Amy quickly stopped enjoying her growth... by Questathana

Written by myself and commissioned by anonymous

A possible continuation to

Categories: Slow Size Change, Giantess, Adventure, Fantasy, Instant Size Change, Teenager (13-19), Gentle, Growing Woman Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1056 Read: 2290 Published: July 08 2023 Updated: July 08 2023
Chapter 1 by Questathana

Amy continued to grow once again similar to before, but this time increasing her height to exactly forty feet tall in her backyard. Her anxiety about the situation only seemed to get worse as negative thoughts popped up in her mind one after another. Such ideas consisted of her having a lack of control over her own body which somewhat ironically made her feel quite powerless. This girl felt that without control of herself fully and the sheer size she was becoming, she could become a danger to herself and those around her. Worse of all was the fact that she might hurt her own family that was near her whom she had grown to love, so due to all of those thoughts she started to cry.

By this time, the growing gal was alone with her sister Isabel who was supposed to watch over and comfort her younger sibling. The older girl looked at Amy with a look of shock once again as she had to focus hard on her job in her mind she was set to not be paralyzed. She quickly got out her phone and texted her parents who left to get her uncle Benjamen about her sister’s recent and even more impressive growth spurt than before. After that, she put back her phone and looked again at the giant before her now feeling the water that her tears made with the bottom of her shoes absorbing them slightly. As the responsibility of her situation dawned on her and the power she possessed over the strong being before her, she decided to speak again.

“Uh, Amy can you like stop crying or whatever you big brat?” Isabel blurted out the first thought that seemed to come to her mind.

“Issy… you’re just… jealous you’re… you’re… you’re still a shortie…!” She replied slowly back with her now more booming voice crying more than ever.

“Jeez, whatever I’ll say please and stuff, and if you promise to stop crying I’ll even paint your nails! Deal?!” Her sister sighed back as she was covering her ears and attempted to avoid the growing pool of water beneath her. 

“...Okay,” Amy said a moment later after thinking about the love she had for her sibling and the desire to be closer to her. This caused her to wipe the tears from her eyes and finally started to slow down her weeping.

“Just give me a sec, alright?... And please try not to move!” Isabel said rolling her eyes a bit before going back into her damaged home, towards her room, and getting all the bright pink nail polish she could find once arriving there.

The bigger in size sibling gave the same response as before as she tried to calm herself down alone while following her older sister’s instructions. To do this she did everything from taking deep breaths, counting to ten slowly in her head to even closing her eyes and thinking of the happiest memories that came to mind. Before she knew it, she saw that family member return holding lots of bottles and brushes in her hands with just about all of them being the same shade of pink. Amy forced herself to make a soft smile as she nearly stopped herself from tightly hugging Isabel when realizing that doing something like that could seriously hurt. She was already ready and barefoot having abandoned her shoes earlier as they stopped growing with her.

The two sisters had finally started to calm down after all this as the older one even tried to mimic her sibling’s facial expression, forcing a small smile herself. Without wasting much more time she gestured for the younger one to lower her feet to the ground and explained the thorough process of how she planned to pain this giant’s nails starting from her feet. After that part was finished, Isabel started the process of painting Amy’s toenails one by one to the best ability she could. Starting from the rightmost aspect of her feet consisting of her right pinky toe to her left one on her other foot, the normal-sized sibling got to work doing her unpaid job she was not fully prepared to do.

However, this did not stop her from doing an effective job having dabbled in a bit of painting herself in her past art classes as she began to speak again by saying “...Uh how are you doing bra- I mean sis?”

“I’m doing okay… better with you here though Issy~” Amy replied with a more sincere smile this time as she looked down at her smaller sister, watching her get a more accurate job than she could due to the vastness of each of her nails in comparison to their body.

Isabel continued to paint these toenails like a canvas before her, taking her time to speak to the member of her family during this intense focus of hers as she strained to look up saying “Thanks I guess…”

“Shouldn’t I be the one saying thanks, hehe?” The younger but still bigger sibling said as even with her age could tell that her older sister really did mean to go out of her way to help and care for her, especially now.

“God, stop it or you’re gonna make me do something stupid like blush and giggle or whatever the heck you are doing now,” Isabel said meaning well as she pressed on, while occasionally coughing from the sheer amount of unhealthy chemicals she was adding before herself.

The younger sibling could tell her family member cared about her now and even most likely in past situations too while thinking about it. In return, she encouraged the older one to not push herself too much and gave her thanks while trying not to look too uncool. Even with Amy being uncertain about her growing body and the future she was able to feel better and even eventually stop crying. Isabel soon enough finished painting her nails, making them look more gorgeous than ever before. However, more important than any of that is that the two sisters had finally gotten a lot closer. They would remain this close for quite a long time, but what will happen next is the question?

End Notes:

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