Party Time by Kickyou

Your girlfriend is having a sleep over with two of her girlfriends.  You aren’t invited but your friends convince you to crash it.  What could go wrong?

Categories: Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Entrapment, Insertion, Mouth Play, Toilet, Violent, Vore, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes Word count: 9906 Read: 128662 Published: July 02 2012 Updated: July 11 2012

1. Chapter 1 by Kickyou

2. Chapter 2 by Kickyou

3. Chapter 3 by Kickyou

4. Chapter 4 by Kickyou

5. Chapter 5 by Kickyou

6. Chapter 6 by Kickyou

Chapter 1 by Kickyou

Mark sat in his house depressed.  Why wouldn’t Jenny want him at her party, she invited those two why not me?   We have been dating for 1 year and are closer then close.  Yet she invited her two girlfriends over and never asked me.  Mark looked at the clock to find out it was only 8pm.  Jenny has already started her party.  Mark picked up his phone and called two of his friends to hang out. 

Tom and Bill were doing nothing important when they got Mark’s phone call.  In no time they came over to his house and found him sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand and looking mopey.  “Dude what the hell,” said Bill.

“Yeah you invite us over to hang, and you going to be like this?” Tom couldn’t believe it.

“Jenny is having a sleep over with Clair and Stephanie.  She didn’t invite me,” replied Mark.

Tom and Bill glance at each other and smiled.  They thought the same thing.  Two of the hottest girls in college are there in PJ just waiting for them to show up and give them a good time.  Smirking Bill sat next to Mark, “Hey man screw it.  You don’t need an invite in fact none of us do.  Let’s go there anyway.”

Tom sat on the other side of Mark, “Yeah Bill’s right, besides I bet Jenny wants you to show up but is too shy to ask you to.  We go over and pop in unexpected; she is going to be all like Oh Mark I knew you would show up.

Mark sat there thinking, well she did like surprises.  She never said to his face not to show up.  “Your right she would love this.”

“Yeah and we will come along too because we all know each other and can have fun,” Bill chimed in.

With everything decide they started to get into Mark’s car.  “Wait.  Let’s walk there so no one will know when we show up.  It would be a bigger surprise.”  Tom didn’t want the two chicks bailing when they hear them pull in the drive way. 

“Well she does live only three blocks away.  Alright let’s do it,” Mark said with a grin on his face too happy to see that he was being used by his friends.  They all walked down the street to Jenny’s house and walked up to the front door.  Mark pulled out his set of keys that Jenny lent them.  This is going to be fun, he thought.

A couple of minutes before Mark and his friends show up; Jenny was talking with Claire and Stephanie.  “Hey Jenny do you have any beer,” Claire asked as she rummaged through her fridge. 


“You should go get some.  It can’t be a sleep over without booze you know.”  Claire really liked to drink.

“She’s right we do need booze.  Oh and you should get some food while you’re out.  Then we can party like there is no tomorrow!”  Stephanie jumped up off the couch and grabbed Jenny’s car keys and tossed them at her.  “Now go get going girlfriend before I get hungry.”

Jenny sighed, her friends were always so pushy but she loved them.  “You do know it’s going to take a while before I get back right?”

“Yeah but it will be worth it,” Claire shouted from the kitchen looking for anything that could give her a buzz.

“Alright I’ll go.”  Jenny walked out of her house and got into her Jeep.  She then pulled out of the drive way and drove down the street.  Not even ten seconds pass when Mark and his friends turn the corner and walk toward Jenny’s house.

Claire and Stephanie sat on the couch talking about the exams they just passed; the whole reason they were celebrating.  They both heard the door unlock and turned their heads.  “Did someone forget their purse?”  Claire asked before she saw who it was entering the house.

Claire and Stephanie both jumped up off the couch when they saw it was none other than Mark and his friends.




Chapter 2 by Kickyou

Bill pushed open the door and walked past Mark.  “Sup bitches.”

Claire and Stephanie both glared at Bill; they never liked being called bitches, especially by a punk like him.  Tom also walked past Tom and went straight to the fridge looking for food, “Hey there isn’t anything to eat.” 

“Yeah… Jenny went to get something.  You all shouldn’t be in here without her knowing,” Stephanie said with a hint of anger behind her voice.

“We wanted to surprise Jenny,” Mark told her.  “I thought she would love it if I showed up.”

Claire folded her arms over her chest to cover herself, (considering she was in her PJ and felt exposed). “She would love it if you showed up but why did they show up?”  She nodded toward Bill and Tom.

“Well they thought it was a great idea for us to all celebrate with you all.”

“Yeah, don’t you feel like celebrating,” Bill said as he walked over to her side and put his arm over her shoulder. 

Claire quickly shrugged his arm of and took a step away.  She was disgusted by this animal that would dare put his arm on her.  She looks at Stephanie who also was looking a bit self-concise of her outfit, which were also pajamas.  Both Claire and Stephanie weren’t shy or bashful ladies, but to have two men staring you down with eyes of pure lust… well that would make anyone self-conscious of them self.

“Maybe you guys should come back later,” Stephanie tried to shoo Tom out the door but he just plant his feet and refused to budge.

“Hey we just want to party,” he said and gave her a rough push.  Stephanie landed on her butt on the couch; it didn’t hurt but it made her angry and slightly scarred of the bigger man.

“Tom calm down.  What the hell are you doing man?”  Mark started to think this was a bad idea.

“Hey he just gave her a playful shove.  Like this,” Bill pushed Claire down on the couch too.  Both girls quickly huddled together and sat close for comfort.  Bill and Tom sat on either side of the girls and put their arms around them. 

“Guys maybe we should leave?”  Mark didn’t like were this could be heading.  He didn’t know what he was thinking bringing these two over to his girlfriend’s house.  He was grateful she wasn’t here to scold him for been so stupid.

“But we just got here,” Tom said with a hint of sorrow in his voice that everyone in the room knew wasn’t real.

“Yeah, Mark.  At least let’s stick around until Jenny gets back.”  Bill was pulling Claire closer to him so she would be forced up against his body.

“Well if you two behave we can.”  Mark took a seat in a chair that was a few feet away.

Both Bill and Tom grinned evilly, while Claire and Stephanie tried to squirm out of their grip.  Unfortunately they were a lot stronger than them.  “Get off you big ape,” Claire shouted and shoved Bill.  She grabbed Stephanie’s arm and yanked her out of Tom’s grasp.  They both took a couple steps back and frowned at the two boys who looked crossed.  “You all better leave; this is a girl’s only party, you too Mark.”  With that being said Claire opened the front door and waited for them to leave.

Bill got up and walked over to the door and slammed it shut, “I don’t think so.”

Claire backed up with fear in her eyes.  She quickly grabbed Stephanie’s hand and backed away from Bill.  Tom got up and walked toward them, like a lion about to pounce on its prey.  Mark got up to confront the problem that was brewing.  Claire and Stephanie started to panic and closed their eyes and pulled each other’s hands together like they were praying.

Mark pulled Tom and Bill to a stop and was about to say something when he heard Claire and Stephanie mumble something under their breaths.  “Claire, Stephanie.  It’s ok they won’t…”  Mark never got to finish his sentence when the room started to spin around.  He fell to the ground along with Bill and Tom.

Mark opened his eyes slowly and rubbed his head; it hurt like crazy.  He slowly sat up and looked around.  Tom and Bill were lying passed out next to him.  “What the hell is going on?”  He took a look around and found out what exactly is going on.  Everything was huge.  The couch, the coffee table,  the T.V., Claire, the front door, the picture of him and… wait Claire?  Mark quickly turned his head back to Claire and saw that she and Stephanie were both giantess.  Before he could even ask what happened, Tom and Bill started to stir.

“It worked,” Stephanie said with disbelief.  She and Claire use to practice magic from an old book they found in the college library.  It had a lot of dumb spells in it but the one they remember was shrinking.  They never used it on a person before but they shrank small objects like food and clothes for fun.

Claire looked down at the tiny men and waved at them.  She saw Tom and Bill freak out and jumped up and ran in the opposite direction, but Mark just sat there dumbfounded.  She quickly scoped up the three of them and placed them on the coffee table.  All three tiny men stared at Claire and she stared right back at them.  After twenty seconds of staring Mark asked the obvious question, “How.”

 “Well Stephanie and I used to practice magic and with these two beasts started to threaten us we quickly took action and shrank them.  Unfortunately for you, you just happen to be next to them.”  She had a sad look on her face, most likely pity but Mark wasn’t sure why.

“Well what the fuck are you going to do to us you bitches?”  Bill shouted angrily at her.

Claire just looked at him like he was nothing but a pathetic bug ready to be crushed.  She slowly raised her hand and pushed him over with her finger with barely any effort.  Bill fell over scarred out of his mind at the power she just showed.  Tom quickly picked him up and got him to his feet.

Stephanie came over and whispered something into Claire’s ear and a grin spread across her face.   “We were going to do nothing to you but now... well now we have some party games we want to play.”



Chapter 3 by Kickyou

Stephanie walked into the kitchen to grab something to keep the guys in.  She opened a couple of cabinets and found exactly what she was looking for, a glass bowl.  It was big enough to hold all three of them with plenty of room to spare.  The sides were steep enough to keep them from escaping and the most important part, it was see through.

Walking back into the living room she placed the bowl on the coffee table and picked each man up and dropped them carefully in the prison.  She then sat down next to Claire, and both of them leaned forward gazing at the helpless men trapped before them.  For a couple of minutes everyone looked at one another.  Claire let out a sigh of boredom, “Well this isn’t fun.” 

Stephanie snapped her fingers, “Oh I have an idea.  I want to play with this one.”  She quickly dipped her hand into the bowl and picked out Tom.  He was no bigger than her index finger.

Tom was starting to freak out when he saw the giantess’ hand close around him.  He started to squirm around to get out but the hand wouldn’t release him.  He felt himself being pulled, and then the hand opened to reveal a giant face, Stephanie’s. 

“You know for a jerk you look kind of cute when you are small,” she let a giggle out.  She tilted her hand around just to see him fumble helplessly in her grasp.  The power she had was God like, just thinking about it made her… wet.  She could feel herself getting excited at the possibilities.  If she wanted she could crush him in her like a bug and not even feel a thing; especially not regret for this bastard.  Even before this night he tried to hit on her multiple times and each time he became more aggressive toward her.  She said no as nicely as possible but he kept coming back.  One time he got really mad and got physical with her; now it’s her turn.

Tom didn’t like the look she was giving him, the look of a predator sizing up its prey, and his size was not impressive.  He backed up away from her looming that got closer to him.  “I know you always wanted to get into my pants ever since we meet,” she said in a low voice but loud enough for everyone to hear.  She beamed him with a bright smile; “Today is your lucky day.”

Tom was too scared to comprehend what she was saying.  Stephanie used her free hand to push her PJ bottoms down and reveal her panties.  Bill let out a loud whistle, Mark covered his eyes, and Tom just stared right at her.  Stephanie then pulled her panties down off her feet to reveal herself to the world.  It was a glorious sight for everyone to see.  She then propped her feet up on either side of the bowl and spread her legs.  Slowly she lowered her hand with Tom in it toward her lower body.

Tom stood still as he was lowered to the piece of Stephanie’s body he has been dreaming of.  The hand got closer and he could feel the heat radiate from it, see it shine with the beautiful liquid that was produce when a women is aroused.  The hand was touching, parallel to her vagina giving Tom time to walk up to it and touch it with one of his hands.  The size of it started to set in on him as he started to back away.

“Awww, is someone having second thoughts?  Her let me help you.”  Stephanie quickly pinched Tom and shoved him head first into her.  She closed her eyes and let out a gasp.  This felt great she thought as she slowly pulled her fingers out with Tom still in her grasp.  She then shoved him back in, deeper.  Moaning she pulled out, then back in faster.  She continued this for a while making soft noise of pleasure as she used Tom.

Tom couldn’t believe what was happening, less than a second ago he was staring at a beautiful object that just about every man wants, when all of a sudden he was shoved in a dark, hot, wet, and particularly smelling cave.  Getting a mouthful of liquid he started to cough it up when he was pulled out.  Thinking it was over he let his breath go when he was shoved back in.  Over and over again he was shoved mercilessly in and out of Stephanie’s body with great force. 

After a couple of minutes of this Stephanie pulled Tom out for good.  Tom felt like he just survived a car crash; a wet and hot car crash.  His body was covered in Stephanie’s juices and felt like his body was broken.  He tried to lift his arm but it barely moved.  He was too exhausted to budge an inch that is if he could break out of her grasp.  He was lifted up to Stephanie’s face.

“Oooo that felt good.  Was it as good for you as it was for me?”  Stephanie let out a laugh at her joke.  Never in her life has she felt this good.  Just thinking about it made her want to go again.  She was about to move him back down when her stomach let out a growl of hunger.  She then got a better idea.

Tom didn’t know what that noise was but it couldn’t be a good thing.  He looked at Stephanie for an explanation when all he got was a grin.

“Man … sex always makes me hunger, and I was hunger before this.  Well it looks like I need a snack.”  Stephanie quickly pulled her lower clothes up and looked at Claire who was grinning back at her. 

Tom was hauled up to Stephanie’s face and then above it.  She tilted her head back and opened her maw as wide as she could.  Tom wiggled as much as he could be again it didn’t help.  He felt her hot humid breath wash up over his lower body and up to his head.  It smelt terrible due to all the bacteria in her mouth that hasn’t been washed out in a while.  She slowly lowered the tiny person to her mouth and rolled out her tongue.  Her tongue slowly rose up and licked Tom’s legs, “MMMM you taste good, nice and … juicy.”

With that being said she dropped Tom in her mouth and let him hit her tongue.  Stephanie’s natural reflexes kicked in and she closed her mouth to prevent the escape of her meal.  She tilted her head back down and started to play with her food.

Tom though Stephanie’s vagina was hot and humid; boy was he wrong.  Inside Stephanie’s mouth it felt like a rain forest, a dark, dripping, smelly, rain forest.  Tom tried to stand but the ground he was on kept moving.  He was standing on Stephanie’s tongue and she just loved the feeling of a helpless man trapped in her mouth.  She flicked her tongue to the left, flinging Tom into her left cheek.  She then pressed down on his back so his face was smashed into her cheek.  On the outside of her mouth Claire saw an indentation of a small person sticking out of her cheek.  She quickly covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing out loud.

Stephanie stared to suck on Tom like a jaw breaker.  She never tasted herself or any other woman before but there was a particular flavor attached to Tom and she loved it.  Sucking harder she quickly drained all the saliva in her mouth and the special flavor away from Tom.  She then used her tongue to pull Tom out of her cheek and into the center of her mouth.

Tom couldn’t move; his back was against Stephanie’s teeth and had his front body shoved into her fleshy cheek.  He was too scared to move anyway, afraid that any moment her mouth would open enough to trap him under her molars and crush him to death.  Then he felt it; as if someone turned on a vacuum, the saliva around him stared to be drained.   He felt himself being sucked on by Stephanie, with the wall of her cheek closing in on him because of the lack of space from her sucking.  After about thirty seconds, Tom nearly blacked out from the pain, the sucking stopped.  He felt Stephanie fish him out of her cheek with her tongue and into the middle of her mouth.

Stephanie was done playing with her meal and was starving.  She slowly tilted her head back and swallowed Tom.  She could feel him slide down her throat and eventual feel him plop into her stomach.

Tom felt his world start to incline.  He looked back (to the best of his abilities in the dark).  He didn’t want to head in that direction but had no choice due to gravity and fell backwards.  He felt soft wet walls squeeze him down.  He was pressed down ward and down and down, until it open up into a cavern with liquid at the bottom.  The liquid wasn’t deep enough to submerge him, just up to his knees, so he ran to a wall and started to beat against it shouting to let him out.

“Hey Claire, come here.”  Stephanie pulled her shirt up and pulled Claire’s head to her belly.  Claire had her ear pressed to Stephanie’s stomach, “Can you hear him?”

A few seconds pass, “No I can’t hear any-” she heard a small sound and felt a light beat.  “O MY GOD,” she shouted and jumped back in surprise.  She leaned back in and listened to the helpless muffles of Stephanie’s victim.

Tom didn’t like where he was, it was hotter than Stephanie’s mouth and a lot more humid.  It was sticky and it was starting to get hard to breath.  Also his skin itched.  He pounded on the walls again when he felt the cavern vibrate.  All of a sudden it started to shrink and liquid poured in out of nowhere.  Screaming he beat furiously on the wall trying to get out.  His skin started to itch even more and he started to cough more frequently.  His movements slowed down and he started to weaken.  Leaning against the wall he started to black out.

Stephanie giggled at the tickling in her belly.  All of a sudden her belly gurgle and then she burped, “Ops sorry.  That one got out.”  Claire continued to listen to the frantic sounds of Tom.  After a couple of minutes they started to slow down and then stop…

“I think he’s dead.”  Claire stated as she stared at the belly, she started to rub it.

“MMMM that feels good.”  Stephanie didn’t care that she just ate a person; she loved the feeling of her belly having food in it and being rubbed.

After a while Claire stopped and then looked at the two frighten men huddled as far away from her with wide eyes. 

“So now it’s my turn.”


Chapter 4 by Kickyou

Claire looked at both of the helpless men trapped in the glass bowl.  She eyed each one trying to decide which of them she should pick.  After a couple of seconds of thought, which to Bill and Mark felt like hours, she shrugged.  “I just don’t know which of you I want to play with.”

It was a troublesome for her to make a decision like this.  On one hand she had Bill, a complete asshole in every way.  She doubted the world would miss a person like him at all.  Then she had Mark; granted Mark was a great guy and all but there was something about him that made her want to use and abuse him.  She just couldn’t make up her mind on who was going to be her plaything.

Claire’s face was scrounged up as she was deep in thought.  Finally she blurted out, “I know!”  She went over to her purse and pulled a coin out and came back to the couch and sat down.  “I will flip a coin and if it lands on heads, Mark is going to have a great night with me.  If it lands on tails … well Bill tough luck.” 

“What the hell!!  You two killed Tom!!!  What kind of fucked up bitches are you!!?” 

Claire leaned in closer to the bowl scaring Bill and causing him to fall backwards, “I sooo hope it lands on tails.”  Claire put the quarter on top of her thumb and gave it a flip.  She caught the coin as it fell in her hand and flipped it on to her other hand.  The coin was covered by Claire’s hand preventing anyone from seeing it.  “Well let’s see who the lucky winner is tonight.”  She slowly removed her hand away and let out yelp of surprise.  Then she let out a sigh, “I’m sorry Mark.”  She reached her hand in the bowl to pick up her lucky winner.

“Good luck Mark HAHAHA!!”  Bill never felt happier in his life.  He just dodged the biggest threat in is life and gets to see another day.  I wonder what she is-

Bill didn’t have time to finish that thought as Claire’s hand surrounded him and wrapped him in a crushing embrace.  His head was sticking out of her hand in-between her thumb and index finger.  She pulled him up to her face as she let out a devilish laugh literally in his face.  “What the fuck you said Mark was it.”

“No I said I was sorry to Mark, now I won’t be able to show him a great time.” 

Desperately Bill turned around, the best he could and saw what he feared the most; the coin was tails.  No this can’t be happening he thought, he tried to break free but he just didn’t have the strength to do so.  Defeated he stared at the giantess who controlled his very life. 

Claire loved the look on Bill’s face it was a mix of despair and fright.  Claire didn’t know what to do to the little prick; she wasn’t hungry and she wasn’t going to let him anywhere near her pussy.  The thought was revolting, why Stephanie shoved Tom in her was beyond her.  As she was thinking about what to do Bill, he started to get restless.

“Ok bitch hurry up and eat me!!”

The little asshole thinks he can-

Claire knew what she was going to do with him.  She smirked at him squeezed him a little tighter to make him wince in pain.  “I bet your entire life you have been a little asshole to everyone you meet.  That is why I have decided I will show you what a true asshole looks like.”  She let out a small giggle at what she just said.  She then asked Stephanie to move off the couch.  Claire then got on her knees and on one hand while holding Bill in the other, still close to her face so she could see the reaction of his face when he realizes what is about to happen to him.

Bill didn’t know what the crazy bitch was think when she told him he was about to see a true asshole.  When she got up on the couch in doggy style he couldn’t help but get hard by the sexy position she took on the couch.  “You are one sexy bitch.”  Bill just didn’t know when to quit and yet he kept getting harder and harder when he thought of things he would like to do to her, if he were bigger that is.  He still had no idea what was coming his way when Claire raised up and used her free hand to pull her lower clothing down past her knees.  She then returned back to doggy style.  “Ok let’s do it bitch.  Shove me into your beautiful pussy.  I’m going to-” he was cut short when instead of going below her he was being raised up over her.  He quickly shut up when he saw her sexy ass loom closer to him. 

Claire leaned forward and rests her head on the cushion and raised her ass higher into the air.  She brought her hand with Bill in it closer to her butt.  Then stopped; how to do this head first or feet?  Decisions, decisions… I know what to do.  “Hey Stephanie can you flip the coin for me and tell me what it lands on?”  There was silence and as everyone in the room heard the coin flip in the air and land with a smack of a hand. 

… “Tails.”

“Perfect,” Claire purred.  “Bill it looks like it isn’t you lucky day.”

With that being said she used her free hand to pull her cheeks apart and slowly backed Bill’s feet up to her anus.  She felt the contact of the little feet and smiled to herself at the feeling of those small feet that are connected to that small body that is going up her ass.  She pressed harder and felt her anus open up for the intrusion and let a soft moan out.

Bill couldn’t see where he was heading but he wasn’t that stupid not to know where he was.  The smell gave it away.  There was a particular odor in the air that was unmistakable.  Bill felt the resistance of what felt like soft ground.  His somewhat composer he had just flew out the window and he started to panic.  He was squirming, kicking, and screaming like a mad man.  Then the hand holding him pressed him down harder until he felt the surface under his feet give way.  He slowly continued his decent into the awaiting abyss.  Slowly his sheens disappeared, then his thighs, and then his waist.  Then the hand holding him let go.

Claire let go of Bill and stayed leaning into the couch.  Her butt cheeks were still spread and could feel Bill trying to pull himself out.  Oh no you don’t she thought slyly and used her lower abdominal muscles to pull him in deeper up to his chest.  There was a sharp yelp and then no movement at all.  Afraid she broke her toy, “Stephanie, how does it look back there?”

Stephanie leaned in close and smiled at Bill who stopped moving to prevent anymore decent into the hungry hole.  “You’re good.  He stopped moving though.”

“Well we can’t have that now can we,” she said and moved her right hand behind her to fix the problem

Bill looked up to see a giant finger descend on him.  He lifted his arms to block it but that was useless.  The finger pressed down on his head and applied pressure to move him further into the hole.  He slowly slid further into Claire’s hole.  Soon he was up to his chin and had only his hands and head out.  He could hear the laughter of Stephanie as she saw Bill was nearly in the hole.  Bill’s eyes went wide as the hole slide up over his lips.  He literally got a mouth full of ass.  The smell and taste was in his mouth and he forced himself to breathe through his noise.  This forced him to take a whiff of Claire’s ass; which as hot as her ass looked it smelled completely different.  His eyes started to tear due to the stench that he was forced to endure.  The finger stopped pressing so he was half a head out of an ass.

“Stephanie what does it look like?”

“It looks like you’re giving birth to a baby.”  She let out another laugh which Claire joined in with.

Bill could barely move and breathing was torture and now these two were making jokes about him.  He didn’t know how this could get worse when it hit him.  Well not hit him exactly more like brushed up against his feet.  It felt like soft dirt was pushing up against his feet.  Bill knew what it was, oh shit.  It took all his will power not to move, the slightest movement could send him deeper in.  He tried to say something to get the girls attention but all that came out was muffles.

“Claire.  It looks like he is trying to say something.  I bet he wants to say goodbye.”  Stephanie waved at him, “Bye-bye little man.”

Claire took her finger and begins to finish the job she started.

Bill began to cry at what he heard.  Then the finger came back and applied pressure to the top of his head sending him deeper into Claire’s bowels.  As his head moved in so did his feet get more submerged in the muck that was crawling up his leg.  Unable to move due to the walls pressing down on his side; he waited for the finger to retract.  Hopefully the log will not move at all and he may survive this.  It really wasn’t his lucky day.  The finger didn’t retract, instead it pushed deeper into Claire’s ass up to her first knuckle.  Bill was waist deep in the waste and it didn’t look like his speed was going to slow down.  Up to the second knuckle; he was up to his neck in crap.  Bill took a big breath of fowl air to try and stay alive as long as he could when the movement stopped.  Claire stopped after the second knuckle.

Claire paused as she felt Bill being pushed into her bowels by her finger and tried to decide if it was far enough. 

Slowly the finger pulled out of Claire’s ass.  “Thank God.”  Bill was so glad for a second there he thought- 

The finger slammed back into Claire’s ass up to the third and final knuckle.  Bill was shoved deep into the log of shit getting shit shoved down his throat.  He was totally unprepared for that and didn’t get a breath of air.  He thrashed around to find a way out but there was none.  The shit crawled over him, seeping into every opening it could find.  He couldn’t breathe and he felt the darkness roll over him.  Or was that just the shit passing by?

Claire let out a loud moan as she shoved her finger as far as possible up her ass.  She never tried anal but her ass felt amazing.  She couldn’t believe she did that.  She left her finger deep in her ass for about thirty seconds then realized that it was touching something other than Bill’s head.  It dawned on her that she needed to go and her finger was deep in shit.  She retracted her fingers and clenched her butt cheeks together to pull the log deeper into her ass; along with Bill.  She pulled her clothes back on and pulled her finger up to her noise and to a whiff of what the last thing Bill smelled.  Claire quickly pulled her noise away and gagged.  Wow I couldn’t imagine being covered in this. 

She quickly went to the kitchen and washed her hands.  She then returned back the living room and sat down on the couch next to Stephanie who stared at Mark who was in fetal position.  Scarred out of his mind.

“So what should we do with him?” Claire asked with an evil tone in her voice.

“I have an idea,” answered Stephanie.

Chapter 5 by Kickyou

Stephanie leaned in closer, “Hey little guy how you doing?”

Mark was scarred out of his mind, “You… You killed them.  You killed them both.”

Stephanie looked at Claire then smiled back at Mark, “We sure did, and you know what it felt great.   Someone had to teach them a lesson.”

“Why are you doing this?  Why not change me back?”

Claire let out sad sigh, “You see that’s the problem… we don’t know how.”


“Well we learned how to shrink but not how to fix it.  I mean you were just collateral and we are sorry about that, but when life gives you lemons we make lemonade.”

Mark was more angry then scarred at the two giantesses in front of him.   How could they be so stupid as to not learn a spell to fix this?  Before he could start insulting them and fight back the best he could Stephanie broke his train of thought.

“Ugh, all this talk is boring let’s have fun.”  Grinning down over the top of the bowl; “I saw we play hide and seek.”

Claire thought it was a stupid idea, “What? That’s boring I want to do something more…” she licked her lips as she stared right at Mark.  Mark shivered at the thought of what Claire wanted to do to him now.

Stephanie rolled her eyes, “Not normal hide and seek, but hide and seek with perks.  Mark you have 30 seconds to hide, and then we come looking for you.  Whoever finds you first gets you for the rest of the night…well I guess it would be the rest of your life,” shrugging in a nonchalant way she continued, “But to make it more exciting for us, and a chance for you, if you can hold out until Jenny get home and get her to see you first you win.  She is like home base, and she will get to keep you, and we will try to look for a spell to fix this.”

Mark jumped up at the last couple of sentences; he could be with Jenny instead of these psychotic killers, and eventual back to normal. 

Claire thought about it.  She didn’t want to give up her play thing but she knew there weren’t many places to hide in this house; and Jenny won’t be back for a while.  Plus she always loved a challenge.  “I think it’s a great idea.”

With everyone in agreement Stephanie picked up Mark and set him down in the middle of the family room.  Then Claire and Stephanie went into another room, which Mark insisted to prevent them from looking.  As soon as they left he bolted to the T.V.  He went behind the T.V. and used the cable to climb up to the DVD player that was inside a cabinet next the T.V.  Behind the DVD player he was obscured from vision.  Moments after hiding he heard the two giantesses bound into the room with hopes of catching him off guard. 

“Darn.” Stephanie said with a hint of disappointment.  “All well let the hunt begin.” She lot out a laugh as she went to the couch and checked under it; nothing.  She took out all the cushions too.  Then she checked behind the T.V.; again nothing.  She checked every chair and even pulled open the cabinet with the DVD player and looked, (but not behind) but found nothing.

Claire was having similar luck.  First she checked all the shoes near the front door, and then she checked all their stuff: purses, bags, clothes.  This bugger can hide.  Claire then moved out into the kitchen just in case he made a run for it or made it here when they were counting.  She checked everywhere and found the same results, nothing.

Mark lay down behind the DVD player, after Stephanie opening the cabinet he nearly died.  She soon closed it and moved on; Mark let out a sigh of relief.  That was damn close.  After about five minutes of the family room being torn apart he heard them leave and search the rest of the house.  Does he dare leave and hide somewhere he would be able to make it to Jenny?  No.  He would wait them out and then go for Jenny. 

After about twenty minutes the house was torn apart and yet Mark was not found.  Stephanie and Claire were angry at how the little pest could hide so well.  “I guess we lost Stephanie.”  Claire felt extremely sad at the loss of her would be pet.

“Not yet he still needs to get to Jenny without us noticing,” she said with a smirk on her face.  They both let out laughs as they started to clean up the house so Jenny wouldn’t kill them.  A couple of minutes later Jenny walked through the door. 

“I got food and beers.  Alright let’s start this party.”  Jenny put down a couple of boxes of pizza and cases of beer.  She sat down in-between Stephanie and Claire with a box of pizza set down on the table.  They all started to dig in and start talking about girl things and how they felt about their exams. 

Mark heard Jenny walk through the door.  It took all his strength not to run to her.  After hearing what Claire and Stephanie said he knew this wasn’t going to be easy.  He slide down the cable and looked at the three giantesses across the room from the shadows behind the cabinet.  After ten minutes of talk Mark saw Jenny get up and go into the kitchen.  As she left he saw both of the other girls search franticly with their eyes.  This is definitely not going to be easy. 

When Jenny got back Claire and Stephanie put on smiles and acted like they finished a joke.  “…and that’s when I said ‘that’s what he said.’”  They both broke out in laughter causing Jenny to smile too.  She just came back with some napkins and set them down with the rest of their supplies.  Continuing their talk of whatever, the night went on.  She was oblivious to the fact that whenever she talked to one of them the other searched the room with her eyes.

Mark made his way to Stephanie’s bag, which just happened to be near the cabinet.  Timing the conversation right he dashed to Claire’s bag which was close but there was a moment he would be out in the open.  The conversation was still going showing that he was safe.  Now he was practically in the kitchen.  He timed his movements to when all three of them laughed.  He dove into the kitchen out of their sights.

Claire stood up.

“What’s up?” Jenny asked which caused her to laugh at her silly joke.  She was a little buzzed.

“I think I saw something move.”

Marks heart stopped.  No I was careful there is no way.  He heard footsteps and he knew there wasn’t anywhere to hide as he was in the middle of the kitchen trying to get up the counter.

I found him that sly bastard.  Claire thought as she walked into the front of the living room to check a shoe see saw move; nothing.  What?  I could have sworn…

“You find anything?”  Stephanie was mad that Claire found Mark first.


Mark was so relieved that Claire didn’t find him.  He quickly climbed up the counter using everything at his disposal to get up to the counter.  Next time Jenny comes in here I will get her attention and then this nightmare will be over.

About an hour later Mark was getting impatient with Jenny.  She was taking forever to come back into the kitchen.  Of course she was entertaining her guest but still…

“Hey Jenny can you get me another napkin.”


Mark heard the great news of how sloppy Stephanie can eat sometimes.  Waiting for Jenny to walk into the kitchen she went to grab some more napkins.  Mark quickly came out of his hiding spot, behind the coffee machine, and shouted, “JENNY!!!”

Jenny heard a voice behind her.  She turned around and saw Mark, but it wasn’t Mark.  It couldn’t be Mark he was taller than that.  Quickly she grabbed the imposter and walked out to her friends.

“Look at what I found.”  Jenny held her hand out to her friends.

Both of Stephanie and Claire were mad at the fact that Jenny found Mark.  “Where did you find him?”

“He was in the kitchen.  So… what is it?” 

Jenny was totally hammered.  She had a long week and tonight she was going to party like crazy.  She was so drunk that she was swaying a little bit. 

Mark couldn’t believe he did this.  Jenny was in no condition to help him.  Now he stared at the two evil giantesses who just grinned at a devilish idea.

“Well Jenny that is a little Mark.”

“A little Mark?  What is that?”  Jenny had a look of confusion on her face.

Stephanie giggled.  “Well… it’s like Mark but, it’s not.”

“Oh,” Jenny eyes grew wide.  “So what do we do with a little Mark?”

“Well you did find him,” Claire said more to Mark to remind him of what the deal was.  “You get to do whatever you want with him.”

“Yeah Jenny, in fact was there anything big Mark did that you didn’t like?  You could exact your revenge on little Mark if you wanted.”  Stephanie chimed in.

Mark saw where this was going and started to get Jenny’s attention but she couldn’t hear him.

“Well there was that one time…”

Oh No!  About a week into his relationship she caught him cheating with another woman.  She swore she would break up if he ever did that again and ever since he has been listening to her and trying to get on her good side.  He eventually did but deep down he knew she would never truly forgive him.

“Well I’m sure if you take revenge through little Mark you will forgive big Mark.”  Claire could see the panic in Mark’s face.   

Jenny thought she was doing the right thing because deep down she didn’t fully forgive Mark for cheating on her.  This could fix it.  She nodded her head a couple of times; each nod cemented her resolve.  She quickly closed her fist to imprison her little man.  She quickly jumped down next to her friends and started to devise the perfect revenge on big Mark through little Mark to forgive big Mark.




Chapter 6 by Kickyou

Mark couldn’t hear what was conspiring around him.  With Jenny’s giant hand enclosed around him all sounds were muffled out.  He could pick up a few sounds: some laughter here and there, someone saying “it’s a great idea”, and “can’t wait”.  Mark didn’t know what they were planning but he knew it couldn’t be good.  The hand around him gripped him tighter, pushing the air out of his lungs, like a compacter trying to crush him into a pulp.  The pressure eased off a bit but the feeling of being crushed didn’t.

The hand around Mark started to lessen even more and open slowly to show three faces with grins from cheek to cheek.  Mark could smell the alcohol on them as it washed over him.  The smell of alcohol started to get to him, he already felt a little light headed.  Thanks to the alcohol his girlfriend is about to do something disasters to him.  If Mark could go back in time he would murder the man who invented alcohol. 

“Are you ready Jenny,” Claire asked.

“I’m ready.  What about you Stephanie?”

“I’m ready.  What about you Claire?”

“I was born ready.  That only leaves you little Mark.  Are you ready?”  With that being said all eyes were locked on Mark.

“W-W-what?”  Mark didn’t know what they were talking about but it didn’t sound good.

Claire leaned in closer and shouted louder, “I SAID ARE YOU READY?!!”  All the girls burst into laughter. 

“I heard you! What am I ready for?”

“For the final party game silly,” Stephanie told Mark as if he were a little kid. 

Mark didn’t like the last party games and he knew this one could only be worse.  “Jenny for the love of God it’s me!!!  Mark!!!  The real one!!!”

Jenny looked more carefully at Mark and squint her eyes.  Mark held his breath as he waited forever for her to recognize him.  Then she slowly shook her head no.  “No you aren’t, I distinctly remember him being at least…” she eyed his size, “three times larger than you.”

Oh My God…

Claire let out an impatient sigh, “This is soooo boring.  Little Mark here is boring us, so let’s go play the last game for tonight.”

Jenny smiled at Stephanie, “Alright you first.”

Stephanie quickly swiped you out of Jenny’s hands before you could even ask what she meant.  “It would be my pleasure.” 

Stephanie quickly walked away from the family room and away from Jenny, Mark’s only hope of survival.  He tried to get Jenny’s attention but either she couldn’t hear or didn’t care.  Mark was covered by Stephanie’s hand as she walked into some room.  He heard the door lock and heard the unsettling sound of clothes being taken off.  Mark couldn’t stop himself from thinking of what happened to Tom.  The thought of being used like that and then eaten, it scared him to death. 

Stephanie opened her hand and the light blinded Mark’s eyes for a couple of seconds.  It took some time to adjust from the dark hand to the blinding light.  After his eyes adjust to the light he took is surroundings in.  He was in a small room with white walls and towels.  There was a toilet, sink, and a bathtub making the room almost cramped.  He was in the bathroom; not the place to be with a drunken chick.

Looking at Stephanie with eyes full of terror Mark started to plead.  Before even a word was formed on his lips he was dropped carelessly.  Mark was in free fall for a couple of seconds before he hit water with a splash.  Surfacing he came out of the water to see a beautiful ass drop down on the toilet seat, leaving just enough space between her legs for you to see her face.

“Jenny told me that you- ops I mean Big Mark, is an ass man.  He would do anything for a piece of ass.  Well I hope you enjoy this as much as I will.”  Winking at him she pulled her head away from the gap in-between her legs and slowly closed Mark out from the rest of the world.

Mark didn’t know what she planned to do to him but whatever it is, it can’t be good.  A few seconds pass with nothing happening and Mark almost thought she was bluffing when there was a thunderous roar above his head as there was a sudden gust of air.  The toilet echoed the noise for a couple of seconds later and when the noise stopped the smell replaced it.  The smell was powerful and overwhelming.  It filled Mark’s prison with no sign of it dissipating.  Mark coughed and tried to find a way to get fresh air when he heard Stephanie grunt.

Stephanie just farted on Mark and she loved it.  Like with Tom the power of control over someone so small turned her on.  She was about to reach in and use Mark like Tom, but she suddenly changed her mind.  She needed to go.

Mark could hear the urge in the sound of Stephanie’s voice as she pushed with all her might.  Mark did his best to swim away from where he thought Stephanie would make ground zero.  Off to his right he heard a giant splash, then another splash.  He quickly swam away from the noise and the smell of fresh shit as the noise continued.  The grunting got louder as the splashes grew faster when it sounded like it was almost continuous.  After about ten seconds of this the noise stopped and the sound of relief was heard from Stephanie above Mark.

Stephanie wiped her butt and dropped the toilet paper into the bowl.  She got dress and looked into the bowl to see Mark off to the side of where she made her mess. 

Mark could see what Stephanie did when she got off the toilet and was glad his sense of direction was right.  If he was anywhere closer to his right he would have been crushed by a dozen turds that rest at the bottom of the bowl.

“Mmmm Tom felt as good coming out as he did going in.”  Stephanie let out an evil laugh and walked out of the bathroom.

Well at least she didn’t flush.

Less than a few seconds later Mark heard foot steeps approach.  The door closed and a face appeared.   It was Claire’s.

She turned around and acted like nothing was wrong.  She removed her PJ and panties and sat down on the toilet.  She left the back of the toilet with a crack.  Wasting no time Claire clenched her hands together and pushed as hard as she could.

Mark barely had time to swim away and get out of the way as a giant brown tower slide out of Claire’s ass.  It moved faster than anything Mark ever saw; like a mud slide barreling down a mountain to crush him.  The tower hit water and sent a splash up but still didn’t break.  It hit bottom and started to coil at the bottom.  The shit kept coming and didn’t slow down as it started to coil and fill the bottom of the bowl.  After thirty seconds it slowed down.  Mark was at the back of the bowl as he watched the bowel movement slow to a stop.  He could hear Claire panting as she tried to catch her breath.  A couple of seconds later she was at it again push with all her might to expel all the crap in her system.  Final after a life time the log slowed down again and stopped.  This time it broke off and fell with a splash.  Claire wiped her ass and threw it into the bowl and got up.

Claire scanned the bowl and found you in the back of the bowl.  She had a look of disappointment on her face but quickly she made it disappear.  “If you see Bill in there send him my regards.” 

Claire grinned at Mark and then left him to stew in her remains as she left the bathroom just like Stephanie.

Mark could only think of what is next.  Jenny is the only one who could help him but she doesn’t even see as a person.  Mark was deciding what to do as he waited for the last giantess to enter.

Mark waited in the smelly toilet for his girlfriend to make this nightmare stop, but she didn’t show up.  Half an hour later Mark finally heard foot steeps come toward the bathroom, but they sounded weird.  Instead of a rhythmic stomp it was slow and sloppy, almost as if the walker was unbalanced.  Jenny stumbled into the bathroom with a bottle in her hand.  She was drunk as anything.

Jenny’s thoughts were so jumbled she forgot why she came into the bathroom until her stomach reminded her as she quickly threw up in the toilet.

Mark wasn’t prepared for Jenny to throw up on him.  He was washed out from his hiding place in the back of the toilet to the middle.  Feeling the water begin to make his skin itch he quickly found something to save his life…shit.  He climbed on some shit from Claire’s mega dump to get out of the stomach acid filled bowl.  There were chunks of pizza and other unrecognizable foods floating around.

Jenny just looked at the bowl and felt sick.  The girls made her drink and take some funky food that would make her want to … she couldn’t remember.  She was about to flush when her stomach protested and then her memory came back when she saw Mark.  NO not Mark, little Mark

Mark was waving his hands to get Jenny’s attention but she was zoned out.  She slowly got up and went to flush the toilet when Mark screamed with all his might.  She stopped and then her gaze went to Mark.  “Jenny please for the love of God get me the hell out of here!!!”  She kept looking at him when she got up from the floor.  “Yes thank you!  I thought you were going to flush me!”  He was so relieved to see her put the bottle down, until she dropped her pants.  “What are you doing!!!”

“Sillllly little Mark… I’m using the bathroom… DUH…”  She slurred a couple of words and then in a hush voice like she was telling a secret, “Pst… Don’t tell Mark but I’m going to do something nasty to him… or was it to you?  I can’t remember but I gotta go the laxatives I had are kicking in… why they make me eat some…? Oh right to go poo.”  Mark didn’t know what she was saying until he heard the last sentience, those bitches.

Before Mark could try talking to Jenny, she plopped down on the toilet and hiccupped.  Mark didn’t know what to do; he was standing on some shit, in a bowl of puke, and about to be shit on by his drunken girlfriend that had laxatives.  Above Mark he heard a moan.

“I have been holding this in all day…”

A blast of wind nearly knocked Mark off his island of safety.  He held on as best he could until the wind died down.  The smell was noise burning, eyes watering, gut turning.  He couldn’t breathe for a few seconds, which was long enough for Jenny to catch him off guard.  She held nothing back and screamed as she released her bowel.  Like an inverted atomic bomb the explosion blossomed outward and down in a mushroom shape.  The blast spread shit everywhere covering the island and filling the bowl with liquid shit, with bits of food in it from either the puke or crap.  The liquid kept falling and splattering the bowl until nothing was spared from the dump.  After a while Jenny stopped going after letting everything out of her system she was drained.  She sat there exhausted and dizzy from the booze or the smell.  She got up after wiping and pulled her pants back up.  Before she left she remembered about Mark.  She turned around and looked in the bowl at what was left.

Mark couldn’t move.  Mark couldn’t remember what happened in the shit storm but somehow he either fell off the shit or was blasted off.  Either way he was now waist deep in sludge with bits of corn around him, floating out of reach.  He looked up at Jenny as she turned around and found him.  She let out a giggle when she saw him.  He was mad as hell at her and was about to say something when he started to sink.  It was a slow sink like a boat slowly filling with water and going under or a submarine about to dive.  He started to sink into the swampy liquid that his girlfriend produced.   “Jenny please you have to help me!”  She just stared at him.  Mark begged as much as he could as he was up to his neck now.

Mark scream out of desperation as the liquid started to fill his mouth and crawl up his face and into his noise.  It slowly covered his eyes and then his head as he sank deeper into his awaiting tomb.  The last thing he remembers before his eyes were covered was his girlfriend waving goodbye to him as he drowned in her shit and puke.

Jenny just waved goodbye to Mark when she felt extremely tired and lightheaded.  She flushed the toilet, which remarkable flushed without help, and went to bed.

The next morning she work up with a killer headache and couldn’t remember a thing from last night.  She came down stairs where she found Claire and Stephanie both with similar headaches.  They all ate breakfast in silence until she broke the silence.  “Soooo that was some party last night?”

“Yeah,” both of the other said at the same time.

“You know it’s weird I can’t remember what happened last night.  Whatever happened I now feel like I can forgive Mark for that one time he cheated on me.  You know the time we started dating.  I don’t know how but what ever happened I feel like I can forgive him for anything.”

Both Stephanie and Claire grinned at each other remembering what happened.

“You know what I’m giving him a call to tell him how much I love him.  What do you think he’s doing right now?”

Claire looked at Stephanie and looked back at Jenny, “You know, probably hanging out with his shitty friends somewhere close by.”

This story archived at