Reviews For GH-X2
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Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31 2015 11:44 PM Title: Dissipation

Can't say I feel sympathy for Caitlin after she kidnapped, beat, raped, and humiliated a guy half her size and a quarter her weight...Whatever backstory she has, its not justification for what she's done. And apparantly, Jack wasn't even the first normal sized guy she's messed with so who knows what other crap she's pulled.

I think Jack needs to get the eff out and fast! Caitlin is an unstable, brutal woman, who I doubt would hesitate to beat him into submission, maybe even kill him, if she got her paws on him! Or at least that's the impression I get of her. Either way, I'm surprised Jack didn't decide to call the cops when he had the chance, this fiasco was definitely worth getting the law involved!

Great chapter!

Reviewer: MostKnownUnknowns Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31 2015 10:51 PM Title: Dissipation

.....finish this. It's against the law not to.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31 2015 10:25 PM Title: Dissipation

If she finds him there, the next morning, you know she's going to beat the stuffing out of both of them! Or, at the very least, bind and gag him within it.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: May 31 2015 8:17 PM Title: Introduction

Saw a bit more of Caitlin here, what with the drinking and anger over Jack disapearing. I really like what you've done so far. Now its whether Jack can survive the night with an angry Amazon holding him close.

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: May 29 2015 9:03 AM Title: Preparation

Can't Jack just break the window? Since he's been kidnapped he shouldn't have to pay for any damages. He's the victim here.

Author's Response:

Jack knows that the glass is impossible for someone of his size to break - it's designed to be strong enough to withstand an impact by a fully-grown Alpha, so that's 8-times as strong as he is. Even if he threw something heavy at it, he could never get enough force behind his throw.

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: May 29 2015 8:50 AM Title: Desolation

Hopefully Jack won't rergret it...! I'm sure he'll be fine.

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: May 29 2015 8:47 AM Title: Desensitisation

Poor Jack. Nice to see this story back. Still really enjoying it.

Reviewer: Flaming_Heart Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 10:19 PM Title: Preparation

Oh snap things are turning up. Awesome chapter.

Reviewer: Darien Fawkes Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 10:16 PM Title: Introduction

I just read the whole story through and I fucking love this. You have an unbelievable talent when it comes to writing out domination scenes with Catilin, they're so descriptive and sexy. I personally loved it when she uses her feet, as well as when she pushes Jack's head against her breasts.

Caitlin is by far my favorite character, she's like my dream girl come true. A giantess that can still fit in the bedroom, and do personal activities with you. She's incredibly tall, has red hair (I like red heads, their hair just looks so exotic and wild), she's muscular (always a turn one when you've got a giantess fetish), and she knows how to be domineering.

My only regret, however, is that she doesn't seem to have any redeemable qualities about herself. I understand why that is, sometimes you just need a bad guy to be bad. I just wish there was something more personal about her character that could redeem her in some way,and make her easier to sympathise with. I mean, hell, I'd worship her in real life the way she'd want me to. But only if I knew that she was doing it for our mutual enjoyment, and that she still saw me as an equal and not a lesser being. I understand that that won't happen, as Caitlin is set to be the primary antagonist and nothing else. I just wish I could like her for reasons other than her looks.

But hey, don't listen to me about that, I'm not trying to write your story. You write it the way you want it written man, cause it's coming out amazingly the way you've got it set up. 

Author's Response:

I understand what you mean about wanting to find the redeemable qualities in a character who appears to be incredibly cruel and/or evil, it's a response I myself have to most protagonists like this, however in many ways it's a lot cleaner to simply make them irretrievably bad. As you've stated, if she was nicer, she would be incredibly desirable in a lot of ways - that's sort of the whole crux of the issue.

Not to give the game away too much, but some facts that will come to light that explain why Caitlin's is the way she is, though not for some time.

Reviewer: lancealot501 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 8:26 PM Title: Introduction

I always enjoy comparisons in stories, especially when it is within a specific size range. Its just odd for me when a comparison comes in that is close but not quite there. Its just a trait of mine to pay attention to the smallest of details in stories I like. What you did with the protein bar was spot on as everything that is twice as big will have 8 times the volume. What caught me off guard was the dildo. For a beta girl it would be 1 foot long and 2.5 inch wide. That tells me that either 1) alpha males are hung like crazy or 2) the girl has an oversized dildo.

Its a wonderful story and I can't wait to read more of it.

Author's Response:

Your suspicions are correct regarding the dildo; Caitlin is just under 6' 7" in old money, so she's a big girl whichever way you look at it. I doubled up the size of a truly enormous real life dildo, so it's not unprecedented, but it is extreme for effect. Jack is also completely naive about this sort of thing so all it does is scare him, Jack doesn't know how hung Alpha guys are but this 'evidence' adds to his feeling of inadequacy.

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 7:51 PM Title: Preparation

Wow, what a deep chapter.

It kinda reminded me of those 'escape' games where you have to find stuff and unlock things.

I have a feeling that Caitlin will discover the message that Jack sent. Maybe by fingerprints, smell of a beta, tablet position. I got that feeling.

I like the detail you put into Jack making a skeleton key and the part when he was trying to decode the tablet.

Caitlin is coming soon. I wonder what she will discover in the next chapter!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 1:29 PM Title: Preparation


Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 12:14 PM Title: Preparation

If she doesn't go near the hamper, why NOT hide there? In fact, why doesn't he put her dirty clothes underneath the T-shirt, then re-lock the wardrobe, before getting in the hamper?

Author's Response:

Some reasons why Jack won't risk hiding in there:

i) Perhaps the basket is empty because she threw all the clothes out to look for him when he first escaped to the bathroom. He doesn't know for certain that it is unused.

ii) Even if it's unused, the laundry basket is a very obvious place to hide, it's one of the first places she will check, and it was left empty without a lid on it, so if he covers himself in clothes it's even more obvious something has changed.

Also: if he puts dirty clothes under the t-shirt (presumably to create a Jack-sized bundle), at best it will delay her by about 2 seconds.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 12:06 PM Title: Desolation

Hmph! I thought the T-shirt was simply to cover him up. Although, admittedly, that'd be over-kill, seeing as he's locked in her wardrobe (which is probably too strong for him to break out of in his current condition).

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: May 28 2015 7:57 AM Title: Preparation

Hey take your time man. 

I liked this chapter, it revealed a lot about the world Jack lives in, from faking antique stuff for Alphas to monstrous dildos, you've put quite a bit of thought into this and it shows!

Good work there!

Reviewer: TomSpeedy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26 2015 9:53 PM Title: Desolation

Just read all 8 chapters! Amazing!

Its interesting to see a story with these size differences. Kinda refreshing.

I actually like Caitlin's use of tape, to make him bound and mute.

In this chapter, she locks him up in her wardrobe while he is still taped up. Does she really have to do that? I dont think so, unless her parents are back. (I hope so.) That would be a great plot twist. He might escape one giantess, but can he escape all 3?

Author's Response:

Caitlin locks him in the wardrobe, a) because it had a lock (!) and b) because she has stopped underestimating him. He tried to roll off the bed when she wasn't looking, and managed to escape and hide in the bathroom when she popped out of the room for just a moment, perhaps she's realised it's better to be safe than sorry? She also appears to spends several minutes making sure there is no way out of her bedroom and en-suite either, though you could argue that's because it's the first chance she's had to think about it since bringing him home. It was an impulsive act to kidnap Jack, so she's probably figuring this all out as she goes along.

From an author's point of view, I originally had her pile some clothes up in front of the wardrobe, but over time I thought that it was yet another example of Caitlin not taking proper precautions and making her character less plausible. This is a determined, irate girl who has knowingly kidnapped another person, she's not going to be half-arsed about it.

Also: just to get this out of the way - her parents are away until Sunday, and it's only Friday afternoon.

Reviewer: ChampThunderdick Signed [Report This]
Date: May 26 2015 5:06 PM Title: Desensitisation

o shit nigga its back
thank u jesus 

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 26 2015 5:01 PM Title: Desolation

It kind of sucks that the only woman that is sexually interested in Jack is a crazy person like Caitlin. Honestly, I'm sure if she was even a little nicer and less rapey about it, Jack would be willing to return the attraction properly. I wonder what the punishment for rape and kidnapping is in the world? If Jack were to get out would he rat her out?

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25 2015 4:11 PM Title: Desensitisation

I had to do a quick re-read to remember the gist of this. But, it was worth it! Suitably arousing climax (no pun intended).

Reviewer: Antagoniser Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25 2015 11:19 AM Title: Introduction

Fucking yes!!!!! This is my favourite story ever on this site, so happy you've updated it. CONTINUE IT PLEASE!

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