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Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 10:51 AM Title: Imprisonment

Oh my, this is going to be emotional. =< I kind of feel bad for Steph. However, I still don't feel that Marion was the major cause of what happened to Stephanie. Closing up like she did is a defense mechanism, as I said before. And it is one I am familiar with. ^_^;;;; 


I desperately want to see a dream sequence with Clair accidentally crushing her brother...just to give her a way to fully appreciate what Stephanie is going through. This is an amazing story, keep it up.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 7:50 AM Title: Sisters - Part 3

I feel like an ass for saying this but you are running away with the lead for story of the year like Franco Harris through a defense.


Good show my good man.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 7:35 AM Title: Sisters - Part 3

Ouch, this ought to take us on a feels trip!

Reviewer: Kusanagi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 6:37 AM Title: Sisters - Part 3

The response should be interesting especially since Claire isn't going to let it drop until she gets a serious answer. I like it, gives incentive for her to think about her brother which is the key to everything for Stephanie. 

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 5:30 AM Title: Sisters - Part 3

Claire and Stephanie are easily my two favorite characters. I have so much fun reading their thoughts and their personalities fly off the page. I feel like that if Stephanie passes her emotional rehabilitation by the end of the year, those two have the highest possibility of being friends in the end. Even their origin stories are pretty similar.

Any chance an update for the "Family" prequel story will come soon??

Author's Response:

Heheh, glad you enjoyed this.

I really want to get back to Family somewhat soon, but time isn't allowing me to do so right now. I might try to do a little there once I finish this little arc.

Reviewer: lilguyunderfoot Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 19 2014 7:00 AM Title: Compression - Part 2

awesome stuff

Reviewer: TheSilentOne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2014 1:09 PM Title: Sisters - Part 2

Well, finally got caught up with this again after letting my reading of it lapse.  Turns out I was about 3 months behind, but randomly re-read from Chapter 10 to remember what it was about.  Looking forward to this continuiing.

Reviewer: Kusanagi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2014 6:45 AM Title: Sisters - Part 2

Excellent chapter especially following the previous chapter. Out of all the girls I feel for Stephanie the most, a combination of terrible luck and a terrible friend. The ball bounces a different way and she'd probably be working alongside Claire and the others.

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 15 2014 6:16 AM Title: Sisters - Part 2

Sweet chapter. I think Stephanie will break before long. I can't imagine what Marion did to her doll.

Also is it me or did you use those emphasizing italics alot this chapter?


Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2014 5:44 AM Title: Sisters - Part 2

As always you've captured the emotions beautiful here and crafted another heartwarming or wrenching chapter depending on your view.



Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2014 5:26 AM Title: Sisters - Part 2

A guy or two? This chapter doesn't give me the ammo I need. Touching and also how Stephanie is like an eerie parallel of Claire, so easy to see Claire going down Steph's path if she had crushed Corey the night before the test.

Reviewer: chrlorez Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 15 2014 3:22 AM Title: Sisters - Part 2

Not only have I felt like I've knew beforehand qbout most of this stuff, I don't even care that I had. This is a fantastic series, and a fantastic chapter. Although, I really hope that this updates quickly.

When is Corey coming back into the plot?

Reviewer: MrSirk Signed [Report This]
Date: June 03 2014 3:13 PM Title: Sisters - Part 1

Well now I sympathize with Stephanie even more. Claire and her have a lot in common. In some ways they even mirror each other. Hopefully Claire can use that to start repairing some of the damage Marion inflicted.

Also I'm starting to hate Marion a little. Is there any chance for redemption for her?.... The answer's no isn't it?

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 5:38 PM Title: Sisters - Part 1

This was a very well written character moment. The story is an excellent counterpoint to his fate, and the end of the chapter did a good job of describing her thoughts.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 4:12 PM Title: Sisters - Part 1

I admit I blanked on who Steph was at first but once the recollection came to me from the jump to reality it made the chapter all the more great/emotionial tugging for lack of a term that escapes me.


Still story(stories?) of the year in my book.

Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 11:44 AM Title: Imprisonment

You know, reading that chapter really shows just how much Stephanie cared for her little brother...and it also makes me wonder if it really was Marion's doing that made Steph into a cold and uncaring person. As someone who has gone through a period where I found it easier just to not feel anything at all, I can tell you that it doesn't take someone else to do that to you, just the right, or rather wrong, circumstances. Considering how much she loved her brother, finding out that she accidentally killed him would be more  than enough to push a person into not wanting to feel emotion.

Which in turn makes me well would Claire fare if she found out she accidentally killed her brother? Devastated yes, but I also think she might have ended up a lot like Stephanie.

Reviewer: sketch Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 7:53 AM Title: Sisters - Part 1

There will be much sobbing and heart wrenching when that icey shell finally cracks.

Author's Response:

Probably ;_;

Reviewer: riczar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 7:30 AM Title: Sisters - Part 1

That was a nice chapter.  It shows that Stephanie did care about her little brother, and that's probably why she suppreses her memories and feelings about him.  I can't wait for the family gathering in the evening.  Can't wait to see if Mom and Dad pay the prisoners a visit, and what if "Auntie" decides to pay a visit?

Author's Response:

Marion should probably hope she doesn't :P


Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 5:47 AM Title: Imprisonment

@chlorez, she tries not to see them as people in order to avoid feeling the pain she felt for killing her little brother, it's not because she hates them but it is to mask her pain.


Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02 2014 4:39 AM Title: Sisters - Part 1

I swear I expected gruesome twist to the end of that flashback where kid Stephanie finds the mangled corpse of her brother again. The ending, however, was still just as depressing. Damn.

And now I hate Marion all over again.

I see the only real change to Stephanie now is that Claire at some point gave her a beta sized doll. I already said it on the chat but I’d rather see more scenes with Stephanie as she arguably the one with the saddest backstory and the realest of issues. 


Author's Response:

Hahah, I was wondering if some people would think that was where this was heading. I'm glad I could deliver a gut punch from an entirely different direction :)


It's actually a bit more than a doll, but we'll see that next time we check in on her. And yeah, I'll admit to some...frustrations on my end, because I'd love to just focus on Stephanie for a long time but I have other characters to get to as well.

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