Reviews For Galactic Pet
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Reviewer: Kellerkid11 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: July 06 2016 1:21 PM Title: The Wake Up

Please continue I find if fascinating and I'm constantly wondering what will happen next, Amazing story!

Reviewer: Kellerkid11 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: July 06 2016 1:20 PM Title: The Wake Up

Please continue I find if fascinating and I'm constantly wondering what will happen next, Amazing story!

Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: September 21 2015 7:03 AM Title: The Wake Up

Looking forward to it...

Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2015 9:54 AM Title: The Wake Up

Thanks! You're doing great work!

Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2015 9:53 AM Title: The Wake Up

Thanks! You're doing great work!

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and enjoying it. It's good to hear from people. To know that people enjoy my books. :) Oh, and I'm working on the next chapter now. Should be out some time in the next hour or two.

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: September 01 2015 12:38 PM Title: The Wake Up

I know. I just want to see what happens next.

Author's Response:

I guessed that's all it was. but I just wanted to make sure that everyone understood. Also the next batch is in the works, but it's going slowly as I have just gotten into college. I only have one new chapter done, however I also have TWO new stories insteed of just the one. I have no idea when they'll be posted. 

Reviewer: riczar Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09 2014 7:15 AM Title: The Wake Up

The story is very interesting so far.  Like other reviewers, I'm noticing alot of spelling and grammatical errors.  Normally this wouldn't bother me too much, but there are enough of them that it breaks up the pacing of the story and makes me have to decipher their true meaning.

The laws on her world seem a little harsh.  Her apartment and her job have both threatened to kill the human.  Humans as pets must not be a usual occurence.  I'm interested to see how this goes.  Since the stories on this site are usually fetish in nature, will this story be heading in that direction, or will it be nonsexual?

Author's Response:

This story needed a lot of detail in the early chapters, because that is where a lot of big events are going to take place, not to mention I'm a hugely vision driven aurthor. And to answer your question, if you hang with the story for a few more chapters some feitsh will start to surface.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: April 30 2014 9:25 PM Title: The Wake Up

Oh and please break up these paragraphs more, it's kind of a pain to read right now. More manageable chunks would help readers draw into this without being intimidated by word walls.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: April 30 2014 9:23 PM Title: The Wake Up

I read through this and can see similar beginnings to the original Titan. But like passer said it's not the only story on this site to use something similar. There was also Final Frontier and Girl from another star, to name a few. I hope you do your own thing though, I'm sure you'll be able to put a good spin on things from here.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: April 30 2014 1:35 AM Title: The Wake Up


Really Nomad had too much sex/alchohol? There's like literally one sex scene in Nomad between Luke and Aisell towards the beginning. And another "implied" sex scene MUCH later on. Compared to Physics, Nomad is downright tame so far, remember how much kinkiness Niall/Nas had in that story, plus all the alchohol drinking when in the holodeck rooms?

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: April 30 2014 12:55 AM Title: The Wake Up

The first couple of paragraphs where rather long, but was an interesting read nonetheless. You should remember that each paragraph contains one idea, and that's when you know to start a new paragraph. For example, one idea is setting the scene and then a new idea is telling the reader a bit about Robert. The description you do have is good but it's let down by the huge paragraphs.

Reviewer: MrSirk Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 29 2014 11:40 PM Title: The Wake Up

I have no idea where this is going but I'll give it a chance.

Not bad on the descriptions but I would take more time establishing your setting. Good Luck. Keep writing.

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