loud sigh snapped Jeremy’s attention, and he turned behind him to face the
source. High above his desk, the gigantic form of his boss, Cindy, slumped back
in her chair, a worn-out expression plastered on her face.
“Almost done!” She exclaimed,
“Just gotta get this sent off and then we can go party!”
“Hm?” Jeremy mused in reply.
“What’s going on?”
“Did you not check your email?
Ichibe is taking us all out to a local pub!” Cindy smiled, “You’re 21, right?
You should join us!”
Jeremy opened his email, scrolling
through the inbox until he saw the email. Giving it a quick scan, he turned
back to Cindy.
“Sure, I’ll be there.”
“Yay! It’ll be a great chance
for us to get to know you more!”
After a few more moments of work,
the two rose from their seats in unison. Cindy stretched for a moment before
looking down on Jeremy’s cubicle.
“Need a lift?”
“Ah, thanks, I believe Ichibe
told us tinies to meet up at the pickup spot, so if you could just set me there,
we’ll be good.”
“No problem! Hop aboard Cindy’s
taxi service, free rides for little cuties!” Cindy cheered, setting her hand
palm-up in front of Jeremy’s doorway, beckoning him to climb aboard.
Once Jeremy got situated on her
palm, Cindy’s fingers curled around him, carefully enveloping him in the warmth
of her hand. With her passenger situated, she rose from her seat and walked
from her office towards the front entrance.
After a few moments, Cindy
gently set her passenger down on the platform in front of a door by the main entrance.
“I’ll see you there, Jeremy!”
Cindy waved cutely before walking out the gigantic main entrance herself.
Jeremy turned and walked
through the smaller door, which led outside to a covered platform. Several
other tiny coworkers waited patiently outside, talking with each other or
scanning their phones. A middle-aged Japanese man turned from his conversation to
beckon him over.
“So, you’re our new intern,
Jeremy right?”
“Yes sir, that’s me!” Jeremy excitedly
“I’ve been meaning to meet with
you. My name is Ichibe Tanaka, Regional Vice President of Seijou North America.
I too just transferred into this position, and I wanted to make sure to put my
name out there as a fellow tiny and coworker. I hope you have enjoyed your time
here so far. You work under Cindy, right?”
“Yep, and she’s been pretty
good as a mentor and a boss. I’ve been enjoying working here so far and thank
you for reaching out.” Jeremy extended his hand, and the two shook hands.
“It’s a pleasure to have you on
the team, and to have someone take interest in our company. I hope you enjoy
hanging out with us tonight. These kind of after work drinking parties are
common back in Japan so I wanted to bring some of that energy back here.
Company’s paying the tab so eat and drink to your heart’s content.”
After a few minutes of idle
chatter, a young man riding a scooter pulled to a stop in front of the pickup
“PocketPassengers pickup for…
Seijou Tiny Staff?” The man read out from his phone.
“That’s us, I’ll take care of
the payment on the way there. Thanks for the pickup.” Ichibe responded,
flashing his cellphone.
“No problem, dude, I’ll extend
the bridge, just climb on in and let me know when you’re ready to head out!”
He rolled the scooter forward,
aligning the window-lined box above the rear tire with the platform. He pushed
a button on the handlebar, and a bridge extended out to the waiting area. The
tinies quickly filed onboard the box and took a seat, before Ichibe sent a
quick text to their driver.
A few moments later, the door closed,
and the bridge folded up before their driver kicked off and meandered his way
onto the road. Inside, the box was filled with a few rows of simple seating,
and Jeremy took up a seat by the window, watching the world speed by. After a
few minutes, their ride slowed to a stop outside of a small bar. Once again,
the bridge extended out, and the tinies filed off onto the tiny pickup
“Just saw your payment go
through. Thanks for choosing PocketPassengers and we hope to carry you again!”
He flashed a cheeky salute before kicking up the kickstand and speeding off
into traffic once again.
“Alright, let’s get down to
Ichibe led the group to the
tinies entrance, checking in with the waiter before the group was led to a
platform overlooking a large private room.
“Pretty cool they had a proper
Japanese-style izakaya room here. Brings back all sorts of memories.” Ichibe
commented to himself as he overlooked the paper-walled room, complete with
tatami mats and low tables. Already, a few of the human employees were seated
around the table, working on a round of beers.
“Jeremy! So glad you made it!”
Cindy cheerfully waved from the table at the figure. “Let’s have some fun!”
Jeremy simply waved in reply
before turning back to the tiny area, which was similarly decorated to the
human’s room.
“I’ll take one of these.” He
pointed to a beer on the menu before one of the other employees tugged on his
“So, you work with Cindy huh?
Lucky bastard. You get to look up at her chest every day.”
“Eh…?” Jeremy said, confused.
“I saw you on your first day,
she let you in her boobs! None of the ladies let me near their chest!” He
whined, clearly distraught.
“Guys, guys, break it up.
Darren, leave the new guy alone.” Another employee leaned over the table.
“You’re one to talk, Tim! Jennifer
sat on you that one time!” Darren replied frantically.
“Just… calm down dude.” Tim
replied and Darren turned back to his beer.
“Sorry about him. I’m Tim, in
the accounting department. You?”
“Jeremy, I’m an intern in the
purchasing and operations department. I work for Cindy over there.” Jeremy
pointed to his boss as the enormous woman poured another silo of beer down her
“Cindy’s great. Haven’t worked
with her too much but the purchasing guys I know like her.” He looked back at
Cindy. “Something tells me she’s going to be a hassle in a bit.”
“Probably.” Tim agreed.
“Anyway, have you been here before, or do you need help with recommendations. I
normally get the Gyoza and this beer here.” He pointed to the menu.
“Alright, I guess I’ll get that
then.” Jeremy replied. A few moments later, he relayed his order to the waiter.
“Jeremyyyy!!!” Cindy called out
to him from the human section. Her face was reddened and flushed, and she
stumbled as she rose to her feet. “Come hang out with meee,” she slurred as she
staggered over to the tiny platform.
“Cindy, are you ok?” Jeremy
replied. “You seem kinda drunk.”
“It’s okkkk, I’m taking a cab
back… I got some rice if you want some…” Cindy added, blasting Jeremy with
alcohol scented breath.
“Fine.” He muttered, and Cindy
snatched him up with a cheer.
“C’mon! Let’s have fuuun!”
Cindy set him down on the human
table, a crowded space of gigantic plates of finger food, towering silos of
beer, napkins and cell phones. All around him, a crowd of gigantic women loudly
socialized among each other. A towering brunette waved at him, smiling through
rosy cheeks.
“Hey! You’re the new intern,
Jeremy right? I’m Rachel!” Rachel boomed, extending her pinkie finger. Jeremy
nervously grasped ahold and shook the gigantic digit. “I work for Ichibe!”
“Thanks, nice to meet you too.”
One of the other women rushed
over to the tiny shelf before returning, delicately holding onto a miniscule
tray with a miniscule cup on it. Miraculously, nothing was spilled as she
handed it off to the waiting tiny.
“Is it good?” Cindy inquired,
leaning in to the tiny, who was able to set his tray down just in time to
stagger back from her breasts slamming down on the table.
“I haven’t tried it yet, please
be careful with your boobs.” Jeremy replied, sitting down and taking a sip of
his mug.
“I wish I worked with more
tinies, My department doesn’t really work with them.” One of the other girls
“It’s great,” Cindy replied. “I
get to see this little cutie every day. It’s like working with a little pet on
my desk.” The other girls cooed down at the minuscule guy in response. Once
again, the attentions of a half-dozen gigantic women were firmly locked onto
him keenly observing his every movement as he finished his food.
Meanwhile, the attentions of
the rest of the tinies were focused on the scene below. A mixture of
nervousness and envy enraptured them as they watched the massive women toy with
“Do you want me to grab the
waiter to get him back?” One employee asked Ichibe as he observed the humans.
“I’m going to keep an eye on
it, but I don’t think Jeremy is in danger. I might have a talk with some people
on Monday though.” He replied. “I’d tell Rachel to remind me to reach out to
him but…” He pointed as his secretary patted Jeremy with her finger, beaming
with a slightly intoxicated smile. “I’ll write a memo for it, but I don’t think
they’ll hurt him. Cindy’s a good person.”
A comment from Rachel suddenly
grabbed his attention.
“I wish Ichibe would let me do
this to him.” Rachel mused, ruffling Jeremy’s hair with her finger.
“Wait, you’re into Ichibe?”
Cindy replied, and the rest of the girls leaned in, salivating at the latest
office gossip.
“Mhm! I don’t think he views me
like that at all, but a girl can dream! He’s just so cute sitting in his little
office.” Rachel sighed. “Probably has a wife and kids at home so guess I’ll
have to keep looking.”
Ichibe blushed while clenching
his fists.
“Sir?” Tim leaned towards him.
“Don’t worry about it.”
“If it means anything from me,
I think Rachel is a lovely girl. You two would be cute together.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He
“Ok sir.” Tim returned to his
seat, taking a bite out of his food as he glanced back at Ichibe, who was
scrawling notes onto his notepad.
A few hours later back on the human
table, Cindy checked her phone.
“It’s getting late! Here,
Jeremy I’ll take you home!”
Jeremy had little time to
protest as she plucked him from the table. Cindy hummed to herself as she
booked a cab with one hand and slid Jeremy into the chasm of her cleavage.
Walls of warm flesh slightly
wicked with sweat enveloped his tiny form as Cindy absentminded fondled herself.
Jeremy found himself rubbed around, bouncing between the two enormous mounds. Despite
Cindy’s brash action, he could feel a certain gentleness in her actions.
“Ichibe! I’m heading home with
Jeremy. See you on Monday!” Cindy waved to the tiny platform.
“Yeah… we’ll be talking.”
Ichibe replied.
Cindy wandered her way from the
restaurant out to the street, where the cab driver hurriedly flagged her down and
she climbed into the back. As they drove down the street, she whispered to the
tiny as she played with herself.
“I’m so lucky to work with such
a little cutie! I’ve wanted to do this for so long you have no idea.” She mused
to herself, savoring the feeling of her tiny subordinate bouncing softly
between her breasts.
A few minutes later, they
arrived at Cindy’s house, and she fumbled with her phone to pay the driver
digitally before stumbling into her door.
“Let’s go to the bedroom.”
Cindy slurred her words as she wandered through the bedroom door. Without
warning, she grabbed Jeremy from her breasts and pressed him against her lips.
Jeremy’s body sank into the
plush, wet surface of Cindy’s lips. Alcohol-laced saliva soaked his body as the
enormous woman enveloped him in her unstoppable kiss.
Cindy staggered to her bed and
placed Jeremy down on her nightstand before crawling into bed, letting her
shoes dangle and fall from her feet as she quickly passed out. Jeremy himself
yawned slightly before laying down on the hard wooden surface, allowing sleep
to claim him as well.
Jeremy woke up the next morning
on a strange nightstand. A gigantic, simple bedroom formed the skybox of the
place he found himself in. Through his grogginess, he quickly remembered where
he was.
“Ugh…” A groan snapped him from
his concentration. Looking to the right, a disheveled Cindy rubbed her temple before
glancing at him.
“Fuck… please tell me I
“You just kinda stumbled into
your room, kissed me some, dropped me on the nightstand and then passed out.
You were quite drunk. I’m not hurt or anything.”
“I feel like shit, wow.”
“I told you to drink water. Please
go get some.”
“Can you, please?” Cindy whined
“Um… about that.” Jeremy
replied in disbelief.
“Yeah, right, tiny and all
that.” Cindy awkwardly lifted herself off the bed, pulling down her disheveled pantsuit
before gently grabbing ahold of Jeremy. Setting him on her shoulder, she
dragged herself to the kitchen, grabbing a glass from a cabinet and filling it
with water from her fridge.
“I’m sorry for dragging you
through all of this. Next time, I’ll be a lot more careful, I promise.” Cindy
said before gulping down half of the glass. “That feels much better. Are you
hungry? Can I make you something?
“If you have some bread, that
would be great.”
“Sure thing, I could use some
Cindy rose from the chair and
walked to her breadbox. Grabbing a loaf of french bread and a knife, she
returned to the table and quickly sawed off a slice, ripping a small piece for
“So… I really am sorry for all
of this. I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
“It’s… it’s ok. I’m not mad. I trust
you. It’s scary as a tiny, but out of all the people that could have snatched
me up, at least it’s you.”
Cindy sighed. “You’re a good
kid. I’ve watched you at work and you know your stuff. World needs more people
like you,” she remarked, taking a bite of her bread.
“Thanks. Truth be told, I’ve
had a lot of anxiety about my future recently. Figuring out what I want to do
and all that.”
“That’s normal, I didn’t know
what I wanted to do after graduating either.” Cindy remarked, “I kinda fell
into this job at a friend’s recommendation.”
“I thought you got this job to
work with tinies.” Jeremy replied.
“That’s just a side perk.” She
chuckled. “However, now I’m able to look back on my 5 years at the company with
pride. I’ve been able to do a lot of cool stuff, most recently taking on an
intern. That and the working with tinies.”
“You’re a good boss.” Jeremy
replied. “A lot of tinies might be afraid of working this closely with humans,
but you’ve made it comfortable.”
Cindy’s phone chimed, and as
she checked it rose to her feet. “Hey, I don’t want to take up the rest of your
weekend, ready to head home? I ordered a cab a bit ago and it’s here now. I
still need to go to the bar to pick up my car as well.” she said, as she placed
her hand on the table.
“Yeah.” He replied before
carefully climbing into her outstretched palm.
Cindy gently slid him into her
shirt pocket as she grabbed ahold of her keys, walking out the door to the
waiting cab.