Reviews For Space invasion!
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Reviewer: klinza Signed [Report This]
Date: March 15 2024 7:07 PM Title: Chapter 1 Earth

how could you force a crying girl to give you a fucking blowjob in a vulnerable moment whist blackmailing her and just rock up like you didn't commit sexual assault, not only that you did it near a chain and caused a wave of three that have been seen or more women and children to die by sexual assault or necro... jake your not human your brain is gone its women's month and you kicked off a rape wave... and you just wander around like that did not happen. not even the brain power to act with a fake name? new account same predator how are you out and about after that fuck up?     

Author's Response:

There's no sex involved. No blow jobs nothing in here. It's aliens attacking earth to find victims to sell for profit since they have the ability to shrink people. It's how they are able to make money on there planet.

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