Reviews For What Would You Do?
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Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 13 2016 7:01 PM Title: A Closing of Things

That's right, Adam. "Shoe" Jennifer just what you're made of!

Seriously, though: this was--at the risk of repeating myself--a refreshingly gentle-gts story. And I thank you for sharing it with us. :-)

Author's Response:

And There it is Ladies and Gentlmen! The Final Pun to finish this story. Wouldn't be complete without it! I was wondering when youd put it up.

And he will, with all his hear and sole. (Ehh? Ehh? I can pun too!)

I am actually quite happy you gave your review, I missed reading them. And thanks. Gentle can be interesting sometimes. Just has to have more to it, characters have to have different motivations. And think about it, most women who encounter a small man wouldnt just kill or eat him (to be fair, they'd also likely not abuse him as a sex toy off the bat either.) but come on, no way theyd just end his lofe roght?

Thanks for your review, hope you enjoy my future works. Have a great Day!

Reviewer: OvP Signed [Report This]
Date: April 13 2016 7:48 AM Title: A Bad Night

I like lost hope in ever seeing a new chapter :p good job

Reviewer: Rianbas Signed [Report This]
Date: April 12 2016 8:01 PM Title: A Bad Night

Hey all!

Sorry. Thats all I can say for myself. I am so sorry. I wanted to finish this so long ago. But one thing lead to another, and I have not. personal, family and school stuff came up, and I had to priorotize that over this. So I'm back, and Im FINISHING, this story. The next chapter was intended to be the last, and it will be. Adam and Amanda will have a conclusion. I am going to post that probaly later after I post this, and that will be it for a little while. I'm not leaving this site, not a chance. I have had some new ideas, and some free time before finals. But again, All I can say is sorry. Hope you guys will forgive me, and hope you guys will like the finale. 

Thank you all for waiting for me, for reading when there was nothing new up, for leaving encouraging words, and for helping to motivate me to, ya know, finish. Thank you, and have a Great Day.

Reviewer: v10ftw Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 08 2016 10:04 PM Title: A Bad Night

Amazing story. I've been checking for the next chapter for a month and I'm really hoping for more!

Author's Response:

More shall be provided. SOrry to keep you waiting for SOOOOOO long

Reviewer: 101st airborne Signed [Report This]
Date: March 30 2016 1:04 PM Title: A Bad Night

Hey i was wondering if you were going to continue the story. I was liking were it was going 

Author's Response:

Yeah. Hope you don't mind if the last one is the Finale.

Reviewer: Bob Typhon Signed [Report This]
Date: March 10 2016 1:55 AM Title: Ultimate Tasks and News of Rewards

my prediction was correct! yay :D. can't wait till the threesome! that's whats coming right?

Reviewer: Bob Typhon Signed [Report This]
Date: March 10 2016 1:26 AM Title: Finishing The Job

he goes to the other side of the panties right? let's see if my prediction is correct

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 05 2016 5:26 PM Title: Ultimate Tasks and News of Rewards

So, Amanda's finally forgiven Adam?

Oh, "Joy!"

Author's Response:

Yeah. And the joy wont stop comming. Now that Adam is devoted to his new owner, the joy will be raining down on him like a foot comng down into a pair of pantyhose for a long long day of class and a date would. (Hint, that is a lot.)

Thanks for your review, Have a Great Day!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 05 2016 4:22 PM Title: Ultimate Tasks and News of Rewards

Adam just dove in there like a champ. Isn't he afraid of it? I would be. I bet a giant vagina would look like a giant moving animal ready to eat you.

Great job on describing the vagina. It felt very realistic. Many times I see people describe it like a cave or something when their main character goes inside it. I mean, the pink, darkness, constant tightness, and that it goes on forever because he doesn't know where the end is.

Does Adam even realize that Amanda is going out with a girl? I was expecting maybe a talk with the voice where they discuss that maybe Amanda isn't interested in Adam sexually since she said she was going on a date with Jennifer.

Hmm. I sense a threesome coming up. Adam is getting lucky Friday night. Hope Amanda's feet don't ruin his day tomorrow. haha!

I like the use of pantyhose here. Also, I couldn't help but laugh when you wrote "tumble down, down, down, down". I mean, it's true, he must have been tumbling down for a while to get to the bottom. If he thought a sock was hard to climb out of, good luck with this pantyhose.

Good chapter, I can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

1- Probaly haha. But to quote the great movie Vacation, Adam has to also be saying; "This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy." WHen he is getting ready to dive in.

2-Thanks. Sme stories on here make me feel like the author might not really get what its like. (Some not all or even most) And the forever part:I mean adam is one inch tall. This is titanic compared to him.

3- No, not till she told him. That chat with the voice might come up, but in a different way. And Amanda kind of doesnt like Adam sexually. He is a toy to her. She is using him as such. I could replace Adam with a girl and Amanda would still do what she is doing to a girl. Amanda isn't seing boy or girl when the 'toy' is hers, its just a toy designed to serve her every whim and pleasure.

4- Probaly will when he is trapped in there at her 9:00 class till whenever Amanda and Jennifer get back from their date. 

5- He would need luck, but after being used as a sex toy twice today, Adam is beat. Time to hit the hey.

Thank you for reading Have a Great Day!

Reviewer: Vyse Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 05 2016 11:29 AM Title: Finishing The Job

Absolutely love this story. Love the stories where the protaganist learns to accept and enjoy his new life style. Keep it up!

Author's Response:

Thank you very much for your review, And I am happy you like the story thus far. 

I think it would be somewhat easy for a giantess to sway the opinion of a shrunken man. Just the continued assertion of her dominance over him, I personally would break within a day of two.

The new chapter is going up in a minute or two, hoe you like that one.

Thanks for your review, have a Great Day!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 03 2016 3:42 PM Title: Finishing The Job

Great chapter.

One thing though. I wish she taped him to her actual panties. Now that would be awesome.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Yeah. But you have to work a little for your rewards right? 

Thanks for your review, Have a Great Day!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 03 2016 7:25 AM Title: Finishing The Job

Now that's what I call "getting a little behind in your work."

Thank you! I'm here all weekend.

Reviewer: stargate1990 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 01 2016 10:53 PM Title: Stuck Between An Asscheek And Another Asscheeck

Finally caught up!  This is a great story, I love what is going on now!  Would be interesting to have Elana get him.  Have Amanda plant him in elanas toy drawer catch him as a perv.  He could escape and be found by a guy after.  Just some ideas,  In any case I'm really enjoying reading it!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 01 2016 8:57 PM Title: Stuck Between An Asscheek And Another Asscheeck

His newfound morbid fascination, with Amanda's posterior, reminds me of an old joke. Specifically; how NHS doesn't really stand for National Honor Society. It stands for Non-Hemorrhoid Society! As in; you'd have to be a perfect ass to join.

Thank you! I'm here all week.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 01 2016 6:58 PM Title: Stuck Between An Asscheek And Another Asscheeck

Um...couldn't the title be "stuck between asscheeks"?

"And my butt, where he seems to sleep a lot". Lol. She put him there, that's why.

Thank you inner voice for causing Adam to be stuck in her anus next chapter. (What if the voice thinks it's funny to have Adam go thru crazy experience so he tells him to do risky stuff? I bet he is laughing at Adam right now.)

Loving Amanda's confidence and desire to humiliate him. She needs to tease him tonight to humiliate him further.

Next chapter, I bet the voice will make Adam try to go as deep as he can. Make Amanda feel like he wants to stay in there.

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thanks for your Review

1- Yes, but its in the spirit of 'Between a Rock and A Hard Place." lol

2- Hey, its just an observation! Does he not haha

3- Well, he probaly does. But its being andventurous. Its to say you can't live life safe and secure. To go out and do things. You know what I mean. And he's probaly laughing WITH Adam. Adam is begining to really lose his psyche, that he is about to be put in Amanda's mouth and he isnt freaking the fuck out. Also, who is to say Adam wont grow back and laugh on this and think of it with a smile. He probaly wont, but what if.

4- She dosent like to humiliate him per say? It's her taking advantage of her authority over him. Playing with a toy when she gets out of class or out of work. Her desire stems from her wanting to dominate him, crush the humanity out of him and instil a loyalty of a toy. She is teasing him for the grand finale of Adam's punishment and the ultimate submission of his freedom to her as his owner/master/goddess whatever you will call it. This is all just how I am looking at it, your point is highly valid however. 

5- Maybe. He also isn't stupid. Again, he is the adventurous side, but he needs to be alive to adventure.

Thanks for your review, Have a Great Day!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 29 2016 8:53 PM Title: A Shower and an Agreement

Yes! Yes! Keep going with this!

I love the phrase "you excited little guy". It makes me giddy.

Also, the part where he was used as soap we awesome. I kept imagining him just sliding up and down her curves on her sexy body.

Not to mention the tape, and then the thong! It's just gets better and better! Then she wants him there for the rest of the night? Yes! Perfect!

Best chapter so far and I can't wait for the next one!

Author's Response:

1- I will, don't worry.

2- He was. The dream of mortal men.

3- Not just the night... Till like, 7-8 tomorrow. 

4- Thanks. I agree, I liked to write this one the most so far. But I feel that by the end It will still be a top ten. 

Thanks for your review, Have a Great Day!

Reviewer: edexdexx Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: February 29 2016 6:33 PM Title: A Bad Night

I like the effort for your first story. Once it's finished I'll likely give thoughts in it's entirety. But one of the strongest parts is the personification of his mental psyche, the part of him that does want to enjoy what Amanda is doing to him. There back and forth exchanges really helps add depth to his struggle.

Author's Response:

Thank you very much. I look forward to your comprehensive analysis when I finish this. 

When I was writing the story, I thought of The inner voice because I wanted Adam to have a dialouge with someone, even when he was unable to speak to Amanda. 

Thanks for your review, Hope you have liked the story so far, Have a Great Day!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 29 2016 5:06 PM Title: A Shower and an Agreement

Considering his size and the amount of jogging and aerobic exercising she did? I would have to call his acceptance of the "inevitable" the end result of a "1200 Step" program.*


Author's Response:

Oh you! *laugh track*

And 1200 step is low I think. 

Also, if you think about it, Adam's voice can be attributed to this. If you belive that Adam is still just a person, he might just be living concussed. I mean he takes crushing force on his body all day, but he gets right back up. But it's not difficult to imagine that when he hit his head, or he was getting squeezed or under a lack of oxygen or when Amanda was walking he hit his head AGAIN. So this voice could be infinite possibilities, alien infection from space that has taken ressidence in his brain, its him going crazy, a by product of a concussion, or a million other explanations. Honestly I wrote that argument a while ago. I wanted to save it till there was a good time. So Today was it. 

And yes. This is, no joke, Adam accepting this situation.

Thanks for your review, have a Great Day!

Reviewer: Bob Typhon Signed [Report This]
Date: February 29 2016 2:21 AM Title: Working Out

When it first said "girlfriend", i thought its just like a friend that's a girl. Then I saw really love her, and I got a little suspicion of what was going on, but put that in the back of my head. When I read the word "lesbian", my immediate reaction was to say "woah wtf", which was a bit awkward in public. That probably means Amanda is a lesbian too, which completley contradicts everything I thought of her because she was doing all that to Adam, but then again he's just a toy, but but but... XD


Anyways, I wonder what it will be like when Amanda goes back to being "nice". A bit strange for both of them, after what is going on right now. Saturday will be weird lol

Author's Response:

It's a little of two ideas, Adam being a toy, and amanda being bi. 

And it might, but maybe not. Amanda might treat him really nice after, and possibly, just possibly, Jen might get a little bit of time with him. That would be interesting now wouldn't it. 

Thanks for your review, have a great day!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 28 2016 10:36 PM Title: Working Out

Jen seems like an awesome character. It would awesome to have a threesome, but Adam and Amanda haven't even done it yet. (Or at least Amanda should "use" Adam soon.)

If she is that concerned about Adam's safety, I am curious why she doesn't remove Adam from her shoe when he slips under her sole. She didn't even ask if he was alright after that run, nor acknowledged that his nose got messed up. If I was Adam, I wouldve exaggerated the injury so Amanda could at least let him rest some time.

Love how you used the tape, and I hope we get more tape involved with future chapters.

I can't wait for the shower scene next chapter!

Author's Response:

1- What do you think Friday's about? It's part of that sentance back a while agao when Amanda said this is the best thing to happen to him. A toy to her. And her sexy girlfriend. But maybe Adam will get a warm up soon. But nothing can really prepare him for his 'role' Friday. 

2- She is, and she isn't. Amanda know's she can get away with a bit with Adam, she knows he is tough, surviving an hour of foot squeezing and three under her ass. SO in her mind, it never even crosses her imagination that Adam could be in trouble. Besides she's still punishing him for Tuesday.

3- I will. Maybe some you haven't meet yet.

4- Me either

Thanks for your review, Have a Great Day!

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