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Reviewer: MrSirk Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 6:15 AM Title: Clear

Hrrrmmm? Lots of good news but that could easily be followed with tons of bad news sooo..?

I like the Jenna and Naomi pairing. I'm doubtful that they'll ever become best friends but Jenna's harsh nature seems to ground Naomi who seems excitable. 

I hope Naomi can handle  the chaperone job beta children cuteness is the leading cause of diabetes.

As well as Naomi is doing I can't help but worry for Stephanie who has way deeper issues that can't be solved with stern words and reading. Her sessions might not even prove very effective if they result in another mental breakdown.

Is Marion dead? I hope not I have to believe she has a tiny grain of humanity in her like less than a fleas worth but it's there. Of course she is a serial killer so I doubt she has a very bright future.

Author's Response:

Bad news? Probably, but from a different source than usual.


I like Jenna and Naomi too. Jenna provides a balance to Naomi's "innocent" countenance, a constant reminder that no, she isn't innocent. Not by any definition of the word. She truly regrets what she did, but she still did it and enjoyed doing it while it was happening. Claire is going immensely easy on her because she said the right things - and while she did mean them, they're still just words. So Jenna also provides someone she has to win over with actual actions.

Hopefully Naomi can take them in in moderation >.>

Stephanie....well, don't want to say too much.

Marion...well, ditto.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 5:57 AM Title: Clear

I hope good things for Naomi when this is all said and done.

Author's Response:

I do too :3

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 5:37 AM Title: Clear

"Sophie's story, in particular," she continued softly, "is the one I remember the most. A lot of the stories there...they upset me, obviously, through all that abuse. That despair. But Sophie's sets a bar for cruelty that none of the others ever really match." Jenna's eyes narrowed once again, her nose crinkled. "And it didn't just upset me, Naomi, it made me angry. Angry at the sheer callousness of those boys, angry at the pain they caused, at the joy they took in taking the life of an old man. Of a girl who was barely a teenager. Of a father. Angry at the sheer fucking pointlessness of it all."

I think this one passage right here pretty much sums Jenna’s feelings on the treatment of beta’s and why she is so passionate about it and why she has a more conservative mindset compared to Claire and Melody. I don’t know if you intended it to be seen that way but that is what I get from it.

Also I noticed that Jenna said “moms”. Is her mother a lesbian? Was Jenna the product of artificial insemination? 

Author's Response:

You pretty much got what I was hoping to put across there, so kudos.

As for the rest: Yes, and who knows :3

Reviewer: SpookyTaco Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 4:44 AM Title: Clear

Strangely, I actually find myself liking Jenna now, something I never thought would happen. I resonated with her anger over reading Sophie’s story.

Jenna’s empathy, her kindness (it does exist), is tempered by Beta stories like that. She’s seen the ugly truth behind the masks people wear and refuses to grant amnesty without adequate punishment and significant contrition on behalf of the offender.

If you'd asked me a few weeks ago, I'd have said: "Jenna, no way. No way I'd ever want to be in the same room with her, talk to her, or anything."

But now she's got my respect.

Author's Response:

That's a good read on Jenna. One thing I've kinda wanted to establish is that Jenna is a bookworm - she's studious as hell and reads a lot, and this includes a lot of reading of Beta-related works like the one featured in these two chapters. She's read far beyond the "required" materials for her schooling, and she remembers a lot of details from what she's read. And that does have a profound effect on her.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I'll get back to Splinter's Edge soon, just need the time >_>.

Reviewer: Jacksmith Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 4:38 AM Title: Clear

Not sure if you saw the other note I sent you, but now I'm all caught up on this puppy and relieved of the crushing guilt that I'd only read one of your stories but you've read a decent number of mine.  We're gonna have stuff to talk about next time, man.  Yikes.

I liked it quite a bit, in case that isn't coming through right now.

Author's Response:

I just saw it, actually >.>


I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far, looking forward to talking about it.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 21 2014 2:58 AM Title: Clear

Ah Abby, Naomi will want to stay away from her. Jenna was...restrained. Good. Naomi has done well to get cleared for community service so quickly, hope she does well there. No incidents. 

  Hope to see Corey again, he has been missing for too long. Same for Stephanie and to some extent,  Marion although I am not keen on seeing her again. 

I like Naomi, she has come a long way since she started her punishment. 

Author's Response:

I don't think Naomi will really be in a position to stay away :). Best she be respectful should Abby come to take a look at her.


Corey won't really feature in these next several parts (not directly, anyway), but he'll be around a little bit for when I get to the party. Stephanie has good odds on appearing, and soon. Marion isn't a priority at the moment.

Reviewer: Peggy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 10:00 PM Title: Imprisonment

I am really enjoying this, despite my normally nonviolent nature. Your character development is deep enough to take me past that; I like hearing about these people. I had been wondering whether Corey's birth mother might be reintroduced to the milieu. I want her to be impressed, and sad at what she has missed. She lost big time! Whadda maroon...

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 6:52 PM Title: Imprisonment


Thanks :D, I've always had people get pissed at me for how long and awkward the name is, but I'm glad someone else likes it!

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 3:48 PM Title: Accounts

From how Marion talked about it, I can easily see religions in the omega verse proclaiming that betas are cursed or whatever. US had no problem using religion to justify slavery. 


Author's Response:

This is also an idea that goes in the right direction, and something I'll probably touch on when I get to The Guardian given where that particular part of the origin tale takes place.

So, yeah, again: Shit was hugely fucked up.

Reviewer: VividImagination Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 1:58 PM Title: Imprisonment


But I guess if you could get away with killing humans and not going to jail why wouldn't you?

Whaat? So many reasons as to why that's so wrong.

As for the Alpha's lack of empathy...

For some sick reason there are Alphas that see Betas as nothing more than rodents. So yes, there are some sick kids out there that kill small animals for their own amusement. It's disgusting and wrong, but either they weren't raised properly, or they were born...broken.

Just felt the need to throw in my two cents. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone.

Reviewer: MrSirk Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 1:35 PM Title: Imprisonment


First of all awesome name man. I've been meaning to say thar for a while it's really fun to say out loud.

Second I'm not saying it's unrealistc I've read the story and know beta's have no rights but I feel it's still pretty harsh and very hard to read. It seems some alphas just lack empathy for lesser creatures and I have to wonder why? But I guess if you could get away with killing humans and not going to jail why wouldn't you? 

Author's Response:

Basically pre-Omega society should be considered completely dystopic in nature when it comes to Betas. There's still some dystopia elements in "current" times of course, but in the past Betas were basically considered subhuman and society at large didn't give a shit about them. Sophie even gives a bit of insight on how Betas at large were viewed (and this is a view that was passed down): Their existence, to Alphas, was to provide them with just about any form of release imaginable, regardless of the damage it did to the Betas.

It was Fucked Up.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 11:41 AM Title: Imprisonment


There are plenty of boys that enjoy killing or torturing small animals, I don't think it's unrealistic at all.

Reviewer: MrSirk Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 10:24 AM Title: Accounts

Well..thar was dark. It's a good thing betas aren't people or those alpha boys would be monsters.

Maybe others have asked this question and maybe you've already answered it but, How is shooting them thier first reaction? Most people I know have a problem shooting bunnies a widely accepted food source let alone a tiny being that looks and acts exactly like a human if not a human altogether.

Im glad Naomi's back for however brief the time. I wonder if Jenna's giving her extra attention because she's the closest to rehabilitation? Trying to really cement the change before Naomi's release. Honestly I don't think any of the Omega's fully hate her anymore and I would be surprised if she recieved more torture beyond what was mandated.

 I guess I'll do a rating although at this point it almost goes without saying.

Reviewer: VividImagination Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 9:02 AM Title: Accounts


That's gotta be the saddest chapter I've ever read on this site. I knew that this story contained some violence and sadism, but this...damn. 8 stars for ALMOST making me cry. Bastard. I'm sure that if I had gotten to know Sophie better, then it would've been so much worse.

Ok. Back to the present, and the light torture that comes with it!

Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 8:35 AM Title: Accounts

So we get to see a glimpse of some more of the horrors Betas have been put through.  I wonder when the account given occurred.  It says 15 years, but that part itself is in a book so it could have been a lot longer.  I wonder how Omegas deal with Betas worshiping them like gods.  I know the good doctor doesn't like it, it has to make the rest of them uncomfortable at least.

Naomi is the one so far who is going to be the most affected by the accounts in the book.  And she can't even cry over them without coming off as a huge hypocrite.

I also like to remind Jenna that she didn't become the favorite, or a darling, or even super likable following Tough Love.  She basically broken even, and also made it clear that she's self aware.  So yeah, whatever she does with Naomi after the cliffhanger will count double towards her character depending on the direction she goes. 

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 7:45 AM Title: Imprisonment

Great chapter! And im glad you back on this! If that wasn't deserving of the rating I dont know what is, gruesome stuff.

Reviewer: Kusanagi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 6:25 AM Title: Accounts

Pretty chilling account, I'm assuming this is part of Naomi's ongoing education. Next chapter should be interesting as at this point we've seen some of Jenna's sadistic tendencies, but also seen her softer side.

It's also worth remembering that even though Naomi fully regrets her actions, she wasn't much different than the boys in this chapter.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 5:04 AM Title: Accounts

Gripping account of the past and nice to see this story make a come back. Also, Jenna wasn't as unlikeable as I expected in Tough Love, hope she doesn't destroy that progress now. 

Reviewer: SpookyTaco Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 5:01 AM Title: Accounts

Not an easy chapter to read.

Somebody write something to cheer me up after that.

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 18 2014 4:11 AM Title: Accounts

Needs more words. Zero stars.

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