Reviews For Drive-through
Reviewer: kbDArt Signed 

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Date: April 07 2023 6:57 PM Title: Drive-through
Author's Response:

Date: April 07 2023 6:57 PM Title: Drive-through
I like the story about the two innocent students getting scooped up and shrunk down by the evil Vortex Company. Unaware is good, but it might have been even better if she had recognized or thought at least one of the shrinkies looked like one of her students, possibly reflecting back after eating them.
Author's Response:
The reason why I made Birgit not aware of her two former students is that she probably wouldn't have eaten them if she had realised who they are. Other characters in this setting might have, but I don't picture her to be like that. She does actually think of them later in another story though ("A Balanced Breakfast").
Reviewer: 2997 Signed 

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Date: January 08 2022 3:03 AM Title: Drive-through
Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you very much for the review and the five stars! :)

Date: January 08 2022 3:03 AM Title: Drive-through
Great story
Author's Response: Glad you liked it! Thank you very much for the review and the five stars! :)