Date: February 09 2025 4:11 PM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Liking the male giant stuff!

Date: February 05 2025 2:18 PM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Note a fan of male giants but happy to see that the story continues.

Date: December 31 2024 3:37 PM Title: Chapter 4 – A Night at the Opera
Thank you for writing this new chapter!
I have been waiting for someone to finally introduce a Brazilian giantess into this story. I almost thought everyone overlooked this huge country.
Sadly mama didn't get any torture time with any tinies, what a pity. Now she will have to search the city for one.
Also, I was rooting for the metal structure to collapse the entire time, but it seems that the Austrian construction won this time.

Date: December 27 2024 6:04 PM Title: Chapter 4 – A Night at the Opera
Nothing like another addition to the fun -- and she might be even more cruel than the two Americans. :)

Date: December 24 2024 1:46 AM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Love to see this series continued. Interested to see what Ivis and Fernanda plan to do together ;)
Date: December 23 2024 7:48 PM Title: Chapter 4 – A Night at the Opera
I absolutely love this story, it's probably my favourite one on this site as of now, they're so cruel and casual about killing <3 And as a Brazilian I loved that you included an evil brazilian character.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much! I hope I could do Brazil justice ;)
Date: November 03 2024 3:47 AM Title: Chapter 3 – Zweierlei Dinner
You took me by surprise XD
I wasn't a huge fan of the Tourists universe before but you turned that around for me. WOW this story is just...WOW.
The descriptions are gripping and visceral, the characters are fantastic in their own right, I'm loving this tour through Vienna! You have now made it on my "Authors to Look Out For" list and I will be reading anything you make in the future! Hope to see this story continue!
Author's Response:
Thank you for your nice words!

Date: October 02 2024 9:09 AM Title: Chapter 3 – Zweierlei Dinner
In love with this story! Extremely well written with detailed cruelty and destruction. I'm a huge fan of the second chapter where the nonchalant/dominant mother and the sadistic/playful daughter are walking through the streets - their chemistry is perfect. I also think the giantess size is perfect, big enough to cause problems but not too big where they're basically disconnected from it. Seriously good stuff, excited for more!
Author's Response:
Thank you! I really appreciate it!
Date: October 01 2024 9:12 PM Title: Chapter 3 – Zweierlei Dinner
Grat addition for a great story

Date: October 01 2024 7:57 PM Title: Chapter 3 – Zweierlei Dinner
Thank you for writing this! I like this series.

Date: October 01 2024 1:12 AM Title: Chapter 3 – Zweierlei Dinner
Very good, Mr. Benjamin.
But what happens when Russians, Canadians, and Chinese visit the U.S.?

Date: September 13 2024 10:01 PM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
I read this story when it came out, and I didn't leave a comment! That's my bad! The whole, tourist-genre has been hit or miss for me. This one is definitely a hit, and it's mainly because of the MCs. I just adore uncaring, bratty giantess-types that have zero empathy for their victims. This story is great for that. Thank you for sharing!
Date: January 16 2024 8:25 PM Title: Chapter 2 – Family Business
Wow! I love this story! The 2nd part is also really awesome! I love how the story is based on real places. Great work! Keep Going! :D
Date: October 07 2023 10:58 PM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
I had assumed that this story had been abandoned, so I was very surprised to see it pop up in the recent section, very glad to see that it did since it's one of my favourite stories on here~!
The casual derision of the value of human life by the two giantesses combined with the expertly executed nationplay makes for a truly excellent scenario, and the character actions make sense for the types of people they are, a careless teenager and entitled middle-aged woman, while also being immensely hot~
I also love Vera’s little idiosyncrasies like getting mad at the dog-kicker or pausing her rampage to flirt with a guy, makes her feel like an actual person in a world with macro aspects rather than a generic evil giantess. Her interactions with her mother are also great and natural while causing a healthy amount of suffering for the people beneath them :P
All in all, a story with an excellent concept and execution~!
Date: October 07 2023 5:09 AM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Greatly enjoy anything from the “Tourists” world, this new chapter is no exception. Great writing
Date: July 19 2022 5:33 PM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Would LOVE to see new chapters of this!!! I really like it

Date: July 04 2022 5:28 PM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
This story is awesome and well written. I really enjoy the descriptions and size comparisons, and particularly the world-building. Hope you're able to make more.
Date: June 02 2022 12:22 PM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Wow! This Story is just perfect for me!
I absolutly love the style how you write and i love the character traits of the two giantess. You descripes all details so that i feel like a part of the story and thats great!
Also I like your usage of the local sights in Wien and the german speeches of the local people. I'm from Germany and I can understand that ^^ Its really nice to follow the path of the two giantess on maps in the capital city of our neightboor country :D

Date: January 22 2022 9:41 AM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Thank you for writing this story, I like it a lot. It’s fun how it looks like the daughter is just being a brat in the beginning and trying to hide her shenanigans from her mom, only to reveal that they both completely disregard Tinies. I’m looking forward to the next installment.

Date: September 27 2021 3:11 AM Title: Chapter 1 – The Ring
Having reread the story I understand I misread it in my other review. I think this story is great and it's great to see someone using my universe for their writing. Love how you have established some historical lore as well, even if it strays slightly from what I had planned for the universe.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the nice words!
Consider it classic fanfiction, notihing is really canon here :)
I was introducing the lore for two reasons: a) to have the story set in Vienna and still have a good size difference, and b) I found the historical implications of the country=size idea very intriguing as it incentivizes nations and people to form cultural unions rather to seek independence.
At any rate, I'm looking forward to a new chapter from you to your original story! ;)