Reviews For Galactic Pet
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Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: March 19 2017 6:03 PM Title: She Awakens...again

You have a nice story here, but it needs continuation. I've noticed that you still appear to be accessing your account as of January 2017. Can we expect, or even hope, that you will continue updating your other stories, like this one, sometime in the near future?

Waiting, and Hoping!!!

Author's Response:

Sorry for the long delay in this response, GTSW didn't tell me I had a new review. Well new being a relative term. I do intend to get back to these older stories, though this story I may be "ending". Ending in the sense that I will not be adding any more to it. It occured to me that this was a story I was writing mainly for's call it the "fap value". It doesn't really have any plot, everything is hypersexualized, and it's kinda at a dead end. What I may do is "end" this one and relase a new verison written with a plot, charater devolpment, ect. You know, write an actual story and not something to JO to. Also it does take me a long time to write each chapter due to my busy schedual. I've been working on a TV pilot for the past four months, and that took up a lot of my time. thankfully the pilots done so, hopefully, I can spend a load of time writing.


TL:DR I might be ending this story and relaseing a new verison. Don't worry, I havn't forgotten these older stories!

Reviewer: Kellerkid11 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: July 06 2016 1:21 PM Title: The Wake Up

Please continue I find if fascinating and I'm constantly wondering what will happen next, Amazing story!

Reviewer: Kellerkid11 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: July 06 2016 1:20 PM Title: The Wake Up

Please continue I find if fascinating and I'm constantly wondering what will happen next, Amazing story!

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: December 12 2015 1:29 PM Title: She Awakens...again


Author's Response:

Is that a good review? lol

Reviewer: 85cadian Signed [Report This]
Date: December 12 2015 6:11 AM Title: How to cure WBS

I know people that had PTSD and have suicided, leaving their wifes and kids alone. This is so fucking offenssive to anyone that has or had PTSD or know anyone that has. So i demand you to erase this bullshitting chapter, please.

Author's Response:

I'm sorry you find it offenssive. That is never my idea or intent. Once I can find away to show this side of Tina again is a simlar way, I'll type up replacement chapters. Untill then, however, the chapters will stand. I promise to move and write as quickly as possible, but keep in mind that I have a busy schudual, and Christmas is coming up, so it may be a few months or loner before new chapters are writen to replace the current ones. Once again I want to say that I'm sorry you found it offenssive that was not my intent. 

Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: September 21 2015 7:03 AM Title: The Wake Up

Looking forward to it...

Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2015 9:54 AM Title: The Wake Up

Thanks! You're doing great work!

Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2015 9:53 AM Title: The Wake Up

Thanks! You're doing great work!

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and enjoying it. It's good to hear from people. To know that people enjoy my books. :) Oh, and I'm working on the next chapter now. Should be out some time in the next hour or two.

Reviewer: Tigernach Signed [Report This]
Date: September 19 2015 3:29 PM Title: The girl

I've just read this story for the first time, waiting for it to be marked as completed, but I couldn't wait any longer. It seems like I've been waiting forever for this story to continue. It is great, so far.

Pleae don't make us wait so long in the future.

Author's Response:

It kills me to make you guys wait so long. I hate it. But my schedule makes it hard to write. I try to write at least 1oo words a day, and most days I'm lucky to get 50. That why these take so long. The good news is that I'm taking a break to write. I'll have three-ish days to write, and I'm gonna focus on this story in particular. Next update is currently planned for sometime in the next day maybe two. Hopefully I can make it.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: September 18 2015 7:06 PM Title: The girl

Pretty good chapter, I'm glad you decided to update this again!

Author's Response:

Thank you. This story is my favorite. I don't know what it is, but for some reason I love working on this story more than the others. Don't get me wrong. The others a fun to work on too. It's just, I don't know. There's something about this one that makes me enjoy writing it all the more.

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: September 01 2015 12:38 PM Title: The Wake Up

I know. I just want to see what happens next.

Author's Response:

I guessed that's all it was. but I just wanted to make sure that everyone understood. Also the next batch is in the works, but it's going slowly as I have just gotten into college. I only have one new chapter done, however I also have TWO new stories insteed of just the one. I have no idea when they'll be posted. 

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: August 31 2015 9:53 PM Title: The Box


Author's Response:

I'm not saying rape is ok or good or anything like that. It's just these aliens have a different set of morals. Humans as toys to them, nothing more nothing less. Toys, according to them, can't have rights.

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2014 4:50 PM Title: How to cure WBS

They don't know about rape?

Author's Response:

They know about rape, they just feel that humans are slave or pets. Imagin if you had a slave that you could anything to and not get in trouble for it. What would you do?

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2014 4:46 PM Title: The Class

Guess they never heard of octomom

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: September 08 2014 5:57 PM Title: How to cure WBS

Why did Tinas personality completely change in the 8th chapter, it was a bit odd? Anyway, the rest of this story has been interesting so far!

Author's Response:

Her personality change for the betterment of Robert. *wink wink*. I'll address that in later chapers. 

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09 2014 4:35 PM Title: Work

Robert's past doesn't seem at all believable. Thrid World War? Second United States Civil War? A Thrid World War seems more plausable than the latter but it still a far fetched idea. The only scenario I can come up with for a second civil war is the (angry and uneducated) Christians of the Bible Belt (which taint the Christian religion) attempting to kill all the people they say will go to hell. There are too maney guns in the United States and too many rich lobbyists who want to keep cizitens uneducated because of the profit movtive.

People don't send themselves to hell. That's silly. Yaweh created hell so he's responsible for sending humans to hell. Yaweh has the power to destory hell. It's as if Yaweh actually enjoys seeing humans suffer. Hence why Yaweh doesn't interfere when somebody is kidnapped. It's surely better to take away the free will of the criminal then allow the victim's free wil to be taken away from them. Either way, one person's free will is affected. 

If have free will I should not be penalyzed for not having 'fath'. It's like if a ciminal where to put a gun to my head and gave me the choice to give them my money, and if I refused they murder me. A threat doesn't seem like free will to me. If I am murdered people wouldn't say that I commited suicide.

Author's Response:

What you have to keep in mind is that these stories are what I can think of, and in most I try and keep the "that could really happen" feel alive. In this story, however, I slightly suspend likelyhood for a good story. If you have looked at the news lately you'll see that a 3rd World War, and a second Civil War/Revaloution in the USA are both highly likely. As for the 2nd and 3rd paragraghs in the review above, I will not release my Faith, however, I will ask that all futher review involve the story.     

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09 2014 3:58 PM Title: Answers

Here: Two days if we were still on Earth

I think the computer means: Two days if you were still on Earth

Here: She dress just like the last time I saw her.

You mean: She was dressed

By hover car I assume you mean flying cars, and having recently watched a video about them, I think that they are a bit impractical since one would need a license to fly for a start. They are of course also very cliché.

Flying Cars: Best Or Worst Idea Ever?

This seems to be a good video to watch for inspiration:

‘Future Transportation Technology Will Blow Your Mind’

"The World in 2030" by Dr. Michio Kaku (in the below video, if I recall, he talks about the future of computing such as computer becoming invisible and hidden in the walls):

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09 2014 3:39 PM Title: The Tank

All the sleep you can get? That sounds ominous. I really like the description of the terrarium. In my opinion this could turn out better than Titan, and I’m not sure why I say that. You just need to avoid doing things like copying the chapter itself into chapter notes. Hopefully you’ll fix that. Your spelling and grammar is good by the way. The chapters could be a little longer though.

Reviewer: riczar Signed [Report This]
Date: May 09 2014 7:15 AM Title: The Wake Up

The story is very interesting so far.  Like other reviewers, I'm noticing alot of spelling and grammatical errors.  Normally this wouldn't bother me too much, but there are enough of them that it breaks up the pacing of the story and makes me have to decipher their true meaning.

The laws on her world seem a little harsh.  Her apartment and her job have both threatened to kill the human.  Humans as pets must not be a usual occurence.  I'm interested to see how this goes.  Since the stories on this site are usually fetish in nature, will this story be heading in that direction, or will it be nonsexual?

Author's Response:

This story needed a lot of detail in the early chapters, because that is where a lot of big events are going to take place, not to mention I'm a hugely vision driven aurthor. And to answer your question, if you hang with the story for a few more chapters some feitsh will start to surface.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: April 30 2014 9:25 PM Title: The Wake Up

Oh and please break up these paragraphs more, it's kind of a pain to read right now. More manageable chunks would help readers draw into this without being intimidated by word walls.

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