Many little things by Jack Klein

The start of a compilation of very short stories

Categories: Insertion, Giantess, Adventure, Crush, Feet, Entrapment, Vore, Humiliation Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 2828 Read: 16921 Published: April 03 2024 Updated: April 06 2024

1. Chapter 1 by Jack Klein

2. Chapter 2 by Jack Klein

3. Chapter 3 by Jack Klein

Chapter 1 by Jack Klein

“You’re having me on. Naw way is that Ethan.” She blew a quick puff of air from her cheeks, sending Ethan tumbling backwards, arse over tit. Her French tip jabbed down squarely in his chest, pinning his winded form helplessly under it. “You’re a right joker, very funny but I wusn’ born yesterday.” Her finger moved absentmindedly in a scratching motion dragging Ethan back and forth with it on the desk.

“I’m not lying, that’s Ethan”

“Are you actually having a laff. Em you are takin’ the piss. This is the guy that’s been hasslin’ yous? He’s a bug man. Why didun you just misplace your foot on top of him?”

“I could never!” Emma gasped.

“Or better, next time your gobbin’ off your boyfriend, you drop this little fucker on top of his dick and hav him spunk him down your throat” Georgia laughed. She didn’t even register the tiny limbs beating against her finger.

“Ew, don’t be gross”


“Hey! Let me up. It was just a misunderstanding. I can explain. I wasn’t staring at her, or following her, or peeping. Or any of that weird stuff” He took another breath as he rapidly tried to say his peace. “It was all that dick head Darryl. Him and the others, any chance they got they’ve been trying to get me killed by you. Like a sick game.They’re the ones that put me in your lunch, that left me in your shoe, and dropped me down your top when you weren’t looking. I swear I didn’t do any of that. Please, you have to let me go.”

His plea went unheard, disappearing under the conversation of giants above him.


“Alright so how do you wanna be done with him?” Georgia asked.

“I can’t” Emma replied, “I can’t kill a person. But if I leave him. He’s just going to keep doing it”

“So that’s why you asked me to come over?” She smiled.

“Wait! Didn’t you hear anything I said? I’m Innocent!” Ethan wailed fruitlessly. He could be as loud as he wants but unless they were in a shrink-link chat they would never hear his impish squeaks.

The nail of Georgia’s thumb slipped effortlessly beneath Ethan’s back, containing him with a pinch between two well manicured fingers.

His stomach lurched out of his body as he was jerked rapidly into the air by this unknown titan.

As Ethan’s vision settled from the sudden move he got his first look at the Washington monument of Georgia in front of him.

Dark shapely eyebrows, accusatorially arched over a set of fake lashes that curled on fleek. There was an unnatural tan and shine to her foundation. A simple stud adorned her nose and a set of glossy lips drew to a grin.

“You are such a lucky little fucker” Georgia lectured the bug in her grasp. “Any other girl wudda sqashed you the first time you stepped outta line.” The frantic wiggling sent an excitable shiver through her. She brought Ethan to her lips, engulfing him in a kiss. “Mwah!” She chuckled, “it’s a shame cus if you weren’ such a creep you’d be kinda cute”

Ethan spluttered, wiping a thick layer of gloss off of his face.

He saw the massive chocolate brown eyes flash black, like a predatory shark.

“So I’m going to give a tiny squirt like you a chance”

“ Please anything! Just don’t kill me” he cried.

“I’m going to put you where tiny squirts belong”

He saw her free hand stretching out her skirt and underwear below ready to catch him.

The fall pushed all the air out of his lungs, his terrifying plummet went unheard and uncared for.

Georgia let her underwear snap shut, reaching under her skirt she quickly found the struggling lump and guided it into the folds of her labia.

“Relax it’s just a pussy” Georgia joked seeing the look of disbelief on Emma’s face.

“You said you were giving him a chance?” Emma spoke softly.

“I did, I wanna see if he’s any good ‘n’ worth keeping. He got a hour to make me cum him out before I meet my fella. Darryl’s pretty big, so there’s no way he’s making it if he dusun get out before then”

Chapter 2 by Jack Klein

Mrs.Banks entered the room, her well fitted dress, classic style of jewellery and impeccable blonde hair, you could tell she was more than just ‘well off’.

“Please take a seat” Mr.Carter offered.

“I was under the impression the boy and his father were going to be joining us?” She replied 

“They’re already here’ Mr.Carter moved his hand over the desk gesturing to two tiny figures on top of it

“I’m sorry, is this real? I thought Maddie had been in trouble with a real boy. “Not one of these ‘mites’”

“Please take this seriously” Mr.Carter interjected.

“Maddie is a ‘Banks’, she can’t be seen to be a bug sympathiser”

“Excuse me but your daughter has been tormenting my son.” The tiny man spoke up at last.

“Tormenting?” She scoffed, “Playful teasing at best”

“She pushed him into her lunch then swished him around with a mouthful of food while she and her friends laughed!” he accused.

“Big girls play with little boys” before he could reply Mrs.Banks cupped a hand over him shielding him from view. She leaned forward naturally emphasising her bust. “Mr.Carter is this really what I’ve been driven in for today?”

“What do you think you’re doing? You can’t just ignore me like this” Mr.Grayson tugged at the enormous digits blocking his view. Her pinkie twitched, striking Mr.Grayson about the head and knocking him over.

“Surely this is a slap on the wrist, ‘girls will be girls’ situation” she continued.

“I’m afraid Mr.Grayson has been quite insistent on this meeting.

“You just hit me” Ben’s dad complained, getting back to his feet. “You saw she just hit me?”

She knocked him over again making a shooing motion with her hand. 

“Shush sweetie, the grownups are talking” she said without thinking.

“I’m a parent just as much as you are” the little man was now visibly red in the face at the humiliation she was subjecting him to.

Maddie tried to stifle a giggle, but the amusement on her face was clear.

“Maddie, darling? Can you take Ben and wait outside, while his ‘father’, Mr.Carter and I discuss this”

After the two of them had left the room Mr.Grayson matter-of-factly spoke, “I think you need to apologise to me right now”

“Me apologise to you?” She snarled ready to unleash hell at the very idea of her apologising to a tiny, “You should be on your knees, you petulant little worm. Thanking me that I didn’t squash you the second I entered the room. Even that is more than the likes of you deserve. Because that would mean I acknowledged your existence. I’ve entertained this circus act long enough.” She took out a chequebook and began writing a number. “This is how much you get in government grants from allowing one of these little ‘things’ in your school.” She added two zeroes to the end of it and slid the paper over the desk. “I trust this matter is over and you will allow us to deal with this how we see fit”

Mr.Carter’s eyes went wide seeing the extremely generous number written in front of him.

“Of course Mrs.Banks” he said, slipping the cheque into his pocket. I’ll give you the room for ten, and apologies again for your inconvenience today.”

“Wait where are you going?” Mr.Grayson yelled.

Her well manicured fingers curled around him, effortlessly cupping him into the palm of her hand as she lifted him from the table. Her other hand came into view and snagged him by his right leg. Gripping him in a pinch he was now being dangled, freely swaying in front of her giant smug face.

“As much as I’d enjoy pushing you into my husband’s cock so you can see what a real man looks like and not a whiny little bitch, you’ve taken too much of my time already and I just want to get this over with.”

She lifted him higher above her face, directly above her now widening jaws”

“What the fuck. You can’t do this. You and your daughter, you’re both psychos. Let me go you bitch. Let me go!”

And she did.

He fell with a heavy slap on her tongue that reflexively curled him back into her mouth.

A heated musty air of soup and mint hit his nostrils. His clothes were instantly soaked through by the salivating mass. He saw the light of the world disappear with her lips coming to a close. Then with a cartoonish ‘gulp’ he was forcibly pushed down her throat.

Maddie peered through the blinds holding Ben against the window so he could see too. They watched her mother give a piece of paper to Mr.Carter and then he left the room. Less than thirty seconds later she was holding Ben’s dad over her mouth. Dropping him and swallowing. 

Maddie turned to Ben, the closeness of her mouth to him emphasising the point with a gleeful whisper, “you are so fucked”


Mrs.Banks heels clicked along the floor as she walked out into the corridor. Seeing her daughter sat on the chair outside the office with Ben held in her lap, she went over and crouched down to his level so they could talk.

“Ben, your father and I have both agreed that you need to apologise to Maddie for the malicious rumours and this unnecessary scene you’ve caused today. She has a reputation and a future and well you… don’t”

“He didn’t agree you ate him!” Ben screamed.

“I can tell you’re going to be difficult. Put him with the rest of your things, you can break him at home”

Maddie spared no time in grabbing Ben, shoving him in the front pocket of her backpack and zipping it shut.

Chapter 3 by Jack Klein

Mike threw his arms up in front of his face, the only reaction he could make as Sophie replaced the burger bun back on top, unknowingly sandwiching Mike within.

He wasn’t dead centre and so managed to Army crawl his way to the edge until he had a view of the outside world again. He could see Sophie’s arms stretch impossibly far into the distance leading to a hungry face that was staring down at him.

He had really only seen her in the dark of the club before, but now they were in the light he could see her striking blue eyes, wavy blonde hair and a smile so flush with dimples it would make a cherub envious.

There was an almost angelic quality about her features, which would have been serene inducing had it not been for her quickly widening mouth coming closer and closer. Time seemed to slow in this moment and Mike, while he did scream,(he might also have called for his mommy) did also take in the once in a lifetime view. A slow pinkish-red tongue quivered in anticipation, framed by two rows of perfect white teeth, not a stain or filling in sight. He witnessed a single strand of saliva stretch from the bottom of her mouth to the roof until it became so thin in the middle it broke, a flicker of spit fell back inside her mouth, melting into her tongue. 

“Sophie, don't eat me!” He wailed.

Her teeth clamped behind him searing through the bun and top patty. With her first bite Mike was pulled inside. His sauce coated body allowed him to slip freely away from the rest of the mound of food that was already decimated by her back teeth.

Her tongue slopped down heavily atop him. With all the weight and unyielding structure of a king-size mattress. The heavy muscle pinned him in place while a bubbling froth rapidly began to rise to threatening levels. He choked down mouthfuls of her spit praying for a gasp of air, waterboarded with a cocktail of her saliva and sauces to the edge of drowning, but was sucked free and thrust into the wall of her cheek. The tip of her wandering taste continued to explore him. Still reeling from the frantic encounter, he felt the twinge of an unwelcome erection brewing, as her tongue lapped him up and down, gigantic tastebuds rolling over him started a rippling effect of excitable shivers through him.


Sophie used her tongue to prod at the seed, manoeuvring it from being wedged under gums into her cheek wall.

It was frightening at just how casually her tongue ragdolled him over her teeth. The enormity of them wasn’t lost on Mike, he knew they could snap together at any moment and it would be over.

Now with a full on fear boner, he watched in horror as a fistful of salty fries larger than trucks were being shoved through her ravenous jaws, their usual warm, comforting aroma quickly dissipated in a masticated heap as her teeth churned them to an unrecognisable paste. The sickly pulp slipped effortlessly over the back of her pink tongue and disappeared with an audible ‘gluk’ sound. Mike had no time to process the dawning realisation that he was getting a first hand experience of the ‘Sarlacc pit’, when another handful of fries were tossed over him. He was caught amongst the tussle and moved to her waiting molars. He dodged being pushed on top of her teeth and was instead shoved into the rounded edge of her tooth. The visceral gnashing of the pearly white boulders tore into the salty snacks leaving only a shredded heap.

Trying his best to avoid an imminent and incredibly painful death, he tried to clamber back atop her tongue and put as much distance as he could between himself and her ‘Mike’ crushing jaws. His hands slipped from their purchase of the undulating monster and he was lost to the floor of her mouth being smothered again under her sopping wet tongue, while she continued to eat. A dripping glob of mash slipped underneath with him, the sticky particles cloying and matting his hair in clumps before it was slurped away and vanished into the darkness.

A satisfied hum of enjoyment echoed from where it fell. 

His best plan now was to wait it out. And not a cop out of an excuse for now basically cowering with his tiny hard on under some girl’s tongue while she ate. But it would be a challenge for anyone to make him feel any smaller or more pathetic than he already did.

Bite after bite he was becoming more accustomed to her rhythmic breathing, the sound of the smacker of lips sucking in each fry and the odd gurgles and squelches that would rumble up from the back of her throat. 

“What happened to the guy you were dancing with before?” Zoe asked

“Mmmike?” Sophie spat out through a mouthful of food, “Yeah he was so cute and such a sweetheart. We were getting drinks at the bar and then I turned around and he was gone”


“Yeah his loss. I was definitely going to bring him home tonight”

“He was a bit of a short ass though” 

“Believe me if you had danced with him and felt what he had in his pocket you’d know there was nothing short about him”, Sophie said, giving side eyes and lightly chewing on the end of the straw of her milkshake and taking an exaggerated slurp.

Mike heard nothing of the conversation. Sophie’s voice was far too loud and distorted inside her own mouth and at the same time he was being pummelled by her tongue flopping up and down on him to form each word.


At last a brief reprieve arrived via a full body dip in a thick banana shake. The creamy drink quickly cooled the sweltering heat of her maw and he felt his manhood finally start to relax. The novelty was short lived, and replaced with a new terror. A series of increasingly loud glugs. Each one moving him with the viscous mix towards the man swallowing horror, the back of her throat. Mike found his feet were no longer touching the floor. Swept up in the chaotic riptide Mike was swirled around in the wash, while Sophie was savouring the last of her mouthful by playfully swishing it around her mouth.

Oblivious to the desperate fight for survival taking place on her tongue. Until she felt the little seed again. With expert precision and dexterity she guided the offending object to the roof of her mouth pinning it in place with her tongue and swallowing the last of her shake.

This story archived at