Reviews For Piece of Work
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Reviewer: Wholia Signed [Report This]
Date: October 20 2023 9:05 AM Title: Chapter 5

This was super cute and sweet. I'm really happy I read this. Thank you so much for sharing! Looking forward to the next story!

Author's Response:

Thanks Wholia! I'm glad you're liking my short stories :)

Reviewer: klinza Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 12 2023 1:39 PM Title: Chapter 4

analysis paralysis that's why she quit, i could see a crewel giantess roll up who she stops but still they wont give her a job. A bit like how they always blame vigilantes no matter what they do for the city. its a unique story though

Author's Response: Interesting take on this. Thanks for the review!!

Reviewer: Wholia Signed [Report This]
Date: October 09 2023 5:11 PM Title: Chapter 1

I'm super loving this story! It's so adorable. This is definitely my kind of story. Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to more of this! <3

Author's Response:

Thanks Wholia! I love seeing reviews from you. They always make my day! :D

Reviewer: she8sharks Signed [Report This]
Date: October 02 2023 11:59 PM Title: Chapter 1

That one hurt at the end D; all begging and everything probably had a snot bubble.. work for free.. she's got to stop thinking like that...  welp if that's a villain origin story she's bullet proof she could be up for hire for gangsters as a bodyguard or if she wants money or a bounty hunter if the gangsters refuse to pay her... There's probably alot of BBQ animals in that park now if she can't afford food haha

Author's Response:

Lol yeah, Nathalie is a good girl. She'll do the right thing even if it isn't going to help her situation.

Reviewer: she8sharks Signed [Report This]
Date: October 02 2023 11:50 PM Title: Chapter 2

She is a likable person to be honest. She could have used her size to level the beach back... Or even dig instant kid pools.. or her footprints could be kid pools. She could have taken divers out to sea and collect them. Collect animals for people to see and put them back. Caught fish for the chip shops, I agree with the people using her leg as a bridge I think the beach lost a great asset there put expensive boats in a bucket to look after. Rope swing on her hair she could soap her legs as a slip and slide a shark scare crow. So many applications for her. And the most obvious she is a quick life guard due to her size. 

Author's Response:

There were definitely more options, but then she might be told she isn't doing her job. Lifeguards have to focus on being lifeguards!

Reviewer: klinza Signed [Report This]
Date: September 18 2023 11:25 PM Title: Chapter 1

she is a bit of an adorable clutz, i kind of want to see her accidently eat or drink her boss... well ex boss.. she could try transporting lilis as she would be fast. getting rid of pest creatures, being a cruise in the water. taking people on tours. of course it all has to go wrong each time lol 

Author's Response:

That's a good idea! I considered it when planning chapter 4, but my other idea won out in the end. Glad you find her character appealing :) 

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