off of Jaden, only to find him hugging on to one of her fingers.

“That….Girl….Is….Crazy.” He shivered fearfully as Ava gently rubbed his back with her right index finger.

“Crazy isn’t the word for it squirt.” Alex said as she turned her head back to look at him. “More like she was dropped on her head one too many times when she was baby.” She turned her head back in the direction Emma went and sighed.

“More like a sick bitch to me.” Ava grumbled as she continue to try and calm Jaden down as she rubbed his back with her finger as she slightly gritted her teeth. “Then she had the nerve to call Jaden a pet!” She brought up. “Like seriously! Who keeps regulars as pets? They’re the only thing actually walking around that still human.” Ava exclaimed out of anger as Alex shook her head and slightly bent down to look at Jaden.

“I know.” Alex replied as she gave Jaden a soft smile. “Not only that, but the look she gave the squirt here, kind of gives me the feeling she’s killed her share of regulars.” Alex expression grew serious as she eyed Jaden for a bit.

“You alright squirt?” She asked him as his breathing began to slow down a bit.

“Yea....Just a little shaken up.” He said as he looked up at the giantess face in front of him, giving her a wide grin. “I’m good, no harm done.” He assured her as Alex smiled down at him.

Placing her hands on her hips she leaned back up to look at her best friend. “We may have to keep an eye on him while since he’s going to school with us.” Alex suggested.

Ava look down at the regular sized mega in her hand. “Yea with psychos like her running around there’s no telling what could happen.” Ava followed up as she looked up at Alex. “Think one of us should be there after each one of his classes end, just to make sure he’s ok?” Ava asked Alex.

“Girls…” Jaden called out, but it was ignored.

“Probably.” Alex thought for a second. “We’ll have to check and see what both our schedules look like again and see which one of us can meet him after his classes are over.” Alex stated.

“Girls…..” Jaden called out again.

Ava nodded her head ignoring the regular sized human being. “I know I can meet up with him after his first class; not to mention we have a class together so I got two classes covered.” Ava responded as Alex nodded.

“GIRLS!” Jaden yelled at the top of his lungs finally gaining the two giantess attention. “You do realize I can walk the campus by myself right? I really don’t need you two checking up on me after all my classes.” He told them as both Alex and Ava gave him questionable but concerned looks.

“Are you kidding me little guy?” Ava protested. “That crazy bitch just tried to squish like you were a ketchup packet; we can’t let something like that happen again.”

“Ava’s right Squirt.” Alex said. “We’re going to have to keep a close eye on you just in case you in run into her again.” Alex added on.

“Hello! Did we all forget that I’m half mega over here?” Jaden waved his hand in the air. “I’ll be fine, remember it’ll take more than that to actually kill me and besides…If Ryan couldn’t kill me, I doubt that she can.” Jaden confidently stated.

“But Ryan wasn’t trying to kill you remember.” Alex said as she lowered her face towards Jaden’s. ‘And it’s not just the killing part I’m worried about squirt; I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” Alex said as she gently blew on him causing him to fall over on his butt in Ava’s palm.

“She’s right little guy.” Ava cut in. “We’re just looking out for you just in case you run into her again.” Ava assured as Jaden looked up at both of them with a serious expression of his own.

“That’s fine and all, really it is and I appreciate it girls I really do.” Jaden began, but the girls caught on quickly.

“But….” Ava let out.

Jaden took a deep breath for a second. “But, I do want to walk around and meet people on my own you know….without you being there every second and minute of my life….That’s kind of smothering you know.” Jaden said as he looked up at both the giantess as they stared back at him for a moment in silence.

Jaden closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh as he reopened them. “Look, I’m not saying that I don’t want to be seen around you or be around you for that matter; I’m just saying I’ll be fine walking around on my own. I got both your numbers, if something happens and I can’t get myself out of it, then I’ll call you.” He told them as both Ava and Alex looked at each other for a second before returning their looks back to him.

It was Alex’s turn to let out a deep sigh as she extended her hand towards Ava’s, allowing Jaden to walk on to it. “Promise me, you’ll be alright and if something does happen you’re going to call one of us to come get you.” Alex gently raised Jaden up to her face; her eyes showing the concern and worry that she held for him. “I’m not going to go through what we went through with Ryan, so promise me that if something happens, you’ll call one of us.” Alex repeated as Jaden was about to speak, but Ava cut him off with the same look in her eyes.

“We don’t want to find you plastered on the side of the road or splattered behind the school little guy.” She slightly joked, earning a small glare for Alex; but she choose to ignore it. “Even if it’s a bunch of regulars trying to rob you or something; call…Us.” She purposely dragged out the ending of her statement so Jaden would understand their wishes.

Jaden shook his head slowly in defeat; smiling up at them. “Alright you have my word, I’ll call both of you just in case, Alright?”

Alex, satisfied with Jaden’s compliance smiled down at him. “Alright then you better not go back on your word.” She playfully warned as Ava nodded her head in agreement.

“If you think that chick is crazy, you haven’t seen what I’m like yet and trust me I know crazy.” Ava stated as both Jaden along with Alex gave a weird unconvinced look.

“Ava…” Jaden called her name.

“Yes little guy.” She answered with a huge successful smile on her face.

“No offense, but….You’re harmless.” He shot her down as Alex giggled a bit at Ava’s dumbstruck face.

“Yea like seriously, what are you going to do when your giantess and you’re still scared of roaches.” Alex mentioned as Ava’s face completely paled at Alex’s statement.

“Roaches are gross!” Ava shouted back in her defense. “I don’t want those things touching me! They have too many legs and their antennas! God help me.” She shivered as she wrapped her arms around herself.

Jaden couldn’t help but laugh at Ava’s reaction as began to freak out at the thought of roaches being mentioned. “Some big bad giantess you turned out to be.”

AvaÂ’s face scrunched up as she looked down at the regular sized mega in AlexÂ’s palm.

“Yea well….Let’s see how big you talk later on today…Little guy?” She dragged out as a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. “I hope you have that same backbone when I get a hold of you.” She added as Jaden just stared up at her and then looked over at Alex.

“Don’t look at me, you got yourself into this.” She laughed.

“What? You were laughing at her to.” He accused as he pointed at her, but Alex just shrugged her shoulders.

“Yea, but…I’m not a regular” She reminded him as Jaden raised his hand as he was about to say something, but sadly nothing came to mind as he accepted that he lost this round and the girls snickered at his situation as they continued to leave the stadium.

“You better be ready little guy, who knows what I could do to you.” Ava smiled as Jaden looked at her faking his fear as they continued to laugh.

- Meanwhile –

Frankie was pissed as she stormed the school grounds. Her foot falls landed hard as she continued to stomp on the reinforced pavement.

“The nerve of that….” Frankie gritted her teeth in frustration as she balled up her fist. “Her mind raced back to the unpleasant meeting she just had with Kristina and her new friend Emma. “I’m so sick of that…Arrgghhh….” She vented as she failed to feel the movement of the regular in her pocket as she walked.

ToryÂ’s head stuck out of her pocket as he looked up Frankie. He watched as her eyes filled with angry and listened when she talked to herself.

“Dumb bitch…Sometimes I just want to slap that fucking mouth off her face.” She growled as Tory continued to look up at her.

“Ummm….Frankie.” He called out to her, but his voice was toned out as Frankie’s Black flats crashed on the pavement with force as she walked.

“She so fucking pisses me off, every fucking time I see her.” She said to herself, forgetting that Tory was riding along in her pocket.

“Frankie…..” He called her name again, but his calls still went unheard as he gave her an irritated stare before placing both of his hands on the side of his mouth and shouted. “FRANKIE!”

“WHAT!” She yelled as her eyes quickly darted to the regular riding in her pocket.

Tory was silent for a moment, taken back by the anger that Frankie directed towards him. He just looked back into her eyes obviously coming to realization that she was not in the mood.

Frankie grinded her teeth a bit, slowly biting her lower lip as she realized that she just shouted at her regular. They both stared at each other in silence as she tore her eyes away from him and took a deep breath.

“What is it?” She asked calmly as Tory tilted his head a bit as he looked up at her.

“Ummm…Are you alright?” He asked her.

“I’m fine.” She simply answered back as she calmed her steps as she walked. “Just a bit annoyed.” She added as Tory eyebrow rose at Frankie’s response.

“A bit annoyed?” He repeated. “You’re practically stomping the pavement down there and I’m pretty sure the world can hear you shout to the heavens about a dumb bitch or something.” Tory responded smartly as Frankie sent a glare his way causing him to shut up instantly.

“If you don’t want to be a part of that pavement, I suggest you keep your mouth shut.” She threatened half-heartedly.

Tory confused by her actions. “Why the hell are you threatening me, I didn’t do anything to you?” He shouted back at her, but a quick grunt from Frankie told Tory that he better choose his next words carefully.

“So um…Who pissed you off?” He asked her as Frankie answered without even looking at him.

“The dumb bitch….Who else.” She seethed.

“Kristina?” He said making sure they were talking about the same person in question.

“Bingo Tiny.” She answered, her anger dying down a bit.

“What did she do this time? Last time it was just her talking shit just to make you look bad.” Tory replied as Frankie glanced back down at him.

She took a deep breath as she came up to the guy’s dorm. “Don’t worry about it Tiny, but I am about to drop you off.” She told him as she carefully reached into her pocket, retrieving Tory from it.

“Huh? What the…Why?” He looked up at her slightly confused. “I thought I was going over your place today, you got to help me on this computer test I got tomorrow.” He argued as he tried to fight against her grip.

Frankie didnÂ’t have time for his antics, she just wrapped her fingers around him and sat him down on the ground. She gave him a serious look as he looked back up at her.

“You’re not coming over because I don’t want to hurt you…Be happy I’m thinking about your well- being here.” She stated as she placed one hand on her hip. “And don’t even think about coming over on your own….I don’t want to have to tell you what’s going to happen if you do.” She warned as Tory crossed his arms and gave her an irritated glare.

“Fine….Can you at least help me over the phone then.” He grunted as Frankie kept her piercing gaze on him.

She simply shook her head at his request. “I don’t feel like it this time around tiny, looks like you’re just going to have to fail that test tomorrow.” She answered him nonchalantly.

Tory’s eyes shot wide open as his jaw dropped at her statement. “Frankie seriously! You were supposed to help me. I can’t fail another test!” He shouted up at her.

Frankie simply crossed her arms. “You should have studied then.” She told him.

Tory gritted his teeth in response. “I couldn’t study because you kept trying to eat me remember!” He reminded her. “And besides you said you would help me!” He ended.

Frankie didn’t seemed bothered by his shouts. She used her left hand to remove some of the hair out of her face as she continued to look down at him. “I changed my mind.” She responded.

“Well change it back.” He pressed as Frankie slowly knelt down towards him. Using her right index finger, she poked him in the chest, knocking him on his back.

“How about….No.” She said with a smirk as she hovered over his regular form.

Tory yelped from the poke as he sat up and gave her a harmless glare. “I hate it when you cheat.” He whined as Frankie let out a slight giggle.

“And I like it that you’re such a push over….Literary.” She laughed at his tiny form compared to her.

“Not funny….” He said as he stood back up, looking up at her giant face. “Are you seriously not going to help me out on this?” He asked her. “Kristina fucked up your mind that much?” He said as Frankie titled her head at him a bit and sighed.

“Look Tiny, I’ll help you ok, just not right now….Maybe later on tonight or something, but I’m still upset about what that bitch said.” She told him as Tory eyes slightly rose out of curiosity.

“Well….What did she say?” He questioned, but Frankie just shook her head as a response.

“Just do me a favor and stay away from her and I mean far away from her.” She ordered him as Tory’s eyes continue to try to find the real answer from Frankie.

“Why? You’re not telling me anything Frankie.” He fought back.

“That’s the whole point.” Frankie replied as she stood up full height and crossed her arms as she towered over him. “I meant what I said Tiny, don’t go near her….It’s for your own good.” She warned him as Tory still didn’t seem convinced.

“You’re still leaving me in the dark. That’s not helping the situation right now Frankie.” He pushed on.

Frankie’s stare seemed to darken into a serious glare as Tory continued to try to pry the answer out of her. “Oh really, well then let’s see if this will help the situation then.” She stated as she slowly lifted up her right foot and quickly hovered it over Tory’s body.

ToryÂ’s eyes widen as Frankie suddenly pushed her flat against him, pinning him against the ground.

Her entire flat covered Tory’s whole body as she kept it placed on top of him. “Now like I said, stay away from her….Or you’re going to get more than just me stepping on you….Got it Tiny?” She added a bit of incentive as she slowly twisted her foot on top of him, but not with enough pressure to actually hurt him.

Tory could feel the dirt from the ground that Frankie walked on as the bottom of her flat rubbed against his body. Although she was taking complete advantage of their sizes as she was trying to prove her point, he enjoyed it.

He knew that she wouldnÂ’t do anything to seriously hurt him, at least to his knowledge as she continued to wipe her flat clad foot all over him.

After a few minutes her foot stop moving as she just let it rest on top of the regularÂ’s body.

She sighed for a moment as she could feel his struggles through her flat. His tiny struggles brought a smile to her face unbeknownst to him.

She slowly lifted her foot off of Tory and looked down at his glazed eyes as he laid on the ground in front of her. She giggled a bit as she titled her head a bit to get a better look at him.

“You see how nice I can be?” She asked him as he slowly nodded his head. “Good, because I’m serious about what I said. Stay away from Kristina….Just trust me on this ok? I don’t need you getting hurt because you’re too hardheaded.” Frankie ended as Tory sat up and looked at her.

“Don’t make me found out otherwise….Or next time I won’t be so nice.” She ended as she turned on her heel and walked off from the guy’s dorm leaving Tory looking dazed and confused as he watched her walk off.

-In the Stadium Office-

Victoria slumped down in the office chair that was seated behind the computer in a giant sized room as Rebecca and Peter found a place to sit as well.

Victoria let out an exasperated sigh as she kicked her heels off, crossing her legs on top of the desk giving an agitated look as she leaned her head back.

“Ugh oh my god that was nerve wrecking.” She stated. “I can’t believe I had to sit through that whole ordeal out there. Gaining the trust of students is so exhausting.” She whined.

“At least the majority trust my words and won’t even think to give it a second thought.” Rebecca smirked. “We may have a few distrusting students, but I’m sure they are nothing to worry about.” She ended as Victoria lifted her head back up gazing at Rebecca’s giant form that sat in front of her.

“As always, thank you for your help Rebecca…or should I say….Ms. December.” A wide smirk appearing on her face as well as she reached over to her desk, retrieving a glass of wine.

She took a sip of it and placed the glass back on the desk. “You are always reliable unlike these other mindless rodents I have scurrying around this school.” She complimented as Rebecca smiled at her.

“It’s always a pleasure to help you Ms. Victoria, but please call me Rebecca, Ms. December are what my victims call me.” She told her. “Besides…” She looked down at Peter who relaxed back into a chair that he sat in.

“If there is anyone you should thank, it should be Peter. He’s the one that planned the entire thing…From beginning…To end.”

Peter looked up at Rebecca. “It wasn’t difficult; just had to stir up a bit of trouble and cause some damage.” He snickered.

“And damage you caused.” Victoria repeated. “What about the witnesses that we have? You know we can’t afford to have people around who know about this….Little fiasco.” She dragged out as her smirk grew sinister.

Peter mimicked the smirk and looked up at Rebecca. “Don’t worry Ms. Victoria….The little matter has already been taken care of…All we need to do now is to make sure that we don’t have any “Witnesses.” He quoted with his fingers for laughs. “That are willing to talk.” He informed.

“Good…Let’s see to it that we tie up any loose ends, I will not tolerate failure from either of you.” Victoria instructed as she looked back at Rebecca. “How are your girls doing Rebecca? Have they all been informed?” She asked her as Rebecca replied with a simple nod.

“Yes, they have all been informed of their task and duties throughout the rest of the school year, just to make sure to keep everything in order….In fact.” Rebecca stood up and walked towards a large giant sized desk that was set up just for her and opened the dresser drawer.

She opened it up, slipping her giant female hand inside, slowly pulling out a regular dressed in a regular black three-piece suit. The regular looked to be in his 40s as he kicked and screamed for his life in her grip.

Rebecca uncaring dropped the regular on her desk, sitting down in chair afterwards gazing at him as so did Victoria and Peter.

“Why hello…Mr. President.” Rebecca said with a smile as she leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. “Sorry you couldn’t be out there to console your students, but you’ll be glad to know that I purposely took care of that for you.” Rebecca told him as he looked up at her scared stiff.

The president eyes darted from left to right as he spotted Victoria sitting at his desk with her feet on top of it. “Victoria what is the meaning of this!” He stammered. “Just what the hell is going on here?” He asked.

Victoria smiled at him as he the look of shock spread like a virus across his face as he turned his head from Rebecca, down towards Peter.

Victoria took another sip of her wine. “Mr. President I’m afraid that you’re services are no longer required here.” She told him as she put her wine glass back on top of his desk. “As a matter of fact I’m here to relieve you of your duties…Effective…Immediately.” She smirked at him as the president gritted his teeth in response.

“You’ve been wondering mindlessly through the dark too long you old shell of a man.” Victoria continued, locking her eyes onto him as he stood upon the top of Rebecca’s desk. “Foolishly running this school with a weak mindset, letting the students of the facility believe that there is still freedom within this society.” She breathed, angered at the thought that the president of the university was putting such nonsense into the students heads.

“What are you talking about?” He shouted down at her. “Giantess and Students should still be treated equally; there is no line that says we can’t all get a long and work together to get through these difficult times that everyone is facing.” He tried to reason.

“Shut your mouth you filthy pig!” Victoria screamed up at him. “There is a line….As a matter of fact it is a fine line of power that separates the giantess from the regulars, the weak from the strong, the wealthy from the poor! You are just too simple minded to see it, which is why you are no longer fit to run this establishment.” Victoria ended as the president teeth continued to grind at her statement.

“What are you talking about? You are trying to say that the regular sized students should live in fear of the giantess, you foolish witch.” He retorted.

“Not only live in fear of the giantess, but respect the sheer power that they have. Not only that, respect the people that also aligns themselves with such powerful allies.” Victoria explained as she slightly tilted her head to the side.

The president understanding her notion turned his head towards Rebecca who had her head sitting in her hand, with her elbow resting on top of her desk.

He took a step back in utter fear as she simply waved at the regular sized president of the university.

“Do you understand now? Former president.” Victoria smirked as the president turned his head back towards Victoria.

“Do you now understand the power that I have as a regular with this giantess alone on my side?” Victoria asked him as he slowly nodded his head. “My dear friend Rebecca, who is also known as Ms. December is one of the most powerful giantess around in this community. I’m sure you’re wondering why that is and how I came in contact with such a gorgeous giantess as my ally.” She spoke as all ears perked up as they listened to Victoria’s story.

As you can see, I knew Rebecca when she was a little girl and taught her things has she evolved into this beautiful creature you see before you today. I taught her how to take power for herself at a fine payment. Now she’s formed a small group of giantess that spread fear across this community where others do nothing but follow her in fear and respect.” Victory licked her lips slightly as she continued to speak.

“And for those that don’t respect that fear …Well….” Victory was interrupted by the door quickly opening as Emma walked in without such of a mannered greeting, but the interruption only brought a wider smile to Victoria’s face.

“You’re about to find out.” Victoria ended as Rebecca looked up at Emma and smiled herself.

“October, I see your back….Where is February? Don’t tell me you walked off without her, she told me that she had some extra regulars to play with it.” Rebecca looked at Emma, who just stared blankly at her.

“Kristina fell behind and will be here shortly.” Emma answered as Rebecca smiled at Emma’s brief report and looked down at the president.

“Well Emma, I thank you for actually making it to my new office today.” Victoria spoke up. “But there’s something I would like you to do for me.” She stated as Emma slightly glanced in Victoria’s direction.

“Anything you want Lady Victoria.” Emma stated.

“Oh so formal, you see what I mean Presi…..Well late president I should say.” Victoria giggled at her own comment as fear struck the president’s heart as his pulse started to speed up at the choice words that Victoria used.

‘Victoria, what are you planning, don’t do anything stupid.” He reasoned, but Victoria ignored his pleas and continued to smirk at Emma.

“Emma….There’s a pest on Rebecca’s desk….Could you exterminate it for me?” Victory asked as Emma’s eyes slightly shot up as she slowly turned her head towards the President of the university.

“Do what you want with him, I don’t care, I just want it out of here.” Victoria’s smirk continued to widen as everybody else did in the room, anxious to see what Emma was about to do.

“Victoria! You can’t be serious!” He yelled as Emma kept her eyes locked onto him.

“Emma….Do it.” Victoria whispered as Emma continued to stare down at the president as he shivered in terror as Emma’s eyes were wide and crazed. A psychotic grin appeared on the giantess face as she slowly reached her hand forward, retrieving the now frantic slightly overweight man in her hand.

The sensation Emma felt was immense as she held the regular in her fist. He flailed, screamed, and shouted for mercy, but Emma wasnÂ’t going to give it to him.

Her devilish smirk showed that she didnÂ’t have any knowledge of what the word even meant, let it alone if it existed.

“Please stop! Whatever your about to do don’t do it! I’m begging you!” He screamed up at her, but that only fueled her drive more. His screams for mercy, excited her, pushing her closer to the edge as she held this frantic human in her hand.

She couldnÂ’t resist the urge anymore as she slowly lifted the screaming regular towards her mouth; slowly opening up the entrance to the endless abyss and the pearly white stones that guarded it.

The president was nearly going insane as he saw that Emma was serious and what she had in mind to succeed in her task.

“Please no! Victoria! Call her off!” He bellowed, but his cries were ignored as Emma’s tongue greeted him with eagerness as she firmly licked up his entire body and pushed between her lips.

Everyone in the room watched as Emma mouth began to move as she slowly made sucking noises, her tongue bullying the president inside her mouth as she moved him from one side to the other, slamming him against her teeth like he was just normal food.

She slammed his body against the roof of her mouth and used her tongue to bring him back down as she continued to suck the rest of the flavor from his skin. The president was soaked to the bone as her tongue continued to dominate him, working him over as he was swished around in her mouth.

Emma was playing with him, but in her mind she was playing with her food. She smirked at the thought of what the president was going through, someone of higher power was locked inside her jaws with no means of escape, begging for his life.

The rush of taking everything way from this one person was invigorating, and she enjoyed every second of it.

As the presidentÂ’s ability to fight back died down, Emma went in for the kill. She maneuvered the president over towards her Molars, placing him face up to get a perfect view of the giant white walls that were going to show him his stature in life.

He was perfectly aligned looking up at EmmaÂ’s top row teeth dazed and dizzy from the beat down he received from her tongue.

On the outside of her mouth, everyone looked at Emma as they saw she stopped sucking and simply bit down. After her first bite they heard a loud crunch as she continued to chew on the human body as if this kind of action was second nature to her.

Chewing mercilessly as she grinded his body into pieces as blood dripped down the side of her mouth, she smirked as Victoria, Peter and Rebecca watched in amazement as Emma finally swallowed his remains, ending the president and his role in the university.

Emma looked down at Victoria, who returned her look with a satisfying smile. “Good job as always Emma; you know how to put on quite a show.” Victoria complimented her as Emma slowly licked the side of her lips, taking in the blood back into her mouth.

Victoria smile couldn’t have gotten any wider as she looked back up at Rebecca. “Well I guess that’s that, I’m anxious to see what Kristina has for us when she gets here” Victoria stated.

“I am to.” Peter followed. “It will give us another story to put out about students going missing and not their whereabouts.” He stated as Rebecca looked up at Emma and smiled.

“Yep and giving something else for the students and giantess here to worry about, if they don’t follow what we say.” Rebecca let out a slight laugh, joined in by Victoria and Peter.
Their laughs echoed throughout the room as Emma stood there, still with her predatory gaze, hoping that she would get to meet her next pray soon as the four waited for Kristina to arrive.
End Notes:

Sorry guys, I know it's been a minute since I updated. Shame on me for making you wait so damn long. Shame, Shame, Shame.

Alright now that's out the way, I hope you guys like the next addition to the story. Things are slowly turning as you will several different plots and twists enter the story. It's still slow moving with character built up and all, but I'm sure you all will thank me for it. Lol. Happy Reading!!!!!

Chapter 8 by JT07

-In Victoria’s Office-

Victoria reclined in her chair as Emma sat beside Peter on the couch giving him a side smirk as she glazed down at his regular form, making him quite uncomfortable.

“So Rebecca…When is this new recruit of yours….Kristina as you call her, get here?” Rebecca slightly turned her head towards Victoria. Her eyes finding their mark as they landed on the regular that sat at her desk like she was a queen.

“She should be here any minute now.” Rebecca answered. “Although she should have walked in with Emma here, so I really don’t know what’s keeping her.” She added as she slouched back in the giant seat that held up her giant form.

Victoria eyes slightly narrowed as they moved in Rebecca’s direction. “You do know I don’t like tardiness to my meetings Rebecca don’t you?” She snarled lightly.

Rebecca looked down at Victoria, nodding her head, her eyes lifted up back towards the door that closed the main office from the school, wondering where Kristina could be.

“Good I don’t want to have to remind you wha...” Before Victoria could finish her statement, the doorknob to the front door of the office turned and the door pushed open, revealing Kristina standing in the doorway with a bright smile on her face.

“Hey peeps did ya miss me?” She walked in excitedly, closing the door behind her.

Victoria crossed her arms and leered at Kristina. “You’re new here so I’ll go ahead and explain a few things to you.” She moved some of her hair out of her face with her left hand. “I don’t accept lateness to my meetings and I damn sure want proper speaking in my presence.” She scolded as her eyes narrowed at Kristina as soon as her sentence was finished. “Do I make myself clear?” She asked as Kristina looked down at Victoria and smirked.

“Oh well, now look at what we have here. “ She stated as she took a step towards Victoria. She looked down at the regular that sat with her legs crossed on top of her regular sized desk. “It seems like somebody as a smart ass mouth, but not big enough to back it up.” Kristina sneered. “Maybe the bigger person needs to show the regular how things are really done around here.” She added as Victoria sat in her chair unfazed by Kristina’s ongoing threats.

“Kristina…I think you need to….”

“No that’s quite alright Rebecca.” Victoria cut her off before she could warn Kristina as she stood over Victoria’s desk with her towering form.

“Yea it’s alright, because this little regular is about to realize her place, especially when she talks to me.” Kristina declared as Victoria still remained unfazed by Kristina’s gigantic appearance.

Kristina formed an intimidating smirk as she leaned over slightly, still hovering over Victoria. She extended her arm forward towards Victoria, her palm open ready to snatch up Victoria, who still remained unfazed by Kristina’s gigantic presence.

“You’re mine you little….” Kristina’s smirk suddenly went away as the same smirk formed on Victoria’s face as Emma quickly reached out and grabbed Kristina’s wrist, stopping Kristina in mid motion.

Kristina’s eyes lit up slightly as she quickly turned her head to face Emma, who gave her a blank stare as she held her wrist tightly.

“Emma, what the hell are you doing? Let me go.” Kristina told her as Emma just stood there still with a blank expression on her face as she gripped Kristina’s wrist tightly. “Emma! I said let me go!” Kristina bellowed as she tried to jerk her hand away from Emma, but to no avail.

“If you hurt Ms. Victoria….Then I will have to kill you.” Emma said bluntly as Kristina’s eyes shot up at the statement Emma made as Victoria snickered at the scene.

‘You’ll….What….What the? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Kristina shouted as she continued trying to pull her wrist away from Emma.

“As you can see you naïve child.” Victoria spoke up gaining Kristina’s attention. “Just because you are bigger than me, doesn’t mean you are in control here.” Victoria smirk widen. “I may be a regular, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any power behind me.” Victoria looked over at Emma and nodded her head as Emma released her grip immediately.

Kristina jerked her arm away and began to rub her free hand against her wrist. “Geez, that’s a fucking grip that girl has.” Kristina whined as she looked over at Rebecca and grunted at her.

“Are you going to sit there and let her get away with that Rebecca, I mean Jesus, she could have torn my arm off?” Kristina complained as Rebecca sighed at Kristina’s whining.

“I tried to tell you, when you came barging in not to do anything stupid.” Rebecca retaliated as she placed her elbow on the desk and rested her head in the palm of her hand. “Besides Victoria is kind of running things here, so you were clearly out of line to begin with.” Rebecca lazily added.

“Clearly.” Peter blurted out as Kristina eyes quickly darted across the room, landing on the regular sized boy with glasses.

She rolled her eyes as she saw him, while still massaging her wrist. “Great another smart ass.” She huffed as Peter looked up at her and shook his head.

“You probably should introduce yourself to us, before you give off a bad impression.” He warned her as Kristina’s eyes glared at him as he leaned back against the surface he was sitting on.

“Sure why not, I can start by getting acquainted with you.” Her smirk reappeared, but Peter just smirk back at her when Victoria snapped her fingers, gaining their attention.

“Kristina is it?” She began. “I’m done with the games and I won’t stand for your insufferable attitude.” Victoria barked as Kristina appeared to be taken back by the regular’s words. “Now I believe that Rebecca had you do a little something for me, did she not?” Victoria asked her crossing her legs over the desk again, keeping her eyes locked on Kristina as she nodded her head in response.

“Hmph never thought that I would get bossed around by some half pint sh….”

“Watch your mouth in my presence Kristina; I will not warn you again.” Victoria hissed as Kristina rolled her eyes at her warning.

“Fine…Fine…Jesus.” She said as she slightly tossed the bag she was holding on to Rebecca’s desk. “Yea I found some important people like you asked me to Rebecca.” Kristina told her giant female friend as Rebecca’s eyes gazed down at the large bag that Kristina tossed at her as it began to slightly move. “At least I think they’re important.”

“Cool, but who are they?” Rebecca crossed her arms, leaning back in her chair as she looked up at Kristina. “I mean yea, I told you what to do, but who did you actually bring me?” Rebecca questioned as Kristina just shrugged her shoulders in response.

“Well since it was such short notice, I brought like a few starters of the college basketball team, figure they’d be enough for whatever little plan you had going on.” Kristina replied as Rebecca shook her head slightly as she looked back down at the bag.

“Starters from the basketball team eh?” Peter repeated as he pushed his glasses up on his face. “That’s actually not a bad catch.” He complimented as his eyes diverted over towards Victoria. “If you really think about it, the starters of this college basketball team are just as important as the sorority that disappeared, so it’s enough to cause more confusion and force the students to trust in your words Victoria.” Peter smirked.

“Yes I supposed it would.” Victoria pondered. “If well-known names continue to vanish without a trace then that would raise more chaos throughout the school…Not to mention the entire community considering that the news would likely want to broadcast all over the place.” Victoria closed her eyes. “Not like it really matters, there’s only one way to really leave this hell anyway…So long as I’m running it.” She smirked.

“So you’re trying to win over the university by scaring the shit out of them, right?” Kristina summed up as Victoria gave her a side glance and sighed at her language.

“Amongst other things.” Victoria replied back. “If that plan doesn’t work, then we could always use other methods.” Her eyes diverted to Emma, who sat in silence as she turned her attention to Rebecca.

“Rebecca, I’m sure it’s rude to keep our little guess waiting. Let them out so they can get some fresh air.” Victoria instructed as Rebecca just shrugged her shoulders in response.

“Whatever you say.” She replied as she effortlessly untied the rope that kept the bag closed and pulled the rope apart as the bag opened, shining light downward into it.

-Inside the bag-

The light shined through as the four boys shielded their eyes, their vision slowly adjusting as they saw the opening to the bag was now available to them.

Derrick stared intently at the opening of the bag. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.” He said as he stared at the exit of the cave that they were in.

“Are you bitching again Derrick?” Eric said as he crossed his arms and stared at his teammate. “Don’t start your whining man; this is our chance to get out of here.” Eric summed up as he began walking towards the exit.

“And you’re being an idiot again.” Derrick sighed. “Didn’t you just hear what the hell was going on outside of this damn bag? Did you hear what they just said out there?” Derrick reminded as Eric turned around to face him. “They’re not going to let us just walk out and leave Eric, don’t be stupid.” He finished.

“Shut that soft shit up.” Eric retaliated. “That chick that caught us wasn’t going to use us for anything, so let’s just take the chance and leave this shit while we can.

“Eric…They’re outside of the bag.” Aaron spoke up. “They could be waiting for us to walk out and….”

“Hey! Nobody asked you!” Eric shouted as Aaron quickly piped down as Eric turned back around to look at Derrick. “If you want to stay here then be my guess I’m leaving this shit. I’m tired of being stuck with two dudes and…”He glanced at Aaron. “A pussy anyway.” He finished as he began walking towards the opening of the bag.

“Eric.” Tyler called out to him. “I’m with Derrick; this whole thing is fucked up. We got kidnapped, don’t know why and the bitch said she was dropping us off to someone else, so we don’t know what kind of trouble we may be in.” Tyler actually tried to reason with him as well.

“Don’t feed me that bullshit.” Eric replied. “That bitch was probably lying about this whole thing and she just made you guys believe everything she said. And you fell for it, Hmph simple asses.” Eric finished as Derrick crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side.

“Excuse me, but um, how stupid are you?” Derrick commented as Eric shot a quick glare at Derrick. “I mean I knew you were an idiot, but being a dumbass idiot is all new to me.” He smirked at his own insult.

“A regular smart ass aren’t you?” Eric’s only response as he continued to walk towards the exit of the bag. “Well I’ll see you chumps later, if you make it out of here that is.” He finished as he threw his hand up, signaling that he was out of here.

“Eric!” Aaron shouted from behind him, but his words were ignored as Eric continued to walk towards the opening of the bag.

Aaron began to sweat as he continued to watch Eric leave the bag. His heart pounded every second he got closer to the opening.

Derrick crossed his arms and watched as well as Tyler as Eric continued on his way.

Their hearts throbbed in suspense as they wondered if Eric could have been right and maybe the girl that captured them was lying, but what are the odds?

Derrick slightly gritted his teeth as he felt something was off in the pit of his stomach, a gut feeling that he knew for certain that he was right on.

Tyler just stared at Eric as his eyes slightly narrowing as Eric neared the end as Aaron tried to slightly cover his eyes, scared of what was about to happen next.

Time seemed to slow down as Eric neared the exit. It was heart pounding as he came to a stop at the very last step of the bag. He peaked out for a bit and didn’t see anyone standing in front of the opening, taking that as a sign that the coast was clear.

He smiled to himself, knowing that he had made the right choice as his right leg lifted up and took that first big step out of the bag, followed by the left leg as he made his way out of the bag.

Aaron, Derrick and Tyler stood there watching him. Their eyes glued onto Eric as took a slightly long stretch and turned around to look at his nervous filled teammates.

“See.” He smiled as he waved his hand to show them there was nothing to worry about. “I told you losers that I was going to be…..”

Suddenly a large hand came down on top of Tyler at blinding speed, crushing him instantly.

Blood splattered in various directions as the remaining three ball players mouths hung open in shock.

-Outside the bag-

Emma’s hand lay flat on the desk, her palm still over Eric’s crushed remains as she remained unfazed about the actions that she took. “1…..” She simply said as she slowly lifted her hand up from the boy’s crushed remains and held it to her face.

She looked at it for a second. Her gaze plain and unemotional as she just dropped her hand to the side and used her free hand to grab the back end of the back and lifted up, spilling out the remaining players in the bag.

The three went tumbling out the bag, splattering across the desk and slipping and falling in Eric’s blood as Aaron sat up and saw the remains of Eric’s body.

His eyes lit up in sheer fear and terror as he tried to scream, but nothing came out. Silence filled the room as Emma look down at her prey as they tried to make sense of their situation.

Derrick looked up at Emma in shock and saw the plain glazed expression on her face as she looked down at them. “She…She just killed….Him….Like that….” Derrick stuttered as Tyler looked up at Emma as well and gritted his teeth at her.

He clenched his fist in sheer frustration as he saw his teammate vanish into a puddle of blood in front of his eyes.

Aaron slowly used his hands to back up, trying to remove himself from Eric’s blood as he felt his back come in contact with something as he slowly tilted his head back slowly to see a pair of large blue eyes staring down at him.

Rebecca sat there with her head resting on her palm and she eyed Aaron with a bright smile as his mouth continued to hang up as she stared down at him.

“Hey little guy….” She spoke as Aaron remained frozen in fear as his stuck to Rebecca’s face.

Derrick and Tyler quickly turned around to see Aaron looking at Rebecca as they gritted their teeth and turned back around to face the giantess in front of them…Emma.

“Well I’m glad that we finally got your attention.” Victoria spoke up as she looked up at the boys standing on top of Rebecca’s desk. “It took you forever to come out of that little bag you were carried in; I thought Kristina unpleasant may have killed you already.” Victoria finished as Kristina sent a slight glare her way as she crossed her arms.

“What the….Ms…..Ms…Victoria.” Derrick stammered as Victoria smirked at him.

“Thaaaat’s right.” She mocked him as he and Tyler stared down at her, confusion written on their faces as she continued to speak. “You see boys, you’re about to become part of a useful project of mine.” She told them as they kept their eyes locked on her.

“Project….” Derrick repeated. “What kind of project?” Derricked asked her.

“Screw that!” Tyler shouted. “Why the fuck did that bitch kill Eric?” He yelled at her as Victoria’s eyes slowly narrowed as she eyed Tyler intensively as he yelled at her.

“We did nothing to you and you fucking killed Eric!” He continued.

“If you pipe down, I’ll explain….” He cut her off.

“Fuck your explanation!” Tyler beamed down at her. “There’s nothing you can say to justify what that bitch.” He pointed towards Emma, who just stared down at him as he spoke. “Did to Eric! Nothing! So fuck your project and fuck you! You’re not getting away with what you did!” He finished as Victoria stared at Tyler for a moment and sighed.

“Such excitement….Well….I guess it won’t go to waste now will it.” She added. “Let’s just hope you still have that same enthusiasm in a few moments.” She told him as the same deadly smirk appeared on her face when the now formal president was still alive.

“What the fuck you do mean you cuntless whore!” Eric screamed at her as Derrick quickly turned him.

“Tyler calm down!” Derrick screamed at him. “Don’t get ahead of yourself; you just saw what happened to Eric!” He yelled grabbing Tyler by his shirt, trying to calm him down and get him to see the bigger picture.

“Fuck you man!” Tyler pushed Derrick away as he pointed at Victoria who was now beaming daggers at him. “That bitch is probably responsible for getting Eric killed and you want me to calm down!” Tyler continued.

“Tyler I know that but…..”

“No fuck that! That shitbag needs to go down and hard, I’m going to make sure everyone knows about this.” He finished as Victoria continued to sit in silence for a few more seconds before her lips decided to move.

“…Emma…..Lollipop.” Victoria simply stated as Derrick and Tyler quickly became confused at Victoria’s sudden statement.

“What the….Lollipop….What the fuck does…..HEY PUT ME DOWN!” Tyler screamed as Derrick head quickly turned towards Tyler just in time to see Emma snatch him up effortlessly.

“Fuck! Tyler!” Derrick screamed as Tyler kicked and screamed frantically in Emma’s fist.

“Derrick! Derrick! Get this bitch away from me!” Tyler shouted as Emma slowly raised Tyler to her face; gazing at him as he screamed.

“You better pay attention to your friend little guy…” Rebecca continued to smile down at Aaron who took his eyes off of Rebecca and saw Tyler being lifted up towards Emma’s face.

“Oh no….Oh no…Tyler!” Aaron shouted as Rebecca gave him a slight giggle at his reaction.

Kristina and Peter sat in awe as they watched to see what Emma was about to as she slowly opened her mouth keeping her fist wrapped tightly around Tyler’s lower body.

“What the fuck! I can’t move! Derrick I can’t move!” Tyler screamed again as he opened his eyes and saw the pink cavern that was Emma’s mouth hovering over him.” Oh Hell No!” He bellowed as he continued to fight against Emma’s grip, but it was no use as Emma placed his upper body into her mouth and gently slithered her tongue towards him.

Tyler eyes shot up as the pink snake made contact with his body as she gently licked around his upper body, tasting him as she held him in place like she was like he was nothing more than a candy on a stick. She slightly closed her eyes as she savored Tyler’s upper body as his screams were muffle by the tongue that continued to bully him around.

Lightly sucking on his upper half as she gently pulled him out of her mouth, staring at him for a moment as he tried to catch his breath; her eyes remained cold and without mercy as she slowly opened her mouth again, gently pressing her tongue against Tyler’s face as she slowly licked him.

Victoria smiled at the scene as Derrick turned his head back towards her.

“Ms. Victoria stop her! She’s going to kill him!” Derrick shouted at her, but Victoria’s eyes didn’t show signs of stopping her giant monster as she ignored Derrick’s cries as she kept her eyes glued on Emma’s show.

“Victoria!” Derrick shouted.

“It’s no use kid.” Kristina stated as she stood against the wall with her arms crossed as Derrick redirected his eyes towards her. “Your friend is as good as gone…Sorry about that.” Sarcastically ending her statement as Derrick glared at her, remember who she was from before.

“Derrick Help me….” Tyler managed to let out as Emma’s tongue continued to assault him as repeated placed him inside her mouth, sucking on him lightly only to pull him back out and lick him again. Her gentle touch dragged out as Tyler’s fight left his body as Emma continued to play with her treat.

She lightly glazed her tongue over her chest and face, only using the tip to trace his features as felt around his upper body with her tongue.

Her eyes remained unchanged as she put Tyler through her hell. Lightly licking him up and down, placing him back into her mouth lightly pressing him down under tongue, then taking him to the roof of her mouth as Tyler became motionless in Emma’s fist.

Upon seeing this Victoria’s smile widen as Emma placed half of Tyler’s body in her mouth as Aaron and Derrick watched in complete horror as Emma just stood there.

Her tongue wasn’t moving anymore, she just stood idle as everyone watched, waiting for her next move for the unlucky starter in her mouth.

Her breath eased over Tyler as he lay against her front pair of molars, sobbing as he knew he had no way out of his predicament. All he wanted was to go back to his room and hide in his bed, but that was far beyond what was about to happen as Emma eyed the two remaining regulars on Rebecca’s desk, looking into their eyes.

She saw it….The fear that she was searching for as she eyed Derrick and then she saw a real thrill as her eyes fixated on Aaron as she simply bit down…Snapping Tyler in half.

Derrick’s eyes nearly budged out of his head as Aaron released a horrible kid like scream as blood filled Emma’s maw as she placed Tyler’s upper half against her molars and simply chewed as if it was a completely normal thing to do.

Once she gulped down her half her snack. She simply tossed the other half in her mouth and chewed again, gulping down Tyler’s remain without a second thought as she eyed the last two remaining regulars on Rebecca’s desk. “2….” She called out plainly.

Derrick looked up at Emma and saw the murderous intent in her eyes as he quickly turned around and bolted for Aaron who was still screaming his head off.

“Oh…..” Victoria smiled as she watched the entire scene unfold as Derrick got close enough to Aaron as he looked up and saw Rebecca still in the same position and staring at them with a smile still on her face.

He gritted his teeth and grabbed Aaron by the shirt, snatching him up and running towards the edge of the desk.

Yanked out of his state of shock Aaron look to see Derrick making a beeline for it as he dragged Aaron to the edge of the desk and leaped off, aiming for the giantess like cushion seat on the other side of the desk.

Rebecca smile still remained on her face as she made no effort to stop the regulars last ditch plan to escape what was going to happen to them as Derrick landed on the cushioned seat first, but didn’t expect a large bounce to be the result of it.

Aaron soon hit the cushion as well, but didn’t bounce as high as they barely made on the seat to begin with. Aaron’s body rolled a few inches onto the chair after he came back down from his bounce, giving him time to see Derrick’s body flying in the opposite direction…Away from the chair.

Aaron’s life slowed down as he saw Derrick’s body slowly descending to the carpeted floor of the office. “De…Derrick….” He managed to call out slowly as Derrick managed to give him one last look before his body made contact with the ground, bouncing him up off impact, but finally coming back down with him lying motionless.

“Derrick…..Derrick!” Aaron screamed as he looked down from the chair that he was on. “Derrick come on get up!” but there was no movement from the once starter of the university basketball team.

Thunderous footsteps were heard as Emma casually made her way over towards Derrick’s fallen body as Aaron quickly looked up at Emma as she drew nearer.

“Oh no….” Aaron thought. “She’s coming this way.” His mind was running circles around the truth as reality set in for him. “Derrick come on! She’s coming! You got to get up and run now!” He nearly cried as tears began to form in his eyes as Emma was only a few steps away from the lifeless boy’s body that Aaron didn’t seem to accept as of yet. “Derrick!”

He screamed for his friend, but his screams quickly went silent as Emma’s Black Gothic platform boots came crashing down upon Derrick’s lifeless body, crushing it instantly.

Aaron’s eyes shot up as he watched three of his people get murdered right in front of him. He sat on his knees as Emma’s foot remained on top of Derrick’s crushed body as blood leaked out from under her boot.

Aaron just sat there looking up at the Raven haired giantess as she slowly twisted her foot on Derrick’s remains, before placing it flatly back on top of them, still staring into Aaron’s eyes.

The room grew silent as all eyes laid on Aaron as deadly smirks and grins surrounded him as looked up into the face of death itself….Emma.

End Notes:


Sorry for the wait and this chapter is....Welllllll....Fucked up to say the least...Shit gets real....Shit gets real....Let's hope Aaron survives the next chapter....If I'm in a good mood he might, if not....Then....Oh well.

the next chapter will be a bit slower (maybe, still debating on Aaron right now) but we get back to the Alex and the others next chapter so hooray!!!!


Chapter 9 by JT07

Chills ran down Aaron’s spine as his eyes stared off into space as Emma leered down at him. Her movements stopped in front of the regular sitting on the chair’s cushion as she gazed down at his spirit broken form.

Aaron shuttered as the memory of the tragic events that just inspired in front of him; the nightmarish hell that Emma managed to deliver in only a few minutes of their interaction.

Rebecca continued to smile down at the last remaining regular as her head was still cupped in her palm on top of the desk as Emma proceeded to make her way towards him. Her movements were slow and dawning as Aaron continued to look up at her.

“S….St….Stay back.” He managed to let out, scared out of his mind, but that didn’t stop Emma from advancing, her right foot pounding the ground with still some of Derrick’s remains on the bottom of it.

“Oh no she’s getting closer.” Aaron’s mind race as Emma’s next step stopped her right in arms reach of him. “She’s going to kill me….She’s going to kill me!” His mind practically screamed as he took a step back out of pure fear.

Aaron quickly turned around, trying to find some type of place for him to hide, but there was none. Unknowingly to Derrick before his demise, he had unintentionally doomed Aaron as well at their last ditch effort to escape Emma’s unmerciful wrath.

Without another second to waste, Emma’s hand reached down, snatching up the tiny regular without concern for his well-being. Her pale hand felt cold to Aaron’s body as he was lifted up to the murderous face of his captor.

Aaron struggled within Emma’s grasp, but it was to no avail as Emma kept him trapped in a closed first of her right hand. She stared deeply at Aaron as she watched him panic in her presence. His shivers made a small smile appear on her face as he tried desperately to break away from her grip.

“Well it looks like Emma is having fun.” Kristina said as she leaned against the wall with her arms crossed observing the scene. “Didn’t really think she would get a kick out of a slaughter fest like this.” Kristina added as Peter pushed his glasses up to his face as he responded.

“Emma isn’t your typical giantess Kristina.” He kept his eyes locked on Emma. “Everything about her is….Different….Something unique unlike most giantesses in this community.”

“Different, what, did she have some tragic accident or something?” Kristina sarcastically asked. “If that’s the case I think most of the girls here can relate.” She looked down at him as Peter kept his eyes glued on Emma.

“No you don’t get it. Emma is a special giantess in every way possible. Unlike you, she doesn’t carry something useless as emotion. She’s just goes off what she knows.” He explained to her.

Kristina shrugged her shoulders at his response. “Eh? I still don’t get it. I think the girl just has a few loose screws or something, but the way you make it sound, it’s like she was born out of a barn or something.” Kristina huffed as Victoria looked over at her smirked.

“Not necessarily a barn, but something quite similar.” Her smirked remained on her face as she turned her head back to the screaming regular, trapped in Emma’s hand.

“Let’s just say for your knowledge, that Emma was a sheltered child from day one.” Her grin grew a bit wider as she continued to watch Emma’s work.

Rebecca continued to sit there as Aaron screamed for dear life as he fought with everything he had to get out of Emma’s grip. She watched as Aaron tried to push himself out of Emma’s tight grip, but to no avail as he only succeeded in tiring himself out. Rebecca licked her lips slowly as she looked at Aaron’s tiny frame struggling against somebody bigger than him. His cries for help and mercy being ignored as he whimpered like a dog inside of a cage.

“Emma, let’s wrap this up ok, it’s really starting to get late and I have somewhere to be.” Victoria told her as she sat back and watched as Emma turned her head towards her and give her a slight nod.

Emma’s eyes returned to Aaron’s struggling form as she slowly began to squeeze her fist. Aaron’s eyes shot up from the pain as Emma’s fist tighten slowly as he yelled out. His body quickly sprang back to life as he struggled frantically, pounding her on her fist hoping that she would let go or at least loosen her grip around his body.

It was no use though. Aaron looked up at Emma’s eyes and didn’t see any kind of mercy. Her eyes were cold and dark; it was as if the girl that held him was completely void of any type of feelings inside her. She just stared at him with a mindless intent to kill him.

Emma’s fist continued to tighten slowly getting ready to nearly crush the youngest out of the four boys that were captured by Kristina.

The small smile that crept up on Emma’s face grew into a sadistic smirk as her started to relish in the moment of her kill. Her eyes narrowing slowly as she focused on Aaron’s body, wanting to savor the moment in which he would explode in her hand.

The thought of this only made her increase the pressure on Aaron as he continued to scream as if anyone would come to his aid.

The room was quiet as they watched Emma torture the poor boy slowly as no one said anything and Emma drew closer to the final squeeze.

With Aaron blacking out from the pain slowly as his energy was sapped away from the constant fighting that he did with Emma’s grip, his body slumped. Emma satisfied with her work, decided it was time to end the regular’s life as her smile showed teeth this time.

She slowly lifted up Aaron towards her mouth, opening it slowly; allowing him to see inside the dark abyss that would seal him away forever.

Aaron lifted his head up slowly; too weak to fight back anymore could only look in horror as he was drawn closer to the dark cavern.

“I can’t believe it…I going to die….I’m going to fucking die.” He cried as he could feel the moist breath of Emma around him as half his body entered the dark pink cave of Emma’s mouth.

He was placed on top of her bottom molars in a similar fashion in which Tyler was killed. Aaron still with no energy left gave up.

Tears ran down his cheek as he lay on Emma’s giant molars, knowing full well what was about to happen next.

“Am I really going to die like this?” Aaron’s mind raced “Just for this girl’s amusement….Man my life…sucks.” Aaron’s thoughts were soon interrupted when he felt the tip of Emma’s tongue lap at his face.

He soon closed his eyes as his upper body was soon covered in Emma’s saliva as her tongue quickly retreated after a short few seconds of tasting her victim.

Without any second to waste, Emma, satisfied with her torture decided to end it all. She removed her hand from Aaron’s lower body and held him in her mouth, half with her teeth. She wasn’t biting down as she wanted Aaron to realize that this was indeed his last few seconds in the world of the living.

Emma smiled evilly as she slowly opened her jaws, drawing in the anticipation once more as the eyes in the room were drawn to her performance.

The hellish tension Emma built was excruciating for Aaron, but satisfying to the others as her jaws slowly began to descend on top of Aaron’s body.

Time slowed down to what seemed like an eternity for Aaron as he waited for his death at the ends of the merciless teen.

Seconds turned into hours as Aaron’s heart rate increased dramatically as he felt that it was about to pump out of his chest.

With one quick movement, Aaron slightly turned his head to the side as he glanced up at Emma’s descending molars, ready to claim his life.

His eyes shut instantly as he saw the white boulders coming down towards him.

“Oh man, this is it.” He gritted his teeth as he embraced for the pain to come. “I’m really going to be eaten.” Her teeth still coming towards him. “Someone please help me.” He whimpered as they were within range of snapping his body in half.

“Hold on for a second Emma.” Rebecca spoke up, catching the attention of the entire room as Emma’s jaws came to a complete halt, leaving only an inch of space between her molars and Aaron.

Emma slightly glanced in Rebecca’s direction as she held her jaws in place as Victoria spoke up, crossing her arms. “Rebecca? Why are you stopping Emma from her afternoon snack?”

Rebecca eyes slightly glanced down at Victoria as she just shrugged her shoulders as she removed her head from the palm of her hand and leaned back in the chair. “I don’t know, I guess that I want to have some fun with the little guy before he goes caput.” She answered calmly as Victoria eyes slightly narrowed at Rebecca.

“What? Geez, no I’m not saving him or anything.” Rebecca said as she stood up from her seat. “If it makes you feel any better I’ll make sure I get rid of him myself.” She told Victoria as she made her way towards Emma. “I just think that Emma shouldn’t get all the fun is all.” She smiled as she held out an open palm towards Emma, who just stared at her in response.

“Come on Emma, spit him out.” Rebecca pressed as Emma just remained still, staring into Rebecca’s eyes as she considered the giantess command.

“Rebecca…” Victoria called out, causing Rebecca’s head to turn towards her direction. “If you take the regular from Emma, then it is your responsibility to make sure that he does not survive the night.” She strictly warned.

Rebecca slightly rolled her eyes. “I know, I know, I said that I was going to end him myself when my fun is over.” She replied.

“Good, because I hope you’re a good girl and keep your word or…..”

“I know already, just hand the little guy over; you’re really killing my time right now.” Rebecca interrupted as Victoria just stared at her for a second before she looked over at Emma and nodded her head in approval.

Emma, without hesitation, opened up her mouth and removed Aaron from her awaiting jaws as she simply dropped Aaron into Rebecca’s awaiting palm.

Aaron was shivering in fear as he came in contact with Rebecca’s warm skin as she smiled down at him and slowly enclosed her fist.

“Rebecca…..” Emma called out lowly getting the brown haired giantess attention. “Are you going to kill him?” She asked bluntly as Rebecca gave her a weird look in return as she slowly nodded her head. “Good….Because if you don’t….Then I’m going to kill you.” Emma ended as she walked passed Rebecca without so much of a thought of the statement that she gave her.

Leaving the office without another word leaving Rebecca standing there with a weirded out expression on her face as she turned her head towards the door as it closed behind Emma. “What the hell is wrong with her?’ She spoke out loud. “Jesus….” She sighed. “Too fucking weird.” She ended as Kristina slightly giggled at Rebecca’s response.

“Well it looks like you better make sure you do what you have to do to the little regular in your hand, or its “bye bye” Rebecca.” She snickered.

Rebecca slightly glared at Kristina. “Kristina….Shut the hell up….Nothing is going to happen, I’m going to keep my word and end the little guy later, geez, it’s not that big of a fucking deal.” Rebecca finished.

“Most people would think otherwise” Peter spoke up gaining a leer from Rebecca. “Most girls can’t just kill without reason, but you know if you don’t do what you have to do, then that regular will tell everybody what happened and what he heard, plus with the president and the team’s star players gone, the community will look into the matter and it will gain too much attention.” Peter explained as Rebecca slightly gritted her teeth.

“Why do I have to repeat myself? I already know, I’m not going to jeopardize anything, geez, just let me have some fun with this one that’s all I’m asking.” She ended.

“Just make sure you don’t let this one get away Rebecca, I’m not going to be so forgiving next time.” Victoria stepped in, her arms still crossed as she gave Rebecca a stern look.

Rebecca returned the look as well. “That’s fine and all, but I don’t need your threats Victoria.” Rebecca stood up for herself. “I told you I’m not going to screw up, just trust me and let me have my fun this time around.” She said back as Victoria just closed her eyes and flicked her wrist as if to dismiss Rebecca from further conversation.

Gritting her teeth in slight frustration, she turned her back towards the three remaining in the room and walked out, slightly slamming the door behind her.

“Are you sure that was a good idea?” Peter asked Victoria as she reopened her eyes and smirked at Peter.

“No worries, if something does go wrong then I have a special way of dealing with her.” Victoria finished as Kristina looked down at the two regulars in the room and then at the door.

“Well alright then, you two are officially creeping me out. I think I’m going to…”

“You’re not going anywhere; I need you to actually take care of something for me Kristina.” A wicked smile smeared across her face as she leaned forward on her desk with her fingers intertwining.

Kristina gave Victoria a weird look. “O…K….What?”

“Let’s just say you’re going to get me something special…Very special.” Victoria ended as Kristina continued to look at Victoria with a nervous expression appearing on her face.

-Frankie’s Student Apartment-

Frankie sat In front of her computer desk as her regular sat in front of her, looking up at the screen in front of them.

“Alright so what happens if I do this?” Tory asked her as he used his regular sized addition mouse that he connected to her computer and clicked on something.

Frankie sighed from boredom as she pointed at the screen. “That’s going to change the settings on your computer.” She began as she moved her mouse to show him what she was talking about. “If you do it that way, then you have to go to control panel and then settings and you can change whatever you want from there…How bright the screen is and stuff like that.” She explained.

“Ok but couldn’t I just right click on the screen and have that come up?” Tory looked up at her as Frankie gave him a slight irritating stare.

“Is that what your book said to do?” She asked him back as Tory looked down at his computer book sitting to the left of him and shrugged his shoulders. “Did you even read the damn thing?” Frankie asked as she sat back in her chair, crossing her arms as she looked down at him.

“Well…”Tory rubbed the back of his head nervously.” Kind of….I mean….Well…Some…of …it….A little.” Frankie wasn’t buying it. “Ok…No.” He admitted.

Frankie took a deep breath and leaned forward, using her mouse to exit out of everything she pulled up.

“Hey! Frankie what the hell!” Tory shouted up at her. “I was using that!” He pointed out to her as Frankie glanced down at him and then back up at the computer screen.

“Your point?” She simply replied without looking at him as she brought up a game on her computer and began to play.

“How am I going to study if you just closed everything out?” He argued as Frankie kept her eyes on the screen, ignoring him completely. “Frankie! Frankie! FRANKIE!” He screamed her name.

“Tiny, shut up! I’m kind of busy!” She said as she stared intently at the computer, concentrating on the game she was playing. “Besides if you want to learn anything, then read the book.” She told him as Tory stood there and crossed his arms.

“So you’re not going to help me study then?” He asked her with a low growl escaping his throat.

“Nope.” Frankie simply replied as she pressed her mouse a few times.” You should have read before you came over here, AFTER, I told you not to in the first place.” She reminded him as Tory looked up at her and gritted his teeth, but it soon went away as Tory thought of something and walked over to Frankie’s keyboard.

“Alright then…Since you’re not going to help me study.” He began as he leaped off the desk and onto the keyboard, causing it to pause the game Frankie’s was playing.

Frankie’s eyes shot up for a second as she quickly looked down at her keyboard, sending a slight glare towards Tory’s direction.

“Get off my Keyboard, or I’m crushing you.” She threatened as Tory looked up at her and smiled.

“Help me study then.” He retaliated.

“Tiny….” Frankie’s glare intensified.” Move….” She warned him as Tory just shook his head and crossed his arms in front of her.

“Not until you help me pass this test tomorrow.” He tried to reason with her as Frankie just stared at him for a moment, a small smirk forming across her lips as her hand left the mouse she was using.

“Alright then, I’ll help you study something.” Frankie said as she slowly wrapped her fingers around Tory’s body, lifting him up off the keyboard.

“Frankie…..What are you doing?” Tory dragged out as he watched as Frankie lifted him up in the air as she slowly stood up out of her chair.

“Well you need help studying right?” She reminded him as her smirk grew wider as he nodded.”

Then I’m going to help you do that.” She told him as she lifted him up to her mouth and gently blew on him causing a slight shiver to slide down his spine.

“Frankie this isn’t what I…..” Tory was cut off as the tip of her tongue gently licked his face, coating it in saliva as she brought it back in her mouth and stared at him.

“You’re going to get the chance to study my mouth for a while and there’s going to be test on it later.” She smirked at him.

“The fuck…Frankie, No!” Tory argued. “I got stuff to do and….” Tory was cut off again as Frankie’s tongue returned to his upper body, coating his clothes in the same saliva as his face was.

Like the first time, her tongue moved slowly and gentle as she licked him. She smiled as he shivered against her tongue as she slowly opened her mouth wider, pushing him inside.

Tory laid on tongue face first as he quickly tried to push himself up, turning back towards the entrance of the cave that he entered.” Frankie stop playing around.” He told her as he stood up on her tongue, but was quickly knocked over as she moved it around.

“I’m not playing around.” She spoke to him, while he was still in her mouth. “I’m helping you out, plus, I really shouldn’t talk with my mouth full, so you better hold on to something.” She ended as Tory got back up on top of her slippery tongue and tried to crawl out of her mouth.

“Frankie this isn’t funny!” He yelled at her as Frankie closed her mouth, sealing his exit off completely.

Tory’s eyes widen as Frankie’s tongue began to maneuver him around in her mouth, bullying him with ease as she pressed him into the roof of her mouth, only to slam him against her jaw as she hummed to herself as she went back to playing her game, ignoring the regulars cries for help…Somewhat anyway.

She tossed Tory around in her mouth as if he was nothing but a life saver as she sucked on his regulars sized body. She rolled him around under tongue, knocking him down as he tried to find a way to stand up. She pressed him against to the side of her mouth once again, pinning him down in-between her molars as she slowly grinded her teeth against him before moving him back out onto her tongue again.

She slightly giggled to herself as she continued to play her computer game, while sucking on the human candy in her mouth.

After a few more minutes of brutal beat down by her tongue, she slowly slid Tory in between her lips, holding him there as she hummed. Tory was completely covered in Saliva and exhausted as half his body hung out of her mouth. His breathing was heavy as he tried to catch his breath and value the break that Frankie was giving him.

He slowly lifted his head up and saw that she was still playing a game on her computer, completely drawn into the fact that she just made him a human sucker….Without the stick.

After he recovered some of his strength he tried to push himself out of her mouth only for her to open it back up slightly, using her only her tongue to slide him back in and sealing off the exit.

She smirked to herself as she lightly sucked on her plaything, completely into the game she was playing while she treated him like the tasty treat that he was. Her tongue slide over his body as he fought against, quickly draining his energy again and forced into submission as she pressed against the roof of her mouth, only to bring him back down and cover him with her tongue; coating him in more saliva.

A slight moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. Light sucking sounds could be heard as she paused the game herself and leaned back in her chair.

Tory on the other hand, was getting bullied once again. Forced to surrender as Frankie continued to show the dominant power she had over him with just her tongue. He tried to fight it and crawl out of the endless torment that she was putting him through, only to be pressed against the cheeks licked, almost as if she was mocking his attempts of escape.

Slowly Frankie’s hand lifted off the mouse and slowly slid down her stomach as it snaked it ways between her legs as she place Tory against her molars and tried to catch him in her teeth, but he would avoid being tenderized at the last second, causing a light smirk to form across her face. She used her tongue to push him against her molars, hoping he would escape just so she could place them there again, loving the game she was playing as he tried to avoid her teeth.

He fought hard, but it only last for a few minutes as her tongue finally pushed him on the top of side of her bottom teeth.

Satisfied with her victory, she lightly bit down, careful not to hurt the regular that was practically dominated by her tongue. She slowly chewed on the normal sized human as her hand found it’s destination as she leaned back in the chair and lightly rubbed herself. Her eyes closed as she her hand pressed harder against her as she continued to bite down slowly on the regular.

After a few more moans Frankie’s eyes opened as she quickly removed her hand from her covered area and retrieved the spit coated regular from her mouth.

She smirked as she held him in front of her face as he gave her a cold glare with his arms crossed.

“What?” She simply replied at his gaze.” I had fun.” She laughed as he wiped some of the saliva from his face and grunted at her.

“Oh don’t be a little bitch.” She said as she sat Tory down in her palm and smirked at him as she noticed something poking against his pants. “See you enjoyed it to, but then again you always do.” She added with another laugh at his expense.

“Can you just let me wash up and change clothes?” He said, turning his eyes away from her.

Frankie triumphantly smiled as she peered down at the regular sitting soaked in the palm of her hand as another smirk crossed her face. “Sure why not, I’m not finished with you anyway, I just had a great idea for later.”

“Later?” Tory repeated as he looked up at the tall giantess that held him.

“Yep. Later on since you decided to come over when I told you not to, you’re not going to leave this apartment until…Well until I say so really.” She ended.

Tory gave her a plain look in response. “I’m not a slave you know.” He voiced.

Frankie looked down at him and shrugged her shoulders. “You are what I say you are….End of story.” She replied as she got up from her chair and walked into the bathroom.

“It sounds like you’re trying to take my free will away from me or something.” Tory retaliated as he crossed his arms again, looking up at her.

“No not free will, you can keep your will for all I care, that doesn’t change the fact of my ownership over you.” She sat him on the counter and turned on both knobs on the sink to get the water running.

“How many times do we have to go through this? You don’t own me Frankie, I’m your friend.” He shot up.

“A friend that I own.” She shot back happily as she checked the temperature of the water with her hand, slowly flicking the water off as she turned off the knobs and looked down at her soaked tiny.

“Sigh….You don’t own me, I’m just a friend that comes by and gets….Well….Treatments.” He knew he chose a poor choice of words as she just stared at him for a moment.

Her bluish green eyes scanned him for a moment as she shook her head at his statement. “And I charge for my services for this “Treatment” As you call it and since you’re broke….I own you until you can pay me back.” She said as she turned towards the door and stopped before she left the bathroom.

“You know, there are other ways you could pay me back and I’ll leave you alone.” She smiled brightly at him as Tory gave her questionable look in return, until it clicked at what she was hinting at.

His face slightly froze up in fear as he shook his head vigorously. “No I’m not doing that again; remember the last time we tried that and you left me in there for half the night!” He yelled at her.

“I took you out in time and plus you survived it didn’t you?” She asked him.

“Not the point, you nearly drowned me in there!” He shouted back at her as he began to remove his clothes.

“Hey, it felt good so you should be happy to say the least.” She said walking out the bathroom leaving Tory to wash himself off. “By the way tiny, what do you want to eat, since you probably won’t be going back home tonight.” She screamed out as she poked her head back into the bathroom as he was washing up.

“Do you want a…..” Frankie was cut off as her phone started to vibrate and then a loud ring chimed as she causally walked over to her phone.

She pressed the screen a few times and her eyes narrowed as she read the incoming message.

“Kristina (The bitch)”

“Hey Frankie, just wanted to let you know that I did enjoy seeing you today and I just wanted to see how you and the little regular are doing.”

Frankie looked at the screen; a light growl slowly escaped her lips as she clicked on the message and began texting back.

“What do you want Kristina?”

Frankie sent the message and went back into the bathroom to find Tory climbing out of the sink. He walked over to the human added towel rack and grabbed a towel to dry himself off.

He looked up at Frankie and noticed that she was staring at her phone as it chimed again.

“Kristina (The Bitch)”

“Want? Chill out, you just seemed a bit upset after I saw you and I wanted to say no hard feelings and that you can still join the group I was telling you about earlier. So how about it? Bring the regular to, I’m pretty sure he’ll be safer…Well….Yea….Sooooo get your head out of your ass and join already.”

Frankie stood in one spot as she started texting back. Her teeth gritting at every word that Kristina sent her.

Tory looked up at Frankie and noticed that she was completely ignoring him as she continued to type on her phone. From his point of view, she seemed annoyed, almost slowly getting angry as he looked up at the giantess that stood before him.

“I don’t get why you can’t take no for an answer. When we broke up you told me you wanted me out of your life, even after I tried to help you. Now all of a sudden you come back and keep talking about this fucking group that you’re in. I’m not interested Kristina, now leave me the fuck alone!!!”

Frankie’s fingers pounded her phone as she let out a irritated sigh as she looked down and saw that Tory was still in a towel. “Oh…Sorry about that.” She said as she walked out of the room for a few moments and returned with a spare set of clothes that he left over there whenever he was “Forced to stay the night.”

As Tory began to put on a simple Red T-Shirt and a pair of Beige cargo shorts; followed by white ankle socks.

“Frankie….” Tory called out to her as he saw his giantess friend lightly stomp out the bathroom and return as her phone went off again.

“Kristina (The Bitch)

“Are you still lying to him?”

Frankie froze as she read the message on her phone and looked down at the tiny that still sat on the counter.

Her look puzzled Tory as he saw her eyes widen for a split second before returning to her phone as she walked out of the bathroom as well. “Um, you alright Frankie?” He asked her, but his question went ignored as Frankie fought with a reply to send back, but for the first time in a while, she couldn’t think of anything.

Her phone went off again.

“Kristina (The Bitch)

“I knew it….You know he’s going to find out right? You could tell himself yourself that he’s not safe around you, or I can….It’s funny though, It’s not like you to keep a regular around for this long. What are you doing? Waiting for a special day or something….Yep typical Francesca. You lied to me and now you’re lying to him lol…Damn.”

Frankie’s heart pounded as she read the message. Her eyes narrowed in anger as Kristina’s last message struck a nerve as Frankie slammed her phone down on the bed and saw Tory staring at her with a confused expression on her face.


Frankie looked down at him for a moment, her expression unreadable as she picked up her phone again and grabbed a few extra things from her dresser. “I’m going to get some Chinese tiny, stay here I’ll be back.” She told him as she turned her back towards Tory.

His eyebrow arched at Frankie’s sudden change in attitude. “You’re going to leave me here…By myself, that’s not like you at all.” Tory head tilted as Frankie glanced back at him, her stare just as blank as ever.

“It’s nothing; I just don’t want you coming with me.” She was short with him. “So stay here like a good tiny and I won’t go overboard with you when I get back.” A half-hearted threat as she walked towards the door.

“So who were the texts from?” He bluntly blurted out, staring down Frankie as she stared him down as well. “Is that why your upset…Like your whole mood just changed and you were just…Well I wouldn’t use happy, but you were just you a minute ago. So what’s up?” He asked her, standing his ground as Frankie turned around and made her way towards him.

She lowered her face to his level on the bed as he stared in her eyes. The same eyes that always made him gawk at, regardless of their situation. “Listen to me, because I’m only going to say this once.” Her tone completely different than what Tory was used, even when she was mad at him, but for some reason, this was a more serious darker tone than he ever heard her speak in.

“I’m going to walk out and pick up some Chinese for the both of us ok, but I’m going alone as I have to think about a few things, the less questions you ask, the better.” She told him as she took a deep breath before actually finishing her sentence. “And I mean, the better it is for you.” She added as her eyes scanned the regular sized human in front of her, trying to found an ounce of fear that she hopefully managed to implant in him.

“Bull….Shit.” Tory responded in a cold tone of his own, trying to match his demeanor with Frankie’s as the two began to match wits with each other, but on a different platform than their usual games.

Tory glared at Frankie, standing his ground as he sat on the bed crossed legged out of habit. “Something is wrong with you and you won’t tell me what. You never tell me anything important about you Frankie, why do you always keep me in the dark?” He asked her, just as serious as she was.

Frankie let a small irritating sigh escape her lips. “It’s not for you to know tiny, just listen to what I say and you won’t have to worry about stuff like that.” She told him.

“I’m not worried about “Stuff like that.” I’m worried about you.” He spoke as Frankie eyes continued to stare at him, her expression just as unreadable as ever, but Tory continued to tread in an unknown territory.

“Trust me when I say this Tiny, there are somethings you don’t need to know.” Her eyes adverted away for a split second.

“That’s not fair Frankie; I tell you everything, especially when something’s wrong. I don’t hide anything from you. “He told her truthfully as he was starting to get irritated himself.

“That’s not my problem, it’s not my fault you’re an open book.” She let slide out.

Tory’s anger started to rise at her last comment. “An open book? What the fuck Frankie. Where is all this even coming from?” He stood up glaring daggers at her.” You were just fine a moment ago, but now. ..

“Now what?” She stared back at him. Her plain expression as she lifted her head back up and towered over him as he stood on her bed. “Make sure you choose your next few words wisely, you never know what could happen to you.” She slightly glared at him, hoping that he would back down.

Tory gritted his teeth. “Whatever, you’re not going to do anything, you never do. You’re threats are just as empty as you are.” He insulted back, not realizing that his words actually found a mark and Frankie’s faceless expression turned into a mean scowl.

“Really…Is that what you think?” Her eyes narrowing into a death glare as Tory just let out a small sigh as he looked up.

“Look that was wrong of me to say, I didn’t mean it it’s just….” He was cut off.

“Oh no, don’t try to back out of this now.” Frankie stated still glaring down at him. “So you think my threats are empty right, you don’t know how wrong you actually are and especially with your size, the danger that your actually in.” She pointed out to him as she lowered face again to his level on the bed.

“Let me make myself clear with you Tiny, between you and me there is one big difference between us beside male and female and that’s this.” She demonstrated her meaning by using her index finger and flicked him without any effort, knocking the regular sized human on his back, but he got back up rather quickly.

“You see, I have power in situations like this and you don’t. Just do what I say and don’t ask any questions and you might walk out here with some trace of dignity.” She threatened again, but this time it was different than her usual idol threats…She actually meant it this time.

Tory looked up at Frankie, still matching glares with her. “Since when did you actually care about having power over someone? I swear sometimes Frankie you are completely full of shit.” He finished as Frankie’s eyebrow arched at his last statement as she stared at him for a moment and then an evil smirk appeared across her face.

“Full of shit huh? Fine last words; don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She stated as she simply reached down and snatched him up, quite roughly than her usual ways.

Tory fought against her grip as her fingers held him tightly as she made her way back towards the bathroom. “Frankie, what are you doing? Let me go!” He shouted at her, but Frankie ignored his cries and walked towards the toilet.

“You said I was full of shit remember?” Frankie answered back as she waked over to the toilet seat with the lid already up. “Just so that we’re clear on that, I’m going to use you to clear all that “Shit” out of me.” Frankie’s smile sent chills down Tory’s spine this time around.

Normally her game was to get him to stop asking questions and hopefully harmlessly scare him into letting her be, but he wanted to match her blow for blow and she had to find a way to make him stop.

“Frankie, come on this isn’t funny.” He said as he looked down at the toilet bowl in front of him. “Seriously Frankie, I didn’t mean it. Just calm down and let’s talk about this.” He pleaded as he struggled against her grip.

“Nope, I don’t want to talk, I want you to understand that words have meaning and you should watch what you say.” She replied as she held him over the toilet.

“Frankie! Seriously!” Tory yelled at her, dangling from her fingers.

“And down you go.” She playfully spoke as she dropped the regular sized human into the bowl of water below her as he made a light splash.

She smirked as she began to unbutton her black shorts. Tory stared up at her as Frankie continued to smirk as she saw the horror on his face as he knew what she was planning as her shorts hit the ground, followed by her panties.

She slowly turned around, her tan pale backside showing as she lowered herself on to the seat, blocking all light from Tory’s view.

She leaned back against the lid of the toilet and sighed as she thought about what the regular sized human was seeing as she was going to show him what happens when you piss her off. “I hope you’re ready….Well ready or not, it really doesn’t matter to me anyway.” She finished as she sat back up ready to deliver on to what she promised.

- At the coed apartment –

Alex sighed as she looked at Jaden as they sat on her bedroom bed. She couldn’t help but smile as he popped his head out of the bag of popcorn she popped as they were supposed to watch a movie, but ended up ignoring part of it.

She slowly dug her hand into the bag and pulled out a few pieces and carelessly placed them in her mouth and chewed naturally as she watched as Jaden pick up one large piece and chomp on it.

“You’re having fun aren’t you?” She giggled as Jaden took another bite before diving back down into the bag.

“You bet! This is awesome, whoever knew popcorn could be so…. BIG!” He exclaimed his excitement as he picked up another large popcorn from the pile that he was in.

Alex playfully rolled her eyes “Well yea, it’s a giant bag of popcorn and you’re actually picking up small pieces.” She said as she picked up another few pieces of popcorn from the bag, tossing them in her mouth as well.

“Well hey; I’m doing the best I can here.” Jaden smiled back, but that smile soon faded as he saw Alex staring at him for a moment.

He felt a wave of guilt as he knew what she was thinking and took a deep breath as her somber expression washed over him.

“Squirt are you sure you’re ok?” She began. “I mean, I don’t know what that crazy bitch’s problem was, but she looked real serious about trying to take you out.” Alex reminded him as Jaden looked back up at her and leaned against a very large piece of popcorn.

“I told you Alex I’m fine, remember I’m half mega. So a little squeeze here and there isn’t going to kill me you know.” He replied back with a reassuring smile.

“Yeah, but still…..”

“Alex, you and Ava worry too much.” Jaden told her. “I’m fine, look.” He said as he stood up and moved his arms and legs. “I have all my limbs and even my head is still on. There’s no scratch on me and….”

Jaden was about to say something, but he lost his balance and fell into the pile of popcorn he was standing on causing Alex to giggle at his clumsiness.

“Looks like you lost your balance back there.” She laughed as Jaden got up, throwing some popcorn off of him. “Still though that scared the shit out of me the way she looked at you like that.” She admitted as Jaden got comfortable and settled on leaning against the popcorn again. “It’s like, I don’t know, just reminded me on how much Ryan wanted to take you out. So you know….” Alex fumbled around as she tried to find the right words.

“Sounds like you were really worried about me.” Jaden tilted his head slightly.

Alex nodded her head in response. “Well no shit squirt, I mean I know when we first met things weren’t exactly pleasant, but it’s different now and I can’t just have anyone handling you any kind of way.” Alex slightly blushed as she turned her head away from him.

“Well isn’t that sweet. Someone has a crush on me.” He teased as Alex quickly turned her head back down towards him and sent him a playful glare.

“Keep it up squirt and you’re sleeping in your own room for the night.” She gave him a sly smile. “Just remember what I said ok.”

“You mean about being careful and call you and Ava if something happened.” Jaden recalled as Alex nodded her head.

“Just make sure you call me first ok, you’re my roommate and sort of my responsibility, you know?” she finished as Jaden gave her a questionable look.

“What?” She asked somewhat taken back by the look he was giving her.

“Since when did you get all mushy on me, what happened to the big bad Alex that competes with Ava all the time to win me over?” Jaden pointed out as Alex gave him a smirk back at his comment.

“Oh don’t worry squirt she’s still in here, I’m just showing you how important you are to me for once.” She said as she slowly put her hand in the bag of popcorn. Her fingers moving towards their target as they gently gripped the back of Jaden’s shirt and lifted him out of the bag and to her face.

She gave him a seductive look as she opened up her mouth and slowly stuck out her tongue.

Jaden could never really understand it, but he was always struck with awe whenever he came in contact with Alex’s or Ava’s tongue for that matter, though he would never admit it.

Alex continue to stare him as she gently licked up his body a few times, slowly turning him around as her tongue slowly coated him, before placing him down on her nightstand.

“Sorry you had some butter on you.” She giggled as she got out of the bed. “Well squirt it’s time for me to actually fix us something that’s going to put us to sleep tonight.” She reached over opening her palm allowing Jaden to step up on her opened hand as she slowly made her way to kitchen. “I’m making Philly cheese steak tonight squirt and you have two choices. You can eat with me….Or you can help me eat.” She look down at him as Jaden looked back up at her confused.

“What’s the difference?” He asked her in return.

“Do you really want to know, or do you just want to find out and not spoil the surprise.” Alex replied as Jaden actually look like he was thinking about the proposal.

“I think I’d actually like to eat something, before a giant blond decide I taste better than the food she cooked.” Jaden remarked as Alex made her way to the kitchen and sat Jaden on the counter as she went back to open the fridge.

“Funny squirt, real funny.” She responded rummaging through the refrigerator contents. “I’ll keep that in mind whenever I have to add a little extra to you for extra flavor.” She shot back.

“Suit yourself, but you’ll probably spoil the taste.” He snickered as Alex closed the refrigerator door and walked passed him towards the cabinets.

“Keep talking squirt and I just might eat you for real.” Alex pulled out spices from the cabinet, followed by seasonings as she walked towards the fridge again.

“Need any help?” He asked her.

“Not unless you plan on jumping into the skillet yourself, no.” She said as she reached over on the counter and grabbed the remote to living room TV, she left in the kitchen the previous night by accident.

She pointed the remote towards the giant sized TV, which resembled a large Cinemax screen to Jaden. She flicked through a few channels and then stopped as she found the one she wanted as it was still on a commercial.

“So any news about the missing giantess lately?” He asked out of the blue.

Alex went back towards the Freezer, pulling a large frozen steak out, enough for her and the regular sized mega with her as she sat it on the countertop.

“No but people….”Alex was interrupted when her phone went off in her room.

Stopping what she was doing she walked towards her room, but continued her sentence. “People are still buzzing about it saying that it’s practically impossible for giantess to disappear into thin air without a trace and shit like that. I don’t know though, I kind of agree.” She said as she entered room and picked up her phone, not looking at it as she walked back down the hallway that led into the living room.

“That shit is dumb if you ask me, something happened, but nobody knows what. “ She finished.

“Yea, even the news are actually acting concerned for once.” Jaden said as he watched a few passing commercials on the TV. “I guess if the news doesn’t know anything when something happens then it causes a worldwide panic.” He rambled as Alex looked at her phone and saw that she got a picture message from an unknown number….At least unknown to her.

“What the hell…” Alex whispered as she opened the message, but regretted immediately. “OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!” She screamed as Jaden’s head quickly snapped back to Alex’s shriek.

“What…What is it?” Jaden shouted as Alex eyes widen in horror at the picture she was looking at.

“How did…Who did…What the fuck is this!…” Alex was nearly shaking at what she was seeing as she slowly walked over towards the countertop that Jaden was on.

“Alex what’s wrong? What is it?” He continued to ask until his jaw dropped completely when Alex showed him the picture she was sent.

Jaden couldn’t believe his eyes as the picture contained a full proof image of a blood stain on the concrete ground, but it wasn’t the image of the stain that was shocking. It was what was written on the bottom of the picture and the name that the blood belonged to.


Picture message…..”Ryan’s Remains……We know.”

End Notes:

Sup guys, sorry for the wait. I hope people get excited off the turn events this chapter is full of. For all that read my stories know that nothing is never what it seems,,, AND I MEAN NOTHING! Alright guys happy reading, let me know what you think about what's going on so far.


Chapter 10 by JT07

Minutes passed by slowly as Frankie sat on the toilet with a smile on her face; her aggravation clearly getting the best of her as she continued to push her waste out of her body.

Beneath her trapped inside the bowl prison structure was a regular finding himself on the receiving end of the giantess large brown excretions as they buried his body under water.

The humiliation he felt as they plopped on top of his body was unimaginable by his standards as his heart sunk as another large defecation landed on top of him.

Frankie sat there with a smile on her face, knowingly pooping on a regular that she actually considered a friend; though lost sight of that during the small argument they just had.

Frankie took a deep breath as she leaned back against the lid, smiling to herself as she slowly began to urinate. The yellow liquid flowed freely from her body as she sat with her eyes closed as the urine pounded Tory under water once again as the pressure of Frankie’s golden water resembled that of water being shot from a fire hose.

The assault didn’t last long as she started to drip slowly into the toilet bowl, sighing to herself as she finally opened her eyes and the thought of what she actually did entered her mind.

“….Shit.” She cursed as she tore a usable amount of tissue paper off of the rather giant sized roll that she has. She took care of cleaning herself as she was about to discard the tissue, but stopped when she looked inside the toilet only to see Tory’s pathetic state.

After the pounding punishment he receive from Frankie; Tory was beyond defeated. Not only did someone he consider a friend just literary shit on him, but pissed on him as well. His body floated in the water as he refused to make a move as he let the humiliation sink in, unknown to him that Frankie was watching him as she slightly bit her lower lip.

Her eyes were fixated on the regular human being trapped in pile of her waste and pissed as she treated him as such during her moment to prove a point.

Another deep sigh escaped her lips as she slowly reached down grasping the back of Tory’s shirt with her fingers. She slowly retrieved him from his prison and quickly brought him towards the bathroom sink.

Using her free hand she quickly turned on the faucets, allowing the water to warm up as she looked down at the regular she held in her hands. “Damn….Look at you.” She sighed as she filled up the sink with water.

Nothing was said between the two as she removed his waste filled clothes and gently dunked him in the sink, using the soap in reach of her as she carefully washed the regular until he was clean from top to bottom. She made sure to be as gentle as possible as she maneuvered him in her hands, flipping him over when she needed to get his backside.

Tory still offered no movement as he let Frankie wash him. He didn’t say anything as Frankie use her thumb to lather soap on his head to get the remains of her waste off of him. She carefully dunked him back into the water, rinsing the soap off of him delicately as she thought about what to say to him, but nothing came out in the end.

The two went on in silence as Frankie completed her task as she flushed the toilet and carried Tory out of the bathroom.

She carefully placed him on her dresser as she went back to picking up her necessities that she needed to leave. Meanwhile, Tory walked towards a regular black trash bag that had contained the last pair of clean clothes he had over Frankie’s house.

He effortless slipped on a white T-shirt and a pair of black jeans. He rummaged the trash bag to find his last pair of Black ankle socks, which he slipped on disinterested in what was going on around him.

After he slipped on his socks he turned his head to the right to find his Red Nikes sitting beside some of Frankie’s overly sized belongings as he walked over towards them and retrieved his shoes.

Unknown to him, Frankie was watching his every move as he got dressed, still remaining silent as she waited for him to get finished.

Once he was done Frankie walked over towards him. Her thunderous footfalls pounding the soft carpet as she walked. Tory heard the soft tremors, but still didn’t turn his head to look at her as he felt her fingers gently wrap around him and lift him up off the dresser.

She carried him through the small hallway leading to her living room as she came to the front door. She turned the door handle; opening the door as she leaned down, lowering her hand to the ground.

Once her hand was in reach of the pavement below her, Tory jumped off, landing without any difficulty as Frankie rose back up. Staring down at the regular at her feet she slightly turned her head to the side, avoiding his gaze when he looked up at her.

She took a deep breath. “Look go home ok…” Her eyes fell back on him as he continued to stare at her. They locked eyes for a brief moment as she used her free hand to grab the door knob, pulling the door closed.

She quickly locked it before looking back down at him again. Silence still was the high choice between the two as she simply stepped over her regular sized friend; her sneaker clad sole overshadowed Tory’s form as it came down behind him. Her footfalls were tremendous as she simply put on foot in front of the other, leaving Tory standing on her doorstep before he decided to walk home himself in deep thought.

-Frankie –

Frankie was pissed. Her calm foot falls turned into stomps as her sneakers pounded the pavement. She gritted her teeth as the images of what happened prior to her walk entered her mind. Her breathing was heavy as her eyes narrowed. She wanted to scream, but found herself unable to as she continued to storm down the giantess reinforced paved cement.

She growled in frustration as she pulled out her phone and read the text messages over again. “What the fuck is her deal anyway?” She questioned out loud. “I mean everything was perfectly fine and then she goes off and texts me this bull….”She released an aggravated sigh as she thought about what she did to her regular at the time. “Then I took it out on him….” She sighed again as a small smile appeared on her face. “And now…*Sigh* And now I have to make up for it…I swear I…..” Frankie’s phone buzzed as she was speaking to herself.

Her eyes narrowed as her phone buzzed again. Her teeth grinding at the name that appeared on the screen; without hesitation she slides her thumb over the green call button to answer it.

“Hello” The voice came from the other end of the line. “Hello. Hello!!! Damn Frankie how the hell are you going to answer the phone and not say anything?” The voice pointed out as Frankie slightly growled in response.

“The fuck do you want Kristina.” Frankie mouthed as she received giggling from her ex-girlfriend.

“Looks like I pissed you off really good didn’t I?” Kristina laughed as Frankie’s gripped tightened around her phone.

“Did you think that was funny or something? Do you know what I could have…”

“Nada Frankie, I thought that shit was hilarious!” Kristina cut her off. “So tell me, did you take it out on the regular that you have?” Frankie froze at Kristina comment as she continued to speak.” Come on Frankie tell me all the details.” Kristina pressed on.

“…..Fuck you.” Frankie responded as another giggled was heard from the other end of the phone.

“Seriously Frankie lighten up. All I did was ask you a couple of questions; you could have stopped texting if you didn’t want to answer me.” Kristina teased. “You know, I wonder how the little guy is feeling right now. I’m pretty sure you did something horrible to him…Like all the others.” Kristina mocked as Frankie’s walking stopped completely as she took the phone off of her ear and stared it for a brief moment.

Her usual expressionless stare glared down at her phone as her tone completely changed completely.


“I guess I’ll just have to find out for myself when we go back to school tomorrow. You know, I’ve seen the little guy leave a couple of his classes the other day. I didn’t know the little shit was so close and….”

“Kristina, touch him and I will hurt you.” Frankie hissed, this time cutting her off. “I don’t know what your deal is, but I told you this the last time, leave him alone.” Frankie warned as Kristina laughed at her statement.

“What’s with you being so over protective all of a sudden Frankie?” Kristina shot back. “I don’t get why you’re so fond of the little regular when he’s really no different than the other’s that you’ve had back then when we were together.” Kristina brought up.

“That was then Kristina; I’m not the same person anymore.” Frankie replied.

“Are you sure about that Kitten?” Kristina asked.

There was little hesitation in Frankie’s voice. “Don’t call me that.”

“Aww now your being mean.” Kristina’s tone slightly disappointed as Frankie placed the phone back on her ear and sighed as she placed her thumb and middle finger on her temples and began to slowly massage them.

“You lost your privileges to call me that Kristina, look just stop texting me your meaningless bullshit ok. I really don’t have time for it.” Frankie tried to end the conversation.

“Oh come on. My bullshit aren’t meaningless. Is that what you really think of me Frankie?” Kristina asked, her voice clearly mocking Frankie once again.

A sly smirk appeared on Frankie’s face “No, I think you’re a bitch with too much time on her hands.” Frankie began as she formed a regular smile on her face as she heard a gasp from Kristina on the other end of the phone. “That and that you probably haven’t found anyone better than me yet, which explains why you keep bugging me 24/7. I’m really going to need you to find a hobby or something.” Frankie finished as she sat on the phone, continuing to smile as Kristina failed to reply to her comment.

“Ok now your being a bitch.” Kristina slowly responded as her breathing slightly picked up from sheer aggravation.

“I see I hit a nerve.” Frankie spoke back. “Which is funny actually considering how much you’ve been a pain in my ass lately.” Frankie chuckled.

‘Keep talking you tall bitch.” Kristina shot back. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to kick yourself more when your regular as a few “Little” accidents.” Kristina mouthed off.

“Then I’m just going to have to remind you what happens when you piss me off then won’t I?” Frankie retaliated. “Do you remember the last time I told you to leave me alone and you wouldn’t?” She pointed out, her grip tightening around her phone as she continued to speak. “I’m pretty sure you don’t want a repeat of anything tragic happening, now do you?” She asked as Kristina gritted her teeth on the other end of the phone.

“I swear to god Frankie, if you put your hands on me again I promise you…”

“Promise me what?” Frankie taunted. “You’re going to yell and scream again like last time. I’ve already told you Kristina. You’re going to get hurt if you keep playing your little games with me.” Frankie warned again as Kristina chuckled again.

Frankie irritation level began to rise again as she heard laughter from the other end of the phone. “Do you seriously think it’s a joke? Do you want a repeat of what happened last time?” Frankie nearly shouted, but Kristina continued to chuckle at Frankie’s outburst.

“Frankie…Frankie….Frankie...Trust me, the last thing I want to do is swap fist with you, but…I wonder how that little regular of yours would like to play my “little” games.” Kristina stated, gaining the upper hand in the conversation again. “You can’t be around him forever Frankie, not only that but I’m pretty sure you did more than just piss him off in your little episode you probably had earlier.” Frankie went silent again.

“You did have one didn’t you?” Kristina asked as Frankie refused to answer her question. Kristina’s laughter could be heard through the phone as Frankie held it to her ear as Kristina tried to control herself. “I knew it! So what did you do to him? Come on, you can tell me. I won’t tell a soul.” Kristina pushed as Frankie continued to stay silent as Kristina giggled at her again.

“Still won’t say anything huh?” Kristina said as Frankie gritted her teeth again.

She took a deep breath before speaking. “What do you want Kristina?” Frankie simply asked, not wanting to drag out the conversation any longer.

“Now you’re starting to see things my way Kitten. “ Kristina happily stated.

“I told you not to….”

“Shush Kitten, I can call you what I want…When I want. Now as for what I want….It’s really a number of things actually.” Kristina said as she thought about all the stuff she could get from Frankie.

“Well….What is it?” Frankie asked her. Feeling more annoyed than anything.

“Well for starters. Drop the regular that you’re with and come back with me.” She told her as Frankie stayed silent as Kristina continued with her demands. “Think about it Frankie, It’ll just be me and you like old times and you know, we can find you a new regular. I mean there are tons of them around here and….”

“No….” A monotone Frankie replied.

“Wha…What?” Kristina was caught off guard by her interruption.

“I said no…What else do you want?” Frankie asked.

“Well…At least come join the group I’m in and then you’ll change your mind. What do you say Frankie? You’ll see I can make you a better person than last time and if that regular means that much to you, then you can bring him along. We can both have fun. So how about it, you, me and that little sex toy you carry around. We can….”

“Kristina, let me stop you right there. I’m not going anywhere with you or back to you. Let me make that clear. You had your chance back then and you fucked that up. As for the regular I have, don’t go anywhere near him. I know how you are with regulars and I’m not a part of that anymore. So basically what I’m saying is…Fuck you bitch and stay the fuck away from me and “MY” Tiny! Got it!” Frankie yelled in the phone before she moved it from her ear and pressed the end button.

“Frankie! Wait I…..”

Kristina was cut off as Frankie took a deep breath and rubbed her temples again. “God I swear she’s a fucking headache.” She said to herself as she continued to walk down the giantess paved concrete.


Kristina was seething as she glared at her phone. “That stupid Bitch!” She screamed as she slammed her phone down on the counter as she looked back at the computer screen, searching through files; doing the job that she was given by Victoria. “I can’t believe that fucking slut hung up on me like that. I mean who the fuck does she think she is anyway? Telling me no, like fucking seriously!”

Kristina continued to type away on the keyboard as she finally pressed the enter button. “I swear that girl is so fucking hard headed its fucking ridiculous. First the dumb bitch denies me and then tells me not to fuck with her regular.

“Sounds like you two have a rocky history.” The regular with glasses that sat with Kristina in Victoria’s office before stated. “Love hate relationship I see.” He grinned as he surveyed the room that they were in.

“Shut up dipshit and fuck you for listening in on my convo.” Kristina angrily shouted back as the regular looked up at her and slightly frowned.

“The name isn’t dipshit, it’s Peter and I think you should focus more on the task at hand, then a girl that doesn’t necessarily want you. It’s bad for your health you know.” Peter smirked as he got on a computer himself and began to type at a fast pace.

“I think you better mind your manners short shit…I don’t have a problem with crushing you.” Kristina shot back, but Peter remained unfazed by the giantess’s threats.

“You won’t be doing anything, so long as Victoria is in charge. Not only that but you’d do well to remember that Emma is only a call away and all she needs is an order from Victoria and it’s lights out for you.” Peter stated as he continued to type on the keyboard in front of him.

Kristina huffed at the regular’s comment as she looked around the room trying to find something that will change the subject as she remembered Emma’s strong grip around her wrist. “So where the hell are we anyway?” She asked crossing her arms.

“An old government facility that wasn’t completely emptied out before that naïve fool Ryan was in charge.” Peter answered simply.

“Ryan? You mean that freakishly tall giant that was running the community or something?” Kristina asked him as Peter merely nodded his head.

“The freakishly tall giant as you call it, is…Well was a Mega. “ Peter corrected her.

“A mega?” Kristina repeated.

“You must have been in the dark or just not really paying attention to your surroundings.” Peter answered back. “Ryan was America’s classified Mega, who was the administrator of this community, not to mention there are others in charge of the other countries communities, such as Russia, China, etc.” He explained to her.

“So…What exactly happened to him then?” Kristina asked him as she looked down at the regular typing on the computer.

“Hmph, it’s quite simple really. That monstrous dog was finally put down by the same people Victoria is trying to get ahold of.” Peter told her as he pressed a button the keyboard and a wide screen project showed on the wall in front of them.

The picture showed a Jaden and Alex in two separate photos as Peter leaned back in his chair and continued to explain to Kristina the situation at hand. “Victoria for some reason feels as though that this girl named Alex might be a big threat since she took out Ryan. So she’s hoping to recruit her into this little club of ours to help us take over this dumb.” He stated as Kristina looked at the photos on the wide screen.

“Then who’s the regular in that other picture?” She pointed out.

Peter smiled as he placed his hands behind the back of his head. “That little guy right there is actually a half mega.” He told her.

“Anddd that is?” she responded.

Peter sighed in annoyance. “You don’t know anything do you?” He asked her.

Kristina slightly glared down at him as she kept her arms crossed over her chest. “Well excuse me for being ignorant to the situation.” Kristina barked as Peter just shrugged his shoulders in response.

“A half mega as we call it is simply him having the abilities or rather in his case the durability of an actual mega, but not the physical strength of one.” Peter explained to her.

“So what? He’s hard to kill or something?” She replied.

“Like a school of roaches.” Peter answered. “The government holds a lot of secrets Kristina, especially dealing with the mega sized ant and the actual mega that was killed.” Peter continued on as the giantess looked down at him while he worked. “Even more so, that Victoria actually dug in and found something interesting.” He stated as he searched the files on the computer.

Kristina turned her head away from the regular as she slowly walked around the room, taking in the old room full of equipment that looks like it hasn’t been touched. The dust accumulated in the room over the months that’s it’s been here, but for some odd reason the computers and technology seemed to be updated.

“You know something, I don’t really understand what that small witch is trying to accomplish here.” Kristina stated still looking around the room.

“Better watch your tongue.” Peter quickly stated. “Victoria as eyes and ears everywhere.” He continued on.

“I wouldn’t doubt it, but what is it that she wants and what’s this little group were in anyway. It’s hardly what you guys said it would be.” Kristina stopped, bringing her head down back towards the regular below her.

Peter couldn’t help but laugh at her statement. “Hardly what we said it would be huh? How do you figure that?” He asked her as Kristina looked around for a second before she began to answer.

“Well for one, I was told that you had definitely had more members, but what I saw was a Crazy bitch, A Rebecca, you and regular trying to run everything. Not quite what I had in mind.” She finished as Peter closed his eyes, leaning back in the chair looking up at the tall giantess.

“Let me reassure you then.” He began. “We have members all over the community involved in our cause. You’d actually be surprised how many giantess and regulars can cooperate with each other if you give them a common goal to work towards.” He explained as he turned his attention back towards his work. “Victoria on the other hand, well let’s just say if you want to know any of her real secrets you would have to ask her for yourself. All I know is that she wants to take this community and practically use it to run the others around the globe.” Peter finished.

“So what’s up with the revolutionary talk then?” Kristina asked him.

“I’m really going to need you to start paying attention.” Peter responded to her, but he felt the tip of a Nike shoe knock him over as Kristina look down towards him, hovering her foot in the air. She glared at him slightly as her shoe clad Nike foot moved towards him causing Peter to slightly sweat as Kristina’s foot stopped moving.

“You got one more time to insult me on the side and I’m crushing you, got it? I’m already in a bad mood because my stupid bitch of an ex is being stubborn as fuck. Don’t make me take it out on you.” She threatened as Peter looked up at the bottom of her shoe and let out a slight chuckle as he stood up, dusting himself off.

“Just like Rebecca said. You are a feisty one.” Peter adjusted his glasses on his face and looked up at Kristina as she moved her foot back towards the ground. “The “revolutionary” speech as you call it is to put everyone at ease for now while we work in the dark.” He went back towards the computer. “We try to keep things quiet and let people go on about their lives, while we….” Peter glanced up at her for a second. “Make sure we acquire all the necessities that we need to pull Victoria’s goal off. “Peter pressed a few more buttons on the computer, finally ending whatever he was doing by pressing enter. “Found it.” A smirk appearing on his face.

“Found what?” Kristina looked down at him with interest.

Peter smirked back up at her. “The thing that’s going to change this community…No…This world forever.” Peter stated as he and Kristina locked eyes with each other.

-Alex’s Apartment-

Alex and Jaden were struck in fear as they gazed at the picture on Alex’s phone. The blood stain was there, splattered across the cement of the photo as Jaden slowly lifted his head up to look at Alex’s terrified face.

“Alex….That….That can’t be Ryan right?” Jaden asked her as he took a step back from the giantess looming over him. “I thought you said you didn’t….”

“I didn’t!” Alex screamed as Jaden’s eyes shot open at the loud yell forced from Alex’s mouth as she turned the phone back around for her to look at the picture herself. “I swear! I don’t know what the fuck this is or what happened to him after I left.” She shivered as she continued to eye the picture that was sent to her.

“I know I roughed him up a bit, but I didn’t….” She continued to shake as Jaden looked up at her unable to speak. “I mean, I had the chance to and yea he would have deserved every bit of it, but I didn’t kill him. I promise I didn’t.” Alex sniffed as Jaden continued to look up at the giantess girl for a moment.

He took a deep breath. “Ok. Look calm down we can figure this out alright. Just tell me what happened the last time you were with Ryan.” Jaden told her as Alex continued to sniff a bit. “Come on Alex, don’t break down on me ok just tell me what happened.”

Alex, still shaking, gazed down at the mega sized regular in front of her and nodded her head at his request. “I….Well….I….I took away…I hurt him ok….But that’s it, I didn’t paint the ground with his insides or anything.” She stammered. “I was just angry and I finally took it out on the right person and now I get this shit sent to my phone!” She bellowed as she dropped the phone on the counter in front of Jaden, who jumped back, barely out of its range.

“Alex!” Jaden called her name as Alex looked back at the regular and noticed that she nearly dropped her phone on him and sighed. “Dammit….My bad, I’m just…Arrghh…This is fucking sick.” She grunted as Jaden sat down looking up at her. “I mean who in the fuck would sit there and text somebody this shit, it’s over. Ryan is done and can’t hurt anybody else obviously, so why send me this shit.” She ranted.

“Well maybe it’s a…”

“Don’t you dare say it’s a joke squirt. And even if it is, it’s a fucked up one.” Alex was about to storm off into her room when Ava’s picture popped up on her screen.

“Ava?” Jaden said as Alex grabbed her phone to answer it. She quickly swiped her finger across the screen and pressed up a button to put Ava on Speaker.

“Hello…” Alex answered angrily.

“What the fuck is this shit!” Ava screamed from the other end of her phone. “Alex did you get this fucking picture?” Ava continued to shout as Alex and Jaden quickly looked at each other for a second before Alex responded.

“Ava, you got it to?” Alex asked.

“Damn right I did.” Ava quickly answered. “I was just about to fall asleep and then I get some creepy shit like this.” She hollered angrily.

“Did the message say the same thing to you Ava?” Jaden asked her.

“Hell yea little guy. It says we know. Know what? Know how much of douchebag Ryan was and how many people got hurt when he was around.” She commented as a small smile appeared on Alex’s face as her best friend ranted on about the picture that was sent to both of them.

“Ava, was it from the same number?” She asked.

“Ummm…Hold on let me check.” Ava responded as ruffed sounds came from the other end of her phone for a moment. “Is it 999-000-9999?”

Jaden and Alex looked at each other again. Their eyes locked instantly as they knew something had to be wrong if the same number texted both Alex and Ava the same picture.

“Yea that’s it the same number.” Alex finally spoke. “Whoever this is must have been close to Ryan or something.” She concluded as Jaden nodded his head, crossing his arms as he thought about the situation or a minute.

“Yea, I bet there like his little hand me down military forces again or something.” Ava snorted as she deleted the picture from her phone. “Sending me this creepy shit at night, I swear people are sick, even in this hellhole that we’re stuck in.” She finished.

Alex took a deep breath as she looked down at Jaden as she spoke. “Tell me about it as if things aren’t bad enough already that we’re practically cut off from the entire world.” She stated slightly annoyed.

“You know…” Jaden spoke up.” Do you think that the person that sent the messages are behind the giantess disappearing as well?” He asked the as Alex stood motionless as the question hit her.

Her gigantic form remained frozen as she thought about the observation that the regular sized mega made. “It could be squirt…I mean why not, We did cause a bit of a ruckus bringing everything down and I’m pretty sure whoever was working for Ryan at the time went and told whoever they could about what happened. “She put together.

“Yea, but what about Commander Richards?” Ava jumped in the conversation. “I thought he was going to handle the report and make sure nothing was going to happen to us. Well at the very least leave us alone.” Ava commented as Alex let out another deep sigh in response.

“Maybe something happened while he was trying to make the report.” Jaden suggested.

“I hope not.” Alex replied. “He was kind of the only hope we had of some peace of mind after the whole Ryan incident.” Alex slowly rubbed her head. “I guess not though.”

“Look, it’s getting late. Let’s finish this up tomorrow and if anything weird happens again, call me immediately.” Ava pointed out. “I mean it, no waiting until the last minute to say anything. If you get something else Alex let me know alright. Same with me.” She finished as Alex agreed, along with Jaden.

“Yea.” Alex replied as she deleted the picture form her phone as well. “I’m starting to get a headache. So sleep sounds really good about now.” Alex yawned.

“Same here.” Jaden followed.

“Alright you two, I’ll see you tomorrow. Little guy, I’ll see you after your first class ok.” Ava said through Alex’s phone.

“Yea, yea, yea.” Jaden waved her off playfully as he stretched for a bit.

“Alright then.” Ava smiled. “Night guys.” She added.

“Night.” Both Jaden and Alex replied as both giantesses hung up the phone.

Alex stretched as she looked down at the regular on the counter. “Ready for bed squirt?” She smirked down at him as she lowered her opened palm hand down towards him. “I mean we do have to get up early. “ She added as Jaden walked on to her palm. “That and I’m sure Ava is going to have a lot to talk about tomorrow.” She stretched as Jaden sat in her palm.

She lifted her palm off the counter, lifting the regular with her as she made her way towards her bedroom. She walked in closing the door behind her as the moonlight shined through her giant sized windows.

She took a deep breath and flopped on the bed, the back of her hand landing on top of one of her pillows. “Ugh this is hell already and Ryan isn’t even here.” Alex whined with her face into the pillow.

“Still a pain in the ass huh?” Jaden slightly laughed as Alex grumbled in response.

“Tell me about it.” She lifted her head up from the pillow and turned her gaze towards the mega sized regular. “Well at least I have a big strong mega here to protect me.” She winked at him as Jaden rubbed the back of his nervously.

“I wouldn’t say all that. I mean…What can I do to a Mega, if I can’t do anything to you?” Jaden remarked as Alex smiled down at him.

“There are a lot of things you can do to me. Maybe not to a Mega, but to me.” She teased as she laid her open palm on top of him. “You could skip your class tomorrow and keep me occupied you know. “Alex gently blew on him as Jaden shivered slightly causing her to laugh at his reaction.

“I see you like the idea.” Alex pointed out as he looked up at her.

“How could I not like being forced to endure all the pleasures of the world?” He replied back.

“Good answer.” Alex followed up. “But, for now let’s just get some sleep. Apparently, we got stalkers who know stuff that we already don’t.” Alex sighed as Jaden nodded and got comfortable under hand.

“Yea, I wonder how I’m going to play a part of this whole thing this time. Maybe someone will actually try to dissect me or something.” Jaden spoke out as Alex’s fingers gently curled around in response.

She looked down at the regular under the palm of her hand, lying against her pillow. Her teeth grinded slightly as the memories of what transpired between Ryan flooded her mind. “Don’t talk like that squirt.” She told him as she slowly dragged her hand back towards her, pulling Jaden closer. “The next time someone goes after you like that…They will end up like that picture….And I mean it.” She told him as she to lay her head down on her pillow.

Her eyes didn’t turn away from Jaden’s body as he looked up at her and could see that she was absolutely serious. Fire burned in her words as a small smile appeared on his face as his head nodded at her comment. “Thanks Alex. I was really only joking, but…Thanks.” He finished as Alex returned the nod.

“Don’t joke like that either squirt….Or you’re going to look like that picture to.” She playfully threatened.

Jaden laughed. “Yea I’m sure and you’ll be alone with Ava…With no regular.” He shot back as he got comfortable in her protective grasp. “She’s going to hound you night and day if you do something bad to me.” He smirked at her as Alex’s rolled her eyes.

“Whatever Squirt, let’s get some sleep, it’s already late.” Alex interjected using her index finger to massage the half mega’s chest as she slowly closed her eyes. “Night squirt…Sleep good ok.” She slowly yawned.

“Yea…” Jaden yawned as well. “Night Alex…” He replied as both drifted off into a deep sleep.

-Rebecca Apartment-

Rebecca sighed tiredly as she opened the door to her apartment. Aaron still in her hand, she walked up a staircase that led up to the living room of the giant sized living area. “Guys I’m home.” She announced as she reached the last step, looking over the half made white wall only to see four giantesses and 5 regulars sitting in the living room area.

“It’s about time you got back Rebecca. “ An Asian American giantess spoke. Her light green eyes shined as she eyed Rebecca. She had short hair, but it wasn’t short enough that it couldn’t be tied up in a ponytail, which it was. She wore a White and Red shirt, with Blue jean capris with all white skater shoes. She also had on Red bracelets on each of her wrist with silver earrings in her ear.

“Janice, you know how busy I was today.” Rebecca stated as she walked passed the living room. “It was a long day….And I mean a very long day.” She took another deep breath.

“Sounds like Victoria was up your ass again huh?” A slightly taller giantess spoke up.

“You wouldn’t believe it Ashley.” Rebecca responded tiredly. “I just want to go in my room and lay down.”

Ashley was a light skinned giantess with shoulder length brown hair. Her hazel eyes gazed at Rebecca as she wore a white wife beater with a pair of grey sweat pants. Her white socked feet slowly moved across the grey carpet of the apartment as she got comfortable on the couch.

“You must have asked her for another regular again?” Ashley asked out of curiosity.

Rebecca shook her head. “Not really, I kind of took this one from Emma.” She told them as everyone in the room eyes lit up in shock.

“You took a regular from Emma.” A regular spoke up.

Rebecca eyes darted across the room and landed upon the male regular that stood on the table. “Calm down Trent.” Rebecca sighed. “I know how scary Emma can be, but she won’t do anything unless Victoria gives the word to.” She pointed out.

Trent still looked up at Rebecca in shock. Rebecca looked back down at the college male regular on the table. He wore a similar outfit that mimicked Ashley’s outfit, but his tank top was black. He had short shaggy blond hair. His royal blue eyes jumped from Rebecca to Ashley.

“I said don’t worry about it.” She replied, her aggravation clearly showing as she looked down at Trent. “Honestly, Trent you don’t need to worry about Emma, if anything happens I’ll handle her….Somehow….” She whispered at the end.

“You sure about that?” Janice asked her crossing her arms. “Emma isn’t like the other giantess here, you know.”

“I know….”

“She’s practically a killing machine…You know that right?” Janice reminded her.

Rebecca took a deep breath before sending a slight glare towards her way. “I get it already. Emma is some sick bad ass that nobody wants to deal with, I get it. Jeez!” Rebecca yelled as she walked towards her room. “I’m going to bed; I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” She told them as she closed her door behind her.

She closed her eyes for a second, reflecting back on words that Victoria gave to her before she left. She reopened her eyes, narrowing them slightly as she slowly lifted up her closed hand. She felt Aaron inside her closed fist as she slowly opened it.

Once her hand was fully extended she looked down at the terrified boy that looked up at her. He shivered from fear ever since his altercation with Emma. Even when Rebecca saved him from the giantess monster’s grasp, he still shook. “He must be terrified.” The thought ran through her mind as she watched Aaron slightly crawl back towards the edge of her hand.

It’s sad.” She continued to think. “I actually managed to save someone cute this time….At least for a little while longer.” Her brain continued to process the situation. “Too bad…I’m going to have to kill you when we’re done playing.” A small evil smirk appeared on her face as she began to speak to the scared regular in her hand.

“Hey little guy….” She spoke in a dark sinister voice as she looked down at him. “We’re going to have a lot of fun….And I do mean….A lot. “ She chuckled darkly as Aaron could do nothing, but continue to look up at the tall giantess that held him.

He had heard it all before they left Victoria’s office. He knew what was going to happen to him. No matter how hard he prayed, no matter how hard he would beg, he knew that this would probably be his last night alive.

End Notes:


I did get a comment on my grammar and spelling and stuff like that. I'm going to try to edit while I type, I hope my mistakes didn't bug too many people. I'll give each chapter a little more time before I start posting them. Thanks you guys for still reading and reviewing.


Chapter 11 by JT07

Rebecca walked around her room for a second as she continued to think about the regular sitting in her palm. Her smile remained plastered on her face as he looked up at her with a wide variety of emotions on his face.

She slowly came to stop at her dresser and slowly slide him off her palm as she opened the drawers and started rummaging through it. She opened the top drawer first, but quickly closed it as she opened the second dark brown drawer that was beneath it. “Ahh, there it is.” She smiled brightly as she pulled out a long bright gold T-shirt.

She pushed the drawer closed and looked down at the regular sized human standing on her dresser, looking away from her. “You know, you could say thank you for saving your life earlier.” Rebecca spoke up as she pulled open the bottom drawer. “I mean, Emma is a pretty nasty girl and you wouldn’t have lasted no longer than a few seconds if I haven’t stepped in.” She pointed out as she pulled a pair of black panties out of the drawer.

Aaron slowly looked up at her as she looked down at him smiling. His solemn expression told it all as he looked away from her. “Why didn’t you just let her kill me? I mean, I’m going to die anyway right?” he asked her as Rebecca walked towards the bathroom. Her foot falls were gentle as her heels pressed against the carpet.

“Don’t think like that little guy. Just be happy that I saved you and you get to live for a few more hours.” She responded as she kicked her White heels by the door, revealing her Black stocking clad feet as they pressed into the carpet. “Besides, you’re going to have some fun before you take that last breath of yours.” She reminded him. “I promise I’ll be gentle at least.” She added as Aaron just sat down on the dresser and pulled his knees closer to his body and hugged himself.

“I don’t see the point of even wanting to toy with me anyway.” He said quietly as Rebecca slightly glanced back at him, her smile slightly fading away. “I’m going to die. That’s all there is to it... And I didn’t even do anything wrong.” He said depressingly as Rebecca sighed at his last comment.

“It’s life little guy, I’m sorry, but that’s just how it is.” She replied as she sat down on her bed and slowly removed her stockings from her legs.

“You seem to be pretty happy about it.” Aaron spoke, his voice seemingly dead as if he had already given up on everything.

A small smile formed on her face as she looked over at him and saw that he was still in his depressive position. “I’m happy that I get to play with you, yes. After that…Well it’s just something I have to do, it comes with the job.” Rebecca stated as she stood up and removed her White formal skirt from her body.

“Comes with the job huh?” Aaron hugged himself tighter has the image of the three boys he was with appeared in his head as Emma snuffed out their existence without a care in the world. “Sounds about right, I guess.” He finished as Rebecca stood up removing her blue blazer and school top to reveal her wearing a creamed sports bra and panties.

“Oh come on, don’t think on the last part.” Rebecca told him as she walked towards the dresser that he sat on. “Despite what has to happen, I’m actually a pretty friendly person once you get to know me.” She smiled down at him as she placed her hands on her hips. “Come on look at me little guy. It won’t be fun for either of us if you’re going to be depressed about the whole thing.” She concluded as he slowly lifted his head up at her.

Her small faded again as she saw the lifelessness in his eyes. The pale look they gave off looked drained of life. “You’re really not getting into the spirit of things.” She sighed as she slowly reached over and plucked the regular from her dresser and sat him in her palm. “She gave him a friendly smile. “Sorry that it has to be that way little guy, but there’s no way around it.” She pointed out as she made her way towards the bathroom with Aaron sitting on her palm. “I really don’t like the killing part, but I’m pretty sure you heard what Victoria said. Plus, I know you don’t want Emma to get her hands on you again. So at least I’ll be quick and humane….Well, so to speak.” She ended, hoping that her words were chosen correctly.

Aaron sighed depressingly. “…Yeah.” He simply said as Rebecca looked down at him.

Rebecca took a deep breath as she stopped at the bathroom door and looked down at Aaron. “You got to lighten up and look on the bright side of things kiddo.” She tried to lighten him up. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll let you choose how you want to go, but before then I thought it would be nice to, well you know…Get to know what it would be like with each other.” She smiled sweetly as Aaron looked up at her smiling face.

Rebecca was no doubt a pretty girl. Her facial features seemed flawless, complimenting the rest of her body. Her skin color white tanned skin looked healthy as if she took in a healthy amount of sun. He looked down her body and couldn’t find a single cut or scar on her; she was a careful girl he assumed.

Rebecca looked down at him as her smile continued to grow as she saw his eyes scale her body. “Like what you see?” She asked him as she gave him a playful pose. She wanted to make him feel better before she had to keep her word to Victoria, but she saw his eyes go from her stunning body, back into a hole of depression.

She sighed as he hugged his knees again as the previous images of Derrick, Tyler and Eric ran through his mind.

“This sucks.” Rebecca thought to herself as she walked into the bathroom. She gently sat him on the counter top and ran a small pool of water in the sink and walked back out of the bathroom, only to return a few seconds later with a small set of regular clothes in her hand. “Alright little guy, I’m going to take a shower and you can bathe in the sink. I already got everything set for you, so could you at least try to relax?” She asked him as Aaron looked up at her.

His glooming eyes slowly fell back to his knees as he slowly nodded his head in approval. He reluctantly stood up and began to undress by starting with his shirt, but stopped before he could take it off and looked up at Rebecca.

She flashed him another smile and waved him off. “Oh don’t mind me, go ahead and undress.” She winked at him. “I like to watch anyway, so make it sexy for me.” She lightly licked her lips as Aaron looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

Rebecca frowned as she saw Aaron simply take off his clothes and toss them to the side as he simply walked towards the sink of water. She sighed as she saw him get in and look for the soap, but couldn’t find it.

“Want me to bathe you at least?” Rebecca asked sheepishly, still trying to lighten the mood.

Aaron slowly shook his head as Rebecca let off another sigh and broke off a small piece of soap that she retrieved from her bathtub. She carefully dropped the piece of soap in the water and took a deep breath as she watched him. He slowly bathe himself, ignoring the fact that Rebecca was even around as her eyes began to fill with sadness.

She quickly shook it off as she turned towards the tub and turned on the shower. She hopped in without a second thought and let the water hit her. The blast of water ran down her large body as she stood there and thought about the situation at hand. “I had told Victoria that I was going to make sure that he doesn’t make it through the night, but….” Her mind raced as she thought over the words that she told Victoria.

“Hell he already looks dead to begin with.” She mentally thought as she slowly began to wash herself. “I can’t really blame him though. I mean, it was kind of traumatic for someone who hasn’t seen Emma’s work a dozen times over.” She sighed. “Maybe I could have stopped her from annihilating the other regulars, well at least the last one, but that would have just caused more problems.” Her mind was uneasy as she lathered soap on her body.

“Maybe if I can put a smile on his face before it’s all over it won’t be so bad.” She whispered to herself. “But then he’s probably going to go back to being depressed as soon as the fun is over.” She spoke mentally. “Damn, He’s really making this complicated.” Her eyes narrowed. “He’s not like the other regulars I had to handle. Hell, I was happy to get rid of most of them, they all either seemed too eager for pleasure and couldn’t last, or were just complete assholes.”

Rebecca sighed again as she let the water splash her body as she allowed the soap to wash off to her feet. “Well, Rebecca despite how he feels, he’s just like the other regulars that you had to put down. Just make this one quick and easy and forget about it. It’s not like you know him well anyway.” She told herself quietly as she turned off the shower and stepped out to see that Aaron was already dressed in a Green shirt and black boxers she left him.

She gave him a nervous smile. “I see you they fit you.” She spoke as Aaron only nodded at her statement. “That’s good, I didn’t think I had anything for you to wear really, but at least now you don’t have to run around naked.” She winked at him. “Unless you want to.” She added as Aaron didn’t even muster a response to satisfy Rebecca’s conversation.

Slightly frustrated she put on her large oversized Gold T-Shirt along with a pair of black panties with pink flowers designed on them.

She eyed him for a second as she carefully retrieved him from the counter top, turning off the light before exiting the bathroom. She quickly opened up the blinds in her room to let the moonlight shine in as she turned off her bedroom light and laid down on her bed, sitting Aaron to the side of her as she smiled down at him.

“Alright little guy, we got some time to ourselves, so what you do you want to do?” She asked him. Her bright smile beaming down on him, but it didn’t ease his mood. “You can do whatever you want. You can rub my smooth legs.” Her smile turned into a seductive smirk as she ran her fingers slowly down her legs. “You know I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to rub your body against them.” She continued on. “Or if you want, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to have some playtime with my feet.” She flexed her feet a bit as Aaron looked at her.

Aaron gazed shifted upwards as her hand slowly slid against the front of her panties. “You know, I’m pretty sure that you can make pretty happy down here as well. You know go exploring inside me for a bit.” She bit her lower lip as she slowly rubbed up the front side of her panties as she slides her hand up to her belly, then up to her breast.” And if you’re into breast then you can….”

“Why didn’t you save them?” He cut her off deadpanned as his eyes fell on top of the soft surface of the pink and green garden comforter set that he sat on.

Rebecca’s eyes shot up as she looked down at Aaron. Frozen in place, she carefully laid her hand on the bed in front of Aaron as she looked at them.

“Eric was already gone before we all knew it, but…” Aaron paused for a second as he looked up at Rebecca. “Why didn’t you save Derrick and Tyler, there was no reason for anyone to get killed.” He told her as Rebecca remained silent as she looked down at the regular in front of her.

“You sat there and watch that girl kill them, Why?” he asked her as Rebecca continued to look down at him before she let out a small sigh.

“Listen little guy, you should actually be grateful that you’re even alive right now.” She began “But realize it’s because I wanted to save you. I didn’t have to do anything you know.” Rebecca informed him as she peered down at his regular form.

“So why did you?” His eyes glued onto Rebecca as she slowly sat up in her bed. “If you were just going to kill me anyway you should have just let that girl do it.” He said as he stood up as he glared at her. “You made me watch all that and then decided to save me at the last minute. Earlier you said that you were a good person once I get to know you, but in reality you’re just the same as her, the same as the girl that killed Derrick.” He growled as Rebecca facial expression changed happy to serious.

Silence filled the room as she looked down at Aaron. She breathed slowly through her teeth as she slowly clenched her fist around the comforter she laid on.

“Is that what you think?” She asked him. “Let me make this clear you little shit. I saved you from Emma because I thought you were cute. You seemed so scared and helpless when she held you in her mouth that I couldn’t help it.” She told him as she gave him a slight laugh. “Let me ask you something little guy. Who do you think we giantess are? Do you think we’re still harmless regular girls that run around without a care in the world?” She asked him as Aaron remained quiet.

“Do you understand that we aren’t your average girls anymore?” She poked him with her finger causing him to fall back on his butt. “Do understand that when we grow, so does our emotions and hormones and that there could be serious side effects to a girl.” Aaron sat there quietly as Rebecca continued. “Do you know that every giantess in this hell hole has killed more than one person, whether it is another giantess or regular? Actually it’s happened so much that it’s basically survival of the fittest behind these walls.” She explained to him as he lowered his head in depression.

“Take me for example.” She pointed to herself. “I can’t tell you how many regulars I’ve taken out. Like I told you before, I don’t like doing it, but I’m damn sure good at it!” Rebecca exclaimed. “Now, every giantess here has an issue….A serious psychological issue that varies from giantess to giantess. It really depends on the character I guess, but when you have seen as many people die as I have, you tend to get used to stuff like that.” She finished as she lowered her face towards Aaron with a seductive smirk appearing again.

‘So now that I have you, I’m trying to be extra nice and give you an option I didn’t give to other regulars and let you have fun before you choose how you want to leave.” She lowered her face closer to his body as she stuck her tongue out and gave him a slight lick, dragging up his body a bit before returning it back into her mouth, still smiling. “So what do you say, you tell me what you want to do so we can have fun? “ She told him as Aaron looked back up at her.

“Let me assure you of something little guy. What we have here is the world we live in now. We can’t enjoy the simple life like everyone else can. We’re exiled giantess and regulars that are forced to coop with each other, regardless of the collateral damages.” Rebecca stated. “Just live with what you got and try to enjoy it to the very end, which is the option I’m actually trying to give you. If you don’t want it, then I can just kill you now and be done with it.” He winced at the last bit of her sentence as he gave her a sad expression at her last statement.

“Live with what I have now….” He repeated as Rebecca nodded her head as she lay back down on her side and smirked at him.

“That’s right little guy.” Rebecca spoke sexually.” So you can do anything you want with me, all you got to do is ask.” She stated as Aaron slowly stood up and began to walk towards her.

Water began to form in the corner of his eyes as reality set in. The reality, in which, was shown to him by the giantess that was giving him his last, but to him his first exciting moment. The community that he resided in was sealed off from the real world. The world he knew; the world that he was comfortable in.

Now here he was. On this hell staged limbo where he was forgotten by the people that he used to live with. Rebecca was right. There was no escape, all he could do was take what was given to him and be happy with it.

As he walked towards Rebecca’s face he gave her a weak teary eyed smile. “I know what I want.” He sniffed as Rebecca looked down at him and smiled.

Her heart tugged as she watched the regular began to cry in front of her. “Go ahead and tell me, you can have anything you want for the night.” She replied as he nodded her gesture.

“Hold me until I fall asleep….You can do what you want after that.” He said as he pressed his body against her neck, completely catching her off guard as he simply cried into her.

Rebecca heard his quiet sobs as she felt him nestled against her, finding a comfortable spot on her neck as he continued to cry.

Rebecca couldn’t help but smile warming as she lifted up her hand and gently stoked his back with her index finger as allowed him to let out his frustrations.

She took a deep breath, but it was actually a relaxing one as she heard him drift off and began snoring lightly against her.

“He said I can do what I wanted to do after he fell asleep.” She thought as slowly placed her hand against his back to keep him in place on her neck as she got under the covers. “If that’s the case then I think I’ll….Just let him sleep here….At least just for tonight.” She mentally spoke as she closed her eyes with the heartbroken regular against her neck as she continued to gently stroke his back as she too fell asleep.

-Next Day at the University Courtyard before first class-

The sun shined rise crept up slowly as students, both giantess and regulars alike, began to pour on to school grounds. The purple orange sky lit up as some students sat in the courtyard as others waited for the buildings to open up as they had a very early class.

Tory sat by the school’s student center as he waited for it to open. His first class wasn’t until later on that day, but he decided to get some breakfast before he went back to his dorm room. He yawned as he laid his head on the table, still half sleep after the long day he had yesterday with Frankie.

His brown eyes drooped as he struggled to keep them open as he slightly turned his head and watched as other students made their way on campus. He saw cars pull up into parking lots, giantesses watching their steps as they came in and other regular students either walking or riding their bikes.

It was always peaceful before school started for some reason. Everyone was laughing with each other or complaining about their homework or a test they didn’t study for. It was somewhat relaxing being outside as the gentle morning breeze pass through the air.

He took a deep breath of fresh air and stood up as he saw someone unlock the student center doors as students began to pour into it. “It’s about time.” He said to no one in particular as he grabbed his small black and Red Jordan book bag and slung it around his arm. “I’m hungry, I hope they don’t clean out the kitchen this time around.”

He left the table and began to walk towards the building, but suddenly felt a large shoe clad foot pressed into the ground next to him, causing him to look up instantly at a giantess smirking down at him as her long raven like her fell down her shoulders as she looked down at him. Her piercing brown eyes found his as they locked on to each other for a second before she decided to speak.

“Well, I didn’t think I would run into you this early in the morning.” She smirked down at him as Tory looked up at her and mentally cursed himself for not moving fast enough to get into the student center.

“I’m surprised to see Frankie isn’t here with you, but you know how much of a lazy ass she is right?” The giantess smiled as Tory continued to look up at her.

He let out a small sigh. “Hi, Kristina.” He said calmly. “You must have an early class or something.” He spoke.

She lightly shook her head. “Nah, I’m just here to meet a friend of mind for something to eat and we wanted to buy something from the bookstore, you want to come along with me?” She asked him as Tory looked away from her for a second as an image of Frankie telling him to stay away from her entered his mind.

“Come on little guy, it’ll be fun and we can wait until Frankie gets here and we can all walk around campus together.” Kristina stated cheerfully as Tory looked back up at her.

He shook his head at her gesture. “No I’m good, I’m just going to pick up something to eat and go back to my room for a while. I only got one class today, so well…You know. I’m just going to try and take it easy.” He denied her as Kristina smile slightly cracked, unknown to him.

“Really…Well damn that’s too bad.” She replied as she knelt down in front of him. Her brown eyes locked on to his again as he looked up at her features. She wore a bright blue button shirt with a checkered design on it with a pair of light blue jeans with white sneakers. A causal set up for her as merely was walking around campus. She wore a few silver bracelets on each wrist with a two silver earrings to match it.

“I think you should come and have a talk with me anyway.” She blurted out as Tory took a step back at her response. “Don’t be scared ok, I know Frankie told you to stay away from me, but that’s only because she’s afraid I may spill her little secret, but don’t worry that, it’s all in the past now. I’m just trying to be friends, and I really think you need to meet a few of mine.” She said as she extended her right hand towards him, setting it on the ground, opening up her palm as she nodded her head towards him.

“Go ahead, climb on, we’ll go get something together. “She smiled sweetly, but soon realized that Tory was cautious of her.

“I…Don’t know….Maybe I should just get going and….” Tory’s sentence was cut short as he felt Kristina’s fingers wrap around his body as she gently lifted him in the air. “Hey! What the…Kristina put me down!” He yelled at her, but it fell on deaf ears as she gently tightening her grip around him, assuring that he wouldn’t fall out of her hand.

“Stop worrying so much.” She said as she began to walk to towards the student center. “It’ll be fine, we’re just going to get something to eat and talk for a bit, since Frankie wants to be selfish with you and shit.” She stated as she entered the student center, her eyes scanning the area as she tried to find a good food spot to order from.

She slightly gritted her teeth in frustration. “I hate the fact that they don’t have anything good here sometimes.” She said as she scanned the menus plastered up so everyone can see. “I mean seriously, who wants a damn steak biscuit in the morning?” She asked as Tory looked up at her.

“Um...Me.” He spoke out causing her to gaze down at him. “What? Steak biscuits are good; the hell is your problem.” He told her as Kristina huffed at his statement.

“Not their stale ass biscuits.” She replied as she looked around again.

“Something is seriously wrong with your taste buds then, their biscuits are awesome. You just don’t know good food when you eat it.” He stated without realizing what he said as Kristina looked back down at him. Her predatory gaze covered his tiny frame as she lightly licked her lips as his attention was off of her and looking for a place to sit.

“Is that so?” She said as she slowly brought him to her face expectantly, catching him off guard. “Then maybe we could use something to see if my taste buds are really screwed up.” She smirked as Tory gave her a serious look in return.

“No….” He said simply as Kristina looked at him as he crossed his arms at her. “We’re not going to even play that game.”

Kristina gave him a playful frown as she moved him away from her face for a bit. “You know you didn’t have to ruin the moment like that.” She spoke as she found a rather large table to sit out and proceeded to sit down as she sat Tory on the table in front of her. “I bet if Frankie did that you would have been fine.” She added as she rested her elbows on the table and gazed down at the regular in front of her.

She smiled sweetly at him. “So tell me something pipsqueak.” She began. “What’s a nice looking regular doing hanging around Frankie anyway?” She asked him as Tory looked up at her in slight confusion. “What I mean is; how did you two meet? Surely, she just didn’t look down and say “Oh look a regular, I’m taking him home.” Kristina mocked as she looked down at him. “I’m surprised she didn’t choose a female regular at that; their more her type.” She added as she rested her head in her palm as she surveyed Tory in front of her.

“So…What’s your story with her?” She asked him again as Tory looked up at her and thought about Frankie for a bit before answering her.

“Let’s just say….” He began. “Let’s just say I owe her for helping me out one time.” He turned his head away from Kristina, looking elsewhere, trying to avoid eye contact with the black haired giantess in front of him.

“Oh... Helping out huh? That doesn’t sound like her at all.” She pressed on.

Tory slightly grunted at Kristina’s following statement. “Normally she’s anti-social, what made her want to jump and help out a little guy like you?” Kristina continued to ask. “No offense, but Frankie won’t really talk to me, so I figured why not ask the person that spends most of his time with her, you understand right?” Kristina smiled as Tory brought his gaze back up towards the raven haired giantess.

He took a long stare at Kristina as he took a deep breath. “She saved my life once and I don’t know…We just hung around each other from there.” He admitted. “I don’t know why she didn’t just leave after that, but she didn’t and honestly, I’m kind of lucky she did stay.” He laughed nervously. “I had a few more close calls that she had to save my ass from, so I guess she decided that she’d stick around since I couldn’t stay out of trouble.” He spoke the truth as he looked up at Kristina again. “But if you want to know what Frankie thinks, then you might want to try getting on good side and talk to her about it.” He finished off as he continued to gaze at Kristina.

Kristina let out a child-like giggle as she looked down at Tory. Her right hand was propping her head up as her elbowed rested on the table. She slowly lifted her left hand up and began to use her fingers in a walking Manner as her left hand neared the regular in front of her.

“I see.” She started as her hand stopped within mere inches of Tory. “She can be very confused about a lot of things, but I guess her being able to help someone made things a lot easier for her.” Kristina spoke out.

“What do you mean?” Tory looked up at Kristina’s face slightly confused at where she was getting at.

“You know what I mean.” Kristina continued her giant hand walking around Tory’s smaller frame. “Something bad happened between you two didn’t it?” Kristina asked him casually, catching Tory off guard with her question. “I mean, I’m sure it had to, because she called me cussing me out like I did something wrong. “ Kristina laughed at the end of her sentence. “Stupid right?”

Tory tore his eyes away from Kristina as she smirked at his reaction. “I knew it. Something did happen.” She smiled brightly as she lifted up one her fingers and began to nudge Tory’s back. “Come on, you can tell me what she did to you, I’m pretty sure it was a horrible experience seeing Frankie’s mean side.” She causally began to rub her finger on his back as Tory continued to try and avoid eye contact with the giantess in front of him.

“Nothing happened.” He simply answered. “We just had a small argument…That’s all.” He half lied as Kristina continued to smirk at him as her hand went back to walking around his body as he stood on the table in front of her.

“A small argument huh?” Kristina repeated. “That’s not how Frankie sounded when she cussed me out on the phone.” She pointed out. “I think you’re lying and lying isn’t a good thing between friends you know.” She smirk widened as her hand stopped in front of him.

“Who said I was lying?” Tory retorted back, slightly glaring at Kristina.

“Ahh, so you’re just keeping secrets from me then. That’s not nice you know, I thought we were trying to be friends here.” She stated as her face lowered towards the table. “You don’t have to keep things from me. I can be there next time Frankie decides to do some…..”

“Thanks, but I got it.” Tory cut her off, leaving Kristina speechless for a few seconds. “Thanks for the uh…Help I guess, but Frankie isn’t someone I can’t handle if comes down to it.” He stood up, grabbing his book bag.

“And what can a regular like you do against a giantess like her, she’d kill you were you stand if you ever got out of line with her.” Kristina simply stated as Tory looked back at her. “Physically speaking we giantess over power you regulars with just a tip of our strength. I’m pretty sure you realize that right?” She asked him as Tory continued to look up at Kristina, unfazed by her positon as a giantess.

“If you know Frankie like I do, then you know if you’re around her long enough you can manage a way to survive.” Tory stated as he turned his back towards Kristina and began walking away from her.

“Is that so?” She replied. “Is that why you’re still alive now, or is it just because she hasn’t decided when she wanted to kill you?” She smirked as Tory stopped in his tracks and slowly turned his head back towards Kristina. “I see that got your attention” She smirked mischievously.

His eyes widen slightly as he eyed Kristina. “What are you talking about?” He asked her, completely caught off guard by her last statement.

Kristina’s smirked remained on her face as she sat back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest.” I’m talking about Frankie, you know the giantess the girl that you’re always hanging around with isn’t as mellow as she seems.” Kristina told him. “It’s funny that you’re really still alive though, you see Frankie isn’t used to really keeping regulars around for a long period of time, who knows.” She shrugged. “Has she tried to do things with you? Like step on you, play eat you, etc, etc, etc?”

Images began to run through Tory’s mind as he recalled Frankie’s playful moments an how treated him as such. “Take it from me little guy. She’s not innocent, she’s not playful and she’s going to end up trashing you when she gets bored with you.” Kristina pointed out. “She’s not your friend, she’s a fucking psycho with no real meaning on how important your life may be.” She added as Tory continued to look up at her. “Think about it, did she care about your feelings when you two had your “Small argument.” She quoted with her giant hands.

She waited for Tory to give her an answer, but continued to smirk when he didn’t give one. “You’re a lucky one though; you’re still alive to say the least.” She laughed slightly. “But for how long though? Are you sure that you can keep a person like her satisfied long enough for her not to throw you away like worthless trash? If not, then you’re just living until Frankie decides to crush you, or her personal favorite…Eat you.” She stated as Tory still remained silent as Kristina finished on her views of Frankie.

“So, you still think you can survive being around Frankie?” Kristina triumphantly asked as Tory looked up at her and down at the table that he stood on. “Keep in mind, you survived this long because Frankie allowed you to. You’re basically a pet to her, nothing more…Nothing less. Why? Because you can always get a new pet…I am right?” Kristina stated as she leaned forward again as Tory looked back up at her.

His mind was completely thrown for a loop. It wasn’t that he believed everything that Kristina said, but it wasn’t like what she was saying wasn’t true either. Giantess have killed and replaced regulars within a short amount of time. It’s just something that happened there, it wasn’t an uncommon tragedy that befell regulars that were forced to live out with giantess, but not all giantesses were like that were they? His mind questioned that very thought as his eyes tore away from Kristina.

“Sorry little guy, that’s how this world works.” Kristina added. “You’re not your safe bed anymore at home, you’re in hell…A legit hell with no way out.” She finished as she extended her hand towards him.

“But…At least I can make it enjoyable for you.” Kristina pointed out as she waited for Tory to step in her palm, but frowned when he resisted the gesture and took a step back. “What’s wrong? I’m not the one you need to be afraid of.” She assured sweetly as Tory continued to look up at her questionably.

“That may be true, but how do I know if you’re any different than Frankie, if everything you said is true?” He asked Kristina’s facial expression remained unchanged. “If I’m replaceable to her, what makes me think that you won’t treat me the same way?” He retaliated.

“Trust me…I won’t” Kristina continued to smile at him. “I’m better than Frankie is.” She continued on as she slowly extended her hand a bit further and began to wrap her fingers around Tory’s regular sized body.

Tory began to fight against her as she tighten her grip a bit as she slowly lifted him off the table, bringing him to her face. “You don’t have to be scared of me little guy.” She soothed as she continued raising him to her face. “See Frankie and I are different; I’m not going to hurt you like she would.” She kept her grasp firm as Tory continued to fight against her grip.

“Kristina, stop it! Let me go!” He shouted as she quickly moved her thumb to cover his face and muffle his shouts as she slowly stood up from the chair, getting ready to leave the area.

“Don’t make a scene.” She playfully giggled. “Geez, you can be such a handful. I don’t see how Frankie was able to deal with you for so long.” Kristina smiled as she moved from her seat, keeping her grip around the regular. “It’ll be alright though, because you won’t have to deal with….”

“Why the fuck do you have my regular!” A voice shouted from her behind her gaining the attention of the entire student center as everyone heads turned towards the person who shouted.

Kristina’s eyes shot up in shock as she quickly glanced over her shoulder to find a very pissed off Frankie.

“Put him down….Now.” She seethed as Kristina continued to look a Frankie and slight frown appeared on her face as her grip loosened around Tory. “You know I hate repeating myself.” Frankie gritted her teeth as her fist balled up, noticed by Kristina as her hand lowered to the table she was sitting at.

She laughed a bit. “Damn you can be so violent sometimes you know that?” Kristina stated as she released Tory on to the table, who was gasping for air. “Sorry about that little guy, looks like fun time is over.” She said as he looked down at him and brought her face back up to Frankie, who didn’t look like she was in the mood to talk.

Her Bluish Green eyes filled with anger as she came to school in a Black T-shirt with a white x design on the left side of her chest. She wore a pair of black and white shorts with a pair of white used sneakers to top it off. She wasn’t dressed in anything fancy, considering that she wasn’t there for class to start with.

Frankie continued to glare at her as Kristina returned it with a smile. “Well it was nice seeing you again Frankie; I think I’ll leave you two alone. I got people to meet anyway.” She winked at her. “See you later.” She smiled as she walked off happily as Tory sat up as both him and Frankie watched as Kristina walked off.

Frankie glare didn’t fade away. She quickly turned her eyes towards Tory as he looked back up at her, meeting her angry eyes as she glared down at him.

“What the hell were you two talking about?” She growled as Tory could only sit there and watch as Frankie’s temper continued to rise.

End Notes:

Here you guys go, another chapter to move the story along lol. I actually like this chapter and didn't think it would turn out like it did, but it's really a turning point for all characters involved. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also, the next chapter will focus on the original three. I've just been having fun with the new characters that I can't forget their progress in the story.


Chapter 12 Part 1 by JT07

The crowd continued to stare as their eyes watched the Frankie and Tory as they both continued to stare at each other. Kristina, not wanting to make things worse between her and Frankie, had already left the student center.

Frankie’s eyes continued to glare down at the regular has he caught his breath. “So what was that?” She asked. Her mood clearly indicated that she was irritated as she continued to glare down at him.

Tory looked up at Frankie, catching the tension has her eyes glazed over him. “Um, you came in and stop Kristina from practically choking the life out of me.” Tory answered her followed by a few coughs as he tried to regain his composure.

“That’s not what I meant.” Frankie replied quickly. “Why in the hell were you around her anyway?” She questioned him. She crossed her arms as Tory’s head slowly tilted up to look at her. He leaned back on his arms as her glare darkened a bit. “Well?” She impatiently added.

“Oh I’m alright thanks for asking Frankie.” Tory responded sarcastically as he slowly stood up on the table. “I mean, it’s not like I was just forcibly grabbed by a bitch you hate, no we’re just going to overlook that and get down to the part where this is my fault.” He continued on as Frankie eyes twitched a bit at his sarcastic attitude towards her question.

“So you think this is funny?” She followed up angrily. “I thought I told you to stay away from her.” She argued.

“And I did!” Tory shot back. “It’s not my fault she snuck up on me and brought me here.” He tried to defend himself as Frankie’s eyes narrowed at his answer.’

“How the hell does a giantess sneak up on someone?” She roared as Tory took a step back from her slight outburst. “It’s not like you couldn’t hear the bitch coming. it’s not like you two are exactly the same size here.” She growled as Tory narrowed his eyes at Frankie this time, almost trying to mimic the same glare that she was giving him.

“Oh I’m sorry, it’s not like there are other giantesses walking around.” He responded. “So excuse me if I couldn’t tell what her footsteps sounded like.” Tory retaliated as he glared at her. “Why do you even care if I talk to her anyway? It’s not like you really give to shits about what happens to me anyway.” He blurted out as Frankie eyes shot up at his sudden outburst.

“What…In the bloody hell do you mean by that?” She questioned. “Whenever you are around me I make sure you’re taken care of and nothing happens to you, where do you get off telling me some shit like that?” She gritted her teeth as she darkened her glare.

“Really? Taking care of me? Is that what you call it?” Tory replied quickly.

“Um, last time I checked I wasn’t the one trying to crush the life out of you.” Frankie countered. “Besides if it wasn’t me, you probably would either be paste right now or carried to who the fuck knows where.” She ended as Tory continued to glare at her.

“Hell if it wasn’t for you, we probably wouldn’t even be in this mess right now.” He threw her own words back in her face as Frankie’s hand instantly slammed into the table, causing everyone that watched the argument between the two unfold gasp in shock as they watched as Frankie’s hand literary missed Tory by a few inches.

Tory, on the other hand, fell on his butt due to the impact of Frankie’s hand slamming on the large table in front of her. The force of her palm caused the entire table to shake causing a small quake that knocked Tory off his feet.

“Since when did you decide that you wanted to grow some balls?” Frankie shouted angrily as Tory looked up at Frankie and down at her hand that nearly missed his body. He took a deep breath as he realized that he hadn’t taken any pills since yesterday and that the effect ha d probably wore off a long time ago.

Frankie continued to glare down at Tory as her angry continued to slowly rise. She was breathing hard as she tried to keep her composure, but she was slowly losing her grip on her temper as Troy continued to argue back with her.

“I’ll ask you again Tiny. Why the hell were you and Kristina talking?” She spoke slowly so Tory could hear every word that came out of her mouth.

Tory, still sitting on his hind quarters, looked up at the tall giantess that stood in front of him and gulped before he answered her. He began to sweat as he faced Frankie’s anger for the second time. He knew what the giantess herself was capable of, especially in a general perspective.

“Well?” She asked again, her patience wearing thin as Tory took another long look at the giantess that stood in front of him.

He took a deep breath before he spoke. “I already told you what happened.” He quietly answered. “She snuck up on me and basically brought me in here, you just don’t want to believe that I’m telling the truth.” He answered her timidly as Frankie just stared at him in response. Her facial expression had gone from anger to completely blank, an expression Tory was most afraid of.

She just looked down at him. Her eyes not giving away any sign of what Frankie may be thinking, or what she might have planned for that matter. Tory slightly began to shake as Frankie’s eyes continued to observe him as her expression remained unreadable.

Tory gulped again as he slowly began to back away from the giantess as she continued to look down at him. “You know what?” She spoke. “I don’t even care, let the bitch crush you, it’s your fault if anything happens to you.” She told him as she lifted her hand up from the table. “Go on and run to the bitch, whatever happens to you just happens and you’ll have to live with it.” Frankie dismissed him as Tory looked up at her and slightly gritted his teeth.

He growled at how quick she was to toss him to the side like he wasn’t nothing, something that remembered that Kristina had told him before Frankie showed up. “Really? And I bet you believe that it’s my fault for what you did to me yesterday.” Tory responded on instinct.

Frankie’s eyes quickly fell back on Tory as he stood up on the table. “Of course it is, if you haven’t argued with me than that wouldn’t have….”

“How fucking screwed up is your logic Frankie!” Tory shouted catching Frankie completely off guard with his outburst. “I haven’t done anything to you, but try and help, but what did you do in return?” He glared up at her.

Silence fell between the two for a second as Frankie’s eyes quickly left Tory and darted across the student center. She growled lightly to herself as she saw the eyes of a students and workers looking at them as they argued with each other. Her irritation level rose as she knew that if Tory was to keep going then she would really hear it from someone on campus and that was something she didn’t have time for.

She looked down at him against as she returned the look with strong glare. “Look people are staring let’s go somewhere else and….”

“Since when did that ever bother you?” Tory cut her off. “Why act like you care now?” Tory shouted up at her. “You came in yelling at me and now you want to leave because people are staring? Seriously?” Tory continued his onslaught.

Frankie grunted as she looked down at the regular that scolded her. Never had he yelled at her like this, let alone turn a situation completely against her. She breathe slowly as nervousness crept up inside her as she continued to see eyes from different students find its way to them.

“So let me ask you this Frankie. What happened yesterday? What the hell was that, why the fuck would you even do me like that?” Tory continued to attack her with barrage of questions as he continued to push her against the ropes. “I thought we were supposed to friends, but hell you basically shitted all over that didn’t you?” He blasted her as Frankie’s blank stare returned as she had no choice but to retreat back to that state, due to Tory’s verbal assault.

“You know, sometimes I don’t get you.” Tory continued. “Like, I’m trying to be there to help you out whenever you have a fucking episode and you push me away, it’s like I don’t even matter.” Tory took a step forward, clearly going off nothing but pure adrenaline. “But, you clearly don’t have a problem using me when need you to have a sexual release or something, other than that you’d throw me to the side!” He yelled as he took another step towards Frankie as she leaned back off the table that he was standing on. “You know what, just answer me this Frankie. What the fuck am I to you?” He asked her bluntly as Frankie’s eyes quickly diverted away from him as soon as he finished his question.

Everyone sat in silence as the tension became thick between the two. Tory was holding his ground as Frankie was on the receiving end of a verbal battle against him. Her eyes fell back down on the regular as he continued to glare up at her.

“Well?” Tory crossed his arms as he looked up at her.

Frankie felt backed into a corner as she continued to stare down at the lifeform that was smaller than she was, but yet he was actually yelling at her. The nerve of this regular yelling up at her, a giantess no less, where does he even get off trying to win in an argument against her. Considering their size difference, she should be right regardless if she was wrong, right? It’s just because she’s bigger than he is and no matter what he couldn’t stop her anyway. It’s not like any regular could compare to her strength, or any giantess for that matter. So why was she letting this regular sized human get the best of her, when she could really put all this to a stop.

She took a deep breath as she gazed down at him. “You really want to know, fine.” She began as Tory arched an eyebrow as Frankie continued to speak. “For some reason you believe that we’re friends, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. As a matter of fact, that’s only in your delusional world that you made up in your head.” She responded cold heartedly as Tory’s eyes slightly widen as she continued to answer his question.

“Yes, to me you are something I just get off on, nothing more and nothing less.” She continued on. “I don’t know why you act like you didn’t know this before, because you never complained about it, or maybe it’s because you didn’t really accept your place with me.” She told him as each word that left her mouth was hurtful enough to pierce any hard shell animal that you could find. “Her words alone had now turned the tide in their argument and became completely one sided.

“What happened yesterday was completely your fault.” She added. “You were annoying me and wouldn’t shut up, so I had to take a few extreme measures to make sure you did.” She continued. “Was I wrong? I don’t think so and if I was, who cares, there’s nothing you could do about it anyway.” She ended as Tory’s eyes fell onto the table top in front of him as he let her words sink in.

A few moments passed as Frankie continued to look down at him. Everything that left her mouth was completely on impulse; it didn’t even register to her what she had said until she actually had said it, but she couldn’t take it back now, could she?

Silence fell between the two as Tory stood up slowly and picked up his book bag. He slung it over his right shoulder without looking up at the giantess. “Kristina was right about you.” He simply said as he turned his back towards her.

Frankie’s eyes shot up at his last comment as she watched him walk towards the edge of the table. His head moved from left to right as his locked on to the seat cushion of the other chair in front of him. “Wait, what do you mean she was right about me?” She asked him. “What did she say?” She quickly asked him, her tone completely changed.

Tory didn’t look back at her as he was trying to make sure he could make the jump between the table and seat cushion that was below him. “Don’t worry about it, it’s not like you care anyway.” He stated, but he was quickly jumped back as he saw Frankie’s body appear in front of him, her face mere inches from his body as he took a few steps back from her.

She slightly glared at him. “Whatever she said, she’s lying!” She quickly shouted, now trying to defend herself. “She wasn’t right about anything! She just says shit to get in peoples head and turn them against each other. Why are you even listening to her to begin with?” Frankie asked him as she continued to look at him as Tory glared at her in return.

“You don’t even know what she said, but hell you pretty much proved her right.” Tory responded to her question. “Everything you said earlier is practically how she said you’d act so thanks for that.” He ended as he went back to eying the seat cushion. He was getting ready to leap down into the Black seat cushion before him, until his target was covered completely as Frankie sat down in it, causing him to look at her.

“You do realize that was my way down right?” He nonchalantly spoke as Frankie placed her elbows on the table as she sat in front of him.

She took a deep breath before she spoke.” Look, I don’t know what she actually told you, but believe me she’s lying ok.” She stated as she looked down at Tory. “Believe me Tiny, she’s an evil bitch that will try to plant shit into your head. It’s not true ok; whatever she said about me is not true.” She fought as Tory continued to listen to her, but decided to quickly speak.

“You just practically told you, I’m just a sex toy to you…Nothing more, remember?” He replied as Frankie couldn’t help but sigh at his comeback. Not to mention, you said that no matter what, you’re always right even if you’re wrong.” He added as Frankie eyes tore away from him as he hit her with the truth.

She sighed again as the truths sunk in. “Ok, yea you’re right, but I was just…” Frankie looked around and saw that everyone was still staring at them. “Can we take this somewhere else; I’m honestly tired of people listening in.” She suggested as she slowly opened her palm and laid her hand on the table, allowing Tory to hop on to it.

A slight heart ached occurred inside of Frankie’s chest when she saw that Tory didn’t accept her invitation with no hesitation like he always would. It was as if he was cautious on whether to trust her not, she couldn’t really blame him though.

Tory continued to look at her hand and then slowly lifted his head up towards her, making eye contact with the dirty blond haired giantess. Her bluish green eyes locked on to his light brown ones as he took a deep breath and slowly stepped up on to her hand.

Frankie let a small smile creep across her face as she slowly stood up, lifting her hand off the table. Tory sat down on her palm as he was lifted into the air. The two made their way towards the exit as the students in the center continued to give them weird looks, until they finally left.

Frankie’s foot falls were careful as her white sneaker clad shoes landed on the reinforced pavement. The sun hovered over the sky as students began to pour on to the campus. Frankie carefully watched where her foot landed as she spotted a large giant water fountain, which was mostly vacant considering everyone was rushing off to class.

Her eyes quickly glanced around the area and saw that they were free to talk there as she made her way towards the fountain.

Tory continued sitting in her palm as he saw where they were heading. “Water fountain huh? Nice.” He broke the silence between the two.

“I know how you like to sit by water, so I figured this would be the best place to talk.” Frankie said as she moved a few strands of her out of her face. She eyed her location before she sat down on the concrete structure as the water sprouted up behind her. She raised her hand towards her right shoulder as Tory understood her gesture and quickly hopped on to it.

The two sat in silence for a moment as they both tried to figure out what to say. Frankie wouldn’t even glance in Tory’s direction as Tory stole a few himself.

“Sooooo.” Frankie started off this taking the lead in breaking the silence. “Yeah, things got….Yeah.” She stuttered as Tory looked up at her and shook his head slightly at her attempt.

He took a deep breath and turned his head towards the view of the campus as he watched as people continued to show up. “Are you really mad at me?” He asked her bluntly as Frankie mimicked the same action as he did and looked towards the view of the university buildings in front of them. “I mean, I know you said not to talk to her, but you do know that I didn’t actually run looking for her right?” He added as Frankie just nodded her head in response.

She shook her head at his question. “No, I mean...” Frankie continued to look away from him. “I know you didn’t go look for her. I know you’re not that stupid.” She added as Tory gave her a slight glare in return. “But I was never mad at you; it’s mostly her. The Fucktard just makes my blood boil.” She finished as Tory looked at her for a moment.

He sighed as he leaned back on her shoulder. “You shouldn’t let her get to you though.” Tory responded.

“I know and I don’t well for the most part, the only time I really get angry is when she involves you, other than that, I don’t give two fucks about what she says.” Frankie admitted.

Tory glanced at her again. “Why when it concerns me any other time you would have been ready to put someone in their place, what makes her so special?” He asked her as Frankie began to fiddle with her hands as she answered his question.

“You’re my regular tiny, like it or not.” She started off. “And I know how Kristina is with regulars. That bitch is crazy and I’m trying to keep you alive by keeping you away from her. So when I found you with her…Well it pissed me off.” Frankie ended.

The sounds of laughter mixed with conversation filled the air as the two continued to talk. “Funny, she practically said the same thing about you.” Tory told her as Frankie stopped playing with her hands and slightly glanced at the regular on her shoulder.

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” She replied. “I’m pretty sure the bitch told you a bunch of shit about me, just to scare you off.” She said in return.

“Yep, she practically did.” Tory added. “She was pretty straightforward with it actually. Telling me that you would basically kill me when you got bored of me and that you aren’t really good at keeping regulars long and some other stuff about taking me away, so I wouldn’t have to go through all that with you. Which reminds me, you never told me that you had other regulars.” Tory said as he sat up on her shoulder and looked at her. “I thought that I was your only one.”

Frankie gave him another side glance as her eyes diverted to the sky before she brought them back down on the scenery in front of her.

“Well she’s right about that…I don’t really stay friends with regulars for too long.” Frankie admitted as Tory sat on her shoulder looking at her. “It’s not what you think though. It’s not because I did something to them, or they just got up and walked away.” Frankie let out a small laugh. “Hell, I rather they did just get up and leave when they wanted to, but that’s not what happened.” Her laugh was cut short as her facial expression grew serious.

“So what happened to them?” Tory asked.

Frankie didn’t respond instantly, as if she was thinking on what to say and what information to actually leave out. “Frankie…” Tory called her name as her bluish green eyes moved towards him, but then reclined back to their previous position.

“Listen tiny, I don’t keep regulars long because Kristina kills them all.” Frankie replied bluntly as Tory looked up at her, his mouth dropping at her sudden answer. “Every single regular that I practically came in contact with she has taken away from me, all because she was jealous bitch that thought that I belonged to her.”

“It’s actually really funny when you think about it. We were actually together before we became giantess and everything was fine at first, but it didn’t take long for shit to start changing.” Frankie continued on.

“What do you mean?” Tory asked her.

Frankie took a deep breath. “What I mean is the bitch got vicious and crazier.” She answered.

“As if your one to talk.” Tory snickered as Frankie quickly moved her shoulder to throw him off balance and force him to grab her shirt to keep himself from falling.

“You want to add anything else, or can I keep telling my story.” She playfully glared at him as Tory shook his head in response. “Thank you.” She smirked, before wiping it off her face as she continued. “When we were regulars we had a regular relationship, it was mostly one sided though considering this bitch had some serious issues to begin with. No matter who I talked to she got angry about it, hell, I couldn’t go out with someone other than her without her throwing a fit. It was kind of sad actually.” Frankie shook her head at her past memory.

“So what happened then?” Tory cut in as he climbed back up to her shoulder. “After you turned into giantess, I mean.”

“Well shit got ugly is what happened. To make it simple, my friends started to disappear one by one and I didn’t know why until I came home one day and saw that she was in my living room, smiling at me with that stupid face of hers.”

“Home?” Tory repeated. “Wait so, when you both got turned into giantess you didn’t come straight here?” He questioned here.

Frankie shook her head. “No, it took a year and some months for that happen, considering we were probably the first or second group of girls to get transformed, so what happened was that we stayed at this large facility that they built for us for the time being.” Frankie answered. “The problem with what happened with Kristina was that I had family over that day and I had stepped out for a few minutes to go pick up a few things.” Frankie spoke as her voice darkened as she recalled the events of that tragic day.

“That fucking bitch was smiling when I came back and I didn’t know why. She looked like she did something, but I couldn’t tell what it was until I started to realize that I didn’t see my mom or sisters anywhere.”

Tory gave her a confused look as Frankie continued her story. Her fist began to ball up as she continued to replay the entire thing in her head as she talked. “The kitchen smelled like she had been cooking, but I thought that was impossible because we really didn’t have anything at the time to cook, so it didn’t hit me when I saw her chewing on something.” She mouthed as her eyes narrowed and her fist clenched tightly.

“I walked into the kitchen and asked where everyone was and this psychotic fuck had the nerve to tell me to look down and when I did I saw two of my sisters….Fried.” She said as anger continued to build up in her again. “She fucking fried them all and she had the nerve to sit on my couch and tell me that the first two she ate whole and that my mom was in her mouth. That bitch was chewing on my mom right in front of me, with that fucking sick smile on her face.” Frankie practically yelled as Tory mouth had completely dropped long before she got to the horrifying part.

“I stood there and watched her for a moment. She was already chewing on her when I walked in, but she fried them all beforehand and had already swallowed two of them.” Frankie sighed as she finally unclenched her fists and took a deep breath. “I snapped after that and tried to kill her…” She breathed as Tory remained silent. “The facility was completely destroyed along with large of amount of regulars. I wanted that bitch dead, so I really didn’t care.” Frankie admitted as she continued to explain her story.

“Bodies where everywhere and all that bitch could do was laugh and tell me that it was my fault because I wasn’t showing her any attention.” Frankie let out as she took another deep breath as she tried to calm herself down. “I hate that fucked up ungrateful retarted fuck.” Frankie finished as she continued to breathe slowly as she slowly glanced at Tory on her shoulder.

“This is why I don’t want you going near her; I don’t need to find your remains on the fucking pavement somewhere because you didn’t want to listen.” She told him as Tory continued to sit on her shoulder in silence.

“Wow….Just…I don’t even know what to say to that.” He replied. “That’s actually….Wow.” Tory couldn’t find the right words as he was shocked by the information that he was just given. “It’s actually amazing that you haven’t lost it again.” He spoke as Frankie slightly turned her head towards him.

“You’ve seen her a couple of times and you didn’t unleash on her, how come? I know I would have.” Tory asked her as Frankie sighed as she tilted back a bit and used her hands to hold her up.

“Because.” She answered slowly. “If I did go after her right now, too many people will get hurt and I’m crazy, just not to the point where other people lives have to be wasted for my issues.” She stated. “I did that once already and…Well….Let’s just say that it wasn’t pretty.” She concluded.

Frankie eyes landed back on her regular, who didn’t bother meeting her stare. “That’s crazy…” He spoke as Frankie nodded her head in agreement. “I mean damn, I know there’s some pretty fucked up giantess here, but…Damn.” He ended as he felt Frankie’s index finger lightly push him over to get his attention.

“Hey!” He shouted up at her as he fell over.

Frankie gave him a small smirk. “Don’t get me wrong Tiny, I’m pretty fucked up in the head to, if I ever get the chance I’ll show Kristina how fucked up I really am.” Frankie finished as Tory sat up on her shoulder.

“Well at least it’s not like you’re going around stomping the city or something stupid like that.” He rested his head in the palm of his hand as he lazily looked up at the tall giantess, who till wore a smirk on her face.

“Nah, I’m not that mean…Maybe…I don’t know…You think I should?” She asked him playfully.

“NO!” Tory quickly shouted to her. “No stomping anybody! That’s just cruel and wrong!” He continued to scream up at her as Frankie playfully thought about his comment.

“Soo that does include you right?” She questioned his words.

“Huh? Well….Umm…That’s not….Well….I fucking hate you.” He replied defeated as Frankie laughed at him.

“Good.” She continued to giggle. “I swear you make this too easy.” She finished as Tory crossed his arms and turned away from her angrily.

“That’s because I’m not trying.” He replied as he felt Frankie’s finger on his back, slightly nudging him.

“Well then maybe you should. At least give me a challenge sometime.” She playfully poked him again before she leaned back on her hands again. “Hey…You still have that test later on right?” She asked him, her eyes not making contact as she turned her head away from him again.

“Yea?” Tory titled his head to the side, confused at the sudden question Frankie asked him. “Why? I probably won’t even go. I’m going to fail it anyway.” He slumped down and pouted as he thought about the test he had to take later on that day.

“No you won’t.” Frankie muttered as she reached her left hand into her pocket and pulled out a small stack of papers from it. Tory gave her a confused look as she handed it to him, pinching it between her fingers as Tory retrieved it from her grasp.

“What’s this?” He asked as he began flipping through the small stack of papers. They appeared to be set amount of questions on each page with multiple choice answers to them. What stuck out to Tory was that each question had an answer circled to it, all the way to the end. “Frankie…Um.”

“It’s the test that you’re going to take later.” Frankie looked down at him. “I asked around and a few regulars said that your professor tends to reuse the same test every year, so this was hell to get it….So you better be glad.” She turned her head away from him as Tory tilted his to the side.

He thought about her actions for a few moments and then a smirk appeared on his face as he looked up at the tall giantess kept her eyes away from him. “Is this your way of apologizing for yesterday?” He asked her as Frankie slightly glared at him.

“No…I didn’t say that….That’s just me… Helping you out, that’s all.” She defended herself as Tory continued to smirk at her as he crossed his arms.

“Really? Because I’m pretty sure you had to jump through a couple of loops to get this and you normally don’t care when I have something important going on, why the sudden change?” He asked her as Frankie gritted her teeth and turned her head away again.

“Just be happy I did something for you….Don’t overthink things though, I’m not apologizing for anything.” She stated as Tory could only nod his head, faking his understanding in her statement.

“I see, so basically what you’re trying to say is that you’re sorry for what happened yesterday, but you just don’t know how to, so you went and did something for me in my moment of educational crisis.” He snickered a bit as Frankie kept her head turned.

“I said I’m not apologizing, I just don’t want to see you sad and depressed because you failed a fucking test.” She argued back.

“Are you sure…Looks like an apology to me.” He mocked her.

“I said I’m not apologizing!” She shouted.

Tory thought about it for a second. “Hmm…Nah it looks like an apology, at least a start.” He laughed as Frankie gritted her teeth at the regular on her shoulder.

“Knock it off!” She screamed as Tory fell off her shoulder, clenching on to the back of her shirt as she quickly got up and began to walk away.

“Aww come on Frankie don’t be like that!” He shouted as he tried to tighten his grip on her shirt. “I was just joking!” He continued as Frankie continued to make her way off campus. “FRANKIE!” He continued to shout up at her.

“No you can ride like that until I feel like setting you down.” She informed him as her steps indicated that she meant every word she said.

“Geez.” Tory sighed. “How come whenever I make fun of you, you have to take it one step further?” He grunted as he finally climbed back up on to her shoulder.

“Because….I can, and that’s all that matters.” She smirked back at him as she left the university,

“You do realize I have to come back later right?” He reminded her.

She gave him a slightly irritated look. “So.” She responded going back to her usual attitude.

“So that means you’re going to bring me back right?” He asked her with a cheery smile, which caused Frankie to stop walking completely, as she reached for the regular sitting on her shoulder with her right hand.

Her fingers laced around him gently as she picked him up off her shoulder and sat him down on the concrete. “Nope, I’m going home and going to sleep. Later” She smirked at him as she stepped over him, leaving him off campus grounds, a few blocks away from his dorm room.

“….Bitch….” He muttered under his breath playfully as he realized that she intended to make him walk back on his own.

End Notes:

First off, I would like to say that I have broken chapter 12 into like 2 or 3 parts. The reason for this, is so that everyone can get the feel of the characters a bit more. I know I said that Alex, Ava and Jaden would be up next, but I couldn't pass up leaving everyone hanging with Frankie's part. So I apologize for misleading anyone. Jaden and the gang will appear in the next chapter though, I promise for all you Alex and Ava fans out there.


P.S. I want to thank everyone for reading and reviewing or just reading in general. That lets me know that you're still sticking with this story and can't wait until the next chapter comes out. I just want to say to everyone that I appreciate it. Also, keep in mind that I'm still trying to get better at writing. Punctuation really isn't my strong point, but I'm definitly trying to get better.

Chapter 12 Part 2 by JT07

The morning sun shined through Rebecca’s window as the light hit Aaron square in the face. He tossed and turned on the soft surface that resided at the head of Rebecca’s bed. He groaned as slowly rolled over on his back, his light blue eyes slowly opened as he slightly turned his head to the side to see the sunlight shining through the large scaled sized window.

Recalling the events from last night he groaned again. “Did she kill me when I was sleep?” He mentally questioned as he turned his head away from the light.” Am I in Heaven already?” He asked out loud as he heard a soft humming sound coming from across the room. The voice was soothing as Aaron continued to listen as he heard light footsteps press against the area around him as the voice traveled across the room.

“Yep, I’m pretty sure I’m in Heaven right now.” He told himself as he heard a light giggle erupt from his statement.

“You’re not in Heaven yet little guy; you’re still in my room.” The voice said as Aaron quickly turned his head towards the direction the voice came from, his eyes resting on the tall giantess in front of him. “Hiya, did you sleep well?” She smiled down at him.

Aaron slowly sat up on top of her pillow and continued to look up at the long blond haired giantess. She continued to smile down at him as she slowly did a complete turn, almost showing off to him. “Like what you see?” She asked him as he tore his eyes away from her.

She giggled at his reaction and sat on the bed in front of him. Aaron noticed that she had changed clothes, but nothing formal like their previous encounter. She wore a purple shirt with an anime picture on the front of it. Some black shorts with White and Purple outlining that stopped at her thighs and a pair of purple ankle socks.

Aaron looked around her room and saw that it was nothing short of average. Your typical girl posters were hung on various parts of the wall. A pink layout, with a large scale TV sitting in the corner of the room. The Dark Brown dresser sat across from the bed, with the same color nightstand sitting right beside her bed.

“Who would have thought you were the average type.” Aaron spoke up as Rebecca looked around her room as well.

“Yea well, I have to act all preppy at school. I am in a high class group you know.” She replied to him as she stood up from her bed and looked down at the floor covered in clothes. “Sorry about the mess though, I didn’t really feel like cleaning up last night, since we were so deep in our conversation and all.” She stated.

“About that…” Aaron spoke up nervously, causing Rebecca to slightly turn her head towards him. “Weren’t you going to…You know?” He gulped. “What I mean is…” He continued timidly. ‘You said…”

“Don’t worry about that right now little guy.” Rebecca smiled down at him. “We’ll get to all that in a minute.” She told him as she carefully plucked him from her pillow and sat him in her palm. “Right now, its breakfast time and I’m hungry.” She admitted as she heard a loud groan coming from Aaron’s stomach as well. “I can see you and I think alike.” She added as Aaron tried to hide his embarrassment from her.

Rebecca noticed this. “You don’t have to be so shy around me, it’s alright. I don’t mind making enough for two…Well a little extra for one anyway.” She giggled as she walked towards the door with Aaron still in her palm. “Besides we didn’t have anything last night, I figure you’d be starving anyway.” She added as she opened the door and stepped out into the small hallway.

Aaron eyes glazed across the apartment as she made her way into the large living room. It was completely empty of life. There were food containers and plastic wrappers in various places of the apartment, but nothing to messy. He saw the generic tan sofa and love seat being the heart of the living room with a table sitting in front of both of them. He saw another large scale cinema sized TV sitting across from the couch, with a lamp and plant on opposite’s corners of the living room.

“Alright so what are we going to eat?” Rebecca thought out loud as she walked into the kitchen, sitting Aaron on top of the counter gently before opening the refrigerator. “And we have…Absolutely nothing.” Rebecca sighed as she closed the door revealing a disappointed look on her face. “I’m pretty sure Ashley forgot that it was her turn to do the shopping.” She placed her hand on her forehead and shook it. “This is why I have to do everything myself.” She ended as she brought her eyes down to the regular sitting on the counter. “Sorry little guy, I guess I can’t fix you a five star meal today, so I hope you don’t mind pop-tarts.” She told him as she reached for the cabinet above him.

“No that’s fine.” Aaron replied as he watched her open the cabinet door and pull out a large box of Pop-tarts.” Did they really have to upsize everything over here?” He asked as she sat the very large box down next to him.

“Well yea.” Rebecca replied, opening the box. “We giantess got to eat too you know. You don’t want us going around chumping down regulars for our protein do you?” She smirked down at him as Aaron shivered at her statement.

“Don’t worry.” Rebecca quickly added, noticing his uneasy attitude towards the topic.” I’m pretty sure half of you regulars wouldn’t taste good anyway.” She said lifting out a large Pop-Tart out of the box. “Besides, I like regular food anyway.” She finished as she broke a small piece (To her) and handed it to Aaron as she leaned against the opposite counter and began to eat on hers.

Aaron looked up at her and took a bite out of his share. “Rebecca…Right?” Aaron asked as her Rebecca nodded her head. “Ok um…I…Don’t know how to say this, or how it might sound coming out, but…Last night you said…Well it was a job and that you don’t like killing, but you do it anyway…Why?” Aaron asked her as Rebecca continued to take chunks out of her Pop-Tart as she stared down at him.

“Because that’s how it is over here.” Rebecca simply answered. “It’s like I told you, there’s nothing safe about the situation we’re in. That goes for you and me.” Rebecca took another bite. “I’m sure you heard Victoria, before I left yesterday and what could happen to me if I don’t kill you before its too late…Well too late in her eyes anyway.” Rebecca finished as she took another bite of her small breakfast.

“But…I don’t know anything; I don’t even know what’s going on. How can you be so calm about taking another person’s life so easily?” He asked her, putting down his large piece of Pop-tart as he stared up at her.

“I agree with you there little guy.” Rebecca answered. “You don’t know anything, but you’re a witness to what happened in the office room yesterday and I guess Victoria is scared that you may start yammering about what went on in there.” Rebecca told him as she took her last bite.” Too be completely honest with you I think it would be funny to see Victoria get caught in her own mess.” Rebecca smiled gently. “It’ll be well deserved, I can tell you that much.” She added.

“But…You’re still willing to kill me right? Just so that Emma person doesn’t come after…You.” Aaron said weakly as he closed his eyes for a brief moment, trying to brace himself for the harsh reality of his question.

Rebecca sighed for a moment as she crossed her arms, still leaning against the counter as her eyes were glued to Aaron. “Look, I thought about our conversation last night before I went to sleep and it really wasn’t fair what happened to you and your friends, well maybe one of them.” She thought in-between in her sentence. “But you were right, I could have at least saved the last one along with you, but I didn’t.” She said sadly. “But…I did save you, so; you know, it still worked out.” She smiled at him again.

“But last night you said…”

“Forget about what I said last night.” Rebecca cut him off as she waved her hand lazily, dismissing it.” I may have killed my share of regulars, but I’m not like Emma. I personally don’t see any real reasons why I have to kill you anyway, so don’t worry, just trust me when I say that you’re safe with me.” She winked at him as Aaron couldn’t help but allow a small smile to appear on his face.

“So that means….” He began as Rebecca nodded her head.

“Yep, you get to live little guy, although I’m going to have to be careful about who sees you outside of this apartment. Who knows when Victoria may peep her ugly ass around the corner?” She giggled at her own comment, along with Aaron who couldn’t help but let a small laugh as well.

“So what about you though?” Aaron asked her as he picked up his piece of Pop-tart and took a small bite out of it. “Aren’t you afraid of what might happen to you if they find out you didn’t kill me?” He asked her. “I mean, Emma and Victoria seem pretty straight forward about the consequences.” He looked up at her as Rebecca waved him off again.

“Nah, I’m not really worried.” Rebecca answered. “Just idle threats to me really.” She shrugged her shoulders.

“Yea, until they actually act on it.” A voice came from down the hall as both Aaron and Rebecca heads turned towards the source of it.

“Well Janice, it’s about time your lazy ass got up. Where is everybody else?” Rebecca asked the Asian American, who stretched as she made her way into the kitchen.

“Hell if I know, I just got up and over heard you two in here talking.” She said as she stepped into the kitchen with an oversized Red T-shirt that covered her thighs. She was barefooted and hair dark brown hair was matted in a mess from sleeping. “Oh, you do know Ashley didn’t go shopping yet right?” She stated.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. “Yea I had to find that out the hard way.” She answered as Janice turned around and sat on top of the counter that Aaron was sitting on. She leaned her back against the counter and her Green eyes traveled down to the regular sitting next to her on the counter.

“So… Who’s this little guy?” She asked, using her index finger to gently rub the top of his head. “You must be pretty special for you to survive with Rebecca for a night.” She smiled down at him as Aaron blushed a bit before turning his head away from her.

“That’s the regular I took from Emma yesterday.” Rebecca spoke up. “This tiny little thing was about to become nothing short of a mashed grape, if I hadn’t of said anything.” Rebecca finished before looking back down at Aaron.

Janice facial expression changed to a slightly solemn one. “So Emma had you huh? Must have been rough.” She stated still gently rubbing his head, then downward towards his back. “Not too many people survive Emma once she gets her hands on them.” Janice finished as Aaron began to relax against Janice gentle touch. “Rebecca’s right little guy, if she didn’t step up and take you when she did, well let’s just say you wouldn’t have been noticeable anymore.” She added causing Aaron to cringe at her statement.

Rebecca closed her eyes for a second as she leaned off her end of the counter. “But he doesn’t have anything to really worry about anymore, because he’s staying here with us, aren’t you little guy?” She asked him sweetly as Aaron couldn’t help but nod, not like he really had a choice in the matter.

“You’re keeping him here?” Janice looked up at Rebecca. “Did you ask the others?” Her eyebrow slightly rose.

“Nope.” Rebecca responded quickly, opening up the fridge and grabbing on the last giant sized bottle of waters she found. “I don’t really see how it’s their problem; he’ll be staying in my room anyway.” Rebecca answered her as Janice gave her a questionable look.

“You know how Trent is? He’s not going to like another male regular living in the apartment.” Janice stated.

Rebecca sighed.” Honestly, fuck Trent.” Rebecca snapped. “He really hasn’t been any help since I let him into this little group of ours. All he does is bitch and moan about problems he’s too small to handle.” Rebecca finished as she took a gulp from her water bottle.

“I agree with you there, but still you probably should let everybody know, just in case something happens.” Janice suggested as Rebecca rolled her eyes at her friend.

“Fine, I’ll tell them later…Maybe.” She brushed her off as Janice shook her head and looked back down at Aaron.

“I’m sorry you have to deal with this kind of rudeness little guy, but since I don’t know your name and doubt this elegant bitch over here does. Tell us about yourself.” Janice smiled at him as Aaron looked up at her big green eyes as they peered down at him.

“Um…Well.” Aaron shifted as Rebecca turned her attention towards him as well.

“Yea, we did kind of skip the introductions last night didn’t we?” She said as she came back towards her end of the counter and leaned on it. So what’s your name anyway?” She asked him.

Aaron eyes jumped between Rebecca and Janice as he took a deep breath before his eyes settled back onto the pop-tart he was holding. “My name is Aaron. I’m 18 and I was on the school Basketball team. I was a bench player though.” He began as both girls listened to his story without interrupting. “Before I moved here, well…I got picked on a lot so, I guess I didn’t have a lot of self-esteem growing up either.” He looked away in embarrassment.

“Well life was pretty boring really, kind of fell into a routine of just going to school and coming home. I had a few friends, but none of them seem to last very long.” He admitted as Rebecca and Janice quickly glanced at each other for a split second before returning their eyes back to him.

“How come?’ Rebecca asked, crossing her arms.”

“Yea, what happened to them Aaron?” Janice butted in.

Aaron sighed and slightly shook his head. “Not really something I want to bring back up.” He answered as Rebecca lifted her left hand up and slowly began to play with her hair as she looked down at him.

“That bad huh? I guess our conversation last night didn’t really help then did it?” She twirled her hair between her fingers. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said all that to begin with.” She sighed as Aaron looked up at her and shook his head.

“No, it’s ok; I kind of got a grip on how things are around here now, so at least I won’t be caught off guard by anything.” He smiled up at Rebecca, who gave him a sad smile in return.

“Yea but, I could have lightened up a bit. I didn’t have to say all that, I was just being an ass.” Rebecca face palmed as Janice shook her head at her.

“That’s nothing new.” She added as she looked down at the regular sitting on the counter. “So Aaron, since you don’t have any real friends here or back at home, how about me and Rebecca here fill in a couple of spots for you.” She smiled down at him. “I don’t know how reliable Rebecca is, but I know if you ever need anything you can come get me.” She gently rubbed his head and hopped up from the counter and yawned.

“Alright you two, I got to get ready for class; Rebecca, you going to school today?” She questioned as she looked over at her giant friend, while in mid-stretch.

“Nah, Aaron and I are going to sit here and talk for a bit; I got to see Victoria tomorrow, so I figured I’d just take a day off from school and relax a bit.” She answered as Janice shrugged her shoulders in response to her answer.

“Alright then have fun, and try not to hurt Aaron ok? He did just get here.” She smirked at her as Rebecca gave her a slightly annoyed look as Janice walked back into her room, closing her door.

Rebecca slowly turned her head back towards Aaron, who looked up at her. “So, listen; let me start off by saying sorry for not saving your friend, the one that tried to save you anyway.” Rebecca eyes slowly tore away from Aarons small blue ones as she twirled her purple socked foot around on the kitchen floor. “I honestly don’t know what I was thinking when you guys came out of the bag, but when I saw you…Well I don’t know, I couldn’t let Emma just kill you like the rest of them. Hell you seem scared shitless.” She added at the end as Aaron nodded his head.

“I was scared, nearly pissed on myself.” He laughed. “It does suck that Derrick is gone though.” He sighed sadly. “Out the group, he was the only one that actually looked out for me.” He leaned back on his hands. “I guess it’s like you said, it’s survival of the fittess out here.” He sadly ended.

“Well…Yea it is, but don’t let that get you down.” Rebecca replied. “It’s not all bad here, it’s just depends on the people you keep around you. So it’s sort of like how it is back at home.” She smiled down at him. “And look at it like this. You just got Two giantess on your side and one of them is kind of a big deal on campus, so you got some perks with that and also.” She reached over and gently picked Aaron up by his shirt and slowly brought him to her face.

Her eyes locked onto his as a small smirk crossed her lips. “You also got access to this.” She slowly opened her mouth, teasing sticking her tongue out and giving Aaron a light lick on the face that caused him to shutter instantly, before retracting it back into her mouth. “You still owe me for not playing with my last night.” She smiled sweetly at him.

Aaron was speechless as he looked up at her. The gentle lick of her tongue had already casted a spell on him as this was the first giantess that actually made contact with him as Rebecca just did. It wasn’t that he was unattractive; he was just too scared from the horror stories of being around a giantess to ever give it a chance. Now here he was in Rebecca’s fingers as he hung close to her face.

He slightly blushed, his shyness getting the best of him as she laughed at his reaction. “I take it you’re a giantess virgin huh?’ She asked him as he meekly nodded his head, embarrassed at the obvious answer. “Don’t worry; I think you’ll have a lot of fun over here.” She said as she gently blew her breath on him that caused him to shiver again as she slowly made her way back to her room. “And I mean a lot….of fun.” She said closing it behind her, locking it so no one could walk in.

End Notes:



Sorry guys, I guess I'm bad at keeping my promises lol sorry about that. This is chapter is more for character built then anything, but I do feel like I got somewhere with this. I hope you guys and girls (if you read this story) enjoy this extra addition to the story. Jaden and the gang are coming up next for real this time, sorry for holding them off for so long, just trying to get everyone set up and into place.


Feedback are always appreciated, lets me know how I'm doing.

Chapter 12 Part 3 by JT07

Morning on campus was as usual as it would ever be for most of the students there, both regulars and giantess alike. Footsteps could be heard amongst the innocent laughter of those who attended the university as students made their way to class, or just hung around various spots on school grounds.

Sitting amongst these students was Jaden, waiting for Ava outside of his first class. He sighed deeply, his mind clearly on the night before as he watch students walk in different directions.

He blinked a bit, still wiping the sleep from his light brown eyes as he struggled to stay awake. “That first class was so boring.” He yawned, stretching as he slumped back against the wall he was leaning against.

He was dressed for the weather as he wore a pair of black cargo shorts, suited with a light blue polo short, a pair of white ankle socks and white sneakers. The sun beamed down as the morning breeze blew passed him causing him to close his eyes for a second to enjoy it.

“Well one down and more to go.” He yawned again as his mind quickly flashed back to the events that transpired to the night before. An image of Ryan’s body in Alex’s cellphone popped up in his mind as he recalled how she reacted to the unexpected picture message.


Alex and Jaden were struck in fear as they gazed at the picture on Alex’s phone. The blood stain was there, splattered across the cement of the photo as Jaden slowly lifted his head up to look at Alex’s terrified face. 

“Alex….That….That can’t be Ryan right?” Jaden asked her as he took a step back from the giantess looming over him. “I thought you said you didn’t….” 

“I didn’t!” Alex screamed as Jaden’s eyes shot open at the loud yell forced from Alex’s mouth as she turned the phone back around for her to look at the picture herself. “I swear! I don’t know what the fuck this is or what happened to him after I left.” She shivered as she continued to eye the picture that was sent to her. 

“I know I roughed him up a bit, but I didn’t….” She continued to shake as Jaden looked up at her unable to speak. “I mean, I had the chance to and yea he would have deserved every bit of it, but I didn’t kill him. I promise I didn’t.” Alex sniffed as Jaden continued to look up at the giantess girl for a moment.

He took a deep breath. “Ok. Look calm down we can figure this out alright. Just tell me what happened the last time you were with Ryan.” Jaden told her as Alex continued to sniff a bit. “Come on Alex, don’t break down on me ok just tell me what happened.”

Alex, still shaking, gazed down at the mega sized regular in front of her and nodded her head at his request. “I….Well….I….I took away…I hurt him ok….But that’s it, I didn’t paint the ground with his insides or anything.” She stammered. “I was just angry and I finally took it out on the right person and now I get this shit sent to my phone!” She bellowed as she dropped the phone on the counter in front of Jaden, who jumped back, barely out of its range. 

“Alex!” Jaden called her name as Alex looked back at the regular and noticed that she nearly dropped her phone on him and sighed.

“Dammit….My bad, I’m just…Arrghh…This is fucking sick.” She grunted as Jaden sat down looking up at her. “I mean who in the fuck would sit there and text somebody this shit, it’s over. Ryan is done and can’t hurt anybody else obviously, so why send me this shit.” She ranted. 

-Flashback Ended –

Jaden sighed as he thought about Alex. “I guess getting sent something like that would surprise anybody, especially anybody living here.” He spoke to himself as his eyes surveyed the area. “But who would even think to do something like this? And how do they even know what went on back there to begin with?” Questions rained through his head as he took another deep breath as he continued to wait for Ava.

He rubbed the right temple with his right hand. “I guess there’s no point in trying to worry about right now.” He told himself as he looked around again. “Not by myself anyway, where the fuck is Ava?” He asked himself out loud, looking around for the giantess that was supposed to meet him after class.

“That’s a nice name, is that your girlfriend or something?” Jaden heard a voice from beside him as he quickly turned his head to meet a pair of hazel eyes staring directly at him. He eyes fitted the entire figure into his vision as he saw the voice belonged to a Hazel eyed girl, with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail.

He noticed that she wore a black jean skirt with dark brown shirt with a few slits on the side of it. Her light skin shined as the sun beamed down on the both of them. On her wrist was a pair of silver colored bracelets on both wrist, plus a large black band on her right wrist, adding to her accessories. On her feet she wore a pair of brown color boots with a low heel on the bottom of them.

“Hi, umm, no just a good friend of mine.” Jaden replied, caught off guard as the girl let out a small giggle in front of him.

“You don’t have to lie to me.” She stepped closer to him, leaning against the wall beside him. “I’m just messing with you.” She added as she turned her head towards him. “You looked like you were totally out of it in class today, long night?” She asked him innocently as Jaden slowly nodded his head as a reply.

“Long night isn’t really the right phrase for it, but yea, you could say that.” He answered her honestly as she nodded her head in his response.

“Yea It’s been hectic for a lot of people nowadays, especially with that whole giantess sorority disappearing and all.” She spoke as she kept her eyes locked on to him. “You must be new here, because I never seen you around here before.” She pointed out as Jaden nodded again.

“Yea, I just transferred here actually.” He answered her. “But I came here during spring break, so today is actually my first day here.” He took his eyes off of her, watching the students walk around on campus in front of them.

“Oh really?” The brown haired girl sparked up. “Well then allow me to be the first one to welcome you to GRCU.” She smiled at him. “What’s your name by the way? Mine’s Charlotte.” She extended her hand towards him, using the other hand to hold up a few books that she was carrying.

“Thanks for the welcome.” Jaden accepted her hand and shook it. “The names Jaden Westbrook.”

“Westbrook, like the basketball player Westbrook?” She asked jokingly. “The guy that played for the Thunders years ago.”

“Basketball fan huh?” Jaden responded. “But no far from it, I wish though; then I wouldn’t have to be here of all places.” He laughed a bit.

“Oh it’s not that bad here. I mean some things happen from time to time, but if you really aren’t the type to get involved in something unnecessary, then you should be fine.” She stated as Jaden turned his head back towards her.

“Like the giantess sorority incident?” Jaden brought back up.

“Yea, that…Something on that scale tends to happen just as often as a plain robbery down here, but it’s mostly to regulars like us though. It’s rare that a handful of giantess would just up and disappear into thin air like that.” Charlotte sighed as she took her eyes off of Jaden and looked upward towards the sky. “Normally it’s us that go missing in groups like that. Simply because a giantess either crushed or ate them; or for her own fun kidnapped them, but regulars still would never turn up again.” She explained as Jaden’s eyes found their way towards her face.

“You make it sound like regulars just come here to get snuffed out or something.” Jaden pointed out as Charlotte brought her attention back towards the half-sized mega. “Is it really that bad of a slaughter of regulars over here?” He asked her as a small smile appeared on her face as she shook her head.

“More like a war between regulars and giantess in a sense.” Charlotte answered honestly. “But don’t get me wrong, you may find a giantess getting taken down by a bunch of regulars from time to time.” She told him as Jaden’s eyebrows arched a bit in interest.

“Really? What do you mean? Like is that really possible?” He asked, completely engrossed in the conversation.

“Possible? Yea it’s possible.” Charlotte answered with a somewhat surprised look on her face. “There are things that can put a giantess down if need be, but people tend to forget that because giantesses intimidate them with their size and strength and before you know it…” Charlotte snapped her fingers for emphasis. “It’s over.”

“So what do you think happened to the giantess sorority that disappeared?” Jaden asked her.” Do you think a bunch of regulars set it up in a way to take them out?” Charlotte shook her head at his question almost immediately.

“Nah, I doubt it.” She answered him. “Even though it’s not unheard of, I doubt that even a large group of regulars would try their luck with a large group of giantesses, especially if their all in one spot.” Charlotte answered as Jaden was about to say something, but both of their attentions diverted to a large set of footsteps that were heading towards them.

There he saw Ava, dressed in a white shirt with gold tribal designs and black trimmings with a pair of black jeans and the same colored Nike sneakers stop in front of them.

“Hey little guy, sorry I’m late, I had to talk to my professor about making up a paper because of well…You know.” Ava quickly explained as her eyes quickly turned to the regular sized female standing beside Jaden as both of her hands cuffed her book close to her stomach. “Hey little guy whose your friend here?” Ava asked curiously as Jaden looked up at Ava and then back at Charlotte.

“Oh this is Charlotte, I just met her and she was just telling about some of the things that go on around here, or have happened around here.” Jaden answered as he looked back up at Ava. “She’s in my first class so you know, we were just talking that’s all.” He smiled at her as Ava slowly knelt down in front of them and lowered her palm to the ground.

“What’s up Charlotte, the names Ava.” Ava smiled as she introduced herself, but Charlotte didn’t respond. She kept her eyes away from Ava as she slightly shook with nervousness. “Are you nervous? Ava asked her as Charlotte nodded her head for a second as Ava let out a slight giggle. “Don’t worry; I don’t bite…..Much anyway.” She assured as Jaden just rolled his eyes as Ava and looked at Charlotte.

“Don’t worry, she’s harmless. She’s scared of roaches and their smaller than we are.” Jaden stated trying to ease Charlotte’s nervousness as Ava playfully glared at Jaden.

“I don’t care how small those little bastards are.” She playfully scolded. “I don’t want those damn things crawling all over me.” She added on.

“But you’re a giantess; they should be any problem to stomp out.” Jaden said to her as Ava eyes slightly narrowed at him.

“Those things carry germs and are disgusting and have too many legs for me, I don’t want those things near me, end of story.” She tried to end the conversation as Jaden just sighed before turning back to Charlotte.

“You’re a giantess Ava, could you at least act like one.” Jaden said faking a disappointed tone.

“Oh, you want me to act like a giantess?” Ava smirked down at him. “Alright then, I’ll keep that in mind for later little guy, but remember you asked for it.” She said as she lowered her hand downward towards the two regulars. “Now come on, I’m hungry and I don’t think I can last any longer without something going into my stomach.” Ava said as she gestured for the two regulars to hop on. “Come on little guy and bring your friend to, I don’t mind giving her a ride.” She said as Jaden hopped on her palm and turned towards Charlotte.

“Come on Charlotte, Ava doesn’t….”

“I’m fine.” Charlotte spoke quickly, making sure not to make eye contact with Ava.

“Huh?” Jaden responded questionably. “You sure, I mean Ava said she doesn’t….” Jaden was cut off again.

“I said I’m fine.” Charlotte replied coldly, earning a slight glare from Ava as Ava lifted her palm off the ground, standing back up in the process. “You can go with her if you want to Jaden, but keep her away from me.” Charlotte returned the glare towards Ava as Jaden continued to be thrown for a loop at the sheer attitude change of Charlotte.

“Charlotte what’s…?” Charlotte cut him off again.

“Don’t…”Charlotte glared angrily at Ava. “Don’t you dare come near me again.” She seethed. “I know how you monsters are, so don’t act all chubby with me, you tall bitch.” Charlotte spat catching Jaden completely off guard, until Ava spoke up.

“I see what’s going on here.” Ava growled lightly. “You’re one of those Anti-Giantess supporters aren’t you?” Ava mouthed hatefully.

“Anti-Giantess Supporters?” Jaden looked at her with a confusion written all over his face.

“Yea…People that support the Anti-Giantess group and try to cause an upstart against us giantess. They refuse to cooperate with giantesses in general and blame us for this hellhole that we all live in right now.” Ava explained slightly gritting her teeth.

Charlotte bared her fangs as well as she glared up at Ava. “That’s right, it’s your fault that everyone is in this mess, if it hadn’t been for monsters like you, I would be sitting at home doing something more important with my life.” She argued.

“Well you can start by stop calling me a monster.” Ava shot back. “Maybe the first thing you should probably be doing is changing that fucked up attitude of yours.” She added as Charlotte grinded her teeth.

“Charlotte, hold on it’s not like Ava had anything to do with why any of us are here.” Jaden stepped in as Charlotte ignored him, still glaring madly at Ava.

“Don’t bother little guy.” Ava kept her eyes locked on Charlotte. “Talking to people like her is like trying to talk to PETA about leaving a dog in the car for five minutes.” Ava continued to glare. “There’s just no point in talking to people who let their hatred like hers cloud their fucking judgement.” She hissed as Charlotte fist tightened around her belongings.

“Well if it wasn’t for you giant walking land masses then maybe things would be better here.” Charlotte stepped forward. “You look down us like were nothing, but we all know the truth.” She kept grinding her teeth.

Ava eyebrow rose as Charlotte was finishing her statement. “You’re just jealous that you can’t even call yourself human anymore.” Ava’s eyes shot up as they quickly narrowed as her anger began to boil. “It burns you up doesn’t it?” Charlotte pressed on. “Not to be able to walk beside the rest of us, to be treated differently because of how insignificant your height is. You look down us, but the reality is you wish you could walk with us like a regular human being.” Ava was now fuming as Jaden eyes quickly locked on to Ava as her breathing began to pick up.

“Your nothing more than a large mass of waste just piling up. Nothing more than a walking dump.” Charlotte blasted but her eyes widened as a large shadow hovered over her.

“I just had about enough you.” Ava spoke darkly as her Nike clad foot hung over Charlotte. “I may not be the same size as you anymore and my size might cause me some problems, but one benefit is I get to take out hateful little bitches like you so I hope you…”

“AVA!’ Jaden screamed at her, gaining Ava’s attention in an instant.

Blinking her eyes, she glanced over at Jaden who was standing in the palm of her hand glaring at her with his arms crossed. “Foot! Down...Now!” He demanded as Ava still held her glare at Charlotte, but slowly brought her foot back on the ground.

“Sorry little guy, the little piss ant down there was starting to get on my nerves.” Ava apologized as Charlotte hateful glare returned to Ava, but not without noticing how Jaden got her to listen to him.

“So you can keep that bitch on a leash huh?” Charlotte snorted as Jaden turned his attention towards her.

“Charlotte don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too far? I mean you don’t even know her.” He defended his giant friend.

“Too far?” Charlotte quickly responded. “Hell, the fact that she’s able to walk around with us is too much for monsters like her.” Charlotte pointed at her. “Jaden, you don’t have to stick for this tall bimbo or any of her kind.” She finished as she turned her back to the two. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said as she walked off but stopped in mid-step, glancing behind her at Ava. “And please….Giant sized dog at home.” She finished as she left the two staring at her as she left.

Ava’s free hand clenched into a tight fist as her glare refuse to soften, even has the regular left. “That fucked up little bitch….” She growled as Jaden couldn’t do anything but stare in disbelief at what just transpired in front of him.

End Notes:


Guess who's back by popular demand! Lol, I've read some of the reviews and people wanted to see this story finish. So I'm back on the job to try and deliver to the people. "Crowd claps in the background." Chapters may not be updated as frequent as I would like, but I will try to get the ball rolling again, so I ask for all to leave their thoughts and comments and I'll continue on with the story. 


Chapter 13 by JT07

“Can you believe that bitch?” Ava shouted at the table in the student center of the university. “First, she calls me a walking dump and then has the nerve to call me a giant fucking dog!” She grabbed a piece of her super-sized Philly cheese steak and snatched a bite out of it, chewing angrily.

Jaden sighed as he watched Ava’s mouth move in motion as she continued to chew her food, bits and pieces of bread crust falling on to the table. “I mean seriously, what the fuck did I do to her?” Ava threw the question out, not that anyone would answer her. “Just my luck; running into one of those AGA asswipes.” She slightly growled as Jaden looked up at her with a questionable look.

“The AGA?” He repeated, not knowing what the acronym meant.

Ava looked down at him, pausing before she took her next bite. “AGA, Anti-Giantess Association; the group that slut of a friend you have is a part of.” She explained as Jaden picked up his burger and took a bite of his own.

“Yea about that.” He began. “What exactly is the Anti-Giantess Association? I mean, I get that their a group of people that hate giantesses, but what else do they actually do?” He asked her as Ava sat her Cheese steak down, crossing her arms afterwards.

“That’s just it little guy. They do nothing but hate us and try to make our life hell, just because some giantess brought it upon their self to give every one of us a bad name. “She leaned back in her chair, eying the mega sized regular sitting on the table in front of her. “So basically we all get the blame for shit we either done in the past or still doing now, it’s beyond annoying….Especially if you’re trying to change.” The end of her sentence solemnly coming out of her mouth as Jaden listened on.

“I mean it’s not like we don’t have it hard enough too you know.” Ava added. “We’re already singled out for our sizes and called every name in the book. Hell, you regulars are just as bad as we are.” Ava made her case as Jaden swallowed his bite.

“True, but Ava you know didn’t make it any better by trying to step on her.” Jaden pointed out. “That kind of proved her entire point, about how giantesses treat people smaller than them.”

“I wasn’t going to step on the stupid bitch.” Ava argued, her eyes slightly narrowing as she recalled her shoe hanging above the regular that insulted her.

“You were going to crush her.” Jaden stated.

“Like hell I was, I was just going to scare her. That’s all.” Ava retaliated.

“That’s still bullying Ava; you were basically proving her point.” Jaden explained to her as Ava lightly bit her lip as she thought about Jaden’s statement. “I know you were mad, but you can’t go raising your foot over people’s head, their already scared of you as it is.” He added on as Ava’s eyes traveled down off the regular and onto her lap.

“I wasn’t trying to scare anybody…” She spoke solemnly. Her anger dispersed as she thought about the outcome of the exchange that she had. “I was trying to be friendly, that’s all. I even offered her a ride to wherever she needed to go and she just…blasted me.” Ava brought her eyes back up, locking on to the regular sitting in front of her. “I may be a giantess now, but I am human to; me being a giantess doesn’t make it right for you to blast my feelings out the front door the first chance you get.” Ava shot back as Jaden looked at her for a moment, before standing up on the table.

“I mean come on; you can’t honestly believe that everything she said was justified. It’s like the same with regulars; they look down on each other every day of their lives. Bullying each other because of sex, race, size, or upbringing, how the hell am I supposed to react when someone out of the blue; a regular in fact, looks down on me, a fucking giantess?” Jaden heard a hiccup escape Ava’s mouth as he could tell that incident had really gotten to her as Ava tried her hardest to keep a straight face in front of him.

“Is it always like that with them?” Jaden asked her as Ava didn’t reply with words as she just nodded her head in response.

He couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh as he walked towards his giantess friend. “Ava, pick me up.” He told her as Ava nodded, carefully using her right hand to gently grasp the half mega.

He could tell that she was trying to keep her composure as saw a few semi-dry streams on either side of her eyes. “Ava…” He began, but realized he was at a loss for words.

“You don’t think I’m a monster do you? Or some pile of shit that just takes up a large amount of space.” She tore her eyes away before finishing her sentence. “Or just something worthless just because of my….”

“Ava, when have I ever thought of you as worthless?” Her eyes shot up. “Come on, you should know better than that. A little bit at least.” Jaden responded, his arms resting on her fingers as she held him in her grasp.

“You were the first friend I had coming here, Alex was well….You know; but you accepted me before I knew what the hell was going on.” Jaden smiled at her as she placed him on her right shoulder. “Look…” He looked away towards the crowd of students walking around doing various things around them. “I know that Charlotte came down hard on you for no reason, but that doesn’t mean you have to stoop to her level right?” He asked as Ava picked up her Cheese Steak, but reluctantly put it down, having second thoughts on biting it.

“Come on Ava, your better than she is.” Jaden assured her. “And for what it’s worth.” He looked up at her, placing his hand on the side of her face. “I think that you’re a pretty cool Giantess….and a pretty sweet person.” He told her as she slightly turned her head to glance down at him, a smile slowly spreading on her face.

“Thanks little guy…” A small smile appeared on her face as she kept her eyes glued to her food, but her mind on Jaden’s words.

Slowly lifting her head up, she placed her view on the students and giantesses walking around the area. “You know, it’s hard trying to make friends in a place like this.” She began as Jaden continued sitting her shoulder, taking in the scenery as well. “So many people are on edge here, it’s real hard to just…I don’t know…Talk to someone.” She sighed.

“Yea, I bet it is.” Jaden replied lowly. “I guess in a nutshell people are scared and just want to go home. This placed was basically forced on a lot of people, so you really can’t blame them for hating their situation.” Jaden added as he slightly glanced at Ava’s face.

She shook her head slowly before responding. “No, you’re right, I can’t blame them for hating their situation, but in a sense we’re all in the same situation. We all have the same problem of being stuck in some hellhole that people tried to spice up and make look good….Just to try and make us forget that we don’t have a place to go back to.” She spoke sadly as she slowly glanced down at the regular sized mega on her shoulder.

“Most regulars here still have family members that want them little guy, but for most of the giantess…” Ava stopped in mid-sentence as she watched as a giantess and regular was arguing because it appeared that the giantess had stepped on his book bag, crushing his belongings through her carelessness. “But for most of the giantesses, this is it.” She finished sadly. “No place to go home to; No one to really love you because they either dead or forgot about you as they moved on with their lives.

Jaden sighed deeply as he watched the same altercation unfolding in front of them. “I guess that makes sense. At the end of the day we all have a problem, but people are creating more through their hatred for one another. Mostly; giantesses and regulars.” He nodded his head as he crossed his arms. “Yep, sounds like America…Great old USA.” He shook his head.

“But it’s not all bad though.” He smiled up at her, catching her attention. “At least we’re friends right? As long as you have somebody here with you, it doesn’t seem all that bad.” He saw Ava smile as he felt a pair of fingers pinch his waist gently, retrieving him from her shoulder.

Before he realized it he felt a pair of lips press against his face, holding him there for a few seconds before releasing him.

His face was dumbfounded as Ava let out a giggle at his reaction. His eyes was huge from the shock of what Ava just did to him before she set him back down on the table in front of her. “That’s for making me feel better. If you want the whole tour…” She pointed to her mouth, using her tongue to lick her lips in the process.” All you have to do is ask.” She finished as Jaden quickly snapped out of his trance only to playfully glare at her.

“I don’t think Alex would like it if she saw you tossing in me in that mouth of yours.” Jaden crossed his arms again.

Ava huffed playfully. “Fuck Alex.” She replied. “I’m pretty sure she’s going to do the same thing with you when you see her later on today, so why not make sure I get first dibs right?” She continued to play around, changing the mood of the previous conversation. “If you volunteer to be my little snack, then you won’t have to go to your next class and be bored. Don’t worry; I won’t eat you I promise.” She assured him, but Jaden gave her a side smirk as a thought occurred to him.

“That’s what you said when I first met you, but you decided you wanted to scare me half to death.” He brought up.

Ava sat back in her chair as she picked up her cheese steak again, taking a bite of it. She put one finger, signaling for him to hold on while she chewed her food. Her jaws moving slowly as Jaden watched as he heard her teeth destroy the contents held inside of her mouth. They moved in a perfect motion as she pushed her bite from one side of her mouth to the other. Keeping her eyes on him, she smirked as she slowed down her chewing process.

Moving her food to the right side of her mouth, she continued to chew; shredding the bits of food left, before swallowing it. “See something you like?” She questioned him as she continued to smirk at him as he stood there watching the small show that she just put on. “I can tell your excited little guy.” She said putting down her cheese steak while Jaden turned his head away from her. “Plus for your information, I said I’d eat you if you wanted me to. It’s not like I didn’t give you an option.” She continued to smile as Jaden kept his eyes away from her.

“From the looks of it, it looks like you want me to.” Ava flirted as she placed her index finger on her chin. Thinking a bit before she spoke. “Now what did I say to you….Oh yea. “ She leaned her head forward and gently blew on him.” I’ll be gentle…” She whispered as Jaden slightly shivered as he felt her breath wash over him. “Just think of how it would be in my mouth, gently chewing on my friend; who is really food.” She quickly, but gently stuck out her tongue; catching Jaden on the side of his face before retracting it.

Jaden quickly looked at Ava, giving her a playful glare. “Ava, do you have to do that in public?” He slightly scolded as Ava let out a small laugh as she moved her face from him.

“Oh come on, I’m just playing around….Well for some of it anyway.” She admitted, sticking her tongue out at him in a playful manner.

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” Jaden sighed before sitting on the table looking up at Ava, whose face had a serious, but sincere expression plastered on it.

“Seriously though, thanks for making me feel better little guy.” She smiled at him before taking her finger and gently rubbing his head. “You really did help me out today.” She finished as Jaden lazily waved his hand in response.

“Nah, I didn’t do anything but be there when you needed me. So it’s cool, don’t think anything of it.” He brushed off as Ava’s smiled widen slightly.

“Modest aren’t we?” She continued to rub his head gently with her finger as she rested her head in the palm of her hand, with her elbow resting on the table. “You say you didn’t do anything, but in reality you did a lot.” She kept her eyes on him a bit longer before closing them. “You really did.” She said again as Jaden couldn’t help but relax against Ava’s gentle head rub.

The two sat there, spending time together, waiting for their next class to start. Not letting the ruckus of the students surrounding them, disturb them for their brief moment that they both shared.

-Walking on campus towards the male dorm rooms.-

Tory continued his way towards his dorm room, not really being in a rush since his test was online. He took a deep breath of relief as he looked at the papers that Frankie gave him. “She really gave me the answer sheet for this stupid test.” He said to himself. “But…How in the blue hell did she even get this?” He questioned as he stopped for a second, trying to think on what Frankie did to some poor regular to even get the answers that he was looking for.

After a few short moments he shrugged it off and carefully placed the stack of papers in his Jordan book bag, closing it instantly before continue his walk.

He came into view with giantesses and regulars alike as they all made their way to their destinations. Tory couldn’t help but take in the fresh air from the gentle breeze that was blowing against him. “Man why can’t every day be like this?” He questioned as he closed his eyes for a second, losing sight of his surroundings as he took a few steps forward. “It’s not every day we get a breeze like this.” He said to himself as his eyes quickly reopened as his shoulder bumped into someone that was passing by him.

Quickly diverting his chestnut brown eyes towards the object he bumped into. “Oh shit, I’m really sorry about that.” He said as he saw a boy about his age bending over picking up his belongings.

Without saying another word, Tory knelt down and tried to help pick up a pile of papers that were knocked over due to his recklessness. “Sorry man, I really should have been paying attention to where I was going.” Tory apologized again, but the boy glared at him front the top of his reading glasses, his dark green eyes finding their mark as they locked eyes for a moment.

“Don’t touch it!” He quickly snatched the papers that Tory picked up away from him aggressively. “Maybe next time you should watch where you’re going, instead of walking with your eyes closed…Fucking idiot.” The boy went back to picking up the rest of his papers off the ground.

“Dude…” Tory stood up. “What is your problem? I said I was sorry.” Crossing his arms as the boy stood up in front of him, allowing Tory to get a good look at him. “Wait a minute….You’re that kid that spoke at the ceremony. The one that was with that giantess that talked about the giantess group that disappeared.” Tory stated as he kept his arms crossed as the boy used his index finger to push his glasses on his face.

“I’m not the “Kid” that spoke at the ceremony, my name is Peter and you’re in my way.” Peter returned as he was about to walk pass Tory, but stopped when he overheard him mumble something under his breath.

“Geez, what got stuck up your ass.” Tory spoke quietly as he was about to turn and walk off.

“Excuse me?” Peter stared him down as Tory turned his head back towards. “Do you even realize what you almost made me do? These papers are replaceable. This information would be impossible for me to get back if something ever happened to them.” Peter angrily explained as Tory crossed his arms, blinking in confusion as Peter ranted.

“Dude…Their just notes alright, chill.” Tory stated as Peter’s eyes lit up for a second. “I mean I get it, you have a test later on. I do to, so it’s ok. If something had happened I’m sure you would have been able to get them back.” He pointed but Peter couldn’t help but release a small chuckle at the sudden realization of Tory’s clueless deduction.

“Test…Yea….That’s right, I guess I kind of bugged out for a second.” Peter falsely admitted. “Sorry about that, this thing just has me so stressed out, it’s crazy.” He placed his right hand on his forehead, slightly rubbing his temple.

“It’s all good man.” Tory waved him off. “I got the same problem to. These tests are fucking killing me.” Tory stretched as he spoke. “Good thing mine is online though.” He continued to speak. “But truthfully, I’d probably be screwed a friend of mine didn’t help me out, even if the answers are online.” He slightly laughed at the thought of Frankie helping him out on a test.

Peter raised an eyebrow as he looked at Tory questionably. “Online? Couldn’t you have just googled the answers as you go through the questions?”

Tory shook his head in response. “Nah, each question is timed.” He answered him as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. “So knowing me, I’ll probably get stuck on a few questions and lose track of time trying to look them up.” He pointed out.

“I see…” Peter said as he used his right hand to push his glasses back onto his face.

“What about you?” Tory asked him as Peter locked eyes with him again. “What’s your issue? Your test must be super hard for you to go crazy like that for a bunch of dropped papers.”

Peter snickered lightly at Tory’s statement. “It’s not that it’s a test or anything. I just have to get these papers turned in for an early assignment.” He lied. “I like to be ahead of the game, if you know what I mean.” He finished as Tory nodded his head, but let a small sigh escape his lips.

“Too bad I can’t do that, I’m just too lazy to jump ahead of work.” He began. “Well that and Frankie never wants to leave me alone whenever she’s in one of her moods.” He blurted out as Peter continued to look him.

“Frankie?” Peter repeated. “Girlfriend of yours?” He questioned.

Tory raised his head up, catching Peter’s slightly intrigued stare. “Who? Frankie?” Tory shook his head immediately, but not before looking around urgently to see if the behemoth of a giantess herself wasn’t around. “Nah, she’s more like a friend that been watching over me since I got here?” Tory pointed out. “Even though she won’t really admit it.” He finishes suddenly.

“She sounds like a giantess.” Peter placed his left hand under his chin as he began to ponder something. “You said her name was Frankie right?” He asked Tory who gave him a nod. “Hmmm…I’ve heard that name before.” Peter continued to think as he began to recall a conversation he overheard when he was with Kristina.


“Frankie…Frankie….Frankie...Trust me, the last thing I want to do is swap fist with you, but…I wonder how that little regular of yours would like to play my “little” games.” Kristina stated, gaining the upper hand in the conversation again. “You can’t be around him forever Frankie, not only that but I’m pretty sure you did more than just piss him off in your little episode you probably had earlier.” Frankie went silent again.

“You did have one didn’t you?” Kristina asked as Frankie refused to answer her question. Kristina’s laughter could be heard through the phone as Frankie held it to her ear as Kristina tried to control herself. “I knew it! So what did you do to him? Come on, you can tell me. I won’t tell a soul.” Kristina pushed as Frankie continued to stay silent as Kristina giggled at her again.

“Still won’t say anything huh?” Kristina said as Frankie gritted her teeth again.

She took a deep breath before speaking. “What do you want Kristina?” Frankie simply asked, not wanting to drag out the conversation any longer.

“Now you’re starting to see things my way Kitten. “ Kristina happily stated.

“I told you not to….”

“Shush Kitten, I can call you what I want…When I want. Now as for what I want….It’s really a number of things actually.” Kristina said as she thought about all the stuff she could get from Frankie.

“Well….What is it?” Frankie asked her. Feeling more annoyed than anything.

“Well for starters. Drop the regular that you’re with and come back with me.” She told her as Frankie stayed silent as Kristina continued with her demands. “Think about it Frankie, It’ll just be me and you like old times and you know we can find you a new regular. I mean there are tons of them around here and….”

“No….” A monotone Frankie replied.

“Wha…What?” Kristina was caught off guard by her interruption.

“I said no…What else do you want?” Frankie asked.

“Well…At least come join the group I’m in and then you’ll change your mind. What do you say Frankie? You’ll see I can make you a better person than last time and if that regular means that much to you, then you can bring him along. We can both have fun. So how about it, you, me and that little sex toy you carry around. We can….”

“Kristina, let me stop you right there. I’m not going anywhere with you or back to you. Let me make that clear. You had your chance back then and you fucked that up. As for the regular I have, don’t go anywhere near him. I know how you are with regulars and I’m not a part of that anymore. So basically what I’m saying is…Fuck you bitch and stay the fuck away from me and “MY” Tiny! Got it!” Frankie yelled in the phone before she moved it from her ear and pressed the end button.

“Frankie! Wait I…..”

Kristina was cut off as Frankie took a deep breath and rubbed her temples again. “God I swear she’s a fucking headache.” She said to herself as she continued to walk down the giantess paved concrete.


Kristina was seething as she glared at her phone. “That stupid Bitch!” She screamed as she slammed her phone down on the counter as she looked back at the computer screen, searching through files; doing the job that she was given by Victoria. “I can’t believe that fucking slut hung up on me like that. I mean who the fuck does she think she is anyway? Telling me no, like fucking seriously!”

-End of Flashback-

Peter looked at Tory questionably. “Hmmm, Frankie huh?” Peter looked at Tory and put two and two together. “I see, well not to rush things, but I have to turn this stuff in before I forget.” Peter turned around, but not without turning his head back towards him. “What was your name again? Maybe we can hang out sometime.” He gestured, lightly smirking at him.

Tory blinked for a minute before answering him. “Tory….”

“Last Name?” Peter raised an eyebrow at him for a second.

Tory was slightly hesitant for a second before answered. “Banks...Tory Banks.” He answered him, this time giving him a slightly questionable look.

“Tory Banks huh?” Peter replied as he appeared to be thinking about something before waving Tory off. “Alright then Tory, The names Peter, hopefully we’ll get to hang out or something later on. Good luck on your test.” He said as he walked off, leaving Tory standing there with his arms crossed, still looking as a nervous feeling came over him.

-Rebecca’s Room-

The afternoon sun beamed through Rebecca’s large scaled window as she lay on her bed with Aaron, lying on her stomach. They both lazily watched as the news played on her TV.

On the news, the same news woman from before spoke as she recalled the story of the missing giantess from a few days ago.


This is Angela Raven reporting live from the coed university for both Giantess and Regulars.”

“Wow she’s on the news again. “ Rebecca spoke as her eyes fixated on her TV screen. “I wonder if Victoria actually slipped up for once.” She spoke to herself mentally as her eyes slowly lowered down to Aaron, who had his attention on the TV screen as well.

Well let’s hope for his sake that this is good news.” She thought as she brought her eyes back up to the screen in front of them.

A few days ago, an all giantess sorority vanished without a trace, 20 giantess gone missing with no one knowing their whereabouts and whether or not these giantess are still alive.” Angela reported as a picture on the TV screen popped up beside her. “In addition to that we have more news on a few more disappearances.” She continued on as pictures of Eric, Tyler, Derrick and finally Aaron appeared on the screen.

Both Rebecca and Aaron’s eyes widen for a second as the reporter continued on. “Four star players were seen kidnapped by a giantess, but their whereabouts are unknown.” She said solemnly before speaking up again. “Not only that, but a another disturbing story also came to the surface last night as a few regular groups were also found on the outskirts of the university….Decimated.” Angela spoke sadly as Rebecca’s eyes shot up again, this time by sheer surprise.

“Huh? What the fuck!” She exclaimed as she quickly sat up with Aaron still on her stomach, but remaining silent as he let the story sink in.

The massacre occurred late last night, none of the regulars survived.” Angel spoke lowly as Rebecca’s heart rate increased as she quickly looked down at Aaron, who hasn’t moved from his spot on her stomach.

With me.” Angela continued. “I have a few regulars here to speak on the situation. “ Angela stated as generic college male stepped beside her. “May I ask you, what do you think of the tragedy that took place?” She asked him.

“I think this is an all attack against the regulars for the giantess sorority incident. I mean what else it could mean.” The boy answered justly.

Angela pulled the mic away from him and up to her lips. “Do you think that the attack is out of spite for the regulars, suggesting that they may have something to do with the giantess incident?” Angela asked as the boy nodded his head immediately as Angela moved the mic towards him.

“I believe it’s more than that.” The boy answered. “Giantess has been after regulars ever since we force to live in the same place together.” He replied angrily. “This isn’t an experiment to try and get us to work together, this is a regular slaughterhouse!” The boy said with feeling as hate began to boil in his blood.

Rebecca’s heart cringed as the words came out of the regular’s mouth, but the feeling didn’t stop there as the news reporter passed the mic on to another university student, this time a female regular.

Hi, what are your thoughts on the missing regulars and the slaughter of the group of regulars, whose bodies were found yesterday?” Angela asked as the female regular huffed at her question.

I think the giantesses that are involved should all just die.” She hissed with pure venom. “How long are they going to think that their better than us?” The female answered. “I don’t know what happened to the 20 giantesses in that sorority, but if you ask me they all got what they deserved. I wouldn’t be surprised if they killed hundreds of regulars collectively between each other. The face that giantesses even exist is a *Beep*in joke.” The female regular angrily huffed as she stormed off as Angela placed the mic back up to her mouth.

There you have it folks, regulars are angry and want answers.” She sighed heavily, but kept her composure for the camera. “Hopefully things will get better before they get worse and we can all put this behind us.” She spoke positively. “But….” She took a deep breath. “The only way that we can do that is if get to the bottom of these mysterious attacks and disappearances, until then…I’m Angela Raven with the 11 alive news.”

The screen quickly changed to the main news cast as Rebecca sat there with a shocked and worried look on her face. Her eyes went wide as the words of the regulars pierced through her.

Grinding her teeth slightly. “Just what the hell are you doing Victoria?” She mentally shouted in her head. “What the fuck is all this? Groups of regulars dying? Seriously are you trying to start an uproar or something?” Questions rained in Rebecca’s head as she slowly began to fume over the hatred fill words of the regulars that spoke on live television.

“Rebecca…” Aaron called up to her, but to no avail as she didn’t even notice him talking to her. “Rebecca…” Aaron called to her again, this time catching Rebecca’s attention.

She leered down at him with a deadly glare before she carefully picked him up off her stomach and sat him on her bed, angrily rushing to throw on some clothes.

“Um Rebecca are you ok?” He foolishly asked as Rebecca grunted in response.

“I can’t believe this shit.” She spouted. “The plan was to take four fucking regulars off the damn team that’s it, what the fuck is this bitch trying to pull!” Rebecca cursed as she looked down at Aaron who had a confused expression on her face as Rebecca quickly threw on a brown halter top and a pair of grey sweat pants.

Sending an angry look Aaron’s way as she slipped on a pair of black and white Reeboks. “I’m going out for a bit. Don’t…Go…Anywhere!” She stated dominantly as she grabbed her giant phone off of her dresser and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving Aaron alone.

It didn’t take Rebecca long before she stepped outside and stomped her way towards the university. She quickly looked at her phone, sliding her finger across the lock screen and pressed a few buttons before placing the phone up to her ear.

The phone ranged a few times before she heard someone pick up and before they could even get out a word Rebecca shouted. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?”

End Notes:


Here we go again. I want to see my readers use their brains and see if they can tell where this may be going. Trust me, it's not as obvious as you may think.


Chapter 14 by JT07

Rebecca was fuming as she stomped around the outskirts of her apartment. “What kind of shit was that?” She screamed into the large phone. “Can you please explain yourself about the shit I just saw on the news? How the hell is having regulars hate us, supposed to help our cause?” She growled angrily as she tightened her giant grip on her phone.

Her breathing was heavy as her chest heaved up and down, signifying that Rebecca was beyond angry.

“Um, this is Rebecca right?” A small, but sweet feminine voice spoke on the other end of the receiver.

Rebecca’s anger paused for a moment, expecting to hear someone different pick up the phone. Calming down slightly, she answered. “Yea, this is me…Um, who the hell am I talking to right now?” She asked her anger still bubbling as the female on the other end of the phone began to speak.

“Oh my name isn’t important, but Victoria said you would probably be calling.” The girl giggled on the other end of the phone.

“What?” Rebecca blinked a few times again, causing the girl on the other end of the phone to imagine her clueless face as she let her statement sink in. “What the hell do you mean Victoria said I would be calling? Just who the hell is this?” Rebecca asked again.

“Oh don’t worry about all that sweetie.” She replied innocently. “More importantly, she did ask me to ask you about that regular from yesterday.” She stated causing Rebecca to freeze in her tracks as her spine ran cold at the sudden mention of Aaron. “She said something about you saying you were going to get rid of him after you had your fun. Well, did you do it?” The girl asked, but the innocence in her voice disappeared; changing into a cold, deadpanned voice.

“What do…you mean?” Rebecca answered slowly. “Of course I did it; the little guy was gone before I went to bed last night.” Rebecca stated trying to hold herself together.

“Really, now.” The girl on the other end responded nonchalantly.” I really can’t say that I believe you. I mean you don’t sound believable in the least. What did you do to him?” She continued on as Rebecca froze again at the sudden question.

“Wha…What?” Rebecca answered completely off guard by being put on the spot.

An aggravated sigh could be heard on the other end of the receiver. “Ugh, you know, did you crush him? Eat him? Tear his limbs off? Bit him in half, come on Rebecca, spill it. How did the regular go out?” The girl pushed forward as Rebecca’s mind raced immediately after hearing what she asked her.

Who the fuck is this? And why does this sound so easy for her, this can’t be Emma. Emma is a one tracked mind killing machine, not to mention her ability to actually hold a causal conversation with emotion is practically non-existence, so who else could be there with Victoria.” Rebecca thought as sweat slowly starts to form on her face.

“Hello! Earth to Rebecca! I need an answer here, or I’m going to have tell Victoria that you didn’t live up to the end of your bargain and we all know how that’s going to end, so um yea, kind of need an answer here.” The female pressed as Rebecca gulped slightly before opening her mouth.

“I…Ate him.” Rebecca was barely able to let those words come out of her mouth, but as she said them she could sense that the woman she was talking to was smirking on the other end of the phone.

“Ate him?” The girl repeated, not convinced in the slightest. “Riggghht, how about I just put you down as undecided.” She chuckled at her own joke as Rebecca began to grit her teeth in frustration.

“Alright stop playing games with me.” Her tone darkened as she gripped her phone tighter as she held it to her giant sized ear. “I want to know who the hell this is and where is Victoria?” She demanded, still pacing back and forth along the gate of her apartment complex.

“Who am I?” The woman responded on the other end of the phone playfully. “I told you already, you don’t need to know about all that and besides, Victoria is out running some errands right now and asked for me to take care of things if and when you decided to call.” She spoke comfortably as if Rebecca wasn’t anything to be afraid of.

“Now that we got that out of the way, you sound like you have a complaint to make. So my dear Rebecca, how may I, Victoria’s lovely assistant be of service to you?” She continued to giggle as if this was nothing but a game to her.

In-between deep angry breaths, Rebecca answered. “I don’t think you can handle my complaints, let alone the situation at hand. I’m sure you aren’t up to speed with….”

Rebecca was cut off by the female voice on the other end. “You mean the increase of regulars disappearing all around the university.” The female giggled again causing Rebecca’s eyes to shoot up in shock instantly. “Not to mention having the giantess take the wrap for some of these so called deaths that the regular population is experiencing at this moment in time. Come on Rebecca, you’re going to have be a little faster than that. Didn’t Victoria update you on the new plan? Hmm….Well judging by the silence on your end, I guess not.” She finished as Rebecca was now fuming at what was going.

“What do you mean…New plan?” Rebecca asked her.

“Hmm…” She heard the girl on the opposite in the phone. “That’s something you’re going to have to ask her yourself Rebecca, she did tell me to tell you that you need to come to school tomorrow and meet her in her office, so you two can have a “little” chat.” She spoke, hitting the emphasis on the word little.

“I’m only going to ask one more time…” Rebecca breathed. “Who the fuck are you? From the way you talk, you sound pretty arrogant, so I’m guessing that you must be a giantess or something right? One of Victoria’s new recruits to help out on the dirty work.” Rebecca shot back.

Another agitated sigh could be heard from Rebecca’s end. “Nope, sorry dumbass you’re pretty much wrong in that department. If you must know, I’m actually a regular.” She finished as Rebecca’s eyes shot up again.

“A regular, but wait…How…the.” Rebecca was cut off again.

“You thought four-eyes was the only regular that supports Victoria.” She laughed on her end. “Please, Rebecca you only proved that giantess do nothing, but get dumber every fucking day.” She insulted causing Rebecca to grit her teeth again. “Tell you what though, I’ll be here tomorrow and you can meet me in person alright.” She chuckled. “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be nice tomorrow, especially since Victoria is going to be here. I have to be on my best behavior you know.” Her giggling continued as Rebecca was about to say something, but immediately heard a click on the other end of the receiver.

Taking the phone off of her ear, she glared it. “So she hung up on me.” She stated to herself as she dropped her hand to her side, gripping the phone tighter, thinking about the conversation that she just had. “Dumb bitch...” She muttered under her breath as she began making her way back towards her apartment.

-Back at Rebecca’s apartment-

Aaron sat on the bed, thinking about Rebecca and her sudden change of attitude. Turning his head back slightly towards the news that she left on her giant theatre sized TV, his looked downed by the words that rode continuously across the screen.

“Regulars Murdered, Giantesses Responsible.”

Aaron let out a deep sigh as he fell on his back against her soft mattress, which was covered by her pink and white sheets and comforter.

“I guess Rebecca is really upset.” He sat up again, his eyes following back on to the TV screen as the same news story repeated itself. “Sounds like regulars are just dropping off the face of the Earth now or at least over here.” He said to himself as he lowered his head, his eyes landing on the flower like designs that were stitched into Rebecca’s comforter.

“I wonder why though, this does seem like out of nowhere.” Aaron continued to think a bit more before something dawned on him. “Come to think of it, Rebecca never told me why we were kidnapped in the first place and why Derrick and the others were killed. What was the point of that?” The questions began to run through his head as he placed his right hand on his chin.

Rebecca is hiding something and the way she just stormed out of here…She.” Aarons thought were interrupted when he heard a small creek from Rebecca’s door. Directing his attention towards the sound, he saw a regular sized boy leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

His piercing blue eyes shot straight towards Aaron as he let out a small huff. His bleached blonde hair was cut short. His attire consisted of a white tank top and a pair of blue jeans. He had apparently been in the apartment for a minute, because feet only had a pair of white socks covering them.

He glared at Aaron as he sat on the bed looking back down at the boy that entered Rebecca’s room. “So you must be the short shit that Rebecca brought home last night.” He huffed has he closed his eyes at the thought of Aaron being in Rebecca’s room. Slightly reopening them, he sneered at him. “To think that you’re still alive, she must have felt sorry for you to let you live; to say the least.” He growled slightly.

Aaron gave him a confused look before the boy let out an irritated sigh. “Just what I need more regulars coming in. I swear that girl is stupid or something.” He ended as Aaron stood up on Rebecca’s bed, looking at the boy with confusion written all over his face.

“Umm, if you don’t mind me asking; who are you?” Aaron asked timidly, not really trying to sound confrontational.

The boy looked at Aaron with a small grin forming on his face. “Really, that’s what you come back with after what I just said to you. Are you a pussy or something?” He shook his head. “Rebecca really picked a soft one this time around didn’t she?”

Aaron eyes narrowed slightly at him for a split second. “That still doesn’t tell me who you are.” He said back, but his voiced lacked the force behind it to make the person in front of him take him seriously.

“The name is Trent, anything else you want to know? Like why you’re probably still alive to begin with and when, and believe me when I say this; because it’s going to happen. When you’ll be leaving out of here willingly I might add.” He smirked at him, still keeping his arms crossed.

Aaron narrowed eyes turned into a glare as Trent reminded him of one of his former teammates that was crushed completely be Emma, Eric; Hell even Tyler for that matter. “I’m alive so for now that’s all that matters, so long as Emma isn’t around, I don’t think I have anything to really worry about, especially with Rebecca and Janice here.” Aaron spoke, slightly reassuring himself.

“Wishful thinking, but you’re going back to Emma.” Trent smirked darkened as Aaron’s eyes widened in complete and utter horror. “What Rebecca didn’t tell you last night?” Aaron fearfully shook his head, not knowing what the bleach haired teen was talking about.

Slightly laughing at Aaron’s expression he began to explain. “Guess she really couldn’t break the news to you.” Trent laughed. “She doesn’t have it in her to get rid of you, so she’s passing you back off to Emma and just let her do it.” He bluntly told him.

Aaron stared at Trent for a moment, slightly processing over the information that was just given to him. “Yea right, if that was the case she wouldn’t have gone through all that trouble to get me away from Emma in the first place. Besides, Emma would probably try to kill her if she backed out now.” Aaron retaliated, but Trent was ready for it.

“If that’s what you want to think.” Trent shrugged his shoulders uncaringly. “I’m trying to tell you, that if you want to live then it’s probably best that you get out while you can. I mean hell, the door is wide open. It’s nothing stopping you, or did Rebecca tell you not to leave?” Trent egged on.

Aaron took a deep breath before responding. “Why does it sound like you have a problem with me being here?” Aaron shot back calmly, trying to really avoid from being confrontational.

“Don’t get me wrong little guy.” Trent spoke back.

“I’m a regular just like you.” Aaron replied smartly.

Raising his right eyebrow. “But you don’t know Rebecca like I do.” Trent shot back. “Nor do you know how Janice is either. “ He pointed out. Holding up two of his fingers he continued on. “You just met two giantesses; one you don’t even know and the other one so called saved you from Emma, but was going to kill you anyway.” He stated harshly, making sure Aaron was listening to what he had to say.

“Not only that, but let me ask you this. What giant female do you know is going to tell a regular the truth about what they plan to do to them? I’ll wait.” He added as Aaron had to admit that what Trent said was true. He hasn’t met a giantess that was completely truthful towards a regular. In fact, all he’s seen since he’s been in this hellhole that was forced upon him was giantess killing regulars.

He slowly started to ponder of Trent’s words, but still gave him a doubtful look. “So, even if what you’re saying is true, why are you still here then? Why haven’t they taken you out yet?” Aaron asked him curiously.

Trent smiled again. “It’s simple. I have seniority and not to mention, I know my way around those two. They wouldn’t even think about putting their hands on me.” He replied, cocky about his own position with the two giantesses. “Not to mention, Rebecca wouldn’t hurt me anyway.” He added, gaining even more curiosity from Aaron.

“And why is that.” Aaron eyed him as he asked his next question.

“That’s the least of your worries kid.” He answered. “What you need to do is figure out how you’re going to survive another night with Rebecca, because your chances don’t look so good right about now.” Trent implied as he turned around and started towards the regular sized down that was build inside of the giant door that closed off Rebecca’s room.

He reached for the handle, but stopped glanced back at Aaron, still sitting on Rebecca’s bed. “Didn’t you see how mad she was before she left? You were watching the news right?” He asked him.

Aaron nodded his head slowly. “She’s mad at what’s going on right between giantess and regulars, and right now, regulars aren’t on her “Be nice to list.” Just trying to let you know what you’re up against.” Trent finished as he walked out the room, leaving the door opened behind him, leaving Aaron to think about Rebecca’s words from this morning.

“Was she really…lying to me?” Aaron whispered to himself.

-On the way towards the University-

Frankie groaned tiredly as her sneaker covered food hit the reinforced concrete pavement. Her eyes drooped as she made her way towards the university.

Her Bluish Green eyes lazily scanned the area as she watched giantess and regulars arguing with each other, but it didn’t faze her, considering it wasn’t her problem. She let loose a large sigh, as she saw a giantess nearly stomp on a group of regulars that were yelling at her, missing them intently; but the blow was close enough to get her point across.

“Same shit, different day.” She closed her eyes, not really interested in the commotion going on around her.

Her Blue, yellow stripped Adidas continued to pound the pavement as other giantesses and regulars walked passed her. Her belly was slightly showing, thanks to her black T-shirt that had “I didn’t care then, don’t care now.” Written on it, in Blood Red colors. Her jeans were nothing special, just a regular pair of blue jeans that she dragged herself to put on it.

Frankie didn’t care for today. She had one class she had to sit through and then she could go back home, or do something that she felt like putting whatever little energy she had left towards.

She continued on, her Adidas pounding the pavement, mimicking other giantess as they made their way to and from the university.


“Guys, I really don’t think it’s that serious. I mean not all giantesses are that way.” Tory tried to reason with a group of his classmates. “I mean sure, some are just way…You know, but I know some aren’t. I mean Frankie, she’s….”

“Are you fucking blind man?” A dark skinned boy questioned. His Coffee Brown eyes, matched his low cut Black hair. He had on an Orange Polo shirt with a pair of Black Cargos, topping it off with a pair of Orange and Black Nikes. “A giantess is a giantess; they look down on regulars’ man.”

“Marcus, come on; be serious alright. Not every giantess is the same.” Tory crossed his arms as he stared at Marcus, unconvinced.

“Dude, I’m trying to tell you.” Marcus tried to reason. “Giantesses are taking us out, like everybody. Did you see the news about last night? I mean, come on dude.” Marcus stated as Tory gave him a confused look.

“Last night? What are you talking about?” Tory asked him.

“It was about a small group of regulars being slaughtered by a giantess.” A Black haired girl spoke up. Her light brown eyes narrowing as she recalled the news from earlier that afternoon. “They were saying that more regulars are being killed daily now, nobody knows why, but seriously it has to stop. No one really trust giantess at this point.” She stated as Tory looked at her for a moment, taking in what she was saying.

Tory eyes took in the full view of the girl that was talking to him. She was tomboyish, wearing a Red shirt with a pair of white thin sweat pants and a pair of Black shoes to match. Rolling his eyes, Tory spoke again. “Nicole, come on; I know Frankie hasn’t done anything like that, so I think it’s just the media, trying to stir things up. You know like they did back at home.” Tory pointed out. “You know the media is known for doing shit like that.” Tory explained as Marcus and Nicole quickly stared at each other before looking back at Tory questionably.

“Dude, why are you trying to stick up for her? She’s a giantess, just like the rest of them.” Marcus asked him.

“And she was a regular before all that, plus you can’t just a person just because their, umm a bit different” Tory argued back.

“She’s not a person anymore, she’s a giantess. A super tall freak that does whatever she wants like the rest of them.” Marcus growled slightly as Tory kept his composure, but gave him an annoyed glare.

“Can you say the same thing for the regulars that kill each other, just because they can; or it’s the easy way out of a problem?” Tory retaliated, slightly glaring at Marcus who stood dumbfounded at Tory’s remark. “It’s like ever since you guys joined the AGA, you been riding my ass about Frankie. I’ve been around her for a few years now and she hasn’t killed me yet, I mean she can go overboard sometimes, but I’m still alive and still have all my limbs; so I don’t see the real problem.” Tory continued on as Nicole stepped up again.

“The time you’ve spent with her doesn’t matter Tory.” She spat. “What if she gets bored of you, or simply just doesn’t want you around anymore? Then what?” Nicole asked him, narrowing her eyes as she awaited his response.

“Then she’ll just tell me to go home, or not to come over…Like she’s done for the past couple of years.” He answered bluntly.

Her narrowing eyes turned into a glare. “You just don’t get it do you? We’re trying to save you from something that could be life threatening later on. Stop trying to find a reason to make us look stupid.” She lightly hissed.

“I’m not making you look stupid.” Tory shot back. “I’m just trying to show you that it was stupid to join an Anti-Giantess group in the fucking first place. You guys don’t even really hate giantesses.” Tory quickly side glanced Marcus. “Marcus, what about the giantesses you were hanging around with at the football field yesterday? The one you were trying to talk to?” Tory stated as Nicole quickly turned to Marcus, who quickly turned his head to look the other way.

“My point exactly, you have no proof that Frankie….” A loud thud cut Tory off in mid-sentence as Frankie’s Adidas clad foot came crashing down behind him.

Tory and the group quickly looked up, staring in awe as Frankie giant sized figure hovered over them. “What about Frankie?” She asked as Tory continued to look up at her for a moment, but then brought his eyes back down towards Marcus and Nicole and the rest of the group of students that were with them.

Taking a deep breath, Tory looked back up at her. “Frankie, I don’t know what happened, but apparently something happened last night to a small group of regulars.” Tory tried to explain.

“Groups…” Nicole corrected, crossing her arms and glaring up at Frankie, who didn’t pay her any mind.

Tory quickly glared at her, but went back to explaining the situation to Frankie. “So their saying that giantesses can’t be trusted and I’m trying to tell them that you aren’t like that, but they won’t believe me.” He ended as Frankie remained silent as she continued to stare down at the regulars at her feet.

Her piercing Bluish Green eyes scanned them all. Her facial expression blank making it nearly impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Moments passed as a gently spring breeze, blue gently against their skin. “Why do I have to be involved in this anyway?” Frankie finally spoke. “I mean, I wasn’t hurting anyone so why are you even bringing me up in this?” She asked as her eyes traveled towards the group standing behind Tory.

“It’s because you’re a giantess!” Marcus shouted upward. “That alone is enough to go off. Who the hell knows when you might go on a rampage just because somebody pissed you off, or just annoyed you!” He exclaimed as Frankie locked eyes with him.

Crossing her arms, she glared at him. “Don’t compare to the mindless fantasy dolls you read on the internet ok?” She remarked. “I do have a brain and I do have the ability to be in control of my own actions.” She stated as she looked down at Tory for a moment. “I do have my moments I’ll admit, but still don’t compare me to those things that people fantasize about, because that’s not me.” She argued back.

Marcus gritted his teeth at her. “Internet or real life, you’re still a giant sized loose cannon, walking around!” Nicole shouted up at her. “Monsters like you shouldn’t be here in the first place, you’re nothing but giant sized weapons of mass destruction, just waiting to pull the trigger on us regulars!” She growled as Tory quickly glared at Nicole.

“What the hell Nicole!” Tory exclaimed.

“I’m sorry, but it has to be said.” She turned her glare towards him, before looking back up a Frankie whose facial expression remained the same. “We’re tired of living in fear of your footsteps or your large overbearing shadow looming over us.” Nicole bellowed as the small crowd of regulars behind her starting cheering her words on as Tory looked back up at Frankie, who didn’t budge or show the slightest bit of movement as Nicole continued on.

“Let’s just be honest with each other, you and the other giantess don’t belong here.” Nicole blasted. “How many people have to die, just because you feel like it? How many times do you have to take advantage over someone just because you can?” Nicole questioned her, but Frankie remained silent as she just stared intently at Nicole and the group of people that cheered her words.

“There’s no point of monsters like you being here, so why don’t you do us all a favor and die already! Die so regulars like us don’t have to live in fear of being stepped on or eaten or anything that would mean the end of us! Just fucking die!” Nicole finished her rant as Frankie continued to stare at her.

Tory’s heart was beating at an accelerated pace. He eyed Frankie in fear. Not in fear of Frankie herself, but in fear of what might become of the crowd that stood behind him.

Without a word, she slowly uncrossed her arms still wearing her famous blank expression on her face.

“Frankie…” Tory called her name, but he got no answer.

Without warning she slowly knelt down, using her two fingers to grab Tory by the back of his shirt, lifting him up slowly into the air and towards her face.

“Frankie! What the hell! Put me down!” Tory yelled at her as the crowd below began to scream in panic as Frankie stood back up, dangling her tiny in front of her.

“Frankie! What the fuck! Come on put me down!” Tory screamed as he kicked and flurried, tiring himself out as Frankie just held him in front of her face.

“I knew it!” Nicole shouted. “She’s going to kill him!” She screamed, her body frozen in fear as Marcus mimicked her actions as well, his eyes unable to turn away from what was about to happen.

“Frankie! Frankie!” Tory continued to scream. “FRANKIE!” He kept fighting, and flailing about, until Frankie finally decided to speak as she made sure that the regulars below were watching.

“Sorry Tiny, but if I don’t do this, then you’re going to try and stop me from what I’m going to do after and I don’t really need that right now.” She ended as she opened up her mouth and quickly tossed Tory in, like he was nothing more than Gummy bear that was meeting the same fate as so many others before it.

The group watched in horror as Frankie locked eyes with them, slowing sucking away at her afternoon snack, swishing it from side to side, and her jaws circling around in a chewing motion as she purposely made a smacking sound, just for the audience below her.

Nicole and Marcus were speechless as they remained motionless, knowing that once Frankie was done with her friend, they would be next. And if she treated her “friend” like this, there’s no telling what she would do those that seriously messed up and got on her bad side.

Frankie continued to move Tory around in her mouth; her tongue dominating him as he was wrestled around in the saliva field cavern, coating him in nothing more than spit.

Her eyes never left Nicole’s as she purposely started chewing, making sure that the regulars had a front row seat to what was going on. She smirked devilishly as she started sucking again, using her tongue to slowly creep up towards shirt.

He fought as hard as he could, but he was lacking in sheer strength against the pink muscular organ that is her tongue. On the outside, Frankie smirked as she continued to toy around with her tiny in her mouth, her smirk widen when she succeeded at what she was trying to accomplish as she quickly spat Tory’s shirt out of her mouth, allowing it to hit the ground in front of them.

Nicole horrified stare could only follow it to the ground as Frankie continued to look at her. Nicole found herself taking a step towards the discarded garment, but that was before Frankie’s foot came crashing down on top of it, grinding it into the ground as Nicole looked back up at her.

Frankie couldn’t help herself as she gave Nicole a wink. Moving her mouth a bit more, she halted her activities, making sure the group had a full view of what was about to happen. Nicole and Marcus still stood in fear as Frankie let out a slight moan and swallowed, leaving the group in front of them horrified and utterly speechless.

End Notes:

I want to see if you guys actually get why I went this route. Let me know in your reviews. 


Chapter 15 by JT07

Nicole, along with Marcus and the rest of the small group of regulars could only stare in utter fear as Frankie continued to smirk down at them. It was as if people walked passed them, ignoring the situation completely as Frankie now held the upper hand against her group of giantess haters.

“How….How could you?” Nicole managed to whine; her eyes on the verge of tears as she couldn’t possibly stomach what she had just witnessed. “He was sticking up for you and you…You…You just ate him! Like he was nothing! What the fuck is wrong with you?” She cried as Marcus quickly placed both hands on her shoulders, glaring up at Frankie.

“She’s right man, that wasn’t even cool. You did nothing but prove a point.” He gritted his teeth in anger as Frankie’s smirk never left her face. “You sick monsters think that you can just do whatever you want and that’s it, nothing else matters. How the fuck do you Bitches live with yourself doing this to other people?” He growled as Frankie’s smirk slowly vanished. Her straight facing peering down at the group of regulars before her, showing no sign of what her next move might be.

Nicole was crying; her head buried into Marcus’s chest. The other regulars was close to acting out in pure panic, but Frankie’s stare kept them from making any sudden moves.

The word about how giantesses are quick to snuff out regulars that try to make a break for it got around quick. No one wanted to be next person that a giantess might decide to step on for sport.

Her facial expression unchanged, Frankie continued to look down at her regular sized peers; Her Turquoise eyes scanning the small group of regulars before her, secretly smiling on the inside of how they quickly acknowledge what she could do to them.

Marcus and the rest of the regulars continued to look up at Frankie, terrified and angry as the giantess continued her gaze. Fearing the end for them, Marcus was about to close his eyes, until he saw something slowly poking out of Frankie’s jaw.

“What the…” He squinted his eyes, his vision trying to decipher if he saw what he thought he did. “Is that? It can’t be?” He mumbled under his breath.

Unseen by the rest of the regulars, but felt by Frankie; her expression completely changed from blank to a slightly shocked one. Slowly opening her jaws, she quickly reached inside, her two fingers wrapping around the waist of a completely soaked regular.

Without the slightest bit of hesitation, she pulled him out; opening the palm of her hand, letting him lay there for a second as he fought to catch his breath.

The regulars that stood in front of her were completely shocked. Their minds couldn’t believe that the shirtless regular was practically lying in her palm, even after they were sure that she had swallowed him whole, if not in bits and pieces.

Frankie looked down at the regular in her hand as he quickly gave her a hateful glare.” Hey tiny had fun?” She smiled at him.

His glare unchanged, he slowly sat up. “Frankie! What the hell was that for?” He screamed up at her. “I thought you were going to fucking kill me! What the fuck is wrong with you?” He continued to yell up at her as her smile never left her face.

“Yea, well….I didn’t did I?” She answered back, completely ignoring the group of regulars at her feet. “I thought you might actually like the ride, you never complained before.” She responded.

Tory didn’t let up. “That’s because I knew where I was going, you can’t just shove me in your mouth like I’m food or something, you know.” He fought back.

“You volunteered to be my food before, so what’s the problem now?” Frankie asked him back sweetly, as if she hadn’t done anything to upset the regular in her hand. “I think I heard you mumbling in your sleep one time that you just wanted me to eat you and be done with it.” She pointed out. “I remember you specifically saying “Just chew me, don’t swallow just chew.” She poked fun at him as Tory went red from embarrassment.

“Oh and there was the time, you wanted me to crush you to.” Frankie reminded him as she placed her other left index finger on her chin and thought about it for a second. “You know you talk in your sleep a lot.” She lightly laughed as the soaked regular was still dripping from her saliva.

“That’s not even close to what we’re talking about and what the fuck Frankie? Why the hell did you take off my shirt? Give it back!” He yelled at her as he stuck his hand out, waiting for his upper garment to be returned to him.

Frankie’s eyes slowly left the regular as she looked down at her right Adidas covered foot. Then she slowly diverted her eyes away from Tory and began to whistle. “Frankie…Frankie!” Tory yelled up at her.

“Yes.” She answered, as if she was in trouble.

“Where is my shirt?” Tory asked her slowly as Frankie tore her eyes away from him again and began to whistle, as if she didn’t know what he was talking about.

“Frannnnkiiiee….” Tory dragged out as Frankie slowly brought her eyes back towards him.

Smiling nervously. “Yea, about that, see…I kind of got carried away and well…It’s under my shoe.” She admitted shyly.

Now it was Tory’s turn to have a blank expression on his face as he looked up at the giantess that held him in her palm. “Frankie…Why is my shirt under your shoe?” He asked her calmly.

Frankie gave him a short awkward laugh. “Well you see, It wasn’t like I planned for that to happen, I kind of just got caught up in the moment and well…When it came off, I wanted to add a little more drama to the whole thing and well, now it’s stuck to the bottom of my shoe.” She smiled back at him. “Soooo…That’s that.” She added on as Tory let out a long sigh.

“What?” Frankie responded. “You have more shirts don’t you?” She asked him, still ignoring the gawking eyes of the regulars at her feet.

“THAT’S NOT THE POINT YOU IDIOT!” Tory yelled up at her. “I don’t buy shirts for you to just trample all over!” He waved his arms frantically as he continued to scream up at her.

“Why not? I trample you all the time? What’s the difference? Remember that time where we…”

“Don’t you dare say it! That was your idea and you know it.” He fought against her, completely forgetting where they were.

“Um, no it’s more like I had an idea and you made it even better by saying…”

“Frankie!” Tory interrupted her again.

“What I’m just saying how you wanted me to tape you to the bottom of my shoe and wanted me to go on about my school day without noticing you. That’s what you said right?” Frankie smiled as Tory slowly palmed his face, sighing at her bluntness.

“What? I don’t really see your point in all this.” Frankie continued until her eyes fell back down on the regulars before her. “Besides…” She began as she slowly placed Tory on her right shoulder. “I wanted to get my point across to these fucking dickheads.” Her face didn’t display anger, but you can tell by the sound of her voice that she was more than upset.

“Yes, I may be a giantess.” Frankie slightly glared down at the regulars that looked up in awe at her. “And yes, I may have strength to end your lives with a single stomp, but that doesn’t mean I’m not human. I still have a heart that beats like the rest of you.” Her eyes scanned the area as she spoke.

“But…But you…” Nicole stammered.

“I did what you wanted me to do.” Frankie’s eyes set on her. “Just as easily as I could have swallowed tiny here. “

“Tory…” Tory corrected.

“…Tiny.” Frankie glanced back at him, causing Tory to turn his head, ignoring her comment. “Like I was saying, I could have easily chosen you and if I did…I think you know the rest.” Frankie stated as she crossed her arms, staring down at Nicole as she glared back up at Frankie.

Nicole gritted her teeth as she glared back up at her, balling up her fist in the process. “That’s just like you giantess. All you did was prove how right we are about much of a threat you are to us regulars.” She hissed.

“So what’s your argument?” Frankie retaliated. “You regulars are every bit a threat to us, just as we are to you. Not to mention, you’ve been a threat to yourselves for who knows how long.” She finished.

“We’re not talking about us!” Nicole yelled up at her as Frankie’s eyes narrowed instantly.” We’re talking about you giant monstrosities! When will you get it through that oversized head of yours that nobody wants you here?” Nicole screamed at Frankie, who just stared at her.

Tory looked at Frankie and slowly down at Nicole, this time sensing that Frankie won’t just make a point, she’ll probably make a statement. “Regulars keep disappearing because of people like you! People keeping running away from you, just so we won’t get crushed because of your lack of awareness for people smaller than you!” Nicole ranted on.

“And whose fault was that?” Frankie shot back, this time silencing the AGA speaker. “Last time I checked, I was fine the way I was, until your government! That’s right, the people in control of you made me and hundreds of other girls this way! Don’t blame us for being the way we are! Blame the people you have to work for a living just so you can pay them off with your taxes, which they take out of your paycheck every week.” Frankie bellowed as Nicole took a step back in shock as the giantess voiced her opinion.

“Regardless of how you feel, I did not come here to pick a fight with either of you, but I will warn you. Be careful who you start a war with. We giantess can be peaceful until you overstep your boundaries.” Frankie ended as she slightly glanced back at Tory, who was looking at her, stunned as well as the rest of them.

“You ready to go?” She asked.

Tory looked at her for a moment, but before he could say anything he saw a rock fly up from Nicole, smacking Frankie in the side of the face.

Unfazed by the rock that Nicole through, Frankie slowly turned her head towards the female regular. “When I said we didn’t want you here, I meant it.” Nicole stood her ground as the group of regulars behind her made sure to step back away from Nicole as they watched as both Nicole and Frankie, exchanged glares with each other. “I’m not scared of you….” Nicole stated, trying not to sound intimidated.

Frankie turned towards the regular, still glaring down at her. “Good, then I won’t have to feel bad. After all, I did tell you not to overstep your boundaries, so allow me to return the favor.” Frankie stated as she took a step forward towards Nicole.

Tory eyes quickly widened as he stood up on Frankie’s shoulder. “Whoa, Frankie; calm down, it was an accident, she didn’t mean it.” Tory quickly came to Nicole’s defense.

Frankie took another step towards Nicole. “Hitting me deliberately after I tried to walk away is not an accident tiny.” Frankie seethed as she stood over Nicole, who now shaking in complete fear as Frankie’s size dwindled her own. “If she wants to fight so badly then I’ll give the little shit a fight. One that she can talk about for the rest of her life…However long that will be.” A cruel smirk appeared on Frankie’s face.

“She’s a regular Frankie, it’s not even fair. Come on let’s just go.” Tory tried to reason with her. “She’s just trying to get you to prove her right, that’s all. Don’t fall for it.” Tory continued on.

“Well, I don’t see why I can’t give the little shit what she wants.” Frankie spoke back. “Besides, it’s her pain, not mines.” Frankie slowly lifted her Adidas covered foot.” Plus, I was told if someone ever hits me, to hit them back and I think I’m entitled to self-defense at this point.” Frankie continued to smirk down at Nicole who was practically shivering at her statement.

“Come on Frankie, you’re a giantess now the same principles don’t apply anymore.” Tory stated as Frankie eyes quickly shot towards him, making him shutter at how she looked at him.

Tory gulped, trying to choose his next words carefully. “Look, what I’m trying to say is that, by herself she’s not a real threat to you like you are to her.” Tory began to explain. “I’m not saying that you’re not right on how you should be treated, but this…It’s not right and you know it.” Tory pointed down at Nicole, who quivered in the shadow of Frankie’s foot.

Her body trembled uncontrollably, not knowing what was going to happen to her as Tory continued to try and talk Frankie down.

Frankie’s eyes were still locked on Tory as she slowly brought her foot back away from Nicole. “You proved your point Frankie, even if she doesn’t get it. She knows that she can’t do anything to you, but there’s no point in being hated by everyone is there?” Tory asked her as Frankie continued to stare down at Tory before redirecting her glare towards Nicole.

“Tiny, do you hate me?” Frankie simply asked as Tory responded by blinking in confusion.

“What? No, why would I hate you?” Tory answered her as if the question was self-explanatory.

“Good, then answer this for me. Why would I care about a bunch of giantess haters, hating me? They already hate me as it is and I haven’t even done anything….Yet.” Keeping her eyes on Nicole, Frankie made sure to put the emphasizes on “Yet”.

Tory was about to answer, but found it hard to counter Frankie’s logic as he slowly looked down from Frankie’s shoulder, staring at Nicole, who was basically on her knees at his point. “True, I guess I didn’t think about it like that.” Tory sighed as he tore his eyes away from Nicole’s pleading form, back up to Frankie’s face. “Still though, Frankie you’re not like them or the other giantess that they compare you to.” Tory told her as Frankie grunted under her breath as she looked down at the regular in front of her.

Full of fear and complete anxiety, Frankie rolled her eyes at the sight and glanced back at the regular on her shoulder. “I guess you’re right this time around tiny.” Frankie sighed, calming herself down as she brought her eyes back to rest on Nicole, whose heart was beating out of her chest at the close call that almost happened.

“Look, like I said I didn’t come here to start anything with either you, but it’s like I said, be careful who you start a war with. Other giantess won’t be so nice; some of them will crush you and won’t even give it a second thought.” Frankie spoke down towards them. “You’re right to a certain extent, there are giantesses that do horrible things to regulars, but as you can see.” Frankie nodded her head to the regular on her shoulder. “I’m not one of them. I don’t randomly go out and kill regulars for my amusement, so how about you stop expressing your emotions blindly, before you really get hurt.” Frankie suggested as she turned her back to the small group of regulars and began to walk off.

Her foot falls shook the ground beneath her, causing the ripples to be felt by the group of regulars that she just left.

“You know, you could have a been a little bit nicer back there.” Tory looked over to her, sitting on her shoulder as she walked.

Frankie didn’t look back before she spoke. “If I had, then she would go on talking like that to someone else and eventually gotten herself killed. “Frankie told him. “I damn near did it.” Frankie admitted.

“Yea, but you didn’t, so be proud of yourself. You proved that you’re a better person.” Tory smiled at her, but Frankie didn’t return it.

“No I’m not; if you didn’t say anything you would have heard a squishy sound every time I took a step.” Frankie responded truthfully. “People like that are just really asking for trouble, when it comes down to the differences of regulars and giantesses.” Frankie explained as Tory could only nod his head in agreement.

“Don’t get me wrong, I do understand that we are divided because of our physical appearance, but starting trouble with a giantess just because is just asking for trouble, most of the time trouble you can’t get yourself out of.” Frankie ended as her eyes watched as both regulars and giantesses walked passed them. “It’s bad enough that we’re already in the situation that we’re in, hating each other in this hell hole only makes it worse.” She took a deep breath before taking a glance at the regular on her shoulder. “People are so stupid and selfish that it’s sickening, then wonder why we have the problems that we have.” Frankie shook her head as Tory could only agree with her statement.

“Maybe it’s just a human thing.” Tory added. “I don’t know why we force ourselves to hate each other and teach it to other people to do the same thing, but I guess that’s just the way life is, especially here.” Tory took a deep breath of fresh air as he witnessed the same scene as Frankie did.

“So where were you going anyway?” Tory asked her, changing the subject.

“I’m going off to class.” Frankie answered him, turning her head towards him. “You’re going in my shoe.” She smiled at him, like nothing was wrong.

“Huh? What? Why!” Tory shouted. “What did I do?”

Frankie couldn’t keep a straight face as she let out a slight giggle at Tory’s expression. “You helped the girl out, so you got to take her place and since she was going under my foot, I guess that’s where you have to go.” Frankie continued to smile at him.

“Huh? Frankie that’s not even fair!” Tory screamed at her. “I was stopping you from doing something you might have regretted.” Tory fought back.

“Yep, and now you’re going in my shoe for it. Don’t worry; knowing you, you’ll have fun.” Frankie smiled as Tory continued to try and protest against his giantess friend, but Frankie wasn’t even listening.

End Notes:

Here it guys and gals. (If girls are reading this.) I just decided to go with the continuation of Frankie's part because I'm sure you guys wanted to know what was going to happen after the last chapter. So here it is, I hope you readers enjoy!  


Chapter 16 by JT07

“So that’s what happened huh? Alex stated, lying back on a giant hill, watching giantesses and regulars partake in various activities in her gym class.

“Yea, it was like out of nowhere.” Jaden replied. “She…I don’t know, she just completely lost it and started belittling Ava for no reason.” He finished as he sat on his giant roommates shoulder, taking in the scenery as well.

“Is the AGA really that bad?” Jaden turned his head towards Alex, who simply just shrugged her shoulders uncaringly.

“Bad isn’t the right word I’d use squirt.” Alex answered him. “You see, the AGA has been around long before you got here, but was quiet because Ryan was running things so to speak.” Alex informed as she slowly sat up on the grassy hill she was lying on. “When they tried to voice their opinions, Ryan would just end them and be done with it, but now that he’s gone apparently, they are starting to crawl out whatever little hole they were hiding in.” She sighed as she turned her heads towards the regular on her shoulder.

“It’s just like back at home. Racism in its finest, I guess or in this case…Sizism.” The gentle breeze brushed up against the two as the sweet smell of nature enveloped the air around them. “Sometimes you just have to find someone that’s open minded like you and realize that size is a dumb issue to boil over.” Alex ended as Jaden nodded his head in agreement.

“Yea, you would think that people would learn, but I guess they like repeating history or something.” Jaden added as he thought about the situation Ava was in. “You know….Ava was going to crush her.” He mumbled slowly as he slightly lifted his head upward to catch Alex’s face in his view. “She…She had her foot literally dangling above her and everything.” He admitted as Alex looked at him and gave him a small smile.

“Ava did that?” Alex lay back down on the grass. “Sounds like that regular really pissed her off.” She giggled.

“Yea, but Ava….” She cut Jaden off.

“She wasn’t going to hurt her.” Alex told him assuring him from what could have been the worst. “Ava doesn’t like to act before she thinks. She probably already had it in her mind that she was just going to scare the girl and drop her foot like a few inches in front her, just to shut her up.” Alex told him, but Jaden still had a worried look on his face.

“Still though, that could have still been a huge problem. What if she actually stepped on her?” Jaden asked her as Alex turned her head slightly towards him, glancing down at his regular form.

Bringing her hand to her chin, she pondered his statement. “I mean I get it. Ava was basically standing up for herself; literally, but what if Charlotte made a wrong move and Ava brought her foot down on her or something? What would have happened to Ava, if that happened?” Jaden blasted Alex with a bunch of questions as Alex returned his barrage of questions with a stare.

“You worry too much squirt.” Alex said after taking a deep breath, stretching in the process. “Ava’s a smart girl, she wouldn’t do anything that would get her into serious trouble, well not if she has anything to say about it.” Alex stated as she cocked her head to the side. “But me on the other hand…” She winked as Jaden looked up with a slightly concerned and worried look.

“I would just probably just walk away, although putting one of those “Holier than thou.” Bastards in their place doesn’t seem like a bad idea either.” Alex pondered on the thought as Jaden let loose a relieved sigh, causing Alex to turn her look towards him. “What? You thought I was going to say that I would squish them didn’t you?” She asked him as he glanced back at her.

“I wouldn’t doubt it Alex, you’re not the one that I would say has patience.” Jaden replied back as Alex gave him a playful glare. “Not even a little bit…” He added as Alex quickly turned her head away from him like an angry child.

“I’ll have you know short stuff, that I have a ton a patience.” She grunted, turning her head back to him. “Besides, the only regular I have any plans on squishing is you.” She smirked at him as Jaden rolled her eyes at her.

“That’s if Ava, can keep her hands off you that is.” Alex added as she returned her gaze towards the gigantic field in front of them.

Silence fell as the sound of laughter and low thuds from the giantess foot falls took over. Alex and Jaden sat there, both of their minds wrapped around the set of events that took place, ever since Ryan had gotten involved in their lives.

“Hey Squirt…” Alex spoke up, breaking the silence between the two. “There’s something I really want to talk to you about.” Her voice smooth and solemn as Jaden turned his head towards to see the side of her face.

He paused before he spoke. “Ooook.” He answered back, confused at the sudden change in pace. “What’s up?” He asked.

Silence fell between the two again for a few seconds before Alex took a deep breath and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. “I just wanted to say…Well I never really got to apologize for everything. I mean for the whole Ryan situation. How I treated you when you first got here, me dumping you on Ava and…” Jaden cut her off.

“Alex…” Jaden called out to her.

“Hold on let me finish.” Alex retaliated. “It’s just so much that I got you involved in that you shouldn’t of have to deal with it. I was a terrible roommate, not to mention a horrible person to you.” Alex gritted her teeth a bit as her mind flashback to the horrible things that she’s done since Jaden had came into the picture.

“It wasn’t fair to you by any means and I know I apologize for almost…Well…You know.” She turned her head away from him again. “I was just really in a dark place that time…And I don’t want you to ever think that I would go back to that…I mean, I….I don’t know. I just hard to accept what I did and…I honestly don’t know how I could even begin to make shit up to you.” She breathed hard as she let her words flow out of her mouth as Jaden continued to look up at her in silence.

“I just…You know….I really want you to know that I’m sorry for a being a big bitch before. Like I said, I know I apologized before, but this one is well…I feel is more appropriate.” She finished as she closed her eyes for a moment, nervous of the regular sized mega’s reaction.

The feeling was starting to get to Alex as the anxiety of Jaden’s reaction begin to settle in her mind. She knew that he had already forgiven her, but she wasn’t fully accepting of that.

A few agonizing seconds passed by as Alex slowly glanced over to the regular sitting on her shoulder, giggling at her.

She sent a glare is way. “I don’t recall saying anything funny squirt.” She stated as Jaden regain control over his slight laughter and looked up at her.

“Alex. Seriously, what are you apologizing for?” He asked her, catching the giantess off guard for a few seconds. “I told you already, we’re cool. I mean that was then, this is now and besides if it wasn’t for you and Ava, I would be dead right now. Rather it be from you, then Ryan to be honest with you.” Jaden assured her as he looked at the scene develop in front of them as well.

“You know I will admit though, you had me scared shitless when we first met. I really didn’t know what I was going to do when it came to you.” He looked back up at her. “You really had me on edge; I really thought you didn’t want me around.” He told her as Alex took exhaled lightly as she felt a cool breeze run through her.

“Yea, like I said, I was in a dark place; So many things were going on at the time, I didn’t know what to do, It was Ryan, this whole giantess thing, then you came along and I practically had to watch where I stepped in my own house…” She paused and gave Jaden a side glance. “Well, not anymore lol. Now I just have to watch how hard I step.” She laughed lightly.

“Funny…” Jaden crossed his arms, looking up at her as she smiled down at him. “Well, if you did can you at least warn me or something before you do?” Jaden asked her.

Giggling again, she slowly picked him up in her palm and sat him on her chest. “You wouldn’t need one squirt. Besides, I promise you’ll like it, plus anything else I have in mind.” A smirk formed across her lips. “I mean, we do live together…Technically, at least for now.” She kept her eyes locked on him. “Unless, you want to leave me all by myself, you wouldn’t want to leave me alone now would you?” She teased him as she carefully wrapped her fingers around and gently brought him up to her face.

Slowly bringing him to her lips sticking out her tongue as she gently licked him with the tip teasing him a bit. “If you do, then you wouldn’t get to feel what this is like again, plus I….”

“Well, Well, Well, look at this….Isn’t this a touching scene.” A female voice came from behind Alex, causing her smirk to quickly disappear as she slowly turned her head towards the source of the interruption. “If it isn’t a giantess making out with a regular.” The voice continued on.

“Oh god...” Alex rolled her eyes as Jaden caught a glimpse over her shoulder to see two giantesses making their way towards them.

“It’s just another giantess desperate enough to find a regular to hold her big ass at night. I swear some of these girls should wake up.” The other girl said as they both looked down at Alex as she continued to lie down on the grassland, trying her best to ignore them.

“If it was just me, I would just stomp the shit out of em, it’s not like these little bastards aren’t causing enough problems already.” The girl that spoke was about the same height as Alex. Her brunette hair was tied back in a long pony tail. She wore a typical outfit, consisting of a pair of large light brown UGG boots and a pair of dark blue jeans that hugged her waist. A light Brown shirt complemented her outfit with a dark blue jean jacket covering it.

The girl next to her wore a similar outfit, but her UGG boots were black and her top was Yellow with a graphic design on it in a variety of colors with the same colored jeans on. She didn’t wear a jacket, but she wore a number of silver and gold bracelets on each of her wrist. Her Auburn hair was down and stopped an inch or two passed her neck. “I would do the same thing Mya, the little bugs are just annoying, especially with their little AGA group thing going on.” The second female stated as Mya looked at her.

“Yea, they better watch out if they know what’s good for them. I wouldn’t mind treading on the little fuckers if they ever come my way with that bullshit Anna. “Mya replied as Frankie rolled her eyes at the pointless chatter that was going on behind her.

Jaden looked up at his giantess friend’s face, hoping that she wouldn’t say anything that would start another altercation.

Alex let out an aggravated sigh and slowly sat up. “I mean, come on regulars have it coming nowadays.” Mya continued to rant as she placed one hand on her hip, her eyes locking on to Alex and Jaden that was still enlaced in her fingers. “Hey, don’t you feel the same way?” She asked her. “Don’t you feel like the AGA has gotten out of hand lately?” She continued to question as Alex slowly stood up, shaking her head as she began to walk away from the two giantesses behind her.

“Maybe her little boy toy in her hand is a part of the AGA and that’s why she’s not saying anything.” Anna spoke up, mocking her as Alex continued to leave the two giantesses behind.

“A regular lover, huh; it’s like I said earlier; Giantess like her need to get a grip on reality.” She crossed her arms and gave Alex a smug look as the giantess continued to leave the two trouble makers behind. “All I know is if I catch a regular away from their giant friend is lights outs for em.” She finished as she began to snicker at her comment.

Jaden looked up at Alex as she stopped dead in her tracks. Her grip tightened around Jaden’s waist a bit, but not enough to cause him any pain. “Alex….” Jaden called out to her. He saw her expression change as she tried to leave well enough alone, but the constant taunting was starting to work her over. “Alex come on, just go. There’s already been enough trouble.” He told her as Alex looked down at the regular sized mega in her hand.

“Come on, you know they couldn’t hurt me anyway. So ignore them and let’s just go. Class is almost over anyway, it’s not like we can’t leave right?” Jaden locked eyes with Alex as she took a deep breath and continued walking.

“Stupid bitches….” She mumbled under her breath.

Jaden took a sigh of relief as Alex took his advice. “Don’t worry about them Alex, You have a short temper and we just got out of a problem with that crazy chick a few days ago, we don’t need any other problems, so let’s just go home or something. “He insisted as Alex slowly opened up her hand, allowing Jaden to sit on her palm as they left their gym class behind, including the two giantess that were berating any giantess/regular interaction that they saw.

“So it’s giantess to huh?” he looked up at her as Alex footsteps slapped against the reinforced concrete.

“Everybody’s on edge squirt, so yea you’re going to get loud mouth sluts like them every once in a while. Since the whole group of giantesses went missing, the girls here have been treating regulars here like cockroaches. Not just here, but the whole fucking sorry excuse of land that we’re on, everybody’s got their heads up there asses and those who don’t are just trying to stay out of the way.” Alex growled lightly.

Jaden couldn’t come back with a comment on his own as he experienced the truth of Alex’s words the entire day. Since the incident, the line between giantesses and regulars has grown thin. Both sides have begun to despise one another.

He lowered his head, a headache starting to form as Jaden couldn’t help but conjure up in his mind. “It’s going to be a long year.”

End Notes:

Its been a minute, but I decided to try and get back into this. Life has been a rollercoaster lately as Im sure you guys/girls (If any) will understand. This chapter is more a filler than anything to continue from where I left off. So just bare with me for a bit while I get back into the swing of things for this story in particular.


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