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Reviewer: Sizescribe Signed [Report This]
Date: July 29 2014 7:26 PM Title: Chapter XVI: The Best of the Southwest


contructive critiscm here is neccasary, and is a valuable tool to help writers advance in their craft.  Anger and pretensiousness should be left off to the side when offering any kind of creative advice or critique.  Yes I am reviewing your review, because it is completely out of control.  It is almost like you are throwing a tantrum, and while you might make valid points, the delivery is atrocious, and your point will be complete lost, undoubtely due to the resentmen this author might feel for you personally after reading it.  

If you feel past reviews or advice to this author have not been heeded, then you need to take a step back and just go read something else, or review other authors.  Punching a fist through your wall is not going to make him a better writer, and you might hurt your hand.


In giving effective constructive critism, one must choose their language carefully.  The goal of leaving advice to another author should always be their improvement, first and foremost.  If that is not your intention, you should not be leaving advice.  Words like - awful, terrible.  and phrases like - Just stop. create a sense of negativity that will only cause your advice to fall on deaf ears.  We need better writers in this fantasy, and sometimes that calls for a scalpel instead of a hammer.


Reviewer: frankstergirl Signed star [Report This]
Date: July 29 2014 4:04 AM Title: Chapter XVI: The Best of the Southwest

I don't need to say anything I agree with the review below on these story's. You just need to plan out your story's more, there is no rush to fart out story's evey day take your time on them. I started writing a story for this site and spent weeks just making sure the plot and scenes and spelling are worth reading. Not just like a movie script. I was lenient on my other revews to you because I was thinking it would help but there exactly the same problems still.

- Frankie

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