Reviews For Stress Testing
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Reviewer: sporadicx Signed [Report This]
Date: May 23 2024 4:39 AM Title: Stress Testing

Another great story! Btw, when's gonna be Nerd and Jock #2?

Author's Response:


I need to write that tbh

Reviewer: Raso719 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 23 2024 1:29 AM Title: Stress Testing

Great start! Hope we see more SW content!

I'd also love to see Annette try and see how small she can shrink someone (over doing it and shrinking some poor girl into oblivion). Maybe she she explores the lower limits of viable existence, like how small before someone is undetectable, how small before the size ray can no longer track them and manipulate their size, psychological effects of being nanoscopic and left to fend for themselves on a desk or carpet or something. 

Author's Response: Thank you so much! And those are some great ideas if I do a sequel to this one!

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