Small Mishaps by Iunno

College Student named Bella has a get-together at her house but when she wakes up, they're all gone?

If you don't like scat specifically, go to chapter two.

Categories: BBW, Butt, Crush, Feet, Nose, Odor, Scat, Unaware, Violent, Vore, Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 4250 Read: 11702 Published: November 10 2021 Updated: September 22 2022
Chapter 2 by Iunno
Author's Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Part 2 with the momma baby let's go! It took a while because writing can be a slog lol This also gets nasty but not as nasty I guess

Tags: BBW, Odor, Farts, Feet, Vore, Nose

Being one to brush her teeth after she ate, Bella decided to eat some cereal in the kitchen. As she stood over the chair at the table, two of her friends were screaming trying to get her attention.

“BELLA!!” screamed Lisa. “HELP! WE’RE DOWN HERE!” As she screamed, Lin, the other friend, simply sobbed. Unlike Lisa, Lin was more of a realist. She knew they were simply much too small to ever get their giant friend’s attention.

Bella realized she should’ve got the cereal first of course, but she decided to sit down a little bit to see if she could remove the grogginess that plagued her that morning. As her plump ass descended, it was like time slowed down for the two girls. Lisa immediately tried to run while screaming. Lin looked up from her crying due to Lisa’s sudden movement.

One thing that stopped both girls from fully completing these actions, however was the smell. Bella’s ass was extremely ripe due to her not taking a shower yet. Lisa and Lin were directly under her crack so her descent wouldn’t have crushed them. Unfortunately, Lisa’s dash was stopped by her body trying to reject the odor that had invaded her lungs. She fell onto the wood of the chair and rolled onto her back coughing.

Right below Bella’s acrid left cheek.

The brunette screamed as she was pulverized under the reeking cheek, leaving Lin trapped alone between Bella’s quaking cheeks. Lin managed to quickly figure out the situation but immediately stopped thinking due to her becoming lightheaded. The air immediately became swampy and hot. She could barely breathe and her nostrils burned. As she fell to her knees, she thought about her life up until this point.

Then Bella’s ass shook once again as she farted, turning the dying girl’s girl body into a tiny black stain on the wooden chair seat.



Bella sat on her phone, her arms making a rough circle with her phone between her hand. Her pale pink nails tapping away on her phone not realizing she had entrapped two of her friends right in front of her.

Nina and Natalie were twin sisters who loved to bake. They were only acquaintances with Bella when she invited them to a party. She invited them when she went to buy something from the bakery they worked at. Now they were walking to her face cautiously.

At their height, Bella’s inhalation and exhalation felt extremely powerful. Despite this, they knew there was no chance of getting help unless they got her attention. So, the brave sisters pushed onwards. That was, until Bella yawned.

The sisters thought the winds were particularly strong before but it became insane. “NAT!!” yelled Nina as her screaming sister flew into Bella’s mouth. Natalie’s screams continued even after they were sealed behind Bella’s plump, dark lips. She begged as her body quickly dissolved and digested in the saliva on a tastebud before the bloody mix was promptly swallowed by Bella.

Nina cried for her sister before screaming in shock as Bella’s face lowered. Bella simply lowered her face on a whim but that spelled doom for the small baker as her nostrils were right above her. Nina screamed as she was quickly inhaled landing in snot. As she struggled to break free, her body started to burn. She quickly put it together from her Biology class when she was a Freshman. The snot’s protective proteins meant to neutralize germs was slowly attacking her skin. As the black-haired baker continued screaming, her body dissolved in the nostril becoming just another snotball for Bella to blow out one day.

Bella sniffed hard, raising her right nostril a little bit.



At the front door, Maddie and Maria were trying to figure out what to do. Maddie believed they should go outside while Maria believed they should try to get Bella’s help. Maria knew the adventurous Maddie simply wanted to have fun but the Latina was extremely terrified. Then they heard the sound of metal mechanisms shifting close by. Looking up and forward, they saw the door opening up and saw Bella’s mom coming in.

The woman had a good amount of weight on her. She was definitely fat after giving birth to two children and her progressing age. She was back on her trip with her son and husband, who decided to stay at her brother-in-law’s house for a while so she decided to take the car back home. She was wearing black yoga pants and a black tank top with some slides on her feet. Her hair was in a braided bun and her nails had a gold and black pattern. The gold started on the thumb and big toe and then the pattern started with the next nail being black. Like Maddie and Maria remembered, her eyes were this mystical gold. Bella’s eyes felt a little wilder? Crazy and deranged? It was like they were on fire every time you looked at them. If they were asked to describe it, that’s how they would have. Bertha, on the other hand, had eyes that felt just as wild but tamed to a certain extent. On anybody else, they would’ve felt cold and dangerous but Bertha was a very loving woman so the eyes felt very comforting. It was like being warmed by a fire you didn’t know you needed every time she looked at you.

At the time though, they didn’t feel comfort. After all, they weren’t in front of her eyes. They were in front of her smelly toes. Bertha had sex with her husband and forgoed a shower as she quickly got into the car that morning. As she closed the door, she looked at her phone and slightly stepped forward with her left foot.

Maddie screamed as the shoe descended upon her. Maria, the cautious girl she was, had started running the moment Bertha had come through the door. This created just enough distance that only Maddie’s body got pulverized by Bertha’s stinky slide. However, Maria was so small that the slightly displaced air from such a small gesture lifted her from the ground and put her between the giant woman’s dark-skinned toes in an upward sweeping motion.

Maria began to curse in Spanish as the smell started to burn her eyes and singe her nose hairs. The acrid toe sweat strung between the woman’s two middle toes in a way only one as small as Maria could see. Maria could feel her body giving out due to a lack of air but still felt the need to try and scream due to the burning pain her body was feeling. Then a drop of sweat hit her face. After that, her screams turned into gurgles as she slowly drowned and burned in the boiling sweat. Before fully dying, her body was pulverized by the subconscious rubbing of Bertha’s two sweaty, odorous, middle toes.



“Hey, sweetie!” Bertha said with enthusiasm as she walked into the kitchen seeing her beloved daughter on her phone. Bella looked up and smiled, returning the greeting. “Hey, ma! Where dad and my stupid brother at?”

Bertha leaned her butt against the counter, her black yoga pants slightly lowering themselves showing off her ass crack. “Oh, they at Uncle Mane house for a bit. I ain’t wanna wait that long so I came back with the car. I don’t wanna take nothing out though, so I’mma just wait for them to get back.” As Bertha leaned against the counter, she saw a can of whipped cream on the counter.

Throughout the discussion between mother and daughter, two other small women named Pepper and Pam decided to try and get on the white nozzle of the can. The top was off and they were hoping whenever one of the two behemoths tried to return it, they’d be seen. As they got on top, they noticed Bertha looking at them. Trying to get her attention by waving their arms, they were shocked when she reached her chubby hand towards them.

Bertha’s left hand, with sharp gold and black nails, grabbed the can and lifted it to her plump lips mid-conversation with her daughter. Not wanting any to spill, she enclosed her fat, glossy lips around it.

As Pam was trying her hardest to hold on, she screamed even louder when she saw the dark lips approach her from above. She looked forward to see Pepper and try to beg for help. As soon as she managed to squeak out a quick, “PLEASE- “, her life was extinguished. Pepper freaked out seeing this, loosening her grip on the sharp end of the nozzle. This caused her to fall on a bottom sharp end. They were horizontal stopping her fall into the giant woman’s mouth.

Of course, Bertha put the nozzle in her mouth to use it so when she pressed the button, Pepper screeched as she was pushed into the carnivorous throat and promptly swallowed.

On the outside, Bella just saw her mother put the comparatively thin nozzle between her thick lips and swallow a gigantic lump of whipped cream. Despite being fat (or big and beautiful as her mother would say), she had a sensitive stomach that reacted very easily to its new inhabitants. So, Bella was not shocked when her mother released a lip-shaking belch after strongly swallowing copious amounts of cream.

Eve and Emily, some of the last remaining few at this point were watching Pam and Pepper trek on top of the can. They were together but disagreed on future actions and split up. When Bertha showed up, she moved so quick despite being so big that Eve and Emily didn’t stand a chance.

They were sitting on the edge of the counter brainstorming. When Bertha walked up to them at extremely high speeds, they had only managed to stand up before she leaned against their general position. The small quake to the counter from her hefty ass managed to make them both fall into the sweaty chasm.

The sweat quickly assisted them down to the central area, the asshole. As they made it, they hugged each other wondering how were they going to get out of this.

Then they heard a rumble.

They didn’t hesitate to scream. They knew it wouldn’t have done any good but it was too late. Bertha farted. This had immediate effects. It burned and stunk and it was suffocating. As Bertha continued to let out gas, the woman was unaware she was cooking some of daughter’s friends alive. Her plush tummy was upset and she simply wanted to relieve it. She wasn’t ashamed to do it in front of her daughter either. It must’ve been something she swallowed.

Bella thought it was gross but she was so used to it she didn’t really mind. Especially because her mom just announced she was going to go to the living room for some alone time.

Before she left the room, her stomach gurgled loudly and she stopped due to extreme discomfort. Her eyebrows furrowed and she put her hands on her belly and grimaced. She let out a fart of extreme proportions and finished the poor girls off without realizing it. She sighed happily. Her booty felt and stomach felt nice now.

Bella watched her mom leave with a scrunched-up face. That was a bad one. A really bad one. She decided to go back to her room to freshen up and get out of the now stinky kitchen. Her mom really held nothing back with farts.

Speaking of farts, she let one last one out too as she felt it knocking on her back door. She sighed before realizing she never flushed the toilet!

She rushed back to her room to do so before her room could fill up with stench.

End Notes:

Yup! I plan on doing another chapter with a male giant but idk if I'll get to it...this is really the main meat of this story I wanted to get out.

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