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Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 13 2014 7:00 AM Title: Spell 8 - The Vampire

Sorry, I watched a super sad movie last night and I wasn't paying attention...


I liked this chapter. It wasn't mindblowing, but it was a good infodump. And characterized Marietta well. The only thing that throws me off is Silestria's treatment of John. Cultural differences are weird.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: December 11 2014 7:04 AM Title: Spell 8 - The Vampire

Good to see you back and it's quite the chapter, with John, Thayna and our newest character Katie all in seem kind of trouble!

Guess this will all converge in the Crushworks, can't wait to see what you have planned next!

Author's Response:

Thanks Nostory! Good to be back :) Things are definitely heating up in the next chapter. We'll see how the gang deals with things then :)

Reviewer: soniti54 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 01 2014 9:14 AM Title: Spell 7 - Unkindly Guests

Excellent! The story is going at a good pace, the characters are well rounded, and they have very distinct character development!

I hope to see more chapters in the future!

Author's Response:

Thank you for for your kind words! I always try to keep my stories interesting with my characters, so I'm glad you like it!


I update quite infrequently with my current study schedule, but I always try to squeeze in a few words into a new chapter whenever I can! Please look forward to the next chapter!

Reviewer: soniti54 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 29 2014 8:16 PM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

Great introduction and first chapter! I was skeptical about the theme, but this looks like a great adventure story! I'm intrigued!

That said... On to reading the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading! I'm more comfortable writing fantasy stories, so I chose to write a gts story in that genre :) Hope it holds water for you!

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: November 23 2014 9:55 AM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

 For an incomplete chapter the cliffhanger you left really shocked me. Is it the sound of John's body breaking or has someone intervened to save our poor human? 

Glad to see you updating, a little more than a week before I can start writing again!

Author's Response:

John's merely had a career change; from mage attendant to footwear :) 

I've been busy throughout the month, but I do occasionally find time to write during my daily commute. Though, even then,  I've been distracted by worksheets or my 3DS at times, so I don't write as often as I could :s Next chapter will have to come later than sooner I'm afraid, but I haven't abandoned writing them yet :) Looking forward to your update too! 

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 22 2014 7:24 PM Title: Spell 7 - Unkindly Guests

And that's when John died. Silestria not wanting to be embarrassed, never spokd the truth and left Mordrell in silence. Thayna, in a panic for the loss of her not-boyfriend John and enraged by the abuse humans have suffered within the kingdom, confronts the Vampire Mage Queen, and things go sour. Farum and Mordrell go to war, and thousands of people die in the conflict.


Author's Response:

That's totally what's going to happen :p Embroilled in a war of sizes, Thayna becomes a warlord and eventually triumphs over Mordreel. This earns her the nickname 'Vampire Slayer', but just as things were looking up, a portal to another dimension opens and Buffy steps through as a giga and yells, "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!" And stomp goes Farum. The end! Thanks for reading guys, I hope you liked how The Magister Gigantique ends! See you in another story!


Aha, if only I had the guts to write something like that :)

Reviewer: Darien Fawkes Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 05 2014 6:53 PM Title: Spell 6 - Numbered

Finally caught up . . . . . . . . . . yeah, I'm liking this a lot.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading Darien :) I'm glad you liked it!


I'm sorry to everybody else who have been waiting on an update, but I've had a lot on my plate recently >.< Missing deadlines meant things snowballed, and I've even had to go back to my campus on weekends to finish up my work :( Thank you for your patience, and I'll be sure to write a new chapter when things go my way!

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 19 2014 6:03 PM Title: Spell 6 - Numbered

No. Don't do it, John!

This chapter's very interesting. Either it's completely inconsistent with what was established with the magi population of Mordrell, or it is a trap, and he should get out of there now. Or the third option, which is absolutely everybody has more than one dimension  to their personality, and I'm in for a great time. Eh... probably the second option.

Author's Response:

Hehehe.... We'll see :) I'll be going more into the mages in Mordrell in the next chapter, so look forward to it! 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 19 2014 8:55 AM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

Maybe pampered is the best word, she does not come across as spoiled but being the baby of the family has left her sheltered from a lot of the realities of the world. 

Author's Response:

Yup :) Baby's gotta face the world now, though! 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 19 2014 6:46 AM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

Thayna strikes me as a little naive but I guess this is part and parcel of growing up, you got to learn that the world is a dark and scary place. Curious to see where John will go with this.

I am not against romance between John and Thayna or it could be someone else in the mix but either way you're making it very interesting. 

Author's Response:

She's a spoiled girl, haha :p Most affairs in Farum are left to her other family members, since her magic was weak at the time, so she's really been pampered when it came to responsibility. Now that she's left, though, she'll need to learn, and fast!

Reviewer: Darien Fawkes Signed [Report This]
Date: October 11 2014 11:35 PM Title: Spell 2 - The Fire Sisters

Do a lot of people a huge favor and keep writing this story. Unfortunately it's too late for me to read anymore beyond the second chapter. But I'm really loving this, so much. 

I'm really into fantasy genre, I'm in the middle of reading The Wheel Of Time series right now. You pull it off so well it's incredible. You have just the right blend of story telling an eroticism, something I can't pull off. The scenes with the foot action and the mouth play are awesome, and I hope there is a lot more of Thalana's feet.

But at the same time you have a world that is really well established and in depth characters. All in all keep this story going. I can't wait to finish it.

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading, Darien! I tend to take a bit long to write my chapters, but I'm definitely still writing! I personally don't know if what I'm writing actual makes for good erotica, but I always do try to make my stories entertaining, at least. I'm glad it worked out for you! xD I'm in the middle of writing a new chapter, and will most likely have it posted within the week. Please look forward to it!

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: October 05 2014 8:57 PM Title: Spell 5 - Enter Mordrell

You'd think they would take better care of their humans but dayum son, this is some bleak shit! Guess Thayna is now seeing a more accurate picture of how humans are treated!

Author's Response:

Farum really is the exception with how mage-centric the other countries are. Mordrell just happened to be in the extreme end of the spectrum, but we'll see how things go for John and Thayna :) 

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 05 2014 3:29 PM Title: Spell 5 - Enter Mordrell

 Is it? Is this place actually the worst? Or is there going to be a worse place?

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading chrlorez! Mordrell's pretty bleak for a human to live in, but why would anybody even consider staying there? Maybe it's not so bad after all :p

Reviewer: The Shrunken Scholar Signed [Report This]
Date: October 05 2014 1:38 PM Title: Spell 5 - Enter Mordrell

Another great chapter! I really liked seeing a new country and more giantesses. The characters and the world you created are fantastic. So Marietta the Vampire is in charge of Mordrell? I'm curious how she got that name. Can't wait for more! :D

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading! I've got something special saved up regarding Marietta's title, and it's not of the Twilight sparkly variety :) Look forward to it! 

Reviewer: Casanova Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 28 2014 10:24 AM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

SoleEmbrace, this is a very cool story that you've got going here, and I'm enjoying it very much. The world you've built is quite captivating, and it's clear to see that you enjoy that sort of thing. More importantly, the characters are likable and multi-faceted. I can tell I really like a character when I think about him/her during the day when I'm just out and about, and that definitely holds true for your characters.

There's not much to criticize, but one minor thing I noticed was a bit of minor inconsistency with the dialogue. I think a character even mentioned it in an earlier chapter: basically, the dialogue seems to go back and forth between the medieval, stilted style and more modern, easy-going language. It's not a big deal, but it is something that sort of took me out of the story at times.

Either way, the story is still excellent. The premise is very cool, and it just so happens to line up well with the things I like (fantasy stories and hot foot action). Looking forward to more!

Author's Response:

Thank you, Casanova! I have to admit, the change in tone went right over my head when I did my proofreading. Just goes to show you should never just read through sentence by sentence while editing! Thanks for pointing it out! And glad you enjoyed my story!

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2014 7:39 PM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

Your answer is completely satisfactory and totally makes sense to me. Thanks.

Author's Response:

Glad to hear it :) See you next chapter! 

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2014 2:32 AM Title: Spell 4.5 - Thalana's Corner: Farum

Adorable and intriguing world building chapter. Plus, great character insight of Thalana. This is seriously a great and unique chapter. I haven't seen a scene multitask like this so well ever on this site before (but I only joined in February, I think). If I wasn't so liberal with the five star rating, my rating would have more meaning. 6/5 stars. Buuuuuut...

I'm pretty sure that any settlement that can not only not yield enough crops to sustain itself, as well a rely on trade to supply themselves with meat would probably not be a sprawling center of trade. Even if they were able to profit themselves as miners to the extent of being one of the wealthiest nations, the lack of self-sufficience would create a huge amount of starving lower income citizens. Unless they also practice pastoralism (like they raise sheep and goats). Or have an extremely high demand for miners in which everyone works in a mine, along with the fewer artisans and merchants. Or this world has factories. Or the population is very small. Or this society is fairly socialist. Otherwise, I see this metropolis being pretty slummy.

Of course, magic so whatever. It's still one of the best chapters ever in terms of mixing exposition, framing and character development with very little forcing any element.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading! I'm not very well versed in macroeconomics, and I haven't thought about how the economy would work, but I do live in a country with the exact same problems you described with Farum, so I'll give it a shot! The basis of Farum's self-sufficiency is trade, and while rare metals are a part of the driving force behind its market, the real trade comes from Farum's ability to process raw materials into crafted, higher value commodities. Wheat would become bread, wood would become pillars, and metal would become tools.


For a city to be able to do this, the citizens need to be skilled and educated, ensuring that whatever comes from Farum is of high quality and desriable to its neighbors. And the Farumers have an edge in that they're not as bothered by the presence of mages as other countries, so they're free to teach their young from an early age instead of attending to the mages. So what Farum initially traded for in gold and platinum, they convert into things of more value, and they begin selling those back to the merchants who come into the country, too. Its a mix of industry and trade that drives Farum, and as more merchants are attracted to the country, there would be a surplus of goods, allowing Farum to achieve its self-sufficiency.


As for how the citizens could afford to live in Farum, as highly-qualified craftsmen and merchants, their talents are highly regarded in the region, and earn more than the average worker does. Those who don't are sent to labor in the ivory terrace, where their service is repaid with by being taken care of. 


Hope that's at least an acceptable answer :) Even without its own natural resources, Farum could still survive by making its citizens a resource, training craftsmen to convert raw materials traded into manufactured goods traded out :) 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: September 25 2014 1:10 PM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

I like this latest chapter, it adds humanity to the giantesses who apart from Thayna seemed a little one dimensional. Good move on your part, looking forward to seeing more from you, my fellow countryman!

Author's Response:

Thanks Nostory :) I'm having fun reading your new story as well, so let's both keep at it~

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2014 5:39 AM Title: Spell 4 - Farewells

Let the journey begin. Seriously, I really like John. He's surprisingly kind in a natural way. He enjoys the simple things in life, and cares about the people around him. Also, I really like the Fire Sisters. All of them. Even the mother. I'm super excited about what is coming next!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading! I'm not done with the Fire Sisters just yet :) Though John and Thayna are going abroad, I've still something in mind for the two of them back in Farum~

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2014 8:26 AM Title: Spell 1 - A Whimsical Meeting

That's cool to know. Who woulda thought I'd meet another Singaporean here. 

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