Reviews For Downtrodden
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Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 26 2014 1:43 AM Title: Dolls

Great chapter. Sucks being Alvin, but I can only assume he has hit rock bottom now. So I guess things are looking up? 

Author's Response:

When you're at rock bottom, the only direction is up. It definitely sucks being him right now, I would not trade it for all the giantesses in the world. 

Reviewer: Flaming_Heart Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 25 2014 11:16 PM Title: Dolls

Wow, that chapter was a emotional roller coaster. Perfect nice a long chapter, with perfect editing.

Author's Response:

 The previous three weren't long but when I get the inspiration, hitting the 4k mark is not difficult at all. Glad you liked it and how the story appears to be living up to the hype so far.

Reviewer: Darien Fawkes Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 25 2014 10:37 PM Title: Dolls

I have to admit, at first I was extremely pissed off at Cassie. I'm pretty sure what she just did is a crime on several levels, or at least should be.

Speaking of which, why is there a group advocating for women's rights? Seems to me like the women in this world need the least amount of help. 

But in the end everything came together perfectly. Alvin had a mental breakdown and Cassie recieved the full force of his rage, something she probably needed. Maybe now she'll just stick to giving jerks a stern talking to instead of a good 'ol fashioned kidnapping. The beautiful thing was his rage felt very real and natural, and Cassie didn't know how to handle it which also felt real.

Now I'm wondering what's going to happen to Wendy.

Author's Response:

It probably is, the pain she inflicted on those boys but I think it's too early to judge Cassie, this is only the second chapter she's been around.


I thought the punishments might have across as too cheesy or even over the top but I am glad to see that you liked how it all came together. Alvin is no jerk and trust me, there'll be ample opportunity to look at Cassie's former boyfriends. I am impressed that the rage came across as real and natural, I was really worried it wouldn't even feel real at all. 

Wendy? You'll find out soon. 

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 25 2014 9:08 PM Title: Dolls

This was an amazing chapter once again!

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response:

Thank, just hoping that Alvin makes it out sane.

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 22 2014 4:12 PM Title: Early Morning

So, any idea when the next chapters gonna be out? According to vgiv, it sounds like it might be a while, as you're working on another story?

Author's Response:

I've already finished chapters 4 and 5 so I can have them sooner than expected. I'm working on The Escape Redux, a rewrite of my first story and if you like you can give it a read. I haven't updated in over a month so I'd like to get the next one out. 

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 22 2014 7:41 AM Title: Early Morning

Teah, after posting the review, I see in probably should've posted something other than "mixed size".

Author's Response:

Either way, I agree with you that I can't wait to see the sequel. 

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 4:06 PM Title: Early Morning

@Darien Fawkes, BTW, are you still working on a sequel to your own mixed size school story, "Who's the Bigger Person"? I loved that one! :)

Author's Response:

It's not really mixed size when it is just one giantess. Kind of like saying my first story is a mixed size one. Having said that, I am eager to see the sequel, whenever it comes out. 

Reviewer: Darien Fawkes Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 11:37 AM Title: Run Alvin, Run!

This chapter did a great job of showing what Alvin must endure on a day to day basis. I'll admit, if I was Cassie I'd be more concerned that a little man was tied up and gagged rather than nail him as a pervert. But I also understand she was too angry to think straight so it's not really a problem for me. Plus Alvin shouldn't of peeked. I know the temptation was great but I doubt it could be worth your life.

As for Cassie, I'm hoping I'll like her. I don't know if Wendy has any redeeming qualities but Cassie seems pretty cool, just in a temporary bad mood.

And finally I read your comment with chlorez. I also always put myself in the main character's shoes. Despite what I wrote about in my last story I am extremely against suicide. Still, if I was Alvin, my first idea of getting good with Cassie would have been to break down crying and then tell her she'd be doing my a favor if she crushed me. Overly dramatic? Definitely. But would it have made her pause and think twice? Possibly.

Anyway I'm loving this story so much and it's only been three chapters. Great work.

Author's Response:

I don't think he was at fault for looking but I don't agree with him not averting his gaze. You'll have to wait and see what I have planned for Wendy's relationship with Alvin. Glad you like Cassie, I put a lot of thought into her. 

I actually assumed you battled suicidal thoughts in your last story and bullying for your first, the latter because it was so engaging that you drew from real life. That could work, Cassie doesn't seem to be a sadistic girl but that might saying too much already....or is it?


Thanks for the compliments, hope you enjoy the next chapter. 

Reviewer: vgiv Signed [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 10:11 AM Title: Early Morning

Nostory wrote the plotline and chapters. I just had the idea for the whole series. We check and edit each others work. I write a few scenes. A decent part of the second chapter was done by me, due to a world building issue. Other than a few I do, Nostory does all of the work for this story. I only step in if something is wrong with how something is explained in the world.

So technically, we are we are not doing the stories together, in the sense we wrote chapters together, but we do in the sense that it is a collaboration for the series. So yes and no, if that makes any sense. How would you explain it, Nostory?

Author's Response:

You more or less summed it up.

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 9:31 AM Title: Early Morning

@Vigiv. Are you and Nostory doing this story together ?

Author's Response:

No, this is my story but I've chosen to set it in the Intersizables world. vgiv critiques my writing and points out any contradictions with the rules of the series as well as anything he doesn't like. If I disagree, we debate it before one of us gives in and then I either change it or do nothing. I don't think we could co-author a story, I'm more of a gentle gts fan while he leans towards the dark. It wouldn't be impossible but the contrasts would be telling. 

Reviewer: vgiv Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 8:56 AM Title: Early Morning

I just realized how much work I'll need to do.... I can easily imagine this happening at my high school. Once a kid got chased by seniors into the boys locker room, and then tied him to the urinal, which happened to be overflowing. 

The tight hallways, lockers, people stopping to chat in the middle of the hallways while I'm struggling to get past them, all accurate.

And yes, I have plans for Katharine. But won't reveal anything as of yet....

Author's Response:

Yikes, I hope that kid got out fine. 

I am glad I got the details right, this world you made deserves to be described to the fullest. 

Reviewer: MrSirk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 8:45 AM Title: Run Alvin, Run!

I kind of feel for Cassie. I mean geez Katherine where the hell did that come from? I might have to reavaluate what I think of her character? Anyway pretty good chapter I really hate that Alvin is on the hook for Cassie's misdirected anger but hey whatcha gonna do? 

Also Alvin is pretty dumb to pick on a girl's body image issues when she's twice his size and strength..just sayin. 

Author's Response:

I would like to say more about Katharine but her story has yet to be told. Plus vgiv has plans for her....bwahahahaha!!!!

Alvin just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, Cassie hasn't had it too good either. 


Yeah but how many of us think straight when we're angry? Alvin ain't too different from the rest of us. 

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 7:20 AM Title: Run Alvin, Run!

This was a great chapter... Can't wait to find out what's in store for Alcib!

Would also be kinda neat to see how classes and stuff hoe for him at school... That is, if he ever makes it back there alive! :)

Author's Response:

Thanks, hope he does survive, I do want to show how school is like for people in this world. 

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 6:42 AM Title: Run Alvin, Run!

Ok, great story so far! But now I just want to read the next chapter. Poor Alvin can't catch no breaks.

Author's Response:

There is a break...but he might not want it. 

Reviewer: SpookyTaco Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 5:18 AM Title: Run Alvin, Run!

Hmm, yes, I have to agree with gadget. Of course, I'm more of a gentle giantess fan myself, so I'm biased. :) Poor Alvin can't catch a break.

Author's Response:

I won't disagree with you on Cassie's thoughts, she definitely wasn't thinking straight. A good girl having a bad day has enough and a good boy having a streak of bad luck that makes Bad Luck Brian look good, Wendy must be thrilled with herself. 

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: September 21 2014 4:23 AM Title: Run Alvin, Run!

Okay, so Cassie sees Alvin tied up, and the first thing that runs in her head is, "this little pervert is into bondage!"...

Kind of unrealistic if you ask me. I think if he would have somehow escaped from his bonds and THEN they caught him, it would make sense to pin him as some kind of voyeur.

Anyway, I guess that bit of weird logic allowed for setup of further plot down the road, so its not too bad. The rest of the chapter was awesome though, as expected for you!

Author's Response:

She's had a bad day, wasn't thinking straight, irrational thoughts tend to either create storylines or expand on them, it'll be fine. Alvin should be fine too. I hope.

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 20 2014 8:30 AM Title: Shit Happens

I have a sick habit of getting into giantess stories involving a fairly depressing main character who is mercilessly abused over the course of the story. Because I always have the naive optimism that maybe, just maybe, this story will focus on the character overcoming these obstacles using the powers of persuasion or trickery. Or maybe they go too far and guilt will overcome the people torturing him. Or even the bullies actually have a crush on the main guy. Just anything to change this kid's luck before he reaches the point of utter anguish and perpetual misery.

My point is, in a GOOD story where humiliation is a common theme, I put myself into his shoes, and my emotions tend to run high. In a GOOD story, I do NOT want the character driven to the point that I am seriously suggesting suicide is a good way to end his torment (or at least faking his death). I don't like being depressed.

Your story is REALLY GOOD so far. I'm afraid of what's coming! In a good way. I hope...

Author's Response:

THANK you! 

I also have that same habit of putting myself into the shoes of the main character, not necessarily in the humiliation stories but it is a general thing, especially if the main character is a guy. I can't tell you what Alvin does or what happens to him but I can tell you that you won't have to wait long, the answer( or part of it) is just around the corner. 

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 18 2014 8:33 PM Title: Early Morning

Sounds great!

Author's Response:

Hope you enjoy it then! 

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed [Report This]
Date: September 18 2014 11:06 AM Title: Early Morning

@Nostory: Totally understand that you want to keep the plot a surprise for everyone, but can you at least tell us when the next chapter is expected? :)

Author's Response:

That I can. Expect it around Sunday. 

Reviewer: tinyguy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 18 2014 5:35 AM Title: Early Morning

@Nostory. Well, I can see how that shoutbox issue would've stopped production on "A Different View", however, as far as I know, the guy who wrote the Ashley story deleted it for other reasons that were completely unrelated.

Anyway, like I said before, I'm absolutely loving this story! In addition to seeing a bit more on how things play out between Cassey and Katharine (probably butchered both those characters names haha), I'd love to see how Alvin's classes/relations with the other girls at school are... Maybe see who some of his guy friends are?

Just my two cents

Author's Response:

Well I'd love to tell you more but that would be spoiling it for you. You got Katharine right but Cassey wrong, it's Cassie although its short for something else. Guy friends....does even he have them? *goes to check to on them*


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