Reviews For Stuck in the Park
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Reviewer: GTStation Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 25 2024 12:37 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Family

Just found this story and I'm having a ton of fun!

I like how it's a mixture of a normal sized person being shrunken and a naturally tiny people story, the story takes it's time but once it picks up it's non-stop fun size shenanigans, I also like the lore and charcters, lot of care put into them.

My favorite aspect might be an unxepected one, I love how Jordan doesnt just shrink, he flat out transforms into a tiny, that's a very cool and underrated concept, I also adore how he can't reveal his identity or speak and no one recognizes him as a human, I don't even know why I like this so much, but it's a very inetresting dynamic few size stories go for.

Excited to see where this goes.

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot, it's my first real shot at writing a story so I'm happy people are enjoying it!

And yeah, I wanted the shrinking to have a transformation aspect to it too to keep things a bit more interesting. If I didn't, then the story wouldn't have worked out the way I wanted it to (Alice would have just recognized him right away and the story would take a very different turn), glad to hear you're liking that dynamic :)

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2024 2:08 PM Title: Chapter 14 - Captured

After reading ch. 12 and 13 someone could ask: Why would Jordan risk his life for strangers who kidnaped him? This stark contrast between what one would expect from a human are often regarded as flaws, as naivety and folishness, but here that kind of assessment is mistaken since Jordan’s later actions fall in line with what we learned about his character before - It’s no wonder Alice feels more safe around Jordan – but also because it works in this context, translating and boosting this sense of wonder into action. Oh he is a fool for puting himself in danger like that, but a endearing one. We got to learn more about Leila situation while seeing how empathetic and carrying the protagonist can be. Instead of a flashback or Alice’s thoughts on him, we actually see Jordan into action.

I like how even with all that fantastic magic at their disposal, the Fey folk is still fascinated by plain humans. Humans whose sons and daughters alone are as imposing as skyscrappers - that was a good comparison. How a mother, a full grown adult, doesn’t look now? That might as well be magic to beings smaller than a beetle - and maybe it’s, but on the reverse: a lack of magic in exchange for a more suitable size to rule the planet.

Or maybe it isn’t (or it's a bit of both) and we will find out what happens when magic is used to change how nature made are – yes, I am talking about Leila changing Jordan. We know now that she did it in a moment of desperation. So... does she really understand everything that happened at that momment? Can she really just reverse things like that? I think even her is not sure and is trying hard not to think about it since it was unexpected for her and her sister to ever bound with him… he was human. Was.

I am not just thinking he will be stuck like that forever. More on the lines that he will be stuck and will die in one week if they don’t find a way to reverse things because Jordan's body won't be able to handle the magic/curse cast on him.

PS.: As soon as I posted my comment on ch. 12 and 13, ch. 14 was out! I just loved the part with Jordan right at Maria’s feet and being captured!! How Maria is kind and feels that Jordan is human… but can't fully  accept it... She is human and she is so much bigger and fairies can’t really exist… all the cruel “facts” and cold logic… from a loving mother. It really sent home how humans can spell terror to fey even when they don’t want to – what Leila herself experienced in Jordan’s hand.

And now I think I understand why Maria looks familiar to Jordan! She must be Emily’s mother! That’s my guess. Simply perfect! 10 out of 10. I am fully enjoying how everything is developing!

As always, thanks for writing and sharing with us! Stay safe!

Author's Response:

Thanks for your thoughts on the chapter! I wanted him to do something he knew himself was absolutely stupid and risky, but with a logical reason behind it from the previous chapter, which was Elsie's situation.

Reviewer: Recoveringlurker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2024 1:55 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Family

Just want to say that this is an excellent story.  Also want to thank you for the consistency of the updates.  Thank you!

Author's Response:

Thanks so much, that means a lot! I'm glad you're enjoying the story :) I have most of it done so I can afford to throw out daily updates.

Reviewer: LittleBigPlanet Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 24 2024 9:48 AM Title: Chapter 13 - Reckless

I really like the world-building in the story so far especially when they ride the stag beetles with reins made of spider silk. However, I was hoping for a bit more interaction in this chapter with the mother and daughter (Eg: The little girl or the mother actually picks them up making things a lot more chaotic). That would be my suggestion for the future.   

Author's Response:

Thanks for the suggestion! I already have a couple of chapters ready but there will be some interaction with one of them in the next one :) Looking back, I think I could have done even more but it's definitely a good lesson to learn for future stories or chapters.

Reviewer: Jadder Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 22 2024 9:56 PM Title: Chapter 1 - Family

This is great so far! Rarely can I find a story with unaware identity as a theme. Hope to see more!

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot, appreciate it! I guess unaware identity is pretty rare to find here, so I'm glad some people are enjoying this.

Reviewer: BunnyHugger Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 22 2024 10:32 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Family

Just wanted to say that im very love the story so far. I rarly find some good 'fluff'/Unaware/Gentle/Romace stories. Cant wait for more interaction with Alice. Thank you:)

Author's Response:

Glad to hear you're enjoying the story, thanks so much! Unaware (of presence or identity) is my favorite kind of scenario so that's definitely something I wanted to put in.

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 20 2024 1:47 PM Title: Chapter 10 - Abandoned

I was almost screaming throughout chapter 10, wanting for Jordan to go to Alice, for Alice to look back just a little! God, I wanted to cry with Jordan at the end! And the scenes with Jordan at Alice’s feet, both scared and mesmerized, and Alice almost finding him, almost touching him without knowing. All the descriptions and feelings. 9 and 10 best chapters!

I hate Leila now! The way she dismisses everything and is só allof towards Jordan gets on my nerves! - It’s marvelous when characters manage to draw these raw emotions from me in such a organic way.

I hate Leila now, but I have a hunch I will come to like her further down the line - as she will come to like Jordan… which is a problem. Since he was human, his family will most likely notify authorities he is missing. And Alice will most likely despair, feeling responsible for dragging Jordan to the park – Emily probably won’t lose the chance of blaming her too… or maybe not. Maybe she will try to help and the two will come back looking for J...

It would be funny for Emily to instantly recognize Jordan. Like, they find him and Alice is all “oh, see this is J…” and Emily is like “Alice… it’s Jordan”.

Let me say this again: your story is darn good. There are many darn good stories on the site, each with it's spins, it's ups and downs. And yours is one of them.

Just a final observation: in chapter 9, whe Leila said “Shrinking a full-grown human down to your size...”, I think you meant her to say down to our size.

As always, thanks for writing and sharing with us. Count on me for following this one until the end.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the heads-up on the mistake, I corrected it! And Leila isn't all she seems to be yet, even though she's definitely a troublemaker :)

Reviewer: toiletplumber Signed [Report This]
Date: September 20 2024 12:27 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Family

I really like the premise of this story and i'm excited to see where it goes!  Thank you for sharing.

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot! Happy to hear people are enjoying my first attempt at a story.

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 18 2024 1:16 PM Title: Chapter 8 - Pursuit

I know I should not like Emily, but since I know what it’s like to be alone while wanting to be part of something from experience … so yeah. Thumbs up for Alice and her kindness towards Emily. But kindness has it's limits.

It’s obvious Jordan wants things to be back to normal, who wouldn’t? But chapters 7 and 8 gave us a interesting insight as to why: a misture of fear and wanting to go back to how things were… Ah but this is not just the fear of the unknown anymore: it’s a sensation of losing what is known to him. Wouldn’t Jordan want to be by Alice side no matter what? Yes. But would Alice want him even them? Let me explain. Since the begining Jordan is presented as Alice’s rock, someone who accepted and gave protection when no one eles would. Someone who provided. Family, as the title says. Now he is not even human, is he? He can’t provide her with anything, why would she still want to keep this tiny Jordan near?

That’s why he feels as if his sense of self, his place in the world is at stake despite still being the same person. Alice is his rock in the world too.

All this problem comes back to one person – Leila. It’s clear Jordan doesn’t want to risk putting Alice in the same sittuation he is in, but is Leila even capable of reproducing what she did? Why hide instead of just shrinking Alice too? Why not just turn him back to normal and get this over with? Clear there is more about this transformation magic that was cast upon him.

Then we have the other way around: how will Alice react upon learning that Jordan can't be by her side anymore? That her Jordan is going off with some stranger to a world she isn’t allowed… and because of what? Some stupid tiny people, some stupid legend she dragged Jordan to... Yes, before Leila, there was Alice. It's because of her that Jordan is where he is in the first place. Guilty mixed with love.  I know she is a ok. person, but I am willing to bet Alice would rather stomp Leila and let the forest burn before being ok. with that. Yeah... Leila is in trouble.

Again you make a very compelling portrayal of a coming of age love story, making the best of short chapters. It’s incredible. Usually short chapters mean less development, but you make good use of the space for character exposure and build up – and great description of Alice’s footsteps from Jordan and Leila’s perspective at the end of chapter 8, it made the size difference, the danger Alice really is to her friend now more clear.

As always, thanks for writing and sharing with us. And thank you for the quick and constant updates! Did you had then ready beforehand? If so, do you already know how many chapters the story is likely to have? No pressure! I just ask because every time I find a really good story on the site, together comes the fear it will not be finished.

I just ask you to continue. Your story is darn good! Stay safe!

Author's Response:

Thanks a lot for the detailed insight! I have a large part of the story finished so I can put out a chapter a day, I couldnt say how many chapters it will be but it'll go on for a while.

I'm not sure myself if the story is really any good or well written compared to a lot of the good stuff on here, it's my very first story but I'm hard on myself. But as long as at least one person enjoys reading it, then it's worth putting it on the site.

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 15 2024 10:21 PM Title: Chapter 5 - Interaction

There is just something about unaware, be it when people shrink or grow… maybe it’s the feeling of confusion in either perspective (where am I? How did I get here?) mixtured with the tension, the build up, the possibility this person will be the one to destroy everything she holds dear despite having so much power (Where is everyone?!).

Upon shrinking, the people and the world we once knew become instantly aliens. But we too become like a alien to them. This spin you added transmits this kind of deep anguish efficiently in the story: light in tone but impactful at the same time.

Yes, I too love unaware scenarios. Have you heard of “Babysitter Trouble” by Shrinker 82? It’s one of the best stories here on the site and I must say no one writes unaware scenarios like him. God tier stuff. Just a reading suggestion for your enjoyment and for inspiration if you ever need it.

Now, the next part is a comment as well as a theory about how things might unfold in the next chapter. I just can’t help it. Often when I find a story I like I start making scenarios. Feel free to use it if you want.

Oh Jordan… little itty bit Jordan… some would say love is all about lying until you reach some truth. Maybe the truth is Alice will not be as gentle when you try to go away… after all, Jordan is not back yet and she has to show… you to him. Ah... the truth. Isn’t it all about knowing yourself? Kkkkkkk.

And not much is needed for one to talk. A moment of true fear. Jordan runs to escape and Alice quickly gets up to chase after, but loses him. Frustrated, she kicks her flip-flops and keep franticaly searching… On the ground, Jordan tries to hide but soon a shadow… “Alice, don’t! I am down here!!”


All is not lost, but she listened to his voice, the magic rule was broken. What will be the consequences for Leila and Jordan? Will Jordan be stuck in the park... forever? But Jordan might be even more worried about something else entirely...  Alice sole above him were so… so…

Well, that’s it. Hope my comment is useful in some way.

Thanks for writing and sharing with us! Stay safe and until the next chapter!

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 14 2024 2:25 PM Title: Chapter 4 - Shrinking

You did a great character presentation with the first three chapters and with how the shrinking sequence unfolded on the fourth. Especially how shrinking is not only shrinking but a full change on Jordan's appearance - if Alice thought her friend was beautiful before… but it’s not just that, it’s a clever way to convey the coming of age, the begining of a budding adulthood (in his body, his features, his voice, but in the body of those around him, Alice now gigantic, terrifying and disgusting in some of it's details but also enticing and beautiful).

It all happened right after the momment each other started realizing “something unspoken, something that was new but somehow familiar”. And right after came Leila, a 'new thing' Jordan found, with her world of magic and it's unknown rules. Powerfull stuff.

I might be reading too much, I have a tendency to do that, but I guess that’s part of the fun for me. Please, keep going. I simply love when things get complicated. I am a sucker for messy romances. 

Was the movie FernGully, perhaps, one of yours inspirations? Man, how I miss classic 2D animation… anyway, sorry for any misspelling. Although I am fluent in english, it is not my primary language.

Author's Response:

Thanks so much for the comment! I really wanted to add a change to his appearance besides just the shrinking to make him unrecognizable. I tend to love it when women are unaware in giantess stories but I also love it when they actually find the tiny person and they're still unaware of their identity. It just adds that additional layer of embarassment on top of shrinking but I don't remember too many stories on here that pull this off.

Movies like Ferngully but also Ant Bully and Epic were among the many inspirations I had for sure.

Reviewer: LittleBigPlanet Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 14 2024 2:28 AM Title: Chapter 1 - Family

It's nice that you are posting your first story after lurking for a while kind of like me. Interesting premise and excited to see what happens next  

Author's Response: Thanks a lot, I appreciate it! I really enjoyed reading Antopia, it's rare that we get stories with shrunken people interacting with bugs. It actually did help me think of this story I wanted to create, though with tiny folk.

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