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Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 24 2013 12:35 PM Title: Chapter 11: Kids and Parents

Heh very few GTS stories detail how weather could effective extremely tiny people. Even a mild drizzle could be very dangerous. But I don’t think Flonne would need a sweater since tiny people can’t contain as much heat as she can. Cold weather to them might not be cold to her. And I never thought about the society purposely providing faulty equipment to create a constant desire of need, though. An interesting theory.

A very good chapter in general but Flonne kind of stole the show with me here since I didn’t think much of her character before. I really enjoyed how she interacted with Sander’s siblings and her desire to be accepted. 


Author's Response:

Yeah I wanted to address how the tinies were able to survive despite the fact an inch of rain could be damn near deadly to them. In the city it works out as just them going inside, but outside the cities it gets a bit dicer.


As for the cold, remember that Sanders said it was cold enough for it to snow. IE it is below freezing so its rather cold no matter what size you are. Also, I am working off that heat/cold affects normal and tinies the same. IE, if its cold to Sanders it is cold to Isabella.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 24 2013 7:16 AM Title: Chapter 11: Kids and Parents

Heh! I wouldn't put it past the Society to provide weather screen generators that are barely adequate. Just so the Frontier towns have to remain partly dependent on the Shields!

As for the Thanksgiving interlude? Masterfully poignant. :-)

Author's Response:

That's not a bad theory. It does sound like something they would do...


And thanks, I was really proud of this chapter and thought a nice departure from the usual gts stories.

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