Reviews For Anna's Story
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Reviewer: DrawingPlayful Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06 2017 6:58 PM Title: Chapter 1

I'm sorry but this is unreadable.

I cannot tell who you are talking about when you constantly call all characters "he" i don't know if you're talking abput Kice, David or Anna. it's atrocious writing. You really should get someone to proof read your writing if you aren't going to do it yourself.

Reviewer: tstar Signed starstar [Report This]
Date: March 15 2009 5:42 AM Title: Chapter 1

very confusing.the brothersname changed?it would have been better as a slow growth story. and she could learn how to control her thing i liked is it wasn't demeaning of her brother.i really hate the use and abuse of men. it belongs back in the 60"s feminist for a lot of us all is different now.


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