Date: August 02 2023 3:08 AM Title: She in his place. He in her place. Everyone in everyone's place
Mary is a wonderful task mistress.
Even handling the disrespectful teacher.

Date: August 01 2023 3:38 AM Title: She in his place. He in her place. Everyone in everyone's place
Great chapter! I like how you balance Mary’s acts of cruelty against her more reasonable relationships with her friends and family. The way you write her thought process and her conversations about power dynamics are what really elevate the story.
Victor is not a very interesting character so far, but I like Fred a lot! Watching Mary orchestrate everything was awesome!
Regarding Judy, you previously wrote “In those games she could be a queen who decided the fate of the victims, … or even a victim, camouflaged among the others, listening to their plans to escape and savoring their pain and fear.” I would love to see either of those scenarios written out.
I’m still #TeamLester. I realized that he has grown up his whole life without fear thanks to Mary’s seal, unlike Judy who I assume at one point was vulnerable. How does that affect his personality? How does it affect his relationships? Are people jealous of his status?
You’ve written several times that Mary feels very protective of her family. I want to see this in action. We haven’t seen Mary actually get mad yet, and I wonder what she would do to someone who tried to hurt her mom or brother. Maybe a relative of someone she killed seeking revenge?
Does Mary always go for the kill, or does she ever deliberately maim, cripple, blind, etc.?
Keep it up!
Date: July 27 2023 6:20 PM Title: Now we are talking
Really loved this story so far.

Date: July 13 2023 4:20 AM Title: Now we are talking
Incredible bit of backstory here.
Judy finally giving into Mary's being and possible unleashing her even more on the world was tremendous.

Date: July 12 2023 10:16 PM Title: Presentations
Fantastic dialogue and world building. Great perspective from Judy, handled very delicately. It will be interesting to see Mary take more responsibility in her actions. She’s now responsible for Judy and Lester’s happiness. Judy has been shown to have a power kink. Will Mary provide the same role her father did, dominating tinys and minis for her mom? And how does Lester fit in? Will anyone at school date him knowing what happened to Evelyn? Will Mary force some girl to be his new girlfriend / sex slave as an apology? Is that something he would even enjoy, or be encouraged to enjoy?
Keep it up! One of the best stories on here.

Date: July 12 2023 3:26 AM Title: To talk, or not to talk, that is the question
Poor Judy thinking she has any kind of power in her own home anymore.
Date: June 25 2023 12:10 PM Title: Presentations
I wish it was reverse, mom was so big and family members were tiny

Date: June 17 2023 3:07 AM Title: Venting away
I was not expecting that when Mary came back to the table...maybe propping her feet up or something but holy shit.
Incredible chapter and scene.
Date: June 16 2023 5:56 AM Title: Venting away
Hey just to let u know, U uploaded the same thing twice

Date: June 15 2023 8:54 PM Title: Presentations
This is exactly the kind of fucked up stuff I come to this website to read.
Would like to see more of Lester. I hope he gets an apology. Mary’s violence up to this point is mostly “justifiable” from her point of view, but I think even she knows that not standing up isn’t a good enough reason.
The comparisons with Victoria were great. I also loved the imagery of Mary’s abs being the only separation from her stomach. I hope that’s revisited after she swallows someone, with someone outside her listening in.
I love the psychological intimidation from Mary. It would be cool to see her ordering Tainys or Minis to hurt or fuck each other. Like force Victoria to let Fred dominate her.
Mary is a wonderful character! The relationship with Judy is fascinating. Keep up the good work!

Date: June 08 2023 3:44 AM Title: Punishing
Mary is merely imparting her wisdom on the tiny lady.
Simply helping her understand things better.

Date: June 04 2023 3:00 AM Title: A typical day of study
From what you've shown us so far likely not well for Victoria.

Date: May 29 2023 1:28 AM Title: Telling the tale
1. Mary is fast becoming one of my favorite characters ever.
2. I've been around a while now but this is the first time I can recall a story/rp etc death via rectal breach.
Date: May 27 2023 7:43 AM Title: Presentations
Love the power reversal between a teenager and a parent/adult.
Author's Response:
Thank you for taking the time to read this story and the time to comment this, dear reader, that was precisely the reason to write this story. In my opinion there is an alarming disparity betwen stories about big parents with tiny children, and stories about big children (or teenagers) with tiny parents