Reviews For Magnification Week
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Reviewer: eve Signed [Report This]
Date: June 29 2023 1:19 PM Title: Day 1 (160cm < 180cm)

I wish we had growing mothers too

Reviewer: Saturn Knight Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: July 31 2022 1:55 PM Title: Day 3 (15.3m < 15.8m)

It's good to see another chapter of this story. i do wonder where it's going and how big they are eventually going to get. If I recall, Yae and Touya have those devices where she can shrink back to normal, but he shrinks in relation, which means there is potential for them to seem even bigger from his point of view. Anyway, looking forward to seeing how the story develops.

Reviewer: Saturn Knight Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 29 2021 11:33 PM Title: Day 1 (160cm < 180cm)

Really nice to see the story return. Both Reduction and Magnification stories give me anxiety like no other story ever has. Despite the very unrealistic premise, there's something very realistic and relatable about it. Keep up the great stories. Super invested.

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 05 2021 11:14 AM Title: Day 1 (160cm < 180cm)

Wow hope to read about the phase 2

Reviewer: Darrennick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 14 2020 1:00 AM Title: Day 1 (160cm < 180cm)

I am assuming the girl would grow up to 1,000 times their size, there could be a scene where Aoi uses the link and speck size compared to the other girls unable to grow back due to the watch not working with the Mc much smaller. 


There is a few scenes which this can work on like the Mc getting lost in another girls shoe and yae finding him or being stuck in a bento with even the smallest of food towering over him.


I like link concept and I hope it is expanded on or used more.

Reviewer: foreignkanto Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 11 2020 6:29 PM Title: Day 2 (342cm < 377cm)

I really liked Reduction Week, and I'm enjoying this story as well. It's really cool that with these set characters we're able to experience basically all the possible size differences in one story. Watching the girls slowly become increasingly larger and more controlling with the boys is great. Once they get too big for the normal classroom it'll be really interesting, seeing as this time I imagine as one of the only guys to sign an exception, our main character will be one of the only small ones this time, and get a lot more attention.

Author's Response:

Yup. Touya's going to have to interact with ALL the girls in class as the smaller guy this time.

Reviewer: G Man Signed [Report This]
Date: August 25 2020 6:10 PM Title: Day 1 (222cm < 248cm)

This was a fun and excellent chapter and I believe you got the urban right for the most part🤗

Author's Response:

Yay! Making use of that tale has been something I've been wanting to do so I'm glad to hear from others that I'm not screwing up the source badly.

Reviewer: Exosaur Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 03 2020 5:43 PM Title: Day 1 (160cm < 180cm)

I was so hyped looking forward to this magnification week, great as always, Jelly, I love your work! 

Author's Response:

Thanks Exosaur! This'll be just as long as Reduction Week if not slightly longer if my writing stays true to the original plan.

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 03 2020 2:20 PM Title: Day 1 (160cm < 180cm)

Here it is, my favourite writer. 

Author's Response:

Thank you!!!

Reviewer: Mad57Ms Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 03 2020 12:14 AM Title: Day 1 (180cm < 208cm)

Yeah! Second part! I wasn't expecting it so soon and I have to say I really like how it starts.

Author's Response:

Thanks! This is a series I write when I can't sleep, so chapters get written in bursts!

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