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Reviewer: gtsfan91 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 09 2018 8:29 PM Title: Chapter 1

*dances with joy* I was secretly hoping you would begin a new mm, and damn, what one. I could already see one new favorite story arising on my list ha. I can see so many great chapters in this story. The Sammy plot was somehow forced into a corner, like you said too yourself, but this is totally open for countless of great scenarios. I have to say I like the idea so much how this boy is aware, compared to Sammy, it adds a different concept to the story. Meaning he is aware, but could transform others and then put them into food or parts, where his roommates are totally unware, that would be hot as fuck. So maybe Ashley is sadistic?? And hes also maybe lacking empathy like a psychopath, meaning he has no way to emphatize with others and dont feel any emtions or realze how horrible it would be for them. I liked the part wehre he was just shurring and the reason was, he was just bored, haha. Cant wait for the next parts. So happy you decidied to write another like this one.

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