Reviews For Spy
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Reviewer: amanda Signed [Report This]
Date: February 26 2010 5:33 PM Title: Chapter 1

Wow.... Girlfood i did enjoy this i do love your tales,passion and mystery make up the suspence xx.


Author's Response: Glad you are enjoying it. Stay tuned.

Reviewer: banfield Signed [Report This]
Date: December 28 2009 3:12 AM Title: Chapter 1

 Thank you, Bob, for your reply!  Like several other authors on site, you do write thrilling yarns. Some are short and sweet, some rather long-winded but nevertheless exciting, but I do wish that the victims are not reduced to such an impracticable size so that the female can make such delightful use of her diminished victims.  Never mind my criticisms, creative or otherwise, it's always a pleasure to see your stories.

May the New Year be fruitful for you, my friend.

Author's Response: Hello sir. Thanks for the kind words. Yeah I am more into being swallowed alive so my stories tend to reflect it. I know your more of a being chewed up sort of guy so there we are. Constructive criticisms are always welcome. Happy new year.

Reviewer: timescribe Signed [Report This]
Date: December 22 2009 2:15 AM Title: Chapter 1

"And now, little friend, I have some bad news for you. I'm hungry. You look tasty. I am going to eat you up whether you like it or not,"


Author's Response: Thanks timescribe

Reviewer: banfield Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21 2009 4:23 AM Title: Chapter 1

 I've just read "Spy" and found it okay but rather disappointed that it held no sexual flavour. I have to ask you, girlfood, how can a female "taste" a victim by simply swallowing?    I saved both your tales and in the first that I have commented on, changed the little men to three inches. One inch is far too tiny unless Suzy devours them in bunches like jelly-babies - or "bears" as known in the U.S.  Now I'm going to read your second yarn.

Author's Response: Hell my old friend. I hope you enjoyed this story somewhat. Thank you for the feedback. I shall try to do better next time.

Reviewer: banfield Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21 2009 3:39 AM Title: Chapter 1

 Well, girlfood, it's so good to see you back!  I have not read your two recent tales but have saved them to read at my leisure. I hope they're as good as all your previous.  I shall return to give my comments.  A merry Christmas to you, and a happy New Year!

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